Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1886, p. 1

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' B. Laura.iic0's Spectacles d Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Article* In the Canadian market. Real Pebbles are kept in itook. Tests are given to pur- chasers to proTe genuineness. They are recommended by the President, Vioe- Prss., Bx.Prcs., and Ex-Vice-Pres. of the Medical Association of Canada, &c. J IS. <l. Kl SSKI.L, JtvnUr, <fc<-,., Fltihtrltm, Out. Tas only place where they can bo got. -J ^ B ^sa^^ 1 Bfa^ _ _ . _ Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Taking Efft*, Monday, Jufy *?*, 18*5. Mortla. tbrosto oarsw Leave TSOaua 4pm well JuDotlou I OT " | SM " HkolburiM Dudalk Arrive J . VU.J Ifui uidala VH4 ' M' 1006 ' 10 IT ' 10 46 ' 1110 IISO 11 M ' ItlSpm Owes oad Arrive 100 ' if T ' tt ' ' 804 ' SS9 ' BU' W ' 3B ' u ' 10 ' Col.lt Soata. l Pjoond Leave .heuworth ~ WUllanMStrd Dandalk - aelbume Oraaf**41le Junction . *rau< , rfll*. I Lieave On*.rl*B Cerdwvll *uctim Tetenle .Arrive 104} TsSS *ao toe 6S ' TOS " ri son 811 " *as DM or Mall. | Hlsei t(>m 3M " 8 JO " itt 4M " I SI " IT 69S " 534 " 556 BIS " C3S " - J J I] W.WHTTK. O siTi. 8orT. D.atfNlCOLL. OSS Li'AM AOT J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac, OD hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A8..OKT. VBYSICIABT, si K4.FOV eVr. PLKSREKTON. flint 1 ! "I. n<jt( to Itinntm Court office, J) cut is try. J.P. MARSH ALL. L.U.8 DBNTI8T, of ni Jrd \V...|iii of NT h sasBSa, and at Fle*srton on tho ut uiooui tor tin' practice lUni'ATK at Toronto ej fcr *.t Mrk<llf tVi Ut FROST & FRO.'i' B \BMSTKRH. HOUriTOrtH. (V.NVF.TASC'RR Ac orU<- I'c'iil. tt Htront. OWEN HOL-NP, and Mry TUursaay at FLERHEKTCN. J. W. FKOST. I-L M. U.KHED KROflT. Crown County Attorney. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, <fc. Offlrr. over MrFarland's Htorr. Markdale. Mo:it-y to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, T> \BBl8Trns. SOLICITOIIS, &c. fl (Irrtcm* Ownn Hiin<l. In Vlpfcrr 1 !! blm-k r>aiilU 81 : llrinch <>fU<-i< In Markdilo. over Me- . 00 Friday ud Satur<lsy srory JHA8HON.QC. B. MA8SON. W. MASSON S II. I'rirU Coiniony'i funcU to Invomt st rom Bli to Kibt pr cuot. l Sbuius. a. P.BCKLIM. VBSD.W. atnvm HANDS, KUHLIN & OARVIN, {fcttecaton to LauJrr <t Hniult, I3ARRI8TRR8, SOLICITORH. NoTU'.HS D CONVKTAXCKRB, Ac Money to Loan at Leweit Hatei of interest. Office*. Beet, Toronto. Cnrd*. John W. Armstrong. FLEKHSBTOX, Co. OalT. f\[VimOti COURT CLBRK, COMMIBRIOKEB V |n B. It, Ccwvefanmr. *e. Afentfor purcbaie . t ) uf tftnde. Apprftir for C. L*. O. Com . P B. * 8. eeeUtf . Money to Loitn on tbe !* reaiooaMe term*. ISSUKB or UARRIAOK CTOBKBKIL W. J. BELLAMY, TWT. CLIBK CONVEY ANGER, COMMISSIONER, INSVRA.KCS AQ'T, AC. DBRDS. IIORTOAGF.B.I.EABE8, At . preriar- <*<1 mt properly fliectitad. Ininranr** tedln rU-lM companies. lowMtrat**. Money to lend t R. J. SPROUL, fktlurion. Crmwynnwr, Apuraifer, Tal- italor attd Monty Under. Dttdt, ilort- g*y*t, tttuu and WM drawn up ana iPafoaf iotu tnadt on Axrtett notiee. (*ar- gtt try low. Apply to R.J. SPKOULX, fo4natt*r, Flaktrlo*. Honey to Loan. A\ 6\ ftr Cent- /nfcr*t i/ Straight Loan. WITH Inters* paid T*rlr. no* '> advanes.No eorauilMiou (batf *d. Apply to A.lstilB. - TB^KMBTR H. M. CHARLE3WORTH, OVVF.N gOUND. OHT., BrMdcr and Importer of Oranit", Bo, Cochin sail lUmnioMi Wght BrhmM lew twkeys fsn. Buffi, SSperdoi. BrbmM i pw doses lUr* fln Black SpanUb and Pljnnouth Rock to ell. Improve year itook. