Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1886, p. 3

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ADVANCE Be ot tbe leading LKxsal uidFimUr New*i>M>er U Nerthecn Ontario. 1-ubUehed Every T'hvirtsda.y, FBx>MTiai Omcm, *Uirijtro<K/ Street, . - r^awVrHkm, Ont TBBMB OF hL'ilM un-riON 1 fl.M per annum In advance ; 11.90 If not pal "I ae end of IJ yean. No pap*r aioontluu< aaju all asreerafeear* paid DI>; end DO aabacrtp* flam taken (or I*** than on* v*er. eieept Wbar I Molal arranfemente for shorter periods ar ansie with the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES, . Cnual edvertlMmeute.BcenUper lt inssrtion Bn4 > eeot* per line each subsequent Insertion. Ttunsiuut advrtis*meDt* to D* paid for when ordered. Advertieemente wltliont special direc IM> will be ln*ert*d till forbid and charged accordingly. JJberal inducements to regular advertiser*. Notices among reading matter, 10 cents pe Mn* oncli insertion. o advertisement dieoontlnned until all aj raarage* ere paid up. Copy for advertisements Btieuld reach thi enlee not later than noon on Tuesday to eneure a MI u on in current iuae. A. R. FAWCBTT, Editor and Proprietor. Heat Market. BEPT.dOOD, 8 ash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. . GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, F.avetroBgbln(, and la fact every- thing lu tbe bnainee* Till reroive my prompt and careful attention at / naeOiable price* Eolow.r. is .lock, CLAYTON'S IIA K\ IISS SHOP ! " FLESHERTON, the place togttyour Harriett C'Mari, (tc, main up in good ityle. Skop in W. Clayton'i Boot <t Shoe Store, Fltiherion. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ,11 ad I.t* 11, Hiving made extennvo improvement* In my Orisl Mill, I am eonfitlent I can give good satisfactien. CHOPPING DONE ANT HAT Good Flour alwtyi on hand. Custom Sawing. and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for MEAT & OATS. AKITT. ofth. .. ollii>rn be. 1 1- 1 ,i i,wp:ipri*iiiidaalliii*tes fth. nin.r. 1 1.'- i.lvi ril.. i-li<> iilil- in |.i i I inn- 1 1. !]:. II in ! In It 111'- 1"- fiiriii.iliiin In- ri|inri-is vvli !< Im I. nil u (Tuttiil lejreetone linmlifil th"uiiin<l dalMre la lit* venlmni.'. r Ii' IP" H i|i<lirutcil Which will t lii> t -.1 i v n '|-.ilri iiifiit,r can br matte '' ' rBBe**leaF*. 1411 riinioni hero Iwmn Iwu ficiit, post-i .Riii iii any iii!ilri' for in cent*. Vrllo In t.l.o. I'. U(I\VKLI, * CO.. MwsrArF.it .M>VKI:TISINU mntFjii'. i-liiilnKllouMMii.), New York. CHASES] T unqualified urcM of DF. ChM' IJTwrCSM In Livtr Complaint r.M. ->lly wiih ih. fact ikal it u ' Livtr Complaint r.M. ->y wi . cWod!*fr"'" rMi.'*ril-koi liver rtiuUior. M*NIAKE AM' II*HI>I i 'N, combinrd witn many etlwr invalu.We r.wK, lurks and h"l, hsri" powerful efTcl on the Ki.liy. Sloenach. Bow.U and powerf fcvxl. 500,000 SOLO il IrfuMtJ wi/* L"f < ** Ii try lltii 1 1 , illinl nmtJjr. SOMETNINQ Niw. GIVEN AWAT Fill Wr*ppd around ewry bcrtlle of Or. CriaM't I jer Cure Is s valuable HouMhold Mdkl i.im' ml Kecipt Book ((4 pai*-), containinj T too uwful rcip*, 'ronoun.-r<l by mrdiol men nd draff ills ainvU- *. and worth Mn lines ih* price of ihe imdlcine. CaAtfi CATAIIN CME. A ssfs and p<w rrt, *s cents. -a*'^. ^ . llMl'lltilllfTABtlrnapius. es els. pet bot OLO BV ALL DEALER* HAVE YOU Lirr Complaint. Dyir*pis, In I .ill DUfc> m Tta*. *!VOW. i J "> ' BBerelei ka n, ie t r kei l.lillr BJrolkr r. anil (l.lrri. c J Join, of Mill Greek, V*., went to hv LIUL. on boslneoi, aud bia wife wae o*;ul tu lowo by tba iiskneia rl a ter. irederiek, 15; Minuie, 13; Erntat 10 ; Oeorge, 7 years and 6 moatao, snd Harry.t years eld, won left a; sou*. A neighboring boy otme oa a vuut, aad Fred despite the protasti ol the yoou.er ones Liicnod up tbe tesuj and started to take him borne. Net ratwniog at night, ibi younger ouei bsoame lonely.and itarted tf to a ranch thrsa and one-halt milea dtilant. Tbey icon beoami tired wei aad sold in wading through the deep, soft mow. Twilve-jiar old Minnie tben OMrird tha othen Bit sbort intsrrils, one ol tbm at a time Tbsa tbey stopped worn out, bat 10-year old Brnent went to the ranch, where tbey expected help, bul Le retorned witb the report that no oaa wis at horai. Then Miunia, oold and wet, strength almoe got*, epiead her akatwl oo the wow, i u little Barry in tb* middle of il and the u hem oicee baeide bin, Aiobelaid Harry dowr.bsaaid; " I'm dying, listsr ; 1 ksow it ; yoa take good care of my little lauibe.' Tba brave girl tban took tff oloak, drees and skirts and piled ibsna over Iba liille onei, stnd stocd elono iu tbe windy winter night wilb nothing bat two ttim, wet rmdirgjarmenU to sbt 1 her ber trom tbe Bsnra aold. 8hi thin ran tu the edge ol the baiil that ovariotkt Mill Greek boiloma and ahontad lotg aid loud for balp. Tba ehild'a piteoai wail penetrated tbe gloom and reached the ean ol Frank Naramore, wbo in implied npoo and was j M raloro ing lo LULOL.'I ranch trom John Bar too'i, wbere ba bid been ipeudiug tbe eveuiog. H* pat Iba horse be was riding into a awift ran tor tbi direction of the cry. On reaching Minnie he lifted ber to the animej'i baek and pioestdtd to the little bad on tbe open prairie, wbere the eacdla ol life bad bcao exlLcgniibid trem one of Iha little onei, and was already fast eoBiaoQiug tbe TltaUty cf ai other Be placed tbem altogether witb himulf on tba borea and proceeded an list ai poiilbl* lor the ratob, wbare ba left all bul Harry. whom be took op to Hatton'i. atra. John Ox)dman wai oahed in, warm balbs, mbftiog, and iverytbing known w*i don* to revive him, bnt witbool avail. Toong Naraonore immediately returned to Ihe other ebildren aod found George bat jut alive, and it waa only by tba greaieit exer- tion that oil life wai saved. jvonuioa Cfcu/lais. J.1 I AMI O I I <>*: I. W. The l urr. ... d tree* be leBpesei) b>v the avevksr*! Ad. The total itatnlorv fees lor I'ejaor liaeniee aa propoetd to be looreait il by the Bill now before tbs Legislature ere ae follows : Tavern or Wla* and chop. Citiu ovr 90,000 tS- 00 Other cities. _._ iU> 00 Jowne UO 00 illafoa UO 00 Xowublp* 90 CO laWaaa Mtle*. JCO CO Towns. _ m 00 WW.OLKIALS. lilies over 90.003 $300 00 Other cillee and mnnuiplltt*a__ JO 00 Tea KOTT AOT. Drvulete end Whole- Sbupe. aal*. Cities t 7t 00 UO 00 'UWDS. ....... .. ...... ... .... 