Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1886, p. 3

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< * * -X THB ADVANCE. ritiherlvn, CMf. Every '1' FuoKTmt faWotttotf Strctt, TEBUH OF *.00 per amuuiii iu advance ; 515011 not paid t tbo en d of 1| year*. No paper disconttutied anil all arrearages are paid up ; and uo tub>cri|> u (ur U-ai tuait out) yuar,txcei>t vsliw for shorter periods are UiuJu witu tbti publisher. AUVBBTlbl.NO liATKS, Ac Uaaual advurtlaemuut*,(lcont*.iir i-t niirrtini ud 3 ctmti* PIT UnueaohiuLuMHiiiiMit m^'itMu, Dranniuut u.l\*rtiu-ia< ilt- tuDupaul (ur wfioa *r<t*ru<l. Advertgw*Biat* wMhebt peci**Vdli* ions will L>u luscrtud till furbid ami charged aeeordiuKly. l.rf.i'rl iiulucciiitnu tu reuulat aUvurtlter*. Notioea amhiiti reading lAattA, 10 cent* r pr lino i nch iuieftiun. No advtortlsuiuuut itir/joctiauud until all ar- fjaragaa btu uti.l u\. i-oajv (or cweTtiaMOeut i UouM reach tla- Uoeuot Istur thau aoou ou Tuu&Jty to uisuri uttiwu iu correiit i-.uo. A- K. FAWCETT, Editor and l^lesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Pucrniricr. lasli paid for fat Cattle and resh Mcai: constantly on hand for Caslj. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTQN CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! KLESHERTON. Ii tkt place to gtt yotir Itiirntu Collar!, dVc, made up in /' .'//-. Htwp t H W. Clarion' t Boot A AM Store, Flrihrrton. It OODtlllllt 114-1.1 of 111' 1 rot ol :u . . waiilH lo .-IMT.I i i foriiintionlK' ii'tpi Invent one hn .A hook of Kifl pnirci. :> !v. i tlMT to 'ill- Mill!. ! ho txperl- iK 1 *'.! or i >tln'iwi-<-. . K-liUlllll-1 . :iilr*'] M-'-l wl;.i i. "Mir. Illlils ill Hllli- III .-. ^ till* rorblinwnowlll Utrtnaapil ddlaiwln sl- . vertutliiK, r. In ni'iln Imllnitiil which will meet his i-\ it , or ran kt malt lo itoto h;i ft / iirrifKilit byoor- i\f ln-.-n . m-i .1 to . Write I ..... I' NKWsi'.\rv:ic liie*nt*. A (II, i.i'UlI.l, -i'i-iNi; I iwuttq.), MewTocfc. THE ACLEQRATED ; ] />D PHASES LIVER CURE HAVE YOU mliK*i. ... Pani l>i*/inv r>. bilioutnetft, in the Ha. k. I.iver Comtilaint, Jaundice, Heaoa , I 'otli\enes <" aiy ai**.* arising from a deri lier, I).CM<> I. it f ii Cm* Will be fcund a and certain reiru dy NATURE'S REMEDY Tk iinqualine.t *ucc.of Dr. Chaw't I.iwr Cure in Liver ' '.impUuit jr-l . -...Irly with the fact that it il .. aJanad iili many other Invn'i: i "><l hrta, havmf m powerful tfftct on i l '.ninys Moma< Ii, llowcli il flcxxJ COO, 000 SOLD 'Ovtr nu-knif MI.'. '..."i " A>. i 'hint's Krrift ffotr Wtn itU il I '.<< at.'nt. U 'f Mtml mry unit, l.hrr Ctm- fftuml If try tkil ixitllnt rtmtily SOMETHING New. CIHN AWAY Tun Wrpi>cl arouo J every dottle of I >r ( 'haw's I .ivir t'ur* it a valuab'.c Houwhold Moii ..1 '.:! and Krci) Book (*4 pace*), containing over TOO uvfill recipe*. 'pronounced oy medical rnn aid drtfK(isi> a* invalu- able, and worth ten time* the prit c of the m< ill uif ,TiY CMAIf'S CATAHIH Cult. A iaf and remedy, rrlc*. 95 < \TIYC*lt'tKlONIYIUIOljPlUJ. ajctfc SOLD BY ALL DEALERS > BDM.N80N 00., Sol. A|.nfl. Bradforol A IH v ii i i n *> *eta hi* Oeatfe ""I" Rtealbse; a Hide In ihe niaue. A 8ilv*r Greek, N. Y , derpatoh tayt : On tha laet teetion ol a Lake Shorn freight train paaiing b*ra at 1 o'clock on Wedoa*- day afternoon wart three trampa stealing a rid*. Two milac wcct of bere they were discovered b; th. brak.mao, wbo ordered them off. 1'b.y begged to be allowed to remain until Ib* train stopped, but be told them with an oatb to gat off or b* would kick them off. Two ot them .uoeaeded in alighting .afely, bat tbe tbird till noder th. wheel.. Hi* lift foot WM takm nearly off, bi. right foot badly bruised, tbi left hip Uworatod, left honldcr terribly arunbed, aod hla head rat. Be appeared to b* abont 18 yean oi age. aad gave bie name a* Edward Brown, of Uunnville, Ont. H* aid h* WM worhiog toward Chicago, where he -bad brother. H. bad a boodle at clothe* with bim and abont $10 ID money. His wound, wore draeeed here, and ha wa* to bav* been rejnoved to Buffalo, hot died before Ik- train started. Coroner Blood, ot Dunkirk, b been notified. Tbi remain* will wf tent to Iiunnville. wher* tbe young man'a parent* reilde. Mr*. T. R. Qood.of Jaahaon. Mioh., being ill, her doctor prorih*d an alnob .1 >-"' A Ktot'ld Dar*, by mi-lak*, ex>vrpd M . Hood'a body wi*b o rrirlvc -nMiuja'e and ae died very aoou ta HTM.* eg, my The Miapiiitig ot a do* at bir kgf, though oobitcwaa inflicted, to frmbteued a Ii tie ' 1 la Hew Haven tb* other day tha-. she l Ul, effoaioo of blood to tb. head and ac died ol awovoliicD* betora LORD SALISBURY* IMPUDENCE. He TellK the Iriok U ((nit Irf land if Thv in lit fcfttiiM. Lord Baliibnry wa* accorded a gr.at tVBtiou when he appeared upoti the tage if Her Uajttly'B Tbtie Uu. afternoon lo &ddreHtbOoniGrvaUvtm.wtia<;a*euioled Ibtr* under the auspices ot :be Firlmros* League. AU the nudnora wore Lord UeaooiufteleVc favorite fljwer. In bin ddreta Lord Salisbury deeiartd tbal Toryism ia ({rowing rabidly among all olanaen in Ibe Empire. lie eaid be fell il to be bii doty in these critical time* to urge all th* loyal to combine for tb. lupporl of religion acd tbo Empire. Hedebledbehad reooatetandsrt, ae tbe beat m*ane of gov- erning the Irieh people, thu adoption tf a Iwenvy years' coercion policy. He bad ooly tdviaed tbe maiateueaog of law aud order iu Ireland. lie repeated bit advice to the Irish to emigrate from Ireland if tkey oonld cui |>rot|K>r and b* ojutented nader Britisb rn!e,Ld urm d the (1 jueerva- lives to support tbe Liberal Unionist*.' candidates in the coming tlcotiooa, where Conservatives could uot cirtainly bn chosen. Kefming lo the objects ol tbe Primrose LeafcOc, Lard Salisbury 3aid they ware ia ine-aightbteiaer Uatbolic, aeiac to secure ao BDittil oppoeitiou tu tbe flx>dof IL&- delay frcd SjoialUni wincj at preeul waa m uaciLK tLo world. Hiu-iJar Lei>Kua<4, be tddtd, vrcie being formed in the British nnloniaa and