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, < net Maker. Cabi- All rapatn promptly A ... Bhnp., Durham St, ne*t to Twitch'* Tailoring I'lan* end i*oinrtl< ni on *bnrto*t notice, Latk and Pinr Lnnber for Hair Tbe nartonlfrnod hM a iruwntlty nf Pin* I<nrn ber tad l'ln*lAthfom*JatFlni \ II.i.M.F I,()T FOR HAI.K I hure *|M> a ffoodlot f" le In V"li>tirrtot vMeh will h f||i<|hiw1 (1 on reuouabloterin app'r at AnTiNc-B (mc<\ or to ANGUS MoLKOD, rietbertou , Flesherton Adva "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, WOT MEAT." VOL. V., NO. 256. FLESHERTOH, ONTARIO, MAY 13, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, EOITOS. a LEITCHS Tailoring i x<abli*biii< nl < FLESHEBTON! Is the place to et your Suiti meutein future. i W. A. BROWN, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. DEALER IN Fine American Watches, CLOCKS, Silverware, &c. Markdale, - Ont. Fresh Field and Garden Seeds at the Medical Hall. The solo sang by Minn Ayers in the Methodist church. last Sunday evening, " Nearer my God to Thee," was render- ed in a nj'ist pleasing manner. Spring and Summer Suits for all sizes, at Richardson & Go's Clothing and Outfitting Warehouse. An interesting article by Deacon Snuko's, entitled " The Clodhopper," re- ceived and will appear in our next wtiok'H issue. The best Holland's Gin for inval- ids at Medical Hall. Mr. W. A. Brown's new advertise- ment will apjiear iu our next issue. Mr. Brown'a otorc iu Markdale, will always he (onnd full of a well assorted stock of Jewelry, Ac. Ricbardson A Go's Dress Goods department this season is filled with new fabrics. Every lady can get suit- ed here, and prices are right. "Young Lebon," the property of Mr. John J. Magee, Artemesia, is well known to many of oar readers as a stallion descended from fine races of English and Scottish horses. He is ikely to make a good season. Do not be deceived into getting THE ADVANCE. (Publuktd t*ry Ttiundty morning.) A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Confuting of Local and Other Itemt ytthrrnl by Ttu Adtanc* Rtforiert. FOR SALE. Butter Tubs and Churns. Joseph McCormick, Flesherton. Pure Sacramental Winci at the Medical Hall. No adulteration. Mr. It. ui.i r. editor and proprietor of the Moon* Forest Con/edtmU, has gone to Ireland on a tour. Mr. Edward Hauicy, of Osprey Township, jiurptmoM visiting friends in Ireland this summer. You can git suits to unit your Hoys at Kichardson A Co's, verj cheap. Several brick residences are alruady in course of uructioii iu 1'Uklitutuu. These together with the >iaiulnonio uew achoolhouse and Baptist church will be quite an in-pruvumcnt to this progressive place. anybody but Russell, the boss watch- maker, of Fltsberton, repair your watch, ai you know it pays to get a perfect job. We would mildly suggest that those taking part in the oratorio of Queen Esther uiake it a point to attend the actices sharp on time, instead of prom- enading the street* and com] filing others to wait for half or tlirec -qua Hers of an aour. Building and Roofing Paper and Felt, Pitch, Plaiter, Putty, Nails, Glass, IliiiKc-s. Ac., at Richardson's Hardware Store. " Young Climax," the property of Mr. James T. Wilson, Proton, conies from the famous "Valentine" and \Varambie " Blood stallions, so that it will at once be seen that ho possesses all the essentials necessary for gutting superior trotting stock. New goods, consisting of Watches Clocks, Jewelry, Pipes. Purses, Merlin Wools. Fancy Goods, and Spectacles a specialty at Kusucll's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Wo have to thank Mrs F. T. Carr for a flue mess of " speckled beauties." Tho apparel oft proclaims the man especially the hat never wear a bad