Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1886, p. 3

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ADVANCE aa at tbt isad lai Local and family Hswapaper ia Mortbera Ontario. PnbUsBBf f BOSI TBB OmCB, e>mf treJ 8tmt , < TIB MB Or lUBBCBffTION : Bl 10 par as n nm 1* advanae i II W It B*t pal a) the en i at Ii yeara. No paper discontinued sjaaU all arr*ar4*s sj-s paid up . and no sabicrlf feoos lakan (or Isss tbta on* year, sxsepl wlieo eoUl ajntnereiBanta for shortei parlodl ar tie wltk tae BubUeber. I BATES, **. aiual advertieemeati, (cents per letlnlertleB ' I eente per line each subssuueat Insartian. ASleal advertiaeosnte to be paid for wn*a ._ AdvertlteuKmte wlthoat special dlri will bs inserted till forbid and chtried aaaasdlaBly. UfcerariDdaocmsntt to regular advertisers. Nuiioee among reading inatlar, 10 cents p*r kiM steh Uiiertlou. Ho tdvonlsciiient diioomluusd until all ar >earafe s.r paid uy. Oopjr for dvirtlsu.nti skeoid reaeh this ante* tot later than noon ou 'I*eacrar lo vneure sertlen ineurrsnt laiue. A. R. FAWCET'H, Editor and Prwrt<er, ^Flesherton Meat Market. wash paid for fat Cattle and Frth Mati constantly on hand for Cth. Orderi promptly filled. CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing. Etvetrongblng, and In (act evert- tulog la the bnslneei will rsoeive my prompt and caraiul attentloa al reaaonable prlcea. .t!7S5 Si Kc-Tiir. is .,::., CLAYTON'S I! All \ i;ss SHOP ! FLESHERTON, Ji th* jftact to ow* your Harntu Collart, d-t, madt up in good Shop in W. Clayion'i Boot A Shoe Start, Fltiherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO aia 111: 1(111. Having made aztentive improTsmautt In my Oriel Mill , I tin confident I can give geed atUfaotien. CHOPPING LONE ANT HAT. Good Flour always on band. ( us.oiii Sawing. and Bill filled on th* eborteit notice. Luna btr aid Lath alwtyi on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS, M. AKITT, A honk of 100 pngcs. The boat book for an ailwrttaar to COB* Itoontalna hmi n*wsp*$*r*and*etimat*e ofthecoiloraaverttsinsj.'Ibeadvertteerwbo wnntfl i" niion.l OIL- ilnllar. flnils In It tli In- rnriiuitlonnarMTilTes. wliileforlilrowBawlll invoBt one bjiiivlHMl ih* ii-.)nnl ilnllare In n.l- a'nic U lciitcrt wlitrh will ipnt, or nm 6* mruli '" nrrlrrtt ai ty cor* hare i vcrt I 11 t Ills en to rfp r* I'll ' Sent, i" ..ny ii.l'lr.-f** lir 1'U-ent*. \Vrlf t"' i.l". I'. KOWKL.L A CO., MU l'\l'i:i: .\HVKIITISIM* nt'KF.AU. (U8|>nMe8t.Prtiil IngltpvaeBg.), Kuw York. Trff/VtlEBRATED pari ~f CHASES THE POLE0 MI 9T 00. . ejse>*lae) Pe>lcs i ke *HreMletallF rck. A Berlin cable save : Prinee Bltmarsk yesterday, in a debate in the 1'rueeiau Landtag on the expulsion of tha Polts from Usrmaay, mads a rsmarkabla ipeecb occupying two Lours in ila delivery. Hs said the primary causa of the Uovarnmant's action was tbe disloyally of iba Polo* to tb* German Orowo. They war*, b* said aonitantly engaged in intrigues against ths Government, and bad made lh*mselve* a ateady annoyance to Prataia. By actings* the aooomplieai of tbe Oppoiilion in Ihe (ieruiBL I'arlitiueLt Ihey tfleoted a majority against the Government, and the Orown oould ao nothing lew than either deny ths Bands ot anon a majority or tUe destroy ibe evil element which mad* tha majority possible. The Politb agitation in Germany, Prince liistutrok said, had alway* ap- peared an element of danger and bad compelled blm to keep watch upon Russia. Tha Poles bad Man o juttauily and oot always Bniuooeeafully endeav oriog to net foreign Blast* agaiutl Pruitia. ' Ben**," eoniiunad tbe Chancellor, "we bave determined to Day oot all th* real **tat* owned by tbe Polish noble* in Prutiian Poland and plstee Gar- man colonist* on Ibs land* hitherto ocou- pied by the expelled paopla. In order to uiakeoolomaaiuu inure permanently to ihe benefit ot Ibe Kmpir*, th* ooloniita will b* prohibited from marrying PoUa." Tha OJBI ol tha undertaking will be about tbre* nuodred million* ot marks (about 876,000,- 000), but the State will lots no more tbaa 10 per cent, of toil, a lo** mad* naoaasary oy the ixtgsneiee ol tha o**o buying out an alien data aod r*a*lliog to Germans wbil* tba gain to tba Empirs will b* immeasurable. " The Qavsramant," spoke out ths OhanotUor wilb groat animation, " will never concede th* rtaluratiou ol Poland nor a hair's breadth in ibat direc- tion. WbOBoavtr relos** to help to protect and maintain the Blata is not entitled M claim anything from th* Slat*. As for m*, I am rstdy to aav* my country, allnoogh it ooal m* my head aad honor. U anybody dam to attack Prussia'* lion- nere, I shall say, like Mr. Gladstone, hand* off.' " R*lrring to the insinuation tbat tb* Government 1 * religious prejudices bad a .real influence in it* tr*atm*nl ol tb* I'olce, Prines Bismarck said : " Religion * in nowise coDnscted with ihe expnlaions. At th. policy ol kindness ba* faiM, it became ueosassry to reduce Ibe Poliih element in Qermany, and to increaee tb* >erman element. Tbi* i* tbe real eaae. A* for the xpolaioai, tbe U jvernment ba* Islermiued to Denial in this work, denpite be oppoailiou el IB* Baieb*tag, and ia oonoloaion I will say that, before allowing the fatherland to be endangered, 1 would ooanael tba Kixiperor to make tba Kederal rovernmenl indapaodeot ol obetrnoliooiat aoiio* in tba Reichstag, so far as Ibs aliluiiou aad tbe laws of Germany ould psrmit ; for I would bold any (mister to be a coward wbo should hesitate c stake every tiling to *av* hi* tatb*rlaod rom danger. ' Iht Chancellor's apeeoh waa Iba prinoi- tal topic of conversation in the capital to-night. Il is generally conceded Ibat ha speech Is equally capable of being inter rated to toraabsdow either a dissolution of bs Reiohstig or a eeup d'etat. Tbs occasion of Prince Biamarok'a speech IBS tbe discussion of ib* resolution Intro- luccd on Saturday laat, expraasiua; tatia- aolion at tha pasaag* in ibe (peach from ba throne proniBing miaanre* for tbe protection ol Otrman intereeu in Eaat iBSis, llsrr Aobsnbaob moved tbat ine eaolution be adopted, and the motion waa inpporled by Hsrr Webr. Dr. Windlborp ppoeed Ibe motion. After Prinea Bia- nuek's spseeb tbe disoassioD waa" j irne d until to morrow. TUB It I lit II IPI r II fc HOI IX* IH Bltsk Sl.nir. K .rllrd O.rr t*C <*i'.