Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1886, p. 3

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. THE ADVANCE. >e eg kae Uadlug Local and Family N*wepap*re v 1* Merthrn Ontario. Publlsbcd Kvei-y Tlxiirsda.w', raoii TIU Orrio, - .FtaAertem, OM. TKBMB Of BUB8CUIPTIOM : M *0 per aannui ia advance ; ti.su if net paid ** ta* Ml* of 1| yeare. No paper dUoontluuad aall all'anMarageaare paid up , and no sabwrlp- uiLiVmkdi for l*ee than on year, except wbeo eded arraugemente for shorter period! a/c amJ* wltk tbe publisher. A.DVBBT1BINQ BATIi, *o. Casual adTertieeiueuti,ceDtipr lit innertion and * eenti per line each ubuuut Inurtlon. Traneieut exlvwrtiieiuente to be paid for when or4tere>d. Advertleemente wltuoat ipeclal dlrec- Moae will b* inserted till forbid aud charted according);. Uberil iuduceuienti to regular adveirtiurs. Kotlcei among reading matter, 10 oouti per Ua* each Insertion. Ro advertleement discontinued until all u- t eeva^ee are paid up. Copy for advertisements iliauld reaen thie etfto* not later than noon on Taeeday to ensure Seertion in current leeu*. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Propntttr. Flesherton Meat JHarket. SEPT.OOOD, I'kOPBlXTO* 6ash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Freib Meats constantly on band for Caul). Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing. Eavvtrouiihlng, aad In (art every tiling ID tbe business will receive my prompt ejid careful attentiou at reasonable price*. .loves li E.lcwe i: M. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, II the place to gft yuwr UamrM Coiluri, it t, mode <ij, in good ityle. ,SVn i/i in M '. Clayton't Boot it Shoe Ston, Flrthrrton. == HJGENIA Grist Mill, .17 ui Lai. 11. Having made extensive improvements In my Grist Mill, I am confident I can give good a. satisfactie>n. CHOPPING DONE ANT DAT Oood Flour always on hand. Castom Sawing, and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, ISTCXA/fiP A PlfD \ t ....I.-..I i...|"' - iitxiprnr tr\ 'Hi in M iMH.k ... .1,1 '/nVFBTIfilMG "..'. '""" V .1" "!: ...i , ,,, , lt*uutalnsltlol m . ntllii-riMtii(ail\ ft-tmli K. 'liii'ii'lvi -Ml - rwlio wnntH to niM-n-l finr ilMlnr. nM.I In It tba In- f.irii.nUonliurc.inlvcA wli .! foiliiin wITowlll Invent one huniln-l thi'iisiiml ilollniM In ml- vpHlHin*. nM'lifirx- I* i'. 1..-.I..I win. I. will inci-t hi* i.fi'i'- n-i|.il.i nif il."r r4m hr mmlt loHofi tfMi'itflitmii'tniHlH ntHrtilal biir.tr- rfl>on<lnift.' H'l "-ililiini* linvi- ln'i-11 I-UH|. Kent. innH-iNtt'l. <">nv aMri'- IT liictjnte. Write I" t.l " I' KOXVKI.L * t<>, . . (IOS|iruooSt.rrlnlini,'lloiiMc.s.|.i. N-w York. TBffYlliBHATED F^ "CHASES LIVER CURE HAVE YOU iyer CompUiM, Dy-per*'". Ind'l^" "' " 1 '" in th ; ll..k. l..ndi.e. lewlK,. ,,nr,.. . toelivene... or uny .!!. "n| from is -leren,', lieer. Dn. CimW* l.ivan I :i< founj "" Te unqu.lieH Liver ScapUM re ...... Hy *-tH the ceenMaeaa (rm i.-.t..rr \ ..M .Un.,nl,.er "if" 1 *^ 1 ' elANi.>Kr AM. IKM.HI..N. comhinfJl with many Mher inv.lu.We PH.I-. t'irk. nd attbt.MVM PI!.rfU etlecl on K,e K,.l,,.yv S,,-n,h, Bowel, . Blood. 600 000 SOLO Mtuwiirru ii i Ttui. un. t.e aye Ialie1 Her, mm* mttm HIM rT l.r ll. a 81. L ui. dwpatoh says : Abt u 7.M I xi I eveuiuK a yoUOK iuii WM bore* whipped ID On**tnnt lre*l by Ml united young lady. Bu arms wrm held tightly behind bin by MI xtnmtly mosealar boy. The y oui| lady WM U Garvlo and tb young nun WM Harry M Boydar, a buyer (or the L. M. BomMy MuufomriL OompMiy. Thi boy wbo prevented Boyd*r from aaeapio*: from Ihe blows, which were I tiling fast upon hi* fa**, h*ad aod shoulders, wa< Arthur Uarviu, tbe 18 year old brother of * young lady. AtMr a snort simple Huyder broke awy aid started to ruu. bat WM m*l by friend of tbe yoau( lady, Mid WM KIU eaoftnt and bcld, Mia bflersd a mill more euvere pnnishmtnt at ber band*. Mum Oarviu ikid : He insulted me, to I walked into my home I jam bappeutd to SM Ib ue w bunny I i , . Mid I picked II op Mid w*nl to tb* (tout door aod told to apologia*. Be Mid be wouldn't, d I whipped him. I tbink I ga* him pretty Rood horsewhipping, Mid I MD glad of U, ezeept tnal I broke tbe wnip." A .MO-I 11*1 I H> I kr I . I rl*lr I r.,r., State! I* ,** *f frrl.rk. d SJftlrlU. br ! II A New LUven dsepatoh Myi: Tbe rt.id ente cl Killiogwortb, a quiet little town on ibe Bjoud, Me very unon txereiead over iaantd boaee. Oa lonely road near tbe eeDire of tbe town stands en old home of peculiar eonitruetion. It wa* in thii maaeion tbat a deaede HO Mr " BOTM* II KRian oat tbe throat* of ber tbra* child- reo while tbey were aelsep. They were buried in tbe villaga ebareh yard Md, although tbe other grave* there re covered a MfflmM wnb MI abac dan I growth of rMB, cot a blade ever growi on he graves of the children. Their mother WM adjudged iotane and oouflosd in a room overlooking the grav**, and every night ootil abe died ebe would itaod et tbe window gazing on tbe elook in tbe borah tower near by. moabing and craving pardoa lor ber onmee. for many yean tbe boo** bad tb rspnta- lion of being haunted, and U almoet oootio- aoukly remained tenaotleu aotil Ustinov met. wben tbe Bay family, if Boeton, took t M a *ammer r**id*no*. Tbe fir*t olgbt bey Hie it there the twj tenant* were nearly icared to death by the apparition of a woman in white standing at their bed- room window. Iiood and unearthly noieee eebiMd through tbe bone*. Tbe next night Hr. and Mr*. Ky say they eaw the appar- nun and they promptly gave np tb* nous*. Recently only tbeM faele were learned by the villagers and inoe then teverai weird igbee have, it is aaid, been teen m the old maniion. BKNTIOT BNTIwT. .m. .llr I r..kU. nigbt'i Bt. Looie ValaJ A IMI (Tboreday) de*pteh ea>i: Dr. Edward B. OoaMe bo i and fatally wounded Dr. A. B. Keith in tbe etreet tbie morniog. Both are lentute, and ]<alooey bM xi*ld between hem for a long time. Cuatei baa been ndeavoring for