Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1905, p. 7

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X . ^ .J \^ 4 •â- â- m-^i^ il IV AS SENT HOME AS INCURABLE rilE.N iOS. BOOM': FOl ND IIE.\LTII IN DODO'S KinNtV PILLS. (If was Unablo lo Work lor fir\m Years Detore lit- I'scd the Urrat *'4in- j jdian Kidney ileniedy. C'ottcI'B Cove. Xfltl . Dec. 11 â€" (Special)â€" The days of miraclos are paiit, but the cure of .ioseph lloonc of this place almost ranks with seii- Eational cures ot the earlier ages. i Mr. Itoono had been ailing for eighi, : years, seven of v.hich he tt"a.s iinabi • ' to work from the dTi-cis of Haokache ^ and Kidney Conii>luiul. lie was all \ achoii and pains. OLD nOBBV nOR.SE .%G.\IN. Cyrlope ol One lliindrrd years .\go to he Renewed. The lastest fashion in cycling Ls a j â- 'cyclopedc" for ladii>s. says the Lon- j j don Daily Mirror. This takes us i back to the days of the Regencv. when the "first gentleman of Europe' blandly squandered millions at Brijfhton. and his friend.s amuse I themselves by "hobby -horsing" along the front. The "cylopode." indeed, is exactly MOUNINC; TALE. Bobbyâ€" "Mother, tell me a fairy story." Mother â€" "I can't. Go ask your father what detained him dowa- town so late last night; that will le one." Haril and soft corns cannot with- st&nd ilolloway's Coru Cure: it is ef- r<!Ctual everj- time. Uet «. bottle at ouce and b«i happy. fli''ka â€" My wife Ls very methodical. She's always got a place for everything the old "hobbv-horse • with improv.- I and everything in iU place.' Wicks- menis. True, "it is littetl with pncu- ^so has name, but i c^xn never find the matic tires, springs and hall-bearings ami is a feather-weight compare'! with the hideous combination of wood and iron which our grent grandfathei-s disported. But tbe main "hobby-horse" features are re- tained. There are no pedals, the machine ' J)cing propelled either by thrusting Ho was treated by several doctors. ' the feet against the ground, or bv and after seven iiioutiis in the hcpi tal was sent home as incurable. It was there that reading of cures in place.' Where Doctors do \oree!â€" Physiciaas no longer coosider it catering to "quackery' in recommending in pra;- tice so meritorious a remedy (or indi- gestion. Dy.5repsia and Nervousness i^ South American Nervine. They rea- lize that it is a step in advance in metl- ical science and a sure and permanent cure for diseases of the slomach. II will cure you.â€" 60 THE BEST OF PEOPLE make mistakes unintentiooally. But no oo« EVEI MADE A MiSTAXC IM BUYiaC ONLY ONE BEST TFA BLUE RIBBON. "pimt-poling" with a walking stick or alpenstock. The scat is very low. so that the mo t clumsy rider can ! _ . the ^unvspapcrs lc<l him to u.se Dodd's ; hardly fall o:T. and of course, barely I Th* aggressive man who always It look twenty-one, any instruction is rctiuire<l. You can: wants to take things into his own Kidn-y Pills. boxes to cure him. but to-<la> he is strong and well and hard at work lobster fishing. People here have leam<?d that if the dLseaso is of the Kidneys or from the Kidneys, Hodd's Kidney I'ills wi'l cure it. WONOnOVS LVKES. One Blows Mud Uuhhles. .