- llea *>t orpor.l funl.hm. al. A Loadon cabal say* : W* are threatened with a oootroverty similar to tbat wbiob aged tome yeara ago in ths v**"i the 'umit]/ Herald, and otbsr journale, under Ibs till* of "Tb* Biroh in tba Boudoir," on Ibe tub j el of corporal chastisement aa ao adjunct of education. RteaoUy there appeared in a weekly Church paper an advertisement for a govtmsss, which rsad : Education wanted lor a young lady. Itriel dieeiplina indiapanaabla, and appli oanU moil undertake to resort to corporal nsalieement if rtqjeiled." Tbia bBB already produced e u umber of letters either aading or eondsmniog ths us* of tha rod. At a ipoeimn of ths former, " A totner " wriK-e to an evening paper lay. ng : "I bave educated a t amily of f-mr irin, and from I to 18 years of aa* thay rer* al all lima* bebU to be invited to my toadoir to rteeive a severe ebasliaameat or earel**n**a in atndy, diaobediane* or other offend*. Tbe instrument I em iloytd was a leather (trap, divided at the md into six thongs, witb which I ooold iiH ota very savers punishment, and the reeu'te have proved moat eatufaetory." This is a cum u-i eomment apon the deoi HOD of a magistrate iu Norwich, who one lay la*t week fined a local aoboolmaiter ten (hilling* and ooett for "commuting an aasanll " upon a refractory pupil by aanlng lim on Ibe hands. t ll lOK AT NINBTV. Frrlrrrrd H. ink T Mrr Ov aibor TBUM giceease) a Pa seer. LIVER CURE A Hartford, Conn , despatch sayB : A pitiful story, lllnalrating alike Ihe aitacb- nent ol Ibe aged for their bomea and their lorror of the poorhooe* In their doting day*, acmee from Durham, a little country ..line in Middlenei ojuuty Widow Eiiaa aillsr, W yeere old, very feeble and witb no one to ear* for her, baa been aUlad by ibe anlboritie* lor many y*ar* and baa lived alone in a dilapidated farmbouae, wbiob had been her bom* nearly all her life. Finding tbal ibe wa* too belplaei to be let l alone longer, the town aotborttiee recently told her to precare for removal to tb* poorboui*. Tbe old woman protested in vain. Th* night before tb* day fixed for her removal, a passing atage driver notioed an onaaotl light iu bar window, and forcing lha doo/ found tbe poor old creature writbiog on the floor in flamea. Tba anrronndingt indicated that iba bad set fire to her clothing with suicidal intent and witb a resolve not to die in tbe poor- hoot*. Bbe lived but a few hours. HAVC VOW w,l b. found . lur, Ts. u . Ctaas's U. Cure .n rr.n t ,lly with the fsct that U 'lor. 1 n.-,u. vi DajutS ANII I>AMISIIH, comhinul with mny Jk., inntaaal. r.ws Ka. al ^*" pow.rful tffcct en t KMinr, Stomach, Jllood. 600,000 SOLO a*a<ia alt-a. II f n** OT4M ** CM tw/W i' tre*Ht4 nlk l.hir fii,! It try tkitixttUtnt rtm<4f. SOMETHIHC Ntw. ClEN AWAY Fltl Wrappnt around rT boitU of Dr. Chs't Uver CUTS b s rtltilblc Hmnchold Mnli.nl ( .ni.1. n,l Recipe Bok (l p*K). conuining ovr 100 fiil r-ipt, fronounctd bvmfdi. l mn in<1 rfrglitt invl- s>ls, sdrsli ln tiinei ihvitic of tb mdian. TBY CKAIft C*TA1IH OUM A ssfc and po.itlv rn*ay. Pnc, 15 . " i< JfY Cnai'J Kiontvwo Linn Pnu. s P . OLD BY ALL DEALERS ^BstVlliii i n i steVt A rr J - Tabbsaj tbe Baby'e Ptetwre. 11 G real heaven* I " roared tbe police- man, Bpringing opatair* three atep* at a jump, and daabinf, wilb uplifted olnb, into ib* photographer's ulndio, " what ar* yoa fighting aboal aph*r*7 Ar* yoa all lathi* row T" Grandpa aod Dncl* John and Anot Barab aud pa and ma and Oooain Beaai* and yottng Mr. Thlnlega. her yoang man, and tba two eouaine from Polk oonoty and TJnal* Obarley aod grandma all looked kind of ully, and wsre lalet. bat tb* pholograpb*r tald : " O. that'* all right, officer, there't no row ; wa're joat trying to keep th* baby quiet wbil* w* take It* pie tort, bles* it.'' Exit policeman. Chorus : Ram, bang, imaeb, jlngla, whiatl*, crash, *lam, slam, slam, toots I* toot*, bang, bang, maab I Pteinra I* taken. Abeeat'TllaMlralaeee. (It U always aafer to listen to wbat I* Bald to you, av*o if yoar " bait young man '" ia propoaioai to another irl within ear. boi> : Mr Peny OooeebMd (Ib excited narrative) And than ha taia I wa* a jtekaas. Mils Kate- And war* yoa ?