Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1886, p. 4

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\ FLBSHBRTON : THURSDAY. JUNK 3. 1886. 1'OH'ME VI. With Dm issue Tire ADVANCE enters npon its Sixth Volume. Our paper en- ters upou the sixth year of its existence with feelings of " peace and good-will" towards its numerous readers, and with an increasing desire to make itself a neoemuty in every home in the diwtrict. We have successfully aimed to make TH* ADV ANCE a live local paper, bcliev. North Carolina Letter. From our 01111 ( 'orretpondmt, THE WEATHER. Oh I hot. hot, hot, I still must say. Too rin at nlKlit too Imt by djr, How ran 1 write, "whil* cold |?I outstanding dn>|ts ni 'ucular, Aud ibowuts i.f iweat. "my forehead covers o'er. While mill rsys alumni perpendicular. Nee* proat'tta o> u|K>u the floor t No wonder that intense heat takes ani bltion out uf t man, and leaves ium limp as a "Hied rag," whoti it takes the tem- per out uf a xterl pen, and driet the ink almost before. its sprt-ad, well, theso re- marks snd some <-f thu following, mutt tie taken with a "gra.no sal et contider- atum" (suit this grand 7) came very nea having frost fur several night* about a week ago, probably there was in more mg that the discussion of huine topics j f \ l>c * m . Fruit is nearly a pmier iB of much KToaU-r u ,t. r, -t to our read- ; fc , fai , uK> n|j ^ aMt <>f the )(Mt terribly erb thau tLc most profound aud learned c(i ,j wjliU . r The gl , ml( , ha . ^n t.n dissertations upon matters if political j ^ an( , t<j)> wet ^n^^Uy very back economy, which so largely occupies the , wardi coni rotted in the ^..d. attention of our city dailies aud week- ' j. BKITIMI COLfMBlA. We hare uot deviated-that we are j Tt 'P e ^ Mr Webster's letter in aware of-from the course mapped out | * h A HAN. K recently, that he w*. not iu our prospectus over five years ago ; I pleased with the weather there the patt bat have, to the beat of our ability, ad- vocated those thing* conducive to the winter, *>-ll, "Jimmy," come here and pend upwards of three year* a* I have Well-being of Flesherton and i d " ne Mld y ou wil1 **J that Ule "''mate 0| line district. Although ome- ' . C. it a "king" to thia we have sii imitnal orrouuding district. Although ome- ' W. C. it a "king" to this we hare six time, accntted of i>artiality in public ,' wontlu of auinmer, four of them terri mattera as all H-WSJP:IJHT men arc oc- casionally we can calmly look back iiptm the ]iii-t ami say of a truth, that lily hot, and tix inonthn of fall, winter and spring, a "mixed up mess" of rain sleet, mow, blow, fruit, warm, "chilling our every act has boon governed by the j * demth " ' ""* the week or twf dictates of our own conscience. Of I " f <l uit * cl ' ar willtr y weather, neither course political bigot* of both parties ' " hot nur cold" then rain, snowing, bio have accused us of all manner of things, 1 '" drifting, freezing, chilling, overcoats because we have been so unwise (?) aa *" d ne * v y "inter clothing required, to think for onrself.. roaring fires day and night ! your grow- We know all about "hard times." I '"? aaton commence* aa early aa here, We 'vbeen there. We came to Flesh- i wul w ' tn KTMter, straight forward, cer erton without any inducement in the *">>, rewarding the lal>rer with abun- thape of a bonus, guaranteed advertis- I tlam * to est at Ieiut ' frn8t in the niiddle ing or newspaper patronage. We plant- j " f M J'- ller ' M>A '" South Carolina .wcur, ed THE ADVANCE right in the office we d "' n immense damage to garden now occupy, and for three years waged "Tuck," at vegetables are called in the a desperate conflict with limited capital, "" lltl ' Hare p''ence friend Webster, f.iU. friend*, and nngencrous foes. We y u re passing through a "criiis." which never receive*! a dollar, in the way of wl11 pmhably terminate greatly to your gratuitous assistance, from the Liberal "dvantage. The "yellow skins" will fade Conacrvative party, a fact which can- ut "blejich away" before the wulti- not be said of any other political news- tude of *', coming in from civilixed paper in thia or any other county in '< P"** of the Gl lbe . d f'" your old Northern Ontario. We do not say thi - home Ontario, via. the C. P. R. Par boastingly, lx>canae at many times dur- d " me Mr Editor, for almost forgetting ing those ftrat three years