Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1886, p. 4

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FLBSHERTON : THURSDAY. MAY 13, 1S8G. SYSTEM. We lat woek cloned our columns to ajjy further dincussiou of this subject, on accoiuit of the ]*ronalities intro- duoed. So M>ng a correhpoudi-uts ilis- CUM any question ni>oa itb merits, with- out introducing jiurtly extraneousniBtt- or, th <xluiun of Tiu; ADVANCE are " Fart* anil Figures " To the KMor of The Adwnc*. Regarding which (" Facts and figures") fair Flay represents the ^'iprr somewhat, who beiutf asked whotlu-r lit' could play, " Within a mile f Kilmburo' Toon," ro- plied, " Why maun 1 cud play within ten yarilx o' it ! " Fair Play is playing just so far from the truth. It ia p'ty to spoil liis picture, but justice requires tho truth, minus the silly assurance und ini]>udenoo of such a whole tenor of the inspired word. QixTs heaviest jud({uiuuiiU are uronouncud upon the drunk&rd. The win* which thuLord ai>|>rved waa found in the cluster, ac H F\ Kit oolio, uunatural appetite, freitul- nei-s, wutkiiekii, all I coiiruUiuim, are gouiu of tin effects of Wnrus in Children ; dss- 1 troy the wcruis wltli Dr. Low's Worm Syr- UP- The asKCssuiuiit of the proposed new Section, according to the Hull of 1H80 The assessment of Section 5, a-* it now open and free to any pernon wishing to tho latest is ti'29,000 ami a small fract- ure thouj for discussion of all le^ititnate ' ion, with no immediate prospects of iu- publie questions. I)ut just as soon as ttu'-ic discussions drift into ptTsoualitii** aud billingsgate, it i* hiyh time to put stands, fur same year, is 1150,520, but ou the " choker." > with a prospective increase to at least \Ye this week received a letter from ! 100,000 average. The Station section g. P. iu reply to F. T.C., but as weckra- ' ssBessment nas fallen off, it seems, ed our columns to any further contro- 1 1, 000 last year! versy en this subject last week, we can- The expenditure of the Sections would not publish 8. P's letter, the purport of be approximately No 6, first teacher which is that P. T. C. " too* at Owen ! $800, second teacher 1250, third $200, Sound last Assizes from beginning to ! and say 175 for expenses; total $10-25, end, but your correspondent (F. T. C.)jleas 1180 Government and Municipal waa not there one whole night before i appropriations the snm actually re- the Assiaes at Owen Sound this spring ' ceived last year leaves the sum of 1845 wew doted, and yet he saw such wond-jfor general purposes. Then must be ra there after night." Now, it does added 175 M interest, and 1180 as aot appear to us that F. T. C. said he ' sinking fund, upon the issue of 8,500 of observed the things complained of dur- j Debentures, annually for 20 yearn- ing the Ute spring assices at Owen making the total to be raised 11150. To Sound, or at the fall assizes held iu the provide for this a rate of 7 mills in the same place. Nor did it appear to us ' dollar vrould be required, that V. T. C. was personal in his re- 1 The new section call it the Station marks, even admitting his motive* to section would ui>on the same mode have boen such as 8. P. asserted* them ! be :-Tcacher 1250, excuses 150. mak- to be. Had there been anything per- j ing $3OO. Then must be added the cost soual in F. T. C's article on the Jury | for school site, furniture, and school system we would have eliminated the house, say 11000, and not a cent let. same before publishing in our columns. 