- Harper i Beutr. uiiUiiu niiciii ir LIPI. Tbe Victim HreatBMs Tw* \ ,, w. Alice- a sTatsU uc i sV*rs>biBBc. A Malca*. M. Y., telegram says : Oi the lain msi., John B. Uilleti. a oommer cial traveller tor a New York grocer; house, weal into a d rug atore bare and, takin a sixty-grain teitla ol morphine off one o Ike ihalves, swallowed It* lolife oonteuls Hs immediately relapsed into unooneeious neat, and a fw minnt** later waa pro nonnatd dead. Shortly after aign* ol uf wers dtsoovtrsd, and vigorcua applioation ot a galvanic batter y brought tb* nnfortu Bat* man to lit*. Binoe tben ba ba* lingered between lit* and death unti yesterday, when ha di*d. H* was delir ICUB daring ih* entire period. Il IB eon udered a vary rsmarkabls lal that h* thonld bav* lived two waeki after havini taken so large a do** of ths deadly drag VltOZBN ON TUB fllAlBIIK. H'hai iiaprrni 10 ibe Blaa Wfc* i < . BUe Wav la n I .l.r.rf. BaMvr tea-aa The Denver Tnbumc Refuliliean tells a tory which ia not exactly encouraging to persons intending to go waat. On January 6lb Ihree men left Wono, Kan., for places a abort dietaoo* to the wett. Wono ! near tbe Colorado line. Th* namaaof thsthraemen were Cherry, Ctraoo and Oasalir. Ohsrry waa going to bli home, a diatanoe of tixtoen milea aootb, and Carson and CaoaUr wer* boond tor Gaudy, a amall station eighteen miles tortber on. Il waa storming whan the) led Wono, bat tbey bad no t*ar* ol going acroea the country. Tbe night following was ihe wont period of tbi itorm, aod thiir frisnn* at Wono became apprehensive ol their safety. Ai day* passed, and neither of tbe three man made their appearanot, a aearcfaiog party to look for them wa* mads ap. Il vat rough experience for the isarahera, a* iba regular paths ot travel were obliter- ated, and tb* country could only b* trav- ersed by catting across. Tne enow was liltd in bug* drifts, oftentimes presenting ibe appearance ol miniature mountain aoges. Five days afterward one branch of tbe relict party discovered the bodies ot tbe brie men totally oovartd in a drill. The horse* were Mill bitched to Iba sled in which tb* men travelled. Thay bad fallen n their track*. On the sl*d Wore three bale* ol bay, and thi* hay, projecting through tba drift, waa the only thing wbioh ndioatsd to tba asarobiri tb* whereabout* >f tb* lost party. The three men were found lying aide by Bid* on Ib* alad, cov- ered up in blankets. Tbe three balsa ot bay were piled up, a* it for prelection against the beating storm, and Ihe men bad crouched down behind them. Thay bad evi- dently proceeded through ihe atorm as long aa il was possible tor the bone* to make any headway. When they could go no turlhor, the luckless men abandoned tba horses to their late and aoughl wbal pro- tection lor Ihetnaelve* they oould. Tbal tbey bad lost their way waa evident from ibe location, far away from Ihe trail, in which they wars foood. Kaowing tbal il wonld be naslsia, tberefore, for them to striks out on fool, they bad piled np tbe lay bales, drawn their blanket* around toem and lain down oa the sled, boddling closely together. Baeb inaction was a bid lor death, and tbey never awoke from tba UDoonioioueneni which tba cold produced. Ths man had twenty gallons ot keroaaca and some matches, but II ia supposed tbey were unable to kindle even a fire wbiob Ih* bay and the kerosan* would bav* pro- duced. Tbe surroundings went to show tbal tbe men died in the night time, having trav- elled throughout Ih* day. They bad wan. lertd *o far out on th* prairie as to b* arther away from their declination than they were at tb* alarlina point. Tb* bcdiaa were carried to tha reepeetive lomaa ot the man. Tbey all leave families. AN KB S/I.OB. I -. Mbir xuUTin*. .1 s/..r Prtaebi .. ai. f .rif Hear* IB m Bjlcroa. A Qosbso despatch says : Napolean 5omeau, telegraph operator al Oodboul itver on the north shore ot iba Gulf ot tit. jawrenoe, hit brother, and two of bia brotksra in-law named Labno, all experi- enced a miraculous eeoape from death dur the terrible storm of tan or twelve day* ago. They had gon* out banting eaale and lucks upon tbe ia* when asaol, wbicb tbe .iBbrie brothers were trying to kill, erooiously attacked them. The Oomeans rent to their assistance. AU wtre upon loatiog n*ld ol ie*, which wit gradually Infling farther out from tbe shore and tbey toon found tbal tbey were suable to return. To add to tbtir difftealiy tbsy had eontlouBlly to take to their oanoo, a* ib* a broke beneath them. Tb* atorm which aged around them toon prevented them ram teeing tn* tbor* and they were ilowly carried out toward tb* opposite ooaat. In sbia poeiwon they extated tor torly bear*, witb no other food that two frcsen daoka. Two ot their [.umber war* to badly ftcterj ibat they would probably have pen-Led >UI lor Napoleon Comeau. Tbay wars lually enabled to land on tb* sootb sbore near Anne DCS Mondta, whence they ware driven to Melia, a distance of twenty six miles, and thanoe by I. C. R. to Ibit oily. Daring tb* time they wer* on Ibe ioe tbe party drifted nearly ninety miles, and their Moap* was nothing thort ot miraoaloua. They will return home by tbe north tbora, I distance of about 240 miles, driving to Banll Au-Ooakon and walking tbi remain- ing eighty mile* on inowsboas. A H *, I.I .001 I K t . f l>\ te> Bare) H, rn ( 0*1 Hrr.l. A Brest, France, oablegram aay* : It U now believed a* certain that tbe balloon Lt Fugltif hsji been dettroyedin a recent gal* and ibat three aeronauts, Aim* Oirod, a musical composer ; Jala* Keuaud, tb* bari tooe once attached to a theatre in Mow York, aod Duboi* Oarronl, bave parished. 1. Fagitlf WM last a*sn on Batarday oiroliog over Brett In a gale of wind. Ttae aeronaute made fraulio effort* to land aod they threw overboard all the or j seta In Ibe ear carpel bags, overooate, rnge, ihoee, watebee and inatramenla. Joat aa tbe balloon deaeended uearly fifty yarda from tbe ground a andden guel whlekad II s*a- ward and oot of light. A Ru**ian ateamer now arrived reported Ibat on Sunday, tiz miles off Breal, il paesed a wrecked balloon aod oar aoawariag exaaaly to Ibe daaeri[>- Uon ol Le Fagiuff. Boareely any hope remains that tbe aaronaats have not perished. A StTltC I KK KIstifnK * IIK A I II. tlMrbril I. P rrr. la I .nrll BaveL A Halifax (N. 8.) ditpateb Bay*: Al*x Oillias has be*n convicted infjharlottetown ol th* murder ot Pat Oallagban, cemetery keeper, last May. The trial letted more Iban a week, being concluded laat evening. The jury returned to tb* court room at a lata boar with a verdict of guilty. Th* crime with which tb* prisoner wai aemned waa a most cold-blooded one, Iks victim being hacked to dBatb wilb an axe io a lonely but in wbiob ha lived near the semttary. A 11 year old daughter of John Bpltger, ol Ptoebontas ocuolv, W.Y., complained ol one ol hot tooth sahlD| and requeued her (alber to pull It. He found il loo'C aod pulled it out with bit finger*. A flow ol bi. 