\iiollier lias Water Like Milk. ITic "Home of the Hot Devils" is an island of tire situated in get ud quite a fair speed on the ' *»a'"*s « n"^'^' satLslied unless he >«^ machine-ten miles an hour bein^j taking the things that don't belong about Iho limit. I *° •"">• Hut who, it may l>e asked, wou'id I care to use a cyclope<le when ordin- I VOl'iNti .MK.N OF CANAO.V A.ND ary bicycles are faster and less! YOlMi WOMK.N TOO. trouble'? One idea Is that the cew j g^j ^ g„^„^ ^ Shorthand education machine will give more vigorous an.! ! pultiint; will pav you so -.veil, and no healthy exercise than the ordinary : school can do so well for you as the bicvclc affords. .\nother is that eld- ' ,j , , r- j „ . „ . crly ladies may be attracted by i.s;^ ^J^^'^^f!! ^^^ B»"*'™« ^»- abiolute safety Besides, the pH-'e- 1 ^ "/ fâ„¢a T- ' ''''" ^ ^"^/"rUy'rmachL has ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^1^ ^'^ T. built to the order of a distinguished , [^ X '^ :^^^i T^Ja,^. Pedlar's ^Oshawa' STEEL Shingles in goixl situations We did -.- - tho|custom?r, and in agenoratiou »hi.: i j ^..,^^,^^^j ^^ ^ centre of a huge lake of bv.iling mud; worships health and is always look. ^^^^^ pnncipal. Over 3,000 cradu and slinH ia Java Ca-ws arise, mg for seme new form of exercise it . â-  '^ •â-  . . . . «> . from the iowcr depths and form en- has a chance of becoming quite n. ormous bubbles in the sticky mud. rage. "Hie chief obstacle is ridic-.ile. Ladies have the art of looking graci»- whieh grow and increase until thev attain a diameter of live or six foet. These bubbles are often curried sky- wanis by the wind, where they final- ly bur^it with a loud explosion. .The biggest snow lake was si-en tiv Sir Martin Conway. «ho explore*! the Karakoram range of mountains i^ 18y2 Krom the summit of Uispar Fas-v. which he truvorsid tor Ihelirst time ou record, he looked upon a k'ast level lake of snow, over ;!0«.1 jquarc miles in area, surroundetl by innumerable giant peaks. The Ssi Kf Ice. near C'hamouni. 'n Savoy. Switzerland, is more like .i lake ot snow than anything else. The surface of the ice is broken up b> solar heat, and this minute ftssuriiig gives it the app«"arance of snow, and it is oflco mistaken tor such by tour- ists. The finest milk-white lake in tne world was discoverer! by Herr Thor- oddsen in Iceland, who chri.slened it tho Langisjor. It stretches from tl.e margin of the uiighly glacier which forms the western side of the Valria dokull, and the glacier water of which it is co«upose<l is of a pure milky-white cvilor. 'A similar IkVe. hut ou a small t scale, in »*t';.iti-d about thirty miles Irom T»>»'''Higa. in New Ze:\l.ind. ful under most unpromising eircura- stances, but ten luili-s an hour on .t cyclopcdo will t>e rather a severe test of this faculty. ♦ Sur« Rcjfultttors. â€" X!anrtrake an<l Paii- powfrful ates in successful business life. 'l»-y it. Write R. E. tlALL^GHER. Principal. Y. .\l. C. B. <'oile!,-e, Iia;uiUon. Ont. A. BuildiHits. dclinn nre known to exert inlluervce on tho lucr uml Ittiliic.va. rr- ! fish and thoiiirhtful .., .i^.. ,1... • . 1.... If i.r..i .,.»