oven on th. oonliiiinl of Europe. (Obrs ) Ibe anaieLO. Lumbered at least 6,000, and 'iicladtd a very largo repreaeotatiou of Iba arStcoraoy uf ogli>iid. Tbe Duchess ( Mr;ix;iiii((h, Lrty Batdulph Cburebill, Ltdy Uacnert apd Ltdy Hicks U-.ach were oum p oaoaa among tbe boel of male and female celebrities in tbe boxes. Tb. theatre wa* profusely decorated witb flaw. Mr. Chamberlain publishes a Liter ating- iugi} critioiziugtbe raceuiaotioa of tba Lon- doo Udiol Council iu adopting reaolniioaa favorable to Ur. Gladstone's Iriab Bills. Cbaodterlein taya that probably very few of the man wbo took part ID Ibe ecu: oil proceedings bav* even read tb* Premier a Bills, and tbat probably bardiy OL* of tba <cntlemeu would have givtn Ib* measure a moment's consideration il thsy had been proponed by any perron lei. eminent than air Oladilooi. In tbs HOOII ot Commons Ibis Mr. Timothy DarrtngK^, Horn* member fcr Dublin, moved tbe taound reading ot tbi Bill providing for tbi elec- tion by ballot of the Poor Law Guardians the House ot Oommona tbit evening, Mr. Chambt.rl.lB presiding. Tbirly-foar mem- barn were preteut. It was decided to irect tbe threat* ai a personal insult, irqairing l h e ioterveutiou of Parliament aid pub. lie exposure. A proposal Ibal Mr. Cham. bsrUm and hi* followers sbould join in* Unionist Committee wa* rejected on the ground tbal there waa .till a prospect o! reconciliation with tb* Government, anrj tbal it wonld be too uopolitia lor Ktdioal duwenter* to aitnme au attitude of irrecon- cilable ucsUlily to Mr, Grladatous. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. UOW fMKl.l.Ktt UIKU. in Ireland, abolitbiug prone*, ana rudnaing its LOiflbor of t* c, do aiembera of tbs Poor Boards, Tta Orange m.inben bitterly opposed the motion. Mr. John Morl.y, Chief Btoretary for Ireland, supported tba motion, and afwr a b.i: dihate il was carried b> a vote ol 207 to 10*. Tbe anuoat-CtnacDt ol th.rtsujl wai reotlvcd with cheers. A laal (rbnrsday) night's London oabla ayt: Placard! hve been p>med ihrcu.h ual th* town of Tippsrar) an.iouneiLg luai at a mtelicg ot Ihe Hoot* League it waa resol. d tbat, iu view ot tbe diprestion in buniuBc tbe pteteul boate rei. t art exoet. sivi, aod :uat a ieduot:uii ol 25 per o -LI. bould b-. made. Tb* placard* further ay tbat thu .ervers ol tjictmsnt notice* fjrtbu uou paymeui of exorbitant rent* will iLOor tbe displeasure ot tbe Bout* I,fkUe acd tbe National League. A large mfMtlicg of Oranynucu wa* held to day near Armagh. Two bnndrtd armed and dral!d volant**rt wcri aurulled, and oiner arreij|(tm*nls were an Ju to forcibly resist Home Bale. C I. Waring, M.P. for Dawn County, ba. written a letter urging tbe Ulsteritan to organize and prepare to resist Hem. Rale. For God's lake," h. saya, "lalua bav. deeds, not word*." Tne Hon*e of Common* this evening, after a heated debate, rejected by a v t* of 810 to 1!W the Dandalk Oa* Bill, ai sit- boraK'J 1 by a committee which ojbnisud of four KuflUabmen. Tb* iiill ii_creaed tb* power* ol a private ga* oimpauy, whereas ibe mnLicipal anthcriti** wUb lo take the task of ligbtini! Ib* town into lh*ir own ban'], in order to b* a. economical a* poi- tiblt. In tbe eoara* of Ih. debai* Mr. Bextoa said that Irish private business oogsl to b. eoipended aotU the Home Kule qaeitioDbad been settled, and that aiany tale th* Bill under consideration ought to be dealt wiib by a ocmmitM. of Iriabmen iDiiead of Kngli.bmen. J.ird John Man- ntn, Conservative, laid tbat Ibe debate abowrd Ib. temper with whteb tb* business we uld be conducted io tb. Iritb Parlia- ment. Mi. Dillon retorted tbat th* Irish Parliament would at Last b* oimpoeed ot memberi wbo knew where Duodalk U itutted. Tb. BUI was supported by tb* Conservatives, aod by lit. Lsooatl H. Courtney, Liberal, while Meears. Glad atone, Guilder* and Btaosoild, of the Min- istry, and all Ihe Parnellitte oppcaed Ibi Dieannre. Tha announcement of the recoil was reoeivod with loud cheers by the Irish mdtabere. tit. John Mortav, Chief Secretary tor Ireland, moved ').- xoeond reading ot tbt Arm. Act. Ha explained thai tbe Aet was intended to restrict ibe poai.sniog, carry- ing, aod importing of arms. Nobody in a procl.inud uialnoi oonld carry arms with- out a licence. Although case* of onlrag* had greatly diminiabed in number, in 1891, It waa necessary lo prolong tbe Act of tbat year io view of Ib. prevent excited tat* of parly feeling in tb* north of Ireland. No Aoi ODnld (reveut the oom- minion ot a deliberately planned murder. The Irue nea of Ih* Aet was to prevent Ibe growth of Ibe practice of carrying arms on tbo occasion of fain, market*, pro***. noon, and other gatherings. In ooeloalon b* aiked all lovira of order to support tbe measure Mr. Parnell eamplatned tbal IL e power* of tbe Act bad been injuriously used in two directions. First, to harass aodanooy Nationalists , second, to deprive farmers of guns intended for soaring birds away from growing srop*. (Conservative launliser ) Hi urged that th* Aoi b* applied impartially in diiarming Oraoitemen M well a* Nationalists. (Cheer*.) Orangsmen bad ibown by tb* act* aod by the utterance* ot their leaders Ibal they weri dif oaad to slaugh- ter, or to attempt to slaughter, those wbo differed from Ibtm in politic*! opinion (Irish cheer* ) H* wonld not lay tbal Lord Haliibory, Lord Churchill aod Mr. Cbam berlaiu really intended to promote murder, bat their words would certainly bave no other effect. Mr. Bradlaugh condemned Lord OunrebiU'i ipeeobes in Ulater a. dangerous and Ireaaonable Lord Randolph Churchill repudiated the insinuation thai he bad incited the people ot Ultir to murder. He had merely pointed out that tbe plaoing of Ibe Uleterilii in tbe power of a Dublin Parliament must remit in aivil war. He quoted apeecbes of Mr. Gladstone and Bir Heury Jam** io an effort to prove tbal the people were justified in refusing to aabmil to the transfer ot authority from an efficient to an inefficient