.* * THE ADVANCE oe Of the leadiug Local and Family Nuwsjupor lu Nortburii OoUurio. I'ubliiibud Eyery Thursday, FHUM IHK OrrrcB, reet, Fltutierivn, (hit TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : 94 00 per annum lu idvaucn ; f I.JO if not pai at, (hi tad of It years. No ).i>er discontinue Basil all arrearages arc paid up ; and uo subicrli> ttooji taken for lets tliau one year, except when flfecial njn;viiu>iit?* for shorter periods are h Ju with tbe publinhur. ADVEHTlbI.su KATES, *C. Casual advert i<minti. II cunts per lit insertion ausl 3 osuta per liuu each ubuxiuuiit iu>ertiou. Traiisiout advertUcuitiiits to be paid for wlier Ordered AdvertlwuionU without ipeclal direc leu* will be inaerted till lorlnd ami ubarged accordingly. Liberal inducement! to regular aJvertlaert. Notice* amoug readlug waiter, 10 cents |>e Mne each insertion. No advertisement dliooutlaued until all in roarag<t axe paid up. Copy far advertisements should reach till Office lot later than DOOII ou Tuesday to uiiiuru niertlon in current iue. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. IFlesherton Neat Market. SETT. GOOD, PlQMUlTOB Gash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. BepairiDK. EavetrouKhinfi.and In fact every- thing iu the buiiueB will rereiTe wy prompt and carrful mttfliitiou at reasonable prices. Slow !i lolnnn ;: Slock. CLAYTON'S II A KM1SS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It tht flact to ytt ynur Harntu Collari, rtr, mnd>- /> iti good itylt. Shop in W. Clayton's Boot it Shoe Stort, Flethtrton. EUGENIA" Grist Mill, 50 u: Lit. 11!1L Having made extensive Improvements ID my Grill Mill, I am confident I can give good satiaUctien. CHOPPING DONE ANT DAT Good Flour always on hand. Custom Sawing, ml BilN filled on the shortest notice. Lam - her and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, NEWSPAPER ; .^rmsss \lf^, _ n.lrrrlliM'r to run- \, _ ' - .,,... It r,n in! us li-i^ < >i IM-V. -i .p ' i and estimate* oil In TIM < I a'iM-lll.-t' K 'I iK'ii'lvi-ilU, i 'who wnntHto -).. i: I .,! iloTltr, llM.-fln II Mir in- frtii:itloiilMirr<|iiirfSv wlnlo forWmwBowlll Invent mi,' liii'iiln <! ili'iniinnil ilullara In ml- vortli'llir. : N -in" " i'liliriili'il wlllcll will iiiiu-1 liH PVCrv > .iin iiM-;il,r>r run I* anvil I,, ,1,, .,., hit - nrrirnlal Ifteor- i-i, : .r. ' i! < minus have been iasnea. m>iil. inM-i>iii'> loiiny iidiln -- i"i 1 fenH. \Vrli' I., i.i ". T. IJOWI.I.L * >. l'Ki; .MiVKIITIslv. BURKAU, i -t.l'rli mi;; HIIIIMI'&I.), New York. mftELEBHATED PH CHASES ) LIVER CURE HAVE YOU l tomi.laint. Dyspepsia, Indiffiio" Juindice. Headache, l)iiiK, Vain in ihe n k. Costiwiww, or .ny dii*a .ruing from ilrr.ngt liwr, D. CHAM'S LIVM Cu will t* found a turo and certain recmdy. NATURE'S REMEDY Tk unqualified MICCSM of IV I h.w'< >." Cure m tir Complaint rel v>l-ly wilh Ihe fact lhat II n Smpuuulol *iavature'a well-known llvefwaroUters, AN. .BAKU ANH llAMIFMIIN, COml ' in "^ W ' ( j]| v " n J ,rfuTff"'oti The'kUnsys. Sumach, Dowel, and V 5OO.OOO SOLD *w W ? <./ .;<- ' "' "."* JTJU' fttiol It try tkil urctlltnt rimtdy SOMETHING Niw. GIVEN AWM Flic Wrapped around tveryhollle of l>t ( Iw'-I.iwrCur* h s valuable Household M'.li< al l.uicle n<l Ki Book (84 page>), containing over 100 ueful rr. , . pronounced by medical men and ilnifaUlt asinvale- a^le, and worth ten timei th price of ihe medicine. .-TIY Caui'l CA.TAIIM Cunt. A "f ssd po,iii remedy. Price, si cests \TtYCMMi'iKiOM[* AND LIVER PILU s.i- i*'i SOLD BY ALL DEALERS k OO., *!* Asenle, 4S8UIHT rMTIUTH II IMIIII. ".tiou. tkarce ol k)ecaUa asMl * nnlu.i n MI. I bom.. tflBB. A reiurt from Bl. Tbom, Oat., Myi : Tor aome moutha paal il haubeeu apparent to Mr. Barker, Po*l-cfli:e Inipeotor of tbe Lindoo diBinol, tbkl k dtaboneat peraou waa operating in tbe Bl.|ThomabPo*t-offioe, foot reniateied leitera p**sing throoxb lhat cmoe al difiereui periods having mysteriously 'liuappeared. Oa the r.h of Doember laat aa uuregialered letter ad- dreised to liarley MoConnell, Bt. Thomas, waa stolen, aod a money order for 943 wbieh it contained waa aohiequenily found to bave beeu oabad apon the forced figna tureof liarley McConnell. Mr. Barker took tbe cafe in band, and on Tuesday laal pro- ceeded to Bt. Thomas, accompanied by hia aaaiilknl, Mr. Fisher. Yesterday after- noon a warrant waa leaned for tbe arrest of Mr. George W. Bogga, Aanibtanl Poet- master, apon a charge cf forgery. II i* nnderatocd lhat Mr. Bcggs made an admia- aion when be ikw that it wa* ueeleaa to deny hi* guilt, and tba) the tour refiiitertd letters were included iu tbe li-i* cf Ito-e stolen by bim. He han been io tbe 81. Thoiuk* Poat-ifDie for aixleen years, knd ban beeu rrspecteil aud trailed by kll wbo kobvhim. lie waa arreeled laal evening. A ipeolal despatch to the TIMES from Bi IbomaH to day kanouueea thai Usorge W. Bopgi, D:(.aty Post muter ia that eily, who 1 leaded guilty to robbing th maila on Ibe rrcviouB day, waa t-cuteLo.d to five yean in thi Penitentiary ou each charge sen- tences to run concurrently. He will b* aent to Kingston oo Mocday. 1BK BEIA1 FLY Ul CIIICI ICfl. Thrrait unl Drslrstclless ol Wkcal I rp 01 Ikr mnl< no Neinkwrel. A Wkahingloo deapatob lays : Mr. J. M. Bailey, ot Preacoll, wbo baa bean here eonaulting tbe Department of Agriculture about tbo chinch bug and Ueaaian fly, which canted snob devastation in the wheat flalda of the American Nortbweat in tbe paal few year*, baa gone home rather depreated with UM outlook. He wk* intormedby tb* entamologul of theD^pkrl- ment that the only euoceiafol way of getting rid of ttaea* pest* would probably au to atop grcwiog wbiat for k few years in tbe eeotioca where Ibey are ao trouble- some. Il will prove prelly serious should It be found nceaaaary to follow thia advice, for the great Northwest la, of eooree, the wheat -prcdooiug icelioo of th* country, and, ind*ed, of Ibe world. Ia England the wheat acreage oontinoe* to decrease, axd nnw ebowa a fklhcg cff, aa compared with laat year'*, of 7} per gent. Bo onpiofltabla ha* wheat-growing become in aome parti ot tbe country that were it not for ib* imperktiv* requirement! of straw, ID which farmeri atlll flod an in- duoemeol to sow wheat, the diminution wouid have been greater even than it is. II is agreed now upon all eldee that Ibia eeieal in whieb America and Iidia now bav* a monopoly tbnold ba forced down to ao acreage of 2.'