...« 1...II.,.- ' . o KOB AMIl.Y .\rFKCTIOX. I he"~town of (hantilly, I'ran.e, which is^gonerully associutoit wit.'i charity, lime. Morlier des Noye-s gapo to lh^ town in 1878 tU>0 fr.. and decree* that ihe dividends fnm; thi.s sum wiien invested should be applied a.i a reward for liliul piet.\ . 'llie condition.s are that candidal .-s luu.'it lie tVenchwonien. maids or wi- dows, either born or domieilet! fo,- ^livo years in tho town. Thi" priw is Byarded for high cbaructer. and for lot*)?, favor, and nlTi-ction shown in the family. This year's prize tun been given to jMlle. Kaui'iiiann. a team.'itres.s, who for twenty years has made the wants ».f her infirm niother *er first care. stonnt; them to healthful action. liiUuc- iiiK a regular flow ot the .â- secretions and imparting to tho orgi'.us cotii|M.-. power to I'.arforin their funetipn.'*. Thcs.- valuubl* iiigrt.'lients cuter into the com- position of !*ii melts?'* Veiietable Pills and .«©rve to render theiii liie incrtvaMc and salutar.v metlicijic they are. Tlier« aie (cv pilis so ctTcctlve aa they in their aclloa. Miss Prismâ€" "Don't let \uur dojr bile ii;e. little boy." l.iltle Boyâ€" "He won't MIe. iiiaani.'' Miss Pri'^iii â€" "But ho is sill wing hLs teeth." Hoy (with pride)â€" "Ci-rtiiinly he is. niu'aiii: and if you ha. I as >;uod teeth as he hu.-t you'd .show 'ctii loo." Flusbaud (newly nmrried)â€" "Don't you think, love, if I were to smoke, it would spoil the curtains?" Wifi> â€" â- 'Ah! you are really the mo.st unsc.- husband to be found any.vhereâ€" certaiuly it would. Husbandâ€" "Well, the;., take the cur- tains down." Success hi Ll'« i i Jepandent apoa gocnt liaaltlx Tuu are out u( fii'.i. iM or f.M»bI«. take ' Kerruvim." It's tJf-i i/tst tonic. II t>ottle.4. til BiiKiiciMt •le.ilent. SNAPPISH. "You men complain at every lillle l^iiii." she was saying, "but we woniiiu, wo sufler in silence." "I suppose you do suffer in silence, you liike so much pleasure in talk. " 'lo replioiU ..One Short Ptifl riears llie Ilead.-. Does your head aclie? Have you ixiins, Bed-ridden l,> over vour oves* Is llie brenth otfonsiv.-r i wanLs a written These" are certain .svini>loms of Catarrh. ' persoiialiy as to Dr. Agtiew's i:atarrhal Powder w ill , from rheumatism Years.- "If anybody guarantee from nio my wonderful cua* by South .\tnoricm UaWioijei or n»inte<t. Mnit durable »nJ eeuajmical cifriat f>r Roailnt •» SMi«« far Resiileac*!. Hau«e3. Barw. i-levatar>. afrts Cliirclw*. P»«lt-y Maujet. <â- **»*â-  «»«• Kanar t.> la» »Tt will Uit longe- ttiia lav oshsr •â-  .•eriag Che»?«f tlln woai s&iii(lM â- >r slat«. \ ) e'tpe -iouca nec»»i.-< .\ iiA!B™».- »iii inip« i--« '.1" Jalj t^ 'i* rwiuinxL U u <*iai hirdeuovl hizh grade noet. .Vu) Co.-rugaUd Iroe. P^iatetl er dMluaa'int. â- " »li«*t» *» iacb«> long Bea-«d a.ia Emboa^ed C«>Uats. V CnaijaU Ba«»li?«. iw" Iwieaa u< Boudiu. >i.Uiig ana Ceilinii iu ill <rA.l«. ThtnuauOs of bnildi«g« thrcugtt toe Dciaiai-ia *n C'jtaivd wUll jrrahJal Mot.-.l i;'».)l5, mikin; theai FI.IE, WATER AND LIGHTNINQ PROOF SenU ia roor ord«f for i« many «jairai (ior:o f»et â-  .u .td.i r»ii»:r» i • .â-  j»ar ymr new baildiof. 