Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1906, p. 5

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^ • * ' •f ' * k . 4 ' > p • ' K t • ^ • : \ "i ri ItE FLESHERTON ADVANCE January 11 1906 Standard r JOank (of Canada) fT;i3 opened a bra ich I'Sioe in Flishcr' (mii, wl.orw a jji'^uor.il bniiUiiig boHiin'ss tiill he tinnsac'tiHl.. Moiuy siviiilablu for liyitimitc liusintss entiTprisea. DRAFTS BOUCriT AND SOLD on all i-oiiits il CaiiHdaaiultlie 1,'nifed SUtts. Iiiterfst iilloWfrd on dcp'sitK of 81.00 aiid upwurdif conipoundud, Ralf yeiirly. Agent. SVICiNITY . CHIPS ri F1! i „. CharactcrhtUs of The Past Week -â- ' Cartfully Culled lor the Cuiii us. . . ChoppJKf done every day at nil liircs <f lhed«y. P. Loucks, FlcsUcrtim. lUiik open tor tvfrybcdy Suturdity rfteruoon. Alinlis^iiâ- n Su. J. Patton. Miss Mikbiil B<iyil rt!»iiraed lo her stuJ iua at Alum colieije on Thursday last. Pitipordini.js aijiiiost \V. P. Ttlford, M. P. for North Grey, have been dropp.d. Mr. O. Bellamy waa appointed assessor ar ilio council rueelliig on Mi:nday. Chopping every Tuej-diy a!id Saturday, ».•. per biig Sawinj! during the winter. Oc". Watsi n, Protun Sration. MxBter Wifrid WUitfen, «hn has been in Toronto for the past Uirw moi.ths, lias returned bome. Euphrasia ek-c'-ion: Ueeve, Jas-Erskino 387, .1. M. Davis 2C>0. Councillorsâ€" L, Kini.io, R. Conn, Robt. Joins" on, W. E!is. Mr«. .Toseph 11. Clinton has been culled to I he Pick bed of lior uncle, Mr. J. B. Hoover of Westlield, Huron County. Ucr eun, W.J. Fniroy, goes with her. Lost â€" between Kimberley and Flesh- Ctton, a S!ille fur stole collai-, lined wit], browu satin.. Finder ple:«o le^ivo at tlas «£lico. The :-.tii.ual meeiii'g of E-ist Orty Aqricnltutidsocie'y will be held in iho to>vn ball, FK'shtrton, on Wednesday, Jan 17. Mr. F. G. Karsledt is not afraid to let his seht;n>eiits bo known on the local option question. If you want to know what they are, read his aJvertisemcub. Mr. and Mr.s. J. Runstadtlur «te epeuding a forfi'ii;ht with friends at Waterloo and Derlin. Died,â€" of typhoid fever, in the ho.=pit- al at ShuU St. Mario, Ont. on Wed , Dec. 27th 1!'05, in \\\» 27th year, Fred, b love 1 son I'f Mr. and .Mrs. lohn Couron of Maxwell. Rev. John Moriison, retired Presbyter- ian minii-ter, of Cedarville, died <:'\-\ the 5 h inst., aged about 80 years. The fnue- r d took plueo on Monday to Mt. Forest. â- Tho decea.'jod eenlleuian was pastor at Pricevillo for thirty years. AH sub.sctiptii'ns renewed iluriog this month will carry with them the Monirea! Herald as a prcuiiusii. After that date tho price of ho'h papers will lo §1 13, or Si if a full year is paid ahead. ^^^. T. Bu'wcr, who bus been in the Northwest dnriog the past snmnicr returned heme 'nst week. Ue was accom- panied by Mr. John McComb, who is pnying a visit to friends here. Tiist Request - .\ll pirties indebted to 'ho undersii;ncd either by note or book account are requested tn call and settle on or before the 20th day of J.inu.iry 190a U. P. Legate. The Owo.i Sonnd Times calls the Mark- da'c V. County case "Mavkdalo's diacrace" and â-  says "SUch a Rcalhing exposition should prompt the reputable people -)f Markdalo to sort that their council does the ri^ht thim'." Rii;ht you .ire. A p.iragriph hai been ijoing the rounds of tho press statioii that we are to have an open winter. Last week's blizzwd inade n good many peo)de feel like lioing out after tho originator of that statcn-.ent with a club. The figures of the polls were incorrect in one instance ns given out last week, miking Mr. Carson ahead of Mr. \Vhy'.