Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1886, p. 2

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Do yen remember, Ben, tboe* day* w* bad to When**? beiilt oar fauov railroad* - those i i a t h sir t Mom oltwTiaJkeu togU>*r of what we tboohi ee'd do. Our ear* would all b UrUht and oleao, and up all ue railroads and make lass* IB K on*, Toevsbarwi rws'il Inspset II, snd wouldn't it be fun? We would ttuinel tbrouuh th* mountain* and bride* the oo*au* o'er ; Ajod soob ibiuits as sollislous wby, they would b* no more. Aeroa**aob Ueuiiii bare our patrons woold be BM OB oar ireal raUway ty>teui that circled round uw world. la alaeelag oars likauun a man oould take a nap, And alMp in perfect aatety, witb no fear of a mishap. Out eoupliuge all wsre perfect, can would out bump I' >getbar, And oar eoacbv* woald be ooaifortable In any sort of weather. Oar Imafiaarv scums* aerou tbs ecu u try rolled On wheel* of sohJ silver, witb can of pure*! sold; With praoious baadlUht oil from tbs great Arabian plats, And a big trauspartmt diamouiltor*v*ry window turn* to him with a rather pale, uervou* faoe. " I MppOM I should not nay such thiDK* aa these to TOO," sb* sayn, unsteadily. " I forgot, II did not occur to OM, that ve ars only stranger*." Bay what yoa will to me," says Desmond, slowly, " and b* SOT* of this, that wbat yoa do ay will ba beard by yoo and m* aioue." " I btlieve yoa," sh* answ*rs, wilb a little Sigh. And, be.idak, w* ar* not altogether ou. You will Ul m* introduce yoo te Mr. U>de. dsar child." ,..-, And then tha iiilroduoiiou is gone Hiruogn and Monica aays something unworlnv ul uote to tbi* big yonng man. wbo i" '" u i I hsr in a mor* sarneat manner than * trietly within tbe mlee of etiquette B. me bow too, sh* pre*ently discovers sbe has alien into line with ber new friend and ;. moving towards the lawn again with Anal n.ciiia following in her ttau with Mr. inwardly, Monica at flrat cannot We're travelling now lit*'* real road, wilb many julu ana Joe* . Wa ban paaaotl uirougn numarou* tunnel* ana over oountleM ' frog*" ; Tb* road leads up a nill.iJ*, a rough, uneven pads, And Jail ahead, from day to Jay, new track U b*ln laid. We often find a rail left onl, a *wltob tbal need* Boms new improvement to be mads, some new eip*uiM lo bear. We travel toiiiewnat slowly, bat we are moving lUII; Our smokj little eunrn* is puffing up tb* hill. Wben at last we reach tbs sommlt and tb* dual rail U laid Wnaa w* nud thai, with " off brakes," we are ruaaintf down the grade When w* ill Jv in to lilo ivriuiou* and bear Ibe death knell'* calm*, May w* end oar journey saislT, may tb* timer ur, " On tl-ue. ' " WUkm." in Ximntapolit Tritnuu. I 1UTHO OF " rHTLLlS," " MOLLY BAWN/ am OTKU rorcL^n NOVBL*. Would il b* indiscreet if 1 said 1 woald give anything to be a* wise aa you on this lubjdol ! In other word* will yoa divulg* th* *ecrel t" M It u * Btory that doesn't rsdoond M the honor and glory of your bouse," lays Mine Beresiord, stepping baek from him with a (ay tittle laogb, and glancing at him misebnvonBly from under her big " Patisncs" bat. " If / were yoa I would shrink Irom bearu g il." I deolme to shrink," witb onparalleUd bravery. " I prefer to ro*h apon my late. Life has no longer any flavoi tor ma until 1 hear wbat the old reprobate at Cool* has " Will, it yoa will insist upon th* sorry tal*, 'tis thi*. One* ther* lived a wioksc knight, who wooed a maiden fair. Bn wben that her heart wa* all hi* own, bis love grew cold, and turning from her, he refused to fulfil his plighted troth and lead bar to the hymeneal altar. In tact, hi loved aod be rode away, leaving her as dismally disconsolate a* th* original SB aid forlorn. Alas, tor ths goldsn age of ahivalris says Mr. Dsomond. Alas, indeed ! Thai wieked knight wss your uncle ; who mads forlorn my mother !" " Yoa bav* been giving me a anuimary of a fairy sal*, haven't 700 7" asked ba, in an no believing tone. He, Indeed ; it u all foil* true. From what I hav* beard, your unole must bav* treated my mother very badly. Now areu i you ib.orounraly ashamed ol yourself and your family T" Oos swallow make* no summer," lays Mr. Desmond hardily. Because my uncle refused to saooor a distrsssid damsel H no naerjL why I eboold ao far iorg*l myself . BeeidM, th* whole thing ***m* incredible. Report aaya. and," wilb an expressive glance al bar, " I can well believe it, your molber was th* mjal beautiful woman of her time in all tb* oou* try side ; while my unole, Mass him, is ons of tbs vsry ugliest m*n I ever m*l in my life. B* might lake a priaein that line. Juat fancy the B*a*t refuel u to wed with beauty I" TOD* ogly, so tar a* a mas i* concerned, I* nothing," aays Monica, with a knowledge bey oud bar year*. " Many aingnlarly plain men bav* been much beloved. Tbougb," with a*, mnoonaoiou* stody of hsr com- rtaninn'i features, wbo ia decidedly well- favored, " I eonttea I Iboold my *elf prefer a man who** no** was straight, and wboee y ae wst* bad no inclination to look round th* oner, I mean." " A itraighl ncaa i* to b* preferred, ot oar**," i*y* Mr. D**mond, absently itrok- ing hi* own, which i* all Ihat oan b* desired. " Bat I never smoe I wa* born beard noon aa extraordinary story a* your*. 1 giv* yon my word," earnaatly, " my onole u just tb* tort of a man who, if eay girl, no matter bow hideout, war* to wall op to him aod *ay, ' I content to marry yon,' ought to be devoutly grateful to bar. Why, talking of no***, you sboald jast sea hi*: it's if 1 * aaylosD," wilb growing excite- ment. " II'* all op bill and down dale. I never before or sinos *aw loch a no** , and I'd back bi* mouth to beat It I" k " H* most be a very dmin*ui*hed looking saw*] Mi** Bereeford, demurely. I know very liltl* about him, of course, having been always ao mueb abroad ; bat he loob lik* a man wbo could ha painfully faithful to an attachment of that kind." ' B* wa* not faithful to bar, al all event*. I dare My be fell in love with aom* other girl about that time, and alighted my mother for her." " Will," says Mr. Ds*mond, drawing a deep breath, "hen's grand old man.' " "I think b* must be a very torrid old ." replie* Monica *everely. You bave proofs of hi* iniquity, ot ,ys Brian presently, who evi daasly And* a diffioolty In beliving in bis oncU's Kuilt. ' Tw. B* wrote hsr a letter, slating in diatiDoi term* that "and here lha alters ber voice until it i* highly inggeetive of Miaa Blake'* on* contralto" ' h* deemed it *xp*dl*nl (or both partie* Ibal th* pr*- **nt engagement existing between them IbOOld b* annulled. Thoae are Aunt PrU- ilia'* word*. What h* really meant, I sup- po*e. w** that he wa* tired of her." 11 Tow mother, I should imagine, was. hardly a woman to b* tired of readily." 