Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1886, p. 4

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Miss Annie Melville, daughter of Andrew Melville, Esq, Collingwood, was married to Mr. John Harvey Armstrong, C. E., of Hamiliton, on Wednesday of last week. Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver d Gold Cases, To choose from. Grade and Warrant considered, my prices are close to " Staiks," and you can prove this by calling to see. Anyone coming IS miles to deal with me, I will allow them 5 cents a mi If here on Watches & Clocks, be- Fi&apos;li s tlie discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, 1686. A call respectfully invited. W. A.. BR.OXV1V. To My Fatr ns : I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage these pant 2 years and on the following lusis of business trust to secure a continuance uf the same : " Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 goods, close prices, and houeHt kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BROWN, A RtlwbU Jeweller. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Butters, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Set, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 loe Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishes, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Kings, Spoons. Forks and Knives. 10 per cent, off list prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BROWN. IHTTQ P A PVP ? TalD r ArCjH > K AdTMtuuw Hunau ( luawmw *; sslrari ii jr In mult * ----- Trma on <iu a* nn. uSub% FLBBHERTON: THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 188G. 0FB MARKET. The Thornbury New* Books to de- tract from the force of our quotation from the Thombury Standard, in re- ference to the superiority of Flesher- ton market over that of Thornbury by publishing a " so-called " report of Thornbiiry market side by side witli the Fltslierton market report as it ap- peared i;i a recent issue of tlie AD- VANI-E. But its no UM the foot still remains that " KolstporC " did better with his grain in Fleshcrtou than he did in Thorubury, "conveniently" doctored market reports to the con- trary notwithstanding. A comparison of last week&apos;s report of Thornbury market, as published in the Standard With the Flcsherton rei>ort as published in the ADVAXCK, shows very little dif- ference in favor of cither, all around. How does it follow there is such a dif- ference when the Thornbury market report is Uikea from the Ye -if We have no disposition to argue the case through our columns, however ; let the farmers try both markets, if tbey will, and form their own conclu- ions. Flesherton market does not need bolstering up through the presa, or by means of a lot of easily doc- tored " figures. " The proof of the pud- ding is theeatiug thereof?" HARVEST. \ harvest of printing is now enjoyed by most of the conservative printing offices on the revising barristers vote&apos;s list. Of coarse they have not to ten- der for them so they will get paying figures for the work. Yon tickle my back, and I&apos;ll tickle you. Meaford Monitor. The harvest hasn&apos;t struck this office at anyrate, brother ftunter; and we a.ie not sorry either, for this " Revising Barrister " business is something we do not approve of in our Dominion Gov- ernment. It is one of those acts which are certainly not placed iu the statute books in the interests of the general public and is fashioned too much after the manner of Mr. Movat and Sir John&apos;s famous " gerrymander " bills. We are in hearty accord, however, with Sir John&apos;s Government on the whole. A SCHOOL WASTED AT THE ST.iTlOX. A wrong construction having been placed upon our remarks on this sub- ject last week, and as we ha\o been favored with some fresh information since it appeared, we this week taki the opportunity to venture a few mor opinions. Now, it appears the residents in the Flesherton Station neighborhood only require a teacher six mouths in th< year, which if tbey engaged a tbir< ^liiys tcaclier, would