«, but the totals were correct. Mr. Whyte wa» only 6 ahead of Mr. Carson. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell got n serious fall on th» ioe at the link Monday afternonn, the efTectii of which will not wear oB ^>r a few dnya. She was practicilly uncon- (ttOM (or a time and it ooiifined to her â- Wo itrnnkly recommend our readers to subscribe for tho Farmers' Advocate and Homo Ml g-iziiif, weekly. The be«l farm p->periii Canada. To our suVscribcrs, f 1.30 ; new subscribera SI 15. Oftiours elect'jd for Workmen : M. W., F. Chard ; F , A. Stewart ; O., J. A. P.l..ke!y ; Rec, T. A. Blakely ; F., W. J. Be!limy;I. W.^ I. SineUir , Treas., F. G. Cole ; O. W., A. Harrison ; G. L. Rep., M. Thi^tlewai;e. The Advin:;e tenders copgratula'ions to Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison of tliis township, whose .o6rh marria^'e ani.iv;'r- sary occurred on Tuesd.iy of this weok. Mr. HirrLson is in hisSUh year and Mrs U in her7!)ih. Both old people are halo and hearty. May they celebrate many more anniveisarres ff tlie event. Tlie temperance execurifo committee informs The Advance thnt on Moinl.iy th:'y had S.'JGOO siihscriled tow.irds prr- ^idinsfacci mmi'dation for tho travelling public at Prii^eviUe, Flrsherton Station, Fleshertin and Eu;.'cnia, but oidy in lh« event cif such beeiMnin',' absolu'ely neces- .•<ary. The conimittto aimi at $10,000, and lists are still out. The executive meels again in the B.iptist cliape! on Friday, Jan. I'J, at 2 p.m. On Thursday evening last the annual Sill bath School anniversary and Christ- mas tree was hold in the Baptist church when a choice tea was served and a well rendered program niven. Owingto inclce meat weather the atlend'inco was not as larsjo as on f nmor occasi ma but thosa. who d d attend spent an enjoyable even- ing. Mr. A. Wilaop, superintendeitt of the school, occupied the chiir. At the close of tho progniD tho Chrisro\a.s tree presents were distiilu'cil and the meet ing closed by singing the National Anthem. Liical opiiou id now before the people of .\^t^me^ia. On Monday last a d< le- gation com-iaiiiif of about 75 ratepayers of the township wai;cd on th>3 couiicd and pressed thrir claims fur a vote on the question. Tho .'peiikers wore Mr. J. R. lIoL'g of Eiguuia, and Revs. Caldwe'l, Roach, Thorn and W.i.-s. After irakinij their request .somebody a.--ked tha I'eeve if it was nece.s.sary for thoui t> leave the h:dl while the council wojVl discuss the natter. The reeve thingbt it was not at al! nece<.sary. He infornioil ai.y p^-r- son who had any'hiuii to say in oppotii- tion to submitting the byla.v that they woidd be heard, but no ono spoke. Mr. Thoni ii.formed the council that s'eps were beini! t;iken to provide accoinnioJa- tion for ihe public in tho event of such uoco&iity arisii g, .ind Mr. Ho'^j real the guarantee of a number of ratepayers to piy all iicc-'.S!>nry el"eli >n expenses out- side of what would have boon ncces.sary hid the Vole boon t:ikenon Jan. 1, The t iwnship will only be callod on to pay for advertising at d election stationery. The crowd remained until council h>d intro- duced the bylaw and road it a first time, after which Dr. Caldwell as chalnutkn thanked the reeve and councillors for their courteous trealinci.t of the deleya- lion. A hearty vote of thanks was also given, " God save the king " was thou sung and the gathering dispersed. Resolution of Cor.dolence At the monthly lueelini: of the Prtsby- teiian Ladies' .Aid last week the follow- ing vote of condolence was by resolution ordered to be forwaided by the secretary to Mr.s. McMullen, an esteeiued