Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1906, p. 1

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•^» J'* h * ksbtri0tt JliiMna. •• TRUTH BEFOEE FAYOB.' â€" •• PKIXCIPLEb ^0T MEN. VOL XXIv, NO 1247 Flestierton, Ont. Thursday January 11 tQOG W. H THURSTON, FPrroR PEOPKIETOB n ' â- M J. Tha Aftermath. Aft^r th3 Christmns sales, which wiir extmurdinnrily large this year, we find left in ttixk a tine Uneuf gtio-ia which we tiiiuk evrrjoae will concede is ' Just the Thing for Wedding Presents. These are the choichest of guods â€" no chemp tr<k^. Come luid kc them anjway. Ularsn Clocks T" wake ;r<>a up thee dirk moTDings, and all kioda ol Ciock»at all Iduda u{ price*. Ifate/'/na./t fountain J. ens, r:uioy lali Sta;id.<, etc.. for sale. W. A. Armstrong FT y,- y ,<f ij â€" ^J'â€" VJ Industrial Home Noies IB:] all Jii.Ji.if- ) 1 McFarland, Stafford & Cos- Big Store MA£?KD.-4.LE, OXXAltflO of inmHtes admi'teil during the year 1905 «fO tT'ratly two and three s^oriea high, of men 16. wnmeii 10, toi.il 20. No. di.«- » it 15 to 25 feet to the story. 11»- cbargid during saaia year, men 10. ikoui- ij--v is m. t a mauaficturiDg centie, but erj 2, twtal 12; of t-hia nuniUrr 3 lueii hsve : M ^f'ven largely to coiuiuerce. As 6Qe' heel) re-ndmitled. The No. of deaths oc- . di8; liyn of gcnjds as an> to be foutid any- j -^^~^â€"â€"^^^-,^^â€",^ curriii;{ durius; the year, weri>, men 7, where in the world are here in i ha shops, r" /~» , t. /-, women 5,t..ial 12, b<!in« an averaj-e ot one : No s.ncke, no dirt as in manufaotorinii or '-''"^y L OUDtV S BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE p>-r nioiitb. No. ot iniu ttes in the home ' smelting cities. Ei(>a.ids and stores are tbi.s lat day of Janu.-.ry are m.-n tl, worn- ' eoBStructed for fresh air and ci.ujfo^tâ€" i fD 11, total 33; of this number 31 are wide openis^fs, high ceiiin^s, inner courts j chargeable lo the county; one m*n .ind , with flowers and paliu$, no arran^ementa I woman are pay iniuate". The oldest for b»Htin!i or even protection from cold ininare, Ciitis Veiidettit, ai^ed 89, the open latticed windows instead of itlass, or j Vout>gost, Henry Tmiiblya 40. The iron bars and ahutters. the latter of wljich I averuje age as near *!i we can a"icertaiii is am frequently thrown opvn and tbt( in- \ men TO, w.mien 72. One man and one mates sit within the cage, so to speak.' nromari is afflicted with L'Co'mot>r .\'axia Here fair maidens sit and cait wooioi; o;iH man and nao woman is totally blind, uUnces towards the passii g yM:ths who ; three or four are crippled but otherwise , stop and chat in tbe<(uiet warm Christmas ! enj'-y good health, several, by reaxon of evening. Here the children sit and p'ay o'li a-.;e nre iiicajMcitated from ialxir of any in the fresh air. H ere the peop'e, young kind while a few thoUi;h well advanced and old, enjoy the fresh, balmy ai', late years are siiii otimparaiively Ti^orais ^ infci the hours of oteninat. 'I :^ia JANUARY SALE and hi'althy and capab'a of renderinsj . bciu -elves generally u*ef ul t^i some extent ill the home. Denominations of the : inmates: churth r.f E<is;land 10, Presby- ; terians .'', Mt'th>xl:sis 9, Uaptists 4, : DisoipJe!. 1, K.C. 1; total 33. Stock: on the Indus'.rul H uue firm there are two i workin:: hotscs, 5 milch cows, 2 c«l»es. 10 yi'Urii piiia and, as n-.