Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1886, p. 4

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HYMNEAL - On Wednesday evening last, Mr. Hugh Mercer, of Hill Bros. establishment, and Miss Dorcas Dundas, daughter of Wm. Dundas, Esq., of this place were made one. The happy event took place at the residence of the bride's parents, when a few of the friends were present. Rev. J. Ward officiated. The brass band escorted them to the railway depot, rendering some very fine selections, when the happy couple took the 9:10 p. m. train going north. Mr. M. and lady have been among our most respecte4d young people, and we now tender them our sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous life. - Markdale Standard Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver d Gold Gases, To chooae from. Grade and Warrant considered, my prices en- close to " Surks, &apos; and you ran prove this by calling to see. A uyone coining 16 miles to deal with me, I will allow (hem 5 cents a mile here on Watches & Clocks, be- sides the discount. This offer will run to Jan. lit, 1686. A call respectfully invited. AV. ^Y. uitovvrv. To My Patr.ns : I heartily tlmnk the public for their generous patronage tln-r |>;ist 2 ycur* and on the following l>;isis of business trust to secure a continuance of tho same : -" Straight dialing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W.&apos; A. -BROWN, A BeliuHe JeuvUrr. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Butters, 4 Cardg, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Sot, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishcc, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Rings, Spoons, Forks and Knives. 10 per cent, off list prices for this luontli. See my Prices in, all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BROWN. iwe R ftuw p B*/ l null* &apos; f>nnniimeatoe. ftuwrll* I&apos;..&apos;. N.-wpp,-f nK-- &apos; , WJH-;-.- di"- rt J"W * it 1* HKW VUIiK. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, JAN. 21. 1880. XO PAPER SEAT HEEK. As it Las become customary among publishers of weekly newspapers to "drop an issue" ihiriug the year, in order to gi .-e the staff a little recrea- tion, the Agricultural Editor begs to inform his numerous readers tluit they need not look out for the customary visit of Tin. ADVANCE next week, as it will not bo issued again until the wi-i-k following, viz., Feb. 4tli. AKOL&apos;XD "If yon don&apos;t be very can ful, the Agricultural Editor will have our names in next week&apos;s ADVANCE," saw] Mr. Douald Melunzie to Mr. Win Neil one day last week. And sure enough lien- they are, antl two good lionest names they arc fitted to grace the columns of any paper. Our Rravcl roads have a history of tlieir own, which is as full of exciting, pathetic, and absurd scenes as the romance of "Tom Jones." It is KH of a well known ex-alderman of Toron- to wbo was one of the largest con- tractors that he almost got upon his knees in his entreaty of the Count} Council to grant liim some thousand of dollars "extras." He bi-ggd, with tears in hia eyes, for tin in to grant hit request or lie would be u rniiu <\ man. His request was refused, and yet this same ex alderman is ]>erhaps the largest proi>erty holder in Toron- to to-day. The many unnecessary "crooks and turns" in these roads are vtrjr sngg stive of "extras" and, in- df:d, we believe the County Council did make some allowance for such. Tin Flcuherto:! I&apos;i lu. Trustees will nod a lot of work ahead of them this year, or the Agricultural Editor is much mistaken. Sun-pin-.; measures iu connection with the sanitary con dition of the placr, are abwhrtoly ne ccsttary. Pig IK-II -s miiBt be kept off the main streets, yards