Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1886, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE, ae of thu leading Local an<l Family Newspapers la Merthern Outano. 1'ubllaUeU Every Thumclay, FROM THE Ornci, FUAtrton, Out. TEBaia OK BUBSCBIPTION I LOO pr anunui In advance ; 1.00 If not paid I Ibo oudollj years. No papur dtaooutluuod otU a,ll arrearages arc paid up ; and no subucrlp Uu taken lor laa thaa one year, except when asslaJ arrangetuents for shorter i^nods are Bade with taensbtisher. _ ADVEKT18INQ UATEg,*C. Oasaal ad vartlstwienta, H cents i>r 1st Insertion ad 3 oeuts pr hu oacb Bubseoutmt Intertiou. Traiislont dvwrtisoiuents to l> paid for when ordered. Advurtiauuianu without npucial direo loos will be Inserted till forbid and cbarged aocoriiiugly. Liberal luduceuietits to regular advortltere. .Notices anioiiK reading matter, 10 ccuts per lino each Inasrtion. No adfertlseuient dlsoontlnuud until all ar- reartgvn aro pud up. Copy (or aJvertLueuiontu should reach tuts offloo not later than noon oa Tuesday to uusuro sertiottln current Isane. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Heat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PBOPKIXTOB Oaib paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on band for CaaL. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing. EavetrotiRhlng, and in (act every- llilug III tbe buslneaa will receive my prompt and careful attention at reasonable prices. .loves "CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! PLESHERTON, Jl the place to fit your Uarneu Colhri, dee, made up in guod itytt. Jjkop in W. Clayton' Boot d. Shot Store, ~ iGkerto*. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ul Lit: Mill, Hiving inadtt >iM>uive iuprovements In my Uriel Mill, I am confident I can give goo4 aatisfaetien. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAf Good Float always on hand. Custom- Sawing, and Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lnm- be> and Lath always on hand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, A 1 ..... '.: cf I' i -- 4ffiVERT18!Me " ; '. ''-"^ '-'- 1 - mjwdni loarata... ..... , ,. ,,., i,.,. llcniMlii li-i .: ii'". -' i; ! uml ratlin moil Tlar, f.n.l-ilii ttliiv In- lirrs, Ini" >i>i li'in wTunlll I ilnlhii". In inl- :inl - Io Mi'-Tvl oni fiinniiUim ' tnVi'M ni'r ! i Ii . . . vertlxliiit. "f'l which Will 1,1 .. i |,| , it, or r.i'i I'fwiaila to (!,' ,,-M"V arrlmlal bycor- Ttipnnitcti--. > ilnl'iin IIHVI- l-i-n |i-uo.l. Scut. IPII : , y nililros* fur loeeme. Write ti> * . i. r IJOWKLL * co., MjgrcPM'i r \tiVKHTI9INU Ilt'ltKAt'. (WapruuMSi.l'ili ,n,g.Hou.'8q.),NewYo LIVER CURE HAVE YOU ?I^J*lr i r e d STarifc.V"fiwn a denied li"r,7). C'HR% l..v.Cf wl be fend . sure ud certain rtnvily. . NATURE'S REMEDY Mher invlual,l.- - ""I h rrV "j hs B e > ' powerful efaxt grTth, Kidney., S.o,ru,h, UoweU and p jil. '600,000 SOLD s*r "uU t* Canada attni. Iff mant rvtry man 'W**** ami cUIJ w* ii tmUttl wi/* Lhir (.*> fUint It try tkit txtllltnt rtmtdy. eewrmmoNfw. Crwa Awv Fill Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chaee'f l.ir*r Car* b> nl.uble Houwhol.l Mnlii.'l l.m.lr ami Recipe Book (4 pare<), containing; over too uwful recipea pronounced TV medical men and 4ru K cnU Mlnvalu a Iblc, and <; i Ii ien timei the price of the medicine. TFY nieHy CHAM't CATASIH CURE. . l* A ur* snd SOLD ^ ! pb< . ALL DEALCHB THE IRISH PROBLEM. .01.1 s>s>tsicr n.i Otr Jcha lri.i sti Rrwcanlr, 'lr. Caasssberlisla ! Illr- nilD|hasn and ilee Usikr ! Ar)ll l Ulafgew. A London oablegram aavi: Tbo Mar- .oil of Balisbory, ia a letter published thin afternoon, slates that be U convinced that he nation will indignantly reject Mr. Qla4itons's desperate eohema for Ihe gov- enment ot Ireland. A oontereooe ot Ihe Conservative Association*! ot ii real Britain rill bo held oo May ISIb, to coniider Ihe lome Rule queilion and to reorgauisi Ihe Lord Balisbory will addrest a meeting al 81. Janes' Hall in Ibe even- "lir. . Ohamberlain, apeahiog at a meeting n Birmingham Ibis evenitig, said thai II Darnell woald uol regard aa permanent any tillementot tbe Irian Ouvtronuett which woald not enabls him to sever the laat linh Mlween Ireland and E: gland. No tree wople worthy of the name would auburn o mob restrietiona in tbur repreuivo u thorny ae Mr. Gladstone (reposed. An egards Mr. Qladiitoni's aUtration ol the jand Parehaae Bill tbe amount proposed by him was ouly a paper estimate. 1 1 could DO! be doubled that al least 160.000,000 wonld be required, lie (Mr. Ouamberisiii) ronld sooner quit po>ilios altogether than ledge British credit tor such a sum and or iaoh a purpose. Irishmen ought to be allowed to attend Westminster and vote on U matten not specially remitted to Ibe ^arliamenl at Dublin. He would enter LO ave and join LO coalition. Ha would eup- .orltlr. Uladatone all tbat he oouilstently could it the latter aoeepted the mudifio*- ions wbieh he (Mr. Chamberlain) iog- esttd. Mr. Chamberlain sud he would be lud to concede Ulster s separate assembly, 'be mcdifloatious he loggetted moat not >e ltd to a oommillee, but the Government aght to give a guarantee thai ihsy would aoeepted. The meeting unanimously L dor fed Mr. Cbamberlsin's proposals. The Duke of Argyll, in a speech at Qlaa- ow to-day, admitted the sincerity ot Mr. Gladstone. Be believed the Premier wae misled by the Parnellilea when be rt odecl rom the position aiaumed by him before lie elcotiocs. Us etrocgly oppcatd Mr. fladstone's proposala at embodied in the lome Bole aud Land Parohaae BiUa. It would bo impossible, he said, 19 entrust the foverumenlof Ireland to men whose object aa separation. Lord Spanetr, speaking al a malting in [aweaatle to-day, aaid there were two way i to deal with tbe Irish problem, amely, coercion and concession. Tbe ormer was a dangerous means by whiohto restore order. He oombalted tbs aoeosa- lon Ibat Mr. Gladstone was handing tbe rover&menl of Ireland over Io orime- inongera. Judging from Ibe evidence blainsd during hit term of cffioa as Ljrd- liaalsnanl ot Ireland be bad not foond tbat ibe supporters , ol tbs Farnellite pjlioy 1 crime and conspiracy. Tbe of Paruell, be eaid, have a real ffscuon lor lbe:r country, aod their ability s undoubted. Taxpayers will incur no risk rom Ihe land tobems prcpoed by Mr. lladitone. The great bod) ot tne In. h people do uol waal separation, knowing it o be impossible owit'g to tbe geogra^ hicai j>oiliou of IrelaLd aud Ibe ue ol blood ,cd tooial and bntines* relations iz sting telween ths ptople cf Ireland and England. Ir. O.adstona's proposals would >iiie..