Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1886, p. 1

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CALL AT THE NOTED Jewelry 8trr. - Fl-*herton. To buy Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spsetaclua, Fancy Goods, Ac., if you want to save money, as Rutsoll is noted for selling a tine quality of goods at very low prices in fact other dealers through- out the country cnmplain that Russell is polling their trade, as they cannot com- pote with aim. Do not leave vor r- Meiss with anybody but Ruawll, the Boss watchmaker A Jeweler, as he attends to very job himself. JAN. . Kl SSi;i.l , Jewdtr, dec., FUikrrton, 0it. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Flesherton TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" 'PRINCIPLES, WOT MEJV. LEITCHS Tailoring VOL. VI., NO. 259. FLESHERTON, ONTAIIO, JUNE 3, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, TA.DL.E. Taking Effect, Mcmdny, /Wy fTtA, 1885. Coing North. BTATIOXH. Mail | Hap. i Stlsad. Toronto Lvi 7 sSlalii Cardw.'Jl Junction Charleston Orange- i Arrive ville. . Leave Oramiuville Junction.. belborae Dundalk 45pui tor " t> e a 50 10 06 I TUB 1046- ' SOS 11 10- I 8 _ ...lUtf" I )OHiato IDU - | 910 Willinmfnrd Tltom ! 9ai CbaUworth 1198 " 49 Uwen Hound Arrive! 100" 10*) STATIONS. Oven Sowai __.... Leave Ohat>wortb VilllamafoM __ Deadalk .. .......... ... Baelbume 1 Aniee .^ -------- rfll. I Leave ............. OharlentOD ..................... Cardwell Junction Ternnto Arrive IO4S B. I Mail, i liiawd. ftflUam 5SO " 06 S10 a 198 - u; TM " L_. S0 ~ I ' J HIS ' 9BT 4.15 SM Ml 030 ft) f n H Remem- ber Till June 15 will sell 3 02. Coin Cased Broadway or El- gin grai'.e American Watches at $11 cash, Hilary's $14.50, Bartlett's $18, key wind, war- ranted 2 years. Clocks, Jew- elry, & Silverware, at as close prices, Specialties, Fine Goods. Accurate Repairing. Mr. A. Macphersxin, of Foreat form- erly of Flenherton wai in town on Monday, calling on bJi many friends here. Mac looks jutt au well a ever. WIZARD OIL and PILLS for sale at Medical Hall, Mr. Nicholson will preach Methodist church here next aud Rev. A. \Vil-,.. u Nails, Ilinges, Ac., at bottom price* at Richardson & Co'i. The question is asked, " Why do people drive so far to get to M. Rich- ardson & Co'* store ?" Became tin y John Charles Dent's " Story of the i kwcp all the people want the largest Upper Canadian Rebellion " has been d best assortment of Goods, aud at duly received. It is well written, but P rice8 *> ult tlie clo )t bu y er - that is about all we can pay for it. The i r. WHYTB, OBS'L Scr'T. D.llrNU-OLL. AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &8..0KT PBYS1CIAX, H1RCEON, &C. FLESH EKTON. titiiitnrr. nert to fHntion Court office. J.P. MiKM! if I . 1 ,ll.S DKNTIBT. GHADTATE of Toronto Rchnol of rVntlilry. will IM nt Mrk.|l.- th lul and ii 1 V\ . In. . dkjr of oftch ui'inth. and at Klli<-rton <>n lit* Ut and .Ird Thun-lay ID Mch niontb fortba practlo* f hit protection. J. W. FROST, U.B., arrltfr, . W. i BROWN, A Reliable Jevu-ller. Markdale, - Ont. THE ADVANCE, (Publuked evrry Thuriday morniny.) Members' of the Wizard Oil Company wang iu the Methodist church Sunday evening last, when Rev. Mr. Auld, of . Kugonia, occupied the pulpit. The { building wait literally packed with i . terian talnicter will occupy the same I __ ______1__I- i ph. who were net very forcibly struck pulpit in the