hat when yon can get a good one at such low prices, at Richardson It Go's. We had not time to charge KuhHell, the Noted Jewelry Mail's advertisement this 1 week, bat if you go to his store in Flesh- ! erton you will find one of the prettiest, nobbiest, dandiest, and most complete stock of watches, clock, Jewelry, Ac. you ever clapped eyes on in a country village. We have been so busy recently at- tending to the wants of our patrons, in the job printing line, that no doubt some news items may have escaped onr notice. As yet the rush for work is pretty heavy but we are) a*wayf ready t* give prompt attention to all orders in this depart- ment of our business. Remember Russell, Flesherton, keeps the famous B. Laurence Spec- tacles- the best in the world. Do not bay any other if you would sare your eyes. Mr. John O'Brien, Artemesia, has a superior General Bsjrpose Stallion. England's Glory," which will be for >r vice this season. " England's Glory " j descended from world renowned ances- tors of the same name, which i a sum- the Jvatii >.f a relative in the States, fall- en heir U a MIUM little 916,000 or there- matter with him. Hu rr|n.rtrd that the ' man wan a[>|>amitly n.,.n,,l slecp, but . alt.r administering a vigorous shaking about*. The news is said tt> have struck filled t<> arouse him. Then a halyard was Senses like s gilt-edged cyclone in the bent around tho man i body and he wss early part uf this week. With all our hauled inboard. The instant he reached heart w congratulate 8. O. K. oa hi* the deck the mate discovered why the <<! luck, and hop* that he saay !i**T be roan had failed to obey orders. lie wss spared to enjoy his newly squired wealth, dead. Thu body was taken away and the Hiiteen thousand dollars is not tu be coroner notified. The dead man was a sneezed st toes* bard mass, even bv such (From tke M'irt<m Echo. ) The postponed preliminary trial of the above, nownc ted case, took place at Owen Sound yesterday, 30th ult., before 1'ulicu Magistrate Price, A. Frost acting for the '. middle-aged Norwegian, and was known Crown, and Jas. Masson counsel for the ' to the crew by the name of John. Mor- priaoners, being engaged by Mr. King, ' alette Stininy Journal. father of the prisoner. The court house where the trial took place was crowded with spectators. A considerable nuiuber of Keppl faces wsr* noticed iu among Euphrasla AgrlrBltaral fcswlrty. The sprint; show of the above society was held on the show grounds^ Rocklyn, on Friday last, the .?Kh Aj.rsX and was fsirfy luccesaful. The aniutali exhibited them. At 2.30 o'clock the prinonen, King and Wilson, were brought frum the jail by constable Pence. Both men pn- \ were swase noimrons as hi former yean, rated a haggard and care worn sppar- J excepting in the blood class, said class ance. King endeavored to appear cheer- j being well represented. In imported fal but any one could see quite clear that draught there was but OM entry, while in both men felt the seriousness of the case. Pervherons there were no sntnea. This Dr. Fisher was called to gire evidence ! Utter fact caused much comment among as to the result of the pott murirm exam- those who attended the show. CatlU ination and commenced to give it from a | were also conspicuous by their absence, written report, taken from the original j there being but one animal on th notes, but was stopped by Mr. Masson j grounds, and not allowed to prucevd with his evi- winners, dence iu that way. The original nctes wealthy individuals as newspaper men are. Siiun thuoaaud dollars would set up a daily, uewapeper in i)rangrilU, Seneca, but lak our sdviee BOST'T