Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1886, p. 4

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Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver d Gold Cases, To ehooac fnnn. Grade and Warrant considered, iuy price* are loM to " Surke," and you can prove ibis by calling to soe. Anyone coming 15 mile* to deal with me, I will allow UIJQ 5 ceuta a mile here on Watches & Clocks, be- aide* tin'- discount. Tbil offer will run to Jail. lit. 1686. A call respectfully invited. AV. A.. HR,OW1V. To My Patr:ns : I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage these pant 2 years aud oil the following basis of Imsiuesa trn-tt to secure a continuance of the same : Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BROWN, A KeliabU Jeweller. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Butters, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Bet, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Kings, Spoons, Forks aud Knives. 10 per cent, off list prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BROWN. PEN AND INK SKETCES. THURSDAY. FEB. 11 . 188C. Ot'RSELt'ES. We hare now the best stocked job printing establishment iu the County of G rey outside the town of Owen Sound. Our large and increas- ing busiuess Lai neccusitited additions to Our plant from time to time, and in the near future we hope to have uu establish meat second to none iu Northern Ontario. All tue sc improve- ments, of counc. have inilv been ao eomplished after years of patient aud unwearied toil, and in the face of oat of tbe greatest financial crises through which thii young but impoiUnt l>om iuioo IHMJ ver paucd. Limited capi ul hai uade the depression seem greaUr to oa than perhaps it really WM. But the hearty and extensive patronage accorded UB from the first baa warranted our keeping pace will tbt times aud endeavor by increasing oar iacilitie at considerable extra ipease to extend our bunnies* to the utmost limit*. And we have snc waded beyond our most sanguine ex potationi. In Daii oouneetioD. Blight add that the ADVANCE will be enlarged to the old ure and form ( 8-pagfl) in a few months , when it will be second to no other paper in Simcoc, Dufferin Orej or Bruce. OX THE XALL. The tiM(fnnig resolution or motion i unanimously carried by the Couu ty of Brace Publish er'i Aatociation in eonvciition assembled, at a recent meeting : "Moved by JOB. Lang, Pnb. Eincar dine Ktiitte, Con. Seconded by J. Stephens, Pub. Bruce Ttlttmp*, Lib. Tliat the County of Itruce Printers and Publisher! Association, desire to expresa their condemnation of the ac tion of the Toronto A/ail, iu their un- fair, ehurlieh aud email spirited man IY i in dealing with County of Bruce Publishers, inasmuch as the Unit Manager rrfiueu U> exchange on auy thing like fair terms, and we hereby reaolve on every occasion to use our iuflueuee to discourage the circulatiot of that Newspaper, giving prcfcrcuct to th Loudoii Free I'm*, and Haniil ton Spectator, who w be here lead iu the advocacy of Conservative pnnci pies in tho province. Carried unani inously." A number of the Grey publishers condemn the M<iU Printing Co. in equally strong terms and have already transferred considerable advertising patronage and many subscriptions to more liberal and enterprising daily papers, such as the Hamilton Sprrta tor, Toronto World and AVi/-, Mon treal Wirw and Herald, and other journals. JYOTICE. Those owing us for advertising or job work are respectfully asked to set Ue lli same on or before the 20th o ibis month (February). To tliose whom we bave repeatedly asked to re mil the amounts of tbeir several ac counta in vain, we hare simply to say : Yonr accounts will be placed in other