1 Tint is a maltsr ol opinion. Wa that I*, Terry and Kit and I -thought her a very tiresome woman, indeed," say* Mia* Bar**- tord calmly. She doe* not look at him a* sh* makes tbi* etartling speech, bat looks beyond bin into, poesibly, a paal where Ih* " lirc*ome woman " held a part. Brian Desmond, gazing at bar pal*, pure, sairitwal tee*, waeteina a faint shook, a* th* meaning of her word* raaehaa him. I* ah* kurtlsai, smotionl*** ? Ooold not even a motnr'i love touch her and wake her into life and fttunsr T TOB weren't very fond of your at then T" he aske. gently. The bar* B of his own mother I* adored by him. FOB* r aay. Mouioa, a* tbooe* th* idea U * n*w ons to ber. "Food? Yes, I rappoe* w ; bat w* were all moeh fonder of my talker. Not that sitb*r h* or mamma k very much notice of us." Wsrs they so much wrapt up In eaob r certainly not," qatokly. Then, Dt Of bittern*** in hsr ton* strangely with U* oraal 1 1 wait** why I called ay ima' to yoa jail now. I never do eo to Vr. OBM whon*h*wa* spin* away aomswbcrs I threw my arms roond b and called h.r by Ih. I pet name, but *he put me from hsr, and told m* I wa* aot M maks a no!** like a sbsep." Bb* seems BMB* annoyed than diilreeeed a* aha say* tbi*. Dumeai I* *il*ni. Perhaps hi* il.no. trigbtea. b. strangsrs," bs goes on, lightly : " that day on tbe river is a link between as, isn't it ? " " Oh, yen, tb* river," sbe *ays, smiling. Our river. I hav* brought myself to believe it i* our joint properly : no one elie seem* to know anything about it." I have never been near it *iuoe." say* Monica. " I taov thai." return* b* msaninRly. " Bow?" is almost Iramsd upon bur lipt; bat a singls glance at him render* ber dumb. Something in bis exjre**ion sng asote the poasibility that b* ba**penl pretty nearly all his tims since last they met. and c<rtainlv all bis afternoon*, upon that shady river just below the pollard willow*, in Ih* vain bop* ol teeing bir arrive. She blunbe* deeply and then, in spit* of bireelf, laughs out loud, a low but ringing laugh, lull of mn*io and mischief. This moel uncalled lor burst of merri- ment has the effect ol making Mr. Uanmond preternalurally grave. " May I aak wbat you are laughing at 7 be say* wilb painlnl poUtenees, whereupon Mine Beresford check* ber mirth abruptly and ba* the grace to blush again, *v*u harder than before. Ber eonluaion is, in- deed, Ibe prettiest thing possible. " I don't know," *h* *ayi in an evasive ton*. " People generally tio know wbat they ar* laughing at." contend* h* senou.ly- " Wall, i don't," retorn* aba wilh great pirit. " Ot course not, if yoa <*y so , bat," with sappreseed wrath, " I don't myself think there is anything provocative ot mirth io the thought ol a fellow wasting hour after hour upon a lonely alraam in tbe insane bu honest hope of seeing somebody wbo wouldn't com*. Of eoars*. in your eye*, ths fallow was a tool to do it ; but but if 1 were tb* girl I wouldn't laugb at him lor it." Silence. Monica's eyee are bent apon the ground her face is averted , bat there is sometbin about her attitude thai compsl* Mr. Da* mond to believe sbs U aorry for ber on timely laughter ; aod thinking thia bring hatred towards htioeelf tor having oausei thi* sorrow and make* him aconie himse ot basest ill temper. " I beg your pardon 1" b* sty* in a con- trite tone, I shouldn't have spoken to yon like that. I loel my temper most absurdly and most apologia* to you for it now. It waa ridiculous ot ms to suppose yon would ever oome again to ths river ; bat one bope* against bope. Y-t, aa Feltbsm tells us, be thai bopee too much sbsUl deceive him- self at last ;' thai was my fate you see. Aod yon never onae thought ol coming, did you T Yoa wersqaite right." " Mo, I was q lite wrong ; but bat you ar* qaile wrong, too, in one way, "still witb her rye* downiurned. " By what right did I expect yon T waa a preeompluous tool, and got just what I deaervsd." " Yoa war* not a fool," iclaima sb*. qniokly ; aod then, with a lull* impulsive gesture, sh* drawa hermit up and looks him lair In tba eye*. " If I had known you wsre there," sbe says, bravely, thougb evidently frightened at hsr own temerity, II I I am almost sore / should bavs been there toe I" No I woald yoa really 7" aay* Deamond. eagerly. TbenWollow* a rather prolonged i lance. Nolan awkward one, but certainly a eilenoe fraught with danswr to both. There I* no greater friend to Cupid than an nnaongbl silence stub a* this. Al laal it is broken. " What lovely roaaa there ar* io tbi* gar- dan '." lay* Desmond pointing to a buah ot glowing oeanty near him. " Are there not T" Breaking a roe* from tb* tree indicated, n* examine* it loviogly, and then, lifting it to bis lac* a* though deairon* of sym- pathy, say* : " I* it not *w**t ?" " II i*, indeed I" B* i* (taring at ber. Vary gently b* take* Ih* liltl* band that bold* tbe flower and keeps it in hi* own. H* detain* il *o lightly that sbe might withdraw it it she pleaees, bulshs does not. Psrhapa she doesn't pleaae, or, perhape, ah* ms nothing remarkable in bis action. At all event* she, who I* ao prone to blosh on all oonaslon*. do** not change eolor now, bat ohettera to bim gaily, in an unconcerned manner, about .be scented blossoms round her, and afterwards about th* people yon der, behind Ibe tall fl iwsring shrub* that urrouud th* ten nix ground. And mil her liltl* slender flngar* lie pensively in bis. Glancing at them be strokss them lightly with his other hand, and counts hsr ring*. " F JUT