Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1906, p. 5

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vv.... fll?: Fl.ESliEllTOX ADVAXC£ JaNcABt 4 19v>€> I* • I* ^ • • ' • I • ;♦ (of Canada) njwopPi'Oil :i liratuli I W-T !i. F!' sli«-r- t. n. »I«re .a "ict einl laiiiUiia hi!«iii.-s» V i I 1.^ lr:i!isicri-ii.. JI'i'-' y MVMilnhk' for Iv^iiiiuoe liu!<infss enttrpiisos. DRAFTS rorOKT ANDSt'jLO on 6!l poirtsii CMi.ncJaamUli.^ l.'nircdiftitps. Intrnst a'!.;wi(I cii iirp> s't.' of Sl.OO •I d upwanJs roirii:<miiili<l, lj»!f yearly. G. Rlitclxeli .\:rent. Wm-:MW:- VICiJ^lTY - CHIPS ! © \ \ CharKtcristits cf The Past Week p. C»rifui:y CuIIeii for theCuili us. . . ^|]. Frehb lime a'»nj8 on haiuL J. U. DncVett, Eiis-'ti'i- Mr. t>. W. Jmiiiesiin, Toronto, was a caller en Tiie»«.lny. WiMi.l deiivireJ in town at $2.30 and (.".CO IX r lojiiâ€" two CO! da. R.P. Legate, C«-yl..n. Mr. n Viilkrrsou of M:initolai8 visit- ir.g friends hei f. Chi'j'pir? ('or.e cvpry day at all times <f ihedny. P. Loncks, FlesUcrlnn. Mifs Th'.rfcV of Mt. Albort is the guest < f Mi»s Jiiii ie Wilson. Ojf.ird "ir'r'le bea'cr" wood ft. vo f( r snie ckeni>. «ouM tafc" iwrt payment in diyli»nlw.M.d. â€" Mcd.c.dH^ll,FIesh>r.oii, Oroip.' Ce'l of the C P. R. t-fiiff, T"n i.to Junciion. u-ited wi'h liis iir'cle, Mr. fimleiick ajcKeiizi", i vor Sunday. Cl)>>pi'ing every Tiie.<di«y and S!itu;day. r>o. ]i.rb:ig Sawina during the winter. CJe". \V»t*on, Protiir. Sixtion. • Ulr. Tlioinns Bentliani. of \Villiam»f.inl. ^i^i'id friends here ov^r ihe New Year IioliUys. For .saloâ€" Oop Biiich cow, due to calre Jan. 1, liXIO. .-i'so iT'Ki-i M-w due end of tire-iei.t month. Ftaiik Chard Fli'«l>er. .m. »28 12 J/rs. (U^r.) Dr. CaKl-»>ll return, d la-st wv«k fioic the city, where she haJ been 1 isiiii g a sister. All {waiea inde' tfd t> the unJer>iL-neil ♦•ilher l>y note or b'Kik acooun', »rt* ru- «|Ue»te i to settle before the 2nd diiy of .Uioiary. l!H)ft, «H after that d.ile our I ooks will bn pl:ice<l in otht»r h.-iiid.i for «.- lliction. R. r. L"g:ite Sc Co. Mr. J. Buskin «nd (,hr<H> daMsihters, of VVidi:hoU!=e, visitid.it Sir. R. Benlliam's this week. Speight ws^on, ne^'ly ni»w. alsi gnin phojjjior, 10 iiioli (.'lite, uo 'd t.r'ler. for R<ile. .\(ip'y to J. K, Jjuiiebon, Eugenia. \Y. Boyd, D, McTavish and .Andrew ^VilK..n ate police ttustets of the vdlag'- for the current jcai*. Found â€" B«z conti'inii'B h iri'fss Ap- jjy to S. Phi'lip.",C.illin!^» P(h1 gravel. 4-1 A uuiwUer of FUslierton p.^ople attend- ed il>e funend of ihd late Tliomiis Ktlls vA M.irkdale f)ii Sunday afteriu>"n. Tlic new vent is diiiost here. Join tbc Telegraphy schm^l now and ho I r)ld- inxawell imvini; (KStii'n in the cirly fi.ll. II. A. \Vdlet!, 51o»Ucal Hall. 4-1 The anntiai tnOniin;; o( O^pr^y Asju- rnliuiid »ocit-ty will he held in the Onint-o Jiall, Feversham, on Wedutsday, J.in. 10. Mr. JaH Felstead and family moved on Friday to the south of Pto'on, wlicrt- Mr. Felstoad hin takun n mission ch^r^e under the Preahyieii^in church. Our clubbinR list remains the laiue »» laat year. We c:»n fet any pt[>er for our FulMtCrd>erii at u ledueticn. K'niberley Oranjemen wdl h:>ld » cr nd cincert on the evenine of Fiiday, Jan. o, for which a splfiidd array of t.slent has been vnja,:;ed. Sue hUU for )Mrticula>8. Anion>; the New Ye.irs vinitor! in town were Mcs-srs. .