must bo clear cd of the tilth collected during tlu winter mouths and exposed to view by the "balmy breezes of spring." Ob Btructions of all kinds must be ![> off tho streets, piga must not be allow ed to roam t will and rniikf raids up on our gardens, mot up tho sidewalks and mine the mischief generally New sidewalks must be built and ok onei replaced in short our trn-&apos;<i- have a big contract on tli<-ir liainls but we believe they are competent foi the task. Better days are dawning for Flcsh- erton. Tlio Agricultural Kilitor al- ways hod nnlimiU-<1 faith in its future or he would not have taken up his nb ode permanently here. A good mark ct has now been established in the place, which, within the next f-\v yoRii! will have a most beneficial ef- fect indeed the results are already most gratifying iu the incnasiil vol- ume of trade which has been attracted to tho place. Tbeu onr merchants and business men generally aic vic- ing with each other in giving tlie pub lio the very best value for their mon. y pooaibltf. In ftiiotlwi- year tint* will be more noticeable even than at pres- ent, although It is a well Known fact that better bargains are given in some of our stores at the present time than in many much more pretentious place . "Onward" is our motto. \\Y are bouti&apos;l to lead the vau. The Centre Grey Farmer&apos;s Institute meeting at Mnrkdnlc last week, was largely attended by representative agrumUftrifttfi from each Township in the riding. The addresses of Profs. Drown and (iionwl.-, of tho Gut-lpii Agricultural College, ami the paper of onr old friend. Mr. T. U. White, of Collingwood Township, contained many intensely intei ruling and prac- tical truth*. Unfortunately, through a miiunderatanding, THE ADVANCE which is usually to the fore in all such tnattern, giving full and impartial report* was not. repr-M-nU d at tin meeting, and hencr we had no report Thin in about the first time we have ever "got left," and if we mistake not, it will be the last. Crno. -Any liniment or other rnerti cine that canuot be taU&apos;ii internally it no- tain for ordinary uar. tln^anl&apos;* Yfllnw Oil. Ik* prompt pain reliever, it mife anH re- lialilt (or all ache* n&apos;t |&apos;Mn, mnJ ona < I wallowed u well M applied. I.IFK /.Y.sr/M.vr/;. In a lengthy and able article on the subject of life insurance, the Meaford Monitor has the following to say auent the A. O. C. W.. "Tho views thus expressed may bo thought Utopian, but wo think there id of late more especially us to life insur- ance, a movement iu the right direct- ion towards this desirable goal, what is termed thr assessment insurance system (which pi rluips lias its best exemplification in the Ancient Order of United Workmen ) seems to find in- creasing favor with the grcut majority of the laboring classes, us it costs but a trifle compared with the old line systems, ami with an increasing mem- 1>. i -lap ,-ri ins to bid tair fora long and useful career. It was decided when the order was organized that $2000 was suttieient to place a widow arid family ut hast, beyond want, and this sum is giui.iut- I&apos;d to the family of every brother at his death. At the l>ii -nt time some (ill families each year have been placed beyond want through the instrumentality of this fine order and we doubt not each bro- ther in the society has experienced quite u degree of pleasure while pay- ing his monthly dues in tho assurance that the families of his d< i>:i:ttd breth- ren are rec< ivim- the material benefits df the organization. There are other institutions which arc worked on the Kami- pni.ciplrs as the A.O.t&apos;.W. and doing much good service amongst the w. irking classes, and wo have no hesi- tation in ielu-iii.