IDecember 14 1905 THE FLESKERTOxN ADVANCE ^^vwvw^yw Si F. T. HILL & CO. FOR mmWih\ A Mammoth Purchase of an English Crockery and China Stock away below market values Scdinr/ at 25, 33 7=3 and SO pep cent. Less than ^riegulap zPriees. Sati! begins this tveek. We liii\(» just riiiUhoit pUcins in stock over one carlo:i.l of English Crockery and Cliina in Fancy and Staple, lines. This is part (if the Mtock nf ii larno Eunlish |Mittery which we succeotied in buyiii;; away below market Viiluea. This is llie reaHiiii Wrt are nhio to ui*ko this otfjr away hulovv the ruijular priees. Rutnemtier â€" All tir«t (|uality (!'><>ds and thia aeasnn's Htiij.Io and up-to-dnt« patterns AT GREAT PPI'^E REDUCTIONS cf'ruit and xia/ad tMotv/s 20 doz. Faney Fruit and Salad Bowls, Bellini; at Hnlf Price. ' 300 Fancy Delf Salad or Fruit Bowln, heavy rich einljosSi'd Colors, beautiful new (lo.sign», largo aissuit- iiieia of colors, ref.uiar 50c. values. ydliuB tiv. . . .25 Cahe States Fancy Cake Plates at Half Price. 12 dozen or loO Fancy Cake Plates in the heavy, riehi tnibiissed colors, largo assminiept of patterns richly »(ipk-d with gild, regular selling value 50c, Skllini> f.-r 25 Gaps anfl Saucers 200 dizon Gold Edge -md Clover Spris; Cupj and Sauceis for 50e. per doz. Just half price. 200 dozen best Englisli Delf Cups and Saucers, with gidd line and clover leif decorations, best, (jiiality giods, positively cannot be repeated when sold. Reu- ular price 1.00 per doz. Special sale price per dozen 50 Cfea Setts Forty Piece Fancy Tea Sets sellin.; for $1.85. 25 Fancy Porcelain Tea Setts, 40 pieces in all, in fancy lliral patterns and the following as.Sortineiit of cidors and tin s, dark blue, liglit bluo,Kea green, brown and pink, reg. $2.50 value, selling at 1,85 Q?latea - Tea Plates, Dessert Plates, Din- ner Plates, 25 p. c. off regular prices. 80 dozen Faiicy Decorated Tea J'lates in nl! the leailing colors, 4 dilt'iTiiit de>ign'iand patterns. Ue^ular values 85o. per dozen fur 68 50 dozen Desert Plates. Reg- ular 1,00 values for per doz, ,78 50 dozen Fancy Decorated din- ner |il iteg, regular 1 25 values for per dozen 88 J M PORT A N T Customers will pliMse remen>><er while we will only be able to display a part of this large purchase in Iho main [lart of our store, we have opened on the second Hat of our store a new and up-to- date Crockery Department where tliesa goods are all fully di,s|)layed and can he conveniently seen snd are so placed for (puck sell nL', so be here early. Can't come too quick. -As we said before this offer cannot bo, repeutod when sold out. Sham6ers Fancy Decorated Cham- bers at one-third less than regular prices, 75 Fancy Chambers in best quality English Delph, plain gold sMpling and fancy litlio- graphod patterns in deep rich colors. Regular 70o and 75c. uoa selling at 48c and. . . ,55 IK^Hite X>elf Cups 20o dozen host quality White Delpli Cups, full siz? selling without sHUCers, in |i!ain or nlieat, pattern Ut);ular value 50c per doz. Sellin:^ at per dozen, . .3 8 Fancy £{edi.'*ooiini Sets 81,48 per set. Decorated KiHlioom Si'ts for ReiTuhr 82 OO, 30 Fancy Decorated i!odrooui Sols in lloral patterns and a variety of Colors, such as blue tints, green tints, u i;j lints and pii<k tints, (i pieces in nil. Regular value 2.00. Selling at por set 1.48 Jl,50 fiodrnom Sot« in fino quality Porcelain Delf for $3.25. â- J") ten-pieco Heilrooni Sets in best quality English iJelf, boauiiful tinted decorations, gold tinted oval liasin in rose, sweil poas,dai,iy and poppy dooorations, Rigulrtr Helling value 4 50. Selling at per set. . .3.25 Kenii- Porcelain Bedroom Sets in new cream tints. wiih heavy gold band decorations, new design and sliiipe. Regular soiling value li.75. Selling at per 10- piiiou sot 2 85 44 pioeu Enulish China Tea Sots fur (3 65. 