Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1886, p. 2

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Wtewr. (sJterTennyeooin ChlcMO latar-Oceaa ) Bhort arow th* dara And dark Uie lomg Ol**. Tb* *u 1* <iulk lu a*l And *iow to rn*. Is ll* , Aunt PrtaellUf" atki stoni**, * good deil awed >y the old lady a oleinn.ty. > Bom* other time you ball know all, sari adiaa PriaoilU, in H> low ne OD * adopt il epeakiog ot the IHI eppidlins . Wilb flaabiuK tleUba Oj paat, 4 eslJnof bella-alaugb- Fioat oulti*bi**t. Ublqaltona With tiny slxl tb* boy Slid** down tli ley hill BrimloJot joy. Tb* orMkliK wheela Of haary lad.n oart* Grind nowly on tour way Down crowded mart*. Ah I 'tis winter, 'TU winter oold and blue . Crlp *oow bird* bT* iheir will* And blliiardatool M Q 1ST I O A. : i,x tan WTHoa OF " rsTTLua," HMOLLT BIWM, iSD OTBBB FOri LtB NOV* ' torus other time)," cohoes Mis* enelopo geolly. OH AFTER III. BOW MONICA BTrHIEIJ TIB bAVDICAFM. " Ii il thine, ma'am. what I bear, tht yc'll be wautin' a mud for Idite nlsuioa ? >ska Mrs. Reilly. tbe eook at Moyne, drop reepeotfal aourteev jait iciide ttie raw ox room door. "Ryan let dhrop a word to me aboat il, BO I made w bould. ma'am, as to corns np-atalr* an' tell ye 1 think 1 know a girl as will oome In bandy j*." "Andwhoii sbi, Beilly ?" siks Mua Priteilla anxiously. Bhe'i a vary good girl, ma'isa, an smart an' nate, an' 1 think yi'll Uke her,' repliee tbe cook, who, like all Irish people luda a difficulty in giving a direct antwer to a direct question. Perhaps, too, there u a little wiliaeii in ber determination not to name the new servant's parentage jait at pretent. I dare iay , I flaoe great reliance upon tome elderly inhabitant, etude like a nit- bapen blot before the alter-raili; a win- am, too bi-i.ed. tor it* length and generally at o( proportion, throw* too much light upon the dlngineeei within; th* general baraottr ot tbt ngly old place hae loet koioetbing, bat ueoredly gained nothtug, ty theie innovation*. It ii bard to pat " a iieoe ot new olotb on su old garment " iuo- wtally. The village iteelt stands apoa a high bill, tbe ocean liee at its tet. F.-OQI Itoyce Hdaw one oau eee tbe iMmmer ot the great Atlantis as it danoee beneath tbe aanbeaue or laiheo iltelt into f urtoai foam ander tbe touch ot tbe north wind. The coast-Ruurd elation, too, stands oat, brilliant In iti wbitewaab, a gleaming epot uj^ou the land- To the letl ot the nation liee Onoahinoha -a long, deep lice ot tea beaoh that would make ite tortane as a bathing-place under bi pu-r auipioei and in eome more appre- ciated olime. M onioa, looking down from ber height, uKtB in all the beauties ot tbe lendioat>e that inrroooda her, acd lete tbe mono ot (he melancholy coeen sink into her very eonl. Then Bbe lete her eyes wander to tbe right eod real with pardonable oniiotity ya lervil y cartel! la mob a miserable 11 At that," sayi Monioa, breaking in eagerly, leeling, no doubt, *h hai teen let! too long out io the oold and that il ie time her voice were heard, " I suppose I looked aalber forlorn, because he eaid, quite nioely, Maybe ye'd not be too proud, mils, to gel into me cart, an' I'll dhrive the lot of ye up to Ibe Hooee, where, as look has il, I'm goio' Beeelt.'" Bbe mimioks the soft Southern brogue very prettily. "Ba, up we got," lays Kit gtily, " am away w* went in Ihe nioe, iweet hay, j ->[ trot, jogtrot, aud i* comfortable." Tne Mii-eti BUke by tbii time are filled wilb dumay. In Ronmoyne, where fami- lies are few and tar between and indecent aeaudal unknown, the tmalleat trifles art sened upon with avidity and manufactured into mountains. A good appearance, " Mil* Penelope wae taught at tohool, " ii tbt ftrslitep in lit*." and here have these children been making their appearance tor tbe first time in a common bay carl. Wbal will Madam O Oonnor *ay ? Madam O'Connor's father having alwayi laid claim to being a direct ds*oendant ot one ol tb* old Kings ol Manater, Madam'* veins, of eearee, are filled with royal blood, and ai each ar* to be held in reverence. Wbal won't tbie terrible old woman aay when abe hears ot the Bsretford'i eseapade 1 Toe Mieae* Blake til shivering, blinkin their eyelid* and afraid to iay anything. " We got on tplendidly," Terenoe ie say- lag, "and might, indeed, have flnuhtd oar joarney reepcotably bat tor Monioa. Sht laid onr reputation in the dost. ' Monica turns upon him an appealing lance from her la. #, soil eyee lbi woold have melted any heart bat thai ot a brother'*. " Annl Priacilla." lays this adamastire yoatb, " what is tbe name ot tbe boat* wilb th* big gat*, aboat half a mile from tbie ?" " C.le 0*il," repliee abe, *t-.ffly, the very faci ot baviog to mention tbe reaidenoe ol the detested Desmond makicg her heart beat violently. But Terry ii a fereon blind to epeaking glance* and deaf to worded bints. In effect, Terry and taol are two; so be goee on, unheeding bi* aunt'* evident diirelieb for tbe eobjtel : " Well, jaet a* we got to Ooole, I aw a fellow itkodiog ineid* tbe entrance gatr, smoking a cigar. I fancied he looked amused, bat would have thought nothing of tbat only I beard him laugh aloud, and saw h* wa* staring ov*r my bead- 1 wa driv- ingto where Monica and Kit were, on tbe top of Ibe bay. II oceorred to me then to eee wbal th* girl* war* doing, BO I etood np on th* shaft and looked, and " Here be pause* as though cligbtly over- come. " Wbal, my dear ? ' aeki Miu Priaoill* aniiooaly. " Thir* wa* Monica lying in an esilbetie attitude very ithetio with her ebin ID ber hands and ber eyee on the borae'e ears, and bar thought*, I prennme, in heaven, or wherever young ladiee keep them, and witb her faeale^ " "II isn't trtK it isn't;" interrupt! Monica blushing tnrioualv and fpeahioR witb much indiatnatioo. " I don'l believe a single word cf ill" " And with ber heeli " IQ mid air. She waa kicking them up and down with delight," caye Terenoe, fairly bnbblioK over with jiyat tbe reoolleo- Won. " It wae tbe moat bumiliating eight for a modeel brother. I cball never forgivt her for il. Becidee, tbe ctrange youog man "It yon lay another word," eaye