a year paet to procure a livoree from bin wife, bat hM been uu>uo -ful Dr. Kith hae in tbe meantime MM a defender and eymptbiaer of Mre } jatee, and although be ie 66 yeare of ie le hae been aoerued by tbe lady'e buoband if improper relatione with ber. Coatee IM been de*pond*nt for tome time, and tbie morning announced hie intention of Irownlng himeelf, and etarled oat for Vhe river to cany oat bU parpoee, bat upon merging (rom tbe none* be met Dr. Koitb, and after an in'ercbabge of tome hot word*. ie aeeu'icK K ith of ba viu eanaed all hi* nnbappintea, and tbe latter denying it, a etrugMle antoed, both men falling to the nrouod UI>OL K ilb'i rttlng and attempt- on to walk away hie autagoniet drew revolver aid discharged it with tbe above reeult. Dr. Keith WM taken to tbe Oily ioepital, where be died tbie afternoon. II . . I . Hicar* ' a Prl..r r . A Montreal deapatch aaye : A bold and aoooceeful atoape WM made on Tueeday rom tbe city jail by a prisoner named Oabriel Ltdotoeur. wbo WM imprieoned ur iMaauy. The priaoncr and other in- ma ten were engaged in loading hemp on a aart, to be taken out of the prieon to a firm in tnt city. BU part wae to get into the tag* and tread down the hemp with hie '> t. When the iMt bag WM in coarae of Benin filled he eat down In it and allowed fellow prieonir to cover him up and tie tbe big like the olhere. The carter, who wae not connected with tbe jail, drove off, aud on arriving at the elore w'n re be WM to onload, be funud tbe laet bag pot on eo unotnally heavy tbt he aotied it, when Ladoaeeur jumped oat and made cff. Tbe carter w . eo fribtened that be fainted, and before an alarm eonld be given the prieoner had vaniabed. Be n.ade for hie ll boardiog-hooM in tbe city and there changed bio elotbee, having previously on tbe prieon grb. Later In the eveolag he WM balled ov a pui c mu who had ar- reated him for etealmg fare from J. O N'lrmend'e etore, wben he gave a fl r name in reply to tbe omaer and rodleoly dii-appearrd. Police were Mnl out In all d rttone to eeareb for bim, bat the l r iH.,ner hae eo far eluded arreit and ha* bad full time to get away. Toe blame for hie eeeape raete entirely on the jail guarde /Vi/ /n fry /* tr.tl/tft rrm**r SOMETHINC NEW CtvtN AWAY Fin Wrapped around every hottlr of 1 >r. I ne' I ivn Cute H a v.ilu.il.'e H..neh..l.| Mr.ii. .il C.uide anil Recipe Heuk (14 p.i*e*). < ontatmnB over eoo Ufteful rn ije, romivn. rd py medical men and druggist* an in vain- et4e, and w.inh im time* the price of the medicine. TfY CMASI s CIIM Cuif A .i and po ilira reawely. Price, renlv OLD ALL DCALCM* >. CMaAtWON OO., *.r. A**** The moat amnoii g moment I have enjoyed during It all waeooeuigbt when we were eat on a etraw leigbride, eaid a Fifth aveoae girl to tbe oorreepOLdtnt of a Weeiern pap**- There M a lovu.y eoaple aboard, in oloner quartera tban even tbe 'zeof the vehicle and the number of the party neaeealtated. Tbe mwnlight WM briKhi, and tbey bad to do toeir lovlog moetly with thrir eye*, until we tlroek into a deep gorge, where it be*me inddeuly M pltob dark M a oave. Then there WM a elight cumoiotioo, and eurimi ijt all aeoreditad by the reetof u* to i baaty ktM on the) part of the aweetheartt. I I ked at them ae aoon ae I eunld and wm lurpriaed to eee a piece of kin gone from tbe ehap'e lip. He bad to bold a handker- chief to it for awhile ! orier to hide Ihe blood that etarted. " Woat on earth we* tbe matter with bim ?" I afterward anked tbe girl. " I> d yoa bite him T" " No, no,' cbe frankly replied. " I had kept my month open a goud deal, you eee, atd ibe fro<t bad ot into Ihe metal plate of my falea teeth Wben be amaeked me Impnlrively hie lip came into aeeidei tal e >ntMt with Ibe froety plate and ntuek to It jiat M tba boy tongue doee to a cold I amp- poet." l.e>r< eir.i* M-. Wlte. Lord Juetice Olerk Br>ifl>ld WM a man of few w >rda and i f a rong oueiaeB It*, and coDeiqneutly, whtn be ocu'ted bii ato >nd wi'e, be aald to he*. " L uie, I'm looking out for a wl'e. MI d I tbougbt you juet the peracn to mi me. L n ma b*ve your anewer on or fl I. nor row, aud cae mair aboot It." Tue ldy nut day replied iu the amrmative Bbortl) l >r tbe mar- riage Lord Braifitld'i nu I r eemi to bim to give op bi eiluaiKm beoauet he eunld not bear hr ladjabip'ao >ti ijual (ouldiuK " Man," Braxflald eielaloied, " ye've little to complain of ; ye may be theokfo' ye're no' married to her." f* mbtr$' DOMINION PARLIAMENT. ckj lm iti* I hre.r BOD. lieu tlemieii of tb* heuate Uetitlvuieu of ib* liuus* of Commons Oa mMting you again I hav* th* duly to p*r(orm of congratulating yoa on tb* siffloient btivMt ol laat ytar tn<t oo th* prucperity ai>d substantial progrsk* of th* country. Bioo* tb* ioppr***ion tf Iba ininmo ion in tba Njrthw**! Tttritotlf* p*** aud oidsr bava b**n rcatorsd and LOW prevail Alter *o si nou* an outbreak, som* ditqutat and pprcb*n*icn ol tha r*oorr*b*B ol those disorders may naturally b* expected to liugsr and u will b* tbe doty t/f m> Oov*rum*nl to mak* kuob prioaniiouar) arrangement* a* will assnr* Ib* pr*s*ut inhabitant* a* w. II as Intending saltlsrs of efficient proteouoo agalasl all duttorbaLO* 1 warm.y congratulate you on th* prao- 'leal cuii.il; i 'U of In* Canadian 1'a.oino Railway, aud on Ih* announcement ibat it will be open tor tbe daily carriage of p MDgsis and freight fiom ceean IO oeeai, io Ibe month of June nest. Tbla great woi k, eo important alike to tbe Empire and Iba L> uanioi., caiuot fil to oaoe* tbe trad* between Hf.t b Colombia and Ib* other Frovitou io ankur* tb* early deftlop- tuentand asttlsment ot Manitoba aud tb 'sal, aud greatly to add to tb* oommsraial prosperity ot tb wb le COOL try. Bboold tb* negotiations between Ber Majesty's O rernmenl aod tbal of Iba Uuitai 8 at*a tor tbe appointment ot a j nut ommtatioo to ad)nai wbal is knowu a* tbe Fishery Qaeauoo," aud to eonsuUr tbe bust m*ane ot developing onr