80 U) IU) IM OUitr municipalities. ... 10 00 J 00 MBBBJ Mr. Alex. Bell, late merchant io Dundee, lied at Brongbty Kerry on the 14th alt., n bis 70th yiar. In a Daod** Board Hohool tha other day little girl defined a victim aa "a man boot to be ma-n*d." By a flre on tha 17 <b alt., at Iha Kirk- ialdy i'looroloth faotory of Bhspberd *% l- v-ri dse, damage waa dona lo tbe exteal t 1.000 Dr. MltebeU, leetariog reamtly io Boalb jeilb oa ' Oar b> iu . and bymn writers," xpnsaed regist that Dryden, wbo spent iia powers in pandering to tba Tieee ol a corrupt eoort and a slanderous generation, tad lound a place among their bymn trans- aton. At a raoent meeting cl Kirkwall Town 3ourjetl t report was adopted reeommtnd- ibal the luor hundredth anniTeriary ol Kirkwall is a Biyal borgb iboald b* lebrated at Ihe time ol Ibe opening ot Ihe ?own Ball daring iba present year. OrdO'i have Deen giveu from the Britieb Vr Ofioe lor tbe) lonr regiment* of Cavalry tn Beotlaod-lhe Ajr- I'ire, Ibe Lsoarkshiri, tbe Qoeen'e Own I jyal Ulasgow, and tb* Eaal Lothian in mm m with tbi tbirty-flve o>rp in Eoglaud and Wain, to be supplied witb new firearms. Tb* Hinder sarUnoa now oarrnd by tb* Diee Sat* IO be withdrawn . and Ibey are to hav< loiliad Martini- ilenry Jtbines. i <tr tbir i i<. ea ISM Ailaaitr. Tbe itramir Bohemia arrived al New York rum Hamburg on Wedneediy night, altar hiving been eighteen dayi at sea. The i urier avo an aeoo.nl ot tba Toyaga 1 I bellsve that wa bad tbe vary wont of tbs itorm," laid be, and tbal we went all the way through il. From tbe very itari wehadaewOMeeionof galea, wbieb lasted durii.K Iba entire trip and often reaobed tbe violence of a hurricane. Iba wind was of terriflo force, and a dangaroaa tea was running. Three) time* wa had lo lie to, once from nooa until 6 o'sloek next morning. Wa oonld not drive iba ihip atralnal ineh a aa*. We pat oat a floating anchor and imall bagt filled with oil to praviol Ihe battering ol thi vsitel. Ia l ite ol all tb* seaa broke over DI, break- ing ID the oapiaiu'i skylight and damaging the after boniee, tbe eompanion batobaud tbe wbeal boose. Daring tbe last tew days wa bod very bard northwest galee and bitter sold weather, covering oiwilhiee, whiob made all tb* deck work doubly bard. It WM a terrible pteoage, and we took oar tirni rather than ran any riiks by poibiug abcaj to aav* a fiw dail." lion ii- Oarelrr In Vraaee. Besr. K780 Tt OU 87 SO 7 SO 1000 10000 eable says : liter a brief loll in the P j ilemio of murders tbal reeently pre- vailed, tha public is again eboeked by a horrible orlme. A man named Emile Deprit, Wbo lor many yearn baa lived witb hii motber and miter* in a deserted qoarry outside tbs alty, ntok-named " tba eemp of Ohateae," ie tbe narderat. A tew nights BgO b broke into S lonely oottag* *i tnaled near Bl. Denii, oeaaplad by Mm*, Oonvirt, a yoang widow, and her maid. While raoiaoxlog tbe drswen aad boxae io the widow'e room, eke awoke, and Deprit killed her wilb a long kntla. Her aersami aroused tbi maid, who aama into the room, when Deprit assaulted btr lo turu, stabbtBg ber neveral limes abonl tbo cheit. He made bis ejeetpe oat ol tbt boose, hat wae arrested on tba road wilb the blood-stained knife *till in his bandl. Wban tbe polio* enter*)! tbe boose If me. OooTert waa rpite dead, and It ia veijr doubtful if tbi servant will recover. A dealer al Mob Jaek Bay, in Virgioia, recently presented a loaal newspspet man wilb wbat were probably tba skamploa oyitan of tbe *ea*on. Il took only eleven of them to fill a quart meaaoro, wbile ten wiigtaad sixteen and a bait poanda. Tbe largaal one ot tbe lot WM wifat ud a halt Dobei long. John PatriraoD, of Bramoia, wta carried by a runaway ban* into an open to ill race to Grotlph and narrowly isoaoid daatb. Xbe borse. valued t UW. was drewnad. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Mr. MeOartby preseuied a Bill to ooniii tats a Oturl of Railway Oommiisiontri Ha exp : *ined that tbia was tb* same a* the Bill iutrodaoed lest you and priotieally the name ae that at tba year before, wbioh was referred to tha Railway Oommtllee and rejected by a large majority. The BiU was read a ftrit lime. Mr. MeCartby also presented a BiU re ipeetiog Canitre by Law, iBplaliiing that it differed somewhat trom Ike one witb the tone name i reieuted al a former leaaion. It prc vided that no common earriu oonld by notio* limit bit liability tor gooda in- jured or lost, nor oould ht do M by contract it that contract was toond by a court ol competent jnri-diolion to be) waasnaaODable. On tbe otber band, It limited to t) oertain amoant the liability ol oarrU* t uulaas a larger amooat wa* agreed ur,on. TUB Bill wa* read a flrit time. Mr. MeCartby introduced a Bill to amend the Cooaolidated Railway Aat ao as to oompel the railway company to giant .mpeoiation for property injuriously aflcoted by railway workt. llwoa law in Ontario, and should be taroaghoat tbe Dominion. Mr. Farrow prtatnted a Bill reipioling the indemnity of member* ol Parliament, which ba explained provided that it a mem- ber returned home dariug eeneiaa