Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1906, p. 8

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January 4 100^ tllE FLESllERTON A J J V A K C R The Markets. I'arerullv Corrected Each Wc«h OiU 3ft 35 JVRfl 73 lo 7."5 J'.itrl<!y . 4.') to 45 IJuticr 20 U. 20 EuRs f r«»li 20 bi) 20 Uliickeim 7 lo H Ducks 10 to 10 Meoio 10 to 10 Jlay 1... 500 to 6 00 *'otuti>os bae 50 t<j 60 WiiMt 07 tj 7 Turkey* 14 to 14 Old Fowl C to 7 mcrebattt Cailoring NEW SUIIINGS OVERCOAT INQS TROUSbRINQS Just to Hand. ' PRICSS LOW FOR CASH H. ALEXANDER. i FLESHERTON - ONTARIO XmasCoods At Wrifj'its there is a comiilcto froKli fctock if yiioJ cniidios nnd iiu:«, or- nni;ua, loiimns, layor r-usiiis, dHii-f, cic. NVo nlwnys keep on lintid a full stock <<l fresh t'linstioK Sixla Jiiscuils. Nl'TSâ€" Slielloil Wahiuts, I liiiichoil alinoiKl", filberts Aiil pen- â- nutn. C VN DIESâ€" Mixed candius, ifnini 10c to i;).! pel IH., CreaiiiK, "(MiiKJi'Iale", Bull 15. UN, Caiiily Toya, mid Stxckiiigs «f u.s.surtud candies. FickIi ApiicaiLs, fine Table Syrup, CiiiiiK'd Co )d« of all kii.il'. Crnnb.T- liiMotily 15.! nil)., Lunii) Cliiniiiuy.s. iliHii, tihurta, hiW grr^lu Hour, At Wright's School CMMrsn's Eyes Tlieir Intellect 1 Defective eyes stunt the mind ^Can you expect fair progress in scliool or success in business if so liandicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department rrESHCRTOIV. 'â- Canada's Greatest Nurset les" WANT A Local Salesman for Flesherlon To H.Il Ilit'li CluMH Niirwry Stock in 1'riiit.s uiiii ( (niaiiuwital. Lar^eat Li-l ..f NKW SPi;i!lAI,riIvS ever oir red, sr.^iir N(»w AT riiK best si:l J,IN<J SK\S )N'. Bii; iiidiicoiiiuiit*.I,il.. flat I'uy, llilldMonie Kree Out til, Terrii orvU(-eiA.d UlirrK FOB TERMS mill (!ii'iilMi<iin aiil moid 25c for our AM'MINr.M I'OCKET MU^ROSCOI'E {iii'i^iiiiioH 4 ) liiiirn) and 5t)e for our llANbY H.iiW, juHi the thine t»t triin- titinft treoB (oir« iron an wti'l an wood.) Stone & Wellington (oVK.KttDO .VCHKS) Toronto • • Ontario WANTKD! One Hundred more VouiiK Men an I wooieii. w'h'> are Hiiib'.tious and t!nt<Tiiii->i'i{/, toriuilify ill tho fELLIO'iT i..':;:;;'"'0. oht. for I ho ui.iny \iM\ i inH opun to all tliiiai' olio are llioroiixlily pntpitred to nocopt ihuin. A •tin nioiiilit' coiir.^v in IIiIk col- ego ninaiiN for a yomu i»aii of thu! r.iil t 4ii-(i, an ('duc.<lioio,l u |iiipiuui)t li 'ttvr UiKli many tr'iilu^ I'r \> iiluim.iiiit fii ini)ii<iy (Hti-tii^tf poirer. i<iiidcnt« adiiiilted Ht Any iliiiu, Circiil im fre«. W. J. Kliutt, ['iinui(i«l. ii%>t. YuuKcaiid Aloxaiticr Ktt. My Hqir is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save v/hat hair you have, end get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of a teatbnonial â€" "SolU lor ovftr sixty yoarE." Uonor BetU IIe<la by 3. 