five," b* *ay*, " quite a burden for ouch a little band to carry." " I Uks them," says Monioa, " brooohei and earring* and bracelet* I don't care for, bat rings I lovs. I never really teel dressed until they are on. TO slip them on my fin- ger* is tbe last thing I do every moroinf before running down stair*. Al least, nearly the last." " And what I* tb* last'." " I eay my prayers," lay* Monioa imil ing. " That ia what every on* doe* . Un'l il ? " I don't know," say* Mr. Desmond, no looking at her. It seem* to bim a long, loui lima BOW line* laet ba aaid hit prayer* And then b* suddenly decided within him If that he will *ay them to-morrow morn ing, "tb* la*t thing before going down lair* ; " h* cannot have quite torgolten them yet Be u examining her ring* a* be thinks all this, and now a little pal* lurqooi tbu K attract* bi* notice. " Wbo gave yoa that T" h* asks iudd*nly It U, to a jealous eye, rather a lovable little ring. "Papa, wben I wa* fourteen," says Monioa. " II i* very pretty, isn't il? hav* felt quite grown up ever since he gav* m* that." " Monica," *ay* Brian Desmond sad denly tightening hi* hold on her hand, " had you ever a lover before T" " B*for* f" " Y**," slowly and a* if determined to make bi* meaning clear, and yet, too, witb a certain aorpri** at his own question "Badyon?" " Bator* T" at it bewildered *b* repeat* th* word again. " Why, I nsvar had a lover at all I" " D j not say Ihat again," said Brian mov ing a atop nearer to her and growing pale, " . am your lover now and/orrer /" "Obi M, ws," *ay* Monioa shrinking Irom him. " Do not say that I" " I won't, il yoa forbid ms, bat," qaietly I em and aball b*, all tb* same. I think my very soul belongs to y m." A crunching ot gravsl, a sound ol coming tootatope, the murmur ot approaehio) voice*. Monioa, pallid a* an early snow-drop looks np to M* her A an I Prieulla ooaiiui towards hsr, accompanied by a young man a very tall and very stout yoang man, with a rather drilled air. " Ah t bare ia Aunt Priaeilla," lays Monioa breathlessly. " Wbo is that wilb bar > " Ryde, oo* of the marina* stationed al Olonbrss," aayi Mr. Dssmond, banning the marine most honeetly io hi* heart of h Olonbres is a small town about seven mile* from Roteoaoyn*, wbere a company ol marines has been sent to queli th* Land League disturbances. Misa Priseilla U lookiog quite pleased with herself and greet. Monioa wilh a fond mil*. " I knew I ihould find yoa her*," *h* ay*, flowtn hav* *uob a fascination for oakg nwarf, ake ber mind off the twain behind ber and tbe onstqosneee thai must ensue U Fritoilla ones discovers a Desmond u ing addreaaed by her wish common "rlhe'i*. therefor*, but poor company for tb* sail marine, who seems, however, quite satisfied wilh tbe portion allotted him and maunders on inanely about tbe surround. UKB (jenerally. Wbtn the weather and the landscape bave been exbaoited il mu*l b* confessed, however, that b* oom** to a taudstill. Mis* 1'rikoilla, p leaned with bsr dsy and h* satisfactory knowledne that every on* been raving about Monica, ia making lerselt ipsoially agreeable M her com- >aaion, wbo, nothing loth, draws her oat and grows almost sycophantic in bis alien lone. 8 tie becomes genial with him, not nowing wuo ha is, while be become* *v*n mor* thau geuial wilh her, knowing rinht well wbo sb* i*. Indeed, ao merrily doss he maks tbe time fly that Miis Priaeiika is ain to oootec* to herself that seldom has he pakatd so pleasant a five minnto*. Ia the meantime, Monica, strolling on in root with Mr. Ryde. is f**liogbolb nervous and depressed. Tbi* ebenee meatirg b* Iween her aaut and Mr. Desmond anu ih memory ot all the strange, exciting thing th* latter bad aaid to her, render her mute and unequal to conversation, and ber pre- comuanion is not one likely to enobaii liar attention by any brilliant flaahte o iutelleat. He is, in troth, a very ordinary yonn man, pt tha heavy, itnpid type tco oftei mat with to rtqoin aither introduction o deaoriptioo. Ue had arrived in Queens town about a fortnight before, wilh uoihia uiuoh M guide bis conduct in a *tran| eoontry bsyond th* belief that Biberoia, a he elect. M call it, i* like Africa, a " Ian benighted," fit only to furnish food for jests Ha ha* a fatal idea that be bimeetl oal supply these jest* at times, and that, i faol, there are moment* when h* can be irresistibly funny over the Paddiee; like many other* devoid of brain and witboo the p jwsr to create wholesome converse, h riscilla afterwards ?" aay* Monica growing ,lly distressed. " II would be abame ul ; I should teal like a traitor. I teal Uks already." Then do nothiog Take a paaaive part, von will, and la*e it all to OM," aays ajamood, wilk a tuddeu determiuatioo in lie ayes. " I would not bave > ou vend or mad* unhappy io any way But tbal I shall see you again and MMMI be sura." Bat " 1 will liateo to no bate,' il ia too late or ihi-u. Tbougb all tha woild, though van yoa youraeU ibould forbid ma your rereioe, I ikoold etill contrive to meet on." Here somebody sddre+sea him and be is obliged to tarn and omile, and pot of hi* Ib* touch ol *aroeet pasaion that baa oat Ulamintd it; while Monica stands ileut, spell bound, trying to oaderitand il THE LADIES' COLUMN. Lstett Not** K.gardmf Nov*ltt*S Fashion*. In QKNU1NB SCOTCH MARMALADE. 1 Un ii Dlah,0e for Plain People and Timely Huice*tlotu. (Aunt KM**! Ooluus.) mistakes impertinence (or wit, and at late baa become rod* at the eipenie at Ireland whenever be bM found anybody kind enough, or (a* in Mouioa s eaM no*) obliged, to linlen to bim. Jott DOW, then being a dietioot and rather pan**, he *ay* amiably : Awfully jolly gown you ve got OB I" Bo (lad you lisa it!" tayi Monica ab*ntly. Oat it (ram town, I suppose ?" From Uabliu >." "Oa, by Jjve, yoa call lejblin town, do you T" tayi Mr. Ryde wilb a heavy laugb ihat suggests dao|U of choking, h being slightly (.lothorio by nalnn. Tea. What doyuu call it? 'says Monica regarding bim steadily. 