n)cinber of the society : Mrs. J.L. McMullen, Ceylon, â€" Wo, tho c.fScors and members of Chahnor'a church Ladies' Aid scciety, hereby dosire to convey to you our ainctie sympathy in your pror'enl bereavement by the death of your beloved f.itlier, Mr. Thotnas Kells, BO suddenly called away. Our earnest prayer is that i-i y<ur seasun of sorrow you may bo greatly comforted of liod and have the fullest assurance of his abiding presence. The secretary w,w also instructed to convey to Mrs .lohii Chaitl the pleasure afforded the uieniberi of the S'iciety at her safe return from the hospital and improved cmdilion of health. A letter of thanks wM read from Mr. Jo.seph lilackburn, acting secretary, for much appreciated Christmas gift from the 8'jciety. The annual meeting of E-ist arid Centrg Grey Liberal Conservative Associat-on will bjld the annual meeting in Uaskelt's hall, Markdale, on Jan. 12, for election of ofBcers, etc. The first member ot the famous Zorra tug-of-war team to pass away was its old- est raerabfcr, IraHummasoo, wh-'S-i death took pLice at his homo in Wesr Zorra on Munday. Mr. Uuminason was with the toiin since its inception, eighteen years aso, ond took part in the contest in Buff- alo in 1878,when they pulled all comers. The team was practically the aamo when »tthe C. icago Woild'a Fair in I8J3 they woo the big silver trophy, etiihlematic of the championship of tho North -American oji.tineut. A clergyman who..e people had had many dissensions and quarrels ami ng themselves met a brother clergyman and told him with much feeling, that his church people had jtist eiperienced a most earnest "revival." The brother clergyman wistfully asked: "How many souls, dear t-rothof, were adiled to your ilo'.-k?" With keen ta' isfaction cain*» the reply: 'Not one; we got rid of six." n»vi:i;,' purebasc'l from Riclmril Alien tl'e retiBieri-it Yorkshire boai-, Cnwihlll Jaok, No. llKil. Tlio samu will be for Horviceoii lot no.4o] eon. I, Arts'uesii, Terms auj uediirea on uppluation. Hcory Holman. Annual Meeting Tak>! notice that the a'-.nnal meeting of Kast Orey Aifriculturnl .Society will lv> hclil in the Town Hall, Flesherton. on Wetlnesday, Jan. 17. ISKfti, at 1 o'cloek p.m.. for the purpose of receiving' and passing on tho B.iard of Direc- tor*', Secretary and Treasurera' ro|>orts fur the p.'wt year, and siicli ..ther lawful laisin.'ss deemed neoe.wary in tlie intenati- of s.iid •wiui- ety. A full attendance is eordiallv iiiviterb 1!. .1. SPROl'LE, Sec. Dated at Fleshertuu Jan. 1, ll)Oi>. Farm Tor SaJ«. .'0 aer s. c'av loam in township ot St. Vincent :!J iiiilos from .Mcafnrl. Ciooil Imrn ami shel, m>oil frame houses fail plom;hiT;u iloue. wuH watorct'. Koo"' Inir'twoo.l bii^ili anil small orcli- ard. t'ur (urtlier parlieulais apply to Wm. Byors. Prop. „, . Meoford.Oat, B:»ars!^** Service Tho onchbred 0. T. ('. Iios. Artom»sia PriJe no. SI.ij. ti-nnn «l.iiO; nlso Yoikfliiro hop, terms 73c. T. LBVEK, let HO, T, &S. Honil. Messrs. J. C. McNabb, formerly of Shelbnrno, J. T. Newton, formerly of Violet Hill, both now residents of Win- nipeg, closed a big land deal last week. Two years ago they purchased 2000 acrea of land in the Balmoral district, for which they paid Sit au acre. We notice by tho Winnipeg papers that they have sold 1900 acres at an average price of f 11.75 pet acre, thua making a net profit of f 10,926. â€" S^elbiirne Fre« freai). By=law No. 66^ Of tho Municipal Council of the O.iporatiou of the TownsMp of .\rtemo8ia iu the County of Grey, to piohil.it tho sale of liquor in the said Township. The Vnniclpal Cnnnoil of Hio Corporation of tlm Ti»wn8bii> of .