DO R. Fair. ' The cattle fair her no Monday was at usual s success consKienng season of year aud the uuj.r ^lious ajsslhef. A number of fat caltle chanfisl haiuk at good prices. Mr Sept. Oood purchased a fat animal from a gentlemen and paid f 1.00 to "bind the bargain.' Another buyer stepped up. whispered a word or two in the sar of tae seller, when the latter turned the animal over to buyer No 8, breaking his bargain with No 1. W are told inch practices an had to be used or given from memory. The doctor was equal to the occasion and the whole examination from beginning cient recommendation to the progress- j to e||<1 0|) ^^ M ^ wm> ive breeders in this section to ensure a very successful Reason. given from K.. K.I wing u a list of the phie at cattle fain. li. that case, our Missionary societies will require to pay a little mure attention to business than they havs in the past. oaii A deep cut is being made in the hill this office and the Post Office , | memory, which we presume | prised the prisoners' counsel. Thii bet in order to bring the sidewalk at ptiat on a level with road bod. or near- ly ao. This is an excellent improve- ment in connection with our sidewalk system. But how will the public climb up into the Bakery when the job is fin- ished ? Kverything has its drawbacks. liiM Viand Richardson's Millm- <ffect wne nal , he , W(> Tiu LAT YBAB. inM -Alter the hov. year I. ,-ndrt thru* ne*1 w no IMWWMI iiflrlnit from ituiiuuiatiiui. Meoralslt. Tootbaebe, Heasseas, banbato, or any acuto|>alii, II they only pur- ottmrr n Ixjtilo of Miu'l l.itftiliiin. It cure* In- tautly. l'm rvimrt i) wlir it Is ueed. Tho sasns i Hunl bold by the P rill 6 Op eilin gJ NEW PBINTS, NEW DEESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING- ! New Goods in Every Department ! H. Richardson & Co. HATS, & CAPS, Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices rather sur- evi- up, was to the John A. Bailey foully and brutally murdered. vidence took over two hours and After iU conclusion Mr. Frost that no further evidence wai nec- essary, ss all that wai court was sufficient proof t< he considered he had in thu witness of Ellen McC'leary and her brother Charles. Mr. Maaaon held that the evidence uf Ellen MeCleary was not responsible and that the case was a serious one, providing the prisoners were not guilty, ss the Assizes were now just over and if wrv committed it would be a acnuus punishment to lie in prison f> T sii runnths. tie also stated that if , in that aad and traicdra^ ""* uld *""" thelr witliem *" tuh " "' sunned the prisoners could prove they were innocent of the crime, ami further that Ellen McCleary had proven by her wide circuit, merits general commend- ation ft meets ready sale largo ad- dition! to Stock this week. Tbe people of the peninsula ought to appreciate the enterprise and public spiritodncss of the Wiartou Echo in con- Boction with its reports of tho Keppel tragixly. Last week the AYAo contained excellent portraits of three prominent own vMene xhst she wss an accotni>]it>Ji iu real Iffc, viz., John A. Bailey, Ellen Mr Clary, and James King. Our Fighting Editor handed us tbe following item for puMicatinn iu this wit-ll's paper : " Beware t lien aro ! ! tho PorcnjMiifs iu the swamp tin- thi r side of Noblo Lawruuco's." The average small boy, who doesn't want to be trim- fixodwith porcupine quill., had bettor court which wonli I* the Fall Imported draught Kd Shaw's Uncoln Canadian draught -4 entries 1st Geo Wataon's N.therby , 2nd, W. Shepherd- son's Scotland. General Purpose 3 entries 1st, Tuck A McWhirUr's British Ensign ; 2nd, W. Warner's Fsrnior's