. 000,000 io tbe United King- dom, a result which will probably be reached io a few yoari o&lea* our orcp bould be materially lessened by tbu threatened trouble. TABVINU IN (SKH'fOl .>l'i * >! .i d <><! * rfrml 19 Ike al ler IMlp> Bad Wet II. A Halifax dtepa'oh aaya : Aiv.cea from Ntwfcuadland are to tb* effect that (b* dutre** io carl of lhat eulocy is very great. A lew daya ago between eight and nice) ;nodrcd people teloogicg to Bl. John'* >iembled on tb* ground* iu front ot Ib* ; jloML'l building and demauded tbat aome eptcialiflort b* made by Ibe Ooverument to relieve Ihiir diatraaa. Tbey aaid they at* ool ioclioed to break the | eaoe ot oommil eiocnei ot any kind. To obtain iplojrxeol from which to futtai- Ibem- elve* and tbeir familiek waa tbeir aol* ob- ?ol, and thi ir i.i ot>> itiee wet* ao pressing that th*y OJttld ool aud woald i>ot leave antil aome guarantee bad been given Ibat tbeir dematd would b* attended to. Two jaxners were born* by tbe leader., each Qtainicft tbe brief hot very expressive aantener, " Bread or Work." From th* isolated, haggard appMiacot ot many in Iba crowd, il wa* only Ko evident that ihia extreme course was cot adopted by them untii dayi kcd weeks, knd io aom* eases perbape months, ot levers fnvaliona and icfleriogi bad been endured. Tb* Govern- men! allocated a *um of icouey to meet the Immediate nqoiremaat* ot tbo case. TUB Hi i l l- l iiiir i r i The Wn>a aad Tli.n. I muliirr Will Na>W I Mr r Hill lbl< t III If .. A Washington deafateb aajs : At to- daj's teaston ot Iho Iloase Oommilta* on Way* and Meana Mr. Mtybory cffired a sotwiitute to the Mormoo Tariff Bill, aogiog tb* pbraetology of tbo provi-ion in tb* Bill subjecting tb* wooden atticlea placed on Ihe free ll*t to an import duly hen tbe coor.try from wbieb they are imported Icviu a 11 export doty, aod hia lobstilote waa accepted. II waa elated tbat the provision wa* intended to cause a relsialK u of m .n duly DOW levied npon Oanadiau log* lent into the United States. III. < anndliia e erdlaal. A Montreal report says : His tomored Ibftl all tbo oeremcnie* alteuditK bia eleva- tion to tbe Cardinalate will be bald durug Ibe latter part cf April, aod not in June a* previously stated. II ia kleo ataltd that tbe ceremony will not be hi U in (jaetee at all, bat in tbeCauroh ot Notre Dams here, inasmuch a* tbe new Gaidmal waa made an Archbishop in thi* aaored cdiflos io 1873. Thi* fact leLda weitbt to the rutnor that Oardinal Tasobereau will then remain in Mcotreal acd b* suc- ceeded M Arohbiibop cf Quebec by M K r- FkOr*. Concerning Ibe origin ot the cam* 11 Piccadilly," a correspondent write* : In a dietioDkry poblisbad by N. Bailey, 1783, li tbe following : " Piccadilly, a great atraet nekr Bt. Jame*', boili by one Biggin* k lay lor, knd ao called because he got his estate by making stiff collar*, in Iba fan Lion of kband 1 . then called I'iokadillies ; formerly much in faabloo." TnofODT*. The tbouiiliu that rain tbeir steady alow Like stare on life's cold sea, Wl.u-li others know or aay tbey know Tbey never shine for rue. Thoughts light, like gleams, HIT spirit's sky Hut tbe; will nut remain ; Tney lUht me unoe, tbey borry by, And never oome again. MATTHEW ARNOLD. The men employed in Bbioklona'a abip yard, Hi. Catharine*, went out on strike yesterday morning. Tbe into have lately been receiving VI .10 per day, and now de- mand 1 1.7.1, tbe aame aa received by th* man in tb* yard at Pott Dalhonii*. A numbetof petaont weta entombed by tbe collapie of a quarry at Baxei, Fiance, on Saturday. The steamer 81. Ronan*, from L'verpcol for New York, before reported *poken wilb her propeller gone, ha* been lowed to (jueenitown. Tbe temperature in Linden yeeterday wa* 98 define* bighar than it wa*. lk*t Sunday. Tbe winter ban been Iba longest 00 record in England in reoint yikr*. Tbe Fr'noh Chamber ol D.<rmtff* baa pA"-i d a clause in tbe Primsry Education Bill providing thst all leaobora for alemau lk>y lebools aball be selected from tbe Ikiiy. Mr*. Adelaide Bartletl and Rev. Mr. Dyson war* committed en Saturday in London for trial on th* charge) of havirg caused the death of Edward T. BarlUtl, th* woman's huabknd. TUK mm f4U,UJO Werib el I'UsMesu L. ike fui .1 r % WasaaB ni, . ! l-ilnlil I In loliil I ..... Wben Porter Bailey lfl tbe aiukiog Oregon he took under his arma (even eaiei aud one package of diamonds tbal formed part of tbe cargo. Be deaoeDded into tbe Oregon'a liteboai with hi* |>reoioui load, and kept them in hi* poa*easiou ULtil b* arrived on board tbe Fulda, wbeo they were iranafeired io the oatlody of Parser Eick, ot that ve**el. Tbe handle* do not smoonl to maoh iu balk, but tbeir value is believed to be 1300,000. Tna owners of the Fulda now claim salvage ou tbo diamonds. An kinaaing feature, it any feature ot nob k diaaater ean pocaibly amwe, wa* tbe dexterity with which a lypiocJ Ameri ean " drommer " lowered bimtelf from tbe deekof tbe Oregon into tbe lifeboat, carry - ing k will tillid gripakek in ekob bLd. Tbeae were klmotl tbe only pieoea of baggage raved. Capt. C-ittier walked np and doaro the bridge smoking k cigarette and directing Iho loading tf the boate. Archibald Rimeden, k cabin paiaeLger, brought c ul k box