'od followed, and before u could be (top- ped tb* littl* girl bad bled to datb. A roof proneanood superior to tbat ol ilaM, betjatua ol Its ligfctneae and other advantagsi, U BOW mad* of any fibroos ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Opening ol the Third Session ol Ik Filib Parliament. RETROSPECTIVE AND PROSPECTIVE REVIEW Some Inportwt Public lt*uim U be birdie** 1 . TBE LIQUOR LAW QUESTION. ToButrro, Jan. 38. Th third session of the filth Ontario Parliament was opened to day, al S o'clock, in a very qoitt man ner. Tbere waa tba customary guard o honor eecort. Tb* attendance ol members waa about an average on opening da ' O" Company, Infantry Kehool, forniehei tbe guard. Lieut.-Govemor Robinson risx tbe following 1 1 am Ihr I hro. Mr. bpetksr and QsnUemen of tbe Legislative Assembly II baa once more become my agreeable Inly to convene you lor tba discharge O f Ihe bigb public fanotioos devolving apoa ikiB Bouse for your annual rtview ol Provincial administration lor euoh mea- sures in legislation aa may keep pace wilb >be rapid strides ol Ibia great Province, and 'or providing tbe supplies neoeaaary to administer the Government and giva effect to your enactments, THE BIBILU-.M. Immediately alter tbe rising of tbs House laet year tbs attention ol cor people >es anxiously drawn lo tb* Northwest territory by moil unhappy occurrence*. Chat vaal Territory, like the intervening Province of Manitoba, U allied M Oatario ty the closest tiee of effeotion and kindred. Many of tbs pioneers in those distant settlements are tbs son* of your con- tit a* a la, or lately wers tbemeeivaa your onatilnenta, and their bardabipe and langers Much very directly tbe carte and homes of Oatario. Wban IH volunteers were called out to estors order, il was gratilyiog to iDaerve Ib* spirit in which our Ontario roulh answered tb* anmmona and under- ook wbal in every civil tlrife must need* B most painful duty. While sincerely deploring ths oeoataily lor their services, ws all tell a natural and jum pride in our iilsen soldiers at we witnaaeed tkeir kiieul endurance on tbe maroh aod their nflinoblog, courageoos action. Wbsn tran- Ulllly waa re.tortd it waa gem gratify- og to observe tbe alacrity wilb wbioh they ainrned to toeir civil duties and resumed he avocation* ot peaceful industry. PBOOBZ88 Or 11BICOLTTBI. I am rejoiced to eee by tb* offioial latiBlic* thai Ontario eootiuaee to main- tain the lead of all Provinces and State* n tbe eiotinent in agricultural industry. ?be field orope of Ibe past year bave, ' h two or three exceptions, ceu very bountitnl, though low price* and a wide- pread diaeaae iu tb* potato bav* not rmlttod our farmers to raelixi tbe USDS,! prcfiM ol aome former yeara. I notice with pleasure that ibe ii creased attention wbieb is given to mixid farming aod to livs stcok aod dairy product* baa idsncd the basis ol our agricultural pros- >erily and greatly limited the Injury arts- ng from ths failure ot a single crop or a ingle branch ol ibis most important ot he occupations of oar people. TBI riSJtlu' IX8TITCTI*. Tbe recent organisation of farmers' natiintte by tbs Commissioner* of Agrt- ulture bsa furuiehed most important atjencis* lor the txahaaga at valuable xpenenes and lor tbe iiflUMoo ol soiintiflo principles and methods among nr whole tarming community. Tbeee natitntee have been largely altebded and igbly appreciated. Tbe profeseors of tb* Agrioaltural College have personally oterested tbemeelves in tb* proceedings and bave eata Wished b*lw*an tbe eollege and instilnMs cordial relations ot Ihe reateal mutual advantage. In order to aecure the permanent affilia- ton of practical husbandry wilb aeientiac eeeareb a mtaanrs will be submiited for ba formation of an Advisory Board of arim r whom tba Commitsiuoan may ooueult in ihs managemant of the College and Experimental Farm. THB DOatmtON LIQCOB UW. I o jugratulate yon upon tb* reanlt of tb* appeal taken to the Imperial rivy Cjuueil by Ibe OoverDraeol of aukda reepecliog Ibs Dommiun <lquor License Act.. Tbe Judicial Com ittee of the Privy Council have dedartd >*>e aois M be wholly null and void. 'bae their Lordships have not only sus- tained the Provincial jurisdiction to Ih* xteol adjudged by the Boprt me Caart of aoada, but have (attained Ibe (all conten- tion ot Oatario, and bavs declared tbe nlire autjel of lavero, shop, vessel and wfaolssal* licenses to belong exclusively to Provincial jnriadielion. TBB HOBTHWBSTXBR TIBBR9BT. N itwithsiaudiug ibe decision ol Her Isjeaiy in Council in 1884, determining in avur of the Province the long pending die- ate reepeollDg our westerly boundary , tbe eltlemenl ot Ibe territory (BOW Called tbe liuy liiver district), and tbe development f its resources, bav* been tortber delaytd by a claim recently eat np tbat all tbe }rown lands in this territory belong to tba )ommioi> aa Indian landa, tboogb in tbe of tbs other provinces all land* limi- arly situated are admitted to belong to the Proviooe wllbio wbieh they Ue. THI TIMMB STSAL9. The Dominion Government having