- i vi iv man who I, a- ill (i. mil :,:; in join such, as everyone must know that life at best is very un- certain, and this world as yet is cold enough to those who are helpless and in want. We may say iu conclusion we practice as we prcuch ; we enjoy the protection of the order of A.O.U. W. and invite any one i who may wish) to call at the Monitor office when we shall be glad to direct them in tho way i f - c".i!&apos;ing to their fuiuily the sum of f-20<M) if death should remove the head." IHSTItH T KEUH. from our I&apos;.j linni/, *. <in<l nth,-,- l;,lt,il,l< .Sourer*. A man from Enphrasia got his hands, feet nud care frozen un Monday while driving a cow to Thornbury market.- Thornbury News. TO hl-.MoU: DAXIUll FF.-CipnM( the M!|I witli 1&apos;i.if. I.iiw&apos;n MUKIC Sulphur Sp. A id l.nlitful un Jn&apos;tUsl MI|I lor the toilt-t. SKNT TO TUB (IAOL. Yesterday morning Mrs. Sand foul and her two children were committed to the coun- ty gaol on a charge of vagrancy. Slirlbiimc Economic. A riiYINC. KVIL.-rUMrcu are nftfn fretful :-.i)&apos;l ill wlit-n woriut ar<> tlir cnuw. I&apos;r. I.nn&apos;s Worm Syrup safely ezpelt all Wormi. W. J., son of Mr. Thos. Neelv, of Holland, is home from Ihitinh Coliuu- bia, after seven months trial of that euMiitry, and is pcrftrtly satisfied to remain in Ontario. Markdule Stand- ard. NATIONAL PH.Lftare th* favorite pnr- gttlv unil nnii luliiuis Dirdirino ; they are mild and thorough. OBITCARY. We regret to announce this week the death of Mr. .las. Mr Cutcheon, a former n suit lit of Shel- liurnc, which look place at Arthur, on Saturday, Jan. 9th, 1880. Sin Ilmme I&apos;n i- I TDK (&apos;AMtcn WHIM at TIIK Itf.onnis Hcruf- V&apos;a, that iuh ufua thn vit*U u>i eun- -&apos;iiij&apos; s [In- lii.dv. < "i:-uiu|itinn in bill TAUR ScrofnU. Itiutliick lll&apos;ni&apos;l Kittern i* <in of the bent known combinations to cureftcrola- The Town Council has decided to contest tho award of fifty dollars anil coils allowed Mr. Nickle by the arbi- trators, for damages to his laud by the washing of the Saugeen. The Bruce Herald. THF. SHI-RET OF Srrcr. The num.ii why Hdiryntil K Yellow Oil is |>npnlnr with tin- p-.iiili&apos; an H li. nc. In. M ri&apos;in. ilj for pain. U in tlu- fact that while many liniiut-nti <iiily re- lievr. Yollow Oil both ri-lii-vt-H and cures ItliniiinatlHin and all uclmp, paint, toiwnet* un&apos;l Ullirii"hH. Mrs. Walter W. Brown, wife of the individunl of that name who edited the Telescope a few years ago, has left him and is now one of the shining lights of the salvation Army at Lind- say, Out. Tho Bnice Herald. JitPi-Br Bux>n. Hoi!, hlntahpj, pimplm find fenUrinK ori> are imlionti. n nf impure hlnod that thould IIPTPF be noKlertrd, nr ill ln&apos;nlth and prrhap* incnraliln JIHPHHP may rwiill. Hurdock Hlood Hitters pnrifiet the I/O. nl hv artini: on thf four cardinal points f health fie Stomach, Bowelt, Liver and Blood. Now renew your aubcri[itioni for 1886, and pay up arrearage*. Jut look at the figuroa after your name and you will know to a cent hmr you ataud with the Editor of the APVAWCI. Mr. (ieo. Allan, a St. Vincent fann- er, while cutting turnips last week , sliced oil&apos; nearly half of tho thumb nil bis right hand, the sliced portion hanging only by a shred nf skin. He stuck it together with plaster and il is now doing well. Meaford Mirror HKI.I-I.UIII v is the main spring ot life, aui regularity nf the U -\. 1- il . n.