Government. Th* Arm* Aet paassd Ib* second reading by a vote of 809 to 89. Mr. Obambsrlain write* to hi. sou- stilaeotB thanking them for tbtir vote ol confidence. Ha aay. be hope* thai even now meacs will b. found to rsuuite tb. Liberal*, provided tb* Home Rale Bill, wbiob bt declare* is admitted to be defec- tive aball b* withdrawn, and ba Is sanguine tbat witb more tim. for disonialon aod ennmderailon, something like a general agreement can be >ff oied. Tu. Ooverumenl wblp* report tba: 290 Liberal' ar* plerttirfl to voi* fur ih* Hocu* K i.i B.ll witb tbe 86 Prneilite, aud tbal ibe number ot lupporlert ii iu*r*aiog daily. They uow count upon carrying tbe Bin by t me) vily of IS Ia oonnijoeiioe of tbeaciimo vne Cen- tral Literal Aatooiatioo in toottiog Liberal *aoau**t to thcteteu Liberal malcontent!, a mt.ltDf WM bald in oomaj Hie -room ot maxwell Tell* \ o.,lrrliil Mt or < ol 111. Ucaik. A 6t. Louis daepatob aaya ; Tba oonlea- lion of tbe Mouad io tbe thai of Maxwell for tbe murder ot Prrller, which it to be presented to Ibe court on bchalt of tbe deftboa, it made in writing to hi* attor- ney., lu it Maxwell taye that Preller wau tuffcring from a private complaint for wbiob Le treated him. Preller WM acffer leg mueb, aud Maxwell proponed an opera- tion for bia relief, and ai it WM painfnl, advUed Preller to take chloroform. He aurecd to do 10. Maxwell couiinne< : " Daring the day I pniotaaved tour ounce* ot chloroform, which wa* atanding m a bottle on the edge c f my washalaLd where I WM waBhiug cotce surgical iutiruuueat* ou Sunday ofleraoou. In WjibltK the ibt-trumeuta I overturned the bottlu of chloroform and it went headlong i-tc the baain, tbi) cork coming out and all bus about ou* ouuee aud a quarter or an ounce ai,d bi.lt going down iu tb* sink. Tbi* WM pro b .biy 3 o'clock and alter getting my in-iirn mente ready I went out to leoore com more chloroform. I went to ibe drug More I don't kaow where, bat iba atore near tbi hotel (Farnow't) and asked tor Ibe ebloro torm. When 1 gol the chloroform repaired to my room. Preller had been in aad oulot my room and bia own all after noon. About 5 I began the opt ration. administered Ibe chloroform in tbe uos way, holding a aatorattd cloth to Ibt noti Preller passed tb rough Ibe nnl ctagc all rigbl. It took teverat momenta, I don' know exactly bow long ; then be eutersc tbe Mooud Mage, and here the terrible result cams. I dkucavired too late tha tbs w*a dyuvg. Imagine my horror wbeu in* fact dawned upon me. I wat wild with fright, but bad presence f mind enough to oat ibi thirl aLd anderatairt from Ibe body, and getlicg wel loel I beat him around the ntek and ebou!der* for a half h:>ur or more, did col give up unlit I WM ready to drop frcm txaaoatioii, atd my t furu wire not relaxed until b* bad beau dead eome lime I didn't kaow what to do, exaepi drink, and I drank freely ; 1 drank everytbiu fc I oonid >.tt wiuc, wbiikty, everything I put tb* body ialo my trunk, from which I bad removed everything. I put it ia tbr Irnbk aa hour aiitr PrUler'* death. What w* done benide tbia I have eo recollection of. Liquor aad consternation had poaaet- tion of me, and I know only thai my fc*l- logawera tboee ot the ntmott horror. I remained :u toy owa room Ibat night th* tame room in which tb* rcmaini were a:.-l il would be a Ii* fcr me to tay that I el*pt, for I didu'i, anil I WM glad wben moruicgcam*. What I did after leaving toyrcooi jon knew, lor it bM all teen printed." II Had yen any plan* tbcat disposing of tbs body f" "Man* wLa'.ev. r. I meat I to Icavn II there, eipeotiug tbal It would be Ji.covered aoouer tbia it wae, acd i&ii.kug tbat a poet mortem would lavcal tbt, true elate ot facu Ibal Preller bad met hie death wbiii undergoing inab an operation M I bave dcMg'iatad. ' " Ho" about 1'rellar'a mociy .' ' " 1 know nothing about Frailer 'a money I bad plenty of money ol my own, or I couldn't bav* mad* tb* long trip which I did mk*." Tba statement H incomplete and Max- well refused to txplain tb* real. Aeoordiug l bia owa atory tb* ontting off ol Prcller'* moustache, tbe iuroripliou about ' traitor" foacd in the trunk, and all the blbr qa*cr iacid*ni* oooaaoted vti.h tbe tragedy are to be attributed to bis liquor aod lear-craztd coodillon alur tbi fatality. I Ml lilt t \t I M. HWwM. lei.l by Ike Prla<*u .( Wain I* H ark Hic- ham Palace. A London oabls aayi: Tbe weatb.r wai delightful yeaterday, and tbe gardens ol Buckingham Palac* looked tbair very bent, green with th* feeder *priog verdure Ibat i* tbortlivtd in tb* London smoke Tba striels wire filled with tbe ennoni erowd tbal always gather on Ibe oeoaeioo ot a drawing room, when the slow prociMion cl earrUgi*. wiib tb.ir arieto- eratio coou;a:.l arrayoJ io tbe magnifi- OCLOB ol Court altiro, ulTjrds a pageaut worth travelling far afool to see. Tht Prinoot* ot Wales, wbo was a* usual fault- lessly dressed, beld tb* drawing room f r her royal motbsr-in-law, aod th. large reception room was crowd*. 4 by a very brilliant gathering. The majority ot tbe ladies' eoMumee were faultlessly perfect, and tbe diamonda wbiob flashed and tba jewel, which glittered represented more than tha proverbial king'* ransom. Tbs Exhibition brought a larg* number ol the <uu try nobility and Ibe colonial visitors into Ibe city, and ths drawing room waa declared to be one of the beet of the season. -i 1. 