Fancy. Roadster, carriage or blood -4 entries 1st, D. Gibbons' Bancroft; Snd, W. Henmao's St. James. Bfus. Agxl, with pedigree N. Clark. ntTLKiunrn, Plows 1st, C. Barber, highly reooav mended ; Snd, in the opinion of the jud- ges there wss considerable room fur im- provements. Cost. Vl;irU.1alr llr from our oiva Corrtipo*dt*l, The most wonderful event of hut week wss the capture of a live porcupine by Mr. F. Porter. His story of the capture is as full of eiciting interest as any grisxly bear st-.ry of the Rncky Mountains. Mastcrvflf. Moffatt, whose eye was in- jured by the explosion of a gun on Good Friday, has had tn undergo the psinful i operation of having the y* taken out by vfssflta* Elevator st the Station. A new sidewalk oa Elisabeth i A continuation <4 the, sidewalk cut ObUimrwood street. Wood piles removed from the) pubhc sUru ; also saw lugs sad other dcbru> 8ix foot sidewalks instead of fuur fix* ones on the pnncrpal business streets. A music hall. r the Town Hall ea- larfsd and otherwise unproved. OraW instead of <r* used ia rearing the gravel roads. The ret^nirenimts of the Board of Uealth, through Sanitary Inspector Field, earned out thoroughly and without r- eourse tu wrangling or eantaakrruus dis- cussion. not go fooling around that Kwamp. Porcupines are no rewpoctor of ]*TBOUS. We nnderstainl tliat Mr. (i> And- erson, who has very efficiently ed his ilutu - during the term of iu which he ha* bven cuga^fl iu Kii-h- arilson & C'O'H Htoro hero, leaves Flesh - erton for Toronto thin week or next. We do uot yet know his final dostii.atiou, hut wherever he goes, Ueorgo will carry witb him tho kindest au<l best wishes of tlit good people of Klettht rton. Mr. A. 8. Vaadnsen's promising young TrotMng StalHon, " Billy V.." is another ]>owerful claimant in the ex- tensive and growing field of fast horse*. Ho was sired by the renowned (int. jr.," his dam was " Lady Kennet,' by old " Kennet," grand dam a Royal George mare, g. dam a Messenger mare. "Billy V." is highly spoken of aud hi- services have already been betipoken by a Urge number of gentlemen i>o!weHiuug good inarm. Uther dealers complain that Itns- gell, the boss watchmaker 4 Jeweller, with the murderers. Mr. Frost and tin- presiding magulrate, however, thought ililTtniit anil tin- prisoners were c< in uiittfd l<> ttand tlifir trial at the tint Assizes, without bail. Ellen McCloary was then brought in. Her a;>|>euraiico waa very little chanced in-ill when !n- gave evidence st the Cor- oner s inquest. The niattrr fvi<lntly has weighed on the girl's mind very little They believed when l>n>UKht ut shu would iniinediately be >et at liberty but whn t.-lil she would be required to furnish two bondsmen ->i C500 each before sho could be liberated, Ellen looked upon her position as rather stirioui and exclaimed, " Why there is not s man there worth 1600!" She was then taken back to jail Kh waa waited on in the jail previous to the Clear ^ *"*' an> ' ''**' lt l ' x t''*" llH ' '" nar tne Mr ~ iiiusness of the case if she should be found guilty of perjury, but the girl could not be lead to contradict her former state- ment, though she said ahs could not be so sure of Wilson, being acquainted with him only a short time previous to the murder, but the man had aido whiskers. She was, however, not mistaken in King. The Keneral belief is that V\ ihviu is inn- Fleshertnn, ia spoiling their trade by gelling hi* fine goods so much cheap- er than they can sell them, but he is bound to give his customers the bene- fit. "Small profits and quick returns" his motto. A beautiful stock to select from. One day last week a