- of the uios i-UM-ntiul lus of health, liurdock HKn Iliti. m rt^ulntf-g the bowvU in a iiutiira in, iiiin r, curing Constipation ami pruventiui, svriuun The \Valkcrton Curling Club was d( feated by two points iu ListoweV last Thursilay in tho primary compe titiou for the Ontario Taiikavd. Miu erable ice was the cause. They go to (iiielph in a short time to play Geoigc town when we tiopo they will be more successful. The Driice Herald. THK BRUT coonii (THF. The belt remi>ly for Couffh and all Throat nud Lung troubles is urn- tlixt Imisi&apos;iis and dialogue tin&apos; tough iniiciiim. clears the bronchial tube>. and al laya irritatiou. This il what Hagyard&apos;B Pectoral llalsani doet in i-*.ry cate. SOMK thieves broke into Mr. John McNallv&apos;s granary on Saturday nigli! last and stole several bags of oats. Mr. McNally heard the rascals but be ick in bed he was unable to give them as warm a reception as they de served. It is to be hoped that the wretches may BOOH get their deserts. Hanover Post. A I.e. is -i yrmsTlox. -Question : It thii life worth liMii&apos;. 1 ?&apos; An -WIT &apos;It all tieix-mli upnii tin livi-i V If torpid or iuactire it CHBI- a dull, ti>ngb. languid filling. I >r Chate&apos;t Liver Cure i-n hi-nlth uJ buoy- auc. Sulil by \V. TUK iiurtiiii. r s of the Fanners&apos; In- stitute in this village Inst week were well attciiiled by repn s< ntative farui- ers, and great interest was taken in the various discussions on the different topics. In fact we must say, those present were delighted with the im- portant and practical information dis- pensed by the professors of tho Agri- cultural College. Markdalo Stand- ard. A I.ivrR ORF. One ninglo trial of Dr. Chaiw&apos;i) I.IMT Ciin- will i-..ii-. inci- the mot ki ]. til-iil :u..l ri.ntirni b. tt. r than tin iiiwmdi of te>tuni>iiiiilH that it in a Hire euro. MI-. dicinp and Recipe Book II. \V. H. Brother James Martin, Ty- ler of tho Grand and all subordinate lodges of FrccmaaouB of Nova bcotia, died at Halifax on the 17th ult. The deceased wa? highly esteemed by al! in- inbers of the craft. He was buried with full honors by the Freemasons. It may be noted as a coincidence that the late Tyler died on the same day two years ago. The Ili-tice Telescope. A FBIK Onrr. Around each bottle nf Dr. ChaBc&apos;i Liver Cure IN a Mnlii-al (ruide ami Hi i-ipn Hook ri.nluiiiiiiK UM-ful iiiforiuut K n, over 200 recipe*, uml ]iroiniunci-d by !>,.<. tors and DrnggiHtt us worth tt-u timet tin- rott of the iiH-ilii-ini . Mciliciun and Book II. Bo&apos;U by W. Ri-hitrdion. PAINFLL ACCII.EM. Mrs. Madill.of Corbctton, while washing some clothes the other day had a sewing noedle rim into the palm of one of her hands, the noodle breaking nearly in the centre and one half supposed to havo remain- ed in the hand. Dr. Norton endeav- ored to extract the needle, but al- though he made a diligent seaich In- failed to find it. Sliillmruc Econo- mist. CIK.I.EIU 1&apos;nETEXTATrvB. In order to wiih- Mund Ch&apos;ilrra and Hiich like epidemic* a per- fect purity uf blood, and tb<> proper action .f the .-tn.i.iirli aro required. To inmite that end, in Iho chenpi-at. inns&apos;, uvailabla nd complete lu-niim-r, live MoOreRor&apos;it Speedy Cure for l>VHpepniit and Impure Blood. Tin ri- it no purer, Hitf<*r or more rn- Imlili- rrroedy in oxiateuee for Indignation, I>y8pcpnia, CottiveneM, etc. Aak your Deichbor or any rx>r*on who Inn nted tt. Sold by \\ . Uichai&apos;dKnii. Trial bottle K ivni free. ACCIDENT. On Tuesday last Mr. F. Marshall met with an accident that may lay him up for some time. Ho had been working in the woods, and was returning with a brnad-aic on his shoulder. As he was walking on a tie, his feet slipped and he fell, on the broad-axe, one corner of it sticking fast in the tic, the other corn- er piercing his back, baweou the shoulder blades, and inflicting a deep gash. Dundalk Herald. Her .1. (. Fallio, Dntton. certified: "For tninii ream my wife ha* bcrn trnubled with l&apos;\ <|ii.