^rthuran^.l Alfred Ward- r<.ho and L H. Sanderson of Toronto. The Staiulard Bank has t.tkcn up lein- porniy quarters inSproule's block, second door ea.'<t of the pi'»toffice. M-. .'oh'i Weber, who has been woik- inu on the line if the Jsinea Bay railway iiiParry .Sound district for winio mnnthn, re'u ned home Ust week. He will return iu a week or ten days. UeT. W. Ro.iJ) of Pri«>vil!e occ««pied the pulpit of the MethtKli.st piilpit Sun- day nioinii'J! .ind evening. Tite evening arrnion waa a a rong tent peranrc address wh ch WHS hstenrd to with deep intertst. Tho anna»l m»etina of .â- \rteme.si;i disf- triot L O L wdl b.' held in the 1 dije ro- m of No, 104.}. MarKdale, on Tnealny, Jan. 1», c«iaiinencint; at 2 o'clink aharp, A (•nod attendance is expected. £d Thoirpson, Pec Sec. The two y«wr o'd daughter of Mr. and Mn* John Parsl >w was brmgh^, home l.w( week fioni the l]"spital in Owen Monnd wh» e »h» has Infen for twelvu Vm':s. S'le uml'T went two opei»- ^nd for sense time wu in » er t ol euudi'ion, but ia now in » fair way to Mrs .T(!,n Chard, who !:a« Ih-pii in Hamilton Ii4>.|.i!al for the ;:aj<t conplK o" luoi.tlio, r tuned tu her lioint liere .n â- Vft n-'ny. We .no | Icruicd lo annouine rliat >\\ : i.s re.;, vi-riui h -r health. We ttn n.lv reroti niend O'lr readers 'o sulwciih.- fur t'i.« F»rnvMs' .AHriKJate and H-iHH M gszi I- , wee;.l;-. Th-j heat faTm ptjier ill t a-. .Ilia. To i.nr si'-.scrih»jrii, Si 30 ; new sul scril e-a gl I.'). M". D. .'d.-T-.vish received a telegrain in Frii'ay f mn Butfiln, anioRnciig iho •leath of hLs iimther. The deceased loly haii le.'ii an iii-a'i.l fir some tiiii.-. She â- xA-, 77 yini-s ( f »._.«. The funeral took [>iac-o on Monday at Orolinril. .\t a re.-^nt '.neeiirff of the Royal Teiiiplirs of Fie!.! erton F-'iin'ain coiituiI tie io'lowiiii c (hi: r« were ileiteH for ihe cr'n;ir« hrtlf year.â€" S.-Iect Councilor, W. H. Tl list, n; P*.st C-uncill-r Mis.) ClTton: Vice C-'oci I'-r. Mrs. W. P Crosi- s'«y; Fi'i Sec, E!U-"od Gen 'c; Uee Si>-, V>Hlior L<.i c'i<; Tieas, W CUytoii; Chnp. •S Hei::ilil.: Herald. M Thnrston-.Gu ird, Flia Loun s; ScUiinei.W FIynM;Ori;inist, M Thurston. I CR .^AI,Eâ€" Sh!!=tlc. J^aw. lath aid p'aii';i t' mill with^'0>l will f^usinrss e>t.ilil!slied f..urie<-n yiars aid tirst-cliss !:u.-!iK'fw heiiig done, t'very'hing c n; |>Ieieai;d in 'jood riiiinini; onler. Capac- ity tin il!<'n»:.nd feet of |i:iiil ir.apie per day. Small paj oiert <1. wn, bal4i:ce can t e iirrai i!{rtd to suit Ihe purihaaer. Po« sesti..n yiven l>t .lai u.iry, ne^^. For ;oartii:uI;.rs npi-ly | crsopally lo R. P. Lcga'e, Cejlon. Mr. George Thompson, of Por. law, renif.ved a couple of weeks a-.;o to Ch.nt.s- wMlh. nherp he ia en.!nj{{-d with the Deeiiniiharvoiter ctmpiny. J/r Thomp- son 'eaves with the well wishes I'f a l.irie circle of fiiend*. lie »a» a con'inu'.i-s iiifml>er of Arl« mesia c uncil f-ir fou'icon yeirs «-:d was i faiihful .seiv::nt of th« people. J/r. Thotu)! on was largely instnimeii'Hl