beoaase 01 lllneei, he iboald be paid fur tbe time be was anaToidabiy detaiuid, is tf be bad been pretteLt. Tue Speaker ruled tbil aa Ibe BiU oan- teu.plated an inoreaie ot tba poblio abarge, il rnnal be introduced in Oommiltee of the Whole, with tbs aoosant of the Grown. The following Bills were alto read m flrit time : Ao Ael for tba more effectual prevention of oruelty to animal* Mr. Cbarltoa. An Aol to i mend tbi Ael relating lo lerewl on moneyi seaared by mortgage Mr McMoUen. In aniwar to Sir Riobard Oartwright, Sir A. P. Caron said that the amount paid from 1st ol July, 1885, to Ibe 111 of Mrc':., \, on aaooont of tbi rabcll.ou io tbe Nurihwc-i. or oittma aritiog therefrorr, wasta 286,960. Mr. Caarlton Wbat wae the anoant of the pabi o debt on March 1*1, 18*36 T Mr. MoLelan 1'be amoant was ,. Ia aaswer to Mr. Vail, Sir Ueelor Lin- {evm >aid Ibe OoTernniCDt intended to repair Dwby Pier. Sir A. P. Caroo, replying to Mr. Gaaiy, laid tbi preliminary report of tha C m- iiu.uuu appoiDted to uttle the oleams arktlog oat of tbc Nirthwnt nbellion would be Ibid before the H ue in a Nw dare Mr. Carling, in aniwer to Mr. Ch&rlloo, itated that ihe number of aetlliraioppo>ed to have Mttled iu Manitoba aid the North- Mt Territories in 1H86 wae 7 MO In reply to Mr. Cameron (Huron), be laid tbal the oenioa ot Manitoba aod ieewatin waa act takes oodir tbe reeaol let, hut the oeoiae ot tbe three dUlriete ot Aveiniboia, Baakatohcwtn and A'berta wai completed in Anitoei, 1886. Tbe popnla- lioca ware : Whites, 23,844 ; Indiaci, 10 130, and belt-breed*, 4,848 ; amoualicg in all to 48 398. In aniwer to Mr. Patarson (Brant), Sir Fobn Maedonald elated that tb* eamplea of fl jar cent to tbe Indiani In tbi North wwt were frtqoently in-peeted and reported upon by' penone nol ia Ibe employ of tbe >overt.m*nl. Mr. Amyot moved for all dcetmtntiln ibe ease of Her Majeely againil Louis Mr. Thompaon (Antigoniab) laid that be would bring down all tb* papon tbal It waa poaitbla to ia this mattar. Lfc^Lli lit A TOB*l"Tw TMAUIOV e)u. el ike r n ir ip. i. Arresleel la I . **. A OalTeelon (Texa) despatch aays : /harles A. Livingston and Win. Forrweter, who have been in jail nice February the Tib for oomoiilting a murderoos assanli upon Nellie Bamllton, proprietreis ot a oad bouse, on tbe beacb and robbing bar aaidenea, proTe to be a rare braoe of villain*. A name in Livinitton'e pcekct liary gave tb* detective* a olew. A letter a<1dr**eed to tbe police authentic* of Buffalo, giving a deaription tf ibe two neu, elioited tbe (oliowiog reply from the lufl .lo Bapenntendenl of rulioe : " I tbiuk the two men yoa refer to are Charlea Leavm and William Forreeter. J closed I aand yon photograph ol L aviti, with his record on Ihe baek. Tn* deeorip lion you give ol Forrester anawera wrtaeily the deaoripiion of William forreater, ol tbia otty. Ha baa been eoo- toted ot petit larceny here and served a term io the K ugstoa (Oanala) Pcnilan- iary, being sent from Fort K ia, Canada, or burglary Lvavttt received a llle eotanee at Toronto, Oanata, for murder oooiiDitted wbile oommiltiug a burglary. Th*y are both first elaea prof araion ale " Liviugitoo, shortly after hi* arrival bare, worked bimielt into the good laTor of Ib* Tonng Men'a Christian Atacoiation, aad lariog tbe dulribation of tbi reliif fund or the fire inf *ren bandied a good deal ol money, a ooosiderable amount of which waa apent in riotous living. L.avm, the man mantjoned In the .M-I aiob, waa eonvioted In TorofTto in 1874 f a harglary oommiated at Iba reiidanoe and store of Meeeri. I > .in Bros., butohera, ornar ol Bloor and T jcge street*, on tbe mornioc of the lOlh of Marab, 187 oeeph Dain, ona ol the brother*, heariuK a nolae in the boaee, got oat of bed and fonnd that two men bad iffeoied an sntranoe. They fled at his ar j n-aob, bat h* pariaed tbem along Bloor trees. At length one ot tbem Blood, and akmg deliberate aim. fired al bie purwuir. Tba ball entered atr Dain'i briast, abd he unlucky ibot broogbt tb* pursuit to a ermiLatioii. Tbs man tboe iffeotad a tern- rary MOope, bul aabsiqaently Cbarlat I. I.eavltt waa arre*t*d, aud triad and eonTioled ol burglary. He was sintsooed to a long term ot imprisonment. Tha Kjlico always believed that Ltavitt waa nol be persou wbo flred the abut, and whan, almoet a year afterwards, Joe-rh Dain lied from lie iff tot*, the deeire to put ish be cowardly villain who bad flred it Mcannaitroog. Il waa generally believed that Frank Meeker, ol Cleveland, wee the man, and when M. eker gol himself into the toili on tba otbar tide an application was made lot his aitradition on thie charge. Leavilt turned Q Jean's evidence tejainit hie pal and aeoured bl* oooviotion. decker is now eervin afonrlaen-year sen* ice al Kingaton Penitentiary. Leaviit or his part in tbs tranuotion sejeared his mrdon'. A eeBBrtiak** e7Bamllr> Tbs Oopelaad lemily In a group formed .n interaating picture in Oaitla Oardeo to- lay. Tbey were Jobn Oopeland, wile aod tn children. Th* agei of tbs latter are 9, 17, 15, II, 11, 9. 