|isia, and baa tried one thing after art fittii-r rernmmended with but little or noeff- ent till >nl vixi-il to five McOregor&apos;n Spetdy Cun- it trial. Since taking the drat bottle I IIBVI- notici.-d a .li-ri.|. i improvnnient. in<l can with eonttdenco rcAnmmenil it to ho < no of, if not the rii t mediclno extant for Ojt- pennia. Thia Invnlnablfi medicinn for T,irer Complaint. IiidipeBiinn, Kidney Clomp lalnl, IK purely Togetabl*. Hold at W. Ricliarrl- on&apos;t Drnj Store. Trial bottlet given frw. FIB. Between seven and ri#ht this nmrning, the frame biiiluimr. owned by Mr. R. Trotter, next &apos;o Gih- bon&apos;s Hotel, was discovered to l.o on fire, and the flames spnad BO rabidly that before the firemen arrived the building was damaged beyond repair. When the firemen got to work, they soon left no danger to the adj.Ttut hotel. The house was vacant at the . time, and there is little doubt it was Roller t&apos;ltmrfi>r Halt so t on fire. We understand there was Thote requiring first-class Roller Flour a small insurance on it. Owen Sound frolu the &apos; am " u &apos;" &apos;^ Mr. Ford, Mark- ^, ilJ]C8 dale, will do well to call ut the Flusher- ton Bakcrj- whero it is always kept in It is reported that a number of in- gtock at rca.,,,,,^,^ I)rices formers are working up delinquents, *, . .. \\OHMS,,fti&apos;:i ibstroy children, but Free- in sun-ounding counties in the matter man . 4 \\-,, rm Povdv* dMtovr/ Wornu, and of registering births, marriages and *\" &apos; tl:tn,fr<>in th,- f y-.-t..iu. deaths and tbere is a likelihood of tin iu striking this neighborhood at any time. Hneh being the case it would be well fur those interested to see that the births, marriages and deaths are duly registered with the clerk of the municipality. The pen- alty for neglect is $20, half of which goes to informer. The financial affairs of the Adjala Conncil seem to be somewhat mud- dled, all on account of the incapacity and neglect of tho treasurer, coupled with the blundering of the other offi- cials of the township. Borne of the nut-payers arp inquiring about the nbitract statement, which failed to ap- | -. :ir itee.u-.lii." to schedule time last year. Evidently the treasurer knows how to abstract the public funds from tho treasury for his own benefit. i Dufferin Advertiser. FIRE AT EI>UE HILL. On Thursday morning last, ibotit two o&apos;clock Mr. Robt. Moffat&apos;s house at Edge Hill, Glenelg was noticed to bo on fire. The flames hail made too umcli pro- gress when discovered to givo any hope of saving the house which was totally destroyed along with most of the contents, as Mr. Mofiat, and fam- ily had only time to get out with WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DROPSY. FLUTTERING If- OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF t THE STOMACH, DRY NESS OF THE SKIN, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. -I ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, MACH, And every spela of di*ae arising from dleordertd LIVER. KIDNEYS. 8TOM4 BOWELS OR BLOOO, T.ilLBURN&CO.,"-" %a TOHONTflt PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMER. Flesherton, - Ont. Rari f aim. 11 a I whew ohlnc, I fei-1 a>.Mir.<i i few articles. This will be a serious ; atifactiou InBipont BOIIIO time In Hie rtudlo of tho i T.,r. in.. Tl ..i,.i.T(i|ih.-r. Mr. S J 1 1 cqulrnl vuiualiia knnwl1e in K.-I..U V five KI| uunurtl as the house was a good frame one, aud recently built. Grey lie- view. MB. E. A. GOODIVK met with a pain- ful accident ou Saturday last by fall- ing on the sidewalk and badly sprain- ing his right ana, from the effects of which he will not be able to nae his arm for some time. The .immediate , T IIt: cause of this accident was the slippery, state of the sidewalk, through boyn&apos; riding down hill on their haudsleighs, which practice shonld be stopped. Now, boys, do not persist in endang- ering the lives of tho citizens, but re- .