*>>htn tin ut.io:i belwteo the two Ouuulriei. John Morley said Le was prspired Io accept reasonable modifioations ot the risb Bills. Tee retention of tbe Irisb e| risentalivea in tbe Boose of Commona would weaken tbi Parliament al Dublin and demoralise ins Parliaoiant al 'West- minster. Mr. Morley laid H wai impossi- le for the Oovernmsnt to revive the Coercion Aol. II it did revive that Ael it oold only play into tbe bands cf the nab desperadoes iu America. The pro- jioei'.ion on wbieh tbe Government's policy pended waa this : " We are willicg and bound to run aoms risks to give Iriaumen he degree of power necessary to toeoh hem a responsibility wbieh flts menfcr reedcin and for a place in a tree and constitutional ry-itemol Government." He waa willing to listen to a praoiir-al plan o retaiu the Irisb members at Westmln - tar. He bad not aesn aueh a plan, and win nolMcgoioe Ibat a anuatli cne wonld he invented. Mo power on earth, lowever, could prevent the Irish repre- intaiivcs, it admitted to Wtttmii ster, ing the artiterssnd master a ol Eoglisb iffralation. Tbe mesting was attended by over 1 000 tsrsoca acd great enthusiasm prevailtd. lesolutione were adopted supporting Mr. ~ Uditcce's policy. Mr. Libcuobere, alladiuil to the r, otut /jDHtrviiiv. Liberal anti-Home Kale meeting al tbe Opera Bcoi", reiU tbat x>rd Hartington waa an bonsai uao, Mr teaehen an able man, and Mr. By lai,di a loent mao, bat they had no more right to peak in Ibe name ol Ihe peoplt of Eog- and than bad Ibs three tsulore cl Tooley tree!. There were, heeontinaed v no per- sons on tfae etsgs tc-nixbt decorated wilb orders and no lashtonable beaaties in Ibe oxei, bal there were pretent laborers Irom be field and from tbe workshop, who bad met to raise their voion in support of Mr. }laditone's efforts to pasa the Bill granting lome Rule to Ireland. It he fell he would all with the democracy of the three king lomi aroand bim. Many wbo refused to live baok Ireland ber Parliament wire defendants of those wbo, in tbetr Parlia- ment, sold their birthright for peeragei. Mr, Bowell propoaed a resolution eon gralnlatlng Mr. Uladatone on his endeavor io ateare Ihe permanent onion of Bugland at il Ireland, and expressing hope tbal the Home Bale Bill woald become law, alter Ming so modifl'd as to harmonize with the desires ol the Radicals. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Leicester, M.P., and supported by Mr. Law son and waa earrisd uoaDlmoosly, aa waa also a resolution authorizing Ibe Chairman to sign a petition to the licnte ot Common* in lavor ot the Bill. Tbe Irish Land Purchase Bill, which the Qoose of Commons Isst Friday nlghsgsve Mr. Gladstone permission to introdoae, waaianaed to-day. It oovera twenty-six pages. Tbe Bill is divided into five parts Tbere are flfly three olauisa and lour tobednlee. Tbe Bill provides that a land- lord wbo is desirous to sell bin properly iball apply to the State authority. The latter i-bali refer the applioation to tbe Land Oommi-sion, which, alter making an inquiry, lhall fix Ibe prioe at whioh tin- property iball be sold, unless tbs landlord and tbe Bute authority have previously corns to an agreement, II the landlord orjeeta to tbe price fixed by the oom- mission he may withdraw bin appliostior on paying oosts. When tbe isUe ol property baa been effected the eom mission el) all pay tbi creditors before making any other dialhbotion of tbe par abase money. Oertaio rent ohargoa may be bought outright by tbe Blate authority or pa> mint may bt continued from tbe tuBent'a repayments. In otsaa cl property whereon there ie reeeonahle oaoie to tup poss Ibal valuable minerals exist Ihe eom mission shall add to ths purchase money i lair mm therefor, and the minerals reeliaei from aaid prcptrty ikall bs veiled in Ib State authority or aaoh local body ai the Ir i-h LegMatora may provide. Tbe Irisb Receiver-General anddepotiea wbo are to execute the financial part ol ibe Ael, ihall be appointed to bold offlae ev permanent eivil servant* luejeol to tbe authority ol tbe Treasury. Tbey rball be paid from Ihe Iraperisl exchequer, but Ib Irisb Government shell appoint the aolna oollf otors. If the Receiver General, of any ot his deputies, ihU be Rnllry of maJ feesanoe, tbe oulpnl shall torfeil the mm iQlnl, u KlN iball IN mbjeoMd to necf 1)500. The measure empowers the Treasnry to create three olaase* of perma- sul auuuui , bearing intreel re-no ively at S, 8} and HJ per ctLt . at>d which hall be ohatxud to ibe Imperial ojusoli at d fondr. Htriot rulta are provided by no Bill, wbicb forbid the aab-dividiLg or ab letting ol a holding, ao long ae il ia at jeel to auy State charge, bal the Htate uitiority is empowered to relax liite ulea where he way think It o4via*ble. L'he other points of tbe Bill were fully oovert-d by Mr. Oladitone'a specob of Fri- ay evening laat. UBlAND TttUNM VINAFUJB*. b ,- ,!. ui. 111 efee wa a DccllSM Iu ib< Nee ICnrls>l>, bul r|or< ll.p.Cul FUIU.I A despatch from London eays : Tbe rep art ot the Grand Tionk Railway Ocm- any jail iaiaed deals at length with the letlioo which the company now ocoupiee. 