inter- national ojmmare*, 1*11 to noum ai.y atiafaetorv n suit, yon will b* aaked to mak* provuioo tor tb* proteotioo ot oaf io*bor* fi*b*ri*s by ths sstaouoo of oar pr***ot *y*l*m of marin* polio*, Tb* m*a*ur* submitted to you leal us - ion lor tb* eonsolidaitioa ot tbs statut a, aod for tb* iutrodueiion iuto tie Mono wa*t T*rritoria* ol a mor* simple aud economical aysitm for the translsr ot laid, will be again laid btfor* you lor oootuUra Uon and tagi'lativ* aatioo. To* MI* of tb* lait eee.no j will b* toutid to b* included m tbe oral ol tboa* meesurM. Ion wi>! aleo bs a*k*d to aooiidwr th* *xp*4un*y ot improving tbs Judiciary syatsm ol th* Nortbweat Territori**. Your attention will be invited to tb* propriety ol amandin* tb* law relating to tbe basmeee ol Ibe i fflae ol the (j ieen'* Printer, and ot providing tor th* more satisfactory working ol tbs pr*a*nt system olO.vsrnmsotand parliamsntary printing. A numerical o*n*oa ol tb* Murtbw*at 1 trnl ,nee ha* been takeu , and a Ol*t*ura bued thereon tor tbe r*pr***ntatioo ol the people in Parliament will ba laid before you ; and olbsr msasnraiwili b*laid before you, and amoog tbem will b* found BUI* (or providing tor a belter mod* ot trials of claims agaiust th* Orown, lor rtgolaiieg th* Posl-offlc* Having* Bank* in Britub Oolumbia and the Mortbwnt Territories, tor expediting tb* iaan* of patent* tor India* land*, lor tb* admioulraiioo ol tb* r i lite of ibe Orown in Ibe forsebores of ib* Dominion, for th* *tablisbm*ot ol ao Experimental Farm, and tor ibe amttid- msnl ol tb* Ciiose* Immigration Act. UentlemeD of tbe Boos* of Common i Tb* accounts for tb* past year will bo laid btlore you You will D .d tbat tbe *sti- mat* of raosipt* ba* b**o fully realised, ot I rtgrat to say tbal tbs ontbrsak in tbe N .Moots! bas added largely to too ipsndilur* of ibe country. Tb* Mtimatc* for the eneniog year will b* lobmittsd to rou. They hav* b**n prepared with do* regard io economy aod th* requirement* of tb* public sarviee. Be norabl* Qentlauien of tbe Beaat* Uenllenjan of Ibe Booss of Comuiooe : I ojmmeud tbe** eeveral *ub)eat* and tbs others wbiob may sngag* your atten- tion to your beet consider alion, and I arcaitly troll thai tb* re.uli of your deliberalione may, under Ihe divine blsss. ing. eondna* to tb* advancement and proa- pertly ot Canada. * DtuarrwINIBD -01 IMF.H Hcaie* ike sTredctj Urs>wtle >! e>t 1 heir Wile fc e i. iu K i- i.i.i u I br.lrl. ! . I *lir>rllB C "- u.u i. ill. Urlcvaacee. 4 last (T burs-lay) night'* Part* eabl* say a : A strangs uao in on* ot tb* gal- isnes of ih* Chamber of D.'potie* aros* excitedly tbi* aftsrooon, drew a revolver and tired it iwioe with downward aim, and tbeo eoolly threw a letter toward! M. emenoeau. The man was quickly *tixd aud bnrii*d out by tb* police. Wn*n th* 1 loiteiueut bad uT-ided, a fl >l**n*d bullet wa* fuund al tb* feel ol th* Pr**id*ot of tb* Obamb*r. Tb* prisoner Mid ba was a soldier wbo b*d b**o *o tU-lr*al*d by hi* anperior* aod ignored by tb* tme*>* if joetio* lhal b* bad r**ort*d to toi d**- peral* *xpdieal of er*aling a **D*ation in ib* Otaambar of I >. p jtisa to a*oor* altsn- lion of bi grievance*. H* gav* bis cam* M ivirer. and said h* wa* an tffleer in Ib* Kreuoh army. H* aaserted Ibal Ibs letter wbiah be threw towards 01*- m*o*caa o luinued ao offer lo givs Ibe Oovenmsol ibs names of the b*lray*nof Met* 1 ue *zoilement **u**d by the shoal- ing lastsd for along lime, axd effected Ibe 1) '(.uiie- a* muob as it did Ib* oo*ap*nl* ot ih* gall*ri*e. Wueu Ib* man wbo fired th* ibola wa* first **isd, b* rzolaimed, " I hv* wruleu to Cl*m*oe*ao, h* know* what it m*ana." Tbie, of o >oree, wa* not OLdMstood by three wbo heard il and but added to Ib* general oonet*roaltoa lavs*- tigatian abowid tbal bolb bollst* wsr* tired m h Ih* air, not al any poraoo on ibe floor ooouj ied by th* 1 > i uiie Tb* Utter which ih* pri*ou*r ea*l at Clemeueaa waa foaod aod delivered iota tbe custody ot ib* Pr*ld*ol of tb* Ooamnsr*. Th* culprit's uame is now given a* Peroonier. Be i* undoubtedly ineaoc. He erved lo Ibe Freoeb army and in Ib* Franco German war. I hung - el < Irru m Court offlaer whieparlugin Maglatnte's ar A eoaple oateide want too to jun tbi m Magialrale 8b ? Tsll '.in I'll be around tbe corner in five inmate*. Oaarl I officer It'* a young eoopU, sir, M wants to get married Magistrate Oh I Tsll | ,*m they'll bav* to wall till th* Ooort I* adjourned. Mr. McLkOtblln-To am*nd tbe AOI re spsaalog *now fanaas. Hon. O Howat An Act to eon Arm itlaa wb*r* Ib* Laud inlea Aoi i* not in ore*. Mr. Awrey ixioved for a return showing or aaata ol tb* yaar* 18W, 18t aod 1886. an auuia ol m*o*y r*o*ivea by Mi* Agrioai- ural aod Art* Aaioeialion, tb* amount ei ud*d in prin** at tb* annual *abibiuooa, jet ol mauag*m*nl ol said exbibttioos, il*!taguiabing b*i**n talaris* aod other l-bureemeuts ; salariat paid iffiiials ol aid BMoeiattons, *Ld otbsr disbursements made by tbe aaid a*ax,eie!iuo ; balauo* b**t I r each year's transactions, showing ri fl) cr lo**, a* ib* eaa* may b*. lie aaid bar* wa* ao impreaeioo abroad in tn* W'.-al tbal * laMt kl tba dttti** of the Agri oultutal aud Aria Asaooiaiioa aigbt o*a*e. While admitiiug tb* vain* of tb* Provin- etal Fair to agrioollurwie in Ib* past thirty aaia, h* tbouMhl th* inalltuliou bad cat- ved its usefuluees. Tb* braneh*b ol tb* isontatioo *oob aa tbe rsgistsring ot too*. i* aoolrolliug of plowing matebas, and lhair adtacatiooal iofliuoa* w*r* all very I. Tb* m**Dag*m*nl ot Ih* Provincial how had oot OMO eeouomioal. For uetan**, lt year at Loodon, where i a.way* bav* a food Western Fair, and a oaoaaalnl on*, Aks nwoll aa tbat with an inaom* ot MHfO.ioalnd- g |tr*nl* aid aa** moo*/^a*y bad a nan of 11.600. Tbs Industrial Kinibi loo al Toruoto was a greet *a*a**a, aod *uoaid*r*et ib* oo* gr*al show of tba Pro- ioo i aod DOW, with pa*t exp*rt*ao* ot it I Ib* leading omen, tb* Provincial Bbow oil b* bald in soon* small psaa* wbar* it oomd nol pay. Bs bad s**o al Hamiiton aod London jn*l * good itoek a* wa* town al tb* Provincial Bbow. H* bad o sympathy with tboa* who said tbal 'orooto wa* monipolisiog all thai wa* ood in tbe PruvtuM, but U they had a VILBII auo w ii muet ba h*ld only ouo* o flv* y*ar* A abarg* bad b**o mad* bat whan the Exhibition was bald al L to- on. Oi*awa,*to, tb* dtrceior* broognl 'orkmen from other parts ot Ib* PIOVIDO* 'b*r*v*r directors had trteod*, aod thus Ii* expcua* wa* ioor*aa*d. H* had dta- ingutebad btlereea ibe aroonnt for pr.i -e aud mauagtmcul, lor tb* r*a*on tbat there wa* ao imprsaalon abroad tbal tb* amount or pnas* wa* eftaall and tbal tor managa- ant Urns Mr. D.