'The »er« heot r.«jfia» ior liiis cUin ue. v;-, cm jupp:Y Eave Traucfl, an «»el. CarTaga:e4 or Pt^in Ko«a4. Cuaduciar l-ipe». Sh.ea' Elbo»f. 5p*h'S. Tnbea. W. »r» the Ur5e« co:ic9ni -( the i^aj under tha I»nt»h Saj. Ri«ibl»a«d l3«l. Capital Wrtta Tj Day for Catalosja K« U R and rr«« Samptat. MCNTUAL. que. m Crals St >r old HEAD OFFICE ANl WOR.<S, 3E>X30Z>XaZl, O'TM*. ONT TOBCNTO OMT. vAxjMma. ac. 4KSiuaaxSt. M Tana* t: CIS Pandar St. WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFICE. OSMAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA* LARGEST AKSF.NIC iUNK. What is said to be the largest ar- senic mine in the world, turning out 7l> tons a month, is situated in Floyd County, Virginia, seventeen miles from Christiantiurg, the near- est railway station Bargain List of Farms mailed frse. ALF. BROWN, Dept. K, PictCD; Ont Tk'ralaa* mare ubitioala skin tr ubie than 8alt Kheum. II unietium iiagerilur yeir», bat VVe*»er'j rerate m.ikaj ah >rt wurk of it. .Vlso, laie Waairer) Sjtup tj ia«ir« perniouent cure. Maifistrate â€" "So you admit havini; been eiigage<l in makini; coniiterfi;it motu'.v?" Prisoner â€" 'Yos. your worship. You see. the .supply of tut genuine article is so very short." 30 Prjct'cal ivery day te<s«ns on FARM ACCOUNTS For 73c. p4St piJd. FA.tM PU3. HOUSE. 6oi 4J5. C^athAM.Oi D. H. BASTE DO & CO. L«a L.\I)IK^ ill.l ME.N s FVS iml FTRLINSB I'oAi's. »wr*tluaji la Fur«. Soavi (ijr ^.*at»ioi5, RAW FURS ":p^n«l"Gi""'"^^ ' cure tno,-t stubborn cases in a niar\-l- ! r.heunialic Cure I will be thejiladd-sl loiisiv sliort lime. It you've had Ci.-' woman in thj world to give it." says tarrh a week it's a -sun' cure. If its' Mrs. Jolin B<auraont. of Eloro. "I had of llftv vears' standing it's just as ef-. despaired of recovery up to the limeol teclive " 50 cents.- 57 i l^'king this wonderful reiuedy. It cur- U i eii completely."â€" 53 "The di.^ord was .sotiielliing lienre."! , .,.,.. , "T- . , said lloreiii. in siHiaUing of on amateur; (.rali/ied Hos'ossâ€" .no glad .vou like coiuvrt. "Wli\. the music was so loud niy tarts; I always think that small Ihal I aetuallv could not hear myself cakes tasU- U-tler than large ones. If talk." "How deUghlfuir' exclaimcil Miss >••= Ihe isize that makes tiie.se Idle tarts $FARMERS!l CutUng. It is (.'ood for Man aiut ncastâ€" Not â- ' ] only it 1>T. Thoinas' t';clectric Oil of ; incouipurahte value in llie tiou-'t-holU. ! but the farmer and .'itockman will And it ver> serviceable in tt;c farm yard and on tho cattle ranice. ofieii .-u. tho services of a veteriimry surgeon. Ia injuries to :»tock and in cu.sch i>i t *•â- ':' and i>aius it can bo U!>ed nitli good ef- fect. HEALTH HINTS \ RIWIN XNttUKKK. Wwvt Have llie Kind ol I'ihmI Ihal Vmr- ishes liruiii. ng ago that lh«^. -He .;is lui the ordinary dietl.;'"s; oth,prji "I aui a litornrv man whose ner- vous energy is a givut part of mv atock in trade. and oitlimirily I have little pe'ieiue with l>re«kfas* • , foods and the extravagant claims I "^' niailo ol Iheui. Itut I eannot ^it!.