0. Asr- Co.. Lowoll, HI*â€". i,l»o zuAnui^turcr. of SARSAPAEUUL PiLLS. CHESRY PECTORAL. E In Furniture The largest and bt'st stni k of furnituie ever stiowii in Fleshcr- t'>n. This witliont fear of contra- diction. Conio niKl eee soiire of the bico things in Sideboards Diniri'3RoorT\ Cfiairs Parlor Setts Bed Rooiri Setts A special reduction jiisl now on everything in order to reduce thu stock. VV. H. BUNT. ^urnitiii'c SDcei/er L -. Flestetcn - Cot. 'S Gjâ€" ~. Business Cards M'CULl.OlUm ft YOl^NO H H.iiil.ir Miuli.lftio Job Ronenil ImnkiitH liusini'fH. Money toanort n, reanouatttu rate Ualt uii us. a J 81'UOUl.B I'o^tiiiaBtxr, Kletliorton ocmmlnsioner In II.O. .1., Anc:tloii(>or Con Teyttiicnr, Appratdur and Muiiuy Lender liuut ICKtaie unit lllhuralicu AKeni. lUteitf u-nitr.iiKeK, luRniiH Rui willK caretully ilrawn up ami valuattoiiH iiiafle nii i-liorteK iiotiee. tiioitii) to loan \i lovoKt rateK nt lin erui' <'(>) 'loti >ii-i Httuiitl>}<l to uitli |)ii mpti:ehL' rh'irpnH low. Auoiit for (IccRii Uuiuiutoir riotiiiiiBliip Com|iany, A rail unliolted. Re|Hiri of Xiii'ia uxuiiM, 19<)5, Klealier - Ion Public Heboid. C»K»V-Geo. BtcTavihh, U.il.y T im- ble, (iU per cent, Hazel Hoi;.;>i, 0^, 0>.h- well Whiiten, 02, OUnn Darid. «1, Lily Bojd, &!♦. Llella Bealtie, 61, Willie Crosaley, D<), l.ulu Miich-ll, 45. Cl.ss IV -Kendall Mi'chell. Fred Ridliiuiy, 09, Delia I,oucks, 58. Itolieit Bellm.y, ofl. J.M. LeUaid, 54, Ktia LeCiaid, h'A, Fred MacTavisli, 50, Fl^a iMcMuller., 4!), Krtd Sullivan, 48, Jea.ie MeCauIey, 47, Lizzie Wi son, 40, I'eirl Badlcy, 4G, Cora Milligan, 44. N. C. Mansei.1, Principal. Iiiternieditttu Department. CInsfl III Sr.â€" Elva Levcr 75, Add* Wriuhr 04, Ijtura AtniUroii).' C:*. Lilian BuiUdg^Oi), Handd Mitchell 58, Etie Th iiiipsiiii. 51. Class III Jr.â€" Kathlco;! MilliL-an 80, Cloirlie Cri.Rtley 70. fieri ie McLeod G;), Eddie I.HiuckH (»!), Maud McDonild 52, Lilian ArinBruiii; 48, Cliff >id Ijlakely 41, \\i lie \Vil8..n 3fl. Clafs II Sr â€"Percy Has:ie 7.V Hcrhie Sulli\aii G8. Goidmi McKiinion (Jli.V'elina Talbot 02, HoHaril Mct'auley 00. Ethel Bicluirdson 68, Iv,i Miteliell 50, Tena LeOard 50, Walter Tlionil«on, 4.') C:hS8 II Jr. â€" (ilrtdys Joriilield 7^!, Ueoijje Sti-wart 72, .)oe Badley 09, Aiberl Gillespie 60, Doll Thurston 05, Irene U'llxMii 57, Hazel 'i'hoiiipKon iincl Kuliy lliidley 50, Muriel MacT-vi-h 5.1, Edith Teettr 52, Lloyd Talbot .