7. S, S aud 1 yean. Tbsy arrived on tbs Baltie, ot thi Inman Ins, hail from Rolhnolmd, aoanty l>iwn, Ireland, and leavs to night for Philadelpbla, whirs thay will bt received by tb* oldtat i, wbo la 10 years of age. Km kVewktf Telrgram. While a Soatb Carolina gsotlemaa was Ishiag near Havanuah reeeotly ht saw a large psrob dart under a log on whiob be was steading. Ha oa*t bie hook far him, and at ono* fait tbo thrill of a itrong tug at the line. Bat tha poll eooa broami ao etroag M almost K> dialodm tha angler, and when, after a sharp etrutgle, tha prise wwa finally landed, it waa duoovtred that m large) moooaain had fastened Its fang* In tbs perch. It had aaogbt the flab eoon after It was hooked, aod had to hi beaten ofl with a olub. Mr Oibson (QamUtac) moved the leooud reading ot Ih* Bill to ameul tbe Aneeei menl Act. After allodiug to Ihe fist La the aaneaameol lor red p' \> i y wa. 4oO, 000 000 and (.aisooall; 126 000,000, and las Uiffloully ol properly eseuuiun tbe latter elass of property, wniea inelnied Inaome he said the Bill promoted to raiaa Ibs ixerapiion lor income to 11,000. Ciroam itanoee bad charmed wr.hu. tbe laal iixtneo years. An exemption ot MOO al thai time was ol mneb more bentflt than it is i Jy In considering tbie matter u noil ba re- membered that person* witb email ineomss bore a much larger share ot the indirect taxation ol the OMLOtry than thoee with large incomes. Etpeiienee ibowed also Ibal persons witb luall ineomei wire alwaye taxed ap to tbs very ki^heat point, bcoanie their meomee were eaaily aaatr- 'ained, while tn ibe oe of luge meomee there ware moeh better opperinniliee tor Ouuocaling tha amoaut. Be was oot In tav>.r of peraonal taxauon al all, regarding iba priiio.pla aa an unaoand one. Mr. Awrey opp.ead the Bill. The alts* of mm wbo would be beitfltitd by ibe exemption would nol be the bard wirkiotf people of thu ooontry. H* u.d LO objts- li-u, however, as to ths BUI going to the com out tee. Mr Oibjuon (Huron) laid b* would allow tbe Bill to go to tbe oummilla* and help to vote ii dnw . there. (Ltogbter ) Tbe Huoee divultd on ibe motion with the tmlowiiig retail : VKii.-Meatr*. Awrey. Badnrow, Balfour Mai antyov, baiter, bishop, Ca*>a<li>D, Ouia- bului. Loamee, Ulll, Duwilag, Uryaou, ' lojter, Jr'ergu oa, i, rrH, I Ulbaua (Hamilton), Ulbeoa ^laroni, Uillio*, > dri..uj Ha* r, Hanuuil, H> Hri, H. Mo lot) re. alcaiuj, aicL*utfbau. MeMafiuu. Ma>- tor. aurio, Muwfcl. Murray. O'Conuoi . PSUUM fu.ltis, ttoa (Uiuoo,. rto* iMliluia**!/. 81.. VuUBJ 41. NAis.-Ueosr* BukcnllU Blesard, Hlyth*, Brareum. Brain, Cl wli. Cwooflc, UI.LO, Dm nutun, Luiun, iirurj, Kail, fr rucu Ouuwi. Gray, Haujuiull, UuOxou, k. rn. kLurr, Le>e, Lyou. UoOoluuui, Mean**, McKay. atscKemi*, kUraulUl, Moirick. ISetulfe, Idouk, Mur|>n, Huuii, MalbiuUiui, Nviiiuu. n.iou, HUM lOafMabh taldafi Waor, Wtii Wood-41. Tee result baiog a lie, Ibe Bfaakcr wat qucetad to TOM. Mr. Speaker lo ocd*r to ipre ao oppor tontly to ojoeider iba Bill 1 will vote) for Iba yea*. l\pi Uue aod laogbMC ) Tbe moitoa wa lOeref jro oarrtad. Mr. Wttn on moviog iba neooud reading ot tbe Bui to grant ifcetrauabiea towomeo, aid be fell ha^py (ip aoMaud laogQMi) tot ihin naam. tbal WMb a Bill oould b by Ibe Legialaiure Itbooi baiog irea>iad aa a joka. i'u qaalifliaUoLi flied ly tba Bill wan aJuioot ideuiual wub ibOM ib>d for maJt vjtwm by tba Aoi I MI na-io-j. Attar Iba alaeaooa ol 1IW3, tba UiU maoioipaJ fraoctaaM waa Kivn 10 wurneo. He now atkad Iba ll.uo to follow tba priLdpl* to t(i legttiuiaM eon aloriao, aud graul to w-ittu iba rifbl la TOM at kleetioai for tbi L-gul*>tiTa A<iiembl'. Tba plaoa whsre woc.u affrtga b*d teo Ulad wai m tbi laia o' Man (Uogbiai) and lhara ibe icfliunotof iba new polilloal aiemant wai moal ba^p>. Ha took tbe brotd grouLd tbal WJUID eb . uld baTe tbe f raoobiM btoaiua I.ey bid a rigblto it. Women were jaet ae muou iotareiMd aa men in b<tvii>g good Uw* earned into tOeol. Ha euLK(.dad ibatlae married womaa were) oot loolndcd in iba Bui DO boma douae oouid be oagleatad or wife unfitted foe ber >(bDit. He oanoiuii*d b) IUII-IK laaliu bio CJJH.I-L pv.UUa> woaid be {.oiinad and tb< baoi i^.en.u of iba wbole i*ople would be ecrvad. Mr. Orydao aaid be wai quite of Iba opioioo cf Mr. Oladttoua >bl if lua fracebua were giTta lo women 1 1 mail ba giTeo to martial wooiea also. For ioiteoee, a womau migbl be a Toier, Ueu marry and be) dufrmebiead ; a daogblar ml^bl TOM, wbiie bar uoiair oool<l uot TOM. Ii WM alaxi in moanuva to eelibeojr, a* M many wooll rtaoll la iba penally uf ciifranobiMminl. He Utongbi women would oot inform U>.uueiT eLfluautiy, aod would tbui oaaome a daogruo oiaa if ToMra, aatiog frooi aa^riaa. lu Mtw Jernay woman bad TOMd, but me preamble rtpealing tba Al ginng tbem tbe pover eel fortb tba faol ibal iba meaaara wae noaeary (<.r iba quiet, aafcly auj goud order of ibe Slate). Mr Feme called attention to tba (MI Ibat woman ttaeb tbe ebildren. nd era regarded aa well qaaliAed. He kopporlea Iba Bill, bat expre<ad tna o^ i i ju uial it did not 10 lar auoBfb. lion. O. Mowai remarked tbtt after Ibie iaiere-ttluK ai*aonlou tba otj-cl uf Iba geu- lleuao would baTe bea .li-e l. Ha aid not pretend to t*ke a view o^pjiwd to tboa of tbe boo. ganliaman. Wuu*cu were quite a* iutciligaiil, and poucned wbakufcr qaaliflaanuue fcf Toting Ibal man did 11 wan nut afraid of tba iTila poiuied aul oomiug ool of iba eufraoouieerneul ot women. A wou.au bold tba bmbaal poailiou In tbe realm, abd wan iodaed Iba roib.Ji manl of roepunetble K.vruon>ui. Tl iba lime bad not aoma tor giving tbe TUIIUH power to women. Tbey dii now exonun oooeidcrable uflaeuoe wban ibey eboew (o do eo. I hero wai no grievauea. Tba Uwn reifarding women ware ai woman iJaemad ibem to ba ; wctuin wm uoi a>aii>g for tba privilege, and Ibenfora tbere e^nld bo no pratioal urieTanaa. Mr. Mareditb wai Drongly oppoaed to Iba Bill. Il woold be a ead day whin politic* wan introduced iuto tba borne ind women boame active pt In ioiane. W had reoently bad ao inaiauoo ot yoang women aaUTeljr onvhHg in au elaotion C.QJ paigu, and ba wa* eura it wae not dietiible tbat tbal praotioe iboold be esteu Jd in tbia ooonlry. If tbi franobUi ware greuitad M women, wa oonld not long really rafote lo tbem Ibe riftbt k) ail In Mm L >i<liur- Now, iba boo. icanllaman (Mr. Waiert) vat a man ot oool juJpueot ; but ooold ba be expected to exerefea Li ojol judgment with a young ladv of 81 yearn and I moolbi old tilling baeide brm. Mr. Walere reviewed ibe Mgominti gaicit tba Bill, promued to (oroa it lo a vole at tbe nixi Parliamanl if returned, and aikod perniiiaiou lo wubJr.w tbe BiU. HOD. 0. F. Fraur laid oooe givi women tba rixUl to TOM tban tbey moat bve tba rtgbl M repraaant tbemeelvei iu l rii- ni.