'be total dejreaae in tbe net rtoeipM for the halt year wae 110.000. This decline attribnitd Io tbe aeprexnon in trade, tbe war ol rate*, and tbe loss of traffic canted > lb imallptx eiidemio in Montreal. Tbo irectom, howtvst, consider tbti general uaoces o! the eomaaay iu a salts: actor) oondiiiou, as the company in a potitiuu o ecoore a fall proportion ot tbe general advanlagee ooufideully expected tioiu more eaoelut arrangemeuU now established moog the American railway systems. I i.i. .1 irui Ireteuae. Lord Aberdeen haa daily service in tha bapel at DobUn Castle. Lioogh Erne, In Fermanagh, contains the moat islands of any lake in Ireland inrly two bondrsd. Famine fever hat broken out in Ooooly Waterford ; dire distress prevails, owing a Ibe want ol employment. At Belfast Assizes Miss Lizzie Cam- ming baa obtained a verdict of 200 amages for breach ot promise agauisi Vui. Meohan, magietrate. The death ia announced ol Bir W. G. obnson, a former rspreaeutative in Par- acnenl for Belfast. He wae Mayor of Belfast wbeu tbs Cjaeeu visited the town lalj, and waa ktugnaed by Her Majesty. Tbe Great Victoria Bireel eougregalioo, iclfast, celebrated the iotb aumvsreary of be ratiorale ot Bev. Rubert Montgomery u Mateb !!7lb, and presented him with a oree ot aovbretgba and an illomiualed addzess. Bishop Alexander, ct Dsrry, declare* lat tbe Presbyterian Assembly has spoken 1 Ihe sat jeel of Home Rule " wuh a loderation worthy ot their Unrtstian cDar- astar, and wilft a logical power that dose edit to the stock from which they have pruug." A wonderfully fine salmon waa aangbl ie olher day with a rod aad line in Ibe nannon al Caatle Cor well, Ooonly Liuu rich, alte\ giving splendid epori for two oars and twenty mioatta. Wosn tbii Candid iipteimeo waa landed il waa foond i wel||b over 71 Ibi. Thtie are no detailed man. net aa to the cost of coercion in Ireiaud , but Ibis oiu-h may be said, Ibal Britain, to prteaive ibe eaoe, utede to keep an army SO 000 trong, a-.d ae eacb auldler o.its abcot 100, thai rongul) pot meao.e turte lull- one a yaeut ; tue armed eonntatolary force te in addition 1 340.000 a year. l.cr -in I It'll fltltf. Mr. Ili.lop, gaa manager. Paisley, has, y an spplioatiun ot tbe but-blaal puoeiple o gas lignilcg, made ga of 27 car-dim kid a light iqaal Iu 81 caudles. Mr. Qaurge Tuner, Ibe " Ujuud " ioet ot Arbroatb, illtd there recently. Chides bia poetic productions Mr. Turner aa tbs inventor ot a writing mtchtne for ia blind. Tbs Queen's Palaea al Balmoral ia let own lu tbe valuation roll for tbe eoonty I ths yearly reol or value of 600. Tbe bole estate of Balmoral is v.lned for ataeesment purposes al Isaa than 2.000. Mr. P. A. Bpiera, advooatu, Hherifl- ubalituie alPorlree, baa been appointed the vacaui BheriO Bubtiia'.eship at edburgb. At a meeting ol the Beoltinb Anglicg Moctalioo, bald in OUu: b -ow on thsBin f April, II was resolved to petition I'.rlie msnl in favor of free aooeoe to all Ibe ivers in Scotland for angling purposea. It is probsble that the Marquis of Ireedalbana will be tbe Lard Hi^n Oom- mieeioner to the Gsaeral AaaemMy of Ibe "Lai oh of Bootlind tbii year. Tbe tsaembly has been lomtnonsd to meet on May Mib. Rsv. I>- .M McOsllom, Watcrcib, ky e, baa been oeuiored by tbe Presby- .-ry tor hie action on tbe crofter question, and bs waa a'so aolimoly admonisned to be mure careful and guarded in his language n Ibe future. trutt >D'I Hollar Boms ol the county reports on frail, made this year to the Weeteru New York iortienltaral Society, enow very distinctly hat frail raising for market has not become i flat railnre, aa tbs following flgnrea indi- ate; )rleaos aoooty report*! tbe sales, In- oludlog those ul W6,0uu barrels ol roui Niagara coanly there war* pot up 7'JO.Uju barrel! of good apsilea, boUles many more mauufao- tared (this dees not Include ao.no berrsle of pears and 60.000 bushels of uluuiii, estimated t... 900,000 'rom Cbautaoqaa ouaoty. mostly lor apples aud grapes ._ iSS.OOO Oe-Dmee oouutr, nearly all for Up applu audgrapM ._ 'rouiueamee oouutr, nearly all for Total ,l6.00 Over 19.000.000 Irom lour oonutiea I Among tbs enontiee yieldioc rmaller smoonte were Tasee, wish 8,160 tons ol <r>pei, 29,000 barrels of apples t pears 1 500 bushels ; plums, 1,600 bosbele, and iOO OOOq'iarM of raspbsrriee, worth in all about J27 ">.000 ; Beneea eoonly, mostly lor l ple, 9.82 000 ; Sobaylor county, more iben bait from grapm, 184 000, and from Ihe village ot Greniva, Wl, 710. On, I hlDV He llndn'l I'rnrll.. d. Toang Wife My dear, yoa were the itroke oar al college, weren't you ? Yooog Qusband Tee, love. " And a very prominent member ot Ihe Kymnastio olaea .'" ' I waa tbs leadsr." " And quite a. baud al athletic sports?' " Qoite a hand ? My gracious I I waa be ouampion walker, tbe beet runner, tbe lead man at titling heavy wslghtr, and as 'or oarryiog I why, I oould shoulder a b >r- ol o' fl 'U r and " " Well, love, jail picate carry the baby a eoaple of blocks ; I'm tired " A Vetsl OUSJieve Bxple.l.a. A Bl. Loois deipatoh saya : Lena Ruth a Mrvaat girl employed in tbe boose i Qeory Brewer, at:empted to-day to fill an ll atove wilh gaaoline before exliugaishini ibe burciag wioki. Ths tank otthe stovi xplodcd, tbigirl'i ololhluR e&agbt fire ant iba was burned to death before ber cries lor help could be answered. Bodlea ars being cremated in Paris at a oontoltl including tbe urn. Five barrila ot ftah were given away in Simooe tbe otber day. It appeara they were eaaght after Ihe clone season, and the owner could not isll them without laying Himself liable to a Una, and ha