8h baa hardly looked at bim till now, and tells hsrself instantly that yonog men with ti facts art not in her line. , Alwayi tboogbt 11 wai a villag* or something of tbal tort, yon know," repliet he witb a oootmuntiou of the suicidal mar- rimenl. Monica itarei aid ber eolor n*, ever ao little, hot unmistakably. Ton ought to read something, papere and artiolei on Imland, now and than," ah* aay a, deep bat earp moos pity for him in ber loaa. " Cjosideriug what education ootti nowadays, it i* abatnsf al the way yonre bae bean neglected. Tool college, or wherever yoa were, ought to ba aabamad of ilatlf. Wuy, I JnQ'i believe yuu kuow what aospi- tal menus." A capital In writing, do yoa mean?" aaka be, pa tiled. 11 N-o; 1 waan't thinking of that. Ton can write, I rappoee ? ' with malicious hssi- tation that betraye doubt. " I was Breaking of the capital* of Europe). Dublin u oo* of them." t'uable to graip tbe fact that ah* U mildly inabbiog him, Mr. Ryde imile* gaily and says, " Ob, really ?" with an amuetd air thai JO*D*** bat still mor* highly. Was than ever," *h* aaka bersslt angrily, " ao hateful a man ot aoflong a gravel walk?" Having racked hie brain to find aomelhing further where with to beguile th* monotony ot the way, and Boding it barren, Mr. Ryd* fall* back upon th* original subject, " I like a white gown on a woman better than any," ba naye. " Aod ao they really eon make gcwa* in Ireland? I've been wfuily disappointed, do you know reg'lei old. I earn* over ber* in tbe toll hope ol eeiog everybody going about in goat ikio* and with bead* round their neaka and er that." " And why are you dieappointad ?' Monio*. mildly, with a provoking want of appreciation of thia brilliant nally . Are you fond of goat-akin* aod bead* T Do y<w wear them when ' your foot U on you native heath V " Kb ? Ob, you don't onderetand," says thia dense yonng man, fatally bant on ez plaoation. " I meant to imply that the general belief with o* over there " point log to the horizon, which would have led him to America ralber than to England 11 la that everybody here i* halt aavage d'ye Ob, yea, it'* quite plain," says Mil* lierunlurd, ber eye* immovably filed on the borizm. "'Over there' molt be a moat enlightened *pot." ' 80, of eoorae, I thought the goal ikini, to., woold be the order of the day," goee on Mr. Hyde, with another ehookle. " Toa do think aometime*, than ? ' tayi Monica innoeantly, " 1 have been thinking of you ever aioee I first law yoa thin afternoon, ' return* he promptly, it an wisely. There ie an aloioet imperceptible pane* and then 1 > HI trouble youraelf to do that again,' ay* Monioa very iweetly, but with a tell- tale flub in bar blue eyae, " I am aura It maet faligae you dreadfully. K , member wbat a warm day It I*. Another thing, don't for tbe future, pleaae, aay rude thing* about Ireland, beeauM I don't like that either." Tbe " fithfr " is the oraelleet cut of all it distinctly forbid* him even to think of her. " I am afraid I have bean unlucky enough to offend yoa," ye young Man elifflr awaking at laai to a aanae of the niinetiou aod glancing down uneasily at th* demure little figure marehing braid* him with hei pr*tly bead erect. " I didn't mean it, ] assure yon. What I said waa said in tun." " Are you always like that when you are funny '.'" a*ks aba, looking straight before ber. "Then I think, it I were you, ] wouldn't do II." Than *b i* a little aihamed ot her never ity, and, changing her tone, makes hersell so oha.-iuing to him that he qaite reeoven hie spirit* before they com* op witb all tbe other* on th* lawn. Tal, perbap*, her imil** have wrought bim more barm than ber frown*. Madam Connor, going op to Mine 1'rii cilia, engages bar in *um* diioumion, ao that, presently, Monica find* Brian beside her main. You will let me ass yoa again aeon," ha say* in a low ton*, seeing Ryde la talkies to Mi-sFuzxeraid. But how can I " Yoa een if you will. Meat ma aome- where, a* I may not oall , bring your brother, your sister, any one, with yoa ; only meet me." " If I did that, how oould I look at Aut la it Ibos that all my oonntryman make ova?" aba ask* heraalf, bewildered. At ba very second meeting (eh* alwaya, *vtn o heraalf, ignore* that ignominious first) to deelara in tun masterfol faahion that be mod and will <aa b*r again ! It 1* rapid, raihtr violaot wooing ; but I lo not think the girl altogether dislika* u. )he ie, a hitl* irigbtaned, parbapa, and un- certain, bat there i* a sen** of power about that faiainalee bar and tall* ber vaguely that faith and trutt Im him will never ba misplaced. Bba feels strangely nervous, yet she Ufa* bar eyaa to bis and gaies at him long and bravely, and then tbe very faintest glimmer ol a imil* that U orely full of friendliness and confidence, if nothing more, light* up her eye* and play* around bar pensive month. A moment, aod tbe smijahas vanished, but tbe remem- brana* ot MjHI with bim forever. Yea, the wHwX i* rapid, and ab* 1* not won .but " abs like* mi," tbinka Deimoud with a loach of raptor* be bae never known before, " Certainly, sba hke* m*, and tbtr* are always time and hope." My dear M H loa, it grow* late," aay* Mm I'riioiila at this moment. " Bay good- bye to Mad tun O'Connor, and let n* go." " Ob, not a bit of it, now," aay* M .daiu O'Connor hospitably, in ber rich, broad brogue, mnerited in all ita i urny , no doubt, from ber kingly aooeetor. " You moatn't take ber away yat, aora th* day is yonng. Mr. Ryde, why don't yoa gel Mirs Beree- f ord to play a gam* with you ? in my tim*, a yoang fellow like yoo woaldn t wait to be told to make bimtclf agreeable to a pretty girl. There, x > LOW, do I Have you brought your own racket with you 7 ' "I left it at borne," say* Mr. Ryd*. 