aev- ered laig-i tracts ot the awarded territory wiib lioantae to oul the limber, my Gov- ernment, to preserve Ihe Provincial domain rom further watte, applied for and obtained an irjaaelion agaloal some of the iceoeeee, the tffol of wbiob bae been to leter, so far as known, all Dominion loenseee and other tre*pateera from fur jber operatiooB lo the territory. Tbe }nrt granting the injunction decided Ibal n Ontario, as io all Ibe older Provinces, he title to inch lands lie*, oot in th* Dominion, but in tb* Proviooe*. in appeal Irom this decision is still panding. A maaanre will be aabmittad to ou for the opening and settling of the andsotlhs Rainy River dlBtriet lo take fleet as soon a* the claim of tbe Dominion 1 >vernm*nl baa been abandoned or lei al net by th* tribunal ol laat reaorl. TO BB MID MtrSIClFUJTIII. of minerals and malali are again attract- ing attention. Ill IlMBCa ULJU, I eongratirlate yon upon the liberal ban- uaei received at tba limber aale>, uujd necaatari laet fall, of a limited area of scattered and expoacd limits opoa the north ehore of the Georgian ilay . IBB t^Aixrcx. An unusually aevere viaitalion of email- pos ia the oummereial metropolia of tbe adjominx Province exoitld moob eympalby with our sfflieled neubbon. The vuoleut obaraoler of the epidemic ceoaaioned my Government Ibe moat aoxloaa and waaeblal aolioilada on aoeoaoi of our eloee buauuean relationi and constant intereoona with that city. Prompt and anergauo meaa-nree were taken through our Provincial Board of Health to maintain a vigilant quarantine on the frontier and to lusiat on ihe examination and vaccination of paeatngeri and the dieinfecliog of railway oarnagea and merchandize. Loeal Boarde rendered iffecUve eerviee ae well in enforc- ing general vaccination among oar own people M by other preoaationary measarea. In devieicg and tarrying into effect the preventive meaooiee HUNT rw>H nil I IU.M-. Tata I.M >ru<r I oouirT fl'lr. Hstas Vmm+u, .urf a ajeaaaaillice will < abtltf I smilti 4TaAfJ wL* C I lalC fea>i*Bt(?B. Tb* Ltwrauec-Towuley heirs bav* agreed to apsod joat 15 000 more in try in lo find out wbalber there u an anelaimei estate in loglaod wbieb they can gat al For that purpose three delegates will b* eenl to foguaad to nail the estates and 'i-trrrt till tjajai Tbe proetadtngB held yeaterday after noou bad au air of sarnaitneee, (or whio B. U Bieikt, tbe eminent Canadian, i largely responsible. Mr. BlasUwa* ebooen ID go to aglaad to etrry on the invatliaa- lion. Bo piboetaatioare Ibeae proepeatrv beirs that il rcq-iiree bnl a abort time to raiaa the rtqoirsd lo.CXX) in money aoi pledget. Tne laae enthusiasm wbioh starts Mr Blake off with snob a flourish will denounce him ifhia iff oral are not crowned wilh iDceeai. Private talk* wilb aoma of i prospective heirs found five wbo say the; will -or. I, go to England on loan own account, and to watob Mr Blake. Thtt U tb* hiitory of the eiruggl* for tba past fifty year*. Mr Blake will meet ao hair at every turn I regret that, notwithstanding Ike ear neel IT Tin of say Government, no progreee hae teen made towardteeetilementof aoo nma between O-iiario, tbe Djminioo and tba rovinoe of Qasboc. In view of tbte further lelay and of tbe apparent uncertainty ae o tbe time when a aettlement may be arrived at, my Government deem it load- vieable to any longer postpone paying to the municipalities entitled the interval on ihe Land Improvement Fond derived from the Bale of i-chool landa prior to Cabfedera- non. The principal, though not yel received. laviutf been advancer! hy tbe Province to ibe mnnhipalitiea in 1882 Proviaion for thia pnrpoee will be m.de in the eelimalee. or HOBTHIBB LAKM. The early aeltlement of landa rectntly mad 4 aooeaaible by railroada and bigbwaya contiuoea to receive tbe earoeet etooar gment of my Government. The paet year witneeeed a partial revival of the mioiug induatry, and our valuatJe i[ ofj H necessary tbe enlarged power* conferred la.. ,..*lon b, Ihe PubJu.aUh Ac, we,. ^^^^^ ^ o % . of emineul temee. The resnll of the vig- i dledll wbo ha? , gOD . .,,. ^ ^ orou. action taken b%* bean Ibat nowbers \ tatmfttmout .ai h bearuly receatsd o wt. bin our limit* did the epidtmia obtain j bo.b*,,^ M ^ M lh . Mto ' D , r ite ttaKsx^tXtiz \ wssrxsff:^ Ea complete immaoily from tbe arched di.. lh . oi ftb^B.BBd. .bSb". P .S.l! Ibe dtlaeivt intaloalion into their heart* " I waal to aea this totng Battled in thu generation. Il hat ruined my lift, and my father before me, and I don'l waal to leave any auob terrible latjeey of misery to my boyi and girl* " - Detri< Nm. Daring Ihe reaeee I ieeued a oommieaiion tor tba ooneoUdation of the Provincial Blatutee, now again disperaed Ihrongb many volumes. Bubstanlial progreae hae been made in thia important work, and ll i* hi pd >hat a report by the Commii- sioners may be ready for sobmneioo to tbi House daring tbe present eeaaion. Bills will be laid before yoa embodying improvemanit in tbe law recommended by the Commission eri >r ruggested in their disousaiooi. Jiber measures are to be submitted for four coaaideration, including a Bill for tba auditing of ibe piblie accounts ol tb* Pro- tine*, a Bill for increasing tba usefulness and efficiency ot Mechanics' Inttitntea. a ~ '1 tor Ihe amendment ol Ibe law relating io the e slats* ol deoeaaed person*, and a Sill reapicting the liability of employers or iojorie* nuffered by their workmeo. XO ABirsTBD nratlflUTI X. I regret thai in many branches of industry aba present supply of labor saemi ao far to exceed Ihe demands as lo depreet {es and render employment naoertain. Juder