Klcshertou housewife brought forth from her cellar a jam jar containing yeast. She en- deavored to unscrew the head off the jar but, failing in this, called her hns- band to her assistance. He manfully wrestled with the cantankerous jar for some time, when lie turned it upside down and commenced the delicate oper- ation of prying off the lid with a table knife. Suddenly there oame a " burnt of thnnder wild" and the jar waa blown into atoms. The contents gushed forth some Toronto upticiana. They thought the o|ration necessary for the preservs- tn.ii of the tight of the thr eye. Wo art) U> have a celebration of the Quevn'i Birthday in Markdalv this year. The Managing Committee is comp<vd of live men, so that a grand day's s[-rt is anticipated. Vuite a iiutnlx r of new buildings are to he ervcU'd in i-ur village this season. Mr. T. Matthew* pur; .* erecting a large harness shop on the lite of the old onr, which was destroyed by rire snme time ai;. Mr. O. 8. Bowes is having the old church moved into one of his lota, where he intends making a couple of dwellini; houses of it. W. J. McFarland has added greatly to the ar>[>earanc of his store by having the wood work of the front painted by R. O. Whitby. Hill Bros, contemplate fitting the front of their store up with plat glass. Mise Kichardson of Flherton has been visiting her couiin Mrs. HsaketC i >n the boards for this week are a eon- cert on Tuesday evening by the L. A. 8. of Christ's Church, and a lecture on Wed- nesday evening by Rev. W. Casein, on 'The Hntish Empire. 1 Scaiao. * Narr.. A few days ago, < writes a Eugenia cor- mpondent) while the storm of wind and thunder was raging, two young girls dauuhtvrs of Mr. l!e<>. Turner went into woods aftr the cows. As they walked along, "lie of the girls being slightly in advance uf the other, a large tree fell crashing to the ground between then. A few steps either way would harr been at- tended by certain death to i.neMr both of the Kirls. They arrived sajjly ,i'm, huwcri r, although very mix-h terriDDu by their narrow escape from death. * David Hound* thr stYlrrat ! fr.rmtA* TsomMiry Sssneisrw. Win. Hy's challenge should read that he was willing t shoot straiust any man in the Euphraais team for ffi off haiul st JOU, 400 and BOO yards, number of h..ta umnateri.il. It seems Neily is willing to take him up, but Dave Miller backed nght down. ocent aml ( King guilty. Other arrests will be made. Inlslloge. Frum our oir Cvrropnndent. There will be an entertainment given Mrafort Bead. from our cn Cwrrujxmdtnt, Mr. W. J. Cooey, has rented Mr Lsckies farm for a term of years. Mr. E. Mrodie has rented and is work- 0. here on the 24th inst. (Queeii'ii Uirthday) '" the farm lately owned by Mr. C.>.*t under the auspices of the Ladle's Aid Society of this place. Mr. John Rutherford intends putting a stone foundation under hu barn this summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson, of Huntsville, have ben viiiting friends in this vicinity. The recent rains have made this s vury backward i-nnu tu the fannen. Mr. J. Jackson intends ervcting a Urge bank barn this summer. Mr. T. McQuay has been repairing his in torrents upon the head and wearing ww mU1 H- ^ now ^ % ^.