11 Faet i," sflcctedly. " I didn't think ten- nia wa known over here. Didn't fancy yon lad a court in the land." Toil epeeeb flrea tbe blood of tbe OToole* last descendant, Madam OOonnor npreara a baogbty areet and nia* tb* lackleee lieaesnanl with an eagle eye, beneath wbioh be qaails. " There la ae doubt we laok moeb," she aay*, taking bis meaeore with lolly soorn, but we have, at leant, oar meaner*.' Witb thia MI* turna her back upon bim and ocDjiuetoee a moat affable diaeuasion ilk Miaa 1'enclope, leaving ber victim ipeeebleaa wi.ii fright. Have a brandy aod soda, R/deT" says Mr Kslly, who ii alway* everywhere, re- garding tbe wretched marine through hi* eye.glae* witb a g9 ot intffable ladneee. " Nothing Ilk* it, after an engagement ot thin sort." I thought Ireland was tbe land lor jokea,"eeya the ujored Ryde indignantly, tool -iu trade sort of thing over here ; and yet, whin I give '*m on* of mine they turn upon me ae if I was tbe wore! in the world. I don't believe any out understands 'em over here." You see, your jokea are too fine for ni," ay* Mr. Kelly mournfully, " we mia* the point ol them." " Yoa art all the moat uooomfortaole people I aver met," says Ike wrathful marine. " We are, w* are," aeqaieeeee Klly. " We are, really, a very stupid people. Anything delicate or refined 1* lout upon OJ, or i* met ia an unfriendly spirit. I give yon my word, I have known a fellow'* nssd manned for lee* than half what you aaid to Madam OOonnor ju-t now. Prejudice rone bigh in thi* laad. V m have, perhap-," in a tnnd!y ton*, " heard of a ehillelagh?" " No, I havtn't," aalkily. " Ho really t It i* quite an mentation here, ll'a a cort ot a big etiok, a very on- pleasant atiek, and ia mad trevly oo tbe rnaJleni diflerenee of opinion. You'll m**t them aroood every earner wben you get more n**d to u*. You'd l\ke to eee them, wouldn't you T" (To be eonrlnoad.) Wk)BI Hr <-ld.l.D. I kink. .1 I. .olall.n And now one word on tbe subject of Evolution. I oaonot follow Mr. Huxley in bis minute aoquainlanae with Indian sagas, and I am not aware that evolntioa baa a plaoe in tb* greater number of the eohooU of Oreek pbiloeopby. Nor can I comprehend tbe rapidity with which p*r- on* of aatkwity Lave aome to treat the Darwinian hjpoibeeia aa baving n ached the final ttagt of demonitratiou. To the eye of a looker-on their pace and method eeem rather too muob like a steeplechase. But thi* may very well be due to their want of appropriate knowledge and habit* of thought. For myself, in my looie aod uninformed way of looking at evolution, I feel otl/ too much biased in Its favor, by what I oon- oeive to be its relation M tbe great argu- ment of design. Not that I chare the horror with wbleb some men of toieno* appear to oontemDlate a multitude ol what they term " odden " aot* of creation. All thing* eoDiidertd, a singular expression ; but one, I euppote, meaning tbe aol whiob prodneeejo tb* region of nature, something nut related by an on broken nooaaeion of measared and tqoabla stage* to wbat ha* gone before it. Bat what ha* equality ot brevity of atage to do with Ike qoaatton ol how f ar iba act u creative ? 1 fall to see, or indeed am somewhat suppoaed to deny, that the abort atage i* Ie . creative t aan the long, Use single tha,n ths manifold, the equable than, tb* jointed or graduated ataga. Krolution i*, *o m*, seriee with development. And like aana* in mathe- matioa, whether arithmetical or geometrl oal. it attabltihas in things an unbroken progression ; it plaoa* eaah thing (if only it tend th* *e*l ot ability to live) in a diitmot relation to every other thug, and make* each a witness to all that have preceded il, a propbeoy of all tbal are to follow it. II gives to the argument ol design, new culled the teleologioal argu menl, at one* a wider expansion, and an augmented tenacity and Nolidi'y of tissue from " Refty to ProffHor Unity," by W. M. Gladitone. ia Popular Seuitee JfolA for Martk. Tar ttrcei !...<. el War. The story regarding Mij >r Smith, in ths Northwest, bncg* out another about an officer ot tba 90ib. In one ol tha batteries before Batoobe a ball plowed op his hand, laoeraiiog il badly. After tbe smoks cleared away he was seen wandering about tbe battle ground, with bead bent forward and eyas oaal down, tbe blood running freely from nil hart. Born* one aried M him to come and bave hie wound dreessd, " Hang tbe wound," he shouted baek, " that's nothing; I've lost my poker-ohlps." -Chicago N'im. Mr*. Toot Hi John, who waa, not many years ago, a well-known figure in New York treat* as ebe walked Broadway, in coat and trouiem, elling bar husband'* new* paper, tb* Ko/eaao, U now living in Frank ford. Pa. She Mill wear* the tronaars, but tba Pulrano ha* usp*nd*d, and tbe Tom Ri Johns are engaged in the eologne bust- new, th* wife manufacturing tb* perfume, and her hoeband sellii.g II by the bottle. Many friend* will be pleased to learn that the children - Retaliation and Avenger- are thriving. ike Huot. Madam, allow ma to preeeiioe tor you L aay* the Utdital World I hsvs bad a long experience in the management ot delicate women, and believe I eau give you some important advice. For the preeeul I prs soribe only for your feel : Fuel Procure a quantity ot woollen etookiogi, not *neh a* you buy at tb* itor* nodr name of Ismb* woe 1 that you oan read a nawspapsr through, but tb* kind thai your Aunt Jerutba in the country knits for you, that will keep your feel dry and warm in spite of wind and weather ; eeoood, U yoa want to be thorough abauge thim every morning, hanging the Ireih onea by the fire during tbe night ; thi d prooure thiok oallakin boots, double upper* aid triple soles, and wear them from tbe 1 n of October to Ibe 1st ol May ; make frequent applications if soms good oil blacking; fourth, avoid rubber* altogether exoepl a pair of large rabber boole, which may be worn tor a lit ile Urn* through suow drill* or a flood ol water ; lit in, bold Iba bottoms ot your feet in cold watee* a quarter of an iuob deep josl before going to bed two or three minute*, and then rob them bald with rough towels and yoav Baked bands ; sixth, now, madam, go out freely in all weathers, and believe me not ouly will you feat enjoy a good circulation, bat M th* oones- qa*uoe ol the good auoalation in the lower extremi'iee, your bead will be relieved ot all it* fnllnass aod your bsart of all ita palpitationa. Your eoni(l*xion will be greatly improved and your health made better In every ret peel. The K II. h. n I .lawn. The remoante of a roast of veal or beef, or of boiled beet or mewed veal, aan be made into a aeoood day dinner and enjoy able seallop without tbe usual addition