^1, Haniiin H.iIuH 45, Ueorgioa Uo]ip« 'M, Minnie 'jallira th 3d. rioiiii.tud fiiini Jr. Ill to Sr. Illâ€" Kaililoen Milliiran, Clmrlie Ori.ssl.y Pioiiioted fiom Jr. II to Sr. Hâ€" Gladys Corntield, Oeo'j'c Stefan. 1. O.BKATriE, Tciiclier. Sr. I't. 11â€" Maud Boyi! 75 per cent, Frank P.itton 74, Aniiiu Flynn 70, Vera lyoncliii OH. Walter Otri-o 01, Lda .Alex 111 d.r57, Ni tt Teeter 50, U .y MeCauley 05, He.biH LetJard 62, Uuisull Lever 47, Fred M.rMu'liii ;i'.). .Ir Pt. 1-Yii.a Havtifi 04, \Mlle I),i. iH,(leoiKi P-it'oli fiti Alice McLeod 52. Sr. I't I- -Lillie Bunt 8;<, Le..ne Thoiii|-. HiPM 80, (,'h«'le.s Miigy et, 70, H.ir.i'd I...VIT 07. Kenneth Alansell 00, Boy Lever ?.:;, Mi.dreJ Wii-hl 40, Aleda .Miteli.l a9. M. Cot'Lso.v, Teicher. Beport ((* Porllaw School for the month of Due. 05. i\r. IVâ€" Uy Kerr.Alicc Ilulinnn, Fred Taylor. Jr. IV- D. llii PudU', Flo.s!ie Simmon? Lena \V,ill;or, B.y IVolur. Sr. I'l -Il.iviy*Me'diuin. EHutI Coin- lii.'d, Ma-jyie Siniinon.i, Mill e Fisher. .Ir. I U -Kdyar .Lickd m, Fruiik Tajlor, lie". Fi.s!ier, A. MeKeiixie. II- Fliiieme Slder, MarMiu Walker, M I'oii Walker, ILtiry Fi.>.lKr. P , IIâ€" B r:ie Sl.i.f, Allie Down, Mar- S 1 S'lerwood, W.ilier Crufl. Sr I -(i'ail)s Wliii â- , Myitle Wa-linj;, Frank Shier, Millie Wliyte. No 2 â€" Annie Fislnr, Fred Oa' ono.. Jr. 1-- (Jeo. I'dell, Leo JacLsuD, Willi. Whyle, Aieift Lyns, .\veiasie a;ti'iidaiico tor the iiKmih 41. H. W.St.\ffoki>, Teacher. Address and Presentation Societies AO U M ineotn or, Itin last Moiu1:\> in eHv'ii iiiontti, in tlielr loitcu rrxMii. (!lllli'ti)i''il liloi'll. Klcullerlon. alR p.lll M.W.. \. II,irri:ion ; Itueoliler, ,IaK. Fiilnteml ; final' c.l.jr, %V.J. Ilul.iiniy. VmiliuK l>ielli><L ii.vileil piiiNci.; AUTHi'u i.onm:, No. xi:). a t-'a r A r.I. iiioetH In tliu ManiMiluball. Htrain'r lilnck. I'loviluirtoii, every Kriitay en or boloir tlni full leorii. .loloi WilKbt, \V At.; C. .N. IMoliar noil. hiiLrolmy. pofilT I'LKKHKIITON. nx I. r. K. neet»ii " <;iiii«loe'» Hlncli tliii Iniit Frlilavevei li R ef fft'-ti niontti. VfHlilna Kni-ester* lieiiililv .vi.lnt.me. <\ It., .1. Cornnolit; «.(". W. Ilniildii; Fin. Hep., II. A. Willi tt. I'leaBii pay iluen toll. A. Wll'ett on or boforo till! taut day of lliu proceoilli't; innntli. CHOSEN KliIKNTR-l'leBbeiton foiineit of OlioHi'ti t'^rlenilH iiieetn In <']n> tnnV IihII ttift iokI tlilnl VVeilne'.dftv of each tiiniit H y m I*»v a<M««!»iiinnls lo tlie l!e''ort1er on or before rr« l\r«t eayof eacli iiiontli. ( lilef Councillor, I'. lilak«l*y;l(eoui-Uiir, W. H. Ilui:(. Medical On cAHTKn M C V tt H Out. PhyBlelan. Snrirpon, oto 'tltU'A aiiil ruKlilnncflâ€" Potor At , KleHliertnii r\U A.T. HONn ^ (Iriitluutf Toronto t'lilvernltv. Mem- iMir of Onlai In (^illi>i;« oj I'livi IcHnnx anil Sui - KU-Mi.