vening, in the absence ofj M.Richardson & Co. show some with thw trst two adductions rendered by steel engravings and wood cuts promis- ed are few and far between, and the latter are wretched botrhe*. which our i with a bo knit* and the end of a saw -log. in the Sunday | devil couk , Preby. | Kev. Mr. Ayers at Conference. Fresh TURNIP BE ED tt the M.dical Hall. Clovor oat in bloxaoxn and OTW six inches in height on the Sloth uf May how is that for Artenaeua? young friend, Mr. Ephraim Brodie, of Meafurd Road. Well, we should aay it is great tiifati acfUtntrr, in fact. Tin- Medical Hall people understand their business : tliev keep those articles only of repute, and can unit their CUD tomcrs. fery pretty patterns in Light & Fancy tbe Prints. Bee them. ao* ' Oil people the voices did chord " or " harmonize " in that happy manner so peculiar to this coup- The music-loving public will be picas, any of singers. Rock of Agtw," by ed to kuow, that an ana tour company the Wizard Oil Company, howcter, was of Flesherton vocalist*, mnder the lead- aimply sublime indescribably grand, erabip of Mr. D. 8. Munr< , are prepar- to place on the boardu the magnifi- cent oratorio of QntM-n Hither, winch will be publicly rendered in the Drill Underwear in great variety, at Richardson A Go's. the Mr. J. W. Hodgnon we are notified by I'!, -lu-rti'ii Station poBtmaater re- fiiwn to take his AI>VAM B out uf that Siintli. Uie Markdale D&rber. office. Wh. n Mr. HiMlgnon remita all A. R Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Coniittwg of Ijiiral and (Hher Interfiling Item* yathrrttl by Tht Adtanct Rfjtorttrt. The Tliorougb bred Durham Bull, " Gray Clian^iiun," will stand this aea- sou fur eervioe on Lot 144, Artemeaia. Charge, 1 1.00; a reduction to any one sending over four cows. Rooc* Li vu, proprietor. Office Stri.ii Ku'i'U A. * CHKSI.KV Kulic tor !<! I. lit MR. FROST will b found at th Tburadajrn ai hrlof,,r FUOIIKIITDN. ud ConvayaBcvr, P McCULLOOGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. ovrr JlrFarland'ft sn>r . Mwury i<> Loan. MASSON & MASSON, T \HHtSTKHS, SULICIT(lRH,*e. D UrncKi Owau Hound, Iu V'lckcr's blnrk, Voulatt St.; Branch oflle In Mkrk.Uln, <>Tr Mo- Farlantl'* store, i.n Friday and Hat unlay every week. J.MABSON.gC. S. HAftSON. W.MA8HON. M.H. --Privau & Company's foods to invert at iwn Hii to Eiht pr eeut. Sit.DWIM HaKDS. a. T. KTRLIN. PBaD.W.OiBVlN HANDS, EUHLIN & G ARVIN. thicceitur tu btutlrr <\- Jlanrtit, T>RRI8TRR8. HOI.KHTORH, NOTARIRH. Jj CUNVRYANCKKH, Ae MaMy to Loan at 1,wot Raton of intoreit. Offlcea. Ifi King Street Ratt, Toronto. . Disciple* of good old Iaak Walton are numerouH iu Flesherton. about every other man you meet aud boy and girl, too ia au angler. All thv little fttreamK within a radiim of fifteen miles have been titlied iii more or less since the Hcason oponrd. Kven Flewher's \Ve heartily reconuuend our atock raiiicrs not to place thuir cows before s..-< 11 1^ Mr. \V. H. JiiliiiHtou's thorough bred Durham Bull, which will b foi service at Lot 126, KaHt T.