1 i -t -r i M>I;I. lhrNt>rlH> Ki frlr.i omtrrt Irene Ih* t aira( Prr.kMrry. A Chicago d**patob aayi : Tbe trial ot Pare Alpbooae Begum, ex-priiet, and a misaioeary among ibe Freneb people lor tba Preebyteriani, has ended In bia suspension from tha Preabytery lor deception and lying. Hta trial brought oat cone aeana- tioual testimony, to which h* offered no rebuttal other than thai tb* allegation* w*r* tb* invention* of Calbolioa. Evidor o* waa brought oat to show that In New York b* wai in th* habit of going about bin bouie naked and drnok. He had been con- fined oo Blaekwell* Inland and in th home lor intemperate men at New York lor dronkenn***. He bad thrown a lamp al his mtter in-law, and be bad been arrested oo cool plaint ot hi* wife for drunkenness and threat* to kill her. Tb* Praabylery di- mi-Md bim by a vote of 16 to 6. Tb* ex -priest .aid atl*r the trial tbal be bad a aovereign contempt lor hie judgM ; tbal they did not give bim a lair trial, and Ibat iuitead ol being Cbri.liani, M they pro fatatd to be, tbty were followers ol th* devil. Nu 1 i . r ,iii in . ! A WMhlngton despatch saya Mr. Tucker, Chairman ol the House Judiciary Oommiitee, ii the author of the propoeed oonililntionel amendmrnt frobibiliog polygamy in th. United States, which will be pr**a*d al once in Ihe House. It ia auderatood to have tbe Pmidenl'a approval and loading Senator* will lanppott il. II will probably pan both lloaaes with little opposition. Warrr Prrit) Ulrl. are s <.un.' Dr. Fellou, of Bl Louin, ramarkid tb >l hi bad always bnard that wbea b'ood ramained unmixed in on* family foe a long lime it ran oat, and when h* **w tb* wirnnn of t'ie an-- crati* oln of Ball! more be bellevd Ii. far ibwy were the ugli' - * tu -i hp had ever aouu in bit hf-. Tm* mty be takeu a gcucral nfl p. 11*0 u<>u Bt.lnm-.rf. glrl>, for ii ta trMot all eilirs tbal th* arintowaov rarely form <hen **n far* pmrortion of beauty. Tb* pr*ltinl iNi in KaoM City are to be found behind tbo eouBter* la Ibe itores. Probably tbia pretty bow d'y* do exitt* also in Baltimore aad SI. L/nlt. - C(ly Tiwi. Mr. Thompson moved Ibe fetoand reading of tbt BUI respeotiufe offence* agauat tbe per sou. The Bill provide* tbat a wit. may teatify agv>Uii| bar buabaud. Ou Ibi uggeation of Mr, Cameron, Mr. Thompson consented to amsnd it so as lo uiku 11 apply nimply to fmni of dsaerliou Tbe Bill waa read a second time and rtfurrad to commit!** tf th* whole, where K was m it.de J and reported. 'j.ue ilaose went into commiltae on tbs resolutions aulboriimg loans of f 750.000 to Ibe (Jjtbeo Harbor Cjmmuaiouara to ens bin them to oomplele the wel and tidal dooka now iu coorsi of eoualruction. In reply to Mr. Maekinxie, Sir H. Lacg.vin eaid that ibe Quebec Harbor Iruat after paying its expenses paid J per cent interest and 1 per cent, linking fund ou 7SO,000. Tbal covered the debt .xoapt cue debt ou tots* dooks. The resolution* were rrp3rted and a Bill founded ou them wss introduced a:.d read timt nmr. The Hun*ic wecl into 09iumitt. on tbe Lbtiranei Bill. Mr. Thompson explained that a olauet n the Bill waa lu'.enled to e.-olud* com- ?auie* not limiustd from doing bu>ioea IL MM* and tbeir agoata ; but II wa* cared tum. a* worded, it would exclude .be iu-pcctorn of mutual aaootatiocs for the protection ot property. Io order tc uiak* ihii clear be propoeed thai instead of MMaJj Ibal peraooj ahonld not " iraoaaot " bnaio.ie for these eompaoi**, the Aolxhoold aay "carry on " anou busi- ness. Tbii waa oatrriei. In reply to Mr. Muiock, Mr. Thompson aid thai toia would exclude tbe ageuta of ordinary insurance cumpaiaes not licensed in Canada. The Bill was passed in committee and rend a third timu. The amendment* mad* by ib* Senate to Ibe following Bill* were eoLoarr.d in : To inorporate tb* Hi. Lawrtoee Jt AiUulio Jonoii-jn Railway Company Mr. ACCUSED OF MANY CRIMES, Woman Under Arrest for Wholesale Poisoning. ol MliUoit Hrr I" !.,(* pbri. tiuilB I lit Uur -lllkrr To incorporate tb* Winnipeg A North Pacific Juuotion Bail way Cjmpaay Mr. Colombia \alley To amend and ooosolidato tb. Act* relat lag to tbe Montreal Bjard of Trade Mr. (Jurran. Tne following liilla were read a third lim* : Recpeotiog tb* Nspanae, Tamwortb A Ijjebeo Rilway Gompaoy aud tolegrapb lines Mr. White (Butingt) To incorporate ibe Winnipeg .t Hudson Bay Railway and Bleamsbiii Cotcpauy Mr Royal. To inoorporalo tbe Kiilway Fdr. Topper. Mr While (Card wall) introduced a Bill to make furiber provuion regarding ih- grant* ol land lo members of tb* militia ore* ou ae live aervios io tht N^rlhwrat Tirrttortea. He said that ihe ohjeci of tbi* Bi.l wa* to exwud the pnviltf** ol (crip aod land warrant* to paraooe who were in sapprtMiog the outbreak in Ihe Nortbweit l*mt year ao M to inelu Je certain rregular toroea wbo were actively rLnaged M teouia, or CLKt^edon ihj NurUjcota or any other ateanjer which WM ID Mtiou ; nd alao p*rouaappoiutd to the medical "lfl Ld boa iiftl Dtafl and Lor*e, wncre htir errviceti bad beeu rre .nn.eudad tay the Mjjr-0*Beral com mat IIIL d Ii waa l'o i r >|o-td to viliLd tew | rtviltgen of be Ac i to any meLober olibe force who left n me but wavt iLVlidd btfoie reaeuiug .'on Arthur, and WM compelled io return ; klto to allow *olonte*rn wuo were already ILUII x;eader a in tb* Norihwial lo apply beir laud warranti oa Ibeir bome*l*kd< tite ease of Dl furor, n and ^ their lob tbty Ibi after I wa* proposed to extend certain members of the ft, uob maiubari of A tod B be miliuiy iohools, bat icbuMIDWH, tb* time wi mi(bl sell.) thiir lands to r bo expm- n of Ida Urn* of < Mr. Ci.un a*kid wnrtLer tba clejrplj fktori Wf re lo be McluJcd. No autwer WM giveo. Mr. (Jnarlion presented the petition ot be Norwich dmnoi meeting ot tba Metho- dist Cnareh, CIIIUM forth that about an*- bird nr five hundred effective minister* of be Mdlbijdiat Cburou would be di-fran- ibieoU by ibe re>iduce oUue at the Fran- ibue Aoi, acd prayim f->r ao amendment IO r. lu-.ve this disqualinoalion. Mr Fo*t*r moved tba wooed reading ol be li ill to amend the Act respecting fl-biu>< )y foreign vtMMli. Hi explained that tbe ot-jtot ot tbt BUI WM to make provision for be following eaaee : Wbere acy vt.i>cl has >een found fishing, or prepa-iog to fish, or u bav. been flabing, ID British water witbiu tree mario* tnil*>* of any ot tbe ooail*. >ayf, oreeki or harbor, of Canada without a liceuie, or ban amend luoo waters for ay purpo*. Dot permitted by ihi law ot aaturie, or by treaav or canveuti .u, or b> my law ot tb* Lolled Kingdom or of 2auada for tbe time bung lu