hand* for collection after the 20th in.it., without fail. The annual meeting of Grey Divis ion (rrauri Mo. 2 .n held in the Town Hall, Meahrtl, on Thursday, Jan. Z8th for the election of officers and othr business of interest. The report* o/ Uie various committees were diMM>e4 a>ad adopted and a large am- nt of pUifir routine business disposed cf. Tbe following wore chosen officers for IBM: A. Klliott, Master ; T. Kells, Over Mr; H. Kiu, Secretary ; J. Drodie, Treasurer ; B. J. Doyle, Lecturer ; M. ftlirr, Chaplain; J. II. Borers, Ptotxajrd ; J. Poland, Amistaut Stew awl; I,. GobtouutLi, Grate Keeper; Mi** E. Drew, C*ro; Miss McKay, Pomona; Mrs. 11. J.Doyle, Flora: fJMJ. A.rwtrong. Lad; AsiiiUnl Steward, fi, Duuglas, J. M. ogers and p. pobertwn, ;nenj>er of the Exeeaiiira Committee. J . Desnten and Mr. Miiyrpc, Auditors. The .matt meeting will b faedd in Cbatawor^h on the ftmt Thnrsday in This species f humanity ia to be fonud in all climes. The burning equatorial snn has as little effect in exterminating him, as has the freez- ing temperature of our northern clime. Go wh.^w- yon will, and his rowdyship is sure to bob up serenely aud impu- dently before you iu likely and un- likely places. Go to the crowded theatre, and iu the hooting, screech- ing, leering, lazy, impudent, insolent and unmannerly ft How iu the gallery or dress circle, you at once recognize the pure and unadulterated specimen of the modem rowdy I have no re- cords by me of ancient rowdies. Go into the lecture room, and if you do not find him squirting tobicco juice in the entrance, you are pretty sure to observe him on one of the back seats inside. Even iu the sanctuary he is to be fouud sitting bolt upright iu his seat staring radely at everbody who chances to look iu his direction, while civilized people are kneeling in bumble devotion before tbe great rul r of the universe. He recognizes no authority but his own, and obtrudea himself where he is not wanted in fact he delights ui this kind of thing, for thereby he often has a chance to air bin obscene language, and mayhap domineer over some person who is physically much his inferior. Tht* he becomes bloodthirsty ; in reality, he is a coward. In fact rotrdy and rotrard are almost invariably synony mou* torms, when applied to this des- picable species of humanity. He flourishes in bar-rooms ; that is his native element ; but I am glad to know, he can't have everything his own way aronnd the well-kept Flesh erton Hotel he tried it last Saturday evening and "got left." All rowdies do not necessarily drink whiskey, however. Some of them can be as disrespectful and insulting with a quid of filthy tobacco stuck in their mouths, as those who are assist- ed by the fiery, brain-destroying ele- ments of whiskey. Give the rowdy a wide birth when- ever yon find him, my child; he is bnd company, and will use language that will shock yoa u<_/Srl, but yoa soon get used to it. and finally think it manly to indulge in the same vile language. Sliun the rowdy as you would the pestilence, my child, for de- pend upon it, "Evil communications corrupt good manners." Yours for decency, YALJENTINK Mi OUINS. from our own CorretponJml, The recent BUOW storm has mode sleighing eioellent. The Gospel army is laboring at \Vart-ham at present, and their labor is being crowned with abundant sue cess. Miss Ellerby has just returnee to Qalt and Miss Uamcy is filling her vacancy, the revival services will con- tinue next week. Mr. T. Mcquay's saw mill is in fall running order, he has improved the mill with the addition of a shingle mannfacturor. Mrs. 1 (a! id ay has routed her place to Thomas Fisher. Mr. Nil-hard Strain's sale wont off very well, prices were very