-til. Il waa within tbe boond* ot poeei- biiily tbal woman would form Iba majority of Parliament ; tben ibey migbt ena>ot a law wbiob iTary man In ibo Cuamber mtubt oppoia. Wbal would ra, oil T Uot a ba ibiuk man would eubmil to mob a law ? Booul ebaoa moil follow tbie. Bbou d women be inmrnonad to Iba defanea of tba country, o out foraigbl dayt' drill ? It ool, wby not ? Mr. Meredith Became tbey would have to bring tbe babiee along. (Lmgbter.) Hon. 0. F. Fraer Tban wa ocutd not oonaidar Ibe babiae. Tba order for tbe >eooud raiding ol tba BiU WM than withdrawn. Kurd, i tr . I ~t f .1. An imloaot pbyileian boldly, ny, df litutly, annoonoei Ibal be baa ditoo vered a remedy Ibat baa already " tared one eon- Armed dy> peplio and will core tkeuaaodi more. ' Cure dyipeflta I Oraal Bxll I Wby, wbat tbe country wanM u aorne- Ib.cK to kill 'am I Tbe ether day the Prince ot Wtlee " opened the lionel under tbe Meraary at l.iverpojl Tbe luinit I WM completed a monlb or eo ago. We alwajf did think tbal If er tbe nneanon aroee tbe I'rkoe of Wales woold be fooud equal to opMiiog a hole ibal wae already open M botb aodi. Brooklyn Kofi*. At the 1'eierboro Police Court a ibnwd drnok got ran out in double quick time afMr mfonHoK tbe tnal*lMte iba>t be oajna f raai uttw, where hi* family wire Mk pf tmiU'trHi AND ti.u t.. oi nori.iur u l*e DUarea I i .!'. <! Kr.lf ..1.0. Bayt Ckambtn' Jounal . "Tbe fln pltae amoug healthy occupation* l Held b> m. iitr ofrfligiou, tbe daab rale of ini eltea btikg; 6M. N-.n we have garden-r euid uurocrjuiCD, wbo te*d al 669 aud gzaxtare, vJl . ayriealiarai 701 , asboolmaeMre, 719 , other tndee which follow elo-iely on tbeae bting groaajn, eoal metwbanle), paper mann (Mlureri, whtelwrujbtn, kbip boilderi abipwrignta and ooal luinera. Tbe tajaw) of mortality for all Ibate) lrdee ii under 775 Oa ibe other tide, that of the aobealtbr oesopeitlona, tba nnt place U held by tbe trtdea whtob ara eoocerned la Uia faenura and distribution of intoxiealiog driok. wbiob, ai la wall known, cukojr temptationi lo uae it to axeeai. Tbi lim of unhealthy oeoapauona- u beaded by be olaoiof mo and hotel MrTtnla, wbuae flifura movnle op to U JO J bung ne&rly doable thl of tbe media*! proleieion. Tbe bl^haai (loM oext to tbem ire held by toegeineral labareri in Loodon and by ooiiermoofan, bawkera end street eellere iie former olaet wub 9.0)0, ibe latter witb 1 979. Il M probable tttai both are largely oid up of broken rceo, tba wreck* ol other lUliogf. Inakaepar*. pobbaaoi, xr/int. wiue aad bear dealer* follow wub I fl<urai of 1.631 and brewan wilb a tt^ure ol 1 .Ml. la ut port of Ibe belief tbe>i ttaem ti.o rate* ot mortalily are ebitfly one to aloobolio exoea. Or. O^ie bM compared wilb tb*m tba mor lily ataixLed tc diteaaei of tbe I vtr . the orgen tbrougb wbiob inab txoeu obiefly daaUna ilaalt. and b*e obtained mutiavbiab are entirely in barmony wi h Uiko of tbe trade reMrue. Nrxi lo tke iriea Maoarned with aleobol. toe) higbeat nieaj forntahed by ooeopettoci wbiab u- TolTe tha breathing ot dual otbar tbau ookl du l and aapaeially of a ebarp and gritty otmraotor, or latfgtly cumatoied ol oiueral matMr , nexi, iboae in wbiob there) ii expoanre lo lead poiaoDiug, ae wilb plamben, paiotewe aad tUemken Tu aaribenwaro maanfMtorre, who an oaarj ezpo'ed to a.n, erl duff, hTe a DKUTC) of 1 741 ; fllenik*r, wbo work open a Ivadio au.biuQ, n :a 1 4o7, and plamoan td paiotvn, wbo are aUio txpoaed to lead rtMb TBM> Tawai < . e>Uc Oa ot tbi most annoying tbiagi tbal tbe ocuulry people hive lo eontond wilb u the urdioary town cow. Wnen tbe farmer letvee) home be pale in tbi bottom of bu rhigb or eled a boontifol ftrmful it b*y. Thia aaewere Ibe Iwofoll porpoe ot a aeal and t j keep Ibe feat of nitxuelf aod Ibe Mood wife warm. H dritee to town, on- loide bit wife m front ef eooia itori and prcoe>di Ij b l.-u hie twam a I MIDI point bunt Ihe pub 10 tqoare). Noioooerie bis buc lurocd loan a doan iMjtTiJ enwe iu. meditklely aorroond hie aled, at J before be oan aasy " Jaok Robinaoo, witn bta month opeo," (very ilraw to his aied bai goo" tnrcah ibe gtetrio oridoei of tbi a>foraaid eowe. Wa notioad one puuouUrly ctretul fcllaw the other day. Ha waa going; lo baTe t hi dead wool on tbal buncb of bay, and departed for a saloon witb a gnu on bii face. We waiebad tbe proceed- tog with ooniUereble lolereel. He wae ool oot of ligbl aattl three loog-boroe opened the) geta and prooeeded lo tbi pile a,i ebiwed II p. Olohbti.g ibaaa Uau UDI don no good. In faot, they ratber etjoy the fan. You oan lake au ordinary aiuk cf eordwood aod bounoe U from iff thiir oarakf>e<i fifty test hlgb an'l "<-y will turn rouud and amile at you. Tbey don't Tin grant whan you bit ibem bard enough to etekTe in ibetr ribe. Boob puuiihmenl aeeme only to aei aa tonie ; it wbate tbelr aapetiiee and makes Ibem eojoy ibe repeal wLioh l:e farmer baebaolad to tbem from bu btciae many mi.ai dittaol. Aad after ilii *U1 over, jaal nolioe Ibe peeullar look they give the man wbo oame to town anting uo a pile of bay a* ha daparte >iitio| on ID a hero boards 1 Tba towu oow ie a i)unue>, bat ai iba lame lime a niineity io all rural VI.UK -a. A " bocM wtlhoat a aotber " would not be a more loueiooii r-p euieJe Iban a rural village witbont ill MB, IODK horned, itamp tailed cows. Hut Um (0 ) PiofU'i