force, or hav- OK entered auah watert bM failed to amply witb any mob lw of the Toiled Kingdom or of Canada. Toe Bill (ri/vided ibat ia tbeae oea Ibe viaeela tbould be orfeited. Mr. Waldon slid Ibtt as tba Bill waa oow framed il would reader vessel liable to forfeiture for a breach ot tbe Custom. AW. Mr. Fottar Mid be would amend tbe Bill 3 aa to u>**t thia objection. COWBK Of TIIK PfcOPl.K. Inll.ini,'. A IM! (Wedoeadat)) Mght'a London cable eays : Mr. John Bright. epeakjuif at a mieaion batiar to- ijhi, aaid Ibat tbe Sou- lay robooU oonliibate much towardi tbe levelopmenl of tbe moral feelings, and bat tbe work performed by Ibem WM of more importance at Ibe prenol moment ban it bad been at any previou* pcrioi in iuglish biatory. Tbe puwem of mouarobi were le*s*nlug, and Ibe iotioenoe of lb riitooraey wa fading away. Tba only lower tbat wai growing a power thai wonld never banorforlb be limited wa* be power of the people. He claimed, ierfore, that tba moil pr*a*iug uetd at be i rcriout iiuie wae political ednoaiioc, y wbiob there aonld be cultivated in Ibr oiind* of Ibi people aMoaeof ibair moral aapooaibiltly. 1'ney h.iuld be langbi thai abor wculd bave its just award, and thai be wealthy be permitted to etj >y their lebaa in st-oariiy. Tkr rlnr el Caiarir Writer. A Obinen writer named Wongizi WM eoently leotenoed tj be quartered became n one of bia aoianlifla worte heenunmeled he names of several ot Ibe departed Chines* vnperore, wbiob ia itrtolly against tbe /curt etiijntite. At last hit punihojinl ra mitigated to deotpiteliou. Hiiohil- ran are allowed to livt until ncx' aalumn, rheu they also will ba executed. Pall Mall 'iattttt ata>n*t Kind .1 Ball. The pftatbei WM gou> Unhing, and Jeaoou Brown'a little boy WM going witb lim. The good mac bad bis bait la an oytcr oau aurl gave It to Johnnie to o%rry. Wi-y, Mr. Berry," end lb*> boy iornro- eenl furpriie, " do you carry your ball In a oau?' "Certaitly ; why net?" ioqnuer) hi preaober. "1 didn't know," be-ltafcd be boy. " Pr klaTn eftrtle* hu in a UK " Wnihingto* Critic. Tbe I f B man wta> attempted I' fo*r a nu-ta fta KM * Hvi g ntiae In Ibe Capitol at W i.ii.i;iou Ibe other da, buold nut be too aevcrely eondemned Bo ran, perbapii, mitde eriiy r>v looking at tbe wratebed itatuaa wbiob afflict tb* Capitol, and wauled *o f at the sculptor* lo rbame by inatilatug a o^mpariton betweao tb* genuine arlioie acd tbair poor travaetiea ot lae human form dlTln*, Bnto* Pott. A Kuiland (Vi ) Ic.ter cays : Strco* CKoouiitaunal uvidenoa, slowly aoenmnlai- ing during several w**ka, ha al leagib lai i tbe dour ol a woouian uf thie ciiy a ktn of horrible Mimas, ilru. ilarritl K, Nasoo iba fcopojiud prisoner, u now aoemed ot tbe mnider tf Ucr tauibaud, her sou-in-law, ber yonuK nephew aud ber moil tulioiatt ftiuaUe tntnd. Tbere ar* ngly rumore, too, that tu* list of btr victuaa may h> till further mcreaeed ou iLVenti|{ B tioL, bu. if halt of wbst in already told be true tbt woman baa few equals evau among the 'mans pnutiotr* of the poisoner*' art bite is 3tf > cars old, of rather nervous tea- pcranaeuV bat resolute aud euergeUe, aiiC uol particularly anrac;ive in par*ocal pitaranoe. See was born in Wia casMt, Main*, and tjb.ui twenty ytar* ago an* mariied IleLry C. Naauu, v.f Uorhaoi, N Ii. U' five children hero to torn t&roe buy* dttd iu lufaac;, aud a daughter of 17 and a auu at 9 are alill In- ibg. Mr. Xaaon died quite uUdeuly alitr very briat bat violeue illusa. ID UepUuu- ber, 1841. There waa au luiurauce upon on lil, aoii upon tbi* Mrs. N-ou aod ncr oLildri'i lived until about a year ago, wbe- Mrs. Nation's dan,;bUr Maud, uow 17 yuani oli, ia a youiig womau ot qjia* uotioeable personal cbixtus. Ab.ai a year axo L>jOiUa C. Parker, a briKOi, popular )onug man, well known io society bere, bantu paying altentioat lo Maud Alibouieb both war. >bung, 1'arkcr teiLg only JJ years bid, the Couriatup wai a brief uue, bd iu the fall ih*y wire married. The >OUOK 03U(>le hi{an keepitg hoiue with Mrs. Naaon. Kv*rybudy ayjreea Ibal U was . bappy household. Mr. Parker .naiuitiitil iteuuiLf aflcclion for Mr* Nawui a* well a* tor his will, aod every ihiug wect rmooihly until Feornary taai. Early in tbat month yiuog Par- ttr, wbo waa au expert BtentgrepBcr, .blamed an excdUul utoaiiou at .ouC aaiary iu Pulaaelpbia. lie wa* about M atari with but wit* lor tbat cniy wbeb be was taken nndaeuly ill. He xrew rapidly one, and wubio three days be died in real uMony. biartllng rei, .ria abonl tbe eauee if me yuuug mao'e dnalh obtained eireulatiou ai one-. Kveu tbe nnpriXee- aional trieuun ot i'arker who bad a**ll*d ai hie bodaide were made supioica< by bi- imptoms and by other eireumklancif. E L. Hatch, who waa witb Ih* patient ounce; ib* greater part of hi* HOKUMS, says that tb* voang man complained oouuuualiy of an iuieuie burti^g Mutation all inroa^b Lit body. Uu tbirst waa insaiiable, and e ei, florid Irom severs exwiraotiuns ibe limbe. that amounted a. most to con- Ui:us. liatcb says Ibal Mre. N -non asksd bim to tell Ur. Mead, the attending ptayaietau, that I>jo had Buffered sues) pells when b* waa b riiux witb him tteral montb ao. llttch lefnted, OecaUre u waa not true. Mra. Naaon pre- pared all ton tuod taken by Ibe neh man. He ecold retail, uooe uf it Mr. Haieh aud another friend, named icbolauL', vfcu was wnb I'arktr during a (jurtluu cf LU I.ILH.H.. w*i* ILu firttoue* to til* nects-l . I r . I^Vv.