1 Thus, interest at 54 per cent., 155 ann- But we saw absolutely nothing object- u".V "d 145.50 sinking fund, making a ionable then, and have not altered our total to be raised of $400.50, lens say opinion in this respect since. The srti- I'-iO as Government and Municipal ap- cle was general iu its character, and con- propriations ; for the average attend- taiucd many palpable truths and ad- ance can not be out of tho teens. To vauced ideas concerning the jury system, provide for this, a rate of 18 milli* in the As such we commented ou the same od- 1 dollar, ami a fraction is required. The itorially in our issue of the week before 'litT.r.-nec obtained is striking and very lairt. much in favor of union, viz., 6 mills iu A\V trust S. P. will take our remarks the dollar, which of itself is more than ia the spirit intended, assuring him, the average school tax of tho Township. that if we ha 1 seen anything personal By what process yonr corresjwndent ob- JTI F. T. C's remarks, we would certain- tained a difference of only lj mills, is ly have given him every opportunity for [ only known by his own arithmetic. \itulicatiou. As it ia, we cannot aoei The difference i equally striking sup- that individual rights have in any sense | posing school houses were exptm^l been taui]K-n-<! with. from the calculation. The one would | have to pay 10 7-*20 mills in the dollar, whilst the united section would pay only 5 8-10 mills, or less than one-half. If only $3000 of Debentures be used, it would show a still greater contrast iu favor of union, Hut take his own mode, to pay all in one year ; then tho cost of school house ftc., would be $l!iHO. Tim upon t'29,000 aHwsunirnt would require 44 1-M mills, for the Stat&i. Flrshcr t. ui .li-ln'iitiircs $8500. school $845, total -4:i4.'. would require '-i7 H.:,() mills, dif- ference 10 )'. "in mills, which the Statist would pay more than the united Beit ion. 'I In- more valuable advantaged from a united school must be seen in the higher grade of education afforded for advan- ced scholars. The deprivation of tin- very young for a winter or two ia not to be compared with tlie greater privi- leges for those of sufficient years to re- alize aud benefit by the difference. It is unfortunate that personalities have characterized the discussion, and in the warm contention the true features and advantages of union have been over- looked, or disregarded. I repeat most emphatically, that a section of $29,000 aHHesHiuent cannot au]>|K>rt an efficient school, that is, upon the evidence nf sections of this and other Townships. It is true, in passion men may dare and threaten, and sacrifice, and do what under calmer circumstances they would regret and repent of what assuredly would happen in this case if disinterested men granted the opportun- ity. In this communication the matter is squarely stated, and investigation is so- licited. No man or men, or body of iu thu cluster, and one it nut, fora blessing in in it." Christ fur.scriiig that torm "wine" would be misunderstood mint carefully nu.u i in I thu Cup that yinboliiad hiiahed bloud fruiii, that aiipohitioii. Neither he nor his apostles called it wine, but "the Cup." "tho Cup ofblessing," "the fruit; of the vine. " At the close of the ' ' Passover Supper," , which Christ had jut commemorated with suffrrinjc his disciples fur thu last tiuiu, and when ,i ''w's l >utkitv! 8vrui>- T Cor Children about to fulfil in his own body all it bad tie Tame Is incaleuUblo. It will rolivc the 1 "H. >U ih B fun CtriR luuu I poor littlesufferrr immediately. Depend upl lireh;,'ured, Ho took tne ., i]> l,tne pass- f, mother ,. thure j, uo m i H tako about it. it over cup, the pure juice ui thu grape, in I auras Dysentery ami Dmrrn.m, regulates the accordance with the expressed law of tliat | SS^XtSS^SS^SS. && _ t "Mr* \Vi!i Fow'sSoo'tniiiK S)ru|i" fur children t.