only entail an ad ditional expense of say $10O, with sa; $12 for rent and as much more fo fuel in all say $125. They clain that they have 40 pupils, and woul be almost sure of an average attend ance of 30 daily, as nearly if not quite all the aforesaid pupils arc under the ga of 12 years. Iu the winte. mouths it is next to impossible fo children so young to make tlieir waj to our schools here, and hence a large amount of time is .comparatively wast- ed. Under these cn-umstance we feel inclined to advise Uial the prjyer ol tlie petitioners be granted and the more so because there doesn&apos;t seem to be any sufficiently strong reason ad- vanced" wby the request should not be granted. Of ooame there is the ob- jection that we would still want an- other Teacher in our schools, but as we have been doing the work with two teaobers heretofore including attend one* of oupilB from the St&tiou- sure ly we can do o the mor* etiily by establishing a (for the present; 1 tern porary school at the Station. J10L8TEI7* VATTLt&apos;r We have had several commnnica tions and personal requwts to repub- lieh n article upon the ebore (object which appeared in THI ADVANCI a year ago, and will do so at an early date. HEBTorsjcEM. The unhappy and diitrws- iju 1 1 1 -u.litii it called iicrviniHiirHH acites from /uglify, irritation, txwr circulation and 1 V>K.l vl l" w vitality. &apos;Reorganize the nyt- toia l>y Burdock Blood Bitter*, which ffir<| permanent btmtgih by invigorating the Mix d ttu&apos;l tuning all t^ organ* to perfect l.nf rrl.-iilimrnl ! A social tind musical entertainment will be given in the Town Hall, Flesh- rton, on Thursday evening next March 4th. The Glee Club and other noted vocalists will assist. Refresh- ment served at 7 o&apos;clock, musical pro- gramme commences at 8. Admission 25 cents each, or 41) cents per couple of lady and gentleman. <>n< n at Eugrnla. from tmr ovcti Currapondtnt. Last Monday evening a very suc- cessful Concert was given in the Or- ange Hall, Eugenia, nuder the ims- -rs of the members of the Lodge. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, Upwards of 800 persons were in attendance indeed, the hall was comfortably packed. The scenic decorations were la/isli, and in ad- mirable good taste, and reflects much credit upon the artistic skill of our Eugenia friends. J, Sloan. Esq., was unanimously appointed chahruau, who opened the proceedings in a few well-timed re- marks, followed by a recitation by two little Misses one, a daughter of Mr. McAleer entitled the " bond-maid," and enthusiastically applauded. The Glee Club " of Fleshertou was ably represented by Mtssri*. Muoro, Rus- sell, and Baruhouse, whose melody called forth repeated encvrtt. The native talent was well represented, es- pecially iu that of the Misses Brooks, McAleer, and others whose names we could not learn. One piece of music leaorves especial mention "We&apos;ll iortgage the Farm" not only for its ivid description of a family scene when on the road to ruin, bat the lainful, yet pathetic, tono, gesture, nd soul harrowing appeal of language iy a bevy of supposed daughters to a n y IK urdfil father, was one of the n-st economic rebukes to extravagance we ever heard. Mi . Bowerman sang t patriotic song which elicited univer- sal approbation. Everything sublunary must have a termination, and, not without regret, so did the Concert. Votes of thanks were tendered the Fleshertou Glee &apos;lull, the Home Team, and the Chair- man, when the assemblage dispersed after singing the National Anthem God Save the Qneen t Henceforth, outside histrionic talent ami nigger warblers will be at a discount in this locality. After the Concert, a select party took Supper at J. McAlecr&apos;s Hotel and afterward tripped the light fuutas tic toe, "tae the wee sma&apos; hours &apos;yon the twal." MC()BEGOB&apos;S SFEXUT OKI . It i- popular ly admitted everywhere that McOfgor&apos;i Sj.vi ily Care i* the safest, most reliable urn! b far tlie ehenpat ii-tueily for Constipation, Llvir