good. News scarce this week. Klmberlcy. From our own Corrttprmdent, The Anniversary of the Union Snn day School here came off on Wednes- day last as advertised. The tea was good, and the ententainment was nplendid, the children did their part very well, who had been instructed by their snperintecdent Mr. 8. D. Gau- din. The Musical part was good un- der the leadership of Miss B. A. Thompson, addresses were given by Messrs. J. Morwood of New England, and J. Hall, of Dominion of Canada View Point, After thanks to the lad- ies for the many good things they had prepared for tea. God save the Qneen was sung, and benediction pronounc- ed. The mercury was 26 degrees below zero on Thursday 4th here. Mus S. E. McQuillan of this place hat goue to visit some friends in Mono. oat .4 M.riK, nf . "\VbrnT*r I 17 UTOT aot work- \Jtnt COM. Tkwr* in oora rial b*c*flt from oo taw ol your IJwv Car* t n ia uju/ holUci ol IOBM .Ino. MNMMT, m-IM \ MATTERN. from <>ur own Corrfjjxnulent, We are having beautiful sleighing and tho roads are crowded with teams hauling logs and shingle stuff to our Haw and Shingle Mills. Mr. Akitt's yard ia nearly full although his saw is going nearly all the time, aud Mr. Sloan's yard is getting well filled up with shingle stall. It is a well known iact that both these gentleman do first-rate work, lumber and shingles from their mills command the highest maiket price, our grist mill is also doing a rushing business. \Vc are to bave Inspector Spry en- quiring into some supposed irregular- ities in our Post Office, on Thursday. The cases began in 1831. Mr. T. B. Gilliland is the complainant. It is no- torious that some of our citizens have I not been on the most amicable terms of late, and we cannot help thinking that Mr. Uillilaud would have shown | more prudence had he got through! with his own trouble, before lodgiug aj complaint against our Post Master, | no doubt our I 1 . M. h&s his faults like \ other inoitaU, but iu our estimation the cases complained of by Mr. Gilli- land are not a tenth so hemious as that which he stands charged with vie. PERJUET. We do uot say that Mr. G. has been guilt; of the crime for which he is un- der bonds to appear at the next assiz- es but one thing is clear he is the only one iu Eugenia who has through affidavits (some say false ones) to the Crown Land office got possession of several lots which had been claimed by others aud for which they had paid Uses for years and one 3 acre lot which he took possession of last Spring, had been cleared and fenced, and cropped for 2 or more years pre- viously, but we need not prejudge his case, only wo say it is a pity that a man of Mr. Gillilands intelligence should do anything to make himself obnoxious to any of his fellow citizens. We uope our Town has a bright fu- turo, aud to help it on, we leam that Mr. Sloan, the Pathmastcr, has given notice that all fences and other ob- structions on our streets be forthwith removed. It is almost incredible that' some of our citizens have acres of the public streets now fenced iuto their j fields and have been cropping these (what ought to be public walks) for| several years, we say with the Path- master, these streets mutt be oprmd, and old logs and debris cleared out of the way, and if we wish well to our Towu wo will do all we cau to make' it attractive, so that visitors may fiud great pleasure in spending a few days now and again iu our beautiful roman tic Eugenia. the above amount and now the farmer feels sick. Her. J. O. Fallii. Dutton. certifies : "For i tome time my wife ha> been troubled with Oyipepsik, aud 1m- tried oue thing after an- other recommended with but little or no eff- 1 oct till H'lM-fl to KIT* McGregor's