took tbe bnve method en dUpoat ol them. Florida enawbtrrtea, Ibat taate aa il they had been piokled, have made their appear anee in market. If they really have been piokled, too much vinegar baa been oaed, An elevated ailroad nroDnaed (of Part. DOMINION PMI4MENT. The Bid to inoMprtste l^e Brook vills ,v tew York Bridge Cjinpany Mr. We >a Brockville) was pieed in committee and tad a third time. The following Bills were read a aee intl irue : Xo ojukolidate Ihe borrowing powers of ibe \Vsjiteiu Oanada Loan dt Savings Oom- tany, and to authorial the aaid eumpauy to stoe debenture etook Mr. BeaMv. To eonaolidale borrowing powers tt Ihe freehold Loan it Saving* Company and to aulbotiae ths aaid eompany to itaae debeu- ure ttoak-Mr. Bealy. Mr. Kaberlson'i Bill to make il a misie- ftanor to leave nnguatded boles in the iee navigable or treqoeoted waters waa laaed in CommitMe ol the Whole and read a third timi. In committee on Mr. McCarthy'* Bill amend tbe Consolidated Railway Act, ItTf, Mr. Makok moved aa ameudaieal pro- iliuii thai nbers a rauwuy oompany re- UH. B u> roturn tne v*lu if au uumttd pottiouufa lloksl It ibail forfeit a suoi qasU to teu times tbe value ot ih* onusea wriion ul the ticket. U uaid tbat when he kutj'.otol tioket scalping waa before ihe Huu*e a eompromua was made, and a aw was paused toal the railway oooipaniea boold make a reluol for the unused lokeu. Tbe oimpttniee, however, had ivaded this law in various waya, and tbe same recoverable were often so small that 1 waa not worth while for passengers to iriag aot.uii io eoorca ot law. Mr. Pops hoped the amendment woald not bj puabed. Hs would like t^hava the amendment referred to a Royal Com- mission wbioh was to be appointed to oon- ider railway matters ia generaL Mr. lluiock aaid il sorely aid nol rcqaire a Kijal Oummission to settle Ibis UtUe matter. Tfie pruioiple Ibal the railway oompanies ifaoold refund for the onoavd iefcats had b .-en already decided by Ihe aas, aud this elaase only provided machinery. Mr. McCarthy tail thai tbs amendment iropoeed by tfae m.mtxr tor Njrlb York waa intendid to make il Io the railway ..mpauiaa 1 intereil to make the refund iqnirid by tbe law. 1 1 seemed to him a iroper amendment, laud he aaw no reason why it shjuld be postponed for the eou- ideralion ol a Kj,al UcmmiaaaM. Tne amsudmeut waa loal. Ths oommntee rose and reported the Bill. The Bill was read a third time. Mr. Robartaon (Hamilloi) moved the Kind reading of tne Bui allowing aiiu .- lice to make affirmaiions aod teatify in courts of law. He thought tbal every sreou of good caaraoter tor veracity Boold be all j wed Io testify. The ilouie divided on ihe motinu for the eooud reading, whiota waa carried Taf, i ; nays, 62: Tbe following U tbe division list : tmAS Hasers. Allen, Allison, inustruog, Bain to..twurtli).Bafcerilaiai<jaoi),thaker i Victoria), larhw, ttaiaard, nealjr, OU, ttleka, Uurv**, auioiou li.vari.eM 1 , Cexuvrun tUiduiaavi). aiupfeell (Kafr*i, Cainpoell (Victoria). Carv- r iM(bl, Coctiraue. Cucauain, Oolliy. LHUjr, nee, Dietiuaun, Uuudae, KOfmr, UJi. futier I-'IOIUIUK. Kuibea, Kuilor. lillllui/r, iteu. Ooay, Ouuo, Uarley Hay, Hu'kwj H iur. Uliem, Irr.ue, Jaduoo, Kaalbatfti. Kilnrt, kuk, ai4. Laudjrkiu, Li ler, ataokiuUxb, klMiuil- ui tttlOdlMci), UeUalluin, MeUvUiy, Mo- r.uef atcMiui&o, killk, Uulu k,u'Bilu. urtuu, alM raemoD (MMMJ l'iu>u. nay, hi i, Km- nt. MouerUou (Utuiiltoun Kubvrtwa (Hai- O(t), deliver. Mbaoiej Small, bumciTiile Utauti, Synuger. b|iruul, biu, Tajilur, leiu- >!, TbOiupio, TuWomluuJ. Trow, l]rr*hit:, Suite* lAitran). Weluuc. While iCmlwilj. \Vhil lil.kll K". WllloD, A'ooJuortn P<i er Aui>u(. Auar, Italu iHualaLgMI. . Mouuit, ttorifwuu, t>rniu UlUy. biuu- u, bour*M, Hownli. Caomruu vVlctorml, Car- .u(. Ouuu. Curaiu, Ciuuu. Cuuiiul. Currau, uiutxsri. !J~ju. Ucuuluion (Hi. Maunoci, >*j*rdmB. Uugaii, Du|xjnt, Fariuw, FITUU. B.I, UiKaulk OiiaauM, UorJ.ui, lirauubuii, uilivt, ucJilt, aekiuu, Ivvec Jauiitifuu.^jUiurT hrnl , Ln,etiu. LMBO, MeilUlau |VaiirtuilT. iclot,i, McLclan, alaatao, ultcbcll, Idunt- , 'np|>cr, Vail, t. 6A Mr. Mulcek withdrew the Bill to amend he Consolidated Railway Aol, on Ihe in miss ot Mr. Pope tbal tne mailer wculd considered by me Kj>al CommUaiou oo I ul waya. Mr. Molook moved the aiooad reading of bs Bill io ameud the Animal Cjutagiouj Uiaeasee AM of 1885. He explaiaed tbal be Aol ot 18tto, wuiob enapowored tbe Da- rimenl ol Ajnoullure to order Ibe laughtering of disoa^ed ai.inials, alba pro- Ued a compensation, which, however, waa wholly inadequate and was acxim- suied by embeariauing restriouons. Tbe >uiooot allowed in eoaa* oases waa 20, and nothirsf40. Farmers were yearly tekitg a greater iLtereaiiu tbs breeding ot Orel elaaa cattle, aaa ihrougbuni Ontario there WM a large number ol cattle wurtb Irom 170 to 180 a bead. It was nol al all au ex otpiiouai thing lor a grade auimal to wei^b ~ 600 poondi and be worm 170 or tdO, yet larmsr having a large Lumber of suoh cattle might have the wuole of hm property swept away without anything like ads- |uie oompenaation. Tbe Bill propoaed to amend tbe law ao ihateompeuaalicn wunld DS awarded aa fellows : Wncn tbe animal UuKhlered wae sffeoted wiib tbt rinder- pest, one-halt the value or toO ; when the disease was pleoro-poeamoma, one-ball tbe value or 9160 ; in every other eaue the wbole value o! tbe animal, cot etotedim 1200, except iu case of thoroughbred pedi- [rse animals, in whioh easi tbe ooaipvu^a- tion should he 1300 Dr. Orion supported the Bill. Mr. P*ltr*>u laid tbl ia bit county Ibero had been au outbreak ot bog rholer*. Tbe tael waieommunieated to tbe Djpart- uieui, anl wj hogs In cue bard were nUugblered, bal no at tbe inakance ol the ifioer ot the Dipsrlmoul, whft did not am vo on the eosoo