\ S. K.. Art emewia, thm aeaHoo. For ]iarticularH consult our advertitting columns. Look out for a grind assortment ol Stationery and SCHOOL etceteras shortly at the Medial llsll. Try our prices before purtliuing elac where. The Wizard Oil Concert l'..ni|.su\ favored Plesbcrtou with their |)ro8euce hist week, drawing larye crowdH with their open air concertn. Instrumental and vocal niunic were botli of a snperior character such at may be heard in the rural districts about onoe every ten years. In future a credit price will be added to every job done at this office which U not paid for witUiu one week of delivery to In fact the partictt for vhom tho work is clone. We quote close cash price* every time aud ran t afford to ait a month, six week*, six uioutliH, a year, and some timea two yearn tilt remittancea for nothing. We do work at M cheap rate* pond is compelled to yield its quota of j and of as good quality as can be obtained chubs, suckers, and - moHqnitoen ! The in any country office, bn* we do not pr crop of fi.sh yarnH ia as large and truth ful as heretofore. tend to do a credit buiiuetw in thin at spot caab rates! de John W. Armstrong FutsHRtToN, Co. OSJIT. TVVIHION COURT CLERK. COMMISSIONER */ In B R., Conveyancer. Ae Agent for parchniw ii'l Hale of Innde. Appraliwr for ('. L. C. Com- n I r. P. H. * 8. Hoaiety. Money to Loan on 1 1..- iun.it reanouable turn)*. IMUKU or MAKKIAOK LICENSES. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLISI ABVBMZSIA. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, INSURANCE AO'T, <tC. DP.BD8, MOBTOAOKH. l.K AKKK. Ac., prepar- ed and properly executed. Inaurano* after Mi.) to lend at In ftrnt rla eonipantea. lowest rate R. J. SPROUL, F\*ihrrt*m Cimftyancrr, Aprjrauer, I'al- itatar and Monry Irndrr. !> i*. Mart- <;ri,;r, leattt aitd Willt rfratrn u/> atid Valuation* mtldf. un ih'irlnl tuAirt. Char- kne. AnplytoX.J. 8PRO I'll-:. Fltthtrton. Money to Loan. At 6\ for Cent. Intereit K Straight Loan. WTH Interest paid yearly, not In sdvanee.No oommlsalon ebarged. Apply to A 4.KIKK THOKKBHEY. H. M. CHARLE8WORTH, OWEN SOUND, OHT., Brveder Mid Importer nf Orange. u. CVwhln and M emmotb Light Hrahina* large > turkeri. Km*. HufTi. S per dot., nrahmat tt per doMn. Have fine Ulack Hpaninb and Plymoutn Hook (Si to Hell. Improve jmur it nek ".TlT MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, # Cabi- net Maker. All repair* promptly ft neatly eiocuted. hope. Durham rlt. nest to I/mtotrn Tailoring. Tlana and specification! on >hortet notice. Lath and IMnr Liimlx r for Sal. The nndanlgneil has a quantity ol Pine Lum- ber and Pine Latb for aal at rieohertonHtatlon. VILXAOK I.i )T F. .11 SALE. IhitvealooafONll.it for *al In FlMhnrton, k)h will he dliipoeed ot on rawnnatila temn at ADT AC Ome. or U 1WOVB aWLCOD, rtsbstoo MM Shed, Kli slu rtoii. on Dominion Day. Mr. will cut hair, shave, Ac., in Fieahertoo arrearges due to the proprietor of this next Monday, cattle fair day. l>a|K-r. we Khali be happy to erase his name from oar lint, bnt not before*. He Thr -.'in, at Maxwrll. -MHIH Ai-rmmco FBOM TBS OKUOIAL. There wa* a anund of deviltry br uibt . In Uvprey . ca|.IU) wwegsAhend then So beaul; and lees chivalry : and .rlhl The ev>re aud hotel lasnpe ihon* o tboae men A hundred tn(ue bowled luetily. and woeo With ghaitly K.bg. about the wh,t. hotel. Each howled tu other, he howled twrk agalc And all waa lively for a little ti-nll . Hut huab! harkl-'tU tuning tat an old eon brlj ! IMA you not hear tt ' Wall, I gum I did ; Their bugglra rattled uu the 11007 itrect . And (till they iaog. tkxix nuiae wae ner bid . hleep for no one within ten UiauaeAd IWt . Then back again and hat> n~lhT treat , Ii nt bark '- another nU break* In Joet now Wl ich makn the awful racket jttat eOmpUie Look ! look I tboa. fallow! Ill a row Ol tee) thoae three will keak the othar nose 1 vow ! Upon Ua b*n aaat did mU and -|till. T>w aubmrv-heexlwt juiuper from Duntroon ; Beaide bu hrulber ; Itim 11 11 k>udly bawl. Asd with another SMOked th* itiuulder (tone : Theac and the " gentium ' froiu SingL aoon Out fruui Ibe village drove In <iin array Omy ! I'm >ur u Ua mtgbty booa To have aucb vultun to >pesid the day. And, oh ' We long to hav* another Keth of May To I., I ml.