Bpeedy Cure a trial. Nimv taking the flrst bottle I noticed a decided improvement, uid with confidence recommend it to be one of, if uot the belt inediciun extant for Dya- pepni. Tbii inraluablx medicine for Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vegetable. Sold at W. Riohard- on'i Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD U TWO LETTERS. FROM THE SON : T^ " Otmtlemtn My fattier ratidw fit Gluror, Yt. K luw beta a gr*t wiffurer from 9cru(- i. *. and tbe incloMd kUor will fell you Ui ft lUVTOloUl CfljCt Ayer's Sarsaparilla k v Imd hi h!i m. I tlilnk h! blotxl mim hi-.- oiitalnd tbe humor for at taut t<-o yn : but It did not t!u>v, ezwpt In tic (or,-n cf a icrof uloui or on the wrlit, until about Cvi y*an ago. From a few ipota wli'.c 1 - ]- |."r*l at lli.tt time, It gra.lnnll j ipra&d ao M tocorcrhU ntlr txxly. 1 aaiure yo b vas terribly afBieted. anil an object ot pity, i. ' <i Iw began iwJug your medicine. Now, tiero r ft* men of Uu age who enjoy at good |IM':'I H be bu. I could rullj name fliij i*roui who would Uwtiry to UK fact* In I'll caae. Yoort truly, W. M. Pmixrrs.-* FROM THE FATHER :^ u a dutj fur me to iut to yoa tUa beuclt 1 liar* UorireJ from lb u*e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six month* a(ol WM eenplHely eorrrad wltb a terrible humor antl icrofuloai lore*. Tbo Lamor caused an toceunnt and tntolcniL',3 Itcblnf, and the akli cracked no ai to c.ri- .> th blood to flow In many placet wbenerer 1 moved. My infTorlngi were great, and C'y 1.1 1' a burden. 1 ootunteucud tee iue of M% Mr irtniLLA ia April Uut,aad hare ovxl f. r juUrlf ilnce that time. My co.:J: 4 ,a tK">ar. In imj mt at once. Tlie IOTM L*re !l liea)l. lunl I foci perfectly we'.l In ttrrj 'i -'. t--irf now able to do a fwd duv i r . aliln nsliT3 ycariofag*. Many li.r/i.ra .. - .._j irronftit ucli aeur la rnycnt.^, >nj I il t'<rm. ta I bare bcr* tri<-l to i:i j.-j, V - . i SA-.IAFAItltLA. Giorer, VU, CM. . ., li Jl Y.an crr.tef ullr, IIULUt " klHItl Kl I 1. from our utcn Curretpvndent. Tlie usinil narubcr of tea-meetings socials Ac., have becii given Una win ter, the last being a Sabbath School anniversary on tbe 3rd, which was quite a success, the only draw back being a disappointment caused by an absence of the expected speakers, among them Rev. Mr. Ayers wlio, vre believe started to come bat returned on account of the cold. However everything passed off very nicely. Proceeds about $'20.00. A respectable farmer li/ing not more than a dosen miles from Kim- berley, was the other day, gulled by a couple of swindlers to tbe amount ol $120. It scorns they (tho swindlers) were looking for agents to sell a won dcrful new kind of wheat, of which they U-fi the farmers some twenty bnuheli. He at the same time agree ing to act as agent, signed a card, as he thought to that effect, bnt which afterwards turned out to be a note to .A , i.i aUailAMBM core* Scrofula -1 !! fcro.'oloaa Ouii lolnlj. i:ry >:>. e: is. i.,irru, Wot-Torm, LlolvUoa. tl.e I -.n. It clears tl> Muo<t ul all : .; a- r.-.rs, aitb dl^citloD, (Umulate* tlie rc'.Uucf tho tc.n'j, and tbua reetoioi TltaJi:/ bid t.ca;Uteu Uie whole sjsteu. Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. BoUl try all UrnjglaU; |1, all bottlrs for la, A FEW HINTS ron THi osr. or DOIE. 7b mon Ito ttm- tli gmlln, t to 4 PMti tlvrou'jhly, 4 to 9 PiUl. Etprritnc* vtlldtcvk Uu prvptr <tan ul * * For Conitlpallon, cr CoMlTiMM, BO naedjr U to eirtrtlte a* AtU'a Pux*. They Iniont ragalir daily action, and re- ttore tbe bowel* t . a uealtliy coudltUm. For IndlzttUon.or Iv -j. .;!*, Avia'i rui.n Kre ln\lu i'. ., ami a turecor*. llcnrt-liurn, I.o ef Apprtlt*, Fol uimacli, I'ljltileiirr, UlzzloeMt Head- ache, Nunibne.ia, >aac, atoall rellered and cured bjAvtu'B TILL*. In I IK .