Complaint, Indigestion, Impure Blood, Lo*s ut Appetite, and all similar trouble*. It in nut urccMiary to takfl * great qnintity before any ie*nlt it produced, i few donei will convince yua of it* merit*. Trial bot- tle given free at W. liichardion&apos;s Drug Store. Maxwell Item*. from our own Curreapwident, S-M-IV Rtorins and drifting snow ap- t-nrs to be the order of things at present. Tlit* side roads are almost closed up and >ther roads hard to travel. The mails &apos; d;ivo been veiy much delayed on account of cold and storms. T. McKenny & Co., have sold their drug business and premises in Thorn- bury to Messrs. Howe, of St. Vincent. Thorubury Standard DISK IKES or TIIK SKIN. the iikin arise from bad Moat disease* of blood n 1 lack of cleanlintsi, except when nansed by inawts. Erygiplaa, Salt Rhum, or Tetter, The Goapel Army are expected to re- i PpUn and all Humors of th i blood are curable by Burdock Blood Bittern, which turn here in a short time to work in con- nection with the Preabyterian church. Tlu-i r labors at Mclntyre are reported to | be very succetaful. by purifies the blood. Our Postmaster, Mr. W. Long, lost s valuable sow a short time ago. He had been enquiring for her for some days, when he at last found her in the Beaver river with her skull cracked and blood on her feet. He thiuk* she hai been killed The Dufferiu Spring Assizes will be- gin in the Court House, Orangevillc, on Monday, April 12th, before Mr. Jus- tice Gait. AND Long or VOICE. Public speaker* and lingern are uften distressed with hoarseness, ami much danger is lurk and thrown into the river, and and also ing in tin/ bronchial pipes. Hazard&apos;s Pee- thinks that a person who would commit i trsl BaUam U a prompt rcm,dj -lor the i irritation, and cures all throat and Jung an act of that sort would be mean enough difficulties to drive horse* with a pitch-fork. The usual conversation heard at Eu- Mr. Walter Tetter, of the Union L&apos;.-I,I:I about our David Madill has caused , Restaurant firm, Coll in" wood, " skip- much comment here, but Davie says he ^j Qut - j agt wee ]j l egv ing many ad- doe, not care as loug as " our &apos;un. do not mirj fricndf) ^ moan , y, departure hear tell of it." Mr. Phiz correspondent of the Mark dale Standard has, like a sensible man, gone and taken to himself a wife. He will now likely stay at home iu the even- ing* ; if not, it will be wonwj for Phiz. Mr. John fttinson is about selling his stock cf store good* to Mr. A. McLean of Colling wood. Mrs. W. Lpong is away on a visit to friends near Cobourg. Mm. Arkells has returned from an extended viajt at Coldwater. Tin- Teacher* of the Methodist Sabbath School intend holding a tea-meeting on the 4th of March and a good time is ex- pected. Mr. John Graham has become- a victim I Liver Complaint Cauus Dyspepsia, Indigest- ion. Liver Complaint Causes Sick Headache Dizzmoii, Liver Complaint Causes All Kidney Trou- ble*, Liver Complaint Causes Three fourths of all dint a/if. Liver Complaint is cored by Dr. Chase&apos;* Liver Cur*. Mr. Monro, Police Magistrate of Dufferiu, is accused by the Dufferiu Post of putting ti lies for breaches of the Scott Act into his own pocket and lin- ing them for his own private pnrposes. of the wheat speculation to the amount of one hundred and twenty dollars, for 20 biuhels of wheat. It U too bad, but it i* said Johnny would have it. ADVICE TO MOTSWKS. Are you disturbed at &apos;?o* CHOLFIU PBEVKXTATITIC. In order to with- { stand Cholera and such likn epidemic* a perfect parity of blood, and the proper ar- tioo of the itomaeb are required. To insure that end, in the ehea>p**t. most available and complete manner, DM MeOregor&apos;* Speedy Core for Dyspepsia and Impure Blood. There i* no purer, safer or more reliable remedy in existence for Indigestion, Dyxpop- night and broken of your rwt by a tick child ma. Costivenes*, ete. Ask your neighbor or with d t a bottle of "Mrs. Win- 1 Rj co rdson. Trial bottle given free. uhvriug and crying with paiu of (&apos;ottfug TWth ? any person who has nied it. Sold by W. If so imid at onoe and Mt a bottle of "Mrs. Win- 1 Hi,!,.,.)