until allorwarda. He believed the Minister waa willing to do }oa lice even in snob a o*ae, and allow oom psoaalion, bat il should bs made olear iu sue law that a man having bii auitmitU lauKtalered in Kood failri, evejp if t. Uo( nrlineulal cfflier btad not ordered it, compensation ahoold be granted. Other wiee ibe tendency would be to keep diseased animals when they should be slaughtered. Bill. Mr. McCarthy agrAed with that pro vision ot tbii amending Bill tbal tha owiier ol tbe auimal ordered to ba alaogbtcred nhould receive oompeuialioo if bs bad not violated tbe law. In case the aoiaaal thaa slaughtered waa col dUeMsd bal aim[ suaijeoted ot being txpostd to dnestee, loll compensation should oe granted. Mr. IhoupBou (Minister ot Jus lies) ob- jected to the Billaa calculated te iuoreaae the expense it il were largely need. More- over ihe Aol, aa al pri>aenl, bad not been _-3Ught into active operatidj, aud therefore tbe re seemed no reason for Insisting upon aa amendment to tbe statute pawed only lant year. He objected al-o to eoma ol tbe arcoanta ol Ibe oompensatiou provide! In Ibis amending BUI. Mr. Blakjnswd lha or joolion la the de tsile of the oampenaation should uol be a reason for rejecting the principle of the Bill. A* to the general cbjeetMwV tbe MiiiMler B argomeut simply meant Ihn, they were to refuse to do justioe beoaoae i would cost too much, and tbat in Ibe second place they should wall till Ihe injustice waa widely (ell before remedy ing II. Mr, Pope said there wai ao reason to change tbs law, lor it waa rarely pat in loroe, aud never had been in Ontario. Mr. Bain (Wsntwortb) said tbat tbi farmers In Ontario and the Norlbwee wonld be very deeply affected by the legie lation rexerdiurt the shipping ol cattle. H did not think the matter should be lell to Ihe Vrovmoes, as tbe Legislatures ot some troviuoee where there was nol a large oattle trpdl might neglect the mailer, II bought tbe ^Riations against the e[ rea i T dlneasre sbooM not be relaxed, bat at tb >uie urn* il wan impi-riai.t :h*t lb eom i.aaUun should noi be filed at too low a dgure. Air. Tbi mpoon said that after consulting with tbe meoiber for North York he would not ofpjie ibe scoond reading of tbe Bill, wbioli wae read a second ttoie acd referred to a OomoJitoe of tbe Whole Honae. Io committee the Bill WM amended eo M to irovide that the oompeoaation for slaugb ered animate eboald be 950 inatead of I'^O, and tha procedure tor reeuverlog the com- pacsation wae greatly limplined. Ihe Bill waa reported. Mt. McLelan, replying to Mr. Tasee, aid the Government were aware Ibal counterfeit t!i hills were in circulation and wonld lake means to protect tbe pnblie. Baplying to Mr. LaofieUer, Mr. Thomp- son said thai Mr. Worltle. Speaker of the L,egiilative Aaaembly of Quebec, had been flared a judgeebip, bal bad not intimated whether be would aeetpl or not. bir John Maedouaid presented a Bill reoptctiog ibe representation of tbe North weal Territories in ibe Parliament of Ci. da. He laid that tue Bill pri/vilea th>l m a day to be fixed by prcoiamatiun toe tarihweni Territories snail be represented. Due Territory ol Aeainiboia rball nave two 'vpreieuiauvee, Alberta and Saskatchewan oue> saob. Bal the Territory ot Athabaaea lae no population to iptak of, therefore it i not alluded so in the Bill. For the pre- sto! the I ranehiM shall be the aame as that wbiob now obtains for Ibe election ( the L'arriiorial Cooneil. Tbe proviaiona ot tbe Jill are, in fact, taken from the measure aaroduotd and carried and now law to tbe N jribwoat Territories respecting repreeeo- lacion in tbe Nortbwssl Ooonoil. The Bill was read a nret lime. Bir John Maedonall I beg to m i, alao, hat an humble address be presented to lar Majesty, rtpraoenu.g thai lor Ihe good luverumeol ot the several Territories form- og part ol the Dominion of Canada, and DOS included wilhin any Proviooe thereof, I is expedient that provuiou iboold be QBkde for their representation in Ibs Par- la men! ot Canada, and fraying that abe may be graciously pleased to cause a mea- sure to be laid before tbe Imperial Pailia- Dnttotmiower tbe f>l aruintot Oinada r.m lime la time to make proiiuoo for mob representation. Il will be remtai- bt red that ia 1871 tbelmpeiiU Parluui ut ktd an Act enabling ens Parliimml of be> D^min.oa to form Proviooee out of the Territories wbieb we bad acquired by tbe arrangement with the Budsou Bay Cj , and rben the Terrttortse were thus formed into viLoea eo give them she right of repre- eolauun. Tne Aei waa paaeed in 1471, and wae to do away with doable as to oar >ower to mke tbe Prufiuee of Manitoba a vi JOB, and oar aolion in that regaid wae flimed by tbe Imperial statute. Tbe flrat claoiS rwsda : Ihe Pariiameol ot anada may from time Io tun* ntab- lab new 1'rovmces in the Terrltoriks urming for the time being part ot the )ominion of Ctoada and not included to any J? rorinoc thereof, and nay at the time it each eslsbliabmeol make provision for he onititaiioj and admiuulraiwn of aeh 1'roviLca and for the |.acaiig of laws or peace, otder and good fiovernineoi ai.d or its representation iu tee itaid Parlia- ni. Toos il ojnfir.