Monioi, white with wratu and with tear* in her eyee. " I cball never upeek to yon again, or help yon onl of any trouble." Tbie awful threat hae the detired tffet ol reducing Mr. Bereelord to eubjeetion. Hi goee down before the foe and iruoklei to her meanly. " Too needn't take it BO moon to heart," he eaye eootbiogly, " there waea't maob in il, after all, and your ihoee are very pretty and eo are > our feet." Tbe compliment works wonderi ; Maoioe qaite brigbtene up again, but tbe two old ladiee are bopeleaely noaudalizsd " 1 teel aeeored, Terenoe," aaya Miu I'riacilla with rnueb digoitr, " lhal ander m eireametanoie could a nieoe of mine ebow too moah of her ber Here Mice Prieeilla bluibei and breaki dewi. " Legi 7 " eoMeeU Terry politely. " Bol wbo WM the etrange yoang man ?" ecke Miee Penelope ouriouMy. " Oar friend of tbe hey cart eaid bii name WM Deemond, and thai be wae n* phew to tbe maeter of tbe house behind tbe big gate*." retaroe Kit flaeotly. " Daemon! I " lay e Miec Frieeilla greatly agitated. " Let me never bear yoo nieution that name again I It bac been onr bane 1 Forget y >a have ever been eo unfortunate ai to eoeonnter thie yoocg man, and, if ill Inek ebould ever drive him aeroee your path again, rcmecMier you do cot yon nevxr know him." " Bal I'm certain be will know Monica if be >>eee ber ogaiu," eaye Kit. " He itared at hi-r ae if ehe h>-l seven bead' " "Mo wonder, eoncldering ber equivocal poiition. Aadaiio koowing Monica, I'm notoe/tain of that, o* ooaree, bat I'm atterly poeitive be enald cwear to bur <ho in a eow3," eaye Terenoe with unholy deiigbi " He 'vae enchanted with tbdm and with the eluekv on ber itookings. I think be WM taking tbe p .-tern of then." 11 He wa not," eayc Monica almost weep- ing " He oonldn'i eee them. I wai too blgb up. ' " 'What will you bet he doeio't know the color ot them ?" aikc ber tormentor with a (reb burat ot arpreeiation of tbe nodlgtii- fied eeene. << When I tee him again I'll aak him." " Terence," eaye Miee Priectlle. growing very pUe, " you moel never ice him again, or, at all evente, yon moat never apeak to him. Uaderetaad, onee tor all, tbat intl your opinion, Beilly. But who ie ene ? Doee ebe oome from tbe village or from one ot the farms? I should prefer tbe farme." " Bhe'e ac tidy as ctae ean be," laye Mre. Beilly amiably, hot atill evasively, "an 1 a bit of a scholar d into tbe bargaiu, an' a very oivil tongue in ber head. Bbe'i seventeen all oat, ma'am, and never yet gave ber mother e saucy word." "That ie M it should be,' nays Miae Friioilla oommendingly. . " Ton feel a great intereat in tblaiglrl. 1 eeb eee. Ion know her well? ' "Yee, misi. She ie me anele'e wife'n eietber's child, an' aa good a gill ae ever stepped in ehoe leather." She ie, then?" aikc Miee PrUoilla faintly, pacxled by thie etattling relation- bip. " Bhe'e that girl of the Gentys , ma am, and ae likely a eolleen ae ever ye met, though I eay it ae eboaldn'l, f he being kin- like," eaye Mre. Reilly boldly, seeing her time ie oome. Wnai! That pretty, blue eyed child tnal called to eee yoo yeeterday T Bbe u from tbe village, then ?" with maniteet ditaate. An' what's the mattber wid the village, ma'am ? ' By tbil time Mrs. Reilly baa her arme akimbo acd bae an evident thirst tor knowledge full upon ber. " But I bear abe U flighty and wild, and not at all domeatioated in any way." An* wbo hae the taee to lay tbat, ma'am T Give me tbe namee of ber dethraotorii,' eyi Mre. Reilly in an awlul tone, Ibat aetmed to demand the blood of tbe " dethraetors." "I feeleure, Bailly," eayi Mica Pritoilla lowly, ' tbat yea a-e not aware ot tbe poti- lion year arme have taken. It is moat unbtoomii.g" Mrs. Kmllv'i arms drop to ber aides. " And ae for tbii girl you tpeak ot, I bear abi ic, u I say, very flighty." " Don't believe a word of it, m t'am," eay s oonk with virtuous indignation. "Jaat rxcauie ebe boldi up her heakd a bit, an' liiea a ribbon or two. taere'i no holdin' the got'ipi down below," iDdieilmg tbe village by a baakwaid jerk ot ber thumb. "Bbe'e aa dacant a little eowl ai you'd wieh to ice, an' she bae as uate a foot ae there ie in the ooon ty. Tbe Ctntyn baa all a character for parly feet." "Pretty feat are all very well in their way," aaye Mis* Friacilla nodding ber beetl Bat ean she eew ? And ie abe quiet and lreeie>ble, and" " Divil a thing ebe can't do, ma'am, axin' yer pardon," aaye Mrs. Beilly, ratberlouog btrielf in tbe eieitement ot tbe moment. Jaat thry ber. ma'am, au it ye don'l like her, an' if Mies Monioa Hilda even one fanlt in ber, jost eend her baek to ber mother. I can't aay fairer nor that." No, indeed. Very well, Reilly, let her oome np to me to-morrow ; and eee tbal her luiide olothee are all right, aud lei her know ebe muet *tter be oat after dark." "Te ma'am," aayi tbe triumphant Rilly beating a beaty retreat. Halt an hoar alter arda ihe eLOoanters M iijui upon tbe avenae. "Way, where are yon going. Mre Bully T" aaks Mooioe aseiog tbat eook ie got up In all her war paint, regardleee ol expo uu. " To maee ftrst, mist," caye Mre. Beilly. "Wbere'e tbatT" aike Mouio* with foreign ignorance. "Lw I To tae obepel, miie," aye Bailly with au amneed amlle. 11 Bat it isn't Bauday I" N >, miai, it'a a saint's day may they be ic> oi to act" eroeeiag aereelt. " It'e diftVrenl with you, rniea, yea MC , eat we puor folks, we mast eay oar prayer* when we can, or the Virgin will dbrop us oat of htr mind." " Is your ebipel pretty ?" aeki Monica, who has now been a week in the country and, through very wearinear, feele a mad deaire to talk to somebody or anybody. "i'aix, it's lovely, miee, cinee Father Jerry took it in hand I There's the flneet picture* ye ever aaw on tbe walla, an' an altar il 'ud do ye good to look at." " Would it T Then {'11 go some day to eee it," sayt Monica emiling, not knowing tbat her aanle woald ae soon Ut bar enter a pandemonium aa a Boman Oatholie obapel. Dear old ladiea! Fr^htened by abadowo, thry have been bred in tbe belief that the E.II Ooe dwklle beneath the shade of the R jmau Catholic Chorob and will, therefore, imrely die in it "Da, then, agral" lays Mrs. Beilly, wbo bai, of ooaree. like all the other servant*, none down before Monioa, " lie prow 1 we'd be to eee ye there." There ie no thought of eonverelon in the woman's miud, you moat remember merely an boipiiable ilium to lei her know ne will b3 waloome anywhere. 