ot flue O'gara and dintr.bnttd them This may he our laat smoke " 0-e gcntlemau left 11,000 in Li* slate- rcoui Mr. Joseph Siroiifle beard tbal Mrs. K.D Morgiu bad loil 130,000 wjrlb of diamonds. The disabled condition ot tbe Oregon oru.ted gre&t excitement among the teerage (.aateogera of the Fulda. Oa* old woman, B^tzk* Meyer, aged 67, thought something wa* wrong with the Falda and [ell dead from fright. Capt. Oottier aaid thai tbe Oregon woald ran for two or three ehip'e length* before *he wool! begin to answer her balm when ruunicg at fu 1 r.etd. Ai the Oregon waa 500 fact 1 .ing, aba might ran k qukrtar of k sea mile before cb.ugiLg bar eonrae. She rould ran that distance in two-tbirda ol i minute. Il is aba; lately certain tbal any bj ol in her way woald have to be sighted when at Itait one mile away in order io inaure tb* aafely ot the ibip. Sven then tb* cfficar ot the deck woald iavs to move and apeak quickly, for the abip weald cover * mile io three mlnate*. le boat wa* hurriedly loavicg tbe Ore- ion before th* boat was loll, when Mr. William Bturgea, potting bia batd in hia pocket, called to the people : "Comeback ind take a fall load, or I'll ahool you." Tbey returned, and tb* boats wire nKtd, one ot them to fall thai it nearly tank. With aome bouts ahead before ibey coild oaaibly ba drowned, ai>d witb tba ooolue** if ill ifficir* to reaaiore Ibem, tbe paa- Lgat* want below and dreaaed. The stewards aal cat lea, o;Ue and bisooits in tbo c.biD, knd the pktsengera were told to take wbal they wanted Oapt. T. R. Hnddleeton, a cabin paa*en- ger, saya that be awoke three beam after the accident, blackened bia bcota, dreaied htouxtlf carefully acd aame ool to ket breakfast, lie than flral learned of tb* collision. The lot owing items go to make up tb* total io*t*a t* near an they ean ba eUi- mated : ,MMM MM ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. Oo Carao. SW,000 ' ba(gae and |wr>uual prav perty, with outflu ol officers and cram. ............................................... Coupon* auj bank bills .................. Toltl ................................................ A Sllllu Fnrai(ri'. -l.r) M rr<b el Ikr Or. MOB. Mr. W. B. Atkiatoo, of Alkio n Bro. otid uiaua'soiureri, cf IU s oily, wi.b Mr*. AtkiuMn.wMkpknecgerby tbe Ij*l*'.*km. ship Oregon, ana arrived kKmelauv<oiDg. Mr. Aiaiaaon related to a TIMIB reporter to-day aome special fea'.urea ot bia expert t eLoe. He s.iJ, II wa* not true aa reported in all Ike New Turk de>pitebc> that a cltr- gymko jimped overboard daring the pkcie. 1 ht re wks no loes of life among too m ' ' paaaecnere al the lime of Ibe wreek. E'gbt dsy< btl Mr, oa Ibe Tuesday after tkihcg, liiv. M'. Waller, of Leaminglon, Ejglatd. eummitied inioid* by throwing biroielf into ths tea over th* railing dam* of tb* eleerage pauengera and Ibe qakrter- maeter eaw the suicide." Mr.Atkinton thoogbt frcru th* *oor,d that awk*ued him that the ship waa grating on a rook, lie foil no shock at of oolliiion or even txcloaion, as has btea sog<e*l*d. Tb* captain and tb* cffioer* were brave acd cool, ktd the duoipiine, tbongb good, waa hardly equal to what abould prevail on a Cunarder. Tbe firemen and coal paaiera who came from below, and who probably knew the extent of tbe danger belter than tbt other*, were vety anxioo* to get into Ibl bjati. Tb* ladies and children were aant away first, knd Mr. Atkin- eon anecteded in getting bia wife into the first bokl 1 ad tbal left for Ibe pilot aoboonar Pbactom, which came klocg k few hoar* after tbe slenner itruok. Borne of tb* men fcoght to got inlo the boate wilb tba ladiee knd bad to be beatao back. Tb* pkaaengara were not allowed to take koy baggage *>cd Mr, Atkinson ooull not even take a rug. Wben be left tbe abip the pilut boat was crowded with 00 people, and Ibe remainder were i ul ou board tbe icbaoner Faonl* OorbkO), which came np and lay to to take tbe pArteugera and crew. A pane ol 100 WM male up for tba captain ot tbe Oorbam, before the Oarman ateamer Folda came altug. Mr. Alkmton con damn* tbe lack bt life-aaving appliances the sUamrr bad for tuoh a crjwd. Her boate ouuld i o* c.-rry half of the nnmber aboard. Tbe roektt* wer* mob aa children would osc, andlbe micntegan's voice waa o weak that passengers thought it was k rcokal. Mr. and lire. Alkineon lost kbcul tl.'KIO ot their belongings, knd ean recover nothing from the company unleaa it i* ahown th* lot* ot Ib* *hip wa* the resull ot oareleasneea. Fortunately be bad nl tbiet oaiei of goods by an earlier learner. There were euupoaed to be ix men on the lookout, and it U very *:r*Dge tbkt k ichooner could bkve ran upon tbe siekmu nnperoeived. Tbe night was clear and atarlit and (here waa not tb* least fog. Mr. Atkinaon returned to New York tbia afternoon to interview tbe ag*nt* of the Canard Company. The proprietor of tbe mo't extensive retail dry gcoda *lor* in Mmlreal he* tkken k new dc| arturo kcd followed Ibe example of large oeubliihmeLta in the British metrcpolia by opening a lonch r jouj io tbe building for tb* accommodation of ladle* wbi!