-ed up JU the Ujm- Dion Parliament tbe power o' dtelarlng a 't rniury to be a Province, and, wbeu inua eolarsd, to give u rspt<.sati>o j io Par- lament, and not tbal a Xarrieory, ; ji de- tared to be a Province, shall h.vc repre eutalion her*. Tnis il ti rem.va any oabM wbicb may arise, aod I ih oa il u M remove that doubt that u is prupueed we Lil ik tbe Imperial Paxliamenl to grant os tbal pjwer. The taon. gectleuen who were in Pariiamsotatlbe time will remem- ber that Ibis Aoi was pataed on Ibs pie- eolation ot tbe Government of thut day and tbe Up(O4tuon took exception to oar iog done ao wttbool the previous aa&o MOB of Pariiameol. In accordance with ba\t view I have broogbi io a reio.uuon to H 1; to II'. r Mtjtelyfcr a ebai<K9 io the (jlring as power. mi" t o> - i i K i xi i 101 . lMT Wr \% Mr Uoii. . tlake II tlttrmnti ! ha*f>ly tutmufrttfitttm, iiiurMig from a visit to BjaX>u, tbe eisy ot learLiuaj and renaemeni, 1 eauuol of ran from informing our socio.y ladies if abe " latest " ludnUed in by their tnUri of that city. Tbs ladiea being fatigued, and their oervee cverwrooghl by eoneiaii altanilaLoe on balls, operae, thealrsi and wexldiugf, flud il utterly beyond their enntn ol endorano^> read the daily >ai erf, moeb leas to acrjninl tbemtelves with the literature eugruiaioR society at be pieaoni lime, biiila oertaio knowiodg) of oar owo and foreign affaire, ai well ae ot oarrrul literature, bting IndupeLStble, oae ol the ladies contrived waye aod means gain tee riquired aoeomphsbmeLta wiecont auy great dleoomtors to hereelf, and ber lbo3, proving aaeexssfnl. wa io a short note adopted by all her riends. They bavs a lady secretary, whoae duty 1 iu to be amatiueusu, reader aod eouver- latiooalisl. This lady appears at a certain ioar each day, or several times a week, a accordance wilb the engagement, and while my lady recluse gracefully on her o JUCD Ibe ieortary allendi to ber oorre- ipoudsnee, reads Ibs ileme of mierssl io he papers or di>ooareee on hlerature. Tbal tbe one who fllle tbie position maal M highly edaoatnd acd renned, wiiie a agible band, bt fiunuiar with .iterators and a reader ie anderilood, for poly one laving acquired all these accomplishments Is qualified tb uudertakw as) responsible a j)oiju. In Ibis Banner ot*Jarns can wtthoul any inooa?sniei-oe Ot ancoyanoe on be: part a;:ain a kuowUdge of all ueoeeary topic*, aud ia {be evening leave home wiib the assurance ot being able to entertain the company she will grace wito ber presence aod bj coi aiJered a taleoied and brilliant womn. - C'Aicayo Tiaui. A. Trtfeeue i. I...I Uflrrla. Froat India come golden words in [raiw of Lady Dufferio, of such pIsaeejM momory looox Canadian nsinbU/--," Kays the Mew Tork War i "To be the \*ife of a man wi.o baa made history, U a* honor , to bo hii helpmate, a distinction. 8o< apart from ber aoeial position, is the granddaughter of one wboee LMDI baa eecd with ertdit u a rebel in tbe days before the r ion, Arahibald Ilamilton R twan, tbe wits of a representative ot tbe Kl>er i Iliud, a dsiocndanl of tbe witty Hberidan, who bimirlt iubeiiti nol onl] tbe blood but Ihe brsin ot s versatile raee Bba is* doing lor the women ot India al ratuicer ol good and useful thing'. Bbe U po.iular beyond measure In Indian society Tbn lufluence ol ladles In tbe di( Ionian world, though luvi-lblc, is great, and il is well whan suoh IL fiasco* is eonlrolled by th e wand *ie and edtuirabl-i taelwbioa diaticguished Ihe wifj ol tbe Viceroy of iotlia." I . i rt.llOfl- ol Jin HnlT. I*. In the f ecnlsiivo days foUowing MM war several Mllwwakee capiealletB otf nnel a railroad company, projected a lice 230 miles lonf, and came to Mew York to .-cure capital. A pany l> whom they were re ferred liittuid to their project and asked: " Have yon secured the light of way yet mads a survey, or estimated tbe ooat r '' No." 1'bon >ou haven't any railroad?" " Not any aetaal railroad, bal we've been paying onrtelvee salariea lor tbe last three mciiili-. and tbal's a big start, you kno 1 Wt'l .s' ) " Good afternoon, Bmitb ; smoke?" " Oecaaionally, tbaua, you, " Tken er *oue me, pet a oiar about you {" pethat* T<M> bav TAlvllMO VOLY MABY. hr 1r. Kill. <l a Maw la Hoefaa, be. fensi4 Hrr ,1.i'r ! s* r t. lilraaees. (M.I. Hon.. Tbs Montreal ataUion waa driven oat esterday afternoon lhrou k h tbe Centra! ?rk, ve* tbe Bjalrvard, and under the tlevaied railway, a>. d waa thought to be t model ot amiability and steadiness. Urfly Mary, a big ebeetunl mare, with a mnzxle on, was brought into Ibe Cosmo- olilan Hall ring last night, and a call was mads for ker owner to tell what vice ate lad. Mr. Janes, manager ol Darland's stables, where the mare is boarded, said, as Ibe representative ol tbe owner : Taia mare is a notoriooa biter. 8 be killed a man in Boston. In oar etable ws alwayi have to keep a mnule on ber. There ia only one mac wbo can harness ber or handle ber io tbe stall. It be la not about her ownsi oaa'l go riding. She is a liter Irom BilersviUs. Pol your del in bir see and >L >1 sat yoa nj ." In tabetq enl conversation hi said thai be wii loru-erly Ihe property of Mr. Javid Beoti. wbo. to gel rid ol ber, cave r to Col. Van Wyek. her preeent owner. When ner uwLir drivea her oat on Ihe oed there H ouly one place al whioh he an liop, tor Ibsre n but one man, John tjuiun, wbo will dare to put btr in the shed. Take tbe muzzle cff !" shouted some- body ia ths balcony. " I will when I gel ready," aniwered tbi raloer. ' I'll bet 1100 yoa won't take it off," called out a mm on tbe main floor, who Boards bis bonee al Derland's s tables acd LUOWI the mars. Prof. OlsaMo (wbo gavs a brilliant pet- ormaLoe In Hamilton some time ago) jaiekly hauled a big roll ot btlli from bis lookal aod advanetd toward tbi speaker. ententioosly and blithely Baying " Pat ap. ' Bal Ibs gentleman prudently eon- eluded he wouldn't bat, even though the audienes adjured bim to " pat np or shot up." Then Ihe mare's troubles btgan. Mi. lleaaoo. elatcbing ber bridle with one band aod bsr tali with Its other, raa bsr aroand and around in a > ma.il atrele onlil she waa so dixif Ibal abe oould hsrdiy I land, and 13 surprised tbal she did nol | ijreu think of offering aa objeetion to being arnetatd. Then the was thrown down by meacs of tbe " double safely rope," and Prof Oliasoa, while titling on her, made a little speeak condemning eroelty to horsea aod complimenting Mr. Henry Bergh with whom be had had s long and ileauant explsuatory interview in ths afternoon fur hie good work in protecting aluable animals. When Iba mare wee allowed to get up tbs moaals was taken off ber and the double Buonaparte bridle ' aa pot on, during which operation he only mads t>oe snap al the trainer's uds, and seemed to regret that ths uomeol alter, when sbs caught hie eye. Tnie bridle ia very nearly the aame aa tbt Eut'k,"-a mire bis of slender eord ixeepl tbal it* free cud U not brought ap aod fastened to the neek loop, but is run broagh straight acd held to be pulKd oa what* O'.troiou seem* desirable. With Ibal utrivance ahe was io eompletely dsmor- si aid and rBbjagated that afee sobmiltsd io rxii.