11 By the same token, Miaa Monioa," eaye tbe, "ibere'i something I wai near forget- lib' to -.11 ye." Yee I" ay- Moaiea. " Ye're goin' to have me ancle's wife's niece tor voar own maid, misc." " Am I ? I'm glad of that," aayi Monioa with native oourteiy. " I- ebe " witn some h saitation and a faint bluab " U ebe prelly, Beilly ? ' " Bbe'e tbe partiret girl ye ever let eyei> on,'' says Mr*. Beilly wi-b eotbnaiaem. "I'm glad ot tiut, I can t bear ngly people," eayi Mo-.io . " Fail, then, there's a bad time before ;e wid tbe ould ladies," moetere Mre. Beilly lotto voee, gathering op ber eloak and step picg ocwarde. fine ia a remarkably baud- none woman hereelf, and no may lately deplore tbe want ot beaaty In ber betters Manioc, taming aside, etepc on a higb bank and looks toward the village. Through tbe trees he oan tee tbe eplre of tbe old cathedral rieing beaveawarde. Though Koemnoyne ii but a village, ilitilloan boaet iie cathedral, an ancient edifiae, nneoutb and unlovely, bnt yet one of the oldest pleoeu ot worship in Ireland. Moel ot my readers would no doubt laugh maoy between us and th* inhabitants of | it to acorn, bat we wbo belong to it river enc* it, and point out with pride to paeeen by the tew quaint narka and tokina tbat link U to a by-gone age. There is a save, broad and deep, com- pruing mor* than a third of tbe whole building, with ite old broken etone pave- mint, and high up, earvtn upon one of it* wall*, the head ol Hi. Feugbnen, II* patron eaint a hide ou* taint, indeed, it be reaem Ooole ii impoeaible. Thii t*ud I hint al tooebM yon eve> more closely than it touche* a*, bat yoa cannot f**l it more than we do -perhape not at much. Tbe nonor of onr family ba* auflered at tb* haode ol the matter ot Coole. He ii tbe enemy ot ou house I " " PriMilla I " marmare Mils Penelope in a low and trembling tone. " De not try to check me, Penelope. I will psekk," tayi MM* Priieilla tternly. " Tola mao yeare ago offered ooe near and dear to CM an indigatty not to be lightly borne. Tb* world i* wide," turning to the cetoni*h*d ebildren, " joa can make friend* where yon i; bat I woold have yoa recollect thai i Bereelord and a Deenond ban aogbt In fii But what bava tb. Dnmond* done to upon Ooole Oa*tle, wbtre dwells the ogre of ber bone*. Above QjoU, and about two mile* tarlhsr on, lie* Ahyohillbeg, tbe real- ileuoe ot Madam O Oonnor, that terrible dceaendantot on* o< Ireland's kings; whilst below, neatling amocg ita fare aud baeohe*. is Kilmore, wber* tbe Ballordi a merry laugle ot boys and girls -may be teen al all hours. Then there u tbe vicarage, wbere tbe ree tor lives with hit family, which is large and, nearer to the village, tbe booae tbal holds tbe curate and hi*) family, wbiob. cl coarse, u larger. Be-ides wbiob, Monioa OL jost see from her vantag* ground the wooded blopes olDortna beg that have lattl) called ycung BonayDB matter-a diatant ooasin baviog died moel unexpectedly ani Utt him all hi* property. Bii months ago, Ulie Ronayne was apoken of by aiizioa* matroni ae a wild lad, wilb nothing to recommend him save bis band tome face and tome naughty ttonei attached to hit name. How he it pro nounoed obaiming, and th* naughty itoriei which, indeed, never bad any foundation are discovered to bave been difgraoetu (abrioation*. Marriageable daogbtera are kinder to him than wordi ean iay, and are allowed by the moat cautious motbere to dance with him as ott*n a* they obooee and even to ail out unlimited hours witb him in etoladed eornsrs ot oooiervatorie onrebuksd. Truly, Plntae ! Iboa art a god indeed Thou hael outlived thy greater brethren Thy ibrine ie honored ae of old I After a lingering glance at tbe dittanl ocean and tbe twelliug wood* that now, io merry Juue. are making their grandeal show, Monica jampe down from her bank ag*iu and goes sliwly einging aa *he aiow towards tbe river tbat ruc al tbe end ot tfoyne. Down by m backs Moyn* aeloally . .uoneb tbe bated Uude ot Goole, a al gbt boundary fence beioR all tbat divide* ooe place from tb* otber. The river rucu.a eagerly pact both, on its way to the sea, murmuring merrily on in happy voyage, aa though mocking al human weal* and woe* and petty quarrel*. Through tb* waving mtadowe, over tbe little brook, |>aat the ttyle, Monica makes ber way, plucking here aud there the scar- let popfiee and tbs bio* oorr.fljwsn and Janitr, ihoa* pearled Aictnriof tbeearib, Ibe ojubKllaied flower thai never sew." Tn* eun ie tinting all tbinge witb il* y*l low ha s and ii burning to brighten gold tbe raddlsb inge io lap eirl'e bair ae sbe 0,0 fee with dallying *teps through the green field*. Sbe ii drened m a wLite {own decked witb ribbons ot a itnabri tin), and wear* opon ber btad a bnge poky bon- net, from which ber face peep* onl, ball tamest, halt ocijaettub. wholly pore. Ber band* are baro aod bcpely, bat a little brown ; aome old-fashioned ringa gilt- leu on them. fine bat tbi tail ot ber gown thrown negligent y over ber arm, aod with her happy lip* parted in eocg aud her eyea aereue a* early dawn, ab look* like that fair thing ot Chaucer's, who** Berth* wae ol tb* w >nib of morning ci*>w Aud bi r conception of tb* Joyous prim*. And now tbt sparkling river comae io sight. Near iu brink an old boat-houM may be lieu f**l ornmbling to decay ; and on Ihe river iteelf lias, ewsying to aud fro, a email pnnl in tba very laal itagti of decline. It ii a vary terrible little boat, qaite el death door, and might have bad tboas linn of Dantt'i painted upon it without l.bel: abandon hope, all ye wbo enter bar*. But Monica, in happy ignorance ot rotlicg timbers, thinkionlyot tbi joy the fait lail evening when ttae diaecvery ot thin denoor- ali zsd treasure wae made. Iu tb* moul deriog boal-honse abe bad found it, and ao bad claimed it lor her own. She baa told no one ot ber secret, not even Kit, wbo It, M a roll, bsr