-i. Maxwrll, On*. rtneccHHor to Dr. KeotI, I 1> OTTKWKI.li ' \uti)rinary Hiir;;nnn (Irailnato of Onlnrln Vetorlimry rollnfin, renlilotice â€" njcoinl iloor ioiitb wePt on Marv Ktreel. - Tliin Blrout ruui tnuth t'ruhliylorlaii (ilinroli, U WII.HON, Illnrlcmltli **• 'Irailnatii of iIib Vo'prlnary Rcloiici) A.HOciatloii. lli'Hl lunee, Pinhani itruut, op- puHitu Iluyil, Hieltlii.ii'a hariiwaiu. (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) There is nothing' else in the whole world that will bring- back the color to the cheek, restore the dormant energ-ies, revive drooping spirits, of put new life into the tired, listless, weakened system, as "Psychine" will do it. There is really only one great tonic , and that is "Psychi>;k." Combining all the pro- perties that make rich, pure blood, bringing back the lost an petite, driving away melancholy, creating new strength. THIS WILl. PROVE IT AmpHor, Ont., Sept. i6th, 1904. Dr. Slocum, l.'mited ; " It's twenty years cr more since I mod PSYCHIN'E, and 1 write these words not lo gain publicity, but that suffcrinsj and ailinsj humanity may loam of its great nieri'.s. I bad felt weak and miserable for a long time ; bad no appetite, or couldn't obtain proper sleep. Was unable to work cr enjoy life. People said I was so old my constitution was brcakinif up, but, fortunately, through using the Dr. Slocum remedies I have proven this false. PJsVCHINE i.s tbc only remedy I ever took tliat a>rreed with my stomach, which was exceedingly weak. Twenty years have passed .since my recovery, and I am nov.- eighty-nine years old, and so strong and well that I work aU summer in my tjarden. "MRS. E. V. BIAISDELL." GREATEST OF A LL TONICS AT ALL DRUGGISTS â€" ONE DOLLAR â€" TRIAL FRES Tha Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto 111 IMIMI IWIt '2j^ If you are iliiuhiiij! of buyioi; a fine bnggy, wnt^-^n i-r deniociiit. It till! sur ly pay you t.' call iiiid ir.vo.-^t'cntiJ our stotk, terni". etc, Ivfore iiidiin:! yiiv ptir< base. M'e lu.v.i a Ht-ll of expert w.iiUinen and cin iiU.Hr.intea th«t y lU nill b>>siti:-Hel - -- A!.W\VS OX llA.M) â€" â€" â€" Eicyol© Suncix'iGs â€" A V L' KKPAllUNi'i 0Â¥ A Lf. III.N US t nmi umirii m iiâ€" i« 111 iiiiiiii-»ii« 1 1. A. HEARD. - FLESHERTON. ^-l-^^^P^'^Si;^^ f^£^^1«^ D. McTAVlSM i(i Meinbei.s of tho I'n sbyterian Sal.ba'h Scl 1 met III the Miiupe m Tuesday of liiat men nod presented .Mr. .laniis I'Vl sle.id w ill the f.l o«ino ndiiiei'H, accoiii piiiird by ajt'dd watcli tuird; >!i-. .In.. A. Klhteoil. |)iar Hroiher, â€" Your rcMiunation m Sujier- iiitiiiiluiit of our .Sunday .Si-IuniI :li,l nut come a« ju 111 pr-je an we kiicnof your oiitfaK. mint to a 1 unir Mptiereof lalwii'. Yet it is with fieltii(,'s i/f deep ri.