|,; Tney ejmmotiiotel their ru[iaioni to ibe (.areul* ol Parker, at.d toe Uner al once demanded an antopjr. Mr. Ua.o-j ay * tbat Ur. Mead oppoacd Ibe r*qo*al for au antopny. He eaya : Dr. Mrad took me into a room, looked tbs door aLd pal the key in bia pcckel. Then be called me to account lor wbal be had beard I had aaia about htm. lie waaleJ as* to uuder- iund thai ba held a praiuluaol (oeitioa. Be added, ' Yuu bad bailer LI.! o.iry Ibis thing loo (ar. I know G iv. Kiplay very well, and you will lost- yunr jjb al tbe liutiaud Opera Hou* if you ao Ubl *tup mi talk. Everybody know* tual i-arker death waa frcm enlargement cf the b*%rt.' " Th* reports m circulation about bar aoou reached Ibi care ot Mr*. Naanu her self, and >be at one* wrote to Mre. Parker, the mother of tbe young man, tbe following remarkable cot* : At Home, Tuesday Afternoon. Dsa*. Mas PABKXB, My btarl ia so aad to nitiut I can scarcely wriK, but Ken iuai I mu<t see Mr. Parker, and bave a talk with bim. I bear that he ha* said that my poor boy, Don, waa poisoned, and lhal 1 kaow about it. A grtai many older torribl* ibibgi have been aaid cjumctaid aiib it. N ,w, I don t btliev* Mr. Parkor sai4 ooe- naif wbal I bear ha did, but if auy evil- aiiuded pen.au hs told Lim aoyuiug ot thai kind aod bo oelievsd ii, why d.dn i ba cume to me ? Ii *e*ms to me perfectly iJiculom for bim to believe any tucb hii-n, mnob more to report it. Y.u bulb kLOw tery well bow I loved Din, aud be lovod me, ta be often told me. It teenied Ibal h* ihuuitbt as much ol me aa he did ot on own mother. 1 feel josl aa bad to ! him a* 1 wonld my boy, and Ood iu heaven kuowi I did all I oonld to have bim get all, aud be aaid to the muni be dud. N . *, nppoitng Ibal hi* medioiue aboold bave poisoned htm, which I don't think tor a uomebtii did, why should I be blamed? Suppoelng wbat h* took that night when be was taken sick should be poimin, wby abould 1 be to blam . 8j(pualog il any of tbe pbyaician* should give him any. thing through a luifakr, am I to blamstor u ? Y^u ouly step and tbmk for cos moment wkat a terrible Ihiog to -y ibas t wit to blam* for Don's dealb. It juas drives me wild, and 1 think now, a* U d i* my judge, Ibal il will drive me or*xy. Ab I if paor DJU was only here, il bs oouid unly (peak, bow ijuiok be wonld say, " Never mm i m, yoa ar* good lo m* " \mong other thifcg., 1 know tbat if wbat DM took Ibal nigbl wa* pjtaon, bs never knew it. He never wonld tab* u ou purpose. H* wa. ID bappy witb his dariiDg wife, and it seem* so bard to tee mv pour Maul BOW grtevug her life away day aCler day\ Btte feela her loan eaere to ch*y ban evt- r b fore. H*r health i* all broken down Ojd only know* bow It will *ud *iib ber . I dou't. Tel' Mr. Parker I ant lo seobira this w**k ; it be en e m* ophamuit Please wrr.e. MR.- N. All efforli to bo*b th* n.ly itorien or to smoihsr inveitigaiion were unavailing, for Slate'* Attorney Kimball took bold of tb* east, and began a careful inquiry. Parkir's body wa* examined, but the jvotl mortn* did not reveal Ibe oanso of deatn. Il bowtd eome general l&trrnal Inflimma- HOD, aad slight eular uietil of toe liver. Tbe I'omach aud a portion ot otbrr .irgaai were not to trot. \Viithans, ot Buffalo, lor analysis. He reported the preeence of arrrri. in large t]uantili(. The various ste^H in ih. tnveaiigallon had couauiued much time, a&d a t-mitive recall was i at Mt.bsd until Ajril Hist, On thai day Mrs. Naaon was atratted oa tn* oharg* ot mur- dering her son in law. Her cas* baa coma before Joilice Bailey for examination ou r.v.ral day* sine*, aod a bearicg was bell today. There hi* breu th* moet loteni* n.tTe't in the matter iu this eorumncity, aod tb* coart-ioum . bat bMO orewded, ebi- tlj by ladiat, at each, >iuiu > Mm. Nason ba borne ibe *rdtl otltuly, though tier iujprfsoiidlanl I* wnglunlng to 1*11 up n b*r. an! *hti aoDlluoe* to itead- (a-tlv anacrt ber luLoeeuM. i)u*Be intt-rrsl- I. K tustiinouy ba* o.-en pai iu, Mr. N oi.ol-on.wuo i a laxili rui'-i, *aid tbal at-'. Naaon asked him dorlog Perktr'i sick::*** wbat would b* tb* i did of poison upou the human system. He wae preeeot whan Parkir ditd, and Mrs. Nason fainted. Bevcral pbysioisi:*, wbo were salted I* aouaultaUon or war. pr***at at ta* tatopey, |ave their viewt. Dr. Metd, who si iu ohbrge ot tba ease Ihroogtoal lenied the slatsmsot* of Mr. Uatct biin. Whin tint calUd to Parker he was .ufleiiK with pauiiti btsiouiacb and vomilui|{. Ua admluiatar i a oouoteiirntaul of pataeb aud aod* Ho tboonht at Oral H was a case of iudige* .IUL. Ho afterward admlniiMrid aeoL,li jxide er*um, and U-jjotioas ot bydrat* -Aratnlc oaloral. Mr*. Naaou bad utformad him IS*M!U fci b .| p M |n r WM it iij, n . D1 , of bi math powdsr. She alto remarks) bat she wondered if a wail* powder father bad taken just bifore b* heaaoie lok bad anything to do with hi* daaib Dr. Mead re'uaed to say wbeiber Parker'. ymatooi* ii-dieated poisoning. Ha admit- ted Waal il turn. lint arsenic waa found u> .be trtdy no olber conclusion wanld be pMtBwtw. Albert Parksr, tb* father ot Doe, ttmi d*il that on the availing ot ths autopey be called on Mrs. Nanop, aod ace aaid to him .bat the boptd b* r!id col blam* b*r lor hi- oc's dealb. He replied : Mr*. Naaoo, I oupc nolLing ia wrung I hop* nuibicg u *rooK- aid I only want to know tbat all as right. 1 do not kaow whether soy on* wai guiliy. Tfii L.rd kuows. I boot LOl." Deputy Sheriff Btearoi said tbal us acr**Md Mr*. Naaou abi Woy am I aoansed aod for what t*e*op aoy more abac any olber person ? Wby ui altrioate it to ibe wuue powder Lr Suocru sent up io ibe night, aud wby LO| arrn him a* wall?'' To ahow motive, tb* 8if.e pat in th* fail Ibal Mr*. Na*on exhauitsd tb* prosit** ol ib* iniurancu oa btr bo. band i rif* about a ytar ago, and tbal there wa* 11,000 lo.ur acci ou tbe lit* ot Mr. Parkir. Moeb more vidsnee tbe Slate'i Attorney eiaim* to poasses which b* ul rot oa* until tb* final trial. Meanwhile, the other myalerioua dealbn referred to are Deicg inveeligaled. Toe body of bar husband, buns j in Oor- nau in 3optember, leUl has been duin- terred. It waa found in a remarkably ar>od tat* of priservatico, a fact in Itself udioai- tug tke presiue. of ars*aie. Pomona of tne tiitoiunts have been tant la acheuul tor aualjsis. Mrr. Nssou was preaenl duricg th. sick- Fur use to tall oee*and death of ta* yooog ton ot her liter at (i >rbam about tix mouth* ago. H* died o..der oueumitaboas exactly like too** in the case of Parker. The remains 'if the ob' J have aiao beo diaiuttrra^. Tbsy were wail inaarvtd, and portto^a bave bee. i taut to a cb< rant. Aooiber eaa* ia uac of Mrs. C. B. DcBrttton, Mn. Hasans moat latimsas friend, wbo died about a year ago in I'.