-ar as wa can ' is a tine sturdy lellow, shruwd itscurtaiii between 31} and 40 beus. ! Mes, aleit euterprisicc, h.ird So far as I b^re seen, color predomi* nates here. Then; are many of St'4inish orij;iii. many wcilthy. few suffeiin-,; frrm ! poverty, m'lny e>;nifortab!e. For the tuo^t part the penp!o are ihnfty, indus trious, cleib and orderly. The Cub.tn is amanwhoie ancvs'ors came here from Spain two or three centuries isjo and be ir. busi- workini!, ' Sensational Prices on all Winter Qcodi Exceptional Values in Every Department Stocks too heavy â€" must be reduced Big money-saving chances during January You want the goodsâ€" we w^nt the money Come prepared to buyâ€" it will pay you ' [Intenddii for U&t week.] Christinas at the home. We do not think that any of the inmates of this institution has any rvatinii to cumpUin t.f not Itaving enjoyed a very pl.'asuit Chri-ilin.is as f.ir as treatment wa.s con cerned. Oer'aibly they wire not supplied! wiih roast lioose, turkey and cranb-.rry S8ue», Ifgs of roast mutton, poik, etc., neithtr were they indulged with ale or beer, as a Hash down, for temperance principles were sriictly oluerved here. However, they were treated to a hot roast fowl supper at dinner time ind most probal'ly the description of fowl served waj of a more lU'tlern character than jnii;lit have been the ca.se had tho menu been Koise atid turkey. Tliere were p i- tatoes aTid other vecot>bies in plenty ,and plum puddini; and rich teuiporanco .sauce galore, at least we juds;u so by the hunk feut up to yout scribe. True it is th.it bis appet'te is not great at any time and hc.s<-iil word to the kitchen to send him nuthini; but a little plum pud.linr; which no Kii^bshinan will ignore ; that little sufficed for 24 hours. Tour cor. cou'd not get down to the diiiini; room to take stock of the old fellows' enj lymet.t, but iiliservioK them as they returnoil to the day ronui, some with ccCs off, vests open Aud Ihe t'lp buttons of their â€" we 1, never mind what â€" indicating that the inner mau hid been well Bupplieil. For tea was served bread, butter, fruit cake, sweet c:ikes and cakes of other variotit-s. but a cup of sweet tea was nil y -ur scriV- wa.s .'ible for. In tho evoirua :he .Man. .»ger entertained his orphans for .i couple ot hours on 'hugnunopnone which caus.d greiit merriment. Liut this was not all lli.it const itutwl our Xnias chi'or. In the morniiiR .Miss Harne,-.sdistril)uted to each of the ii>tn.ii£S a pretty little calauder for 1906,ihtf rf ft of Mis.s U .wit of l>. Sound, Tno same lady alsj sent a box .;f ho ne made candies, Xuias s'f's '" the inmatoi. The Uditw of Christ church kindly sent a quantity .lud a vuiio-y of dainty oa!.-»8 tor the ntoihorless orphans. No? • wa& this all, S mta Olius m ule lii.s appiaptnM •'>o; neitbw h.id ha the smi'l! of .-t «outy chijiiiey a'Kiut him. No sir, he c.^;nc in broauii.ay liiilit, just about the time when I«oplo would lo wanning up their plum- pnd liii-;s or busliui; their fa.iiily uoivi* or turk'.'y. Ho had a morry twinkle in his eye, a joUy hand shake for each, a cheer- ful ruddy countenance, a snow white head and b.'aid, whtch by the way ma.'«t have b'en clppod smco last wo nitt. Tie »».< ©«-ort»d by three pnuniucut oiiisvns of Markdale, a lady and twj !;en;lem.!i>, laden with l«skets of Seville orange'*, V.l- pucn r.usins, almouds, Bircslona and w«llnut<; gum drops for those wh<> h.id no t<.