<-tlm:n i l>n -i ni tlini uf Mi'lilil n ill A PxllKE'H I'iHIlOLIC CsUUTB. Havti yuu aod old Sore, Cut, Burn, Itrutav, Corn, flunion, Halt HlitUlil, IMmplu, Hliitrhes. HinlKll liaiiiln or Feo ? K so, there la but one curu, * B'S Carboli Cerate. If ince you. It QostB but . at thu'Uruii btoire. ,i>\n r. TII MOTUKBH. Are you disturbed at ;ht aud broken of your rest by a sick child i" T j ~n V tl> Ouni. reduces Inflammation, which strictly excluded all loa- anrtener(( y to the w buU, >iU-ii TJIJS MARKETS. FLE811ERTON. Carefully Currecttd J^ach Ht-ek. Flour ?4 50 to 4 CO FallWheat $0 70 to o HO Spring Wheat 072 070 Barley 040 Oats 30 Poas .. 58 Butter 12 Eggs, fresh 10 PotatocB 020 Pork 675 Hay, per ton 8 OO Hides C 25 Wool 15 , and i institution v*-ii from the dementis uf trio feast,) /, when he had pveii thanks, liu av i them, anil they nil drank of it; and he anduunosin tuiJuito<l states, and is tor mile !... Tki. i mv Kl,i..H nf thn by ll drugtfists throui<houl the world. I'rlco said unto them, This is my HIM > t i Bn ,j.. ftv 7j > BIltll bottle. Hu.ureand ask for new testament which is hed for many. . MB11 . wisst-own SOUTHIM. tirtxt," and take Verily I my unto you, I will drink no no other kind. .. , -------- r~ - pleasant totho taste and in the toj J U(0< tho ()kle6l aud bes , , cuiall) nhvaictn e anduunosin tuiJuito<l states, and is tor mi tht more "of the fruit of the vine, until day that 1 drink it new in the of God." We think there i conclusive proof, in which the highest scientific authorities that alcohol does not eiist in the , in the fruit of tlie vine, neither in iU growth, nor in its decay, but it is the sole product "f fermentation, ical process the essential By this quality of the McGiiKooB's SPBCDT CUHB. When we say Mcliri'tfor's Si'uily Cure is the onlyiwrfectcure 1 for Dyspepsia, I.iver Comi'laiuts, Indiitcrtion, and Impure Hlood, we are tellinK lilaiu facts, of which h un.lri-ilh ilium tuiinlreiiH can t.-st if> wbo have buen ruetored to uorfect health by iti uno. We would therefore advise you strongly If you are a subject of u y of the above troubles to give Mutireii-ir'n Speedy Cure a trial and be con- viued. It ia aold In Mo. and Jl.OU bottle* st the Drug stoi. MrsrUAL POISON. Nothing but pure eitt-t juice is destroyed, aud'con verted into'an intoxicant. Tlieart, of perverting thit beneficent God-beito wed bleating into s curse, most awuredly emanated from " thu Kvil One," who eiuployed man aa his agent, to carry out his infamous devices. No language or pen can portray in the faintest degree the told and untold mueriei that have from II|IUK and roots are used in i>repsu-ia% Me GrK<>r'8 Lung Compound, tliu uioderu and now poiiular reuim]; for Cold". Couiths. llronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all affections of thsi thro*'., IUDKS and chet. All mineral poisons and dn- Serous substances are avoided, which rtiudere it safe fur children or adults. Sold at 90c. al tl.OO put bottle at the Urns Store. A PLEisanTDuTT. "I fell it my dutj to ay," writes John Borton, of Desert P. Q., "that Burdock Blood Bitters cured niy wile of liver complaint, from which she bad been followed in its couroe. Ruined homes, I a chronic sufferer. Her distressing, painful kiliuhted hopes, crushed hearts, the des- 1 symptoms aoon gave way, aud I can highly tructiou nt the body, and banish ment I recommend th medicine to all suflering as from Ood ; for it U written, " No drunk- ard shall enter the