- hold my aekiiowte'ljinient of the iliSt , that I owe to Cmpe-Niits food ''I discoveciil long u.go that Ih vet".v liidkiness of t WAS not calctiluted li> give one a clear head, th" pow'r v>f sustained. kcrurato tliiiiking t always I'e'l heavy and sluggish in mind as well a.1 liody after eating tho ordinary M»eal. whieh diverted the blood tri>in th<« lirain to the digestive apcaiutus. "' Irietl foods «>asy »>f liigestion. but found them iisuall.v ile'icieiit iii nutriment. I experimented with many bieakfa.-^l foods iind they, too. |»n>viHl unsatisfactory, till I ri-uchel IJrajK'-Nms \iul then tho problem wss solved (Irape-Nuts ngived with me I'rr- f«>Clly from tho beginning. Sixtisfying my hungw and siipjityiiig the nutri- ment that so many other \iivi>ari.tf tootis lark, 'I had not bven using i* very long before I fouiirl that I was turnin.-' out an unusual ipuinlity and iiualily of work. I'ontinued use has donion- Hlratwl to m> entire sa> isfaelion that <Srap*^Nnt.s food contains nit the eli- Mients mH\icd l.y the brain and ner- vtois .'iysteiu of tho hard working pwldir writei- " Name given l>v 1'ii.^tum 0» . Hotile Crcf'k. ^Slieh T'i.mv'h n ri>ason Head ih li'iK- boo-, "llie Ho.id to WeUville, ' in r*r.ka|«a Cot plenty of sunlight. Xothiiig beuut iful or sw>x-t grows or riliens in the ilarkness. .\void eNcosses of all kinds. 't'^ie.' injure the mind and body. The long and beautiful and whole- somo liio is qualiiiiHl Ity constant temivranee. liou't livo to eat. Kat lo liv'^. This is old and threadbare advice. But it is just as good to fv>lK>w to- j day- as it was a centMry ago. Many physical ills ami t>luis and ; blem'.-ihes on the counteiianco are dtut i (to over-ealing. to eating damaging or eating irregularly. I Don't liunl lor dark sides of yoiu- 1 life. Keniain <in the sunny side wliet.- | seem so appetizing." Ilorrili-vl Kpicure â€" "titiod gracious; You don't .say jou put size into them.'" The.v tVake tho Torpid I :ner5ics..â€" Ma- chinery not pfoi>«rl,v sui>crvi.>ie<l anrt left to run itself, very soon show:* fault in its wortiiiig. It i- ttie sioite with tho digestive organs. t'nregutnted from tiuie lo tinto they arc til^ely lo become torpid and Ihiow t!io whole ."(.vsteni out ot gear. Parineloe's Vegclabto fills wei-e made to meet such civses. 'fhe.v restore to th.e full the flaxi^ing facul* tic». and tx-ing into ortier ull parts of the cicchanisoi. Liie Tearing llie Heart Strings. - 1 • â€" "It is not within the ccnteplion of j 0-*-0*0*0-»-0*0-f<HfO-»-0-*-0-«-0-*- man to measure my great sufleiings troiu heart di.staso. For years ; I endured alina«t constant culling" and tearing pains about my heart, and many a lime would have wclconiod death. Dr. .Ygnew's Cure for Iheliearl ha.-« worked a veritable ntirvle." â€" This. Hicks. Perth, Ont.~59 A succe.isful man is Ihe one who is able to persuade others to accept him at his own valuation. One trial of Mother tir.ives" Worm I::i- | terminator Kill convincu you that it ; ha.4 no cMUat a.<« a worm motticuic. Buy ' a bottle aiut see If it does not plea^ '' you. .Mrs. MoOulT â€" "Pliis paper says that luiee are attracted by music; but I don't iH'liovo it, " Mcl>ulTâ€" 'Whv not?" Mrs. McPutT â€" "Bwause I nev- er set' any itiiee around when I pliv , tho piano." MeDuiTâ€" •Well, that's : no e.xeuso for doubting tho paper'-, I statement .Ava^dlae Winter ccldj U difficult ; curiui; th?ni i.