* duwn town HkoipiQg. Il ha* been m si mooentully palrouia^d for tbe paat four weekp, aod will remain p*r. maneut hereafter. A fracas wbiob may tarn oat very actions occurred yesterday in tbe bouse of Charles Morriton, a park laborer, on City Cioneil- lor atreel, Montreal. William Morriton, brother of Oharlei, in company with k woman of queationable character named Ellen Welt, both being nndot the mtluouoe ot I'quor, entered, aud wanted to remain. They were ordered oat, but refused to go, when a row occurred, and Ibe owner ot th* hooie beat bis brother and Ibe worn an so terribly with k olub tbal the polios bad to remove them to the hoapilal. Oraat damage hai resulted at O .tawa from the throe etorm cf Meet and rait, Telephone wires aro down In parts cf Ibe eily, tbi nr ns-lrr en beinx snapped cff, and in one place nekr tbe Btppera' b'tdne, k great pole bca n g op nearly 100 wire* wa* snapied > fl about 15 or 20 'eel from the Mp. O.i (Jiuen atnet, i:er El|iin,aod on W"lil. g! n , tri e, opposite Bl A -drewV Cbareb, two pule* eaagbl Ore eimol- lneoasly, Ibe reall of tbe wire* touch- ing. Tbe telephone eervioe was not work- ing yaaterday. Bbad* treea in great number* wire borne to Ibe ground, cr had their brknebei snapped off by the gn al frcisn mktawblsta had kooumolated upon tbem, Mr. F*ftU moved th* firat reading ot k Bill to ameud the Municipal Aol. Carried. Tbe following Bill* were read k third time : Hon. O. Mowkt To amend the practice of conveyancing, RL J ameudi-n the law of properly. Mr. Morln To incorporate tb* Banth K i'ii Uon Glob. The Uoiue in committee en tbe Bill to consolidate tbe Separate rbboole Aot. Hon. Q. W. KJI explaiued tbkt tbe third ttonou had bcu pliead in ita present form to remove eomahitrd'btr,a. Is read-: Upon tbe a( plication ia writing of five or more bead* of families itaidenl in kiy lownihip, eity, town or incorporated vil- lage, beicg Proteatant*, tbe Mnnieipal GJUCCI! ot the eaid towoabip or tbe Bjard of Bebool Trobiee* of any inch city, town or incorporated village, shall anther f> tbe ehtkblmbment therein ot one or more Separate boh ,cl for Proteatanta ; kod upon Ibe application in writing of five or more beads of faoiiliea reaideni 10 kny township, eily, town or incorporated village, bai^g colored people, tbo Ouuucil of anoh town- abip or tbe Board ot Bohool Trustees of any such city, town or incorporated village, *bkllaalboriz3 tbe eslablubment therein of one or more Separate BcbaU* 1 r colored peoplo. Claure Hi, wliab provide* that a oerufloate of qualification, eigned by tbe majority of the irnxteea ot eocb Separate Bobool, Hball be sufficient tor any teaobor of such Eohocl, waa itrock out, it being gen- erally considered that if a Separata Sabo A diairui were formtd it should only be where they could employ a proper Uaoher. Hon. O. W. Bias, replying to Mr. Mere- dith, said that ibe 10 icy ot the Daparl- mut wa* to bav* tbe Poelie Bonools and Separate BobooU lun on ideutieal if nol on parallel lined. Oaecfihe maio object* of tnie Bill waa to futniih to Separate Bohool snpporura a oompendium of the law, ao thai they woald nol have to search thrcagh lirg* camber of itktulee. Tbe BUI waa reported. Hon. A 8. Hardy praaeoted tbe report ot tbe Provincial Farm Manager and of tbe Agricultural College, aud one ot the nom- t>er ot student*. Mr. Balfcur moved the Hoca* in Com- mittee on the Bill to amend the Franchise Ld Kepreaealktioa Aalof 1645 Mr. ri-rr moved tbal aiopUd ton* bcold ba placed in th* tame fcaitiou k tone ao far ao regarded the right to vote. Mr. 0:bion (lioroc) wan afraid that a great mai*y sot* would be adopted aboat eleolioo limis. (Ltnghler ) Tbe ameudmenl wae lost. Mr. Balfonr nuovtd tbe adoption of tbe clause allowing workmen to absent tbem- aelvae from 12 to ii on election daya for Ibe porpota of recording tbeir volea. Mr. Merriek tbongbi ibal there WM t .o mnoh dupoailioo io the Hoots to aautult the intercuts ot wuikiogmaa to the exola- eion ol other Intereste. Be thought tbia provinon would be injurious t* employers, aod would practically tut an th* abutting do vu of the aaiablistnienl for the day. U moved that ths clause be airaek out. Uoo. 0. F. Franar said be did nol thkjk thai the Io a ot an hoar k day oue* hi fear yeat* woald b* a vaty serious matter tot kov maunfkCtoruiiiealkblubaMnr. Mr Msrediih oppoeco tb* proviaiou of the Bill baeaoac ll plaetd Ibu woikmao uuder an (.biigation to iba eapl yer. Mr. Broder thought tbe woririgoiec ol the country took tutfieieul i.tsiest ia tbe afftir* tf tbe ooontry toaacrifice an boor in order to vole. Lit th* workuimauattnd on bia own footing like any other man. Hon. Jamee Young eaid tbal wbiie tbere bad bicu no great dommd for tbia mea- sure, it waa bto-orng more and more diffi- all for woiniogmen ia *it**e to poll tbeir v jte* duritg noon boar. Be ihuugbl the Bill profiled ibe teat way oat ot tb* diffieally. Mr. Nealoa had navir aeao ary trouble in a.l the volsa iu Bl. Cltajtcn bciug [oiled within the [tiling hoar*. } Iboogbl the present polling boors shoold be maintained. Mr. Morio moved that the provtaiona of the Bill ekoall be i needed to Tillage* and townabipa. Mr. Water* supported tbal motion. Mr. Wbiie objected to interference in the relatione between ussier* and workmen. Mr. Creigbtan aiid'^Mr. ilets suggested Ibal eltclion day be made a public boU/ay. Tbe ameodmenta mjvtd b*> Mearv.^cr rick, Moriu anj Krmatiog wvere loat. Tba oommitte* repoitet^e bill. II jk. A. M. li<*s praaedtai tbs repors of Ibe committee on th* Bill r**|eoting Agri- culture acd Aria. Mr. RMS (llnroc) reading of th* Bill U sion* regarding fuu provides for power laud or ononoupied sV toipital. Ta* liilljir\. Mr. Mowal'e Diil |rovidug for au appval from awards on^y ID- ^tgara Kalh Park Aot WM re . ' a-aafoud kma\ Tbe City ol Toro^tyil.il wa* paaacd alter bciLg ilsj'iivod ov 'the o'.tokea providing for the new e t I*. kJi Mr. Meredith moved an kddrea* to Hia Honor tbe Lieuto..n: O trncr ptayiug that be will cause to bj laid bstore this House k copy of the Order Io Council dis- kllowiug Ibe matute ot tbs Western Uai- vsrsity bf London, Out, wtabliabing a faculty of law in eonueotiau with tbe uni- versity and bf all reporta snd oirreipcnd- nee in oooueelion. H complained bitterly thai the Miiiiaterot Eiuoalijn hal allowed tbe university to go to th* trouble and cipenra cf estabhebag this faculty, and waiied till the very last moment, and then disallowed tbe statute wilboat eocHnlling th* aalhorilie* cf the Uuiveriily of London al all. Hon. O. W. Bos* said