^ barnawtd again and again without a sign tf biiiij^, svsn after il was ukeo cff and ahe wae only held by a loose halter. lae wae evn 1st go in tbs ring, wilh only toe baiter on, sui followed tbe trainer about a .d ooe)ed him wilb ths doeility of a pet dog. This, I'r .{ Olsaecn aaid, did oi show that ibe wae cured of biting, bat bat she oould br enrcd if hir owi.er would uly pot bsr through a coarse of <sob train mg himself. Tmrt. A or TBI t car. HI* in 10 not mcwiV lint. IT ureits** ir ike Mortar and paint may be removed from window-glace with hot, sharp vinegar. Uraiued woods iboold be washed wilb Id us, aud theu, after being wiped dry rnhwilkUoated oil. Remove flower-pot stains from window- eills by rabeicg with fine- wool ashes aod rinse with clean water. BiroDK brine may be used to advantage in waehiog bedeteada. Uol alum water tf also good for this t urpoee. DnJapipnafld all plaeea thai an or irapore may be cleansed wito ' witer or oartoho acid or eblortde of _ Hellebore iprinkled on ibe floor a* Bight destroy! iKxisroaehee. They sat it and are poisoned. H should bt ewept up eeeb moroio(. Carpeia eboald as thoroughly beatsfj on tbe wroug side flnl acd then on the nght aide, ailer wbieh spoes may be removed by tbi OM of ox (all, ammonia aod water. If the wall boui the slovs has been mokexl by the stove, caver Ibe black pttehei wish (am sba-llac and they will not Mike ibraagh either peani or calcimine. Whole olovee are now oeed to extermin- ate she mereUsee aod iodoatrioas moth. It U said they are more efleeamal as a destroy- ing eetwi thaa either tobacco, eamcber or oedar ehaviogi. To nioove wine, trail or iron stains from linen, wet tbe spot with a solution of bypcanlthite of soda and seasasr some polvanud lartaris acid upon il ; then waah 001 ae otroal. Strong vinegar can be sub nutated lor tsrtarie add. Fomiiore oeeds eleaoing ae meek as olher woodwork. It may be waaeed wilb wum io*r,anJ.->, joiekly wiped dry, and thin rubbed with an oily cloth. To polish it rub witn rotteoalone and sweet oil. Clean off tbe oil aod polish with ehamoes- A good moth powder ia made of lupuline (ground bopt), ons dram , Hootch snafl, two oucaee ; ee,m[bor-gum, one oaaee i black pepper, one OOBM; cedar sawdust, four ouDcea. Mix thoroughly and strew amom tbe furs or wooUeca to be protected. Two canoes of soda dissolved in a c.aart of hot water wtll make a ready and useful eolation for eleemiag oil peooted work pre- paratory to repairing. This mixture, ia the above proportion, should be applied wbso warm and Ihe woodwork afterward wuhad with water to remove all trace* of ode. To cleanse epote from broadcloth or woollen roodi aake half ao eoaec each of gljecrtns, aic.bol and aolpbune saber, iwe oGLoee of aqus sunmonia, half ao oooce of powdered eaiule soap, and add watet aelalgel to make oas qaart of the mixtore. Us with bnub or ipaoge and nnae wiah pore water. When hard onisked walla have been ealoi- BDintd the soiled ooete should be washed or scraped cff before a nsw ooe ie pat oa. Tkis is the moat dtaagreeeblc part of the proeees. Tbe f ornttare should be covered, SM tbe lime makes spots that are removed blaek walnut To dean marble the following ia reoom- uioJed: Cjmmon soda, two pounds, powdered poeaiee eloos aod finely pew- dered eeilk. DM poond each. Peas threojth a I. e sieve and mix to thin paste with wsler. Rub II well all over tbe marble aod uJQtaUas will be removed ; then week Ike muble ever with soap and il will be aa clean as it waa al first. lib U II A IKK l> JI0Bf_. * ril.i WhaMlev'a Vaawr Oeauaw a ft ra, and won 150000 in slakes and nrsoe. Olenmore ent only 1173 aa a sarliag, aud won ISA 000 on tbe turf. Bramble coat MM, and woo Mi (XO urmg hi* eareer aa a reoebjrae, and old for Ii 000 ai a stallion wbeo be wae 6. Vuil ooet I'jlO as a yearling, yel be wen 5 790 in i takes aa a 9 year-old alone, and suta with anotbsr bone for 000. Tom Oahiltree brooaht only 1600 aa a jearlmj, and sold tor t7 000 at tbe and ot bis fd af :tr be bad won 110 500, and tbe nzt year bs won taj.*45 Parole bronchi I7HO as a } carlin* ai,d woa tltt.OOO Fui- mil " Id for f 450 ae a yearling and won ft>3 la.V Lako BUekboru broogbt only 1510 and won 149 465. QUdelia bronchi onl) 9800 aa a yearUcg ; Blv Dace*, MOo , S. orol 1, 1175 ; B woiau, I J50 ; >ettneee 'our won kom t >0 000 m prtsee. Brmmka t a brought only (M.O and won I'JOSrw 8001 jaok brooght OBI) I SCO and won t U 9*5 Hifi ie aotokllf brought obly ICO, aad yet won 18 055 and waa secoLd only to Hindoo as a> 3-year-old. Fenda brouhl only t335 aod won f 3o 08'J 60 in stakes. Wellsuaicin acid for J605 aa a yearlirs; acd year later waa disposed of lor M 000 )r-rinbok brought only UO aa a yesrlug. He told al 2 for 13.500 aod waa Ihe cham- pion of hn sra, winning 119750 in slakes. Tbese flgarss speak ot wnal baa been ao vimrilisbtd by Ibs purchase of moder- ately-priced yearlicgs cl former yean. NJW lei 01 note iboeeot Ibe pail few sea- sons wbcse raoiog exploits are nore fresh iu tbe minde ot oar