<etli, ilitas, c.indioK all sorts and fhap.'s wbiv:h were lavishly distributeil amoiisi tho old orph,-»ns. .\ marry X'l'as indi'cll wbatlH'tter could be wished for «:mlur tbo oiruu'nstatic«s.an 1 wo trust that old S,<«nta CIhus and liis geiierous esoovt will live h.ippy for many years to coiiie and bo enabled to uiaku glad the h<>Atts of orphans, >ount; or old. Owmi; to the funeral of the late Mr. Kells, it was announced outside that there would be ii > meeting at tho home ; ctmae- queutly iherj were ouly thica outride fiivmls fiom a distance. Mr. Uarness ss an old frietut and associatx of the de- oeatod, at the couoty council in yeais gone by, attended tlie funeral. The ser- vice at the home was conducted by one of tho male ininatefi; Mrs. Siiniiionds ,the blind lady, preMded at the orxsn, and taken alu>gi>th«r a very pleawt mooting nocupyin/ about an hour waa eiijuyetd. The followin)( i« a utatemsnt of No of inmates admitted and remainiDg in the (fOW' up to Slat of DsciMabw IMS : No. A baiipy and prt>:!perou» Now Tear to j . all is the wish of your .scribe. • • • -^^-â€"â€"^ A Letter rrom Cuba reliable I think. Cuba i.s ;;oiui( sbv.ul rapidly now, bavini; h.id but tivi- years of 'liberty. Much Auieric.in and Canadian I capital is comin<: in and business euter- ; pnse with it. Ei g^ish will sooner or 71 Pr.ido Uabana, Cuba, Doc. 2:. '05 â-  !*'*5 ?"=*»", ^"'""f*" currency is now ^ , , .,, ,, lu the a-scendency and there is plenty »>t DES.K Advance,â€" I will not tell you ^^^^^..^^y f.,^ enerpnse. Pr-lablT h1 that I have se»:i and heara since I left i ^1,^ greatest opportui.ity CuU presei.ts, Flcshert.m, f.o- mud. that 1 have lie«rJ ! and the tsrentest need Jf Cuba, is along *.« spoken in a foreign langimge ; »"d j tu line of christian evangel iration. Tho ... , , ,**'^"*%ri;'Ty'"' I people are neul eted seriou.sly in this^ W e sailed from New "iork by the respect and are^erysusCepuble to ttuUi. The great majority never ut'eiid a ife'rvite much that I have cinn. Ward line on Thursday, Dec. 21, a^Ml^t 1 p.m., and arrived in Havana on Chriat- luas afternoim about 4 o'clock. The voy- age on the who'e wivs very much enjoyed by many of the p.i.ssongir«, the weather twin;; i;olliiiig to complain of. The se^*, however, wis choj^py much of the and a fow of us were tlfectcd by it. Oi Sunday the weather was especially fine { ami warm and as we were coa.sling on ' Florida it wa» a renl pleasure to sic out or walk on the deck aiid lo"k at theureeti I foli.igo on shore, which presentei-l a lux- j uriutn apjKMi.Mnce. Thu ^Yar.\ line steamers are fine vessels j Constructed of steel, uot, however, of the i inuii-of war type, but light, ai.d tho Viij- I SENSATIONAL PRICES IN MANTLES We can aff.>rd to lie liberal. â€" We have had a good seasim in mantles and tho stock to day is tot very heavy, but the sizes are well as.sorted; the materials are of the best quality, and the majority of styles the very latest and n;o6t fashion^ able 1900 model. We have planned to sell exactly 40 mantles before ihe Ut day of February, keace these sensational price" : 10 Ladies Minlles. regular ^00, 5.50 and 6.00 values, /auuiu-y sale price, choice 2 .48 15 Udies Mant!e.e, regular 58.00, 9.00 and lO.tX) valuer, January sale price, choice 3.95 12 Ladies manrles, regular f lO.tW, 10 50 and 11. CO values, January sale price, choice 