- -.in.|.jui ui . Kllloua Dlanrriera, and Jannd:ce, AVEU' PitiJ flioald b ftren In .!> lr;; i euongU u> usalle UM Lfor nl loTto'i, and remove C'>nulpaUon. Al.ich.vninj med.dne In Ui Jpriag, tlicee PII.LJI Are uiK-ijunllcd. Worms, c.iiunl by a nmrhM coadltlcn of tli - bowels, are eipcllc<l by liiene I-II.M. Erupt IIIIM, si. In teeeii, mid 1'llee, Ilia retult of In.llR'-MI.'ii or Coilli>tlon, ate earcJ hv the we of AI i u's FILM. For C'ol.li, Uko AVER'S Til IJ to nr*" tbe pone, roiuoTo InfUuiwaUiry tectclicr.i. anil a!Uy tho fever. For Dlarrhow and nyaenterr. canal by d.len ooMi, Indigestible fo-.J. >ic.. Aiul. a PILL* are the true rtmedy. lilieuiKiitl'ni, Cout, Ncnrl|r1ii. itn Bclatlca, often rciult from dlgo<tlr* dciin;^- nent, or coldt, and dbrpcr "n rcniuTii.g tbe esuso by tbe nee of ATKB'I Pi LI*. Vuiuiim, DtatMjr, Kidney Comrlalnui, and oilier dlcorden oanecd by debility or obttruciu.ii, are cored by Avr.n's Tirui. Bupprrenlon, and Painful Slenntrnav UOD, bare a lafe and ready temoily In AYER'S PILLS. Full direction*. In Tdriooj laognagea, a- eovpaii; eaeh packif*. Of. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mm. Bold by all nr.irirl.ta. "W^.J.BeUamy FLESHERTON. Loan and Insurance # Agent. Money to Lend on good Farm Property at current rates of interest and Yont OWN TERMS to repay the Principal. Expenses at the very lowest INSURANCE in Uu i. *ij/iK Companies and at Current Raiefl. CONVEYANCING- In all iu Branches attenuoil to.. ,'.)Qicc on Toronto t,, opposite Town Hal 1 . Holler Flour for Half. Th.iso requiring firet-claw Roller Flour from the famous mills of M>, Ford, Mark- dale, will do well t<> call at the Kleaher- ton Bakery where it i*. alwaya kept in stock, at reoaonalile pricea. WORMS often destroy children, but Fre- mait'i Worm PowJern destroy Wurnu, nud expal them from the -\ t( m. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, i INDIBES7ION. JAUNDICE. -1 ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEAKTBURH, HEADACHE, DIZ2INES8, DROPS r, FLUTTERING $ OF THE HE ART, ACIDITY OF (- THE STOMACH, DRYHESS .> OF THE SKIM, And every specie* ef disease ar T. IlLBURN i ca. PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMBB. Flesherton, - Qnt. Havlu xpeut lonie time in the utiidin of the _.'roaio FnotAfr whore J acniilrod v&!oah)c VIIOW!I!K<' In Kctou i" *i fsmoiit ToriMit.. I'hot'^rnl'lii-r. Mr a J Dlxou, 1 i%-'|ulrrd v&luahlo ViiowS^fcc lit Hrtou ehinx. I fool aiisunid I can rlvu KO| goneral satisfaction. A call rospwtfully MJliclted, MRS. DULMER. Flenherton. fip( 17th Iw-j New ButohrT Simp in Flesh- _[Tti'n i Patch & Mitchell, fTHK nri'l.T , tfully takotliU onpor * t unity toauiiMti.iro ! . tli. | ..... !'!.' of Flrnh- rtea ara mTOtUKllBC rnimtry, tliat they have itarted a Hulobor Hhoji m tlie itaorl noxtdoor o th.. M;ul.:,. \\ ,,I.K II i:i|i::l:Ti)X. where they will bea|eMd ro meet with a' I who favnr thuni *ith IfiMr i<i:n>iiHKu. i'reHli Ueata of all kind", in. I I nh . .1 in thc-lr icasoui. U>i>ctfully >oiir, I'KTCII i MITCHrXI,. Framing and House-Joining. The andri|;noJ U prepared to execute al orilermn triKiod to him for the erection of Buitdingt, nrlnd the o HOII of IHHV All material f uruUbcd M do<(r.'l N. uid I, it riniip dtciit workmen jiloyert Tb* utlaf aetloo ay work )ian siren th.' pa-t ii a Kxarntee for tin- future Apply to A. McLKOU. rioshcrton Station Important ITotice! ThOMibvrlI>orl>ngii to loforui tho people of Icshortonandturroundlngcouutry.tliat he has 9 inllen from Floiberton, and In now prepared to fiiruith bllli of any length or site of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on hand. Hlahwoodout tontoT" lengths