\i'tomasia heruby otiactd as follows : 1 Tl'a^ tho pnl<j h" retail of Bp'ritiioas, forimnteJ or oth.-r mannfacturul liquors id nuj sinijl bo prol.ibiwil In evorv tavfrn, inn or other place of rnblic eiitfrlaleni'Mit in thi' said niunicipulity, umI tlie salo tlu'.cof, except by whoU^sile, Is an'l shall bo prolii'iite<) in every »bup or plaoi' in the said immicipality, otlier than a boi:...* of public etitcrtftinnion't i That the vutt:,- <'f the electors vf tile said Towiifiiipof Artciu. sia will bo t^li'.m on this Uylaw on Tuebday, !iioRi.xtll dnv of Kehruarv. A.D. l'Ji«, from mj^^ o'clock iu tho foienoou untl llVQ o'clock in the afternoon of tho sanui day, lit tho fo!l.jwiTi;.; places, and the followini: (leputy roturninj; oii'.-ors are heruby appointed to tiiUo tlio vote-i lit [li« rosiiectlvo places, vix. : rollinKSnbdiviiion .Vo. I, at the (iritiigu null on lot lil, Conces.sii.:i 1, N. E. T. * 8. Kond (I'lancH Vallev', by Wm. McLougliry, dei'uty rctliniiiiii otllcer. I'oliiua snbttivisioo >?'>. 2. at tho town hall, in tha village of I'liviberton. DyC. NV. BuIIaniy, dfiHitv returning riiiuer. rolliiie subdivision No. S, at tho Orani;o hull in the villaRo ot Proton tftbtioo, by W.H.Hcaiit, duiiuty rcturnio'.; oti-csr. t'oHlnt: s-ubrtrvi'ioii No. I. at the Orat^co Ilsli in tbo villane of Klisborton St.itiop, by A. Clil •• Christ, dtpnty rptiouing officer. I'ollii'g 8ub.liM>'ii'U No. 5. at Watson's h •!!, in thuvilla^jo of t'liivillo. by D. G. Mcbuan, dt'outv r'tnruiMi^ I'llo -r. t'oHing snbdiviiii >n No. fi, at th© ForestPi-s Hull, near Vmnlehsir, by Geotfjo I'ritcbar.i, doi»u!y retun:iu« < ir.(*o»*. i'oJlniK subdivision So. 7, at tho Oraojio Htt'I, in thu village of Unioiiia, by Jauius Wil!iaui'<, deputy ruinrnin^ ollloor. rollius! sub.;ivisiio'i No. S, at tho school hou9o. School Section Ni*. S, by F. W. Nicholson, deputy rotiirnii;;; oiUcor. :t. That on tlio twyiiHeth lav of .T.\anarv, 1900, the Koeve shall attend at tho office of tho t'loik in tho viUase of Flesherton, at tile hour of oneo'cUxk p.m.. for tho piirpoun of npi^ int- inii in wrilinj.', eivnod by hiui«clf. two persona tu attend ut tno ilual Baaiiniiif; up of tho V(>tcs by the Clerk, and one person toiittcu<l at each poMinn phu'Oon bohalf of Iho persons intHr» ostcd in and desirous of proiuotiiiii thi* nasainy of this Itylaw, and a like nioiibor en bolinlf or the peisuuu iuterestrd in atol desirous ot op- yosiiiK t'le iia,ssini{ o' this Hvlaw. â- I. Ihefirrk ot the said Mnt.ieipal C:>nin.il of tho I'ownship cf Artooiosia thad attend nt thu Township Hall iu the Villain of h'loahortoit, at tho hoar of ten o'clock, on tho 7th diiy if Fobmary, A.D. 1000, to sum ,ip the nnmbbrof votos sivon t r and aiiainst this itylaw. 5, This Uyl'a-y shall coiuo into (iporation and bo of fnU force and elY"Ct ou kud aflor tho tltst day of May nu»t aftor tlio passinK thoroof Council Chambor, towuebip of ArCoiucBia, .....A.D. 100.. ROOTO TowuahipClerk NOTICE Take not^iee tbat the above is a true eopv ot a proposed Uj law which has boon taken Into consideration by tho Municipal l^oancil of the Township of Arteuiesla, Ri.d which will be finally poaaed bv tho said Council in tho evc.t of tho i^aeut of the said electors boliiK obtained thereto, after one month from the publloatiou thereof In Tbo Flesherton Advance newspaper, the date of which publioatiou was tho nth day of January. A.D. 191)8, and «» the hour, day aud placea therein Died for takinn the rote* ot the •iMtortUi* polls will be held. W. J, UGI^LAMY, Towaitaip C)«f |( A HAPPY AMD PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR â- . â- . TO ALL .