hu oonduol was nol dictated by hoatility to tbe Western Onivertity. ()j tbe contrary, be had heeitaled till tbe laat mouicnl, and bad reluctantly oome to I ha oorjcloeion tbal the alaluta wa* uftra i irf, and hi* colleague* bad agreed in ihi* view. The motion passed. Mr. Meredith also oblamed an ordor tor everal r*torn* regarding limb-jr limit*. Mr. Bishop, in moving lot tbe regala- tiou* regarding the admiaaton ol itrangera to tbe Toronto University lower, made a bomoroa* speech, deacribing bis attempt to get to the top of tba tower. Tn* motion carried. Mr. MrLtngbliu obtained an order for a return regarding tbe Lawretoi Town ley catate. uaved th* aeoond ** .further provi- '.. <lb. Tun Dill 4' l"' IJU of iitaj, ifor k imallpox 'ead k neoood time. A lemible parson in Kuefl'uld, England' oo a rioeul snowy Sunday announced Ibat be woald preach no aermon, " nol," aa be explained il, " beokoae the congregation ia mall, or because I bave noiermon -for I bave k o irelully prepared diiooorae in my pocket but because I am ai.n>..u* Ibat yoa should gel home quickly and lak* cff your wel boot*." Jobo RJS, of U*u t raw, ia iu the hoH,ital io Kingaloo iftliotcd wilh glanders, eaoxhl from k bone. Ilia thought be will recover. Kiv. Oeo. 8. R<yo< Ida, ot the Bay o! gjiuto Confsr*cc, baa reotived a ankti- tuouH call from Ihe MethoJlst Cborcb, ornwall. Acordirg to tbe monthly repoit ot tb* 1) imtnion Meteor jlogical 11 .it-, an, daring Fobraary the avcriage tauipertlnre In O) UM i m:d CJu^bi o waa b*>lo th* normal ot Ihe |'- 1 eleven year* bv from oo* to four degreea. In tbu Maritime 1'rovit.oee, on Ihe oiiutrary, and on Iba Paoifle coai tbe o( p ' ite wa< tbe ovo, tbal at Victorin, B , beioct over five deureee, and thai al B)duey, 0. B., four degree* higher than tbe kvsrag*. A box of toa(> bavk should be ker t Io tvery bouse A lilllo of it lii -solved In water will remove ataioa from eloth if applied vigorously w.tb k ipong*. i i i ii i >.. i n i .u Use lioukli. el a Tlanlid Jliai, aad Hew He Hrcawar Oar. Ia lii* newly (ublubed bx>k eutitlec " lLkfi-t.ii and Aocololea ot Ib* Cm War," Admiral Pgrter relate* tbal while arcendintt tbe Watisaippi io joiu Farraoi before Vickrbarg, ha wse fnqaently fi-ec upon from the tt-.e. Oi one ooo-ioo, alter haviag been ibelled from Ibe back, and witbing to learn the name cf ibe place and other detail*, bo etptared two men wbo were ocotai g tbe nvtr in a dugout. They ware ooarati) dreraed in a liosey-woolaey, woie Kl'ic'i bats, and h\d the appektaros ol laborers. Jbey admitted biting lived all tbeir live* in Oinntetical, aud to have oily com* to Ibe Sooth two jeara before. Th-y were, however, ataoneh B.sesh. 1 Aflsr oontidera'ch conversation Admiral Porter i .il : " And do > tu mean to u 11 m* that you two gentlemen, at ler livicg in your native Bute twcoty-nin* and t**uty-*ev*o yeara, after foruaug the dearcni lua and aaaocia liona, ean om-t; Boutb, aod in two abort >ear< be wou over by these people one ol yon by hiring bii cart, the other for I doo'l kt o what 7" "Wall Kurts-l..' aaid Mr. .Potter, " yon tklk darned well but all them bifa'u-.it, word* id wiaated on m* ; it yea had married a wildcat widder, wiin k wildeal darter year* old, a,n' Jeff David a baekio' on 'em op, yoa wcaldn'i a stood ool an hour. I sioex n out for three dkva an' Lights, a lit- tiu' out iu tba rain, before I Occam* a Con- fed ri I" " Yep, ' iaterrapted Mr. Oud>ke, " tbe ole woman ker/ k double-barrel guo bandy for bim, an' sajs kb*, 'Jake, don'l yoa move till )( u ro ready to become ooe ot us, or I'll work aome bullonkolea in yoordam'Yar- koe oaroase ! " " And what made yoa surrender, Mr. Palter," I icqaired. " Way," replied tbe worthy, " when Z.'ke be com* over to fetch me some wbi-kjy, my ole woman she run out and sma . , d tbe botile over Zjke'a head, an* tbec, when I waa 'moat alarved an' bejke**! for lOtbln' to tkl, ah* cent me k bowl o' hot water witb k chicken feathtr iu it. ' Tfaar,' ay* abe, ' that 'ere cbiokeo *oop 11 all you'll git till yoa b'lsl the Coated ri: flag.' 89 I bad to cave iu. :k* o*u toll \ou what I went through with -, yea wouldn't have itood it htif k day, Kurntl. I knew it by the cut ot your j b." Oj being atked how ba came to marry luch a woman, Mr. Potter prufeaaed hi* lukbihty to rehearse tbe bamw.ng tal*. oulesi he bad " a drii.k of w i. key." BJOI* " vinegar bitters " btiog ordered for him, which thi n**)ly nidged C^nfedetat* oberaelenzid aa real o!e Uai.o an' no miatake," Mr. Putt*r atiil preferred that bia old comrade, " /.,kt," iboold tell th* itorv. ' Y**,"*Ud hi* friecd, " jiat aa soon a* I gal a mouthful ot tbeu bu:ers to auaiain ma while I relato tbal melai.eaoly etory ov your marrin' thai dnrned al- lixalur, aa go** oivoriiu' rouad Ib* bcu-e ** if sb owned kll tbe guater ialaLdi io the r.cifi; Ooekn. "Will, JOB mu-i k v, Koruel, me an' Jake wai hired hand* ou Urn. Uamp- kiua'a place. We w* hind the day ole Uampkin* died to help bacdle the ooffi i, an' two wetk* arlcr I hearin tbal |irl cf h:r< ray, ' Ma, I'm tirod a to'.iu' Wtod aii' fetdm' the cow, an' we mail have k man ler do it.' Wi.ii," said Mr*. Uiiuikio-. 