- r i,,. ,1 Mr. K. Vanaant, the atjafusiic and popnlar leader of Klrihertou Mr. Will RichardHon kx-epa a stock of i reH|Kiniblc for every i>aper sent to | HranH Band, is taking step*, we the famouH Stylographic Pens at Rich- him from thin office wherever ho takes ardsouH Drug Store here. They aro a it out of the pout-office or send, it back marvel of human intftnuity. We have to UH marked "refused "just BO king one in u at this office, aud after using ; as be fails to pay up all arrearages. It It will writs |w**ma to us Mr, Hodgson is ii.dUieJ to it would not be without it. on coarse pa|r with as much facility as ( be a little too smart with the Agricult on fine, and give out a uice even flow nral Kditor. But it won't work 1 of ink. We heartily reouniinvud it. ICE CREAM ! Pure, Fresh. Good Invigorating, r.t Miss Hind's It. nARDEl) FENCE WIRE Cheap at Richardson & Go's Hardware store. . nt Rooms, over Gordon's liar- [new shop. HOKTON CREAM and The Orangeville dynamite outrages other refreshing drinks also kept, have caused much excitement and indig- nation throughout the province, and ' Flrshrrton Fubllr SHmol Report enterprising journals have duHpau-ln-d artinta to the scenes to sketch the aanie for their column*. Something ought to be done to stamp this fenian innovation oat onoe and forever. Canada cannot be the home of the dynamite fiend. Let a Government detective be Htationod at ! R"tt'tered during month 84 for May. I MHO. SXN10K liEPAKTME.vr. Number registered during month i(it{heat daily attendance Loireat daily attendance Average fur month Jl M'|R 62 .48 40 Oraugeville and there will soon be a haugc for the better. Highest daily attendance f>7 i Lnweat daily attendance 47 I Average f..r in. .nth M BOOTS stock just in at M.I Ladies Fine Rev. W ArniHtrong. Mr. M. S, another large ardooii ft C'o I. a specialty. Who Molr ihr U..'. i, We are informed that a valuable watch was Htulun fr. JM Mr*. K. T. -^***'**'*r*' to procure a neat set of uniform* for the uiemberH of the Hand. I ""ii; I., llr r- No need whatever to write long- wind ed epiMtlea on any local topic, except in Tcry rare inntancea. Don't do it: give the bare facts, with a few pointed re- mark* by way of comment. Use simple words, ao that every body can nndervtand what you are driving at. Leave lota of space between lines for corrections. But. whatever yon do. boil down your remarkn so that they will fit into the very amallest possible space. Life U short. PLESHBBTON! 7* the place to $et your Suits madein. fut ire. MIL- Run bar I,. TLe biggi-at <talk of rhubarb we ever *aw in our life WSM grown in Mr. Wm. N'ail'i garden. KU-aberUiu. Uum year,. We are glad to notice that Mr. Will ' 'ampU-11 m Able to more around acaiu. ifU-r the tirrihlr *.-, i-leut which betel him last week. He reaomed hia place in the Baud on T Urmia v evening. A new sidewalk .'. Chureh.trert. ft'eM ,.f Hill trwwt. al- though other parts of the wllafw, which >ure bwn i^iiig hearf Uiea f.