prime min inter, her confidante and her ibadow. Bb* hai, indeed, had great difficulty in Heaping (com "ber shadow" jnil now, but, after much diplomatic toil, bad managed il. To find herself upon th* calm and gentle river, to dream there ber own ew**t thought* beneath tbe kindly (bade of tbe pollard willowH, to glide witb tbe ttream and baik in tb* ann)igbt *l> alfne, bat been her desire liooe y eeter eye. To-morrow, it to iay nroy*a aaootesful and ber rowing doe* not fail her, of wbicji ibe ha* bad oomo practice during tki lail two yean ot bir life, ibe will till Kit and Terry all about it, and 1*1 them share ber I laaaore. But to-day ie ber own. Tb* boat ie connected witb Ihe abore by a rope tied round tbe stump of a tree by moil nnakilf ol bau-U Flinging ber fhwers into the pant, the atrivee diligently to undo Ihe knot tbal ibe hereelt bad made tbe Diuhl before, bat itrivee in vain. Tb* bard rope wounds htr Under bandi and vexee ber gentle tool. Bu I* "till draggling "lib il, and already a little pained Irown has made a wrinkle on ber smooth brow, whan another boat iboolt from under th* willows and Rain* tb* little landing plase, with its pebbly beaob, tbal belongs equally to Ooole Gaulle and to Moyne. Tbi* nw boat is a tremendous improve- ment on oar heroine'!. II ie tbe smarteil little affair puiutla, and at sal* as a obnrob safer, indeed, as times go now. Nol tbal there is anything very elaborate aboat il, but il ie freebl) -painted and there ar* cushions in it, aud all over it a eappremed air of luxary. Bnide* tbe oatbiont there IB something else in it, too young man of aboat six- end-twenty, wbo steps lightly on to the bank, though il ie a miracl* be doesn't loae hie footing and come Unommionely la the Kround, so bent ii bit gezi on tbe grteions little ngur* at tbe other aid* of the boun- dary fence struggling wilb tb* refractory rope, It doesn't take any time to cros* thi boundary. " Will yon allow me to do that for yon 7" lays tbe strange young man, railing bii hai politely and taking the rope out of Monloa'e band without waiting for permiition. CHAl'TK K IV. " Ton we vny kind," says Moniea slowly, feeling not BO much embarrassment ai surprise at thii sudden advent. Then tbi young man loceeni the rope, and, having done eo, eaett a enreory glance at the boat to which It is attMbad. As bi does M, hi lifts hi* brown. Barely yoa are not drtecning ot going on th* river IB last /" b* sayi, indicating Ihe wretched pool by a contemptuous wavt t bit hand. Tes. Why not T" return* the. There itn't a sonnd bit of timber in ber. "Hy poplebaveiothiug to do with il," yiM. MJS somewhat grandly. " I am my msialrui *' Bit ton picked up ber flowen again onl ibt dt>[>ted pant and now Hand* before .IIIB iliuea: baudi filled with tbe Juue o'KCEtrn, blene and whit* aod rd. Th*y i.< t> r.i'l> againi! tbe pallor ot b*r gowu jjiecu, indted, to baumuniii altogether Itiroiai, for ber lips ar* aihear pop pita, aod ber eorcfliweri tJHbloes) ub*sri)*s, aod bir skia puts her ropi-aag daiaiti sUl to abame. "aa jon art > our own mlatreu," eaye niyoeanK natn, wilb a eoipieion of a amil* a_a hi likes* io tbi baby tweelnesi of her and each detail ol ber alight, girliah tbal Beipeati tbi child rather than Istewoinui, "Ian treat you to have aom* iny upon y.'rf I/ ' "Beat (heat u tbe matter with it?" aake asIiiiiiG*,pi-eiii|iiuW tbe boat "II look* all ,,iU. 1 oari'tboo ahola iu it" "It'esiiitkaiBgbeal bolee, in my opinion," t ajilkaenlranje >onng mao, peering ia bi* Ii B.I i regular eofl*. Yon will be nothing lea* tuau taioide il yoa ptl your foul in il." Dear me," iay i Monica blackly, feeling t we. i_n(t d iu ipite ot herself , " I do think I DCS t uutormaate person alive. Do i*t ber eyee to hi*, " I didn't IMP SB vinii; lait night, tbiobingol Ibis row oaihe> rivtr- to-day, and now it comes to t-iolbiuLg! Ibal is Jaat likamyluokalway*. Cvw aobeoioa it; I wanted Io gat round tihil o ]ntr ovir there," pointing to it, " to tiviailweatal tbe other tide, and now I iu'1 cloit." Is aecnaa to tbe young man 1 akiu it b. tr w Ihoufih ber glance is re- Ml aa If ehe coonaoi* hirt, inao- i, vitb her disappointment. rteria EoreafOJ why you shouldn't," ciinniDgauxionsly when she oontra- ,1 turn. \t ur al I," aba iay a doubilully , bendinn oviitolook iato tbi clear bed ot tb* river, 1 M do.'i tb?heve, it things came to tbe wsiorit. ud I Jiil gel swamped, 1 ehoold bi begin oar acquaintance by telling yoa my name. Il i< Moniea Beresford." "M.mos. lugericg over it loviogly, "a beautiful name, I think. I ttiuk, too, it suinyoa. Mine u 1.01 to be compared to yoore ; hot, *uob a* il it. I give il yoa " H* throws a o.rd into bur lap. " I hope il isn't Jjbu Smith," aaya Mcnioi, emiltng and picking up tbi card. Bui, as ibe read* wbal i* printed tneruur, th* iiuile fade, and an czpttmeioo ot uttor diimay ovtr*pr*ad* ber tic*. ' Dtfsmoua' Oh! not Ditsiandl" sbe eajs imploringly, her lipe growing qaite pale ' Yea, it it Djemoad," lays tbe youug man, half amuaed, half (osmled. " Toa really think ii ugly, then ! Dj yon kuow, I rather fancy my eorname, although my Obrie - " "Toa are not you cannot b* (it Dja- mond," interrupt* ihe haalily. "Mo; tbat'a my uncle, "aaya the youeg man innoeently. "Obi then yea acknowledge the crime T" in deep distrest (To b* eontlnauL) THE LADIES' COLUMN. I.uteet l-jiMiin.il- for MiBMiej ttnd l.lttl MMtlHiii< U.>m bled that ancient carving. How often have I gsE*d upon hi* unlovely visage and won- dered in myohildUh f union why the grace that come* from io divine an origin held not ni power to render hia aervant'a face more beutifol. In tbsee later yeen they have im- proved (?) and moderniied the old etrue tore. A stone pojpit, bog* aad etamsy, erected by inbaorlptlon to th* memory of What f.o your peopli be thlnkiog o', to 1*1 . Oettrttinlyoot, ilyou could swim, or if shire -wu sany one watching your welfare fCioni tibibsknkitbtl oonld." "Well, I cu't/'eonfesaes Moniea with a BBijb, 4 * ud ankae yw," witbanirrepreisible ugh tbil Bbocti all ber white and even txetlh. "will promiie to ran along the banki ol iba river all tbe afternoon to watob over en,l don'l think there ia much chance ot Di)eoipiufi diatb." "I sihoaledn'i mild in Ibe leat being on ayo>'il iotacbi oiuie,"iy* tbe itraoiitr tjwlilelj, wieh tbe stmeetrefully-*uppreied BBQilo upon bull pi (which are very band- *sxnt> M bad moved them a while >g >. 