Uiase oirouuistaueea my adviaan lootinae to regard il a* onwise for tbn roviooe to stimulate Ibe immixralioo ol b* working olaaata frooi abroad, leu tb* dsbipa ot th* preasol tilualion thoold le agnrvated. I bad hoped that th* past year would bav* witnessed active operations oo Iba projected Pailiameaia*y and Djpertmaolal Buildings, but anax- :eeied diffioulnee in tbe plane have inter reusd. I derive, however, much [leisure rom the confident anlieipatiin Ibat early in tbe preetnl aaason tbeia much ended mildings will be io aeon* ot notion. i.xasxAuiu ACCOBHOOAIIOI roi taii.ii. Tha organ! need of increased aceoramoda- ioa far tbe lui.atii and idiotic ol our popo attoo was reoogniaod last setaioo, and appropriation* were voted lor additional landings at Hamilton and Ortllia. Il was oond, however, that before the Intended structure al Hamilton could be made avail- ibia aome interim aeeommodalioa for nualies mast bi provided in order to the immediate relief of oar til* and over-crowded asylnme, tb* Da- parlmsnl was so fortunate a* to **ur*>, nder a five years' lease, tba use at l-giopolia Uolloga aa a brarch asylucc, hiob ha* been placed under the manage- ment ol lha officers of ibe Blaekwood ylum. After aome repairs and aligbl alterations, very tunable accommodation as tbaa provided for one hundred and i- HI >i . v TcrviM* C aarcb falasaley Avcrteel *Ttba rir' leeiragr. A Lt Sallt, 111., detpalcb eaji : Six bondred poople lalharad in Ihe new ball ia the roar of Ibe Mttboditl plsoopai Uboroh Tbaraday M oelsbrale Kjban Barue birthday. Tba ball is on Ib* eeeond floor aud anrparied from tbi arose beam above by a b jltr J iron rod. During prayer tbe floor bey j to sink and a total ooliaaw of ibs boildiOg ttemsd imminent. Uev. Mr. Whit*, pastor of the Mslbodiat Episcopal Oburob, pentiving tb* danger, began to ing. Tb* immense congregation pao*. I and tbe interval ot inactico aaved aonnilaaa live*, for Ibe next icalant tbe sinking a*n- aaiiou ceaaed. In aceordaoaa wiab iba advice than given Ibe crowd dip<raed in mall details. An investigation thowed thai Ibi tbxatd of Ih* rod bad atrippod off iusiie the boll becanae of ibe weight below. If i rush and i eooarqoaot diatnrbane* of tbs floor bad folioved Iks aeltling. tbe rod mail bave bean wrenched from tbe hols and tbe butldiDs; wraeked. Thar* being a large aoal Or* on th* flwr aod only ooa aeoapa by a spiral etairway, i&a tnaoing borror* ean b* easily imagm*d. A tab- aripttoa uatit being circulated and g*oer- oaily wgaad to reward tb* iu.cx-wiii*d pastor. Wrtilaa Vrosai in. i.u.o A aborinaLi writ*r of 10 years ex panerjoe reoeolly said to a Wasbiogton Star reporter : " A CjogrceiniBu ones said to mi, ' Can you come ap to any bom* lo-aigbl ? I waul to dictate a apteeb.' All light.' tail I, but it will cost you an XV What : Ten dollars for an inning's work ! 1 can gut il done for IS ' ' Too won't neve Ibe leeet trouble io g*l- ling it dun* for 15.' I replied. A lew da> a allwrward I met bios, and be asud, I wiab you would help ma out on ibal speech.' 1 Didn't you get your la-men to do il,' I aaktd. ' Ob. js,' he replied, ' bat the d tool took down ver> thing I oaid. word lor word, and made Ib* wont mesa I ever saw. I am obliged teaommenee all over again.' " To abow yoa bow deptndeal apon their juua egffloient lor the poblia wanle until (oeasary permanent provision iimadi. BBTOITB TO DB rBBSimiD. Tb* report* of th* various department! if tb* public service for the pact year will 'M laid befon yoa. There will alto be abmilttd tbi flrit report ol Ibe sxaalsr ot rules oo the operation of tbi Ltod Titles let ol Iset aisaion, and Ih* report of tbe Commissioner* appointed to iiqaire into the ejmplainta mads sgainal tb Warden ol Ibe Central Prieon. TBI IBTIIIITBB FOB TIB CTJBNT TBA1 bave b*eu prepared wiib a view ao economy and iffioieney. dnaregard being had to Ibe varied requirements of ibis great aad pro Kreeaivs Province. I feel assured tbal yoar legislative labor* will, at heretofore, ba marked by earaeeinee* of pnrpoae and by a sincere and duinterealad consideration of Ib* i ablio wtlfare. Alter ibe lubmissionol lh Liaut. -Gov- ernor'. Speeth, Tbe Bpeaktr informed th* II :ue thai he bad isaaed hi* warraote to the Olerk for new write lor tba following electoral die- tricta : AUotna Eut, Aloma Weal, Eaat Kent, Lennox; and tha following persona Bad beeu elieted fcr vaoatoioa: Robert PprgusoD, Ktol ; Oeorgi U ul* II ley, LSUBOX ; Charles Drury, Eaat Bimeoo ; K'beri Adam Lyon, Aloma East, and Jamee Coamee, A'goma West. Al tbi* stage Mr. James Oonmte waa introduced to the Speaker by Hon. A. B. Hardy aod Mr. Awrey. H* was loudly applandsd. Bon 0. Mowat moved tbi flrtl reading ol the Bill for tbe Administration of Uttba of office to Joalioai ot tbe Peace. Carried. Hoo. O. Mowat moved that tbe Speeoh ot His Honor the Lieut. Governor be taken into consideration to-morrow. Carried. ROTICIB. N olios* have been given tor tb* following Bill* : Hoo. 0. Mowat For tbe amendment ol the law relating to tbe eetax* of dooeated persons. Hon. F. Fraaar To secure comp*na>- tiou to workmio in certain ei Hon. 0. F. Frasar To amend Ib* Aol rmpeetioK compensation to tbe families of persona killed lo acoideete aod in duals. Hoo. 0. F. Fraaar To farther amend tbe Aaseeemsnl Ael. Hoo. F Frueer -Ta farther amtud Ib* Uuuioiiial Ael. Hoo. A, M. RJM For tbs creation of an Advisory Board in connection witb lha A<rioullural Collage and Experimental Frm. Boa. A. M ROM Relating to lha audit tun of tbe public accounts ot lha Province. Hon O. W.Roae-RelatiDg to Mechanic*' Inaliiate*. FttDi, Jan. 89. Tb* bpiakcr