of batter, eggs or milk. Out tbs beet slioesor bits from tbs remain*. Put the bones, gristle and rrjeeled fragment* in a aanee- pan and cover witb oold water. BMW gently for perfaape an hour, adding, il teate admita, a little ohopped onion. Pour iff oaretnlly into another vessel, or, better mill, strain, return to tbs fire, Ibioken with a teaapoonfnl of fljnr, setain hi, lily wilb pspper aod a little sail, and boil well for a tew minute*. While Iba gravy U cooking cover tbe bottom of a greased bakediab with a layer ot bread orumbi, then a tew slice* or bit* ot pickled i> FK out aa tnio a* poasibl*, now a Isysr ot beef or veal, whichever it may be, either tlioed tbin or ehopped, as for hash, sprinkle with a little minced parsUy, pep- per and very little aall (tbe ealt oo tbe pork must be taken into consideration) now another layer of shaved pork, then veal or beef and seaaoning, more crumb*, ate., until tbe dish i* almost full, having crumb* on top. Pour over all the gravy, moistening thoroughly, and bake in a moderate oven three-quarters ot an hour or longer, il the dish is large. Tongue ia very convenient for luncheon or tea and is generally liked, but tbe int i parieneed housekeeper* are ant to use too little salt wben evoking fflab loagaee. Owing to tb* Ihiok, tough ikinaaltdoee not penetrate readily, ao a large coffee oun tnl u not too much. Oovcr with water, add the salt and boil until easily punc- tured with a fork, remembering to keep tbe meal well covered. Smoked tongue should be soaked over night and boiled in fre*b water, omitting, of eonrse, tbe salt. To oream potato** 1 , chop aome sold boiled potatoes. Put two or more table- spoonfuls of butter into a fryiog-pan , wben hot, rob into il smoothly a spoonful of flaur, but do not brown. Add a oup ol rieh milk, and when il boil* a tableepooo- ful of chopped parsley, pepper aod salt, then the potatoes. Ii iil up wsll and serve. I bave oaed, instead of butter, pork or bacon greaae, and acme time* tor variety a little chopped onion. For corn bread, dissolve a teeepaonful Of < J in a pint Of sour or buttermilk , add two baatsn eggs, ons tsaapoonful ol salt, one tableipoonful ol malted lard, and, if yon like, a tablaapoonful of sugar. Thicken with com meal, making a dough that will drop eaaily from tha ipoon. Stir vigorously for a tew minute*, poor in a greased shallow pan and bak* in a quick oven. A cheap and good corn bread, without eggs, can be made by rubbing ball a cup ol chopped beef suet into a quart of corn meal ; add a toaapoonfnl ot sail and moisten with a pint of sour milk Into wbioh a teaepoonfnl of aoda ba* been dis- eolved. Bake. To make a delicious orang* short-sake, alioe oraogea and spriokls witb sugar an hour or two before using. To a quart of flour add two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der and rub into il two tabUspoonfuls of butter or sweet lard ; moisten with cold water to a MO ft doogb. Roll, bake in pie- tins, tplil open and put orange* between. Eat wilb sweetened oream. Here is a raoip* for ooe-fgg cake : One cap of sagar, two lablespooLluls of butter or sweet lard and butter mixed, one cup of milk, two cape of floor and two teaspoon- ful* of baking powwer. Thia la a good plain oak* for lea and make* a nio* oSnerl served in ilieti with a aauee made ot one oup of water, a cop of ingar, a Ubleepoon- ful ol batter, a tableapoonful of Tieegar, a tablaepoonfnl ol flour moistened in water, and a little lemon joiee or eaasnoe. Boil until tbe floor is well cooked. fMMlM ereee*) Hamate*!*. Take aoma bitter orange* and double their weight ot logar ; cut the rind of the fruit into quarter* and peel it i ff ; if the marmalade be not wanted very tblek lake off aome of the ipoogy iniid*. Out the peel into obip* a* thin aa poeiibl*, and about half an inch long, divide tbe pulp ioto imall bite, removing carefully tbe aeedi, wbioh may be ttoeped in part of th* water that i* to be u**d for th* marmalade, and which mnit be in tbe proportion tf a quart to a pound of frail. Pal the ebip* and palp into a deep earthen dish, and poor Ibs water boiling over them ; 1*1 them remain tor twelve 01 fourteen hour*, than turn the whole into a preserving pan aod boil until Ibe chipa are perfectly tender. Whan they are so, add by degrees the sugar (whiob should be free from lumps), and boil the marmalade until It jellies. Th* water in which tbe need* have been steeped, and which most be taken from tbe quantity apportioned to the whole ot the preeerve, should be poured into a hair-sieve, aod tbe seed* well worked in it with tb* baek ol a spoon ; a strong, clear jelly will be obtained by this msane, whiob must be weaned cfl them by pouring their own liquor through th* *Uv* in email portions over them. This must be added to tb* trail v>h*n II i* flral net on th* fir*. Oranges, 3 lb<.; water, S quarto ; angar, 6 Iba. If not d**ir*d vsry bitter, *U orange* (iweet) and three lemon*, oilngth* pulp of both, made by the tame receipt * delicious. He Well-reckeu. Very effective pocket* or natch-all* are made ol old draw wide brimmed bate. Buy at tbe druggist's or fancy dealer'* a bottle of liquid gilt aod put il all over th* out- side ol tb* hat witb a camel's hair bnuh. Let it dry thoroughly and than line the inside with sileaia aod oaten on* aid* over Ilk* a wsll. packet, and f oaten with a buneh of grease*, oeta or wheat. prfJBB P.