*, , Trinl bottle eiven free, low&apos;* KoothiijpX Hyruip&apos; for Children Tm-Uifng. is valu* Is incalculable. It will relieve th Miss Annie Melville, daughter of KH>r little sufferer Immediately. Depend ui>on it. mother*; there ia no mistake about it. It ores !>>s iptur) and Diarrlui-a, reuulatati the Stomach and Howela. cures Wind O&apos;ollc, sortnnpi Anili-pw Molvillp Eso CollillUWOOd the Gump., reduces Inflammatiou. and gives tone I Anurew fllc *1&apos;&apos; v nd snnrii) to the wboie y*tiii. lira, wins- wag married to Mr. John Harvey Arm- ow s Soothing Syrup for children toothing It &apos; .ioaaaut to th taste audU Ibe pnmcriutiou ol gtrong , C. E ., of Hamilton, OH Wed- u of tbe oldetit and bent female {pliypticiauip &apos; and nunwa in the 1&apos;iiited Htaten, and la for al nowlav of l:mt WCt-k. by all druggiaU throughout the world. Prlcp - twentjr-flve cents a bolt In liu aure and a-k for Mas \ViNKi.)Ws Sui&apos;iuiMi SYHi&apos;p," and tak* no olbor kind. nsii DISTRICT XEW&. Rer. J. . Fallis. Vutton.eertines: "For time my wile ban ben troubled with 1 n p. I.M.I, and lia* tried one thing after an- other raeommended with but little or no efl- from our Kxchani,, and *tiU advised to giT, McOregorV Cnre tnaL Blnoe *"*"> toe fl "* b noticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recommend it to be one Owen bound is to have a steam plea- of i( not the bpl)t m e,iicin extant for Dys pvpsia. This invaluable medicine for I.i t.-r Complaint, Indigestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vegetable. Sold at W. llichard- aon&apos;i Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. A number of tlie local paper! arc bringing the editor of the FI.ESHERTON ADVVNI&apos;K to task for one week preaching thitt lie is independent and in another issue stating that all local papers should take sides in politics aud Lelon^ to one side or the other. Collinguood Bulle- tin. We would like to have the "local papers "alluded to hy the Bullitin pointed out. The statement is totally misleading and untrue. We never preached anything of the kind, and now challenge our Collingwood con- temporary to bring forward its proof. " Whack up or shut up," Mr Successful Student From owowit Corretpondent, Miisi&apos;Miarf vwwting will be preached here by the Bo*, Mr. Parker, of Price- rille, next Sunday. InUtioKa Oospl liaiul lw>U meeting* here every Tuesday night. Miss Martial, of Owen Hound, is viait- ing friends he**. Mr. Wm Watson hsvs got the Umber out for a large bam to be nfenlcd next summer. Mr. 1*rlns. Hutchinson intends putting sure yacht next icason. A CKYINO BV1L. Children are often frutfnland ill when worms are tbe causf. IT. Low&apos;s Worm Syrup safely expels sll Worms. The man who worries about things that cannot be helped, is sawing timber for his own coffin. HEUUCHK. If yon suffer from Headache you may be sure that your Htomacb. Liver or Blood is at fault, and perhaps all three are combined in bad action. If so, tbe b*tt remedy i* Burdock Blood Bitter*, which cure* Headaebe by regulating the organic action generally. A project for lighting Meaford by electricity is being canvassed for in that town. lii.Ai-srss. . Tin* proprietors of Hagyard&apos;* Yellow Oil have BONA rii>B certificates of some most remarkable cures of Deameas, by that magical remedy for pain. Yellow Oil also run libi&apos;iimatiain. Sprains, liruiars, Sore Throat, and all inflammatory troubles. The Meaford Turf Club will hold their Annual winter races to morrow aud next day, &apos;26tb and 27th February. Svrp.UJtn Nr.cn. Mr*. Henry Dnbbs, ot Brridale, Parry Hound, testi6es to a prompn cure of enlarged gland* of the neck ami sorf throat by tbe internal and c xU*rna) ftse o Hazard&apos;s Yellow Oil. Yellow Oil is a sure relief for all paiuful conditions. Quite a large addition, says tle Mon- itor, it to be made to tho new Metho- dist church, Meaford. i. "Whenever 1 feel oat of sorts, bilious, my liver not