< a.-t I'lru if >i>u tiXe .Vlten's LuiiK llatunt. Ka^iii when the cottl i.i >>>ut!g and u a wait until It .'(ettU'.i -m the lunc-i. far th.ti. even with ^Ilea's Luuj( Uatv.'iai. cooapleto rvliW will he »to««r. $vi^.iiiw A yi;ak foi: onk uoosi. The uideiiiiig of Piccadilly. l.ondor>. evot you can do so without m-glect- i has lie<'n tho moans of showing the iiiji vi,,„i„ „!,'„ ^,.^. ,|(,„r to you. I enormous value of land in the eentiv y as you can while mul-- . of LomU>n. the sum paid l>y the l.oii- appy- don t'our.ty I'ouneil for n small aren 'iple rules are hi>H>s in pel- lioulth nnd liouuty. HK WIFK AS .M.\N VtM'lt "You ean rely upon it.' keen business man, that siiid the man whieh. of coursi'. was built upo.i. working out at i;!t a siiuare foot This is boliovetl to bo the iword, j but us it included corapt-nsalion for jj i distnrlianee it eammt lie compana ! with the prices paid in CoruhiM. who.se wife is managing his sula'-y for him J-* prosperous When I siv a man that I hapivn to kniiw hunil ail his oarnii:;.is o\or to his wife, I set him down i<s golling uU'iig well, lie has started on the right road lo get rich, tor in nine cases out of ten he is saving something. .\iid a fe.eti which hi- is apt to overlook is that if he mily speiiits u little U-.-^s thi.u he makes, he is bound to got rich A woman who iiu<nai;es hei; hpsluind , salary will help him to -lo Ibis nea-- tv every tinw. :<s women are iivan -r than nien. Some men liiid it impos- sible to save money, anil n man has got to siH-nd K-ss than ho makes be- fore ho ran begin to got along, rhe man whose wife is enough of u inai â-  ager to help bini sol lo this VH>'nt by taking care of his inoney for him may consider hini.self fortunate " .\ debt of grulilude is general'y the harde-st kind to coll»<ct which is Iho highi-st-ronteil spot lUi earth, a single room having been lei recent Iv for flO.lHH^ i> .vear. KIDNEY: RILLS Grogson (in alarmi â€" "llreat Scott: j I've left m.v purse under my pillow " Fisherâ€" "Oh, well, your servant i? honest. isn't she?" IJregson â€" "That's ju.vt itâ€" she'll take it to ni\ wife." Scal^sht Soap it bettsr tban oth.r soap*, but :• be»t wbea usad ia lia SuMigli. waj. Bu7 eaBl:3bt Seap and fslkw iiz«cua=j. TiiNl \ctor -Many a lime my |>oor old father implored e.ii- not fo Uxxmie an actor." ."v-cond Aetorâ€"Oou'l wor-^ ry. old manâ€" you didn't." j Wbea )â-  t«wB, hoy • lUe t> 4 I. Meathol rl.ut.r. 'fr* it f T neuraljio or rh.aiuaHv- paiaji. ; ItUtiM Wt antl «oil>l«^t tbin« .«•» win "lUj' ee« tiV. ! N.vnra'rs fiksi' l vw "If you please." annonncetl ttic] grimy little iH-i-son. who had jus:] rappeil «t ih.- door, "mother wants to know il you will kindly lend her your preserving-kettle'.'" •Well," said tho lady of the house dubiously. "1 would do .so with pleasure, but the last time I oblig--.-*! your mother she pri-served il so eflii-. tivel.v that f haven't seen it since." .