i i securin.; the postotii e at Porilawjiiid sirved m ihe cajwcity of poKtni.ister there si ce its iuci-pli-n, rm years a;jo. Tliore wll ho a Fa- mer s Institute mcet- •ng in the toarn hall m. KriJsy, .Tan. IC- The .s|. a'ieiR will ^'e Dr. St»ndi4h of- \V; liciton, his n bj eta ln-iig ' Selection at dfoediiigof lieof ciitle,"' and "Tnt uina of the yoniij! horfe." Misa Dunran, a gradiia'" of Hamilton Domestic School of S' ence. will He assij;ne<l suhj cis fr; lu araiiel list. At Kiiiitxrley ihe s:iire pro.ram will he given on .Jan 9. Other meetiii!^ in the vicinity will he Priceville Jai n, H.'ptville Jan. 15, Dnndalk .Ian 1 i, Badgeriis .Ian. 17, and Maxwill .Ian. \->. Han.UiilU and jaisters giving c.iinple'eannoaiice-neni havobeen priuteil. Mes'rs. A'ex. Et glish ai-d Dawso<T Smip.soii of Rickviile took a trip to Meafnnl on Tliursrtay las". Now these gentlemen are considered the he.st riH • s o .» ia .\rti inoj-i.1 ana thiy ti-ok thtir r Hi.'S alot (».tl'inkiiig there tiiight ho gatiie i.i lie wind. Nor were they mis'akeii. A shooting natch had been arravged that il.iy at which the crack shots of Muaford and Giiersville wvre present. English and Siiii|>«iii got out their little guns and entered the ii-t.s,\vidi the result that they • rough t IiiKfie SIX birds out of twelve, sh »'tiu; against eight other arti.sLsI Tho l>i.y-<canie himic quro juhihuit, they were t.ealed whit.^ .ind had a good time. Methodist Anniversary .VnotSvsnccesKf'il MethmiiBt Sunday schinj anniversary was o>nsunima1ed on Slouday eveniuR, when a choice tea wa.< given and .a niOBt exctlleutpiogiani rendered. The church was filled t>ut not crowded. Tho prograui givet-iiV the Uttle i>e<>ple was iiuwt interei-ting tlirnugUiiut. The superiuteuilent, Mr. M. K. Kiehanls<iu, oceiii>ied the chair. The schmil is iiiiw iu a pro"(s*reiis cimditiim accordini; to the rci>ort whieh wi» reail. The school was olieii 53 Sniulays iliirin* the year, and -Miss Hoiiel Th-niiiwiui atteudcd every Sunday, re- ceivioKauiee I'ihie as a reward. Thosi-hocl has 137 pupils ou the n-'U, with ten teachers and s.'veii oTioers. There wa^i an averaj{» attendance ef 7'J. Other j'ri.:etakers for Is-st atU'ndanoe were ilauricc Wright and llowartl >lc.V!ilay. The school has a hbrary of VB vulmii.-s," and aUso distril lUes I'Hl Beivan Lea- ves.1'2 ltiiuners,^'>l.)iiwarils, 4orte:Ls;uit Hours, 3.') l>ew Drolls, and 20 IJu.irteties. Receipt* lost year including lialaace carried iiver,Sl39. 40 exijciiditure $107.10. The receipts of this anuiversary antoiuiCiKl to $»i(>.50. I'O Lyons' s'ock, which wa« a oi>n]pIete toss, and a blanket insurance n-\ the huilding, which was ownrd by Mr. M. K. Uuhardsi'n. Boyd A Hickling' a atoi k was nisn consid'l-ahly damaged hy smoke, but iscovered l-y inmraLoe. The liuined building was 'f fn DiC, with brick veneer, and was separated from the main hui'diog by « i:5-iiii;h brick wdl. Tliis ••all was much higher iha.5 the bunied hnilding A airoiig west wind f>>rce<l the tlanic against this wall bur it withslo id the hea', al hough it was warped during •he course of the Gre, but resumed its normal coudi'ion afterward. Markdaie Nead Not Pay. Tl e ri'Cniy h.is failed in its action SL'siitsl the town of M.