readers. Mr. Brvenl purchased Oen. Hardirg, bv Great Tom, lur f 5JO Tbe colt won V16.62o as a 9-year- old, auil Bryant refasod 915.000 for him. Col Brae* psald only 1800 lor Tyrant, and sold bim sight months later foi IJ. 000 and ibe coll won III, 110 in etak*e Issi seawon. I. Btuee paid nnly 9180 for Eeoiomy aud sold bsr for 92 000, we beht vs. al 1 Tom Mtruu, by L nx'ellow, OMI \it. Fix ouly 97 ) M a yrarliog, and he hwi won some 9/l.iCJ Modaaty eoel 991"> aa> a >earlUK. aiid abe rias won aome 94047V. Her m%sa, L'tus Dcyer, ooet Mr. Curri|ran CLily ll'2'i < tee W^-lhoru yearling sale, aLdahebas won 910.670 in stakes. Mr. Corrigao like w lae got Irish Fat oh pap enoujh is a yiarlicg tor 9300, and laat year tbe eolt won 114 Ul*. Tbe llillei otty, Waada. wbo won 7,iW5 aa a 1 yeer-oid, eoi |87i. Ai a yc .rnr u Loftla ooet only 9360, and Mitt'* B. 9500. Decoy Dock eoel Mr. Parrar 4tO yearling, nd, aa a ysesf !. be refused 911 000 lor hsr. He paid only M00 for Telte Doc. wbo baa won twenty tims that much. Mr. Willlaon pH for Bob Uilse, ae a yrarlicc. only MO, aad the horse haa won tOS Oi5 We have already alluded loTyrani; but take some ol tbs oiber 3 \ear-olds of lal SCMOD. Mr. Pate linngbt K liter for 9400 ae a ysarltnt, ay d he baa wou tlO^OO Favcr oust 9470 ae a yearliog, is said to bavs be*n aold at 913 000 at S. and baa won 917 MX) io itakve. Mr. Williams pail only 9iW4 'or.oeOaawaw, bat bo was as cheap aa dirt, f w ha haa won 9J OCO in i-taies aod a frrtaus la beta 01 la-l sra-oo's 1-year-old* ws need only men- lloa thai the tnvineibse Baokrv.pt eost, as a vearliog. only 9400, aod Bigfocet sold lor 9500, and " squandered " eoi:s and fillies wtneh sold for nearly ten lirnei aa much. Spirilof the Trues. don street, eoe day, be happened to see young prl with lae wlehed-lor aobom locks, cvry iog a juii ot milk. He iaaaedi- ately bia;eoed after ber, calling HI. tbire ! bi. there 1" The girl began to '{uioken ber psoe. Whistler did the same. 1 be gul began to ran. Bo did Whistler. Dwn the etrcet fld the terrified girl, drop- pi Dg ber jog of milk io her flight The atreet boye joined in tbe shaae, aod a poliee- msa, tbinki^x her a thief, would have svrrsetcd her had not Whistler, when he gaiued hi* eeu*ea aod hie breath, explained tbi matter, and paid her f jr her broken jog of milk. Bat he did DOI gel her ae a rnetQ! The terrified iu-1 deelioed to pose tor tbe erratic srtist. Thrrr * r * t rf Pieseli. Tbertie noleedpeccil in cxiateoee to-day A larmsr near Blakelay, Oa., aays tbal bis grai viee are free from rate beoause cl a " rat enaks," a great pet oo tbe planta- tion, wbo deuly visile tbe eorueribs and eatchsa any stray and indiscrete rat thai may be lodging among tbe corn. When the snake becomes too familiar the farmer wblpe him aoandly with a light switch. Little Brown (a horrid bore) : " Do yoa believe in a nan's aigba, Mies Robinson Mise Robinson: "A man's slaw? Tea, certainly I do. I think no man on. hi to be leaa than six test in height." (OollapM si hills Brown.) suid tbire hive been none tor i forty yeare tail. Tkere was) a I iptral* of lead eoi from tbe bar or entteed to make marks on white paper or eome roagbed abrading material. Tbe name lead peoetl soaae* (rom the old insane) thai the prodaote el tbe Camberland mines ~ are bad, instead ol being plant - or grspbite, a carbonate of ireaj of leaving a lead-colored mark. Wiib tbs orv(taal lead piooil or strip, and with tbs earlier style* of Ibe lead pencil made direct from tbe Cumberland mine*. tbt wettiDg of tbs lead psbaal waa a neeea- eary pnlio-ioaxy ol wtiting. Bal linee U bes bce^me s manufacture, tbe lead pencil isadapMd by Dumber* or lettere te eaeh parlioular drsgjc. There are all gradee ol bsrdoess. Irom the pencil that can be abarpensd down to a needle point to tbe oat whloa cannot make other than a broad mark. Bslwten ibeae two extremes are a number of grade ttooa wbieh cover aU the a*t mas'* by sakaif he rwagfaal aeibnsjeaa aod grindic( and mixing It with a one of olav, in diffcrenl proportion*, >rdiog to tbe qoaUry of tbe pencil nqaind ao be prodoieed. The mix tore at made tboroaje}bly aad then sqaeeaed through dies to torm aad sin it, alter which it ia dried and in cased In its i envelop. N* Terk Hail ea4 gaavese. 1 L B. Chase was) a ayed to rlln ISM Wbta tbe Rev. 8. pastor in Bosk land he one day treat the Sunday eebool to a eipoeOJou of Ibe leaaoa. 80 tor a and in the wsy e( graphieally Illnaiinasllst hit remarks, be took a bit of ebalk and e owly aad somewhat painfully sketched the blackboard a ririiissalaaliiei ol twe batnsvn bearta joined aosjeaber. " Now, akin," ha aaid, turniDgto Ibe aebooi." wbo will sell me what I have drawn 1" I know." eaJIcda, very little boy on the front aee*jt, " Well, ' "> pastor kindly aaid, " wbitt ia it ?' And ths very little boy oa the frost eeal ab risked oat : " Alerroater P RoeltaU (sf ) t'ostrwT Ommtt. r el Travellles aesstat*. Bay i Ibe Obieago THewe* r It i ia she) Eastern prsea that Ban Jo Bam BmsOl received 93.000 eaeh lot foau wteta' revival labor in Chicago. Tha state- miot lacks aatbsutteity. They resalvad many private donations, some of wfcieh were doobtliea mooiflesnt, and ibe saaoaji ol wbieh ia auknown ; bat tb* plstle eub- aoriplnn to pay them both amounted te about It COO or 1400 sack, netting them 9100 a week saoh lor their let tins. Tbe naswfts of Henry Ward Beeebet'i aingie iKfltare lael Saturday nmhl in tbie eiry were tl 600. or about the same earn that WM paid tb* two Sami for their month's rrrtvaJ work. The trine of Ibe ar t boy eenl to Ik* Nsw Hampshire Reform flBbgui WM the setting on ire ol a paaaing loud at hay. wkerekv tb* fanner altttn( Od top ot U w uaarly bovLrd to -l*lb. * ***

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