6.y0 I bebeve, btctiusa the truth of (.Jod is not; beiiiii preached to tlieui. You will hear frwo ino l«ter when I see ' S Ladies Mantles, regular $14 and 15.00 tike ciuiitry. I starf to day for a jourtiey ' values. Jauu.iry Sale Price, choice S SW VViafcij^ your readers all a ' y.ju ^q^^ tl.is store's repjuition for Mantles. A: their reauUr prices we I chaileUL'e ai'y store to show better values At the JaiiHary S.ile sensational prices overland. â- *y t Vkt^^ New Y"ea»,"t am yours truly, â€" U. F. HIRLBIBT. Vanileicor an oyster feast at they should early and gt t move out qu tiist c!ioice. i-"klv Come A DEEP CUT IN OVERCOATS ^^ehave50 Overcoats to get rid of Jjr- in5 this month. ".Ve know of ouly ona way to move thera out quicklyâ€" BIG PUICETEMPTATK^N. We are going to ui.-»ke you buy. If big values count wa should turn every overcoat over to pleased customers this month. Nothinsj the matter with the coats but the ptice. The overcoatp we sell are the very best for style, quality and value money can buy, h jt their prices for our Janiiary gale are very badly damaiied, rhis is tiio way the story goes: 115 Overcoats, regular 5.00, 5.50 and 6.0*1 values. January sale pries 3.4,S 14 Overci«ts. re-jrular 6.50, 7. 00, 7.50 «dti S.iX) v.ilue8. Janu;u-y sale price 4 43 25 Overcoats, regular ICO-J. 10.50 «nd 11.00 values January side price 7 88 10 Hen's friwa Ulsters, regular 6.00 val- ues. January side price 4 38 Men's Pea Jackets, Boy's Reofers. t)ver- coats ,iiid Ulsters all mark-.H.! at Jmuary sdle prices. Ladies Dress Skirts. The Foresters h.id their last meeting. The Women's Institute «t their last I meeting had a tea and each lady iuvited I her better half. Aft' r a in. «i£ excellent j We have gone thn^agh the stock of L.idies Skirts and put on the iMrjtstn list "3 ilati -ia on which we to..k uissite dauecd ' '^'P**' * number of tho .^enticm.-ii were , Skirts corapnsin<. Faiiiy Twee^ls. Oxfo«l Orey Houiespans, Fine Venetian Cloths bi ilau.M, on which we took^p.^.i^e, dauccO ^.^,^.j ^^,_, f^,^. ^p^.^..^ «b.. h were m.si i grays and navy blues, black Cheviots, bUck So ge-o. black Habit Cloths, all nii^ly llwiit dark we en- ! C'JU'Phmeotary. Nothiiitj^ ''^"l,,.* ^^""^ i "'*J* ^'"^ inmmed. 6t and workmanship guaranreed. uot more than two or three al.ke like a bubbU> on the On Friday evening likd a __ terwltUe w-ann w.-.ters of tho gulf stresm â- â-  '"'^J "• '"*!',''* "?l' "''V^''";- "^^ ">•*' ' '^^^^ '"*; V^""!^^^' ^' ^' "^^ »"a -42 tenths, regular v.lae. «4.ob:#5.o6 and which are easily disiim:u..hodf I om the ! ^''^"^S "â- "! ho held at Ihe homo of Mrs. j Jaiiuarj- Sale Price > l.djom...g w.iter, being of a <^;-^l^r ""« V/4rs. Robort an.1 We,. Sells 'from ) Bargains In Millinery, cidor. This w* crostod at an a^i:le, ti> .i i n i cr i u t â-  ' ~~.a~ j ent^r It a^ain in the Florida cl.annel. >lapl? Ct«V. Xv-k , havo Weu ntiewnu , 50 Udies and Mis^s lleHdy to-we,r This is the provision that n.iture has m.i.la ;','•''. '."''"^"'»'^%, ^•»'^/- "«' "^e b.^-,. , Hats. .11 this season's most fashionable to insure ,i»fety to Cub.n fiuits. 5„ | looking 3-- well and to know they are ' .h,^^,,. re;;u!ar values Jl.OO to ?3 00 i"'**»P'^'n'>« "» 'ho West. \ e-ic'ii, January &iie price, your choice t Mr. J'. B<laid of Wmnije^ is »is;tin> I f„f ,.... 3<». his uncle. .Vi'r. John Bolsu<j. | for K. 15. S : 85 50. . 