'hain't wj got two men? Make cna of 'em tut* woxd: tbey km do il whin tbey comet to their meals.' " ' 1 aiked one o! \m.' aaid B -.1 ., aa' he tale me he'd lie me durud nrl. W* don't want Ibkt km-J ot a rain, mk , w* waul a married man. We can do a* we [lease wilh a good-naler*d Mler like old pop, who oiu'i gilaway if we erod him. Y ju most marry Jake or Z ike. If you don'l I will, aii' I'd like to bear h.m lay th*n b*'U ici m* durnd &rsl.' " ' Yua'reeraiy, B.'lle.' *aye the old eals- mount. ' Your pjp'd only de.d two weeki, an' ycu want ma to marry a^io.' " ' Will, then,' lay* Bill*, lay thre* wsekr, an' bring him to th* filter, f jr I ain't a goin' to tot* wood, oor feed no min cow arttr that.' " Will, I agree tu that,' says old Mrs. Bumpkin*. "'Oj* if yea don'r,' nays Belle, 111 marry on* on 'em myself, aa' we'll ste who's mie'.reta then.' " I wish }ouo3Uldk aaeu bow Mrs K imp. kiaa laid out ber linen. Y u tc-en a oat watching a Canary bird, am t yuo 7 bo* the otitter crawls np aud pat* to!taajiw'i harp, an' then joa seiu tbe little tird jnmpin' roand ia k twiltur, au' bow at last, wbeo the caaary allege with lie oUws to tbe wirea ct ill cage, Mr*. Cat grab*, an' be'* k gon*r. " Tbkl'* toe way Mr*. Ruaipbijs dune. Styaahe, ' Bills, 111 tali* Jake. I dou'l like the other teller ; he eaid too tomb, an' I II **! rid of him.' B) iba pilediliwael on Jjke until be didn't know bu alrbkbj) from the mnltiplieatioo table, an' tbaa aha haiaoond him. You icen bim cateh oatil* inTexaa? Tb*y have k kng lariat, an' throw i) over tb* critter'* herns, goio' full split, and bring him np all ilaudit/. N jw Mrs. Rampkiu* a<*e ber long oily tongue for a lariat, an' io wou jd il rouud Poor Jake b* coaldn'l a tola wh > b* wat; then, wben he wa* qaiet aa au ol* bars* wilh a oarl-lod* of brisk* behind him, ah* marohai him iff to Bquire Spanker's i mos. '"Here, Bqair*,' e*y* aite, 'is a man wot OWN m* k reparation, an' I'll pay th* J J fur tba marriage ceremony, an' here's the aame riug aa poor, dear Kampala* pal oa my finger, an' I'll u-e it agio. ThU 'ar* fel- ler ia a Yank, aud 1 want bim to aee lhat he can't oome dawn here au' win tbe aflee- tiona ot k Ion* widder, an' than go off ku' lart at her.' "'Well, air,' says the 8'juire to Jake, ' what hkva yoa go) to lay to these her* charges? ' " ' Dunno, 1 say* Jak*. 11 ' Well, Iheu, *tau' up an' be mariied, or 1 1-e b* drafted into the OoLfad'ril army,' aaya tbe Squire. Bo they wai married then an' there, to' tba widder lak hu arm an' toted him home, an', aaya aba : ' Now, Jake, afore yoa gel k bit o' widdin' cake, tote in tba wood for th* day, an* mix th* feed for th* cow.' Jak* obeyed orders, aa' ha* be*n the most encoeufol husband I ever aee." The guebeo appeal list in the Supreme Court waaconoindid on Saturday. Tbe Ontario lisl will be eommsLoed wncn tie eoorl rrussmblee on Tuesday. Tbe steamer Stockholm C.ly tailed from Halifax for London yeaaerday, taking Iwj thousand package* of Canadian eibibite for tbe Colonial aud Indian Exhibition. The argument on the /u > icdrraaWu pro- ceeding! to aueeat Mayor llowlacd, on the gmnud ot dixjualiflcttioii, tcok place at Osgoode Hall on balurjay, aud judgment wae raaerved. The rain on Saturday Light caosad a sudden rise of Ibe water yesterday at Pioksring, completely innndating the village, and *rryiug away k bridge nekr tbe railway, be -lilts doing considerable damsgi to bouatu aid mill i ro( e.ly. Bit Alexaudei Stuart, x-l'rt mier cf New S >utu Walsa, wbiie in U.,awa on Friday uiKbldpresitd the opm ou thai thi small Irade now done between New South Wale* and tbe D iruiMou might aaaily b* eon rideitably augmented air*)* the completion of IbcCaoadUu PaeifieRulwatf. Th* Balvation Army held a grand parade al Ottawa on Saturday, the occasion being tbe annlveraary of their invasion ol tbe eily. Together with their band, which waa alrcpRthaned by the addition ol a cornet, they p *rad*d through the three inches ol slush on tbe streets, apparently qoita happy at thur inor*k**d uuwbete and proepamy ANOrUKBTIlUHOMNE I . * M \ > A < llUrulia Twraw I *> Whe tUlaii th Betawkwi A Waabingtoo, D C , despatch says The Califortiian claimant to Ib* Tiehoorn aalat* iu Eugland le io tbe eily. H* ha* aneeeeded i* teooring from the Peniico Office an arrear of (4 000 for wooed* r* eeived ia Ib* Federal eeriise daring ibe war. In company wilb * lawyer ol thi* any ha will oroai tls water about four weeka henoe and make aa effort to eitab luh hi* ilentily to the family estates In lltmpsbire. Hi ds nol know bow bia relatives will receive him. Hi ba* written to them without receiving a reply. Hs i* cot going to Tiebboro* flni. Hs never wa moro than a v.ailor at Tiobboroe, although ba speiit a i oad deal of bis lime there IL. tcboulCoy daya. Hia parental bom* al thai tim> wa* iu Paris. Bis mother waa a Frenchwoman. Hs waa born in Pari apeLt bu childhood aod received the ruiiiaeut* cf bit eduoettion there, and inithttr be will go nra). Tbe [silawl who hi;-' a:d bim kcd she uacbar al who* nouioair* " he reotivad bia ftrei malrneticn have in all probability died, bat there ia k kind of ui. broken tocriaaion in tb* Catholic Church wbieb, he believe* will help bim n hie trouble*. There are racorda in the church of tb* Madfleinr, where he received hit bspti-m, oouflrma- lion, with Ibe oral communion wbiob will CO^LCCI w.th the soavenin whiea be bold* in his posufeeioa, knd he bclitve* that hu preMi.ee ia Paria w. 1 bn..g around bim oorts cf leojls wbo knew him and ktew uia faoiily, aud who will nil be prevented !rom MKnowlidging the tratb by any intetaat in the Tiebboro*) estates. For ibeaa and many raaaons B.r K gar *ay* that b* will firai present himstl' to ibe Arobburhop ct l'n, and lkr> rgh him reach the family aid tb* Tiabbcrue tttee, of whian be ia Ik*) rigbalul bcir. Elie reaacn for ketpicg tUent during all Ibeea years was in purtuauoe of a vcw cot to disclose hia identity until he bad 11 >iatad thi aiu* of hu yonibby an i jjal camber bf yean cf repentaoor. A \ 1 1 a/oat ma-, i- 1< i 11 1,1 > i I ... fBiare Jllsirrs* ol ike Mkite !! l i I u ,., H-lrcilaa; Urr l..u-..u A OiLOUiOali daifklea aaya : Tne lireri Washington special aaya : " Ins uoiored tbat lh report of the Pccaideul'e -ii,.i.