kingdom of Ood." We wonder not this uervertion of God's she did." NATIONAL PILLS at sn^ar eoated, mild but lln iri'UJi. and are the beat St.au 60 31 O 55 O !5 10 25 6 0(1 1000 7 25 If, 85 'B'hos. A. Klakely, Plain and OnutmenttU House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. IH prepared to attuud to all work in bit Hnvt of buaioeM in the m it atii>factiirv anil worknmn- likeuiauner. Ktiiiiatun clu-i-rfiillv hmttsbeo, and contret'tii carrii'il out to the lottur. Ordern iu town or country, by mall or olhorwlno, will raceivo equally iironint attention. over Milburn'h carria^o works. TH08. A. BLA.KELY. ______ bounty shall call forth his indication, and ach and IJT.T fill in use. fearful denunciations : " Woe U> the crown .f ..r.de.tothe drunkard, of Kjhnjm | The crown of pride the drunkards of . yd , own< _ it iell known are own< _ e e hphraini shall be trtKlden under feet, i cM<<>d from ^ jn8Ct j Te Liver and ,,.4 Moo< j c< o " Woe unto him that giveth his neighbor I)r CnaM ., Liver (; ure p nr ifi ti the blood drink !" " NVine ii a mocker." We are In j wao | e ., itein g^ Hecjpe Bo^k for r^ir/o.\.s." The Hanover /'(( wickedly iusinoatcs, that the Durham Chronicle man. having uecurod a ["ass and gone to Ottawa last week, may return to South (irt-v with different views in rt'tanl to the pro{H'r representative to wnd to Ottawa at the uext general < liwtinns. Thin time, how- ever, the hut has really misinterpreted Mr. Jcnkintt' motives. He iliil not go to Ottawa office-seeking although if he happens to have a nice " fat plum " thrust into !.!> month, we think 1,< <i 1 a bigger fool thau we take him to he if he refused to take it. commanded not eren to look upon it, when it giveth its color in the cup. For alas ! "at the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an udder !" We wonder, with profound aitonish- ment, that the church of the living God has been so long in recognizing the iro toilet recipes, hiuti sod auttgeBliona ou bow to preserve the complexion. Bold by \V. Richardson. A MODIVK Miiucut. In a recent letter from R. W. Dowson, of I>eloraiue, Out., h itates that he has recovered from the wont form of dyipepiia, after snnVriuR for tiftrtn perativeduty of removing fruui the table yean ; and when a council of dooton pro- of the Lord, that which w are strictly nnnned him incurable he triod Bnrdoek forbidden even tolook UfH.n. This is s Blood BitUrs, si. bottles of which - is a vital question, all muat adroit. It there- j bU health. fore dvinandi a most careful, earnest, and' : prayerful consideration. That tad c..n \tVV A DVPRTISKM KNTS. MMM hTe multed from the ai*thy , *&" AV V L t\ 1 1 LJM b ^ 1 tf of the church in this nuttvr, many athnn. .,, r -s-iTi r ntr a TWT And .hall they U, related? Shall the DEPARTMENTAL EXAMLN- commeuioratiixi of that intwt precious and [ ATIONS aacrod urdiuance, initttuted by Christ himself, and bequeathed as a legacy to l-crpetuate hit dying lore, be .ymbohrad Second nndjThlrl-< lass >on-Pro. by an element that contaitii in itielf the UITIII f mural rbin and death ? O, that the church would awake to her respon- sibility, and throw around the weak her protecting arm. Many there WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNCSS, DIZZINESS, DV8PEPSI*, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, fLUTTCRINC JAUNDICE, -i \ OF THE HEART, IRYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, f THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYMESS HEADACHE, S OF THE SKIN, And every species of dlseaae arlaha; from disordered LIVER. KIDNEYS, STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, NEW VAEIETIES OF POTATOES ! FOR SALE AT- JOHN H. HEARD'S. K.Utl.Y 81' MUSE, bout for early DDK and very productive. 