work- ing right, or racked with s headache I take Chasn&apos;s Liver Cure. Tlwre in more real benefit from one doM ol your Live* Core tlian in many bottle* of some medicines." Jno. McN&apos;asser, Bond Head. Mr J. R. Lindsay, late principal of the \Viiinipef? Business College, wa.s married to Miss Florence K. Trout, daughter of the late Mr. J. M. Ttoutof Detroit, last week. Messrs. Youmans and Little, con- tractors, Thornbury, secured the con- tract for the erection of Euphrasia town hall at Rocklyn, their tender being the lowest, viz., 11,676. Thorn- bury Standard Mr. ITenry Ball, of Etiphrnsia, has purchased the Beaver Valley Times printing plant, and has removed the same to Creetnore, where he intends shortly to start a newspaper. Success, say we. Tuesday evening last two little girls, children of Mr. Oeo. Tait. of Lot 6, Centre Road, Mulmur, were playing in the yard with an axe, when the eldcsl girl accidentally cut off the two outer fingers of her little sister&apos;s left hand. Shelbwne .Economist. The Advance is bound to lead the way. a tiPiie foundation under bis bam next summer. Valentine day passed off rather* rrsfetly this time. However, some were present- ed with " photos. " The trouble in 8. 8. No. 4, QB>rey. ha* pine to an end by arbitration, resulting a new schoolhous* af Wanehajn, which will be built during the coming summer. OOOD VALUE. Many sufferer* fcuyrnf medicine have been disappointed, don&apos;t give ip. IIIIT a reliable article like I>r. Chase&apos;s ,iv< r Care, and with it yon gut a recipe KK>k alone worth Ibo money. W.J.Bellamy FLESHERTON. Loan * and Insurance Agent. Mney to Lend on good Farm Property at current rates of interest and XOUH OWN TEBMS to repay the Principal. Expenses at the very lowest ponsible figurofl. INSURANCE Effected in th leading Companies and t Current Hate*. CONVEY ANCINGK In all its branches attended to. Qflico on Toronto ti,, opposite To*n Hall. Holler Flour for Salr. Those requiring tirst -class Roller Flour from the famous mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- dale, will do well to call :it the Flesher- ton Hakory where it is always kept in stock, at reasonable prices. WOBM8 often destroy children, but Free man&apos;s Worm Powders duitroy Worms, and rzpal them from the system. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, i fftYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUU, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING V OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF t THE STOMACH, DRY NESS OF THE SKIN, And every tpecl** of dlae arlilia; from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH. , BOWELS OR BLOOO, PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Raving spent noun tlmr In the ttudin of the l&apos;liti,|;i aiiluT. Mr K. J. Dlxon, fauiuiM Toripntpp l&apos;li>pti,|;iaip|icr. Mr K. J.DIxon, where I acquired va1ual>le sAOwlesiJ* ia !1 r.-&apos;.i .hins. I feel aaaure<l I cau civo uc.i.,1 fmui satisfaction. A call respectfully solicited, MUB. 1 .1 I. Ml. i;. Flesbarton. Kpt. ITth. IfMi. New Butcher Shop In Flesh- crtou i Peich & Mitchell, PROPRIBTOR8. TIIK iinderii;ni>i1 ronpectfnlly tako thin ojipor tiiuity t" uimiitiiitf ti> Ui>- "|&apos;<i|il<- of Kloan- erton and iirrn:in<liiiK rnuntry , ttiut thrj liave startixl a llutchcr Hlip in Dm Man.&apos; nuitdoor to the Marblu Worku, KI.KKHF.HTOK. where :hay will be ploaav.l to meet with H w) favor llu-iii with their patrouaK^- Fraph Mtiata of all Liudn, aud Fifth. &o. in their Hcaiioiis. limpoctfully youri, r : 1 1 il * M IT< -IIKI.I. Framing and House-Joining. The undenlgned in prepared to execrta al orders entrnitod to him fortho orcctlon of Dwelling! "ml Frtunr /.