|i uiarria^e u f.u^ied upon lac: L'be btiie-elect ia M:a> t'uiaoui, ab* priuy ward bf tiu Kia<li*iioy, whose downy 10*1- lias* aud youihfol aweelnesa attracted ao uucb auentico when ibe viaiiedtha Wbus i .UBO shortly at MI tbe luaoguralion aod Oefore she wa* cut of school- sweet lulls rua.d from soacol. Un vuited ttae Wbite luiute early ial OjMOer wilb bsr moibar, Urn t J.BOUJ, of Uutfalo, betur* Mi > Cie ve- i returned to the oapitaJ, and while i. Uuyi, auoiner killer of the President, wai luokini; after bu ojenforta. Tus I're- iJeul aul Mui Folsoiu drove out fre- jusutly iu the glorioa< autaain afterooot.*, ai.kl ite motber and daughter su>*d over atortnighl, il.n t'Jsom u a tall, band- some girl, wilu dark eje i aud b.aek hair, ami unllitkui eoloiiog. Tue Presideul re- ' a cable mesaagi vrbeu tbey arrived u me o'her side ol ibe Atlantic, acd now eceivcn a letter from ber each week. Il is own thai sbe write* beautifully i3> a bighiy inieraatio^ Utter. Bu* iu !.;>, what* all ot br ;ruust.u j:.iiy tu.broidecd. ll w.ll Uuiil iu J^uu^ry ojuiplcte tbe bridal r. K ^..uu, ba) lh. f rt.idcLi CLoUiee > -uaivl bava oeco uiarded Ibu jer but .- ib nuuitruui daalb* lu C^biucl ai i B b c.mc.i o ro *." 1 me >a>rl*sie. ioareaaloc, suit a eaofc 1 am waiting, I aa waitlug for some ooa to rlag naeep, I'm liii|>atieal with my ooeuuius, ysi BO sound tlln^suii my ear, Ac.ltbe) mouiaun tbeyar* flaeUaf , aad I kwW I eal aad sop ; Witb adoMn bill* i oaJl loaOssr. Ob, I'u i reaJy. Ob, I'm ready, ye! tbe iilenee J any ST grows: How fereaken witb an aehlat fur tbe eon whoes flaab is g I am tirowsr witb ibe thinking tbal ao speeala- ii, >a knows Of my planning aod batttog '|aui*l tbeearaa .:.t are twofol<L 4hr ife S|akiog. gently apeaklcg. Ibal new lalepcoo* of mine; Jast a blunder- bal I wonder if my pan* will l-u now. I'm tuiliieiag fur an akawer, aad tbe ouaaaa)* akiuu the I ae: "Ire you Kehrujr, of th* launOry? '-qoee mislaJio 1 uiiiat avow. TLus l'ia lungiog /or tb* coming of tnalaaar uricswan, With mv ardor aad aay lardar, aod my fkael**} aeu Uuir Oeatb . * P*op' an too oealtay to poff my la*> ib. ton, aaa at paroaeal wlta a, palruuuuig bieatb. J. 1.. Hamilloa. l.xiatato. itut i -i i > i i <i ikr A U ,h OU Hoar taprclrrf al III . i. . Jukl.ir . A L;aJ.n o*ble say. : Au ocoasiun o' groat p.uio la exoto^id on Wednesday wbtn me gMen lay* the foundation of toe new txioiiuaiibu bail iu ajuoeauuu wun Ibe Ojiicgo fur iurgeoaa on tne Tu.LL.es euioai.ku.ecl. liu Uraoe to* Atoaei-boj of C.i-iexuury i Uiji.ia u ;uo d il.oiliuu ocrtuuuita. Utr Maj9<iy u ei,eo;oj io ** the aeaaou in L.ju4on, aod n u DOW aenuuely dtcui.d laal tbe jubilee oo ibe fifileih annivaraary in Jan*, leVxi, of her aoo**tiou tu tba tbrono will ba oouduoted on a icala of greal maguiaaeuoe. Ibe ojr poratioa ot London is arr*>ijt,iug; for a week ot lecliMiy oo lual O:OMIOU, m wuiou to uuolioly welcome aud enter. am Ibe boite k.aiiurs WLO are txueolad irom ih . colo- tt, ekpcoiaily (rum Canada. Tnere wai be a k,r*uii txaimnuo o< product* and Lut-utu;u. ts ot ail scoii.ua ol liar M>) :!>' dominion*. Oae of tLu moet imp(aive Icaturts ot tba jabi.-.e will oe a koumu sptciai rervioe ut tban-ks^iviog and piaiaa al St. l*ui Cathedral, iu wuicb all mo diguuarua ct Ibe Cbureh will lsk> par), in* Lord Mayor otLuuduu belLg pra- keul iu bis omoial capacity. Tuu will be liuwiJ by a Bcanou bl gaysly, including uoaierbus grand OaiU l Iba Maoauu llouse aod oluer feettv.ue*. The sveui i* expaciej to greatly lininlale trade a J luuDstry, noi alone ia the metrcpilir, but Ibrouchout Euglaud. ABorliu oabl* *ay* : All tba aemi cttinal organs Qjutlnue Io dtaauti tbe pro<peci ol a war ol retaliation by Frauci ataiu*l Uetoiauy. 'i'uey aticibuie in* prubability ot such aouon u ihj Orleaaisi icbemia. Ths I'att dtolare* tbal ibe Oirman* will await kOeeomiug ol a war proudly, reeolut* aod ready. A I bops ia atMuidoued Ibal a reooioUlation between France and Ger- many can be effected by teatoaablo meana. Toe Germane cannot be rewlraiaad wbeo Ib* war oloui burals. TheNartmul/nira>*^, wbll* adaillltug tbe great progcesa made by Ib* Fuob army m recant year*, says Germany baa notbing to d.iar wbtl* t'raue* is uolated from the o:ber njiliona. Krei-oh- men, u deolarsa, camul paidou tba Oet- mans tor tbeu vioaoiiea over them on Ibe ballli U )ld and their suoctaaiul oumpctiiion a^ainal FreLou uierohania ia toraigu mar- ket*. Ibe lulroduouoo of Iks K piousge Bill ia tbeFreuoh Cuainber ol L)[>utie* ba* greatly embittered Ibe feeling in Girmany agnail Frauo*. Kr...ll.l. l-r..,!, l J.kr A MoolreaJ d**patcb says : Warrant* for Iba artaat of tan ot the most fashiona- ble beaux of th* *a*l aud have been laaoed c bar KI n( Ibem witb forgery. A few night* ago tbey iaaoed invitations to a card parly, wbiol waa to lak* place al tbe boms of two belles ot tbe aaine quarter. Tb* invitations ware a hoax, aud tue bouse was tuui.d*led wi;h viailora. Tb* irate paterfamilias, Mr. A. UOMOO, a wholesale merchant ol Si. I'aul atreel, learning tbe nama* ol Ib* youunjjkers, n deter uuiued to make them pay dearly lor their tan. t Billatvai. " Yoo look tired, Mia* Oolightly." "Do I ? Oalting old 1 mppoe*. Yon know tbe laying . ' A man 'a aa old aa he feel* aud a woman a aa old ae ahe> Icoka.' " " We I, I'm aura th* laying dose not bold fcood io your cat*." And then b* imiUd bia killing amila. a* wbo thoald aay, " I have fetched ber I ' bat he withered bim witb a glare, and Ib* con- f. nation suddenly flagged. Tb - 1're.by UnaLBof Petrolea are) talking ot baildtog a new church. Ths Bmbop of Huron, wbo mat witb a severe aoeident laat week, ie now able to returns bia duties. Mr. John Charltcn. M P , Nnrth Norfolk, ha* contributed 11.000 to th* Kooz College Endowment Fond. HIV. L. Campbell, of Tosmeefoid, baa Jeoliiei k call from th* l'r*ab) terian can |r**jktioa cl North btuce. rllll.Bt VM The Widdia eorre*pondenl ot th* Bl. : eiersbarg A'oc^ti seeds to that newspaper ollowicg aeoooot of a ycocg Dola|axiao Rirl who look an active part in tbe late war aiiaiiiii Birvia, diatiBgoiaked benalf a* > aul al PIIOI, aod received two on-aies fur bravery. Previooaly to aba oat- break of buetilitie* eha joined a eompany of miliua-aah aompame* wer* shea lormi&K ia varicru part* of BuJgaria and ae9c.mpai.ied il to ib* southern frontier ia its hope of there meeting with the caemy. Dunn* acme lime she managed to oooeaal lit aex. fur her eomradaa lock her to b* a roatb with aa ****"*** Titt fa**, of wbiob there were many such to b* met with aruoon tbo miliua. Oj|y Ihe eomrnandar of her oompaoy knew ber leerst ehe wa* obliged to dueloie il to him wben th* com- pany eat ooi opao it* raarefa aod kw appears to have loyally kepi u to kiaaaaat. n all ciereuea, parade* aod r**t*w* she took pan j -iniy with ber male uumradea. Al asi, whao 8.