-irfcdale to eiifurie it to pay for electric lighting the house of refuge. Judgement was hanJed • u'. ill Toioi:rn on F riiiay last and ia 88 fol- lows, -- lUId, that ui.dor the authoriiits, tbc bj-liiw ill quci-tiou is one clearly with- in seuiioD 3.^, sub section 1, of the .Municip-.I Act, which section requires that every by-law for r-ting m.'iiey upon tho credit ot the n-.ni;ic:pality, . not rcqiiiiied for its ordin.aiy elpenditure and not piiyab!e within the same miiidcipil year, shall I e submit' ed lo the electors of ihe inuiiicipidity. This was not done in the p.-esi-nt case. The by-law assumes to cieate » babili'y or dell'' on ihe 7illage, for 10 years fr-'ni ihe installation â-  r the tir.-t suiiplying â-  f electric current. Defendants are not now and never liave oi-eu owners of in eleciric li.;ht plant, n-ir have they ever purchased the same, and no provision was made by the Miin- icicud Couucil of the villii;f.» in their estimates fiU 1002, l.X)3, and l!)04 for th. eipeii-iiture of any moneys to sapply I el.'c'ric light oi electrii; current for rhe I pur|K<ae of supplying tha Rou=e of Re- fuge at the Vdl ige of Markdaie. It is strange that persons occupying pub'ic or jmluciary p-sitions are fre.pienily found to apply a .stai:d ini of niorali'y to their deal Kgs as trusiees different from that xhich would be adop'ed by rhomselves IS private iiidiviiluals if ih-.-y ai>ned lo Iv of good repute in the communiiy. It would have lie^n more to the credit of defendants if they had made some etfort I o procure validarion of their by-law by legislation or oth.-iwi»e. The def..'iice i.s. viewed fnim a standpoint ot morality, eutirely devoid of nerits, but el^t lU'.i.t lie given lo it a.' a matter of 1 iw. .\c'ioii dismissed wiihnut costs. A. G McKay, K.C, for pKintilfs. \V. H. Wtight (\larkdale) f r defendai.ts. Annual Meeting Take notice that the aimuol meecin;; of Ka>it firey .\:»riciiltiinl Society will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Weduesday. .f.aa. 17, lUOK, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of recciviug and inssin;; on the Board of Dtrec- t<irji', Se-.retary and Treasurers' reports for the pasc year, and such other hiw-ful lHuin<>9a decme<l necessary iu the iuterustJi of s.'ud «>ci- ety. A full attendance is corHiallv invited. R. .f. Sf ROCLE, Sec. Dated at P.eahertiWi Jan. 1. lOOij Farm lUanted To Rent Boars for Service Ttioiough tired a I. f. lin«. Artameaia Pride oo.alA. larum «>i.0O: ilto VorksUiro lio*. t«nil» 73c. T. LEVEH. lot 140. T. 4 is. Road. i Farm Tor Sa8e> I 50 acras. clay loam in townsiiip of St. Vioeeot ! 3i oiilas troin Meatonl. Good tiam and aha'.. ' euod frame bouse, fall yluiiiiliing doue. well waterad, igood bariwooJ b isa and ^mall on.h- ard. For furtbar panicutais apply to Wm. Bvers. Prop. lieaford Ont. For pms^cnian Marcb Ist a SO or 100 acre farnj near school anil P. 0., comfurtabie house and aoo.1 Iwm and Rtabling. vtr. Bra cniupet- ur.t, indtistriuua farmer with b*ocW and iinpls- 1 ments. S<iiiarB .leaoug and a chance to live. r .^pply at this office. ( Annual Meeting. Th« an- ual meeting of E .si a:id Centre G.