^ ^ apparel of the husband, and did not for- get to plentifully bespatter the wife and a lady friend who was present. The lam p. ceil ing and walls somo fifteen feet distant also received a d< running order. A Bailor*. Dtath. A curious death occurred st Chicago, Next morning clothes cleaning formed " S " nd *>'' whil the ichl>on " n Quayle was living made rttatly for sea. One of the crew was ordered tn asiist in bending the jib topsail. Crawling out to the chief occupation in that house. JsTor ai. Don't put yeaat in jt-m jars. Correction. To th' Editor nfttn Adtaiu*. Sir, -In last issue of yqur paper ap- peared an article, "Facts and Figures," in which a small wror Make r , . ,,,u. Malt nw fri.o.U. bat k*p tb old. lhoM%m stiver. tatsss r. k -M M*w-Bi*d friB.Ihlp. Ilk* uw . will awlluw uJ nan i FrinIlii|M thftt bav* tood tbe liin* an.lch Brow ni For 'm Once niort our youth rv, Bat old frunrt. Use ! ni . 4t, N.w frt*n.to muit their pfae* SUMS*. ' Cbenth trlea<lthlp is your bunt. New i*coo<i. bui Mak aw frind. bnt keep tkeeM. TboMani Mportft an el Paatlsars. ucaossm. The PwnMn, of Flesberton, have) been invited to play ia Meaford on tho lh and will probably accept the iuvi- tation. At au> rate they are putting ia some vigorous |>ractice. and although a green team, will give a good a good ac- count of the mswlv by "Fair Play," in which a small biror WM not nxecuted, and noticing appftarvd, viz., it says, to build school at man reuiainod motionless, the Station would cost 11 mills on dollar yearly, where it shoulu road, " To run school would c<*t,' Ao. Hopinu you will correct this in firt issuu of TBI AI>VAN<-B, as it ia Fair I'lay's wn miatiike in writing and niiuht uiia- li .id some of your readers, and oblige FAia PLAT. the snd of the jibbuom, he sat straddle of the boom with hu arms around the tay and his feut in the foot n>pes. A man aloft shouted an order to him which that the mate re- peated the order without getting a res- ponse. A volley of ihouts from the en- tire crow failed to attract the attention of the seaman, who sat bolt nun-lit and never maxle a inovo. Finally on,- of ,CNW was Mnt oqt to a-v what was tl.. the Mr. A. Johnston has the job of deliver- ing the milk of the Mvaford Road route at Flesherton Cheese Factory. Messrs. (I. Warling and J. Rrudie art busy framing Mr. J. 1. tiraham'* barn. Mr. J Magee, jr , is out n route with his celebrated stallion Young Lebon. Mr. W. Uilbert as at work again h aays that he can just see light with the eye that he got hurt. I'art ..f the Hume of Mr. Davis saw mill fsll down last week, this is a ssnous loss to Messers. Davis A Anderson as the supply of water is greatest at this season of the year. In consequence of the on usually fins weather, spring seeding is getting pretty well advanced. Vegetation is making rapid progress. The fall wheat looki well and prospects are good for a liberal lupply of fruit. Trout fishing is in season, and the small and big boys may be mat at all hours of the day, with hook and line, and well we will say nothing about nah. [Atxive received too late for last week's issue. Ed.] The FwturiM haw almost decided oa going to Dumlalk on Vb- 44th and tho more especially as Her Majesty 'a Birth- day is not likely to bo observed in a ipecial manner in Fhahcrton. We would advise the boys to go by ail aoans on prr : Thai Kleahorton ls to have a Jnveailo Cricket team this season. Oood for the boys. - nrra In lurk. WP Imvii it, upon what should b re- liable authority, that our old friend Mr. Srii.H-a (1. KcU-hum, fonnorly wlitor of thu l*t/trtn Tost, Oraugciille, has, by EUGENIA FLOOR MILLS. CHANGED HANDS GRISTINQ AND CHOPPING. I would respectfully advise the inhabitants of Eugenia & surroundinf country, that I am prepared to do any am- ount oi Gristing & Chopping, and will endeavor to give sat- iilaction both in quantity and quality, and hope by strict /attention to business to re- ceive a share of public patro- Flour & Feed tor sale. E. W. FARR. nage.

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