-riULd. Tbe two woman Tinted *aeh uthir frex]Q*ntly, and there was not kzown to aa aay falltun out belweea 10*10. Mr*. DaBriltoni cickniu wa< vary peoniiar, at,d there w*r* *oggeitioos of poisoning ai the Urn*, but there wetued to be no rewon ' for ia>ptr*liug any oca. Ckemuta ar* txatuuiiug puruoL* ot bir exbutoed re- maiLi, and report* ol all the anal)*** ar* *x peeled. Tue ueigooora of Mra. Naaoo ascribe to ber remarkable poweii in th* way ol pro- ph*ayiu< fires. Her house on Orov* street, ii i* said, wa* burned in accordance with ber prediction about three yeara ago. bub- 'qasntly ibe had aLotber fiery viaion. Tui* aiarmtd auotbcr fan-i y iu Ih* *ao>* blcck, aad a watchman was *ot(lo>td Uut ib* eioond fire occurred on eeaedul* um*. th'-ukb to: until Mr*. Naeon had been bouood by Ib* owners of tae property to vacate. The .> palar luprtmou is that Mr Mascu ii .ffleti-d with a most 4angerc.ua and in'id:c^sforn. of inastilty, --. al tb* reaulta ot her aeoret work are u>.l yet kiioou. The takiug uf ovidiLCe wa* fimshid al too adjourned bearing oo Fnday af ttraoon T..--J uioel imt.urta4il evidence put in wa* by , ,n, WL teufled Ibal Mr*. Naaou bad threatened tu kwJ any one who ui'gal o.oa between her daughter Maod and br- MI(. (JjDjuuily *h* maait**<*d jealou.y of ber IUL -tb-law. Mm. Paiker, mother of tb* deceased jouoKsaau, teetifled ibat dnriog bis laet tiokue** U ju told ber that at soon as ba go* well hi would KOI away from Mrs. Na.on aod ber domineering ways aad let up a boost t f bia own. i It waa announced yeaterday tbal further investigation of the deaths of Mr. Nacun and of the young nephew of Mrs Nasoo would bave to be abandoned, owing to Ih* fact Ikat ab balntiog fluid eonlaiuiug arrenio was used upon their bjdis*. Argu- ment* In tbe case will be made next week Aitaoniib bli*viog in ber gaill, many persons do not regard Ib* evileao* iu tb* oae ibas (ar prcddacd a* cf&oMoily strong to bold ths ( rircscr. FARM AND QABDBN. Ia all ditsaaat whir* acat* paia Ii iviuced by vicOcoee ur rolling, aud espeejisitw m eome inieetteal afftoiiona whir* tba lutMii-iiy of soffom-g prodoaaa aJm^a uuooLtrollable fretsy, it it ceoaasary to irnvide some proMciion against sslf- u dieted u jury by ao ahaadaol supplv of lf ? w bad diuc spread thies: y over ta* fix* acd pacsud along ihe wail* of the hex tot v*ral feet above the ground level In ih* majority of other severe aod seats diieeseei ittsr* it Kiosrally an obninals disu,olina- Uontoli* down, and the movenisot. ol noo aod turning are aeojmpliabed ifBsaJty aiid pain. In each ease* aawdosi or chaff Inter u better Th'n stita u.nl to- vali-oenos is so far advanced M to warrant a probablhly tbal the aaimal will lake his rest in a reoombact poeitjoo. rt sawdU4t or ehafl ta unobtainable, lie straw abculd he tpancgly a- ad and cut luto short lengths, so tbal th* bone mar move freely through tb* bed. The beddiog, s] whatever material ecmpostd u to b* maintaiuid iu a coodiUoo of *lnHa**j aod drynest by th* prompt aod run - removal of aoy portion aoUed by dnog and uriL*. or wh'ah may hav* beeom* ilaat* from aty otter *aoM. Aa imcortaol duir of ta* boaetial oa * is H> carry oat the orawr. of UM mMieal atteodau wboa* la- irucuoos aooold b* impiieitl.ohayad witb accaraey. regularity aod fa-ctoaJiiy Tiw nlmi ustrationof medieicee mail bt aoe- suited no iai*t. patient and eanfal f- eolniion, and io .iriot aeaardaLe* with wived direetiooe a* to do**, timt and orm. HfymtUttm Dramg\t 1 1 or HI. Tbr <-i.di.i.. The bait summer fl jwerm* bulb is th* laliolna. liprodnass, gtnerally. stvwral pita* of a .im from to* aatnt bo 16. Tat varieties are almost sodltaw. Too can bsv* ibem in lfl- , U |, enmaoo, roae. whit* and creamy yellow, with imp** fl.kte aod *i*wb*s of vividly eootraataag ooter*. A pike will have from 1 i to 40 3, wen on u, s*d eouticu** io bloom for a long tlrsj* us flower oaaaot be ,. tayt: " Helper' wante to know M tuxaeya. Havtue; raited Uiem i I -ill tall Ibe way 1 io : Be sure Ibal tbe egfe are food. Half lb eaoee of pnny or dead joox turkey a I b*uev to be that people lobned too moe*. It* o:ok ai,d beus >b Bid not b* related, if the MO are t > produce fini-dacs bird*. I Set them under a kind hen of eome of tba large breed* Brabma or Coehia. J As aoon M tby are cut ot the shell lake ibem away from tba ban aid pot aw laaawrtauei ltr.ri.it.. ID Liaktt K tbe snrvr-v ot th propoeed Wnri|<jol Uailway at Niagara Fail*, whicu anil run along the bank al tk* edge of ice frcm ihe inclined railway to tbe Whirlpool, Ibe engineer* bav* run aeroi >oi* (act* which will lU'prue loienliete. When. Ibe inrvcy wa* mad* m l-.il for th* Sus euiiou Bridge of the Great Western ltnay, u wae claimed from ibe surveys ikal ib* river wa* bubtr al tb* ti jpao- M"U Bridge tbau al Ihe foal ot ins FaJU, and thin theory was aooepted. il being cl.imej ibal " tbe Imtoetjre preaiar* frost tbe Falls carried ths water up bill. ' Tb* pr**eol purvey, wbich give* the D'r.t level* ever taken through the water line, *i( lode* tke up bill theory, and shows that from ibe foot of the iLcliL4 railway to Ihe Canti- lever Bridgi, two mil-*, Ibe looliu* n iix del, aud from tbe Caatilevir Brtdg* to tha Whirlpool, a little leae than a mils, ia '.44 lee:, ibut Kmug tb* water tb* terrible luioe u attaiL* iu guiug through the Whirl- pool. .% I un .. !!. A oai* recently brought op in tbe Eng- lish coarti. where on* of Ib* maker* of a bolting Book soed bis partner in bu bosi- naa* for all. gad rniaacurofritiiaoof mob*y, na o*.| d tue al-.unou <! hjli.h lawyer* to tbe oase of Everel v* Williami, rtporied in '4 furlbier oa Ootinatroos. whir* on* liith'ayruaa lumuu'.rj a suit agaloel a filluw rubber to make him ace uu for bu bar* In thiir common plunder In tb* oac* in point the Bill 11 said to bav* been dumiaMd wiin eo.