*h1.n Mete*. Laos and jet, Jetted grenadine and jetted tamin* will be prominent among tb* sea sou'* importations. Rrd satin rsio umbrella* arc tba latent Parisian novtlty, Oo* of th* (pedal hatnr** of th* BOOMER eon will be tb* n* of d**p fluuteii ge ol wool lace over skirt* ot colored *urab aurt faille Franeaia*. Fin* corduroy i* aoiong the deiirable materiala for walking suite. It is made up by itself , or in combination with oasbmere, oamsls'-hair sergs or Irish poplin. Oostamea of bloc, brown, garnet and black plain velvet, trimmed profusely wilb jet, ar* tb* flril choice lor thi* month tor dr**ey out-door wear. Ld leg who Ilk* some fnlneaiiu tbebaekn ot dree*** and do not like the feeling ot the preeenl tournore are using skirts with sev eral heavy roffl is at the baek. Tbese ar* very stiffly atarehed and are left without ironing, the eloih being smoothed by the hands. Red ia shown in a clear dark ruby and aome medium sbadea ol cardinal. A gooo deal of noariei ia o**d in millinery, and full dreeaea of bright red are aeen, man) rtd jackctoand a taw short wraps. A new caprice i* a short wrap of red brotdi otb, with trimming of red and black or rtd and olive chenille and braid fringe. New lac* flouncing*, forty inebe* defp, come in perpendicular ktripe* ranting trow th* edge of th* flanne* upward and two- thirds of tba way aoross tb* width. They are in eome ease* very heavy, aod other* Pr ar* very light and deliette. Many of the deep embroideries have merely etching* above the rather pronounced and heavy Egyptian edgings. Apron* of heavy white lace inssrtiou alternating wilh (trips of colored cambric ar* very pretty and (opnlar. Tbe cambric trip I* about th* same width as the laae and th* two ar* jjtned by having the edge ot the goods rolled and tha sdge over seamed. A novelty is tha nee ot Ihesi strip* in eersooker witb Rustlan lace insertion. Th* crinkled effect i* exceed iogly pretty. English etrew bonuet* and hate ar among the most cum for table of spring head gear. Torban* will b* worn by lediae t whom they are becoming. Scarfs of crap or soft ailk are knotted looeely around to crowns of bate and fastened wilh a fe tlides ot pine. Trimming* will be mess* in lb front* of nata aod bonnets vi much aa they have beer, only higher i poeiibla. fljm* of tb* new model* bav atrong wire* to support the trimtciogi tba are concealed by loops of velvet or ail being passed over them. Flowers will be used upon a few of the early boons!*, bu tb* majority will be trimmed with birds wings aod made feathers, and band* grab* and pheaaani feathera will be amon tbe itylUh trimming*. Many oslrieb tip will be used. Plume* from l*u to eightee inches in length are o**d, bat twelve-inc lengths trim the beat ffot. Ike riellir lr*aa Within the peat year the eivilisid worl ha* been aboakad and saddened by th knowledge ot tbe great devastation wroogb by th* obolera in Spain ; aod t very preoan lion, in tb* way of *anitary measnrea an quarantine regulations, that moder soisnee could suggest, was lakeu M preven it* spreading into otbsr countries. Tb public aoaoned tba column* ot th* dail presr, eager for information witb regard tba advenoa of thi* larful disease, an read with baled breath as they learoe tbal it numbered ita victims by Ibs tens ol thousand*. If il wa* a matter of snob deep and universal oonoarn that in Spain 101,000 souls gave np tbeir live* M thia fall destroyer, should il not alao be a matter of *om* intersst to oar own people that, within tbe bor- ders of these United States, ovsr 91 600 person* dia aaan year ot pulmonary con- sumption ? that twslve out ot every bun dred deaths are caused by a disease wbiob, though alow in Ita progress is aa sure io it* reeulte a* cholera ileell ? Should il aver transpire thai torn* masns ot prevention ebonld be found by means of wbiob people would be rendered proof again*! the disea**, or at !*! Mould be cured when once il had eel its seal upon them, would it not be on* ol tbe greatest boots vouch- safed to man sine* the introduction ol vaccination 7 Inventive peraon* hav* from time to time thought that they bad a*onr*d a anr* cure, if not an unfailing propbylao tie , and, at the present time, since the dis- cover!** of Koch, all sorts of parasiticides are being uasd to kill th* germ ot the disease Tb* unfortunate ooetUiu U now being bunted down witb pnaomalia chamber*, deep inhalations and local applications introduced by msans of Iba hypodermic syringe, with reanlta that are, to say Isaat, uncertain. But, after all tbe yeark of research devoted to tb* inbjeol, and out of all tha method* of prevention and care that bave been raggMled, tbe one that h given the best result*, aod i* now being universally adopted, is change of climate Dr. A. 8. Fiik, in Popular Science Monthly for March. II I.-HKKU .l f. I *. We* U. Net Hn. Ue li.ui.. Secretary and Mr*. Whitney'* card* for ibsir riot puou of last Tbartday bore tb* legend ' lion, tf until U o'clock "a* plainly as a co| per plate and priuttr*' ink could inscribe it, write* a correspondent ot th* I. Loais Q.obe- Democrat There we* no inl ot " daboiug " m any corner ol Ib* card, it having been Mr*. Whitney'* inteu- 01 lo give a ball for bar darning fneuda Mr i- he bad txeroiaed an ifflaiel hospi- tality to all tba world. Ber K ueat* being vited at 9 oiuit, al 10, of eours*, ana ouod ber ball-room floor covered wilh the arga rag* that it always weara. A few oiusieiaii* in an alo.ve played concert u-oee to help along oonvsri>a(ion, il alway* M ng Ib* aim of a rojiely crowd to drown any uituical auoada. At midnight, when lie limit uf u 'lie mentioned io Ibe iovita- ion bal been reached, SJme of Ibe boldsat nes aaktd if they might roll op tb* rug* ,ud daLOi Tua bobl e uld, of ourjj, uly acquiesce to *uoh a oool request, and lie fl -or covering* diappeard like mag o ud the dancers went to work. The sur- irise party continued until 8 o'clock in the moruing, aid the an i .blaboetea*, exheoat- d by lha charge of il.OOO hand-shakers ih* lay before, wa kept on duty and standing or a wbols rix iuntead ol ibree hours. N j me here has iver entertained to gener- losly and elaborately ai the Whitney*, bat be etlaok ou tbe dii ni.rooui tbalTbnra- day night waa equal to a ri 1 of liuigry guerrilla- in war days. Oa* man who strug- gled in lo gel bis wife ao ice, came oat erimsou and perspiring, witboul il, and atked ber to convey to Mr*. Wuiiney th* asiurauoe tbal tney bad not been in the upper-room. To ber query he aoiwered Ibe conduct of those aboat the table* was toanda!oun ; men borambling lor tb* terrapin and oaampagu* in a manner to euxgesl prsvioua starvation, and, for hi* perl, he waa ashamed to have been atan aiuung tbsm even for a mionta. Mra. Whitney'* house waa a bower of beauty that cigbl, and tbe ball-room and double parlore were emptied ol their furniture. leaving only th* corner pi****, Ih* mantels and piano to bear th* huge bocqusta and shaded lamp*. Tbe rroeatsd hearth, with ita towerm* chimney piece, was like an altar at la.