'Oommuidmi, if yoa will ; bnt I would _ yjj artmecnbtr lhal, even iboo.b I sBboulaawm e totbtreaeoe, it would notaav* ^oga>ziocpl(aiantduekiog, ai.4 and jour apratljriowa." with a glance Ibat u alrnoil Kliottoute al tbe whit* Icdtan o>ltou, ~'*iii U be completely rained." "S ia tsaal dire idea doesn'l dannt me," esu;i Mouios gaily, "you forget that Ibe snort limp lam tbt more atntbetio I ahall dook. W? Ii," wi:h a aoidcu reUpae into jrular-:ebolXi"I auppoe* I mo*: g.va il up, a*ui u ol|u round tbe comer lu d y ' "t* at iJy net?" ezelaioii htesgetl.. My ton .l y< or mrvioc. Do take it. I luve < jane dune wub il, I have indd , and laniter tbta illooke" i <job*iV) (or me, I am afraid," raye "lea M Tbeu,' withdcs|rtebjldK-ir, '111 awwrow)on." "O j M J" tetnrue ehe. blo>hing warnily Ltm fgrget/'.witua ewift kU'.o> ai him, ~' )au an q. ulle u iiraoger to inc." Via hi ! not quite aueh a elranger ae >h- euiikw. Bfcae ii no) aaob a stranger to hi j, sal leeail, absguise her face, *eea for a en>oiuenlab>ula week ago, bat haunted him aprnu. teully svar eloee. 11 A. *e livo in the tamo neighborhood, vii ta ruol loniioontlnae itranK*n," be *y f^mAy, "and, in the meantime, why lone sbi. lovely .{ttrr.oon, and tnat corner yon witti a^takicguf T The view of tte aea, -wbm ;ou pel round 11, it really worth auttiucg." 'Ti,y*, I dan iay ."reluctantly turn- Inva bin. " I aball aee it some day." "Lo)kbvfre,' Bja he yoaug loan very tolly, follow tug ber as sbe moves, "if yoi earill lo> m win mo you will aee il my I will oily be your oaraman ; I won't say a void fc you aolaia yoa with it; I won't even Joolatyoa. Tblnk of me a* a Cora- moo eb/niain you have birsd by tbe hour ; or, better Hill, don't think of me at all. With t Ii Ik It oar e you might bring youreell tolnj agine I wasn't time," "Iuii( -we me) any one?' say* M.a* er*Bfc[i), viiibly rttenting. "lcx(o-i. itlel Therein never a onl on tbii as trisna ! B) sell. I have bean here wfaavtry da; f or tea dj e end never yel cuue vpu men Ibe gboil of anything "Vei; well, 1 eayi Mooioa, tboogh itill vilb pilpskble beiiiatioo. " Now, remam- bti, y on hekve pledgad yoaraelf not to apeak ttua.Qi to look itme." At tbi* bs fiiee npou bit io f roeouued a gay t that one may iacil ba meani it to be a laat TkeiDbi lum aiida tnd having brought liubjalio beretdiof Ihe fecoe, bo|d< onl tohesr bit fcnod. Aa b* doe* tbu b* keep* bii tyn bent open tb* groaud as though deur *nii:edi to 10 1 her know bia penance bat alnad) began, 'I am not m the boat, yet," *ay* Moniea, -wilb saqaatnllittliimile, laying her palm D bin . W iieriu pen h e looks at ber attain , saoi t -(u, ai their ey*a m**t, they both jojooal;, ae yoatb will when it meet* tly sebi atepa into hie boat, and aailnwly , Uci ly, ba rpwa her down the liitle arlvir lower linden either bank-lettiug thibott drill at moil at lie own eweet will. Ibo wmllovM, drooping towsrds tb* -wiletr 'id|C*, woo them as they paw; the doolie ah vie di woald hold them in embrace ; flij flowera would lain entwine . BatJ ttey.lboogh loving them, go eaiD, tlninuAgtbeir oyn thouxhte and -wwj.aawig v*|ae)ly at tbe beaaty ot tbe Hiinrrrlvwr-bu.J* K>on| tbe MJge, ill CWIing witer ulij br, ! >ud bi|lit, I And balnmt>n.ndr*e<}io{ each deep (rr*n iieootnee tludivsilaU yiwllbaub*raLnn. 89 atatiilenoe bMbeennerupalontlT kept. Woik word, bai been epoken siuce they left mtibfcuk,a ola lock exchanged. Mouiea i* hetr little slender finger* trail e* vafter and the flat leavae ol belli iu. H, wilb hi< coat off, I* pretend- nKtu row, bnl in ttalily la Idling hi* body sK'ov SBDhasarvicnt to bis mind. Hehaeevta odbiresd honorably to hit promise not to oi.ka.thir. and intill mentally ambitioo* sahoat beints true to hia word ia thie reipect, wsrbiu emfx. clsiuatiou from her pull an end BE. i ill mhiogsj. "()'l Took at that lily!" ihe Rayi eHo ily. ' ' Wa there ever mob a beauty 7 Btyocs. will ro r* littio more to the right 1 smmiat re I B hill be able to get it." 11 L> -jc'i tir. I'll gel it," returns be, e.-itif tiito *ho lily for Ible break In their eamra* , and presently the fhating Bineursd, and b* layi it, wit and bir onMtreUhed band*. iff tat all, yoa tee, yoa broke your pro- " ihe s*ayi e> mominl later, moat no- at;rMf3llf, RlmoinK up albim ecqoetliably f ruin under htr loon laehai. "Batwhomademe do it?" aeki be re- rpioufcxtally. vb>riapon she laagbe and r-edJani, "Imnr eorfejei," ibe aayi, tbaking ber i r:iy htad." aad after all do you know E in rather glad yon a poke to me, became, t bfflijri 1 lik bin i quite by myaell at time*, Nil i htr illmm when any one ii wilb ntni." "B> dol."iayc) her oompanioD, with tbe caHmoe tj ebaeirlillaeM. "laliiDk,"leiuinK towards him witb a f rind ly mite, "I cannot do better than 9!t]irrilT 11V HKKKHT 1HK botlla should be kept tor tome ol tb* ipare peal, which abould be o!i..|.inl very fiiit and a little ml: jat ov.r U, tu be nvt.it tor tor'iui-ut i or meat fltvoringe. Al. i dry'- OEO (>trl iu a ami oven, kLd u<e thi*, orumbl.