10 only tine Engli~h (^liina Tea Sot«, 44 pieces, dainty Hon.! i.',. oration.i in pioks, greys, ureens and coinbiiia- li)ii colors. RiKular value 475. Selling at per "'l 3.(15 41 pioco Semi Porcelain China Toi Sets for Jil.25 •; tine English Semi- Porcelain China Tea S.-ts, entirely new in style with neat baml of gold and stripi^h, in woi-k blue, pia giern and p nk. Selling at par sot...,'-, 4.25 c loreil stripi'h, in R,'giilir value 6.50. Dinner Sets Fine Porcelain see oux* So our asiortineiit of Dinner He's in and English China N.>,v decorations and eoUirinus solliiii; at popular piie«s-5.50, 7 75, 7.50, 1I.75, 11 CO, and 12.50 K1.50 for'.>7pii'Cf sets. Fruit ISoivls 150 Fancy ChinFmit Howls, Regular Price {1.00 selling for C8c. ICO Fancy China Fruit Bi«ls, in fancy oyal shape, turned edi^es and scalloped in the dark rich ingrain colorings, in boauiiful tloral docurations, regular value $1,00, selling for each G8o. Bi?ea.d Plates F ?!cy Biead plates at .| of Regular Price. 25 Fancy Biead Plates, iu long oval .shape, fancy cuf, in green, olive, p;nk and blue tints, heavy gold stip- liiig and embroidery, regular ^1,25, now selling for y.^c S£ila.dL Bo'wls Fancy Salad Bowls for ooe, regular 50c valup. Three dozen Fancy Salad Bowls, in Semi Porcelain China, with larjju rose decorations, in many cuLts inlaid with gold, reguhir 50o value, selling for....35o Buttex* PIa,ties Fine English China Buitor Plates selling for 75o per dozen. 25 dozen Fancy Butter Plates, colored decorations, crinped udues, gold lii:ed, regular value $1,10 per dozrn, selling for 73e Cx>ea.m PiteHers For Do. each. CO only Crenm Titchers in Cream Majolica gidd line decorations, very handy fur table use, special eaoh.Uo. Fancy Ju^s In Many Deaiiois and Patterns, Priced Lo.v. Extia value. Priced as follows: each 20o, 25o, SOc, 35c, 40c and 50 For thij couvonionoe of .shoppers we would ask you to do your sho;. " iwU cliree weeks. Sli MARKPALH ^a^^â- ,/^*/^l/^,ly^^^v^y^^/^|'«.^^|y^-/^«/^J^.v|^^p^^/^^^^^^^^^A/^y^y^A/^y^^^^^ 7 -l^^^r./f^T^/W^/^/ls,! /f^yfsyT.,f./f^^wVs^ /i>.^,/l\^,T^7KT\JT^:fW^ \ I ^ i Fboyd, hsckling &co,^ £& Fanoy K^anxps. Wo are showing a very large range 01 Fancy Lnmp,s, popularly priced in a voiy largo variety of siyks. soi- ling as follows: each y5c, «1.16, 1,25, 1.60, 175 a"d 2.00 FLESHERTON, ONT. l|wo_JVeeksjnil_'-X||^3'' I This List Will Help You to Make an Appropriate Selection . jf Present-". Xmas Furs Ftir Cap!5 $ 1 50 to $ 8 50 Fur Rntrs 1 50 to 12 50 Fur Gaiiutlets.... 8 00 to 5 00 Caperiups 8 50 to 16 30 Chillis Boag 25 to 50 Imitation C!aiint!ets 50 to 1 50 Fnr Mantles 27 00 to 45 00 Pur Coats 17 50 to 45 00 Xmas Gloves Ladies Kid Gioves $ 1 00 to $ 1 50 Men's Kid Gloves 60 to 1 50 Wool Gloves 25 to 50 Childreu's Mitts 15 to 25 Linens and Novelties Linen Side Board Scarf.. .. $ Tray Cloths Li !;gn Pillow Shams .- ColorciJ Linen Covers Painaslc Table Napkins Silk Piano or Oigau Drapes. 1 Jap Silk Cushion Tops Jap Silk Table Covers 1 Drawu Work Novelties Xmas Handkerchies and Neckwear Pictured Handkerchiefs , 2 for 5c. 25 to $ 1 10 23 to 1 50 50 to 1 50 50 to 2 25 85 to 3 75 75 to 2 50 CO to 1 50 50 to 2 50 15 to 1 50 liace llaudkorchicfs Hem stitch Silk Iland'chief Fancy Silk Ilandkcichiefs.. Ladies' Silk Waists Gent's Silk Mufflas Gent'ts Silk and Satin Tics. Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars... 5c. to 25o. 25 to 75 10 to 1 5o 75 to 8 75 20 to 1 7.:^ 25 to 60 25 to 75 Fancy Slippers Children's Misses ..,. Women's Men's (Felt, Carpet and Leather) 25 to 45 85 to 50 iO to $1 75 60 to 1 60 Our Stoch of -^euf t^Cmas ^fancy Shina and cflass' ui a re fust opened out is the letrgest anrl best collection ever shown here. ne want you to see it/ Prices Range from 5c. to $2.75 per piece Opal Novelties Moustache Cups Wedgewood ware Childreiis Mu^s Japanese China Painted China Fancy Cups and Sancers Shavin;.; .Mugs China Novfiltics Cake Plates Berry Setts Epergnes Table Setts Vases Dinner Setts liosc Bowls Tea Setts Jardinieres Water Setts Plaoques Fancy Picteliers Porridge Setts Salad Cowls Bread and Batter Plates Fancy Silverware Table Knivea Fancy Table Lamps Plated Spuou Forks & Knives, Carving Setts, Hall and baug'g lamps :^ Na^:e:e:^*4iHBi-s^^*H^?s?i<^.