-ey Li end Conservative .A.s8ociatioi will h I'd the annual meoiing in ILt-kett's hall, Markdaie, on Jan. lil, for el. ctiun of ofticeia, etc. CLYD6SDALE STOCK FOOD F0« S.^LE BY noTD. HICKLING & CO. \V. W. COLLISOHL'KN THOS. M \THK\VS Jt SOX .A. T. HVTCHIVSON D.K. .Mc.\RTHuU TAYLOKACo. FLESH l^RTON ri'NIIKLK MMtKriAKK FI-VKhSHA M HOPKYlLLE DhO-MOhB Flesherton Skating Rink Skating t» the i>ul>lic Tiieadav. Thurs- day and Satuiday. (!cn«:al adaiis- sioii 5 and 10 cents. J. O PATTON, PROP, Flesherton Scorched Again. Fleiiherlon had anctber I aptiRni of fire on Satuiday niornii'g List, when the premises iKi-upied by W. I.ynus, hamess- niakot, the ijtaiidaid Bank, and Town- ship Clei k Bellaniy's uliice were bunicd to the ground The tire started in the up; er ^Kirt of the harness shop at 1 a. m. iviij spr<!id in an incredibly shirt time to the ottices adjoining. It is supposed to have started froiu a defective stovepipe At one time it was thought a terrible conflagrA'ion was imminent, to include Spioule's big block, Boyd k Hickling's store and the wholeoemre of tho town, but providence was kind, the roofs of surrounding buildings being covered with a sheet of snow, and a heavy suowstorin lieginniiig atniut the tiiuuthe fire staited. These thing) of themselves would nut have .save<l the situation, but our little fire eiigiiio in the hands of willing workers a id a strving bucket brigade did heri-ul- e n work. The engine, which h.td liee I out of order, was re^iaired only last w 'ok, and threw a connnuoiis stream on tbecornicti of l3oyd & Hickling's store, prevent iuK th >m from caicliing (ire; at the sameiimo wat'.-r was poured frrnn tho top of the t'Uilding upon the c«>riiicc«. Tiie contents of the townahip clerk's office w«ie a' I tavctl, na wed as Ioom books in the ba ik. .About an hour froiq th« lime the (ire started it was practically ! un«ler ct ntr 1 and dani^r of an extensive ' 6r<i was past. 'I be total his* will amount ' (u nlfo^i fSOOQ, with nn inaaninfe of f6Q0 Farm ?0r Sale, Let 17. COP. ll.Dsprev. containin:; 100 acio*'. 90 «cr»«»c1*»Rrertaii«1 under cul ivmtion. baiarce )(0ih1 bu.<Ii: cood buiViIittCR, well wau*reil aiul woll iecc»t. On'k milo iioiu Feversbaiu, For teiius, etc., apply to W. G. Danil. Fev rshaui. Sbortborns for SaU* ll*»ifer*fttid biill^of extra qur.litv an-l br(>«(l- iiip. A\^*o (^otswobi au<l Leicet*Ujr sheep. Latlibs in ih-ir scasou. Ai»plv in CHAS. STAKKOdP. Fle^herlon. BoarFor^«rviee. Hftvii'P jnircbase'l froni Hiohar.l AHon tVe rei-isterixl Yorksbhe hoa*-. Cre^tbiH Jiu-k* Nr, I(X.2!. Tbe finTUe will b«? f»>r sim vice on lot iio.ki. con. 4. Art^'ueBia, Xertus aud poJu^ree on ai)pliu«Ltiva. Htfory Hoi man. €ard ofCbanks, To the Elcfhis of Arfrm/ri(i; IjADIRHANr GKNTI.KMRNâ€" [ t»kO mucb pleasure in ten<foHui: niy f-iuc^^e tbanbs to the feloGton whJ awisttM in any way t" eUvat-e u^e to th« portion nf Htteve, To fie lAtJiea vspoc- iaUvlbavo tiiiicb n»a'<toii to be- grateful, »u<\ Qow that vou bave seen lit lo bonor uie witli tl.M H*^ vesbip I assure you one a)i<l all t^at I shall Ju my Mlino.'tt during tbe time I bold oCice to alva'-oe the interestit i i %b>* pooplo. Wlsbinayou a bappy aud pruspurous new year, 1 aui yours etc* A. Muir, Card of Cbdnk$« To the Elfdors ef A t fj-mfsia: l<4mi» ANi> OrvrLrnxNâ€" .