-ury .aid b* tbongbl tbat tbe merobar for ri .utb Wnntwjrtn would And UK I f. A IMH.I.4K. lr ..o.l^r Mlhh.rH < ... I l.l.r.l ,1.. fleer I ii. tie Nevaitowrel. A Milwaoke* drapatab saye : Alexander Hibbard tbe youug mao wbo swallowed a Mlver dollar nearly a year ago, still po* a***** ib* *OID. Il ha* lodged In bia atooiaob, where il occasionally aa**rt* us preeoas by causing it>rllK**lion aud CODS* qusol noeaaia***. V iung Htbbard I* watobiug bi* hidden wealth with SOB* foreboding. Physicians do not ajar* lo mak* *oy i IT .n to diclodg* th* eotn, pr* f v r r inn to await It* movement* by Ib* regn lar proess* ol nature, however *low. When tb* coin finally begum to move through Hibbard'i ayatom tb*r* will probably b* a hurried operation to remove it from Ib* pblorkor no*. wb*r* it ia Ibonght II will lodg* and o*<us iroubl*. A Me) SleilcMc. A NIC* dtspatoh say*: Tb* Monaco gemiog table* hav* added another to th* thousands ot victims which these Mino taor* of modtrn Knrop* nlami A young oommsreial travellsr, on hi* brtdal lour p*ul f*w d*y* at Moo*oo, and, drawn ml i tb* deadly stream, visited tb* gamins! alablisbm*nt ol Mont* Carlo. H* etaked at flrrl for tb* Inn of Ih* thing, then tc r*d* m bi* low**, and finally, intoxtsatad witb tb* poisonous air of tb* salon, ven- tured everything on tbe baaard of ibe green tab)* and found himaalf rumed Witb Ih* monotoDou* cry of tb* croupier ru ninn in bis ear. with tb* pinlure ol hi* wailiof bride before bia mantal vision, be weal nut in the eold grey light of Ib* in ruing aod soot himself. Hi* widow la almoat io*an* witb grief, and a *nb**rip- tion U being raiaad to suable bar to return to bar trlanda. LKMLVURL Hon. T B. PardM prwaoUd th* putt ol in* Hallway*. Mr A*r*y B**a*at*d tb* fttb r*|ort Ib* <Joaimiit*a oo Privet* BlUa. Tb* foil.. WIUH Will* w*n r**d tb* flrsl eixth of U.t abe farmer* bad a very Blear idea of ft* amount tbal was apsnl in salarl** aod li* lasnnnni Ibal was spent in priae*. II * would lak* tb* trouble M look np priae t* b* wi.uld flad tbal tb*y amouottd to ilwa*n '.3 000 and 136000. H* gav* vary *r*dil so to* ti**u*ut mauagtu*ut Iba Torooto lodostrial Association, bat wna very douDiful whether tb* system f relying upoo bor**-r*oiugaod *ld**aow* i vartooi kind* would prodnoe psrman*ol oooeu Ii had failed ui Ih* L'oittd Biatae. [e believed Ibal four-filth* of ib* toltd arm*n would vote lor tb* aoaiiunana* of M Provincial Exhibition. ( Ones ot Bisvr." aod " Mo.' ) Ha bviieved the 'air at Ktog*ton we* of material advent- a(* to Ib* r *opl* ol Eastern Ontario, and was tb* naao* of iutrodoeiog improved .111* and new agritultnral machinery to be ftarmcr* of tbal dislrisl. Diffionlti** saigbt aria* from tb* asateiaiion nol bsiug bie to sMor* proper aeoommodalion. Il might be a qaastioo whether, if they could obtain antraoaa to oiiiee having proper aoeommodalion, tn* holding it tb* Exbiot- on aboold b* kunpended, bul oo no other round .bould il b* aooMmpeatad. Mr. (Jr.y eaid tbal th* Provincial Eibi- in tba paal bad performed * duly , bad oe***d to b* of any ue and tb* mooay would b* belter spent if divided among ibe Agricultural Boei*ti*a. Mr O^aon (Hnroa) agreed with tb* mark* mad* Oy tb* member lor K**t imoo*. Tb* extra attractions whtab were oouitog luto taahion at lair* did not nbaoot their vain* . p*opi* want away rom tn*m no wi**r than ln*y *am*. Tb* b)*ct ot Ib* Torooto Industrial Exbibiuoo we* iirioetpaii) M draw a arowd aod to make money. Mr. WUmot *aid tbal tb* T .rou to Exbi- iition w** a good one. but at London they lad better .lock aod a bettor elaae of pewple. ie waa strooicly opposed to suiting off Ib* grant for tb* Provincial Fair. U u. 0. F. Fraasr mo*l strenuously objected to tbe notion tbal tb* reeolts of an inatilution of this ebaraattr e->uld b* estimated by a pnrsly financial O(*ratioo Tbey a uld pruv*, however tbal tb* nlt* Irom ao adao .liooal staudpoiut wsr* good aiid aailslaotory. Jut so witb amount given for ibe Dalrymsn'e Association*. Tba fact I* tbal tb* money remit could not b* mad* to ahow a direct irofl ', )cl tbs indirect reMilts ar* manifold .ud far beyuud th* amonol paid for it. lo far a* he oonld *p*ak for hi* own oouiiiiuinay, or tb* far mar* ol tb* E**t, >* bad no beeitaf o i in saying tbal ib* andivid*d voio* of ib* Bast w*a in favor ol tb* ooilonaao* of Ibe show. Th* arm*rs ol tbs W**l mo*t remember that tin tbepaat tb*y bad derived grealb*n*fi> root tb* Provincial sbow aud now Itasy COUld do Wllboal it, tb* ***l*rD farmer* bad nol tb* mauy similar competing in*ti Otloo* aud wanted tbi* oftener than tbey tot it. Tb*n atraio, ta* W**l bad almoat Litirely th* wbol* of tb* larne Provtomal umitutinus. He> concluded by ranaatlnii be a*ai*m*nl tbat b* vo.od toe nodividea opioloo ot easier u farmer* in pvoooaoatag strongly 1 jr tb* ooatiouaue* ol tb* grant. Mr. Hawl*y wa* itrongly in favor of the ooutiDuatiOei of tbe grant, acd sugg*st*d lhal in addition an np*rim*Lt*I farm sbould be eetablubed in th* E**L Mr. Merriek r*gr*tt*d thai tba manag* men! of ibe Fair bad o**n ila*k*d. H* advocated the mor* frujueot holding of Ih* Bibinitlon in th* East. Mr. Pr**ton sug**l*d thai tb* faet of tb* mover'* defeat in bis