&apos;IM&apos;/./I&apos;I,./*, durlDRthuieaaon of 1H8.V All uiatxrial furnished U so denirod. Nono but coni|itunt workmen anployed The Hatinfactlon my work In- tu ii tin&apos; pa<*t in a tfuitritulw* for the future. Apply to A. M. I i c . i p Flukherton Station Important ITotice! The subscriber begs to inform tin- i>w>ip|e> of KleRherton andiurroundiDgcoantry.that hi&apos; has lotted MK. HOGG&apos;S MILL a iipilp.fi from Fleshorton. and IB sx>w pr|iared to furnish bills of any length or size of Lumber LUMBER LATH. & SHINGLES. Always on hand. Blabwoodcut toitove-lengthi un hand. Custom Hawing doue by tbe thouHand. REASONS Why you should get your Lumber and Hhinglss cut by Speucer: (D Every Saw In tho Mill is Now and tho mill Is In perfect order. (II Because he is a practical sawyer and kep< bis laws and machlimry in perfect order. () Hecaune he o.utu all Hcantling Jolce exact- ly to the bill furnished. (4> He ha put In a Lpumbor Rdgor and all boards are sauie widths from oue end to the other. (SH-Because you can take a load of Iocs to the mill and a load of lumbw home same day. <) Because he guarantees to out all custom work In a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaranteed. (T) Because all sawing Is done at rock bottom price*. Lumber Delivered if Required. G. H. SPENCER Sept. 10th. INKV (HAG YARDS , ^ *- v < * J_&_?_ _* j VJ CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS, *r pleasant to take. Contain their own Ivs. Is a safe, *an, md rrtrrimml^ in Children or I JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer Genera/ Blacksmith, Manufacturer of Cutters, Sleighs, Democrats, Wagons, Iron Harrows and Patent Farm Gates. Also ageut for ChaUworUi Plow*. Noxon Bros. Ingersoll Light Low Down Binders, Combined Reapers & Mowers 4 wo kinda of Hingle Reapers, three kinds of Mowers, four kinds of Grain Drills and two kind eof Horse Hakes. Please come and see them. Jan. 1st, 1886. A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton, Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons requiring LUMBER, LATH or SHINGLES, can get them at BROWN&apos;S Steam Saw Mill! PRICEVILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber : Logs delivered Wore February 1st, 1880, taken in exchange, for which Cash Prices will be allowed. s^More Lumber can be got aut of a log at Brown&apos;s Saw Mil, than at tut) majority of mills, as Brown has the latest improved sudstitutc for the "Jjg" T ormerly. and in mauy pUoes yet, used for holding logs in place while sawing Bring on your Logs and get your Lumber home with you. Wm. Clayton Has on hand a large stock of MENS, AND CEUDRE1TS BOOTS & SHOES! Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, KH/TOIV. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or MA ui Ms, Such as Monuments, Tomu Tables, Headstone*. Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and (inuiitc, und made on short notioe. Also Mantles in Marble Murblcized Slate, Sic., &c. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the blood, correct all DipMurdars of tbo Stomach, lvi<lu\v:-;, und Oowela. Thevlnvlgoratandreniore to health Debilitated Constltotloni, and are Invaluable In all Cotn- plalDtn Incidental to Females ol all ae. For Children and tlie aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT toauiuUlIiWereiii.ttly f or Had Leg*. Bad Hreaata. Old Wound*. Hor and Uloers. It is famous tot (lout and Huuumatiam. For disorders ol the Chc.U it has no equal. For SORB THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Ula-ndularHwelliiign, and allHkin Hi.. U ha* no rival; and for contracted and Ittff joint* It acts like a oharm. Eanafattwrcdonlj at P*o*saor HOLXOWAT&apos;S Kasabllabment. T8. New Oxford Street ( late 583, Oxford Street >, and are told at Is. IJd., 2*. 9d. r 4. M.. lls., <**., and ass. each Boi or Pot, and may be had of all M *d> ofne Vendors throughout the World. Jf-?*rdMeniluxMlook1c At LaM on 0* Put* and Bomt. If the addrut it not fiSt, . Oxford Street, London, Aey areipurvnu. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, ONT. NOTICE: A lliorongh bred Durham Bnll calf, n e month old, for Bale. Also a one year old Durham Ball, with !&apos; > .il pedigrees. Also a good Btcam Flour Mill at Flesbcrton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER, Flrrihcrton P. 0. s

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