* yean, are wHama* ti.iaJkt aad likely U> re- tin an fur knotber year or two. Mr J. I. I irmbam hi raiawd hie ntw frame bam. H Wjt and W. Coosy were the captaunt aJl went wll until the platea came to be raited when W. CUOTT'* in their haste, bruke the main plat* badly that it waa uawless tmsasilatiin the if.-ttmif nut .if a new ..u*. Profeaaessnr Huntunan irav* an art vi- liibitiiin in lh itne achoi.l huuae last week, there waa very awiall atUndauc*. dimes tt thu season uf the year are very Town Line Itftu. Dry weather. Rain badly wanted. Kail wheat not mute than half a crop. Hay in going k> b short if there in not soon a change in the weather. Proa l*-cts of a bin . r.'j. of apj 1. - r !. au<l Mr. J. Buland had the miafortuo* to iee a fine yearling colt. Mr. R. (iraham shot an eagle last week which measured ovatr fir* feet fruss tip to tip uf *lli((B The Queen's birthday wae cwUbraUd here by a picnic t" Enifeiiia. Rain badly n-r<jrl by the crops which are growing va<ry slowly. Mr O'Brien have about sixty head o/ i-attlr on tht' paiture ; dome of them fit for the liiitcbrr. Jarur* Stewart ban about fifty ootiiiH pasture. Lire bear in J. SUVA art's barn ymteniay. Korti Sinire duou. Mr. Wm. CUyton. and Mr. J. B7"Sluau. left Klenh erton for Halt to atUnd tlie Uuilj'h Coufrruc of the Methodist Church rly on Tuesday morning last. We wish the gentlemen a pleasant an.l pro- fitable time. Dr. Chrisfe* will prohably 10 home on Saturday evening, an on Mon- day nnt ArteniCMia Towuxhip Kathcr-t uci't as a Court of Town Hall here, Oirr, of Kovrrsliain. one day last week. peron saw him ; *>m frightened, bnt I >. t<-<-tivr are working up the caw. Imt no person hurt, op to the hoar of writing, the ijiu-<ti<iti at the head l this i>aragra|>h "Who Stole thv Watch " r. mams unanswer- ed. NEW FEINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW OLOTKINO- ! New Goods in Every Department! M. Richardson & Co, HATS, & CAPS, M.-ns and Roys tiottby Tttrtd Sum Leap at lliolianlhon & They hare gone horsra and chariot, men, woman, and child. Tltey cauiv, they HSW. they cooquervl. They were stranger* and we took them in. They also took us in. (Reciprocity on a small scale). They were truly charming vo- cilistn. The tenor especially caught the eye of the average young lady by his melodious tones and heavenly smile. Ho was a manlier an.l manlied ! Ach- ing li.artH an.l iicntiuiental seethiugH tell of the awful void created by but de- parture. >Sutr, tiatorl FrvrrMhaiu. Frifm u'ir i.i>- (',,rrrtj> A rather amusing incident occurred Kevisiuu in the laat wuek in ..ur quiet villaitu over a few sticks uf WIMM! ; hut as our .if the | rt..-a was rnthfr the bi^gvr "f the two, he g,.t the w<x>d Kime of our villagers thought they would follow the example of thv Street oar company in T.ironb., and strikf, but we Irani were glad to come and be like the prodigal son fro to work like good The Higlieat Price paid fur WOOL at Richardson Mr. \V. H. Campaiirne is the owner . f a very fine two year old Fuzzier c..|t, which, from all appearances, bids fair to make his mark. Mr. R.T M,-<;,rr has sold his little driving puny for the snug sum f flOO caali. klmbrrlry. A!<1> l:.l.l f- - A j{.x.dly nuinU-r of |.,-..|ilc giithered at the Turnperance House here i.n the even The Dundalk Herald is on the eve of i in K "f thi- l)th ult . for the purp.