sndsavor to seeur* election to tb* Agrioolloral and Art* Awoeialion might actxniut for bi as ion. H* wa* sure that if Ibe grant w >r* withdrawn from th* a*ooietioo a itronK cry would o m. e from Ib* E MI against that cuors*. He wa* in favor uf tn*r*a*lug ih* grant if tb* prtecnl amount were nol sA oieut to carry oa tb* Provioaial Bbow suo oesefuUy. Mr. Awr.y rapudlatsd tb* lo*ionation thai b* we* a candidate for a position on saoaialioo, but b* did nol know it until att*r b* wa* nominated Hs, DOW svtr, distinctly staled b-fore tb* election t th* meeting of tb* Booth weetern Agri eoltnral Society, tbat b* wa* again*! the holding of a Provincial Bbow, aod y*t b* wa* opportee! by bis own ndiog by S3 to 10 lie thought th* sbow was not wholly m.drr tbs ooulrol of farmere. tor Mr Rykert, M.P., aod Mr C.roegie w*r* mem ben, aod tb*y w*r* nol farmer*. H* d* feudeJ tbeHamiliou RxbtbitlOD, aad*tat*d that all Ib* exhibite were free tor Iboa* in Ib* uruunde (xaepl speeding In tb* rlog. H* charged Ibe directura le of the tent L >udon Fair with having gtvso l00 to * lo*eU aoaamilla* for the pnrptw* of ***nr log horn* racing. Hsgardlog tb* d**ir* of tb* Ea*l to bav* th* sbow, b* ibonghl tb* l**l tbal tba ooffw* of tb* aaanalstioo alway* cam* bark *mpty did not prove thie Tb* motion wa* *arri*d. Mr. rinider moved tbe woond r*adlrg o a U i M ragnlato tb* width ol Urea, ih Bill provided tbal on and after tbs lei ol Jane, 1890, tbe width of tire* oa w* . dray*. !*., aarrying a load ol 9.000 pound ah iuld be not I*** tbao 8} iuon*. To* Bil w** nol to apply to eouuiies ar district* having nnor^a ii*d township* within thei limit*, a .juinee mad* of maanfaolnrsrs aLd otbei* bad elicited replies to tb* iff Ml tbal waggon* with wld* tir*s were aoming into na* mon *itenuv*ly and were being mauafactursd in largar numb*r* tbau lormarly. H* believed a great aaviug would be effected to tb* rapairlug of roada if wid* urea were generally u.ed In oos vil'ags it wa* Itmalad tbal a kaviog of 1600 ytar waa tfl**t*d to thie way. 1 he eipenaa of rsptamog narrow Mrs* by wtds tire, would b* from lit to IW p*r waggon. aod tb* bui gav* ampl* ti*a* to mak* to* SbMlg*. Mr. Bodaon aaid tbal tbs compolaory broadening ol the tire would neoa*aiieie In* making of tbe wb**l* moan larger tban would b* ueeeeeary to aoataio tb* weigbl. Mr. Kobtllard oppoaad Ibs Bill, saytog tbat it would b* impractioabl* to *uloro* neb a law. Mr. Lias aaid Ibal tb* ail* _ tiree war* uninited to *om* kiods of roada Ue mov*d ibe three mootbi' boisr. Mr. Drury *aid tbal ID many part* of Ihs Provioe* tb* law would b* attended witb great hardships, while in others il would be ol groat bebefll. He piopoead thai It should not apply to uuorgabiaed district", aod tbal in otbar conotM* il anonld b* p*rmi**iv*, and tbal tb* Oouoty Couceila ..bull rtgulai* tb* matur. Mr. Bills ibougbl U* p*opl* abonld b* allowed to regulats tbs mallar for lb*m- aaive*, ac J Ibal Ih* Bill abould b* p*rmia- liv*. Hon. O. F. Frassr said tbal it wn* avi- deul Ibal a rsgnlation wbiob was jo*l and wiee inooe district might ba altogether out of place in anotner, aod there wa* tb*r*lor* fore* in ths suggestion tbal Ibs Bill sbould b* mad* peruiiMive. Al all *v*nte, the House, without eommiluof lUeif to any pariltular meainre, might paastb* **oood rmdiog, and allow th* Bill to go to ths Municipal Uommilte*. Mr. Lao* witbdrsw his amendment. Mr. Meredith *aid tbal Ib* County CouLoila already had power to rrgulake the width of iir** o* oertaiu vabiel**. Th* Bill waa read a second time and reterred to tb* Municipal Uommilta*. Mr Wattr* moved ibe **eo*d reading of the B li to amend ib* Ditob** and Water course* Aoi Tb* 1 8 ,01 of in* Bill wa* to allow of tb* waterway* along railways ben g utiinel for drainage pnrpo*** aod to al u * parsons to aotir upoo tbs properly of railwaya for Ihe purpoa* ol constructing draius Tb* laek ol eoeb Isgulatioo was loaod to b* a great luoooveoienoa aad obtiructioo to tbe drainage cl prop rly in tb* oeigbborbood ol rsilways. The Bill nlao mads provisiou lor tba oa*a ol ao ngtne*r refuelug to give a oerun )*ia under tne Diieb** and Watsrobor*** Act. Tbs Bul was read a eeooud time and referred to Ihs Municipal Commute*. U in. A. 8 Hardy, moving ib* a*eood eadiog ol tb* Bill to amend in* Liqaor Lioeuee Aoi, said : Ws bav a tor the pail law ysara bad so mooh l%ulaiioo oo tbs Ueaue* qa**tion tbal perhaps very little remaiQB M b* don*. I b*b*v* that pnblio optoiuD, both in Swtl Act eououe* and Uewtit re, will go Ib* fall length of uphold- ing the Qjveruul%Lt iu racing that nothing n reaaou shall b* left undone to prevent ale* by nnlio*na*d deaUers. and *ale* oo Sunday, tberefors tbs maasnr* which I .m introducing will aim al Iboae two points. Mr. Msndilb Inclading Sootl Aoi counties ? Hon. A B Hardy No ; th* law doe* not ) re tend to aim at bo m Aai eounti**, for b* rtaaou that lot court* hav* 0. Id lhal r* bav* oo power to legislate in rrapeet to teen*** or tbs nforoemtnt ol tb* liquor aw where Ihe 8 lt Aoi I* in lore* ; tnal virtually tba Crook* Act it suspended bere aod while the Soon Act is in fora*. A msnabtr but ii ia in our power to rant ib* lieenee which may b* laanod in Jcotl Act oounli**. Hon. A. 8. Hardy Tbal is under tb* 3ootl Act ; DOl under onr own law. A m*a*a*r Djn'l you lake rower to nloree tbe 80011 Aoi T Hoo A. 8 Hardy Tb* *nforwm*nl of >ominioo law I* on* thing . Ih* making of new law i* aoolbar. It bas b**o laid bat tb* Provincial Ujvernrneol be* power ntoro* any law, and it will b* tb* >inju,iuu law which our oommiasioosrs aod inspector*, if, and wb*n they ar* (/pointed, will be called upon to enforo*. tut in other e uouss tba point* w* ar* aiming al ar* tb* prevention of anlto*ne*d aad ol Sunday a*J*. I am not *nr jrieed at ths complaints tbat Ihs law la not tgidly *nfore*d in a oily lite Torooto. 