^iettliiit«e part with y.m. Ever siin'i yiiii eaiiip anioii):i t \m you have riiien in our cutiiiiatioii. V.mv duvoiioii in tin: MiiHtei'H nervic*, your w'illiii|{niws to umlertaUe at fonsiderable HaiTitioi'. witii tho cxpeiuiitiire of time and nni({v with but litlle reeoniiM.inie e.vecpt the reeient eiiseuf ,.\ l^ihk] eonseience. (Jod li:\s eii'lowed ymi ivltli taleiitW as a t.'Biherof otluT.'in ilie liiiclieiit sphue i ( wlu- e itii ii,lhat ..f t'lu Mp.riti.d, and ymi liavu'ever been oW'dieiit to tb|.^^l^t^r'Hellnlnlamlol'cupy 'till 1 euiiie." P.ut it in nna .Siimluv .Sd (Mil worker t! at we are met tliia exc'idnt; to e.\pieii.<i our tjratitudo lor the lencth of tiiiio you have been in air Slllld.^y ScIumiI, rs|i<>eiidly r- HU|H'riiiteiideiit. Villi liy nittuie are eelt u d nnd exiieriemeil, well eimlitied for the work. Oar Nchoonmi. pi.iKpered nndrr your ewe in evety dcpitineiit. Ynur ennrenial iin^n lem .'.nil ciiisiiUuale \vuy«li,iveK'eii iioieli nppree â-  ated liy yi iir feilnwivorkirK. In thnen ot lier|ilixity and dillieiilly your ndvii e li:is been eiiriinray-iiiir Mid lielpdil. We will iiiis!« ymi ver^v iniieb but our Ion" will lie([ain to the field wliieli Olid in lliu all wine P.ovileuun has priivideil for you. Our Kynipatliy i n I pr.iyer* Kii with you that the (.-real 'lleail of thj ('liiiieh may endow you with |»<wer from -in hillli. We lino e.\ reKH our niipreeinti.in of tl « help rfnderel by Mrs. Fil tend in onr Sunday .'<oln 111. In liiddiuK you f.inwill we ui.^h to piemiit you withtldHmnall token ua a leiueiulii alien ol vuur work nnioiijtut H», and niiiy the (indof all irrnce after you have labiir»d a «lnle (five you an atmndant entiauee into the Kingdom of lli«de.H- .Son, .losin Christ. iI|[fimiUiiM[ii!l c ^---^ F.ir birsfc C'ns^ Bnpoici, C.^irta, Pleasure and Lumber \\agon.«, r^^ ciilteis, .Sleijih.^. We keep a stock on band to cIioohc from. r^ ^^^^ HOkSC SHOOINU anoqeneral blacksmitihng •"yJ Knd •.•nirmtee dvit ebi.ssi wo;k. CiJj We keep on hand Pli)n«hs and Plotii;h ropiiirn, and also Mas.sey- yk^ lLir:is and No.mui reimiis for l.inderK, Mo\vers, -ill kinds of f^J nil bineiy, alM> Binder Twine on band. ^ tfr mi)en in town give us a call « Ai Legal r UOAB WRIQHT * MeAHPI R u llarrUtem HulloitorH Coiivoyanorrn, eto Odlcniiâ€" nw«n Hounil.Ont ami MurkilaleOnt W II VVnmiiT, McAHfii.H I It I.riAn N II -I'Iniiheilon onioe. Mltrhell't llHiik «vury Hatunlay. Dentistry . n. C. mtlRRAV I.. I), n., I'ental unrRvon Vi'inor