we would not ; that "' letter ia intended for you. and have refused assistance in our endeavor "" " f y" ur readert, well, perhapt some of to establish mich a peculiar entenirise tht ' fregoint< rcmsrkt will do general as a nowhj>a|>cr, which is distinct from , IP** 1 , this is my aim, and detire when all other occupations in so many res- tending correspondence to the Preat. poets. However, with Ihe hearty as- sistance of a phalanx of true and tried friends, the Kubicon was xafely passed FLORIDA. No doubt there are Canadians rho greatly interested in the glowing accounts and Tnm ADVANCE solidly established. ,,f Florida, to such especeally permit me The last two years have not passed to address a few words of caution. 8v- withoiit their dark days, owing to the ert l N,, r th Caroliniajis tried that state the great cuniuit-rcial depression whic-h has I rjast winter, and found the heat so intol- prevailed. In fact every year bring* erable at times, that they were glad to re- more or less doubt aud fear to all bnsi turn, ih*-y tell us that "nothing would Throni-htlirm all we have induce them to settle there,' Malarial cotur safely thus far, aud with truth, fevers nre common, natives of Florida, justice, and intelligent public onour side, we hare nu fears for the future. intelligent candid people inform us that J they "cannot rndurv that climate, nei- And now, reader, having shown you , th.-r did they feel a moments safety, day in a few words, that THE AJ>VANCE has not keen established without anxiety, care, toil, iilt-asure. aud constant, earnest effort on our own part (many newspaper mm will understand this), we make you our Iwst bow, aud thanking you most heartily for the confidence you have placed in us in the past also asking a continuance) of the same wo turn over the first leaves of Volume VI. Explanatory. To (Ac Kdiiur uf The A.lranrr. I notice in issue of THE ADVANCE of or night, on account of poisonous tnakes and insects," such experience related to us, n<>( seronxf handed, should be carefully considered by all who hear or read it, es- pecially Canadians; if the climate of the South was as "kind, and hospitable to foreigners" aa the Southerners are, I could say, "Here let me live and die." However there are a "host, of the sont nf the South," white and black, to clear the land, and till the toil, snd they only are the people who can work when not too extremely li"t, may the Lord bless, and prosper them. It is quite healthy to I far this summer, had two small cyclones, 2Otli ult., an article signed, " Truth," re- , . .. , dome ittle damage excepting uiirootinir carding the shouting accident at Mark- . i . . . ,, , , . . . i forest trues, I must now tell you. dale, whereby my son Alfred lost his eye . , HOW TO BRINK, AND TKEVENT KA1V through a cartridge from a riflu tir--'l by ' Johnwn WiUon, .n of Rev. A. Wilson. A *" uthem ped'nt we were having I do not know where " Truth" got hi. ' ?reat dr " U>{ht ' * nei 8 hb " ur " kille d * ... , . snake, and hung it up to bring rain," re- information, but he stnkes the rock he >u ku j j i suit (?) threu dsys incfiuu * the .V'iii/,in< t<i steer clear of, , rt ough, "tiHik the snake do pssant rain namely, "one-sided." Now, the rifle was fired in the shop about three or four feet from our saw table, and Alfred working iu the shop and did not compose one of the party, but followed them to the door : states that he did not coax, or urge, or request Wilson to tire, but ad- mits saying, after ntle was loaded, to fire at s post, which the two other witnesses corroborate. I may also state, tlivt the rifle was taken without permission of owner, who had prohibited any one using wn to stop the rain," result 2nd (?) a thunder storm and * I cyclone ! Oh, ye unbelieving Canadians, i try this simple plan, and be convinced of its absurdity. THR Jl'RT QrEHTION. Tour remarks, Mr. Editor, and those of F. T. C. and Valentine Muggins, nre of much importance, and merit candid consideration, permit me to add my "mite" by suggesting (nnt doing aw.iy with jurymen) but reducing the numlH>r it, u it wa. broken and was dangerous. I in each *""' " e h " lf ' ftnd """ tll8t t}>e * I am ad, .,-rry to think M ,y one ha, been | ar> rae11 Mriy ye " " ld *' 1<5Mt ' > H>d i .. , , . , , , man snu true, in the strictest, sense nf led Ui believe the shooting intentional, I and cannot st- how they gut it from state- the W " rd Twe ' Ve men in>tW <)f ment in the Standard, which merely at*. thefMU correctly, and all of whic twenty-four, or x jurymen only of each , et ' " r kind ' inst< * d f twelv * would to. I may also state, that reatly "curtail expense ' of the county. "Truth's" statement, which i. evidently ,' <U ' d "'"* but not leMt but not leMt ' in WiUon > ,eTidenoe,i.theo,,ly.poloy he iln P" rtanCa ' the numbcr hein * ' few ' ba. offered p W All." a. he oall. him ', each " e W ultl feel lnoro distiuct 'y hi \ 1 1, IHl LIMA Ml 111 Thf People nf Artfinetia to the < ." " '!