100 000 inhabitant* or mor* il u very difficult lor on* or two lo*p*etor* to en ore* tb* law. Tbe lot peetor oaooot b* every where alooof. aod wb*r*b*u not Ibere will b* violattoos ol tbs law ; tb* bel b* can 10 is M prosecute . tod often bis dim ally ooly begins whso bs attempts to pr J**CUM, icana* be ba* M deal witb bad peraoue who tesratly agree to violate to* law. ID tbi-i rerptct tb* liqaor law I* d.ffer*nl from all olber I .we. I bavs provided in Ibis Bill, first a* to sal* without hesoe*. Tb* nqiorlaw provides tbat a person stUitg iqoor without lioaote shall be liable lor tbe first offeno* to a flu* ot not las* tban IW, or mor* tbao MO ; for tbe second offttia* *o a la* of nol ISM than $40, or mor* thai, M) ; a .d tor tne third < denes to tbr** montbe mprisooment. What I propoa* DOW i* lhal tor Ib* flrsl t fl -no* there sball b* a flu* o: not I*** tbao 1*0 or mor* than HOO ; tor Lne ate* id i fl ue* impncoomsol lor DC IM* than four moaib* , aod lor in* ibin fl noe impri*oom*nt tor oot WM tbevo six mouths. Tnss* p*nalii*a ar* lor **llioi iiq>ior without lb*lie*o**. In England Ib* P. n. I ties lor similar offao*** ar* a* lol First tn%oee, a flu* nol exceed nn rMO or oa* month'* impri*oom*nt . eeooni nol exoveding 9500 or three mootbe' impri*ODm*nl and flvs veara' II* I ual i float ion lor license ; tbtrd offeoo*, 1500 or n mootb*' impri*onm*ot aad iu len.nte linjiaal.finaiion for Moaoa*. Wbeib* Ibi* Will bave a deterrent eff** wba*b*r a aoovtaiioo will bi mor* diffi iull to obtain r**naio* to b* ***o. but all to* Hoes* aao d* i* to ottk* tb* l*w striuge-nt aa p meibl*. II ia ptopo**d, so ar a* tba otty of Toronto i* ao*o*rn*d, to ppoiul an Inepeo or in-0bi*t for ib* oity Tuere era now two Inspector*, on* for Ih* eaei and tbe othsr tor tb* west ll I* now proposed M add to lh*e* a Cbtsl Inspector wbo ball bav* jun-dioiiou ovsr Ib* vnlir* Ity. Mr. D xt*r IN in be tb* Inspector -in Chit I. B* i* a itood inspector, Ihorougbly understand* tb* law, and bas bad larg* experience in proaMUtioo*. 1 1 la propoesd aleo *om*wbal IO luoreaee tb* laoilltie* for a*arch. K- preaeulalione bav* beeu road* tbal il would b* well to give polio* officer* aod iuspaotor* in ib* oily tb* s*m* pow* ol i**reh as lb*y bav* in raapaet to gamb liog plaea*. Oomplalul bai been mad* Iba although tb* oily ol Torooto has paanad by-law rtejuiring >hl tb* *bop* to wbic liquor ie *uld *ball b* separate Irom otbe chop* ibia ba* not been earriext onl , a par litiuu ba* be*n put up aod theehop divtdoc bat, although it look* all right, a a*parate antranat ba* been mad* and aommanioa lion kept np b*tw**n tb* liquor shop an tb* groawy or othsr shop. In *av*ral oa**s. It ia said, a window i* lo**rtod o ihe partition does not reaob M tb* oeth 11 U proposed M impose a penalty of t a day for every day tbal tbar* an opening for tb* purpose of eommunloa MOO. Tb* otb*r point le to prevent 8uod* a*lliog, and Ibat ta a vary difflanll i leeiiou todealwnh Tb* latf now direoSe ib* ba to b* lo*ad between Ib* boor* of 7 o'eloei oo Saturday eveoiog aod A o'clock oo Moo day morning. This bas not, and oannot b* very thoroughly *ofoto>d. Ae, Ib* law now stands It Is to tb* *ff<et thai no p*r*oi hall visit a bar-room oth*r tbao member of Ib* household of tb* proprietor, and Iba lights *b*JI not b kbown >b*r* dnrlog thaee pr-it'ibttril hour* Ii i* provided tbat It p*r*oo vi*ii tb* bar-room, or il any linhte ar* kbowo tb*r*, il shall b* taken a* arteM fmtit *eid*n** ol liquor being sold tbsrs This wan overcome by tb* proprteto proposed icore**** will b* to ihs Is** im M**d by to* Aoi ot 1884, wherea* ihoM neraaas* are repealed, aad tb* loereeeed ee ie to th* old etaiutory fa*. Uod*r Ib* Scott Ad Ibere might b* ton druggie i. Menees In ea*h ally, while I am of* ib* iptnion tbat tbrae or four would b* ampl*, aad th* fa* propoatd as 1100 to *.u*>, own* tM aod other ma*ioipaliiia* 140 I* eoielodad by moving Ib* firet r*adiug f lb* Bill. Th* BUI wna read tb* first time. Vws* SjM>*>B> MeTBlairiWB. N*w * ' teJeivteaa wke.ee isiitj nimeaceM kareaeieel fc . ttewel < .. d . . . An Albany despatch says : Ths Oo**roor igned * Bill to-day providing tor tb* com- mutation of aratonos* ot euuviet* tor good behavior, which affect* nearly five thou- sand prisoner* of the higher grade. Tb* a.ult of tb* BUI ia mar* far-raaehing than any measure of its kind wbiah ba* beaom* aw during tb* pael twenty five yeare. In* to; w*s drawn by Mr. Goodwin Brown, Ib* pardon clerk uf ib* 8x**ntiv* Cbamb*r. nd i* Ib* result of several yeare atndy and raonal observation by him. Tb* direct urpoM at the Bill i* to bring nid*r on* otral eootrol Ibe discipline in Ib* pri*ona and panitentianea. Il will largely re.ull in ib* abolitioo of corporal punishment*, aod will luaetiinte in their stead tb* iff e- tiv* appucalion of tb* principle of la* bop* of reward. By Ibe provuion* of the tatnte, society ie more largely prelected root tb* recurrence ot akwond cffeoo** than v*r before. Law i* MbstiMted tor tb* oitrary eapria** aod whim* of pri*on fflnal*, and tqoal jjetios ia don* to all ouuvicu eotitlea to tb* bsnsuts of tb* law. awaaring tbat allboogb It might b* true thai tb* bar wa* open, or a light tb*r*, y*t aold no liqaor duTing tb* time, aod Ibn* was aboaal impoaatbl* to weure a *on- viotiou. Tb* only poaeible way to m*%t tbi* tbal ba* ooourred to ma aod I think I la of ih* greataal iaportace* tbal Haoday aeliiLg sball b* euptraaaed, and I believe Ibte te tb* general opinion of tb* aoualry, whether Boott A*t supporter* or not is tbe on* I now propoa*. This I* tbal to* person wbo admit* any parsons within tb* bar- room, and th* perwo found there aball b* guilty ot an oftaoa* agaloil the Aat, with - penally of HO I think this will iur* a conviction wbeu tb* Law I* violated. IiwiU than b* found tbal aoo vtation do** not depend on eoms oo* oom ing torward to swear that ao liqaor wa* eold during prohibited hour*. It ba* been found D ary to hav* Provincial offieere aod it is proposed to give oo* of tba Pro- vincial Inspector* power to administer oath* in bia investigations Io rural son sliiueuoie* th* gr*ate*t difflonlly ha* been fonad in obtaining magutrate* to Ml in trying bff*oa*a aeiainet tbe Aat. a* il DOW require* two, W* hav* provided lhal in oaj,e in which there ia an appeal to a Count? Judge, on* magistrate shall aoffla*. Tb* Bill i* aimed particularly al illicit ailing and Sunday selling, aod ll provide* for iLorea**d dun**, bolb on tavern and oo druggist.' lioaaa** in Soon Act eounti** Ao erroneous idea has goo* out, Ibal th* A ** !