-, pair to the adjoiniug hills to induct * in your ] .as time, and thus leave A ill rciportfully MHS. BULMER. Flhrtoij. Sept. 17th. 1886. New Butcher Shop ia Flesh- erton I Peich & Mitchell. PROPRIETORS. iv tikr- >li:< nppor tuiiit v t.i iiriM.imri- t. tl..&apos; ]>on|i|.- of rli-xh- a ana inrrounillDg <-"IIHM \ . itmt thev have iKrti&apos;il a Ittitt-lti-r >tmi in til* aland bail iluor state of the snlcwalk. through boys&apos;t.. th<. M.IM-- v -iirru-rns, whan kind., aaUKisli.ic in tlit-ir ..... ReniMctfully youri, PBTC1I..MIT(HF.I.I.. sidewalks Post. to iiedestrians. Hanover Th* un li.rni-n-.] l prcptrml to irriite al 1C orrti.ru riitrii.t.-.l to linn for tlio erection of unit lit i ,,n , i AHii.aturlairiiruUlied i,iii ,-. ,,,,].&apos; t^iit workmen nployit. Tli<"4>tilactl .n n.V work ban ulveu n Ilia pant* Apply to futur. A. Mel, FOI). Kl J: li?rtou Station HYMENEAL. On Wednesday even- ing last, Mr. Hugh Mercer, of Hill DroR. establishment, and Miss Dorcas Dundas, daughter of Win. Duudas, I |.. of this place, were made one. The happy event took place at the re- sidence of the bride&apos;s parents, when a fc-w of tho friends were present. Ilev. I. \Vard (illicit* toil. The brass band escorted them to the railway depot, rendering some very fine selections, when tho happy couple took tho 0:10 p. m. train going north. Mr. M. and lady have bccu among onr most res- pected yonng people, and WC nOW tCll- &apos; n>0 sutiscrllxu- bog to Inform tho people of ... . | , r".^UrtvU audiurroundlogcountry.that ln-hai iler them our sincere wishes for aj| eaac , ( , happy and prosperous life. Markdale j Standard. JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer & General Blacksmith, JHanuhutnrer of Cutters, Sleighs. Buggies. Ih HUM nils, Wagons, Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Chatswoi th Plowi Noxon Bros. Ingcrsoll Liglit Low Down Binders, Combined Reapers A Mower* two kinds of KinRlo llcapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drill* and two kinds of Horse Bakes. Please come and see thorn. Jan. 1st, 1886. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton. Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons requiring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get thorn at BROWN&apos;S Steam Saw Mill ! PRICEVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber :-Logs delivered befor. W., taken in exchange, for which Cash 1&apos;nocs will bo allowed fc oro Lumber can be gr.t utit of a log at Brown&apos;s Saw Mill Uiau at th. ity of mills, as JJ TOWI1 ! tho latest improved substitute for the "do S> " formerly, and in many places yet, used for holding logs iu place v/hile saw in, Bring on yonr Logs and ct your Lumber home with yoo. Wm. Clayton Has on hand a large stock of WMENS A1TD CHILDHEHS BOOTS & SHOES! Also jnst received a largo assortment of Hens Frost Proof Pelt Boots ! First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of lU&apos;WtKIlS MM! OVERSHOES- just received. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY AT STRAIN&apos;S, FLESHBRTON. Important Notice! A r>Ecir>EDLY UNCOMJTOHTABLE Acci- Monday evening last as Rev. Mr. Durkcc and Messrs. Marlatt and Welsh were travelling along the town- lino westward on their way to the church at Maple Orovo, where special revival services are beta* held, their attention was called to a man lying on liis back hi one of the gin eminent drains close to the roadside, with a horse apparently on top of him. The man proved to bo Mr. Itobt. Herbert, of Amaranth, who had been riding one of his horses homeward while he led tho other by a halter. At this point Mr. Herbert lost his hold of tho hatter and got