lock tba hair aaSoolook. Mr. George D. Hawley, member for Lennox, waa introduced to the llraee by Hon C K Fraaer and Hon. Jarues Tong Mr. Ribarl Fergoson, member for Keot. was introduoed by Hon. A. M. Rose aod Mr. Balfour. HGTICtl cr MOTIOit. The Attorney Oenaral- On Monday next Balect ( '.initui ttea to tlrike tbe HtandinK Commilteee ordered by Ibis Boat*. Mr. Wstert B.ll to enable widow* and unmarried woman to vote tor msmbari of th* Leglilativs Aestmbly. Mr. Oibeon (Usmtlton) On Monday next Bill to amend the revised alatuta retpeoting master and servant. Also, Bill to amend tbe Assessment Act. on, " 1 will tell yoa Ibal tor 13 years I waa private tterotary to Qen. Oarfleld, and a great deal of ihe time be did not aea nine- tenths cf bit oorrtapondanoe. I woald faroieb him wilb blank shea la of paper and iodieata where hie ai(oatnre wea to be written. I would afterward write hi* let- ters and end them at Ibe eignalarr. aod addraoa and mail ibem. Of eoone, I bad taken a great deal of dictation before 1 waa trailed to each aa extent, aud I bnaw joal about wbtl be woald want to aay. I was at Mentor tbe Urn* Ibe New York Tnttau telegraphed to Gen OarfUld lo Know If b* waa ibe tolbor of Ibe Uorey letter, aod was awaisaad from a soaod slaep in Ib* middle ot iba oigbl by Ocn. Oarneld He showed me tba telegram and said : ' Did I ever write Ibal letter?' I we* able to pro- noaoae it a forgery al one*. I knew I bad lover whiten it, aad I was eo larailiar with >u. Oarftald't atyle tbal I waa aatiansd I* never could have written it." tale) -o... |* ISM Wcet. We left Biotu City laat Tbaraday evec ni( tn vrealbor tbal w* tboabt waa pretty ootd. Oar dsMUna>tioo wae Watorloo, la. We badu I gout f r wben tbe train ttoppaa, aod, lookinf oni, we eaw tbe uga ol a rail road lonch Odontar. Tbu had tba efleal ot emptying Ibe oar, aa all tbe boya wtre gltd of tbe thaxtot to gat * eop of codo* We tbongbt Iba ttop waa only for I taw mioutaa, to everybody j jailed and aoracabled for pie aad aaodwtebe*. tbinkinf to maka Iba noet ol bia time. lost at iba proprietor had decided that ba would have to oeoao op for want of etock the conductor came in. aod we all aakad " How muob lima have we ?" The con doctor aoiwere* : " Don't harry, gactle nueo ; yoa will have all tbe time yon want and we did. We were there five Jay i gf*ripeswit> "Madam, yoar hand-setcbtl i* walking away." " Oa. dear, lha uaogbly tbing won't stay mill, skud Ml a mitral) bed tbe pwnpateuo bos) and yanked II bok to a txtol on the counter direotly in (ion I of her. After aha bad rocM lha atleawomao eaad : ' Her aatebMl wet* made of alligator akin of a kind tbal locmt to r*iam IM elaa- iiony. aod keeps eoaetaatly on tb* m>vs. I bave known batta ot tbal eort to move a foot or two in are mlautee. Qjaer, len't it T'-flulaiflfkta fV.. All wood IB not baoyanl in water. A perfectly dry stick (rom any one of eoma sixteen tpaaiee of treet gruwing ia tba Bombern and Sontbwettern Stalee will aink. One kind tba Florida iron wood M DM tent heavier Ib* A New TeaaBwratar* I r. i.r , A vary rteanland altotjatbarlova'y agony of ihte* agoniaing day* la (or a yoang lad to beg, borrow or bay a F justly looking black ootlll with a loug neck and a banch of cheap tlraw wtakerwork aruuod it. Hbs Iben pruoatda to gild II witb bronae paint, and attar it ia com pitted, transmit* il par Mattel caaetaoger ao bar boat yoona] man. Tbe daop, ioaiarmost U|(niacaiice of Ibia it Too ar* gilding ibe roai to rain wbieb leads from io *tde tbe buttle." Thus a tem- perance leclarele pained off aa a " work Of art." flerf/ofii' Poe. BaUJsA ascr iBoreeusasi aiew IBM f. Withiu ta las i iu. moatbi a aambar of Iteliana and Oerman* bave started penny g/oeeriai in the part* of tb* ily p^putated by tbe poor, and Ibeae plaott ail ** to b* prosperous and thriving. Tea eaote ia tbouKhi by ikeaa grosrs to ba a hj sail, and tns investor of a <iuartar ia ma vitably regarded aa a millionaire. Io aoo versa tlosj wilb a report*r a I sad tag retail grooal s.id " There is no oabl tbeee jpeoay gro- aertoa ar* on tb* IIIBTISBS. T**y an an evil, and tba pooiy groaar IB really tba poor maa's tcenry, lattaad of bis friend, loth* pinny grocery Ibe poor man pay* twice as much for hi* provisions in ibe long- run, aod doee not gat as good a qaattsy aw if he boogbl loom in moderate sjtajisJliaB from larger stone. The peony fraaenea art slocked witb what tha poof OMB ia likely to buy. Tba .jaaliiy of iba pro- visioos is not good ; tbe eoffe* aad tea, are especially poor, aad tba v*g*4a*Us bawaria- bly stale. Maay of the peaiy gJiBBtiai II bad wbiakay to their enstomtr*. bat f*w allow it to ba drank on lhair premlao*. Ao Italian who kseps a poony grocery in Booth f if ih avenue, near Bttwafcer street, gives tba loilowlng bat a* aa illaatraaioe of wbal can ba done in a peany grocsry with silver quarter : ICf BUll i of tea. Three ouaoae ol no* _ Bjaall loaf of ataie bread Biz stlcAs lloOling-wcxxl ________ - e lolj) . at baxtsy . i^- / . n .. Thm oaae.e o( bra** enau 'oar oeuoee of March TO'asJtee bar sot> Baeugb r.l>t.. for nee poddm* tap ot twacA mola Uoaner ot a yanl of lap-wiak ... guvtsr potiod cf ataocaarfarlaa ica Ue uf oueU mixeklj Fbne oanoee of lard Two plosUae ..... TutaJL A amall family san live for a day these puroha.es. The ecflw* will b* ra cisnl tor a big pott ui, and iba tea ai i or two drawings. Tb* ha* sad make a email padding. Tb* state will aerva lor moat, aad tbor* is i uxar to sweeteD tb* tea aad coffee. The waona, potato** aad barley, witb tb* addl- an of a awsf-baae or pise* of. meat, aad a i*nov buneb of pot herb*, will