-d fiuo or xrated, for a|'pl*e aid va'ioueotutr ibinga. S)S,VelO BY A DBVOtTBU HIM.. A I . um.i. i . Terrtkle Kifitrleacc la ihe w la Wcaacra Vallcf. A wood -hauler by the name of Jean B*ptiete Ltru* lefl the oiiy late one evciog tor hi* home, somewhere ou the otber aide cf tbe vajley. Il appears tbal by tbe time be had reached the middle of the valley tbe effect of the liquor he had drank died away, leaving him to tbe mercy of tbe cold. At first Larot tried to overcame il. Begot tbe waggon and ran beeide the team, but in his weakened condition Ib* exeroiaa loon ezbuted him. The motion of hie arms teemed to alartle the hortea, and they iwuok cffoa around trot, leaving Larne behind. The team dl*ap[<ared and Luce dropped to tbe ground tired out and discouraged. How loig he remained at tbe roadside b* doea not know, bat he wee first partially and than wholly arouaid from tbe itupor which bad overcome him by his dog tug- ging at hit coat and finally biti;jg him, flrit slightly aud then more itverely in the leg. Maddened at tbe dog be staggered to bla fet wilb the intention of beating him, but b* was too far gone to even raia* bit bacd to atrike a blow. Tbe faithful dog teemed to take ia the eilaalion, and instead of tunning from his matter be again alighily bit him ia tbe leg. Lrne kicked al the watchful brute several timer, bat failed to reach him. Tbe exercise forced tbe blood to bii extremities, and al tbe tame time he gained a clearer comprehension ot hie real daLgar. With a great effort he aroueed himselt to aetion, bnl having lost bi* reckoning b* didu'i know wbioh way to te.ro. Ajjaiu hi* faithful dog ome to hi* re*enr. Witu a wliiuo and lew bark tbe animal led off at right angle* from tbe road. Lame, now troaiiog all tu the dog, foiluwed him as faat an b* o.'ol), and io tbe coarse of half au hour reached a cabin on tbe billtidr, coaupied by a woo'ohopper, who lit nioi in aud kidd'y at:? rial u bis wante. Hut' City Inttr-Uou-.tiin. lewilnci a UeiMc i Hi lib. Mavy ol oor pi*^reb-Uving o^utempi. rarie 1 would ba raibcr alarinaii at Ibe d.- cuv*ry Ibat tba principle ot our aooul medical and odouiiooal ie'oria dori g tbe Ikkt to hundred jeare t.aa been a r - rca t u-it iu tba oo:ui>i*i:oa of our namral I *<iL>eU. 8) f .rei^u wa btS rul- ol o >uduc . to Ibe moral HaiJoid- of tba mi.'d e aa)* that its impoiiacoa was no ^i.:i d only ii iu apparent txcip tioni*, tho aoppcfccd " tvu pro(iniitie* uf oar u rrgcLcrate uatnrr,' uob a (oinon hati), aluvh aud ttxaal izoe**es. Tbe r.'tl cigmflaance ot auoti aberrations would reveal tbe difference between umural appr- til* aod aDnorm%l (arii&jially aiqilruc) aipiteneieii, arid teach Ui Iba n*- ecnity ol *ppl>iig Ib* toU of tbat dnuuct'ou to all i>o-ta*kiv4 iuiiicote, aid uceatiinally to otberwi*e uuexr,lainnd avemlam. But tvn witbiu tbiaj limilt < C'i.ieal itnly ol our protective inluitiou would turpriaingly ibuw in bow uiai>; re-|tcmthe b>gtenio reforms ot tbe laai two baudred year* oao^d have been autiei- p>ted by tbe mil pit ttauuu gi oi our ttue Fur the wardi Of iuititcl a ten p. -ranee sermon would be askupeifluoua aa a lector* on tbe folly ot drinking bailing petroleum, lor to Ibe palate i.f a normal livii- g being human or animal alcohol ia not only uuattmc ive, but violently repnUive, aod Ibe baneful paaeion to wbiob thai repu* nanse can be forced to yield ie so clearly abnormal tbat only tbe inf atnation of tb natural depravity dogma o:nld ever mistake U for an nu ate an elite la defence cl the renpiratory organs, nature fl^hti alxo t to tbe laet. Tb* blinded dupe ol the cigh'.-ar Ropcistitioo would har-Jly aiirrl thai he dud* tbe hot miaemt of hie unventilated bedroom wore pleasant than fretli air. Ha tbinkt it tafer, in tplte or p:rbap< beeauK o! ii iipnltiv*new. Mirtrael all pleaeant thingt " was ib* w*toborl of the medinval ojcmogouy. Long tefjre Jabn and Peetalcaii dem- ouatra'eJ the bygieoio importanee ol gymoaslior, children embraoed a?ery opporlonity tor outdoor eitreitt wilb ajl wbiob only peniitent reetrainle^nld abate. Dr. ftlit L. Oiwald, in Popular Science for fVervary. * M r r k ID Ike -now. Qiorg* Morbie, a mUerably elad lad, *ged IS, we* o'aarged at the WestminsMr Police Court, tbe otner day, with iliepieg in tbe open air without vitibla meane of anbaiiit- ence. Police Oonitable Tbomai Clanoey, II B, said at an early hour be foand tbe pru oner ia a field at tbe back of Millbauk priaon nuder tbe wall. H* bad a fir* 9 ffee po, *omecx4lir, engar, goaudle.ail . without a muzzle, and a religi- B* book tor "public worabip and private devotion.' He eaid tbal be had been at Athford par ub eehooU, bnl a gentlemen had taken him away. Hie rude pallet bad convicted ot throe old ha par* Mr. Partridge remarked tbal he s*eme4 to bave been oat " picnicking" What boose did be eloep in last ? The lad said al his Rraodutbsi'i, but ba was pat of work, and could not keep him. die father lived al B*rnnnd*ey but didn't care for him. He bad bn nev u or tight nigbti out m tbii field. H* bad lefl home beetaie bit lather knocked him aboat. Mr. Partridge wonder*d tbat he hadn't eangbl bis dnth of cold, and *ent liu to tbe workhouse for a wet k, tb 'ather and relieving ofDoers to be al once ojmmauioated wilb, A Mild \rnr lor Moet It Ii not always sat* to predict what will happen in a new year, bol we vanture the rni of a prophet on thit oooaiion only : 1886 will ba a bad yiar for tb* mao wbo MI bit interset run up and hi* basinet* ran down ; alto for the yooth wbo put* a 17 bat on a 70 cent brad ; also for tb* man who atnbn bi* nose iff clicking it intoothr people'* bn*in*M ; aleo for tbe man wbo none* a platonie love until It gets bigger than a slack of rys itraw, and somebody fill* him np with bird-ihot, and be pays an Italian II a day to piak them oat wilb a jack knife. Oaring 1884 an epidemic will break onl among young men wbo linger Sunday nigbte until 8 o'clock in the morn- ln(, young men wbo live off tbi old folki, aod yoao men who learn all the catch wordii, and lay, " Ah, tbire, yon there." It will aeiuma tb* form of an egm, and h* known as Ihe "oold shake." Albany Jcurnal M. Faebmann, tbe Rnaaian pianiat, hat fallen into the habit ol curving on witb mi neareit auditors a kind of facial com- mtntaty on what hi Is playing, nulling, frowning and grimacing, more like aelown thin aa artlit. The Urilu al ike llri i.l Veil. It was once tbe custom ol it.-- bride at bir wtddiog to wear ber bair nnbraided and banging over ber thooldcra, a*y* tbe Bo*ton Builjtt At the celebration cl ber marciage with the Palatine Elistbetb Bsuarl " wore ber nair dltheveled aud bang- ing down her eboolderi." Il bat been ang- geeted tbat the brlde'i veil, whlob ot late yiar* ha* become one ot the moat oon- epiououi features of her eo, tu'i.e, maybe nothing more than merely a mi liner'i ecb- elitule, which in old limee OJi o.