off his horse to catch it again, and he had jnst succeeded in doing so when he fell into the drain with the horse&apos;s fore legs right across in-i breast. Th ice in the drt.in broke Mid ho was lying with his body partly submerged in tho cold water when the iclp above named arrived. Consider- able difficulty was experienced in ex- tricating tho man, as the horse had to be assisted to rite. Had help not ar- rived tbere is not the least doubt but Mr. Herbert would have perished. Sin ll.in in- Economist. B mile* from Klot-lierton, and In now prepared to furninb bill* of any length or nr.o of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Alwaynon hand. Hlanwoodcuttoatnvo-lengthi on band. Custom Hawing done by the thousand. REASONS - Why you should got yonr Lumber andBhlnglei ont by Spenci-r: Or-Kwy Raw In tlio Mill 1. Now and the mill iln perfect onler. () Beoanno he IB a practical uwyerandkeep* bil iaw anil machinery lu perfect order. (H- HecaiiM ho cU all HcautliiiH Joloe oiaet- ly to the l>i 1 1 fnrniHhed. (4> Be l.,i. put In a Lurcher Fkigor aud all hoaHa are name wldthB from one end totlie other. Oi nrcaiiKr yon can take a load of log* to the mill ami a load of luuihor home earn* day. (dl-Hccaunoho guarautne* to eqt all onitom work Ina workmanllkomannerand .attraction Kiiarantet.d. ITI-Deoanseall .awing It don at rook bottom price*. Lumbtr Miivrrd if Rrqwred. G. II. SPENCEH Sept. 10th. IIK%. r E. VANS ANT, ALL KINDS i IK IWB, Such as Honimientg, Tomb Tables, HcadstonMi Oonnter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and mad* om short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleized Slate, ic., ic. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 188.1. HEALTH FOR ALL &apos;n HPKBDT Com Iti" popular- ly admittcil CYerjwher* that Mp(4ri&apos;^or&apos;H n^e-iy Cure- in the afet. moHt reliable and iy IHT the ctipit rtronly lor(>)nti|>ati<-ii. l,iv<-r Cni|>laint, iiJie"tii&apos;ii. Impure Blood, IX>M of Appetite, and all aimilar tronblet. It &apos; not noetr..rr t " v " feat quantity | .<fi.ro nny reniilt if prodneed. A few i&apos;o&apos;f will iiii&apos;no TCB of tta ninritn. Trial but- tle t-ivi ii fr&apos;-f a4 W. Uicharilton&apos;i Drog St&apos;-re. MAGYAR DS CURES RHrTUMATISM rRZEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS. A pleamat to take. Contain their own U a iafe, imre, anil eflfrtmol &apos; fwermt | D Children or HOLLOWAY&apos;S PILLS & OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, con-rot all Diaordara of the Liver, Stomach, K.ldn 9 ym, and They lnTtcorao and rtore to health DebllltatodConKtltutiona, and are in valuable In all Com- plalnti Incidental to Vcmalaa of all ani. For Childreo aaAlbe ae<l tkey an prioeleM. THE OINTMENT ban Infallible remedy for Bad LK>. Ba<1 nroaatu, Old Wounda,8orw auJ L&apos;lorn. It l.famovifer flout and Hheumati.in. For dieorden of the ObeJt It ha* no equal. For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QlandalarHweninfi,andallRklnr>laMaa It ha no rlwJ: and for oontraeted and .MC I&apos;.lntaltacUUkeai&apos; i nanafartnrml only at Profaor H..I.I ..WT I 7 s. New 0\f<ril st rr-t < late V.r.l. <>\ ford litrcet K London, and are aold at U. l^d.,11. M., .. V1., lie., 9h.. and Tie. I-IM-II Itnjcnr Poa, an4 may b had ol all olnr Vi&apos;ixlnrn throiigbont tho ^ftW* Piirchoun aJUuU look it. Uif LnM on thr MX, Itrfiint Htmi, /^lutitn. and Bon*. If (JU atUrtm u ni arr J. W. BATES, Furni fiirr Drntrr and Undertaker, FI^BSIIKBTON, The Well-Brett Darbam Roll, " GRAY CHAMPION," Will he for nervtoe the won of IMS at Lot Ut, lit KaiiKe Wet, T. A B Rnl. Arlrn.e.ia. near Fleib^rton. 01.00, 1&apos;ay.ble lit January. IIM. ROGER LEVER, Proprietor .

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