10 cte. por Ib , 15 Ibs. for 1.00. Hi: I.I,, gtowH la.-ge lzo and K<iod qnallty, 10 eta. per Ib..t01bs. for U. HI i sll, hiKlily r>:..iai',unl.il ami i MI' . -1 tlie oc'nt foruroj), 6cU. per Ib., SOlbs. for 1.00. Mill i r ol AMi:it:r.\. lu.'ti, iiur II, .j Ibs. d>r ai.OO. W.Vl-I.'SDUAMii:. ict PIT Ib, 30 ll. for *l oo. \vm 1 1; r.i.i:riiANT, WHITE BOU, and WHITR STAR. eo Ibs. for $1.00. A Uo Park hot X. Uuaehul'i euirey, and 10 Village Lota Iu Ulook J. Apply to JOHN H. UKABD Flenherton. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Being fitted up with New Machinery, of the latest and most improved pat terns, ia SECOND TO NONE in the County of Grey. We are prepared to supply the public with any amount of Lumber and Bill stuff at Lowest Cash Priors. We have on hand about 50,000 feet of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed J and matched ready for use. Sawing and Planing done expeditious! y and 4 satisfactorily. Special bargains giveu to Duiklers, Contractors, aud t'aih purchasers. Having liitcly pnt in an Emery Wheel, we can gum Crosscut Saws in first class etvlo and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will conviuce you thai this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Priccville, Feb. 23nd, 86. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont, fettslonal OrtiUcateg. NOTICE Is lisruliy givn tn intimlini; candl- . date* for s.'ci<nd aud Third-class non-profes- sional r.iruri' ! that their application* muit b sent in to inn filled and accompanied by the ; esamlnatlon f.-e -two dollars If wrltinc for ,r who hare deprecated ( third -<-lasa.-n)y: four dollars, if writinc for ae- the evil of Umiierance, and ar striving i co " *** " **"" HUT 1.1TBH TU*S THE Twrnty-Firth Day of May. next. Itlank fnrius of application will he supplied spent aomo time In the studio of the famous Toronto 1'hotograi'her. Mr b J l>iin, where I acquired valuable knowledge In It. ton rliiiiK. I fel aeeured I can Kire ""* Reneral aatiif action. A call respectfully solicited, MRS. BUL11ER. Flexherton, Sept 17th. 1SS9. New Butcher Shop IE Flesh- A A/; isin STKY. We welcome to Fleshcrtou Mr. Gco. Hayes, who. a short time a;'", took up his abtnle in thin go-ahead place. Mr. Hayes is a pumpinakor with a most ex- cellent reputation throughout the County and has come to establish himself in the pump business in flesherton. Oet your pum|> repaired or made by Mr. Hayes. on request. TIIOMAH OOHDON. Iii>l>ucttir, Owun Hound Owen Round, Aptll 90. ISM \ otini; Climax'K ' An<-csfor. In reference to the " Warauibio " hor- nes, ancestors of Mr. .las. T. Wilson's handsome young t-talliim, " Young Cli- max," wsj clip the following from a re- cent issue of the Toronto Daily Mail : SUBSCRIBER KKCNE. Are War-man liic horses noted either for speed or endur- nce ? A friend writes as follows : " In Saturday's issue of The Mail (the 5th inst.) yon say you knew nothing of " Warmanbic horses.' I know the War- maiiliK horse- He is owned near Lin- dsay, county Victoria. Was imported from Kudand ; is th*roughbred running s 8 "- h vin these facts before them, stock. He took gold medal at Centen- nial exhibition, and Terror took silver tuedal at the same time, both in road- eter class. Old Warmaubie is a beauti- ful bright bay in color, is very hollow- faced, and has lost an eye. His |>edi- uree evidently assisted him in winning j.;ol<! medal." The Valentine breed are all trottern. Tltey are also fine rangcy horses, fit for carriage purposes or roadhters. The intelligent hrecdurH of Grey arc remind- ed that " Youiiy Climax" sprang frmn that breed of horses, the Messenger, which were umuj-ialled twenty or thirty years ago, as carriage, road, and farm hortMH. No furtb' T rccommendatioa in necessary. would nanction so great a mistake as divide the section. DR. CHRISTOE. s. One dose of Dr. Chswie's Lav- r Core will aure Hick Headache, Disiiue>as, aod Sour btomach. 