DtfnJtr. A M klir Mee* Oh. voa pretty dear, witb yoar iwoel ronnti lOooloen, i>lump and wurm, riian n oat tbe billow* bt tulle and omta ( :r<idered erepoe aud ailv. red satias, JVMI for at I the world as Ibat beautiful Vri.au oes trom oat the loam ot tbe sea I Oa, 'U s al v dtguifliid malroal, tu )uur Q'limr) of diaouuiidi, your trait* ol rcya vilveii, with your deft errancemtBla of pil< and f r use, aud your aiealiby o Imenta ol exnaoelad obaruu, yoa were like KentraJa al roll dreae parade. And ib> hu pared fron-frou of ailk, tbe fa>..r, >..! perlum* of ' J ck " roeee, tbe oiuuamoo aoent oloarnanou*, lb &lttr*d etraioe of aaetr, tbe noddirg white teatbere, tbe beautvtr .1 tb* brilllaucy uf il all. bow It bewil Jen d me ae we largtd from tbe drea tug-room and j.ined into tbal imper- oeplioly moving avaianohe Ibal wae beau. leg down tbruogb tbe roiebaoked, palm P'umed oorricor*. tbrouKb the red room, i ito to* bin* room, when noid tba riot iv ing parly, aad on iuto tb* green room, ontil ii difloned in Ib* aait room and was no longer in avalacohe, bul became a bouquet ot roie iwail women with courtiers and senators anil general* acd mmictere tor tkorni aud foliage. WtukMgto* Ctrreipon- Mb ej airawa) 9ml, Oolonel MeB Ida Sumptar, ot Aaitia, while in New fork, droppvd into a laiaion. able reila>aranl, and bating enrpriead hie etomaeh wilb a email repaai, a-ktd wbal waa the damage. Oo Kid, Colonel SumpKr bended oat a 15 bill, tul on receiving baek bin obaome be mad? ihe gbaeily dtvooTerj that there waa\ a dim* muauug. Ue dumaaded at\ atsJaoa lion from tbe waiter, wba wee a Freneh ** danotwf "I didn't order any, a** I won't pay for it," I mean, eare, u diaue ie for my swar ioire." I.'e for your pour boy, ii it T Tbat'i a different thing. I lidu't kouw yoa bad uokneea in your imily. Here'e qs>rter for him, poor Uer 1" And with tba ooneoioateea if btvlD relieve! tbe lafierii** ot tbe aiok and a fQieted, Uulonal Sompteir put his hat en the ude ol bin bead ant Mutetid cot ol tbehoateliv. Tee e)ei el PCMMBI. LordBrekina and Curran met at dinner al OeirltoD BOOM. Tbe royal hoet directed the conversation to ibe profaeeion of tbe KUeate. Lord Erekioe took tbi !ed. " No mm In tbe laud," eaid be, " need be aibe iud ot belooginn to the legal profei- MOD. For 07 part, ot a noMe Uiu'ly uj)fce)l(, I feel no deKradalion in praetuing I M hM a4d*d not only to my wealth, bul n my diK'niy. ' Onrran wa* illeot, wbieb Ibe boil obnarvicK called for bie opinion. L >rd Ktukice." laid be. " ha* in ej)o< jueatly deeenbod all ibe adVMitatfte to be diriwed from h'l profeetioD that I hardly my opinion worth adding. Bat *rbpi it waaj perhape I am a better ronol ioilanee of in advutemet than In Lordship. Ha WM ennobled by birth Mfore he oame to it, bat it b, bownx to Ibe boel, " in my person reieed Ihneou ol a >ea*atit to the table of bie 1'rmoe. ' Br. aleaijk itte Baiker. Tlian are eeveral very gsoteil ways cl ctlliuit penon a donkey. LetttBandiy one ot tbi peifileat Ihe Bun- dv eebool of tba A on tin Blue Li*art laber BMle), Inelaad of locking at bit bock, gaatd oat '4 thai window Into field. " Vf bat for Is irer looklo' out dat winder tldt|tra*M> HTtQ'ijir had yer break l-l ylt! - Mm Imrniiou Wkkk Ceame>el* Urate le tt are) a tnea*. The " iconomiaer " ia a new invention applied to Bogiiea graeti. Il ia a ibub) or plate oilcan, axed* to rest oa tna hearth, acd rues a* high as the level of tbe gird at the bottom of tha grata. Piaaad iboe ia. poaiiioo, the) "aoouomizfr" converts tbi op*a ipao* below Ihe flre Into acloiec obambtr, witb, of cooree, i movable door Any blaekioutb could make and fit ao " eeooomiaar to a grate ID aa hoar or two. Adapted io a grata, the iron eauld worke a marvellous obengo in tbe surrooxidagt of the borne II Is a ease of " Hay, pnetol" and tha ueeleee, waanfol flreplaoa becomes radiant witb ihe prooiteai aod perform- ao. oea of inor eased beat and ermomy of al Ths iiraam cf air wkiab, la at ordinary grata, produaea rajij eombnatiob at a white heal ie oat off! Tbare ia no draoxbl below tba flr*. aid tb* air whioh pasaee over ibe front ol tbe eoal* and above thn . euflaos lor iba production ol the glow. 80 alao tbe boxing ap of tb* grate below givee ui a heated eheambe* m that situation, adding materially to the enure lenpertlure. Tba glow of ibe fire o healed u o( an orange boo. It i* not a wbiie heat whiob meaneraptd eombuaiton that is eeen wban tbe ' eoouooau.r " is and. We raally obtain a alow and perfect o mbuau.rj, in whioa every part of the eoal in Qiihz-d, acd in which *b*be>al of tbe olowd in lower chamber of tb* grate plays an all. important part. The) writer tell. Iba London Ntvi laal be save* a fourth of bu coal bv titiLg late expedient, vbtle in addition to thi* grakUyug re- all he obtaiL* all ihe beat bu ooale can *ivi Belorm in aba matter of gratn hcnld be no iiffloi Ii maattr oo hVr. Ttrii'- prinatple. H would ooa aa lu.le iron aa . tib!a io tbi oousiruauon of tbs grate itself, and wovld ic.ui oo fcriek baek* and idea. Ha wooid have the are bnck lean ovsr aod nol away trom tb* Are. The grate should be deep trom front to back say ma* inehtl tor a imall room and eleven icebee for a large apartment, and tbe tide* b'-ul J incline one lo another " at tn* side* of in iqnilataral triennial." Tbaae sn th* aai*f punsi u Hr. Tiale'i plan of flreplaoe reform. U* baa ittaeksd, acd u appear* tone laoceoelBlly. a perplexug point in our dumtane history. N ,i in* Uaal graii- l)ii < reaturw u L.I method i< the fact itaat all may make Ibe experiment bo adviae* iihi.nl ib* fear of being deterred by qoea- tion of e t:, ai/d, nnleae appearanac* are more .ban oaually dteaptlve, without inour- ing much nek cf f