** of a change in proprietorHhip. Mr. Hall is 1 making a prvseiitatinn to Mr. and Mrs about to step down aud out, aud Mr. C. I '"'"' Hurlhurt, pioneers ,,f this pUce, H. Newell, of Montreal, will tako con-| wh " n ro K" ' Maniu.ba since the tool. We regret most sincerely the fact prwsuntatioii, Ac. took place. The pres- that tbe County of Grey is about to I. me enU w r n > set of Tea Dishes and several pieces of crystal, accomfiaiiiod by an address suiimtliing like the following, read by Mr. M. R. Ilamni..iid : Whereas, in the providence of OJ, we are soon to be .>. 1-1 .,t.-d fn>ui Mr. and the aervicen of such a superior news- paper man ao Mr. Theo. Hall, but cord- ially welcome his sucoeaitor to the va- cant chair. Althnngh we have had many differenccH with Mr. Hall, we kuow him to be a thorough gentleman aud Chrift- Mrs. Jhn Hurlburt and two daui;htrs, tian, aud wish him God--|odl and every j 1> J' *hr removal to the North- West, we. in whatever sphere in life his lot therefore, desire U. express our profound may now be cast. Frlrrvillr llrtva, Mr. John Brown's nteam saw mill was hiirniil to the ground on Sunday morn- ing hut. together with a law <]uautily of pine hiiiiU r. LOHII over 14000; in- sure.) for 11 100. Mr. K. .). Wat* m hat commenced in the harutM making Lue lien, au.l (r.uu hm well-known regulation SM a iua>U r hand at the bunint-Ha. we prsvlict for him a rattling husiuetM. I'rices to suit hard time*, work tirst-claim ; all orders prom- ptly attt ndl to. Horr F*Trr>hai Yum ' yum ! rscttvment is at s preni- am in town Monday nwht Uu mill employes struck for pUswurr uf goinf back at old ratet and time; Tuesday, a. m., . ur eenud miller, with ta extreme tenninus of a | oker in each kand, that would weigh about 2 century's each. His satanic insjealr sad " Yum-Yum" rn t m f.-aHul . urti.-t ( .vr thr removal uf t wood.j.ile. and the wsy that " T. Y." crieil out " devil and " liar " t t)ie v ci I>. as terrible S. say* report. Uctitle- . n. \. u !>h..uld " n >rer let such aiigrj lasion rise, your little hamd were aever made to tear each other's eyas. '* The Met Kodiat body talk of rnnldu. a new church. * * 4- j^nnro's Corner. The UUlrtrt 4'uunrlL l>i.ttru-t i .. Hi. il uf the lk>\al rH uf Ti<n>i t-raiu-r for Orey. met at KniiU-rl. y un Tufwlay last. Then wan a good itti-n.lan.i-. Mr. W. W. Bu- chanan, of Hamilton, (irsii.l S--r< tary waa prt-Hviit and addreHwd a large au.l T.t lative amliciue in thv Methodist Churcli iu the evening. K.i.U-ntl\ Royal Teiiiplariniu IUM taken .lei< r.-.t in the beautiful (juecu's Valley. May Teiu|K ran. r (.rim-iplm kwp on grow uiU until tin i. i- i.ni a Holitarv of Kacvhun rcinaiuniK in all thm Valley. So mute it he. apturr of a Bear. This space in the ADVANCE will be specially reserved for D. S. MuunVs advertisements from time to time, where he ! will inform the public ot the Last Saturday Mr Jamr Stewart. ..f immense bargains he is offer- aud ln> huh boy were out ing. looking after some iitray cattle. Wlieu near a swamp, in the South Kast corner of Euphraua Township, they cam.