1 to 1 bottles are war ranted to cure Live* Complaint, Indigestion and Uiliouhness. bold by W. Richardson. To break op a eold or <:uugh or it* ill re- null, there is no better remedy than Hag- j aid's Pestoial I'.aliam. A SKTCSI Tsui.. Those who endurn tbe tortuiiuK i.auns of neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, luiubafo, and siiailar painful oom- I>lauiU are *-n :lv tried, but there I* s xperdy rli< ui Halyard's Yellow Oil si thousands wno bac used it joyfully testify. It bauis>M-i pain and lameness quickly. O Dou^a AIAIXST Frv HDNIHIF.I).-. Isaaa Brown, nf liotbwell Ont. , wa afllicted with climiiic humor in the blood. He nayi onu d.dlar hotlle of Bunlnek Blood llitt<-n waa worth more than .'XKl.lN) paid for other medieinw. It in reliable blood purifier. A DOCIH.E Bararrr. Harry Hinardo, of for onto, certifies to th,. b.|i^fi, r .-civ*d Iri.m the uae uf Hgyard's Yelluw Oil a> s cure fur rheumatism aod iluafness his affliction with those combined tioubks be- ing s severe one. THE HECTTO FU'SJI, ,.,[ hollow eheess ami prttaarioUH a ( pt-tite, Ini1i< ,ii. Worms. Freernsui'i \\ .rm ]' .wdrra will I ni< riu< ni< .1 Wine. BT MISS S. WILLMOTT. The vino in Ewtstcrn lands was regarded as nne of the choicest blessings that Uod had bestowed mum hia]|ieople Its fruit, whilu must delicious to the taste, was ei- ceedingly nutritioui and conducive to health Therufore, in Scripture it fre- quently symliolized the richnvsii and ful- ness of the KOHJJU! feast. It grew lux- uriantly, and produced prodigioas cluster of grapes, as reported by the messengers who were sent to spy out tho land of Can- aaii. f Palestine was indciHi a land of vine- yards, and as (lie heritage of obedience, it is >aid, " Tliuy shall sit evury man under hi* \ineand under his fig-tree." We not only gather from the Bible, but from other sources, that wine anciently was the mere pressed juice of the grape, freu from fermentation. The Kirpy tians drank no fermented wine they believe it to lie an invention of an ovil genius but partook freely of thu pure juice of the grape. As was custom- ary, the attendant, or cup-bearer, pressed the juice into the cup, and immediately bore it to his master; this is corroborated by the interesting narrative of the dream if rtiaraoh's chief butler : "In my dream behold a vine waa before mr, and in the vine were three branches ; and it was aa though it budded, and her blossoms shot forth ; and the clusters thereof brought forth grapes ; and Pharaoh's cup was in my hand ; nnd I took tho grapes and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the the cup into Pharaoh's hand " Notwithstanding, every liililt* leader must observe, that various wines are s|"iLi-n of, and as so much is said of the wini- cup, it has buvii too generally ac- refitud, caji'tcrilly nt the present day, that ail beTersffsM Inxuing that tiain<> must iioci'iwtiu.l) 1 be fermented, and therefore atu&Mfttiug, !...!