**<. It ia s tad Bight, say* a writer in tbe Ban "ranoisco CkntneU, to watch tbs gradual leeay of love, tbe development of f amibaxiiy aod aslflsboeea betweeo a oewly-marned couple. I aee them sometimes, from ths country evidently, at a reataorant bar*. I ike to waaeh them and apeeu.ate on the iui..ct. They come in togother wbeo they Irei arrive, full of bliaa and affeettoo aod tenderness aod other outiealar eharaetsr islies ot bom ao naton. B* is mo*i delicate and attentive. Be lake* ber cloak off and laoge U up. Bs MM the chair lor her aod bovere o'er her until ibe bas fairly MlileU bereelf m it, Bs takes up tbe bill oT (aru and divide* hi* hungry eyee between tbai sparkling fao* opposite and lhal monotonous, inartistic and singularly appelits-dMtroying docamsul. Tban he oggeets sverytbing to bar. aod ah* aoocpia everything, aod the waiter doa* oot know what to bring tbsan. I like to waeah the waiter'* petiant.half amuesd mil* while he ax IB sideways down upon tbem. Tben be joae and gets wbal b* thinks they ordered, aud they n*v*r notios tbal be has not T mgbl them what tbey wanted. They loo'l know wbal ibey want, aovbow. And ben be ordered ebempaxoa. Y>u 001 ae* ar faint protect. Il doss look sxtravsg- ant. Bat yoa can tall in tbe distance he ,y* : 11 My darling ducky, ws'vs come to town have a good time ; hang Ibe exp*n**." Tba ssoond svening ths mere*! trifle t a tamer proceeding erjpe up, and tbsn * leee ealhneiaem and leas afl >otiou. But here's it 11 ohaoiptgne, and just nils IOM. Tbe thud nlghl Mo 1 * beginning to Bssoms Ita iweJ- lis fluaaeee an beginning to suffsr. Tb* beauae and ebampagns an tailing on hi* )urs*. and b* aaoapts her very faint pro- tuet anil orders claret. Tbs foarth even ag she lakee ufl her own cloak and bangs t up, and sbs arranges tier own chair, and a* takes can ol bimesll dslibsrately. A kind ot wearines* hang* ovsr tbe table, a bored look passss between tbem. aod b* Mil* Ib* waiter boldly to bring bim a bottle of beer. Ah, me '. Love'e young dream '. Tbe swsstnee* tbat aloy*, tbe tatrneM that becomes familiar, ths fading fine of bliss tbat bM ooosumed itself all too aoon '. The fifth night they do nol come. They have goos back to the rural districts, wbsn Ibe ebarp-syed editor of the local paper inter- viewe them, aod announce* io a doobls- leadad editorial thai Mr. and Mn. Jon** bav* nlurn*d from their wedding tocr to Ban K ran 01*00. THE FAIMEI'S INIUMOOI. Tffia twf rit.k4r.aiM If ilfaJ TBJE OAK TB COMIHO Oouplled by a Cb*ak reios, M a g*o*ral rni*. ar* wt litti* ue* on tb* road, x**pl in in* *aa* at invatarate nomMen. Tb*M il i* naeMaary to somstioi** *b*ek up high, ao a*> to aaak* them .if i their f e*l, aod b**MU*. If tbejy do trip, tb**n*ek rein puoiao** th*m **-v*r*ly. Siombliog i* chiefly do* to bad ' n*ne* tbie as* of tb* oheok savor* of i >aaa uoaity. If a bora* abow* a I io dumbs*, pull iff hi* *ha* and iitvaj be*. oarcfoot. baiog careful not to b hoofs. Hs will soon **i over tb* I io all probability. Wnen tb* f**l ' tn*y do, eo ae to n***ae itate sbr*lng. if it te eummer weather pot on tr* c Up* ooly, **)d r*aw tbem often. Tb* oheok rein ia u**dto mak* a naturally down headed hors* aarry hi* bead high, or s* high a* ai* maw, and 11 1* often mad* an instrument of wanton tortur. by unfMliog groom, aid dnvM*. Tb. real a*, of the sb M k I* to prevent a bora* gstung hi* Usad to tho groond wban standing. Ii i* of oo no* *4 ail, ax**p* a* abov* eiflaiced. wban travailing. Bvnry bora* work* b*it*r wttbout one, whatever work he do**. Car* . i i . w o. i . . k . A newly dropped lamb i* m significant yet II ha* ao ulUmatw vain* of *av*ra dolian. W* bav* at time* r*aha*d frtun MO dollar* down to tbra* dollar* *od a batt par baad tor our crop of spring lambs, aod BBS) small sums may mat* up la tba) aggregate a larg. amount. The lambs ar* tne.ret.jre to b* carefully nur**d through their weak and b el plea* stag*, and tb*n fad judioiouely but liberally Ovw-Uadiog la tbe gnat daogw. A tntall qnaoMly of warm, traeb cow s mUk. given to a weak laotb tor** Urn** a day through a ouning Buttle, will haip il woadarfnJly. Wban Ib* lambe ar* tor** or four w**a* old, aa> frnn* daily tor aaob lamb of a mixtur* of antn aud rye, ground together Bjaly, will ba servtoeabi*. Il u. however, bsiter to half a piot of u daily to eaob ewe. will baip ibe Umb mor* tbao If il Kivon M It. American Afrieulturut Mtrrk. Tb* uparuoo* of maoy b**B**pnra, nol all novioee, i* thai wbii* Ibay can a*t tb**r i tbrongh tb* wiuter wall, to. early spring i* tn* most trying urn*. Tb* lif* of in* worker bee i* abort al bsst, aod to* great proportion of thoa* tbal go into win- ter quarter* die before tba aaaaoo i* halt over New brood mnat be reared to main- tain ibe strength of tb* union tan. It b) often fatal to DOOM* to Mart oolooi** al work rearing brood wo aoon, which ut don* when ibey ar* plaosd too *arly upon tb* stands baton tb* weather ramain* o jounu ouely propt.iuu*. Il u bitter ta wail. Co loo lee coming through tbs winter vary strong may ba trusted onl earn** tban waakiy on**. Warm weather will excite th* ba*a to aoiivuy , it this occur* unusa ally aaily, tb* ilool** ebould b* k*p* a* quiet a* posatbta. Wban tb* red bud* of to* soil mapla put forth, the be**, aa a rule, may be safely released from i imprisonment. Qaeio* ar* liabl* * and