* *nd of tbe ball-room, aid wilh ita branching candelabra full ot wax light*, aod tke grand piano ball run into tbe vast fireplace aid covered wilh lamps and bot quote, tha re asmblance waa heigbtened. Tbere wer* diatuond* enough worn tbal night to war- rant i-ome of the extravagant diamond glories lately read about Washington, bat for the mo*l part it wa* the Mew York women wbo were the most bejewelled. Mr*. il.rnuali O. Robert* had twin stonea swinging from ber ears tbal paled all the other tolitaireslu tb* room, aod Mrs. David Dudley Field bad pear sbsped pearl* a* large ae th* and ot her thumb ge.hercd into sheaves to ornament her oorssgs and bair. Mme. Baalsrskjold and Baroneea It juba were all a-spaikle wilh tbeir tiara* aod rivieres, and others vied with them. A I u, u, >l.u. " A lucky man is rarer than a white crow," cays Javenal. and w* think be knew. Howsver, we have heard ul thou- sands ot luoky one* aod wa proposs to let their sect el out. They were people broken dowa in health, suffering wilb Uvsr, blood aod tkiu diseaaee, aorutula, dropsy and Mosuniptioo, and wsre lucky suungh to near of ud wiie enough to a*e Dr. Pieroe'a Oolden Medical Disetvery," I lie sovereign blood purifier, tonic aod alterative ol tbe "**' Wbsn Anton Bammsyer oame from Ooblet* to the United Slatea seven years ago, be left behind bim Bsrtba Mulbeim, < whom ha wae engaged to be married. He aettltd in Ford Ooonty, Kana, aiid prospered. Meantime bie brother Joseph, wbo oad promised to keep brotherly gaard over Ber lha, won her love, and pert uaded her to marry him. They didn't write to A .ton about this, aod b* wilb blind ojnfllenoe went on making money, and thinking of the time wben be sboald H.I a tor Bertba. Tbal tims came a few months ago. H wrote home, sending a ehique to py expensee, and asked Joe* pb to bring B or iba to America. Joseph did so, aod one dsy laal week they reached Hi. Joseph, wbere Anton was wailing tor thtm. The fire! tiling Joaeph did wae to tell Anton of th* marriage. Anton wa* naturally somewhat surpriaed. For an hour be walked tba waiting room ot tbe railroad elation In deep thongbt. Then he oallsd Joaeph to him, and talked long and earnestly with bim, aod then Bertba w called to join in Ibe consultation. Bbs was told that Anton had agreed to lend Joeepb 13.000 and take ber, Joseph'* wile, as security . and Ibat Joaeph was to go right baek to Germany. Woald *he agree ? Bbe cried a little, bat, seeing that tbe men were both anxioo* to doe* tbe bargain, said "yea." Tba next train for Alobiaon b r away the weeping Bsrlba and her former lover and preeeni brother-in-law. Tba nex train for the east carried Birlba'shniband, Joseph, who aaid to an Inquiring reporter Ihat Anton didn't expect him to pty baek the money, and that he was bettor pleased to go back witb the money than to keep hi* wife. II. I n,l, r.lo.d fui v ll.h. Customer (m Obineea laundry) Oan yoa understand English, John ? John Yep. Customer II I leave some collar* and ouff* to be done np, when can I g*t them ? John All* yite. Customer I want to know whoa I shall oome lor them ? John Yep. Ooatomer I mail hav* them not later than Friday afternoon. John Yon takse ehaekee T Ooitomer Yau pig- tal led linen destroyer, I thought yoa said yoa ooald understand Kngllah ? John- Yep. Ooiloinor -Then why In thunder don't you aniwar my question T John-Maondstlan Ejglisb; nospeakee. Yoo leave waebee. Lift. Miss Sarah MoOolnaw, of Hespeler, wa* shol in tb* *h**k and had ber jaw bone f raclur.d by a littl* nepb.w, who. Ilk* all Mil Softer than patty a dad*. Soft and low A diatipatod dad*. Tbe dude i* going into the dictionary Bant op the book, quick I 8a tbe dade ie going to gel into the dic- tionary T Well, well, he may learn some- thing there to bu advantage. Dud** ar* apt to b* extravagant, bat to be real nioe they should try and live within Ib* mean* of tueir mother*. Zero ia indicated by the stgo O. Wben we eome to tbiuk ol il, why couldn't we io- dioatu Ibe dude by some such figure. It might save ink. of health is to be found in DC. R. V. Puree's "Favorite Prescription," to th* merits of wbion aa a remedy for female weakness and kindred a olious thousand*, testily. It yoa la** th* smoks, where will yoa find it ? Ovsr the fire. It yoa mia* th* water, wuere will yoo discover il ? In th* depths of ib* valley. It yon los* character, where oan yon riojver Ibe loal trsasore ? Nowhere 1 nevsr. * * D -oliue ol man or woman, prematurely luduewd by axeeea of bad nraotiors, speedily and radically cured. Book (illodrated), 10 cent* in stamps. Uonsoliaiion free. Wrrld'* Dupsnsary Mudioal A-somation, Buffalo, M. Y. I in re it at present no Jewish temple in ths whole of Siyria. One is to be built at Oral* witb Ibs proceed* ot a lottery whiob. tbe Government ha* jail authorised. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND -i. i.. II > 1KR\TNKi\T nn^SLfS. tlrod PlMsiolans. Write freely for any advie* required.. Uornipnajaoofi* trial! f private. Ad !- J ~>'inl l.on. WOj Hlohni.iud itSMt, ly ,11, lull, Out. rnjwiry A mnrt, t on Too are allownd afrrr trial of tMrty nViy* of Urn ua of Dr. Dye'* Orllirat*d Vu1t*k-Belt wltn Kta-mr 8u* "lanoM, rnr inn aired* r<-llrf sad pe* <: of AVrixMi* /VMUrV l<* of HfoJUy aw . jnd all klmlnNl tnxinleit. Atao for man 1 iiiiMT.IIs .nm-. CVimpli'trsiiii>rtiiiimtoR<kh,Tlret nd ManrnMNl inmrnnu-,Ml. Nn ruk l Inrtirrmi. Illui l^\OI.TMVBKlZTiuZM*n**iift?* IIITNTI IV MOUTH AFRICA. Adventure* among tb* Dirairt* and rtl- ! of IMC U**lt t}mttmrmt. frlea Ite., ei>le* Hoc. W J. I'1,\YBK. Naaaaaweya, Out Ibonublv saogbl bv mall. Olrealajrs frss Addrsss BBTAHT-B HUHINKHH OOLl.uht <nlt.l v H W R. U. AWARE THAT Loriliard's Climax Pfag Miyr ('lls>las tlM '* ano eSMW frln H anil that a rrfl r<n (.1,; . l.enf nnp nH ; AGENTS tarui*. Ont. Ncivelty lamp glass cleanar. Bend flfi cent* for sample sod U. BALL, l.t.i.t.. Box i*T, Un

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