\ look of extfoiue hauteur passed over tho maiden's eotmlenauce. "N'er.v well," she sjiid. "'fhere'Sj no iie<Hl lo bo nasty about it. TV.e old thing was full of holes when we borrowed it. nnd mother wouldn't have troubled to ask yi>u again. on'>- we s'v'il you bringing home a new un." TUV:N IMF 1>INKUS irri'KKFI). Ill a r<>staurant r>-centty a geiilh'- inaii left his wife for a few moments to chat with an neiiuaiutanco at an- other table, and while he was theie his fiieml pei-suatleil hi in lo partake of some laiidi Under a nMsapprohensioii the wai'- er lenuiviHl the lamb tn-fon* he had eaten it. whereupon he exclaimetl, "tloodnoss. where is my lamb?" Uis wife, overhearing tho tpiostior>. Hnsworiit in a dear voicv-. "Hero I •m. doling" A m-*n Seldom acts tike a fool uti 1ms h«'s th« real thing rt rhia i> the idtoa of the year wlhm you jS X t:ee^l t.» u*« o^ery pr.o.&uti'>n with your . â-  I stuck. Bt ti'» '!.« of oar ^ 8T0 3K TONIC XaiMl other mu-^lio* >'-»u in*'* Um t-ast â-¼ ?u*r:v!:C«e >'t hiMlth t.> y«*u.- »u>cx. j^ '^ Valuable Advic* Fr«« ^ Xl*» It aail heca«a your »w« retaeioary . -turseiia. 'X Tm VKTuiMJttT trceuLTv ee., ttmitad O i m 1H.M>\> -1 . TOKONTO. D.Nr. T HIS MFN I'Al. OALlBUi;. Iliggs â€" So the phrenologist who ex- ami ue<l your head wasn't very com- plimentary, eh? lUggs â€" 1 should say rot. He toll me I was cut out for a society man Suilden tran!:ilion from a hot tir a cold temperature. e.\posui-e lo rail. >it- tiitc in a draui^hc. unrea.sonat>la sub.-^tt- tution of light for heavy clothing., are fruitful cou.^ies ot colds and ;he rrsutt- ant cou>:^h :iO perrtou.s to ^erson.s of weak luui;3. .V;nopR ttic L'any modici:>es for bronchi,'.! disorders s-j arujing. them Is none belter ltm:i Uiclilc's Anti-Cott- â- umptive !^\rup. Try it and txcoiB* coaviactttl. Pric- iO cents. â- Is there anything; \ou don't need that I might fake?" ask,'>d tho rag- aiid-lioMo innti. watching Jones throw ill-; rubtii-;h into the diLst-bin. Yes." snapped .'one.-, "a ha'ii'" Faith Vca camiotbe e«peci«l to hare faith in Siuloh'j CociUiEFtxia Cure, the Luna Tocic, ^.1 a c\.ic iot Coldt. Ceugns and all f&easc? oi th? air pa3s-i;;e<>, it ycu have â- ot tried it. \^'e kars iiith ia it, and we gn>r3i!tre it. If it dona'l cii. e you it co«t» you nothing. 1{ it doo il i:oiU yoii 23c, ITiat'^ t»;r. Try it to-day. Shiloli has cuicu tmaj moaaa.1; of l-Hs IBOstco;!ina!--iS5<rs, arid w e do not hesilalo to say thit it iv.il cure any C'jid, C'oi:^ Tliroat of LuE^ trouble. U nc did not believe this we would ix't gua-'natee il. Siiiiuh Koj luKi •â-  imbrokca fecord oi â- ucces* Icf lluftjr jrcart. Il bas siood •veiy 5>^>Ki!c lc:t wiJiout f iiliite, Fu-titcr Proof b LtnJ n LS? mzry l.'stL.ioo'»!3 ths who have ti-«l ShilrJi ocj fce^n cutk?. Mn. Aicliia T^ior. Asaph, Pa., writes: - ** 1 boii|!4 a beni* al StiiUi's Coouii(XVhi Cut. mi txmd il nrf Tiiiiii iiil I Iwnlxn dtildrai. ma iff M a fcgilifci cn:<li. I c"'^ >l'â„¢> evenrtltiac 1 i>mU tlltak of. Uitllirr 3ot ao brnrf. VMtii <.ae evcaipc ay Iwitinrl ha««ht « bcltte M SiuLxV Vl'e tiYS il (a It* MUan whca ^ weM b M. .wd dier <tff ^1 cVs. It tHM tSeri c<iK,>lc«clr. i sku tl»3„-< txp it kl^ «oj SHILOH is>^n' .NO. itf

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