/ /-'. gn to OrwfoHo / <J> t her in Flefhti-ton, ./wl] ShouM /..-r I woulil not have written, but Seeing own indiviilual reai>nnsibi!ity, consequent- sti.li a statement as Truth's," I ., '- v . <lev "*" lm " 8 '' lf l " tllu CMei ". 1 ''" 1 - c<>mrellwl to write in my defence. Thank- intiyiifor a space in your pa|r. ^. MoFFATT. A Correction. TV the Editor of the with KI-I iii'-r interest, and deterniination on his part, to see that the law ia honour- ed, aud justice done. OPT n>K MANITOBA. Not quite, although all our children have precueded us to that country, we are tarrying longer than we expected to, Q. , __ . ' ---j-"e Sir. -In answer t,, Messrs. Trimble & , waitj , , or ft Home to ^ prepare<1 iu that .U ..ll'.l^. fca... I. L_ _. t__ Pickell's letter in week before last issue of the Markdale Staruinnl, alleging that my burse, "Uenural Oonion," was not a ]>edigreed animal, I H- to state that I hare in my possession Mr. Wade's crtifi- cttt as to his priiiirrte, and can furnish the sauio at any time. What Messrs. Trimble rt Piekell's motives were in cir- culating such a dain,-u;ii>K and false r[i<>rt it it not difficult to iinderstAnd. Tours truly, H. J. once "great lone land." Where tJiealmont boundleis prairie. Quite appear* the nun to meet. Whore roam*d red men, wild and wary. Only trod tiy MVAge feet; But now, white men from each sone, Claima that groat country for his own. WM. Pumrir. Hutherford College, H. C. May, 1886. To break np a cold or euagb or its ill re- sults there Is no better remedy than Hag- yard's Psotoial Balsam. A SBVIBI Tsui.. Those who endnre tb tonuring |*oi<< of noiiralKia, rhi-unmii-in. sciatica,, lumbago, snil similar painful rom- plaints are ven-ljr trird. but there ii a njiocilv relief in Hagyani's Yellow Oil as thi iKAnds who hate usd it juyfully testify. It bsnishes pain snd lameness quickly. Tur l,tm TEAS, 1MB.- -After the above year la ended fhnre n<"1 h* ni irson suffering frnm HieuiBtlin, N"urlgia. Toothache, Headache. li' VI I'4M , .1. i ii HieuiBtlin, N"urlgia. oothache, Headache. ' rtUBB, pale bn|ln Lo-nl.eo, nr an; acute pain, If they only pur- okseks and preearion apv^tite, inliratf nasjSbottle of Fluid f<l((1ilninir. aa It cures IB- wa-ms. I-'rctman'" Wurni Pnwde tnicklj and effectually Motors them. ii s anUy. fain i-iniint tay where st Is used. T .. nato* u rijld Ugh to. a*. Hold by itie Drui.t 1st. Ik-cause it ia to be the great- est musical entertainment over offered lo the public of this part of Grey. '2nd. Because it is being got up on scale of magnificence never excelled iu even our cities iu Canada. 3rd. Because you don't liave to pay $5 railway furea and $1 for a ticket to the performance, but if you live within ten mil. s it ia worth walk- ing all the way to see it, and admiss- ion ia only 25 cents. 4th. If you cannot go 25 cents you can see the street procession free. Over one hundred Jews aud Persians. King AhasueriiH, Queen Kstlu-r. Mum an, Zeresh, Mordecai, and all the rest in their picturesque national costumes 6th. Because you may never in a lifetime again have such au opportun- ity of hearing an oratorio with a hun- dred trained voices. Towns ten times the size of Fleshertou have never had an oratorio liko this, because lucking either the talent or the enterprise to get it up. Cth. Because if the performers had to be paid for the time spent in pre- paration for this performance, it would cost one thouiand dollar i to pay for the preparation alone, and the lowest price ordinarily charged for such entertain- ments in large cities is $1, \vherea; this will be given at the nominal fee of 25 cents. KKVK.lt coffe. unnatural appetite, frelful neat, weakness, aot cunvuliions, are some of ti,' effects of Worms in CuiMrrn ; ties- troy the wirms with l>r Low's Worm Byr- up. ADVICB