-ma declared war againal JuUaria, tb* heroin* took part in th* <.reed maroh iato Scrvia, fought al tb* tattle of Slivnnia, and j jined in the altaok opoo Pirot. Donng tb* oghl she did all bs ecoid to eiioonraa;* her oomrad**, aod hay. iu return, unanimously voted to ber he company's medal for bravery. Wben, n eosatiiaanee of tba war oemiog to aa nd, the in ilma WM Jt*rra*d to* waol to I n, and wa* ibsre i resented to Prtaee Liexkodar. wbo awarded to her a ateond decoration for bravery. Sbe then ratoroed to Wuiu, ber plao* cf domiail* belora th* war, where abe act* M servacuao an old lady. Thar* aba rebates to all who aom* toto eoottoi with ber th* exploit* ah* per- MaTHi duricg Ib* war ; how ah* aaaialed iu lak* tooti and each position . bow at first tbe Bulgarian* were repulsed, bow ibey afterwards drove back Iba Berviaaa al tbe point of tbe bayon*!. aad ao forth ; aod aha aaya that should tb*** latter begin another war ib* will again fight again*! them, bul tn ber woman'* alure, for u i* nol worth while to abknge one'i drtaa for each aa enemy." i-iit*T*>n vattruNB nv5iriiw.it. A Illll le **reurt Thrm ajailavti Tkvtv A Bill i* before the aglab Hooae of Comruins whioa provide* thai trading companies and ktcoiiioos aball keep k rrgtiterot uuclaimel slooks.shkr**, unpaid deoeuturta and depoetta which they may ko'.d, and tbat tbia eball be cpen to inspec- tion t jr all peri-oQ* interested, al kll net- aouable hour* and ou tb* payment of a reasonable fee. In moving the second reading Mr. E Hjbertaon said : " Since IbU Bill ba* been introduced be bad re- ceived a eiosiderable am>.u .1 of eorree- I'oudenoe from fentous inleraa'aj, aad be w coovicoed tbal whatever might be tbe amount of money iff acted by il ibe aaiouut of feeling involved waa very oonaijerabte. Tbe myaicry and ignorance Ibat prevailed on this lokjaot sfford*d a fertile field for adventurer* wbo advertised all over Ik* country for alaimauU to tb* eoormoo* sums which they said were unclaimed. Oae advertiaa- menl ibi wan certainly appearing aa**rt*d Ibat il7.UM.QOO wer* lying in tb* Court of haoovry unclaimed, but, a* a matter ot (acr, there wa* nol rnora than il 000 000. A [arsgrarb bad recently appeared lu some) elating that a R>ba>n, residing al Hexbam, bad ii&OOOO which had been lor yi claimed. Bui this waa aa old paragraph tbal bad a,-| eared at interval* dorian the peat 'JO year* Wben io tba Tailed 8la**a aom j lima ago hi* ai 1 wai aolioited vj elaimauM on tbe Ltwrsaae-Townley attat*. Ia ib* imagiuation cf the Ameri- eaca tbia estate wa* w. rib 100.000.000. aad Iba claimant* to it wer* ao noruerooa ibal ibey bad formed themaelvea lato a liruiud liability oomraoy. (Laofkter. Thia Bill would dealroy th* boaina** of the adventurers who traded upon the eopidity and ignorance of th* public, aod be bofed tbkl the ilooae wculd allow it to beooioa law. (Uear, hear.)"_ rie'e Halt. Bks ot mail matter from tb* loal it ihip Or*Kon ar* picked up daily by v* ah ul the scene of tbe collision. Th* new* paper mall picked op i for Ilsruilaon, Canada, 4 from from O.aagow . for Toronto, Canada, 1 from London. '1 from Glawgow. It will bo aloioai impoaeibl* to do anything with the**, aa the wrapper* bav* been waahed cff or th* addressee rendered illegible. Than wer* thirteen pouobee el telura aad /'ry ot papira rceovared. Two baaja ol Vfiaaarad ielten from l.jodon were among Ibe lot, tbe oootenM apparently but elightly damaged aa the letter* were) Meal in oampacl bondlee aud wrapped with paper before being ineloaed m tb* beajs. The lellan will b* dried aod forwarded to thsir proper deeiiaauon ae rapidly aa poa- aibl*. John S. Prin**, tbe champion bicycle rider, arrived from England oo Tneeday laat on the Angina. He aays th* Oregon and Arixooaleft ^oacnatowa voajethfr aad raced tor titty miles, when tb* Oregon went io th* Ironl. _ __ J .,.. Ollr TWlkj*. A maiden aeboolniiatra** think* that aornaol ber pu( it's aompoaitiooi ar* fnnoier than anything of Mark Twato'e. Fioman eeaay on Faahioo, ' wtitwan by a boy ct U, she 01 Us iba following : " Sensible pavpt* wear . aanaible faah- ions, and iaovodbl* people inaenwbl* fashion*." Auolbtr hopeful f bsra, writing on th* abject, " A Kainy Afaarnooo," evolved from an iuner oonaoiooaneea deeper tbao that of Joeh Billing* th* following **o leoe* : " It rained bard, and I eoold not go owJoors, and ao I wnl oat in th* (had kkd aod lorn* wood." Mietraa* " I km going oat now, Lena, and you oan warm tb* children's room ; bat don't fill tbe grate entirely, k* usual, bat only three fourths, beeanse I shall take on* of the children ajong with me. ' A ts pounder twenty aw yean aflo waa bs moat pnwsrful piece of artillery known, kfld it threw a prrjtetile 1 57 feel per aaeond. N iw tb* weight cf guna ba* taotea*** from 5 ro 100 toa*. th* veeoeitie* rotn 1 r>00 to 1 000 teat, aod the n*rgi** rom 1. 100 toot-too* to 59,000 tool-ton*. Ktng Humbert ot Italy ia praetiaio economy In his household. Mo nhamne^n coaling above aaven ttknc* it hWMtotlh t be Jrauk by lot OOWi t