on liaurl. Ciitiiin BanlDf; done by tin- thouaaud. EEASONS Why you ihoulj get your Lumber andShlugUt cnt by Spencer : (D-ETery Saw In tho Mil! Is New and the mill ia In perfect order. ( -Uectuio be li a practical eawyer andkeeps hla sawa and rnaclilnery la perfect order. Ot-Bewau* h outs all HcanUIng Jolce exact- ly to tint bill furnished. (4>-H has put In a Lumber Ed^er and all boards an hsvmt widths from one end to tbe other. (5|-Hocuo yon can take a load of logs to the mill and s load of luinbor home same day. ()-Ilecsue li.. Buarsnteea to cut all custom work in a "orkiuanllkemannorandsatlsfactlon guaranteed. Ci) -Hecsoae all sawing U done at rook bottom prtcei. Lumber Delivtred \f firquind. O. H. SPENCER Sept. 10th. IMS. WORM POWDERS. Arplea*attotak*. Contain their owa "~2 I * "* "". * '' WWHSM io r ^aorea or aV4 JOHN H. HEARD, IHorse-Shoer d General Blacksmith, manufacturer of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies. Democrats, Wagons. Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also agent for Cuatsworth Plow*. Noion Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Reapers & Mowers l wo kinds of Single Kcapera, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drills and two kinds of Ilorso Rakes. Please come and see them. Jan. 1st, 1886. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of G-lenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont 1 Persons requiring LUMBER, LATH or 8HISQLBS, can get them at BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill! PRICE VILLE. At Lowest Casli Rates. To those who have Timber : -Logs delivered before February 1st, 1880, taken iu exchange, for wliicli Cash Prices will rw allowed. iB-More Lumber can bo got nut of a log at Brown's Saw Mill than at tha majority of mills, as Brown has the latest improved fnidstitnte for the "doga" formerly, and iu many places yet. used for holding logs iu place whilo saw in f Kring ou your Logs and get your Lumber homo with yoa. Wm. Clayton Has oa hand a large stock of MENS, AND CHILDREITS BOOTS & SHOES! Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLE SHEBTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. VANZANTr ALL KINDS OF and fcraiai lorb , Sach as MoiwmeuU, Tomb Tables, Counter ami Table Tops in American aid Italian Marble nn.l Onuiit*, and mad* on short notioo. Also Mantles in Marbto and Marbleized Slate, to., Ao. Flehrt.in, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the I^iver, !S>iiiii li, Ivuiu" \-M. and. Oowela*. They Invitforate and reiitorn to health Dohllitttwl Conttltutloiii, and rn invaluablr in J1 i pUini* Incidental to FaniivlM of *\\ age*. For Cliildrm aud tbe yml they ar (>riol*M THE OINTMENT laaa Infallible remndy for TUd fx-fin. nad Hroaiite. Old Wound*. Horen and Ulcera. It la fsmonsfer Oout and Khenmatlnni. For disorders of the CbMt It has no equal. For SORE THROAT, BROMCH1TIS, COUGHS, COLDS Olandular Swellings, and all Bkln DIoeaiMMi It hm no rlral : and for contracted and stiff joints It acts like a charm. Kaiinfactnred only atProfeosor HOI.IXJWAT'S Kitabllihrnent, 78. New Oxford si r.-- ( |t r.xt. Oxford Blreet >. I onlo, and arc lol.l at la. IJd-. ., 4e. M., 11s , Ms., and !s. eaoh ROB or Pot. and may be had of all ttttt ein* Vendora tbroughout the World. imld look t< >hr Labrl <m the PoU and Rtnrrt, Jf thr aMrett i ni ^.M, Orfnrd fllrtet, lAmdan, thty itrr u J. W. BATES, furniture Dealer and Undertaker, ONT. NOTICE: A thorongli bred Dnrliam Hull calf, one month old, for sain. Also a one year old Durham Boll, with good pedigrees. MHO a good Htearn Flour Mill at Flexliorton Station for Hale. Apply to ROGER f osbrrton P. 0.

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