> was iiot the caw>- tliat auc.h itn-H wrii- ni;n|^ and Uoed, hil i. aiKriu tliry were san- at vaiiance with the reform, and have therefore pledged thrmselrea "to abstain from nil intoxi- cants, except for medicinal and sacn- meiital {)tir|nisus." And hum we pause a moment to uk, is it not hi^h tiruu this second reserve, ifnottlie lint, ithnulJ ho furt-ver urascd from tho " Tuiii|n;rance I'lnl-tf?" There are earnest ones, but wcsk, who in full confidence in the ordinances of tin- Lord's In HIM-, forgetting that through wine or strong drink they lisvo lost their will-jMiwer to control their appetites, have iippma In <1 tin- ublo of tho Lord, there- by testify in, by partaking of thu em- 1 D.rO SM'Hnrn. hi,.,,,, of Christ's broken Wly and shod JZ^f^S&%S&* ~ blood, their faith in the aUmenifnt made i to th rucoveryof tim i'o.;k..t n .I'k.^.i-tN.twi.n for si n, when, alas! the first sip fn>m the , Kleshorton and tlire.i,l.,i,co of Mr j,,lm H*l it . *. , ley, sr.. t/otlllstwood & Durham road, on tbe Lwi ili-i-.-[.t,vu cup MsswBH th.ir K-nrc for \,, r ,i. ....utanTlnK *! fito dollar bills, an>l . more, and they go on without power tolproniisary uotefoi The public arn horchjr ra:. tinned ngitlmt neC'itiatiuK fora m-li' drawn by theundenisjlMd In fnvorof Thoni Ms*;i-. f..r f*t, fsUliB* .in- Jan. 1-t. 1SH7, at valuu Ua> not hun received for tho KB: Lr')M WlLX.IMSOH. J AMKS WU.I.UMIXJN. Artemesla, April 23rd, 1SS9. there- 9.<v iC4*wnrn. 2nM ei'ton ! Fetch dfe BTitchffill. Havet OH Hand a Full Assortment -OF- SPRING & CUMMER GOODS. In Gouts, Indies, Misses and ChOdrens BOOTS t SHOES. I endeavor to satisfy our customers both in Goods and Prices. ity THF. imdr<lKiie.l rpectfi.!l> taki-this oiipor tnllltv tiiiilllli'linco to tt |)"!il of I li-nll- ertoa ana fnrToaDdlDg ooantry, that tbej have etsrted a Butcbor Hhop 1 >-JLI n. .IT tn tri" MnrMi' Works. KI.I-:-ill I . It TON , l.i-n tin v will bo iili-s,-'l to in. <. with all Im lavnr tlii'iii wirl. tl i-ir |mlr"iin . i , of all kind*, and Finn, Ac. In ihrir -.-nsoiii. Besrioctf ul I y yon rr . I'lITfll* MITflM I I resist, until theiriuii seta in endless night. Dear sisters, moiiiliers of the Women's Christian Teni|>ersnce Uniun, and all who arc in sympathy with this great Tem- perance Reform, let ui each and all awake to the duty uf the hour, and by voice ami pen, giro no rest, until the fatal dese- cration uf the " Lord't Table " be swept away. PKTCU 4 M1TCHKLL. Flehrton April 90tli is* The Jury Hystrm. From the Thornbury Standard. The Flesherton ADVAMCI has s splen- did editorial on the Jury System in its issue of last week. \Ve would like to see more of tint kind of editorial iu other papers, and cure the evil. Vote Lost. All partioa are horeby cautionwl tuaintt rnyo- tiatniR fur a nnto fur *V), drawn br Kobt CUrk In favor uf the mi'loriiied. aud falling due Jan. Int. 1M8S. iwitliinturot at 10 |>ur d>nt .1 as pa}- liu nt of the sauiB lia* li.-tm ntniintxl. 1'F.TCHAMITCnEL.L. r ti .n. April 96th in*. For Kale. t) acres 1* mllet from Flusberton. O<XK! warm framo (Iwelliiif!, 7 roonia, ftooil cellar, good stable a unver failing spring creek. Tnns estiy. For particulars apply to W. 1 11K1. I.AMY, I'lenlier- ton, or to C. W: BELLAMY. Markdala. l'a riu for Hale. i Being Ix>t SI, Con. S. Artcmesla, enntalnlnRM aaros ; 45 ocre* cleared aud In a (ood stato of oil tlratlon . loq bouse, barn and stable ; good well of water with pump. 4 inllesfrom Flsmncr- ton. Price UOO. Apply to JAMKH UOYCE, Fleshrton P.O. A GIFT S.-IH! 10 cents iNtt and wo will insll you In ! a royal, valuablf, punii'l" loi of that will put you In thr more money at oncu, than any- in \i . ririi llotli ii nf nl! a:.- ran live nt *i 'in,- Mill txork in "pare litm*. nr all thetlmn Capital ne* rennino. \Vn will ntart you. Immense pay uro for Uione who stait at unco. HTIKSON 4 Co.. Portland. Maine ay o WOOL ! i WOOL ! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at the PLESHBETON Woollen Factory ! Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy mimnfacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLESHER, FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN! Important ITotice! Thosobecrlbr begs to inform the people) of Pleehertou and surroundlngconn try.tliat ho has MLR. HOGti'S MILL < miles from Fleahorton, and Is now prepared to furnish bills of any length or aise of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on hand. Blabwood cut toitovo lengths on band. Caatoni Bawlnti dono by the thousand. REASONS Why you should get your Lumber and Shingles out byBpnncor: (1) Every Saw In the Mill Is New and tbo mill In in perfect order. (> liecause he Is apractloaleawyor andkoepi his aaws and machinery In perfect order. (3) Hocauso hs cutt all Scantling Joleeexact- ly to the hill furnished. (4) He 1,1- put In a Lumber Kdgor and all boards arc same widths from one ond to the other. () Bmanse yon can take a load of logi to the mill and a load of lumber home aame day. (8) Because he guarantees to cut all custom work in a workman I ikrmaiiimr and satisfaction guaranteed. (T) Because all sawing In done at rock bottom prices. Lumber Del ittred if Required. G. H. SPENCER Bept.lOth.imo. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Beet stock of IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, PLESHBRTON. E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS !M; ir,i M9&.tte&ial Works, Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Cormier aud Table Topi in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and niadu on short notice. Also Mantles ia Marble aud Marblci/ed blato, .tc., <tc. Fleaherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT A.IV13 0} Innuianoe effected on Farm nnd Villnpc nuilclingft and contents. Insurance against Lightning a specialty. Deeds', Mortgagps, Lcasea, Wills, tn-., can fully prepared and properly OFMCK, Toronto street, nuar Town Hall, W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. THE PILLS Purify the Illood, correct all Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, liicin'yn, and JLJo-welN. TUOT liiYlaorsto and restore to health Debilitated Conntltutlonn, and are liiTaluable in all Com- lilalutH Inoidental to Female* of all *<. For Children and tbo aeil they are prloelees. THE OINTMENT hao I nfalllMc rniiKly for Had I.e,;", Bad Ilreants, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcera. It Is famous for C tout and Wieuiuatisui. For disorders of the Cheit it has no equal. For SO RE THROA1, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS OlandularSwelllngs, and all Skin Dlneases It ha no rlral ; and for contracted and stiff Joints It acts like a charm. Eanufactured only at Profemor RouxnT'a Establishment, T8. New Oxford Ntrert ( late 5.13, Oxford Htrert K London, and are sold at 1 s, ltd. , 8s. Od., 4s. 6d.. lie.. Us., and S3. each Box or Pot. and may be bad of al Mm- Vendors throughout the World. Purckaten nhmld took tr >hf I*M on the FoU and Bmrr*. // 0" addrett it not 5,M, Orforti fttreH, London, they tirr tpuriatu. rREEMANS "WORM POWDERS. Are rleaaaat to Uke. Contain their ow Is a *afe, aura, suid r/trrfu*l ) m CuUdrso or A<lita J. W. BATES, a ml FLEBHKKTON. ONT. NOTICE: A tliorongli bred Durham Bull calf, n e month old, for snlc. Alo a one year old Durham Bull, with Rood pedigrees. Also a good Htearn Flour Mill at Flpsherton Station for sale. Apply to 110GLR LEVKli, i'. 0.

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