nnre. TUB TEST. Diant Oarlaod WM wbal MM world oalls faahionable young lady It yers Harry." ""d olisa Oarlaad lu betroehed one evening, " I've thibkiag." Ia that looh a very onosaaJ proeeoe on your port t" sold Mr. otiff*, gravely. "About our eogagtmant," tali Piana. Harry, what mads) yoa love saa al to* viry firtif " 11 Wall, at the viry first, I sappoaa it WM beeaoee yoa were so pretty. " " And aow f " Now, It is OWOMM yoa an my Diana,' " Bat, Berry," with deal ate*, eyes, oppose I wore homely and analtrao Wsll t- ' Tbea would yoa care for me r Woold yoa love me a* yoa do BOW 7" " My darling, I .hooJd ieve yoa MM M will if yoa were as ngly as aa old Man Uicfley ' eaeevareled ErneeeLf a. " Ar* yoa quite tare, Harry f" And bie laughing, loving gtanos l her for Me nonce, Garland scare* IT inclined ber thoughts toward aad anusoai channel. Boa fnigsl it aeil cAliate, bat aba remembered M again with all the swiftness sod aaddeaoaas of a revelation some two weake when *bi> happened ell Or. V.Tian WM to be am til. Ofaooreeit is nothing very aid Mrs Oarland, as aba nakiied aM tby.ioian into toe room. Bat wa bava erde io Ike chanty ball aixi weak. aw4 Oiana i* partlealarly aoxioaa to go. Aad beee utile erupuooa oo ber faoe are ao dia- Ogann* '" l)r V.vian looked intently at Diana. Ha aaked on* or two ^oeeiioas and tben I at her aaassj. " Dueaor," sried Oi, " what ia it? esjetblfig m you eyes that yoa do not Miei Oariacd. wb did roa laet fieit of yoors in M Yew M eraeem*e Clenrenold maet he eoanded SB it writ, ten Cianronald. Derby, is epeeking iither of ihe peer, the towo. or Ibe raoe. iboald alwaya b* oaUed Darby. DUlwyn u pro. inoad Diiloo, witb tbe accent on ihe flr.leyllablr. In Blytb the tb is dropped, and the wcrd beoomee Bly. Lyvenden i* pronounced aa Luvden, and Pepyi ae Paple. wub tha aooeni on Ihe flrel .yiiable. Ia M ojcn and Ponaouby the am o baeomee abort a, and tbiy an oalled Moneon, Pan MJ: by. In Blonnl the rd ii pronounced at whether referring to tbe late illuitrtou* -latin mm or ih* vehicle named after him, *b. aid not be fronouco^d as two eyllablae Brawham or Broobam but aa one, Broom. Co'qnboun, Dceaeane, Marjori 3uk and Cnolmundely (oar lor mu -has omee to the Humiliated mail be ealled ~!obcoo. Dakann, afarabbaok and Chum ij I CUoloiiUy i* also prtjLOUuoexl Jbnmley. Mainwarojog and M:L,n4 muei Be pronounod Manaecuig aad Maelcnd Tbe flaal x in MoJyweox and Taox is aoaded, bat the final x in Devoraux and Das Vanx ia mate. Ker tne * bsoomee ehorl a, aad the word u allied Ker ; II woald h* awfally bed form to praaxiaoae il Jur.' In WcJdcgrave U>e d* la dropped and beoome* Walgrave wun ib* aaoenl on ibe flnl syllaMj. Birkely, wbelber refer- ing to tba person or p< eoe, abould ba pro- DcuDOtd Barkliy. Biioaan ie proooncoed aa Bokau , Beaoolerk, or Btaualark aa ictuolen, aeasnl oa first evllable; and BeaoTior aa Beeyvar. Wem)** u pro meed aa Waems, and Willotubby D E'tiby u W ilowby D Ereby. 8) Jjho mast be (.roDoniiewd 8 j'n aa to earnam* r Ohnsuan name ; won applied to a oo.luy or a building, ilii prune u^sed a I .1, St. John. Mouegoaiery, or Mom- omerie, i* [ronoaaced ManxBDery, ith s aoeent on the eejeoad .yiiaJMi. Io>giD ike> Ibe hard aound U bae in give ; lu O Bord anl O fl.r i it taken tbe auf i sound ui t|ia aa u doas in Nigel, la Ojuyug. cum ibe o beoomee abort o, and the Lama called Caoiusibam. In Johnston* the t il* at. 8<raoban moaU b* pro- noaaced Blrwu ; Biathout*. Hetbknl ; aad Hertford, Uarford. Tbe av is dropped in AberKiTenoy, aod the n in Puritb ich ia called Puritb. B.aaebamp moei )e pronouoeed Beeebam; B .orue, Btiro ; aod Bourke. Buk. Oower, aa a street, t* pronounced ai it 11 written, but, ai a aor. me. it beacmee Our. Eyre anoold be rutouneel Au ; and Da Piat Is oalled DJ :'iab. Jervie Drooonoeed Jarrie ; Kaollvt it written lLowIe; Met ate* ae if writ. sen Mynjee ; end Mae^amara pronouoord Maenamarab, witb Ibe accent oo th* third j liable. Baodya should be spoken as one ayllabla 8>nd* , Hi. Clark la alao oo* word Sinclair; and Bt. Lidajac ia called iallrg-r. Vaoghan ia ipoken u one lyUa- bie Yawn ; and Villeboie ie rrooounoed V <albwub. Y.llivri is called Talari, with th* accent oo tba first sylUbln , Tyrwhitt ii sailed Tirnit ; and ToIUmaobe is pro nouoced Tollmaeb, with ao accent on either syllable. Tbe pronuooiatnu ot deed C initrvsliTe Premier a title i Beck- aaaweid ; Biibaa* sboald b* epokea ae Bee ton, aod Hun*i as Miila, Caskrttrie by iboee) mjvtng ia what Jeamea aalle tb " hopper uoale* " ie praooauoed) Cuarlers and Uiaoue) is oalled Uiaou. Qaoghegau is always apokea a* O*<n. and Rathveu as Riven. Literary World. l i BteaeBrl he sieetser. Tbe na* of enamel in Waabiagwon society fFowiog more and mere i tnmoo. I oasd to be thai only ibe oldeel and bom* 'iaai uied enamel upon tkair tacae, aad i. aeb eaeee ii rarely extended below neck. Mow mauy yoang gurla teamil. witblow-cut dreeae* they moil, oarry out th* Ulueioi, enaaeel aod basts, is **U ae teeir f A sort of tuanH powdsr ii now used which I* rubbed an aad polished until Ibe fl'to ahowa Ilk* pillabad wax. Cb> illusion i* well encosth wnen a maiden has a form like tbal ol Mry Andareoo, or be arma sad bust f a Venae de> Medial. ml when ibe is of the lees, sisagjgj aorn- >l varisty, all angUs aod DO eurvee, th* flat ie horrid. There are nine scraggy [uli in Waahington ecoiely to one plomp one, and eVtkiak if Ibe men oonld have tbe matter eat to i vat* Ibey would deeiie tn v .r of bUb tee kid drcssew and ilcevee buttoned tight to tb* wriil. F ^r tune* ar* at hare in paint and powder every ion, and bad I Ibe income from the rouge alone I woald have mar* loan a eoe- ataman's yearly hit blind L a treat tec amen t I Afc,at two week* eo. doetet. Whyf I tboagbl so. ' eaid Dr. TivtM. - f thin I have seat throe children from MMtothe baeptlai. L> cior. gacped Mrs. Oarlaad, imallpox !" He nodded bia head. " Vary of taaallpox, " ba aaid. " Aad I vary aiawb tear, ray dear yoang lady, tba* yoa have oootraewd the sam* diaeeae :" "I teat yoa eo. Di 1 " wailed etra. Oaw- land. 