mak* t stew * soup. Tner* u enougb eoap to week tbe dishes and aarob Ib* children taaas, noogta oil and wick to laat all night, a Seattle of coal and) wood to kindle tbs flrs tbs Borntog. Than there an lard, molsases, and tb* next thing bo batter, oloomerganna, and tbe two rood nod icAles for a relish. Tb* penny uy imall etal* loaves for half a cant i aad retail them at a **oi. Medinm tale loaves coal them Ii cents astd Mil M cents, and large stale loava* they retail at o*n ta. Ik* coal tbay tell is anal-yard wespioKa aoreeoed. aad CoaaaDM a good daal ot alas*. t> IV* Ifoil east Eiprt* ' atwr*> r f a*io*jl tveraa*> A roof pronoiiaoed tnperiar to that of sMOsUlaleB Oaf ) lisaf h IDsaaaffsal sTsfioal AsaaaaMaf advantages, ia cow made of any flbtoai ulp, aaya Iba Boaton /otsmni e/ Coaaaaerw. p rom ibia material sues of any akep eairad are formed by preeaora u.der maabic*ry or by any other methcd wbieh nay ingKeal itoelf . Praooed into the deaajm labed for, tbe palp UUs are partially ried, pravtoas to aeing eabjeetad (o ater proof eclntion. Tboroagaly im- rcKCkiad with Iba preparation to reeiai .mure, they are baked to harden in thorn be water-proof mixture After tba baking ue ulee are treated lo a mutaraimptruai enamelled surface ; to tbi* ia added a tiog of eaad, whereby the palp u rats. ered proof again*! Ihe action of heat flam*. By tbe use of different colored sand* a variety of tint* ay be impartod to the ulea, which, after ic application at the enameling mixtar* and aaoda, are baked a eeeond time, at to* bieh they are ready tor use. Baal lies tbe uberenl luhlceea of pulp Hlee. wbioh bviate* tbe nteeseuty of a heavy frame to apport a wetgbly roof, tba palp til*, being jub aod not brittle like slate, la far lea* able to be broken (rom blow*, etooae ibrown upon ibem or baman footalep*. vaiu, elate tilea cannot be laid eompaesly oueiber on a roof OB aoacajnt of theu n.tleneoe, which prevents their being rawn tightly together by nail*. Throoajb i* ft orous palp neale may be driven a* looc borne ae in thing-lee, thereby binding ibe ra atoeely to the bed and toetetbar with at any poeaibtlily of lateral movtmecl at tine blown away in a bi*b wind, aa ilatee oely faetaned on roote eo frequently are. .lie p*oeirate the palp ttlee mar* eeatly ban sBioglea, and lie elooer together, being more elaawe ttaaa wotd Tbe Northern Railway of Roaaia leasing paat a* foal toagraal sxtenl, aod aavsa half lha coat of wood or coal by tba operation. Tbe peat is found obtefly near Moecow, and le cot anottly by ateaui maobinary, wbiob can penetrate lo a deptb of twenty feat from th* inrf ace of Ike bog. lo Oerniany a printed formula at the bead cf tbe postal cards raada : Only a few line* to- day." Tben Iba rpaoa left for th* neaeege te followed by ibe printed formula : " Ood be thanied. I am ID good tiealtb. stud bogie to bear yoa at* aleo. The weather la ; write eoon, aad give my ovatoall. In I dean' jtp mooh on aortoee in' s<eb, ' aid Brother Uardoer a> ba apaasd thte m*tuig ot tb* Lime Kilo Club. " I ooaa koowed a man what ctrried tbe ootto of A penny saved is a peony aimed.' ia all bu pocket*, au' no person eber found htm wid a dollar in each to hie naane. Bs wa* all on da save an' aafffla oa de Bin. Ooaa' yoa git d* id*ab inter yer frfrfl' dat a moteo or a maxim am (win* tor fowd ao clothe ve an' whoop ap real sad doctor bill*. It's mo' io d* man dan in de maxim. 1 km abow y* fo'lv rosso ns io my naybor- beod Wbo sat oa d* feoeee all BBSJtntf aa' keep dir *ye* oo d* roailm ' IndasBry am de Hoad lo Wealth.' I kin show ye fo'vr mo' wbo bang ay d* raoatool Provt- den** will Purvio* I' aod sol down fur 1'Mvidenoe tn do la. II de wit* sans a dollar dal'a 1'roTidenee. ' The wa of January mace al St. Aoru*- un a. ID I'arto, ia celabrataoa of the death af Napoleon 111., M b*ont*ing a dead for- mality Th* other day bat tew notable Boaaparttata aataoded. and tbe Bcrpejbw leinenl waa completely abeent. Tba ehaire In front of the altar, wbieh f.ervcd for tb* eoaatM at tba ; ODty icroagboot ta tetvieas w U IMf % < r i .ai p ! Wban a reeideat of the Cape, or Kafir and. yeane for a Ufa partner be hat aa aterview with the father of the lady. II tbe old gentleman shinke well of tba youth, and tbat be will do boooc to hiB aa a BOB- a law, be saya : ' Wall, can you gave tve 100 oelll* for my daughter ? ' Thai I*. il mie]bl be XX). or it may a* more or la**, jiataetheoid man vaiueebit jau^attr or appraieee tbe etock owning er getting capacity of Ibe proepaclive aou-in law. II Iba young Kffir IB letermined to wed the yoang meadea whoa* band be eeets. be will always reply tbat he can fill th* bill as to cattle, no matter if he hain't eooogb oa band lo make a good aiaad daah ol baoh, aod never sxpecl* to hav*. ILs 11 fix thai. Tben are plenty of K.ffire. who baweeattla galore, and be gather* together a tow Boa- tantal frisada and shay airoll over to tome eonvenienl kraal of oeuhburing inba and walk arav with tbe reqoiaita number at cattle to make Ike bridegroom happy. Of course tbe owner of Ibe ealtla ratoa* vary strong objMlioue to tbia eicbang* oil property, and tbere may be a [.amber of woolly beads broken before tbe expectant bridegroom tvouree tbe herd. If be gait tbecu all ruibt to hie kraal Ibal sallies tbe matter. Tbe man wbo loel ahem knowa tbat other triboe have cattle, aad tbat be may waal to aaarry ecea shady kUBaaaif witbool bavin*; tba necmtry stoek oa bead to win ibe bride. Tbaa ba win 'oratteon hie neighbor in the same tray. Tbui ia lumen's torch kept lighted, in ItflUaad. -

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