crnilinitn of Toronto INilver'ltv auil o^-al (*olle|]«of I>fiiital rtiire oin* of Ontario, (Ian .iilnilniiiirRtlon for tertn extritctloii )inrii at re>l(tuiieo, Toronto utivul, Flriherton Dr. K.F. AltMRTIl'lNr.. I.. n.fl„Ilonor Or«.1i, st» of Toronto l;nWi.r>lty ami Bov«l t'ol leiro of Oaiital Hni'Reonii of Ontario. (tnpniiUe Mr«. Iliilrier'i rhuloKiaph (lailaiT. ~ Will villi Mniw.ill flral anil tlilnl Thniidajr Of tub iiioiitli •uuinicuolui July t*b. Retraction. To All n'/iom tl is nuiy Coiieetn: I, .Inniea l>iii'l,i''ph*in, IiKTine niaHn rtiiteieoo'fi riTardlni; Vv. |i. N. Kinnp«r'i • tnuilli.e irilli iptiarit to tlin local notion bvlaw, now iM'fore the ppoeli to be votoil on ,la» I, IIKA I liav'iiR ulaioil to n.voral niople that Mr. KIntuiar wan oppoHo-l to th« i.ftlil bv law, wliieli rlnt'MiientH «ro beloR nmvl aqaluut tir. KInnnar bi hlHcanyaiifor ibii llneyenlilii of tho townajilp ofiiKprny, atirl tliat Mr. Kinnoar fnrtheroon- Mtilcrn ttift same tu lie Injiirloun to hia oharaetor anil roinitatlon,aa Im was anil t* poaltlvaiy not oppoaril to tbii l.ocnl t>ptlon by-law, or any 1 ilier iempftraiioo iiifiAHiirfi, ar.ifl rotraot any a.ieti Htatoinonta, anil am lorry If I hava aald anytbliiK that woulil In any way injurs Mr. KInnear, Cither petillolv or mivataly. I miRht atate ttiat 1 niaito theaa ^taioinanta owlnit to Mr. Klimear'arnfuaal tnalKu tho |Hi*itlon to tho nounoll to aubmit local option by-law. mora throiiMb a iiilaiindorHban'tlnf:, not liavliiK any ronTaraatlon with Mr. KInnaar un Ihaauhjrol. Wltnaaaâ€" Jama* BuoUnghani. W. «». Allitar Oat«d at V«T*rtli*ro tbU Wth i»j of D»r,, lODtl. WINTi-.U T;',UM at TUB ^^>^/^^^^^^^ Cwen ftoun.*, Onl. Hej;! Ill Tun.i lav .1111 i. lOi'i. Kmr CTn;>'»tn courae* of aluil , iiulteil to tlio noe.la uf aU ila.i-v4 ot .o'.lllR penpl'. The HiKi.ie •» O.eirno for yoiint! moo an I women who »i«b a rooiI bmliiesa traliilnf! to Kimlifv tliuin to ilo ntinineat for tli.iiiii'olveii aoloiliHi'H. Till" eoiime In useful to the IHIH- iup«« loin, tile t.iri;i..r or the piofosHlonal mv\ athO Iti'Ht ulnna prepar^tto'l for you-ii" lHH»ple wbowiih to j; 1 intooilioo w.u-K. The Sboit'iaud Co r"e for vou'ix j>nopl(> who wiali to I (leoii)o atenf^iinipliera. roportiirs ote. 1 he reW-nrai»Jiv t'oiiiii. for \o'ou( people w'lo I wi»-ti to tii.ei>ni,' ttlegiapli opuratoraor toenter . rtiilway work. I The ' preparatory ronrao for tboaiiwbo aea verv f*r buk Ii thi Ir ituli. f. We teaeli r.'aitiir),i.ppelliii|t.w itoiR. aritbiimtlo tomi «n np voium iiton ant) wo.iu n. Si para to iocioh for tbii ilepartnieiit anil acpar^te desk tor oaeli pupil with plenty of prviionul liulp, 1' nil