death, aud il happen* the I times a ojlony i* wtiboul a quean. In each * COM il may well b* uni *d with weak on* tbal ba* a queen, if bolb, after oloM examination, prove healthy. U booay I* exnautod, feed ; and il i* wall M pea** fine, unbolt* d rye flour where it i* *C9**- sibl* to the b***. Tb*y will OM it in the plao* of poUen, if few fioww* ar* op*n ot Ib* weaiber rough. I'ew lew ** * IBiiilea Wh*u the Mtononita* flm brought tb* Roeuan mulberry tre* to this or rather when enterprising on flral obtained tbem, tbey w mended for almost everything. Il mated tbal Ib* wood waa excellent for posts, fuel aod HmOer . that Ib* l*av*e were eaten by stlfc worm*, aod mat tbi fruit WM vary deeirabl* for eauog, artbn raw or eookad. All tb***) alaim* hav* b**n denied, bul a aorr**poodaol of a KaosM Citv p*tar a*>)a : Tb* fnatossj HuMiao mulberry kre* ba* nol proved H b* a traod, al iea.1 a* a poultry food producer. Tb* mulbarn** an *x*wik*al ood lor fowl* , aod tb* abondano* of tb* roil supplied tor fully nor mnntba in a isaeoo Irom a siugl* tin* i* aim pi y nmarkabla. livery poultry br*d*r aod [rower sbould plant a mail mulbarry [rov* M a poultry yard. Il will ba of muob advantage in saving otbr food. Th* ob*ap**l way aod Ib* eur*i way to obtain th* b**l (jainy of mulberry tr*** to to cure **l**t a**d of tba M Tanariaar " of ib* Rueaian vanawy. Tb* tma anil 1 jurtah in any latitude in which pool try can b* produced. Tb* ttwM yieJd frail Tha Dok* of Cambridge hM decided in favor of Ib* Barry LIB**, Forfanhin, M ib* permanent ait* of Ib* annual camp ol tb* Sooltish National Artillery AsaoetaMoo Salmon die*M* hM broken out io tb* River Aonaa, I)uaafrte**bira, aod tribo tartM, A eooaiderahe* nomb*rof fl.bbav* died, hot tb* d *MM don not appear M b* o Mvan M io *om* yeare. Mr. Arree, wbo died letelv at Nairn Hoo'iar 1 al an advaoaad ag*, baa left 10000* th* D P. Cnnreh. B* WM al oo* MOM farmer al Kirktoa, aod WM a member of EM! Bank eongrsgatiuo, Bawtet. K idlsvood. near Hamilton, Lanarkshire tbe birtbplae* ol Ihe flrelLwd Daodooald, bas b*eu purchawd M a mioaral (object bv Mr. Wataoo. ol Earnoak. M tbe lura of 10000. Thia proprv sbangi <1 hand* um* year* ago M i' 1 1 500 A young lady named Miss Bullock bM been apprehended in 1. >odoo. abargad with being ooDCeru*i in tb* jewel robbery from Elmbttnk II juee. near Arbroalb, which was perp*tr*t*d in D*a*mb*r la-l. Mica Bui look, who etayed al Elmbank BOUM tor a lew weike iu the end of IMI y*M during a viail to Mia* Low*oo, I* well *oon*eted being a clergyman daughter. Bonor* bav* fallen thick and heavy upon Mr. J. B. A. Maodonald during hi* reoeul short tannn ot offlse M Lord Advo at*. Fir*l a (j O.. next a member ol Ib* Privy Council (entltllbg bim hereafter to to* apaellateoo of Tb* Bight Bonorable) aod now on taking hi* departure from otfic* b* bM baan appomtad to a Compan M the Hath. The flr*l Lord Kldoo, in on* of bis shooting sxoonioo* al Wanbam, cam* Mros* a parson wbo WM shooting on hM land wilboat leave Bis Lwdahlp Icqntnd if th* Mr.nger wae aware that b* WM lr**pa*slDg. and If he knew to whom tb* Mtoto belonged. Wbal'* tbal to you f WM tb* reply. " I euppo yon an oo* of old Bagg's k**per*. ' >> No," r*plied tb* peer, ' roar supposition b) wrong, i friend t em old rigs himself Dr. K R. Madden, a well known mau in Dublin, died on th. i ta. v*ry youug even tb* Mound y* tb* ***d may begin to bear, so tbal t can b* no fault found on account of tba urn* n i ared to wait. Tba ***d aboard b* planked in spring la proper eon planting u, aud to* tr*M trausplauawl into grov* th* succeeding fall or spring. I'ewalteel Mailer. II ia a sound ruls, tbal every thing aboold go to market M soon as il ready to *bin. Tot* ml* appliat with partMolar to*** M such a pcriahabls article M butter. Il can b* kept, bul II nqoira* soms latltod* al languag* to even sail such butter sweat. T* maa* it keep longer tbao thirty day*. M must have a liberal allowance ot sail to neutralise Ib* tflecte ot tb* buttermilk tbat aaoool always ba gotten out- Tb* French and Eugluh market* lor tba blah MI grade ol butter reqatn thai no tall whatever b* put io u. 1'be beel mark*** of tbi* country an tending in tb* earn* dir**tioo Tb* higher the price paid tor Ib* baiter tbe I*** call will b* tolaratod hi II- S job batter i* very bard to oak*, and moat |b* marketed aod Mould b* eaten wubiu four or flv* day* from in* churn. Th* eomp*o*alioo for tbi* baato aod axtr* labor ie ibai mon of it i* *oa*w*n*d and ib* prte* I* ueu.rail v aaoab abov* tsiai of tb* bigb**i mark*l juoeafcoo*. W* bav* heretofore d***rib*d ib* proa*** of -^**Tg granular butter." Tbi* i* amply bwMar wbiob i* ehiU*d in ib* *born wban ll b) ba tbe mustard a**d or wbaat grate aotkdHtbMx, before it ha* gathered iota l*rg*r Tb* butter tnilk i* drawn off aod sold I or even 10* water added. Tban it a* \ with acid water, removed from tb* to a barrel or ston* jar without tb* grains, aod tb* v**ol i* tb*o flllad up Wttb strong brine B tfof. ihlpplog. finl brine ebould b* sbaoavd, M il wtU die eolve *on*iderable oaMtn aad look aod a aMood brio* will probably etear. Wbil. io tb* brio*, tb* butter b* covered by a circular piece ot nearly rtti ing ibe barrel, or by a plate ilia a too* jr, aad wsuhteid so that it will ba kepi euomerged. Saab batter will bMff tor weeks, aod wben removed from the brio* and rln**d well with virtually "IWMI bolter." and i* worked into roll* or prints tv salt tb* i ket II worked witboal WMbing out brins, tb* vsry slight flavor of salt i* to < taato aa improvement. ^s *" Jf * r **' Can yoa *oo**iv*,- said eh* , , " of an e te r u al VMauni, a por HOB of a**** nnoocapied. so empty void. Into vrtwab nothing *nter*, trom which *ntkteg ana ever ewme, which maintain* infill*.**, awi. tonvar i te own eternal sasptJasa* T " I an." replied tb* student. Me) tb* ietaa only aosl DM a Jollar

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