• .• We thank the Public and our fellow citizens in particular for the very liberal patronage they have given u'? for nearly forty years, but this year has been best of all and we thank ycu all for it. Wo also beg to thank our fellow citizens for their help at the fire thi.s last week, for their noble (ixert- ions in confining the fire to the one building, we thank you one and all. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON DRUGGISTS Flesherton :-: :-: Ontario. â- V-T^-TT â- â-  \J- I? ^ |ow that winter is on you are needing warm and comfi>rtable footwear the proper thing Is to call at CL.WTON'S. We have a large stock suitable for the season Men's and Boy's Heavy and Light Rubbers Ovci'sboes â€" All kinds Ladies' antl Children's Overstockings Leather Leggings, Canvas Leggings Felt Boots and Slippers Men's, Ladies', CbiUs Boots & Shoes | Trunks, Telescopes, Shoe Polish- i ALL AT LOWEST PRICES (Utile (Zlaytoti SHOEMAKER, § Our stock of Holiday Goods is § g practically sold out entire and % we thank our customers for § their generous buying. g^ Zbi vzr\ Uw odd articles kit wiJi be sold regardless of cosi, MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BO HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS. | Medical Hall Drug I Store. I Farm for Sale. For salo ohoap aiul ou e&tiy torms of pRytiionfc iiTul if reqiiirtjtl, possession fit oiict*, li'ts iiiiin* bora 147. US A 110, coPct-Bsion iiml . S. W.. T.A S vm\'\, Artoin«-«ia, US aoros about half a iiitlo (torn tbu vlMnao of bMeahorton. Uii snij fane irt about TOacrt's el.aitrt, ftiiicLtl and uuJorcult- ivatiou. I'J aori'9 of which ifl in uica<1ow land, au'l about \ii) iicroR plon^htjul for lu'xt sprlii^.s crop. A coiu'ortablu log dwelliut; with Iramtj ailmtion, and hif{ bain ati'l stablen. Frame Iui:>luinent-lJon«o, aiiil a rover failing spiing cL'HO to tho (lwulliu}j. The farm is a ci'loiKii.i •jrnin and f*i-a£lii(* farm, ftud ont* that, inviiriably gives good (M'ops wbou properly p-it in. Apply to K.J. Sproule, Flosbeituu, or Mrs, Hobt. nut k'dge. b*lesiior:ou mm Thadc Marks D£SfC,\3 . . COPVRIQST3 Ac. Anyone sending a okot'^I) urn! tf^^ncr.riii.n maj qiilcktT apccruiln our i^ptiiKn fr«o who'hwr tix Invoutttm Is piolial'lp paiui'tnMe. Coninmnlra tinu.i6Lilpiiyf'4iti!MoitthJ. lliiiH^b'^-'k u:i r.itoi.ta •cot fro*. <.>Id(»i»t ftifoncr ft-r tjoouniur puienu. Frat'tita t'lkot) throu«h Mumi .% Co, revcivi. apccial nf>!ic\ without c fcnrg o. In iho Scientific Jlmcrkdii> A hnndtomely tI1tintrate>l wocXIv. Ktrirc^t clr eotatloii cf Hny srienildo Journal, 'i .iriDA %2 â-  T-mt: (oqrtuontU«,|L dolJ by ail ti«wiMi^U.ia l!UNNJCo"'8«»'^'N6wYQrl Bns«b oac«, e» r su \rMi>^tou u * R.fiKiiinear&Scn MAXWELL Wish to tliank tlie sfcueral pnblio for their very liberal patronage durinj. the past year and rtspectfally si)licit a cominuance of tho same. Wo will be ever ready to supply yon ^rilh all tho hues wu carry, viz. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. BOOTS and S1I0K3, RUBBER.^ Glassware; Oils, all kinds that aro good. Tatciit Mtdicincs, Paints, in fact everything usually carried iu a general store. Chi is! urns Goods on shoT/ now. \Vi..hinjjr you all a Merry Christmag and a Uappy New Year, Yo-ars as ever R. Kinnear & Son Farm Oianted To Rent For poMPRgion Miuxh lat a SO or 100 ura r»rru near rcIiuoI .ml P. a. comforUblo hoois ftuil gooil bivrii Mi't Ht.hliuR. «tw. ll» a onm-mt. «nt, loiluntrioiis (armor with .^ook and itiipl^. m.uta. 8i|uar« rinaling and a chanoo to lin.

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