- in i;lit of a young bear. Mr. Stewart took afU-r him, hut when hi b*arahip fouutl thiu^H getting uncomfortably warm for him, hu ran up a tree. Mr Khtwart thought he had better got some help, aud accordingly nent hiv boy to Mr. llernaii Hurlburt'a. a diatauc of a bout a mile. Mr. H. thought it rt-gret at^thoir^l, |*rturo-e|.roially shall to c.pturt. youu Uruiu alive. Ifo there- fnre rlirubed up tree and shoved th IH ar tho Mr. Buchanan, of Hamilton, rpprmen tative of the (fraud Lodge. Royal Tem- plars of Temperance, and Kditor of the ,,,_, s i / neighbor. And while we thus nvn-t the I*tfnutttnal Tf molar official organ of "7 the Socicty-dehvwe.1 a very .Mo ad- JT^V* 11 * Md M Hl ""' urt Mld inFleshcrton last Moh.l.y even- > u f*"- " that our |, M .,11 Mr Buchanan I betheirgw " '" ' ha l'''>' ri% UI """ "'"' ing, to a fair audicnoe. dealt Isrgely in hard facts clothing them, however, in language at once graceful and dignified. His illustrat- ions were apt, humorous, and pointed. The Scott Act was treated in a most able manner, abowiog that Mr. Duch- anan ha* given this subject much I thoughtful consideration. Kev. Mr. 1 Ayem occupied the chair, and Rov. Mr. Watnon wan on tho platform. The vocal ' and instrumental nuisio wan furnished ;by.MiH*efl Chrititoe. Ayers, Armstrong, and Damuile, an.l Messrs, C. J. Spr.mlo and Win llanihouae. " Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices bottom' Timt ! Richardson A Co' I for your Sugars As the Wool season ap preaches, he will be prepared with a full stock of goods sui- table for the season, at prices that are right. His stock ol Boots & Shoes is freshly sorted up and ev'ry- body can get booted. He has had a great BOOM so far this season still continues. He is ottering special value in Tea, nothing ti> beat it ever respect for them, and with best wishes I hia bearahipap securely. Mr. StawaH offered at the Same pncCS we misa Mr. llurlburt as a . rk.-r in the Church, in the Sunday St-h.x.l, and in Orange brotherhood. Il will U also as a model citizen and a kind the rest of their family in a far off land We, therefore, desiro t.. prM<nt (' Mrs Hurlburt and daughters these iniall gifts ' ur high esteem and off with a stick. Mr. 8te wart was wait- ing for tho (all m bvar flr-.li n.. j.,. 1 au.l !/,. I hold of the Iwar as soon as he fell. 1 In i< wan nothing nlow iboat the bear, aud he at one* sciaed hokl of m MlltllUTV Mr. Stewart, aud bit antl scratchc>d with all bis might, causing tbe blood to flow and the rush protty (nl> However after quite a In. l\ stru!gle. Mr. S. cane out vuu>r- ions and pinmil Mr. Bruiu to the ground and with vimi help t'om the boy. tied fur their welfare and prosperity, we bid them God-apred. Signed in behalf of many friend*, MR.* J M THI KHTON. Mas T. ELUR. Mas. A. M . ..N x. i i Mr. llurlhurt made reply, for himself and family, eipi^ssiiiK '"* >d their heartfelt gratitude to the friends and neighbors for their tokrni uf rt.-em AfUr this s short tune was spent in tell- ing pioneer stories. ''Clod save thv Que*n" rinsed an evening of enjoyment long to bo remembered. has tho bear now at his place and thinks quite a lot of his pt-t. A M . r, Miiucu.~U s r*fnl lettet friii K. W. l>uson, ol I'fii.rsiu*. (>nt., he tiati that h* 1 A- r. <-,,Tert-il Ire j. lb<* oor.t furm af oysfsMsa, afUr sufliTiiiK lr hlir. i, jr.'ar. ; an i !.. n a Oouicil of .1. flto pro aoauorrf 1'im maural'U iir trird Burilo i HI.X..I Hiil.r., sis buttles uf whcb rwt. r*J his health. MAavsaa Os* 4oe ot Pr. Ckae* l.iv or ( urn will our* Sirk H-aJacbr. Ihsr uira and S,.iir M..maoli. I to rant.vl to rim \.\\rt C >nipi*ini ln<M|rsiion and BiliousurM. bold h? attcbardioo. since the world began. Full stock of Laces, Em- broideries, Hose in ail tixes and prices, Mens fine Under- wear, lovely Dress Goods, &c. S D.S.MUKRO.

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