2.18, fnxst over cross the gull stream. Upon entering Havana harbor I was impressed hy the ancient apj>earanoa of the city. Mori-o ctstU on the left, na ancient fortress like a sentinol jju.irviing tho harbir, is built on a bol.l proiuiiieuce Ol n-vk at the ysry entrance to tho hart>.T and is in nppcarauco typicil of aiicietit foriihoatioas. It rcmiudeil me of pictures , ... I h.id seen of aiicioiii eit;es of I bo East â€" ' ,j the geneial appear.itice of the buildings ur vcss.l 8te.«nu-d Foltowing are tlio ofticers tl.-cted this qusiierin the S.O.T. Divi^tn; Ilolley W. P;M. Wohcr. W. A.: jlUicbanaii, R R.; I. Holiey, A R- I W. Johnsou, F. S ; Td. Dcvins, Tre.vs. ; I E. C. BoUud, C.>nd.; IJ. (.Srahaia, A C. ; . Hutchii'sou. T S. ; H. Oraliaut, O.S.; | S. D uula.s, Chai'lain. [ Miss Uil^ay ami brother fnvm Toron'oi (i. Wright, i 20 Handsome Trimmed Ha's, no two alike, raihtmit in price floui $2.00 to $t5.t.X) each, while they last JUST UaLF I'lUOE. FURS. »0 to 30 per cent DUcoant. We h.ive a good ninae of Ladies Fur Rutfs, Caj)ernes. C -liars. Boas, .Muits and Gauntlets. We pride ourselves ou ket-pingouly tho best, and for valuo (qual'ty considered) we court comparison. Our Fursâ€" IB fact all merth.indiso in thi.< store â€" are marke<l in plain tisiures. Furs ou sale during Januaryâ€" 20 to 30 iiec cent Discount. a, our vcss.. ste.;nu-a i p apparently u ^. ^ ,,^^i^ ^,^,, ^^,,^ ihe niuUt of iho c.ty-tib d luofs, t.nievl ^^^^ ^^,^^,^ ^^ ^^^ municipal election in w,.ll8 ot masonry antiquilod "rvthitcc- ^^^^^^^^^j^ ,^^i^ ^.^..jg^^ \^^ j^^.^ ^^^^ turo. We s.emetl to havo inergoJ mo iho historic d.iys of W,' are doierniiiie<l to make J.inuary of liH>b' the b-.^ost in tho histiTV of ibis bus - inesa. Every day wiil see new liiit>s put out at bargain prices, but cuoi'tt ts early asyou can. The Hrst choice is u-suaily the best. McPAKl.AiS^D, STAFFOI^D c\c CO tho Ca-.'^ars. Little boats are upon tho water ;\!\iut our ves,scl as we are anchoring in the very niids union means .strei'ij'h, and if tho loc-ili^vid of the Methodist chnrch, was • option people seaiul togeiher when tho ' j,;jidod success*, the icoeipts of tlie even- bylaw is submi'tovl there is no doubt that ' ;„;, »mountin:i lo ?10. Miss W«»s, who it will becarrio"! by a good ujajority. It , j^ a la'ented young eliH:mionist, sfave is en-ouragii'g to note t^ie great nun. ber' jj^tu^j ,.xcellent readinns. Tho music of of places whoie loml opti.n has boon j tiio evening was furniahe<l by the choir, carried. Tho people seem to bo w*kiug ; a recitaiion given by little Miss Lulu up to the necessity of abolishing the! BHis was also worthy of special mention, bar. ' Mr. Fr-vl Wickens and Miss Ver» The roads are completely filled with ; Oaudiii spout Sunday with friends in snow in many places, o»iiig to tho reccut i Fle..,herton, Revere st.uiii. Kiinberloy of the hart'or, for vessels do not land in Cu' a â€" little row In >at.s, short and wide, wiih '.-aavas covets sapp.irte<l by woodeu beams, rue hulk p-iiutid blue and white striped. These are on bu;iiios-s tj t«ke any of the sailors who wish to go ashore. .\ pilot ctnnea on biwirvl, brought out in a modern Culian gailey, and th- vessel is anchored .safely. Then ttieCuUm doctor comes out in a gas'd^ne launch of n:i>detn .