-aled not a tew of the bride'* per^oual atlraoliocl aiid often o-jvered htr foa wbrn ebe knell before tbe altar. iarr* ekcalal i .UBH Merc. Mothers do to: laugh oLoa^b. TLe taoatekeepiug is to onerona, the children BO often tryicg to nerv^e and temper, tbe sirvante moat exupcratinf , acd even John, g>od kind husband that be U, cannct uu- deretand all onr vexations aud discourage- tuenti, audio wearied do w* ottin teel tbat il IB too mooh tar tbe household to depend on u, in addiiioa to all onr care*, tor social uuoihine a* well. Yet the houe lold does, and il matt. F .tht-r may be brighl and obeery, hia laugh rin& onl, but il the motber'e laugh fail*, tvan tbe tatber'i cheerfulness Beima to loae mneh ot ita infeotior. In tbe lad bat forcible; liae of o-.e of J tanoa Baille'a dramae Hor littl* eblld bad eanfbt tb* trick ol grief, .ndalgh*<2 acutd Its plaything* we may oatch a (jlicnpie of the atern, re- preyed lite at Ootbwull Mania, where " tbe wpreeeion ot all emotion*, even the gentleal. a to have been the oonitanl leaion." I mmembar well hearing a lady lay, " When child, I used to with to often tbat my mother woald look cheerful ' Then laugh, mother, even il yon do f<i*l al mol too weary to exert th* f icial rnu' o'ee aud though yon bava to make a pitiful effoi i wbioh e >me* nigh bringing tear* inttead of laogh, yon will fiel be tier for tbeifforl, and BO will Ib* children. Tb* little ones, at-oineoiouily to yoa and thameclvdf, are oatchiog the very phaae* of countenance.* whieh will go far ta brighten some fjture home. Then laagb, mother I Parlor, turaery and kitchen ail teel tbe effects if your amile or frown. Tbe cheery laugh if a mother goee djwn tbrouj{h gecerationi, as we'.l at her frcwa. And when the mother s ojeaare oloted.and lips and baud* forever *till, ibr* i* uo iweetcr epilaph which oh 1 Irtii acd friende on give than, " She wai alwayi bright and ehrerfal.' in.rk Tallc aad t allaw I'laui. . Loog glove* and suit* of open laoe-work, iu pale evcLiog tint*, ars am^ug tb* novel- tie* tor ball toilet*. They are tautened on tb* arm by a silk elattia band and b JW of ribbon. B aik tall* dre*noH, with yellow feather na the ooriane ai.'l iu Ib* bair, ar* faabuoabl* tor tbe b-ll aod opera. W ti tbeoi aro won black silk tonkin > , amb ->id*red in yl'o and black Fa<io, a ' j it ehppers. I'ir.y dreaasa for young girl* tbeeoriagn en) 10 aaligb.1 Vb -IH boibbiokandfruui, anl '.110 ilaevaa abort aod puffad, aro w i-. tbia so* ou. Tdis *:yle i* op sol illy bcOJm- log tda klender fixur. A graat amount uf g>ld aud eilver tiarel U introduced iulo bll-droae* thi* winter. rnll* are coven d with ball* aul battei flu* of n Id, aud tpauglt* are nttd on taut, lau*e ai.d bjdiet*. Husiiau cap* ol aatrioban and eloth, with a pompon of toirlit, yellow or blaek tilt placed m the Iron I, are truing tht fa*bl. nable walking hat*. Nalar%l fl ) - ver are uaed to garland even- ing dretaii, to tbs exalniion ol artificial one. Very decolleie drinee are worn this wid'.er, the ileevo* being nothicg bnl tiny terapi paai-iog ov, r .he ehotUer* Same- timei a gnimpeof -fhite illntioj cover* the neck aod arm*. Th* Bjjj|li*a f iUioi ol wearing oaly on* kiud cf jewellery at a time i* fladiog favor amuag Anoerioai women. Diam^nde are worn at grand btlle and recaptions, and tele ot rabies, emerald* or pearla ou other oooaaiona. Wide biud i ot b! ,ok velvet worn about Ihi throat and f aatened by a diamond pin are ia favor among matron*. 'lull tgHl.i l.unr d. I !.. Simple little par Jy dreseei ot moll *md IMS ars again In favor tor children, and oirlainly teem mere appropriate than tilke aud velveu For a tot tf 6 or 6 a dreti of white Fret oh mall and Yaleooi. I.L.O.. lapa ia beo^ming, and may bs made ndJi tianally BO by aiaih ol biUht colored estin and a-j nnderiiip of the same color, either ot lilihia or thin tilk. Bilk stocking.) to mateh the 1Mb and little French ilippera are ado worn Little Acadian cloaks and oapi wilb their quaint Breogelini look arc among the maoy pretty out-door wraps made for littl* people Ibis winter. These eoal* are bub warm and comfortable and giva a lender form tbe appearance ot ronndne. They are made wilb short littl* plain waietl aud ratbsr loll iktrtt gathered to thorn, and ar* trionmed with tnr, twtn'i down or tome um.iiur material pat io a plain band aboat tbe edge, eotnitimt* forming a belt. Tbe oapi are made out of two piece*, fitting Ibi bead otoeely, and are bordered witb fur and tied witb ribboni. Tbe eloaki reach down t > tbe ihoe tope and give the oil fashioned look now to detirable. Pall primrose yellow ie one ol tbe artistic colon oxten*iv*ly need lot obildren'e dreeie*. Fot a littl* girl of flve a drew recently made of soil Obma nlk in thii color bad a full plain skirl flniihed by a deep hem, above wbioh wan a wide band ol naalartinnQ* in deep golden red chenille embroidery. Tbe wtiet wa* embroidered in the lame way and had littl* tbort oleeviB aod a low oat bodice mroovera goimpo ot creau) laoe. The 1 me nleevee ol tbe guimpe were caught al tbe wrist* by red velvet ribbon--. 0a*BCItlc Urrrlpi.. Apple Tapioea. Soak a large onp ol tapioca In a pint of waler icveral boors, cr over night if yoa abooie i add to it an hoar or io before wauled a cup of eager, a liitle ealt, a rap cf cream or riob milk ; mix ai.d pour over aix Urge greening arple* which bave been peeled, cored and tbe oavitiee filled wilb tuiiar and lemon i grate over th* top lome nutmeg, and bake en* boar, Obooolat* Cream Drop*. Mix on* ball cup of cream with two of wbit* ingar, boil and *tir full five minntee ; tet the dinb into another ot oold water an i ilir until II beoomii bard. Thru make into tmall bailt a Sent ttae me ot marble* and with a fork roll eaeh on* laparately io th* eooco- late, which has in tb* meantime been pnl io a bowl ov*r the boiling, tea kelM* and melted ; put on brown paper to cool ; fle|; vor with vanilla it deeired. This amount makea about fifty drop*. To Clean Decanters. Wbtn making oak* or omelette, take your discarded egg- i-hell*, ornih th*m Into email bit*, pnl them into your d*eautr* three parti filled wilb eold water and thoroughly ibaki them. The gtase will look like new, and all kinds r.f glaei waihcd in th* lame waler will look iqmally well. Lemon Peel. One ol tb* nlctet flavor- Inge lor enitardi, atewed rhubarb, pud- illiiKu, ste., is ma, 'e from tb* brandy in whieh lemon peel Ii eoaked. A wide- mouthed bottle ebould alway* be kept, In wbleb to put all ipart lemon peel , pour brandy over to ovsr II aad keep It corked. Tbii ii always ready for us*. Another A Ml IM> BMHIKUKOOa. Alter 'im Ve*r> HI* -i.i u elcMr< 4 Ml BlC "rrm HI* Vcvaltd Wit*. Several years ago a resident of one ol tte auborb* had tbe misfortune to become totally blind, a c itarael forming over bit wa. While in tbu condition bis wilu ayta. died. Aycnrg German girl, when tbe onfcrtD' nate man b*d never ieu, wan very au.L tiv* to Ibe wile in her laal illatee, and t f < r ber death did what she oonld to makr tt* grief- etnoken bukband and hie two li-.il-j children BI oomfortabli as possible. Buoh devo-.ion did net go ULrewu l <, 1 Tbe blind man propoeedaL-d was ae.