\iloir mo to e.vprees niv ilee" gratitiidoto all who siippoitcd me in the \ot« of Moud&y last. Hy plai-iufinie at tbe be.*d of ilie poll >oii have abowii venr contld. oca lu mi*, and it will l>s ni« ooq aim to prove tu y >u tba*: yo'ir conA leoce has uo% been lulsplaowl. WUbiug yon lUl a prusparous year, r. Bos'. €ard of Cbanks. Ladibi AND 0«STi.i«i«8x-I iteslre to ratarn niT thanks to tnoaw wbo •iipi-arW I lue so hand- •oDi«ly in tha r«c«at elacimn. My endaavor will bii lo mak^ tuyaalt worthy at that coaA- d«iie«. T, », MoRMlia, If yoD. your fHends or relatives ssfTer wiih Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or t.iiling SicUnciS, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to TiiK Leibig Co., 179 Kinj Street, \V., Toronto, Canadi. AU druggists sell or caa obtain f.r you LEISIG'SFITCURE Mali Contract SEALRD TENTF.RS aidresse^ to tlia PchC" master Genera', w.V. he r»^eiwea at Ottawa until Noon on Friday 06 tb Jaunary. VXC, tot tlie couvevance of His Majestv's Mails, ou a roucract lor four years six iitups per week ea^'h w»y, betw eu Ourbam andHriceviile au ' eiu'bteeu times per week b?tweea Pricevilleaol Flesherton ''. P. Kailwav Statiou froia the rostiuttster Geueral's pleasure. Printed ooUces contaiuin;; further ioforma- tiou aa to conditions of proi>osed Coutr*ct maybe M»eu and blank foruie of Tender mav be obtained at the Post OtGcee of Pric vide Uurbaiu. «-'evton and BuneAsan and at tho Office of the Pufat Office Inspector at Toronto. G. C. AXDKBSON'. Superintendent. Post Office Departpjpnt. Mai! Contract Branch Ottawa. VI D«cuuibjr liWj. A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR | â- . '. TO ALL .• .â-  i We thank the Public and our fellow citizens in particular for the very liberal patronage they have given us for nearly forty years, but this year has been best of all and we thank ycu all for it. "We also beg to thank our fellow citizens for their help at the fire this last week, for their noble (exert- ions in confining the fire to the one building, we thank you one and all. W. E. RICHARDSON & 50N DRUGGISTS Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario. Now that winter is. on you are needing warm and comfortable footwear the proper thing i.>^ to call at CLAYTON'S. We have a large stock suitable for the season. . . . . Men's and Boy's Heavy and Light Rubbers OvcrsLoes â€" .\11 kinda Ladies' and Cliildrcn's Overstockings Leather Leggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies", Cliilis Boots & Shoes Trunks, Telescope.^, Shoo PoIis|i. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES mm. Clayton SHOEMAKER, Our stock of Holiday Goods is § practically sold out entire and c^ we thank our cii>t omers for 8 their generous buying. 8 Cbe v^ry few odd articles kit will be $o!d § regardless of cost. MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BE HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS. Medical Hall Drug Store.

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