|*. to be paid by the a uuel wbo ign*d n, aud Iba lien iri for ibe plaiutiff ware altacned and fined OO apieo*. Oa* ii the kind that appear* beat abroad ib* girls ibat ar* good at parttea, ride-, visile, bailK, no , aud wooae abtal delight u in snob tbioK*. To* other is ih* kind ihat a|[eanbe*l at bom* th* kind Ibal ar* u-efnl aod ebccrtnl in th* dining room, >iok. room, and all the praatnm* ol horn*. They differ widely iu character. Due i* often a torminl al home, tba other a bleee- iog ; one i* a moib, eoniamug everything about bir . tbe other U a sunbeam, inspir- ing lixtii and gladnsas all around ber rath- way. To which of that* slaaaea la yon btlong ? Hanw Kuater. A walaMrr l.ortaewt. Wbat do you want?' screamed Mr.. Jtuei from ibe window to ber bocbaod on Iba Irool iwpe al 3 o'clock tbia morning. " I waat to com* in." be growled. " Well, von e u t aome in, tb* aaid. " Tbi lock out 11 in force to Ibia Mtabiiahmeat, and ;vu iu bave to apply I)M where. BJ long," ud (ha alammed tb window down anil went back to bed - Wjifc.nyion CrtMe. 1 i so-railed peanut (Mtoriewot Norfolk Y>. bandU *od paleoeb* market a iuil boa aod a bait dollar*' worth of r*aunaa each ytar. Tbe factory ie simply a eteaa- tog, pewahiog, and tornog aetabliahment, and tbs work is all don* bv machinery. The oyttcr p*niil*ntly rttatc* to r t rpood to aa enoore 4 Put ib* h*n ia a coop witb a imall yard mekaod around U. I like the yard to b* at wide a* th* coop ie, and long aaoa-* to be eaaily wv.rad with board*. Toe turkey* most b* abut tn aod outer* d ivory Bight, acd not 1st out till the Jew is dried up io the morning. They moat o*v*r be allowed to get wet, aod if they do *-t ibem ia the ban** by tb* stov* aad sivt them some warm milk to driok. Wben Ibeir feather* get wall grown they oac TntTt ea* of themselv**. Feed them with meal mad* of *ara aad oau ground together. Baald tbi meal with liog w.Kr, aod it it gate soar all the e;ier. Oive turn aoor -ouk I tatt the milk anil pour bjilicg water oo u, lei it twaM and settle, poor the whey off and give them in* card to *at. Th*y will 4* ell.ou n and nothing ale* for <jeite awhti*. O.vr, them all ib*y will eat. I Have bad i trouble with ibem. I hr .. The qnealioo, wbal ia tbe coat of a Nad cf butscr, or boabsl of to.i o' etuilag*, or meaear* of aay product, i* much like the qu-suc ia tke lengtb of a pi*ce of *uic k . of *r,iao tf ehaik. Tbe cost will altogether on the 'irrrnmstanae* aatr* farmer may find out woai it ooatsi him to [rjtlaee a certain thiag. by kaepiaf aa accurate aecouat of work aid ctawtOtU- lay*. But ibis may be no goid* fur his L.igbbor. wbo msy b* a pcorcr or a belter farmer, uav . poorer or heller soil, ow won* or teller luck, as tb* pbrae* (oca. U at poaubl*, under apeeiflxi coo 3i noo. to Hproxjmat* cost, M sinks an average ; hoi ivery ebaag* of condition* will vary ibe oo.l. Tb* man wbo gat* Ti bushels of e >rn to tbe acre may ipeod to noon on the acre ibao tba man who gat. oaly at) bnh*lf. Tb* diffarene* in tbi sj*t par bushel M apparwu. go the man wbo makes JOO Bounds of baltsr per cow p**> It. vaa*h aa*a|>*r per poood ibao man wbi gets ooly ISO 1 1 matters not wbal n Tbe main point for cash is to a*t*raia wbal it *o*:a him. If tbe eoct i* inMol ciently below tb* market price, b* has a profit ; otherwise, he larme n ai a lot*. Tfc* ti.ldrw riar. Tb* moat golden evergreen to oar gar- den u Ih* Japaaeee noUm pine. (Pions otassoniana anria. ) Tbere is nothing half way about n, ooibiog sickly, ootkiog waaby, noibiai n*dai4ed ; at tki* Hate at the year us l.avei art cooapi*t*ly yaUow. and tba wbcle plant daLse, bright ( masse*. Ujr pLacte, 1 bslaev*, lar^eai iu ib* eoaotry, and hav* ib* *eiou* from which ib* plaoti limmi nat*d frcm the Arnold arboretum and Ki*aena ounerue bave been raised. Tb*y are growing la candy land, and in ao open uuau.L, and appear to b* psrfeetly hardy. Tbieuoray piuee tbe wi.it* variegated f >rm vl tb* aaea* *fe*i*-did not do wall with as; th*y hoi*nd a f*w y*an and died. Caomtrf <m( fmut II I'a.. ! Orvlav A farmer write* : I one* planted a tour- teen acre C aid IB corn, aad got saoai two hundred bu*b*l* of *ofl corn and nacoui*, and uol mor* lhao oot-.juartar of a croc of l. Ike I told ay wife mat I would never I la l Ibat fl-ld lu ejro agaio OH ul il wae :r*l ; anJ I did not. A f*w year* a/tar- Ward, bavug put in nearly SOO rod* of r4H in Ib* >amr fl.M, I again piaotsd it with corn. Tee s*aoo wa* very favorable for corn, but 1 gut more than 110 baaaaat of sound ear* ptr acre, acd one of th* floaat crop* ot f talk. I ever raised. I kavi aa4 aeviral nmilar experieo***. awMpi Rimember your hone* caoooi tall you of ibetr tile and pain*. It i* jour duly to watch for itaem. A goose farm ia said to bs ona ol tb* lotsrMting ubt* In W..t*rn Virginia. Ii baa an area of about 3 000 acrm aod is well supplied witb water. About gee*, of everv varielv ar* kept than latt*d for Ib* markets in ths north gee** bav* ber den, M d ^, (DMM..^ Md ared lor like so many s*btU. Big ii video da ar* realised annually bv th. ows.ar* ct tb* farm " B* irr*(ular m aarbtog and tba milk will ahow It in qua!, ly. Too long pull* on a madly road often hurt Ih* wind ot a bora* Waco tk*y begin to breathe heavily it ii Nat* to fiv* tb*m a blow. ' Do not waste your feed oa poor etofk of aoy kind. Ii co* a* ataea M k**p a poor animal a* it dose a gx>d OB*. Bbaep bav* fallen off la nnmbert in th* I'niMid Btal** danaat tb* past year a shad* over 4 per seat., aad bav* aweliucd ia valaa llperasaM. Ocreaaolown Tftrfrtfl . Sulphid* ef poaaab ba* proved in oar praoUae all that baa b**o claimed for it by the Bogliah pnea a* a eV***wywf of mild*w on roaas, thrytatf lhtruaa>B and Km* other plan!*. A quartet ol ao ono In a gallon of water and thrown tfffotau foliage with a flurroead ayrujja will wholly dwkroy th* toagtt*. and II litv,, wLU aoi k* iojurwi.

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