-i , i t.i, He married tbe faithful girl. Two ohil !rn, were tie recult of tbie u .iuu. Doriig hit years of blindness tba stgbtltti man in.r loal bopts that some day bo might kga^n look opou tbe btauiie* d DHL re ar.a tbe loved on(* around fcim. Apbjaician wa* finaliy oacralttd bo cgreod to attt-u.-pl tie removal ot tb* oitaraol. Xb* Deration wa* tuoo.r- 'ol, ao4 be fr m whom tbe ligUt bad beeu -fcu; onl Romany year* saw aair. He wa* alm>at beaide himtclf with joy. A frietd, wbo wan at one* recognised, oime leading a li\ by the band. " DJ yon know who ttie is T" hi i*id to tbe happy fellow. " No, 1 do Lot." 11 Thit U your wife," aod then the pair, one of wh >LU had never icen tbe o I. r, ftll iclo etch otber'i arms, and a d meaf.o scene if paihatio beauty rnaned. Tne two li.Uu children were alec - r u,<hl into th.ir father. He clasped them to tail beating bean, and all the miarie ol tb* put were f jrgolten in tbe pltaeore ot that moment. This U a true btory. Thi ictori in Ibi) life panorama, eoverirg a i . 1 uf ton years, are all a'.i ve. Tb* haeb.i.d ei ai well as hi ever did, and bs ie i o iu buiiceuiu tbii oily. Cincinnati Sui. 1 ke ou m New. J .b* old it) 1* pllle I Wbo doe* not know whtl UUD? tn. y oaund wnat wn ? Yoowklkl,tb* floor. youroand, )uuilgb*J, Acdtclt Buch awful pain Inside, Aud tte ant day too 1*11 >o weak You dido't want to uiove or ii-na*. N ow I'luroe'j " IK.II.II " ar* so mlM Tbej ar* in t drta.lcM by a child, They do their work In painlne way, And let vo uu WMkueaator ul day. Tnua ptoviiiK wbal ia oft cooiaet Tbii gentle mean* an alwayi beat. II Md,,-, UMWBBB Inch ItiTw* V.arr. " Mr. Fangle, I saw in tba peper tbat tbe growth of the telephone i* 01 ,, cf tbe uoet rtnirkabie In tbt bittory of inven- tion," remarked Mr* F. " 3o it i, my dar." " Will, I don't think it is." "No? Why?" " Wtll, we've, bad oar trlepbono in cv*r to >e*.r, and it baau'i grown ac itch." bowovtr iudneed, speedily ourfd UK. 10 ot L-- in eiam{<i. AUrim, in o i fi ei.ar, World's Dupaarary Medical A>tocunun. 661 Main Street, B.ffel , M. T. " t I r . . , k , ! '811, Bqaildig, wbalcloxe Tempui fujit mcau t B.-- ma to me I caghi u< kuow, batr*tll> I a.o't think ot tb* mtkui g ot tb*i -..lira t- '' "Iimahllle ttf In my Oarn.ao Me Swil igu, but I think il mean* Time ie Ko fl -. ' " ThLk-i. Tbafe it, bnt I couldn't think ot it." Tic iiu,id, Hlver of life i* tbt bio ,J. From il tb* syilem rteeiven all its tuateiul of grew h aud repair. Ii batbek every tiara* of tLe body* HJW nioeicary, ibeii, Ibat th* blood >b.uM be kept in.- aud rich. Dr. Pi?roa'f "Oildtn M*diol D.ioovery" ie ib* grot bU>d fuod tnd tlood purifier. It II a sovereign remedy for all diaeaere due to impovtriibtd bloud, coisumpthn, bron- chain, weaklobg*, torofula, liflaeixt. ac4 kindred diBa*ta. N ot long ago a young man oalltd upon a Paris dce:or and aakod him whether bis onole, whom the doctor had aticud.d for many >o >r-, WM not failing v*iy fa,i , for," be baid, ' wa notice thai, vbci.ever be play* pieqaet, he will inaiai ni i, ...... itg ten points too many, and tbal buihiug tbat w* oau say will persnide him iba- be i mintkken. Ii not tbie a very bad n^ . ? ' Tbii doctor, amiliug. aatured him tti .t be had nitbirg tn fear ( >r hcpr) uj. ,. that heid; "bat," be *dd-d, "it your ui e!e sb-.aU begio making tea points rto lew send Icr me alouee." Tbe Brockville Choral Union U bury with Etydu'g Iiapei ill liana. During January 4 669 b-rak* wei* i-*uid or renewed at IbeBraaitord Fret L braty HORS. Inland II' . < Stx- Farm, Or-' " I 1- , Mli-h., I* v:., con'-e- tilentlr Iocs i ' I'f i miivlUuw, u mi.- OR an Island In I ] U . \'l i Windsor, Ont. liir- irtiiutfn wiii ll'.-l ' lrg(inumL--.-of p'ire lirou and gr'i.li- iiUl- llona, br<x- : and colt* of all <u- to nlrrt fi. ; pun bred >t<x k H- in il.. Fr*nch ami American R' !, ' nnonahle, stork ^uarnntrml. 1 'ATED Toa an fclk>wedi^H(r<aia/(A<rfy day> of UU>B of Dr. 1 ').; Crlebrated Voltato Bait witn f.lerirlo iu xlr n-lkr uid ui loaaof r-' Alar Appliance*, (or too i r-urv tit /.'. r , , u IVoilwu, tot , and ill ktmlrttd trouble*. . Ion to ilrfthll, VlffWI Ira Man ifwMl BHarnntMl. No r!*k I* tnrmrM. Illtu .hli-l In MolMl mntntx SUllml f r-f , hj ag I.TAIi: nkaYTCO., Mar-Lull, ilVa PrtlTRUTPAIlThfl., Olleolor or ara'on from Ufa photo or p'otare of'teoetwd ralatlf*. lltasli* only 110, OMM -r in 'Uthiy ptyment* bv nilo ni (uvcra- mint artln* CKOK, OHAPMVN, Ixmdon. Ont. (I* sons (Ivan). I PURE FITS! whfvn lf riirti do not imu mrlv tn vt^p tti*m Tir i iti*\ntlthijah*thror(urn utvln, 1 m*n a tkdlcil r\ir*. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard'a Climax Pln .- rin r-.l Hit Ina : thitt lx>r111ar*A l.imrnili- r.lM; that t l<irlllH4 -!> llppl OBI. an.l that Larlltanfi atialTa. i >.i i- i tod >ilm< .jnauT tnaMttmf > Sknnk Jn,skrat,flink, Raccooe Hkini elo , boaihl for oaib at bUh*it prloea 8nd forelroulu. . O. hOU(HTON < BOB St.. NMW Tors. FA.B1I8 IN YIRQINIA VKliY HK4I-. Taxes lew. Band tor Oat*. IOSJB*. Ad,lr .!.*. f Ha, NoiU,w> U U.Va tTTODT, Book-k^Ku, Verms, WriMut. Bbor Fneluii ind, et* aboroosjbly taaibl nj otaU. Ou-ralan b*i addnea BBTAErtl bUBlMMHS OOUJIQ> BoUHo, B.T,

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