'I alwaya knew bow it would town out, all tbal poor- jiatrici rrnein*** of yoatw. Ob, my child, my child ! your p roe pacts in Itti will be ruined, end" ' Mrs. Oailaad,' mtermpted tbe doctor. reculliei youneU. My potieoi K asl not be annoyed or ueittd. These regreta coma too late to b* useful. What we have to do wilb now is the present," Diane looked ap wiib a aoula. " Do not fear, doctor," said she. " Small PCI I have alwaya bad an undeined dread and horror of it. Now teas il H eo o is ailant, and tha j aloee upon ma tba tear seems to bava all Blaot. Brounham, ' I aterd away Mamma, don't cry. Baao.iv ie only akin-deep attar all, aad anil if ibere be any amcog my friende wbo loved ma tor thai alone U la perhaf* as will thai I should tud u oat at one*. Bai Harry Erneeelifle, my darling?" " Mamma, we won't talk of that jost now." >ud tbe iorl 10 a low vottw. Bat Diane Garland thought within bar- aai: bow (ortouata il waa thai Harry had tail started lor thai bannsas journey to Hew Orleans, wbieb would certainly detain turn thirs for a month at laaet. ' No one moat write to him. Il would ba no a**," said Diana. " And, mamma, U daub iboald some to me, I aboil not ba eorry thai my laat work oa earth waa aUn- lalirirjg ;o CKd'epoor." ' May I go to ber, Mrs. war 'and r Nearly six week* had alapaed mee that a.'tiroooo on which Dr.Yiviaa bad divulged to Diana Oarland tbe troe nature of ber l. Six weeks and Diana, albeit tba iil* bark ol bet fever toessd Ufa had d ,ated ntar the dark river, waa aonvalee- 01 at lut. Harry M trnteatiffe bed known notaiog of it all until, returuiug from bit eontbem rip, he heard ut Diana'i illuaee. Aad tbia wa. tbe araioeoMioo ca wbiob he bad been !mt> ted io the bouea on M*<)teon avenue, llarry. ' faltered Mrs. Oertaad. - I I bave a m<Maage for you." ' May I not bear it trom Diana's own if, Mrt. GarlacdT" I i. not fitting that yoa eboald. ' eaid . Oarlaad, firmly. " Here la tbe ring.'' Harry tbariug yon gave ber. Sac abaci vac yea from tbe en*ai|*m*nl, and rerorbi toe token of your troth. ' Harry'e eyea flaeaed fire. " Have I askert far aoeh aheainnoo, Mrs. GsrUud r ' b* qniHtiBed, almeet sternly. N j , bul my daugatsr thinks that it is da* tu yoa. She is altered by the fell band of di-eeae. Sbe u BO longer the fair, beau tifol girl to whom yoa easMsd yoonelt. So* " But Harrv Eraa^lifl* iilaoeed her. "She is Diaoa G trland still," be said, ferTcntly. "The Diana Oarlaod whom alone 1 1 v* -the only women 1 will ever marry. Pray oocdaot m* to her at once. Mis. Oar lac d,. And tbe eaotbsr, trembling lias an aspen lest, eoold bat obey. Tbe soft, l*vl ligut at tbe etteroooo eon as Shining in lorancb- Ib* roee oolored ohin- s dnaf enee of Xue Garland i boudoir, aod Diana itood ia the middle ol tba room ai he entered, robed all la white, with her lovsty, galdcu brown hair falling ia a gliat- rnioii eaower to bar want, aad her lane, wiiifuliye* turned toward tbe door. Ho earned and scarred akalaion, ao dist^ared od haxjra>fd riss^anlct her former self, bal Dina Uariaud, ae beautiful as ever, ave that she was a trifle thinner and more pale. My Diaoa, ob, my darling '" be cried, eiaapiug ber to bu heart. " YII, Uany, }ours forevar," she moroisred, ber soft eyes tnllot happy teare. " Bo yoa woald not *iv* m* ap not even. when yoa fancied a.* disflgar.d tai ate. fiat, oh, Uarry, wsjen I faucied that all my oeaaiy woe ran from me, tbe one Wat ban ea* maei was she fear that would not love m* the came. Now 1 1 tbal yoa are Ira* aa Ood'e awn eanahin*. Ob, Uarry, bow can we ever be rsflsiintlr loaukful thai heaven ha* been SL aares fttl I ' And tboa all Diana Garland* ftan and troublei were exoreued forever. tb* to Waller H. Smith, oa whom tbe mantle ot Vnnor bee fallen., >ayi : 8'ormy M uob wul viudieekte lie character Ihte yaar b> dieplaying tbe lion in ite nature, bat will o* nterepened witb lamb like tarns) ol eura mer like warmth eo rnoeh so tbal aomr M will eafler from droojibt, while other >leeee will be Ttaiied wuh HMOW." Mr. Jmith propheeiee tor tbe wbole world, and i probably rtjht. For year* John B. U >uh eopportad tbe widow and family of lir. B.raltoo. the oan who found him drank lo tbe> ilreeta ol Woreeeter, Moes., tad indaeMel aia lo lign The Japaoeee have acquired ioee) a pae aion for being tattooed that aa edict bee ieened Itrsedding tbi* kind of nt The law," *ay* a writLog tram the Mikado'e doeaia ioee not apply to foreign ere. It tttflg- the thing now to be tattooed, aad ilaensHs dVio* are traced on many travelleta aa an ladalhnJ* rcmiuisoaiice ot their *O|oarn n ibe Kaet. Tbe eooa of tbe Prince of vTalaw, wbea bare a few years *o. were taitoed, and aeveral Raeeian Jake* *iinl aprl*^ ol nobility baTe undergone the pro- assj. Tba eon ot Longfellow rveently sob milted to a very elaborate ileeratsoe. and tor mot* than Urea oioalbe waa la the hknde of th* tattooer, who did an aatnant ol work aa biai dariag this time that u uaaally spread over a period of three o* toar yeare. Tbi* eeoaaa. of stMta, a atvere oervooa shock, wbieh be waa aMe ta witbatand by appltcation of ifjeotione of morphine-" She -William, wben are we roiog to he nwrriad? Ue -Sot till your talker takes MM into hU'ineee, Sarah. I don't want to take yoa from TOUT borne until I can support ytm by |Nd,ktMMie^>MM.v.

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