parllou!ara .ient fi â- ( to any ai'.lre<a. C. A. FLEiniNa, flU.SCU'AU Farms For Sale Part I, Lots .1'. anil Ml, eon. :l N. P. II. Caprcv. conipiMDit ol IIX) aorraj 78 acri « wull tei o...t, bal anoe Kooil uiapla buah, 11 miles from it lailroailt vtoaa to Hclioelii, i.toreM. lOnt otllce, eliureh anct iloHi'iilihi iieiytitors. Par' II, eaat half lot 7 «m(1 lot**, eon. t Oaproy l.VlaereF: 110 kcres elenreil soil w.lt enltivated. ItO iidea uooil biiiib, baboieetitulier excipt wood taken oil. a eooil wiilU, frame Siuuse aiiil kitelittii ifood itone eollai', new havn anil htioie aiKlittitt*. rioao to all eonvenli'iin'H, R miles from rolroad I'aal III loM 17 anil IHunn. 7 iisprev about K'l aeraa well tiinbore.l bush, bnlane*) pood plate cultivation, Roil rliy l<>ai)i,i;oo(| barn anil stn- bliia, (Vixfln tt. winilniill, eiia>.)aga rntlvr and Ri-alii oruHhor attnclird. Krnnio notuio now kit- olitfii never fHiUnkweb and wind mill attirlied w«ll nilapteit fi*r titook farii., i2 r..llaa from vil- Inneaof •laxwoll and Feversl.inn, TImbar can tin iK.oiiht soparatelv lirl ifi IJ mllaa from d aawnillla. Kany t«rnia pavment III health caiiaea owner io retire fnnn bnalutia. Kor furtbar In'orierilon apply tn JNM. A.SOOTT iMiik Ilox 010 CiUtasweoI, R.NiKinnear&Son MAXWELL Wish to tliittik Hie sfical public for tlioii- vity liber*! ptitrotiitijo dtirinjj tlic jutst jeiu- ami ti spectftilly solicit a coti'iiiiuaiico of the sntiio. We will lio over icatly to supply you wilb all tlio lines wo caiiy, via, r^HYGOOI-JS, (iROCERTES. BOOTS and S110K3, nUUBKRS CiIa,si5w,iio; Oil.'', nil kiula that nro l^'ooil. Piitpiit iN'tdiniies, Paints, in fact tvt'i-} tiling nsiully oan>f",i I goiicral store. CliiistuKif Goods on sliow now. Wisliiiiji; you all a Mi ny Chriatmaa aud u Uiippy New Yoar, Voats as ever R. Kiniiear & Son Farm for Sale. For aalu cheap and on oaay tarma of p«yni»n» 'audit reqiilrttit, poaaeaaioii at o*ioa, lotaanm* l.eisi 117, lis * U(), eooiession iJnd . S. W., T * »» roa-l. ^runu»â- ia. lia aorea about hall ainlW f 0111 the vllbii!u of Klesherloii. On saM larw la alKiutVl'aeira ele»Ml.feiiue>l and under ivilt- ivaiion PJaciaa ol wh all Is in miHulciw land, ami about 110 aoroa ploniihed for next sptlima crop. A com ortablo loi! dwoblnc with Inniitt addition, and Iok birii and utablea. Krame. Im»b.inent.|>on«e, and a coyer lallliiil »pi<n« eloao to llie iiwelilnp. Tlia larm 1« » â-ºp'*"'"' iirain and urniiuK farm, and one tnat Jn'*''V ! J KlvBS Reo.1 crops whan proparly imt in. Anal* to 1(. I. Spioiilo. tlnhuituu, or Un^ HoDt.pi)' l»d||a, KlimUsr^uu ' J _-.„_

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