\inericau style, and having looked into the face of each jvissengor who is to land, pronounced " all right. " Toe uumiitra- iton ogoui came lastly and took iho names of .til who were landing and the am lunt of money ot ihoso who weio to remain in the island. All b«ing leady, a kuuH siskuier pulled aloug xido and the (>asseii- gers walked down a staircase that had boon cvinstruoied for the pui pose on the ship's aide, and were soon on shore. Tho customs ware passed rapidly and we were iu Havana city. The streets are about twenty feet wide, with a walk about two iiisX wide, Tho buildings are of c»>ment or brick and •tune faced with cement. The Central park of Havana and the strvet leading through it aud from it are of modern typeâ€" wide, Momy, airy, surrounded by fine high buildii'gs of ni.issivo,magnifiaent Saul of 'Ventry, wore visitors at 11. D. apj>e»rance. In this [virt many of tho Carrathers' last week. | «-^» â€" business placM and residences are tur- \ Uias WiUa Wright of Flesherton Ik the \ Dished with nuMdiva collonades support- guest of her cousin, Miss Vera Gaudin. Speight wa(p>n, nearly n«w, also (train ing stonn Torancbw and i<orticos extend- The t«« meeting held on New Year's chopper, 10-irch plate, eu--d ordsr, f.^r iug th^ (i)ll }«iigth uf thp I)))ildin|[s,wh(oh aight under th« auspiMf of ti)f Lvlie*' s^le. Apply to J. K, Jaiuie6on,Eu))eui» Farm for Sale. Lot 17. COD. 11, jFprey. cootsiiiinw 100 i>cr.» ffOarrffsc.eareJ aiid uinier coliivation. Im auca 8'XKl bush; good buil.iiuss, voll watorwi sal welltBuo*!. Oa«mletrom teverstjasu. fur teruic. etc.. apply to W. G. DaaJ, Feversltan.'. The Misses Bollo Puiigt'" "f Schom burg and Justina Doyle of Turonlo are holidaying with friends here. i Mrs. H. Sidney of Owen Sound is the ^ guest of her uicle aud uuut, Mr. and i .\!rs. D. Wallaci>. ! Mr. Benjamin Knott, who has been iu the prairie provinces fjr soiiio time, ha? nturned to his homo in Thornbury and is , at present holidaying with friends here. Mrs. A E. Myles, who has been visit- ing in Markd&le for some ti-ne, has returned home. ; Hugh Knott and wife of M.irkdile 8V>ent New Years day at Postmaster Hanimoud's. Thoe. Sbaw and wife and Mias M. ' .. . â- . â-  .i Carruthers of Clarksburg, and Miss Nellie ?<^"l'-* '^^ P"'l'" '" .'!*' , . o, S...1 ..» v..»w_ _„„ »:.;. .â-º i> T^ ' here on bouday evemnc Jan. gl. Tho OraitLTO concert held in tho public hdl here ou Friday evening last was great s'icocss in every farticular. I. B. Lui"as, M.P. P. of Jlarkdale, occupied tho chair. The piincipal eutortainer of tb* evening was Eddie Pig'tt of Torono. This was Mr. Pigoti's tirst appe&rafice at Kiirborley and he was highly a;>preciated. Mr. J. Dui dis of M.irkdfcla wa' an excel- lent acO"ni|v»ni»t. Miss OertvuJe Cassar, our popular s hool teucher, gave three sii'os which weroespocmlly well rendered. The pr«'cee<.U <if the evet.inj( amounted lo some S55. Mivs ElU Knott of Th<^rnbury is visit- ing friends horc at present and is the gue^t of her sisier, Mis. E P>r-'wn. Rev Dr C'ild»o 1 of Fleeiherf n will occupy the pulpit in tlm Mothiilist church hereon Sunday morning, .Ian. '-1. Rev Mr. Strachan of Thoinluiry will Union church : Winter Goods All wiiitr SToocis now h:irnes3. in sttrick, iucluding Siiskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhiile robes iiutl coats, bells, bl.inkcts» •whips, etc., haruosji of all kinds. . . , Wm. Moore, . FIESHERTON GNTARia

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