^^»r^i«^4^^:*^**H 4 ' '♦^•^â- ^Y-,* â- '-'-â€"-- -^ , ., - , , - , ping aa early in thd day as possible, espooially fur the Mi^xt three weeks. Shop eat ly I ^ mmn% We Would Like to Know Jf everybody has llinir 'aites paid. Will) viill do reovia of .irtomoala next your. If there is niiyoiiu in town T.-lio i«(|iial- iliifd to give advice as to the b>,'st method of killinu church choirs. If there is not a coiiihinu Riiiong the heiis for the restrielion of trade. Eggs were rpioled in Toronlo on Saturday at 40 to 50 cents. If k wi.uM not be wise for the Mulhod- irta here tii ^et their aiinouncenieiiis printed and dislnliiituil in the pews ts is <lone in city obuiclies. Wo nutiaud on Sunday it'gbl that Ihore wore nearly a <1' Ken aunuur.Mnuiiis from the pulpit. Why Uuiidalli refuses to give out any iiiforniati'iii aa to the number of aiuall- |M>x OMiies S'itiiin itit burderi^} Last week's iT.raM ",' â- . â- â- 'â- !; im I'eadsri on [:•<> I I iniue liie \iu\l li I- ..â- > lri«v>d around tiie ooJui/iy .U .iudi'o VVj.idiCetd efw bad m;i eabior day's work to do than ho had hero on riiiiiwlay lost. If our pnjieo trustees wiil f,)rget to post lip their nomii.aiiun notices this year, Farmers Export Apples. The omI of the huainess, suiietiiiies prolilal)lo and «onieti\ne» otherwiao, of buyini.' and soiling apples st-eins to bo in siuhi, in soive seotions at least. TIib farmers of Ihrf 0>h and 10th concessions of West Zorra have dev.sod a scheini' whi ro- hy they pocket the prolits which have hitlierto gone to the huj era and exporters. it lins heeii put to the lost, and found to be a very gratifying sucoes;*. They a nt their own fruit ic the English n-aikuts. The Oovorninent fruit marks were not f''rt(otoii when "-he amies were shipiwd, atid Thin !« alto rosp- n«il)le in a monsurn for the gooi niiuu winch «iis roaliiicil f,r ji the fruit. Tlie ap,di.s were sent V> .Jolin ; Miliisnd Ovfjipany of M*o<.h(>5ter. Ko.; , and arrived iu good condition. Tliey were carefully grulud by Ilemy Turner, one of iho growers in the parly who made the experiment. The Manchester lirn. chnr;5es d per cent, for handling the applesatter they reach the mar- ket, and the shippeis who have »« sue- ce.s.sfully tried the scheme will continue tv> do their busiuesi in tl,e same way, and lliroiigh thesanio agency. The folloning Hgurei received foi apples sent hy the West Zorraitcs wi I he of interest to those inloresled in and fain.liar with the apple .hipping bu.iiies.H: 11 1 urner sent 108 Id.U , and received in payment «.12a 46; D. (} .Murrsy, 30 bids «l>0,85; W V. MeL.od. 13 hhf,' . f42 70' Aliioa Mo„n, 48 bbU., f U4 25; A. G. McKay, 8 bhlj.. f23.70. The foreKoing tiguros ar« the nut returns in each cMe GENERAL STORE SXOVKSl STOVES! vn-.r h-M yim wantapleuant physic try Chain. ' ' tiyUin. Th«v (fiipinvrorotlm . '' K Hii>Hrdncu The season is now here when warrcth is a necessity. If your old .-itovo does not supply a proper de.ijroo of heat come and examitiu our slock of heaters, coal or wood, and made by the best mauufactuteris, IN RANGES wo liavo the Regal, Pcuiustilar, Banner and others, which are all at the head of the list as bakers, and our prices will compare favorably with any. Six hole ranges for JJo; sttel ratigos, (! hole, $15; base burners, with ovens, $20, J'iO, $35 and $10 according to size. Saws and Axesâ€" all kinds â€" beat prices. Btove Coal always on hand. Carload of Salt just arrived. MILLINF.RY -PpRdy-tt^ w<»Rr, 20 per cent, off â€" •' 1 ; •