TH MOTHKHS -Are you disturbed at infill and tirnkmi uf your rest by a tick child suffering ami crying with |fciu of i'uttmu Tuoth ? If so solid ftt'ince and ^i't tiottlu of "Nfrtt Win low's BoothlnK Syrup 1 for i'hiMrrii TtwtbinK Its value i- in, lr il|,lr It will rsllovi tin |Kx>r little iiufTerer iiuiuiMllakt^U . Ut|>end upon t, motheri , then ii no mintage about it. It cures Dysentery >ud Dlarrlxra, rsvulatvs the Htoiuacb an. I ltn r:-.. citron Wind Colic, softens thu Gums, rwtacuH Inflammation, and uivtw tone aud nergr to the wbole system. "Hrs. Wins- low's Hoothinx S)ni|, far children teethinf Is pleesant tuthe tat a\nd Is ths prescription of one of thu <>M--t and I nut fvuialu ubysicia,ns aud nursas in tko ! T uited Ktetvs, nd is for -.eJe by all druKKists throufhout the world Prici twtiuty-flve .iiit-. a botils. be sure and esk for MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTSIHO HiBvr," ud take no otber kin 1 McdKEoon's HPBBI>V Ouai. Wbsn w say Mc<lretfor'R Sp<ly CurtU ths ouly iwrfectcure for li> ->pt pus. I,ivnr ('i>lii|ilaintH, li 1i^> 'i..n nd Impure lllood, wu aru telling filsin factt,, of ' ill- l,|,li"l I- Mil' tt,|llll|[ I'IBIIl lln'l-. HI which hundreds UIK>U Imn. In .1- can taetify wbo have boen refttor* 1 *! to iterfoct health by its use. We woulil therefore e.uviiH you strongly il you are a tubjeet of any of the soon trouble t Kivu McCtntKor'H hpi'eily Cure s trial snd bp con- vinced It ii sold In ooc. and 11.00 buttles at the DruK Store MlNFHjU, POIIKIV Nothiug hut pure extracts from plants and riKita n- used in preparing Mc- Gregor's Lung Compound, thu modern and now {lopular remedy fur C'oldt. I'miRliH, llronrhltis, 'ri nip. Asthma, and e>ll sfftKtiuurt of the throat, lunji* and chest. All miners! polnon* and de,n- |{eruu substances ar<* svoidt><l, which renders it safe for children or adults. Hold at We. at (1.00 per bottle at the Drug Store. A PLEASANT PCTT. "I tell it mjr duty to PS.T," writes John Bnrton. of Desert P. Q., "that Uurdock Blood Bitters cured my wife nf liver complaint, from which slip Lad been a chronic sufferer. HIT dintresainR, painful symptoms soon gare way, and I can highly recommend ths medicine ID all suffering as she did. " NATIONAL PILLS sn> saear coated, mild but thorough, ami are the best Stom- ach and Liter 1'ill in use). From nur oirn Corre$jM>ndent. The Queen's Birthday was celebrated here in loyal ttyle. The principal event uf the day was a Garden Party, under the autpicet of the Ladiet Aid society of thit place, which proved to be a very pleasant ] and enjoyable affair, at which both Dun- dalk and Fletherton were represented. Tea was served at Mrs. W. Hume's reti- dence. The assemblage was favored with vocal and instrumental jnusic, swinging, : and various other games. Mrs. Skilhin is vititing tbit section of country, on special business, we believe. Mr. F. Armstrong has rented hit fann here to Mr. Thistlewaite. There is quite a lot of lickneat here : Mr. M. Leech it very unwell, aa it alto Mr Richard Ludlow, tr. Mr Wm. Ludlow has rented Mn. Halhday't farm. ITEMS MY "roar." Farmers have about completed seeding. The new [xist-office at Proton Station is giving entire satisfaction. ( ien. Kirby, merchant, surpasses sever- al of our city merchants in variout lines of business. Matrimony teems t.. form the chief subject for discussion in and about Init- tiofte, and tome of the Flesherton drest- makers well, I guess they are visiting there. The grounds, belonging to 8. 8. No. 4, were much improved on Arbor Day, and a row of evergreens were planted which will add much to the scenery of Inittioge. [Above batches received too late for' last week't paper. ED.] USE PROF. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP for Piieklj Heat, Nettle Rash, Scaley Krup turn. Itch, and til diseased conditions of the skin McOsBon* A Pinu's CARBOLIC Or Bint llav.- you and old Rore, Cut, Hum. Itruiftw. ''urn, Hunion. Bait Hhcuiii. Pimple. Klotrhe*. Hooch Hand i or KaoeT If so, there Is but one curr. namely, McGregor A Parka's Carboli Cerate. If von hut try It. it will oonrlnce you. It costs but ase. at the Drug Hlnre. LADIES OSXY. The complexion is often renbered unsightly by Pimples. Livrr 8|>ots, nnil Yellowness. These it is well known are caused from st> inactive Liver and had blood. l>r. Chase's Liver Cure parties the blood sad whole system. See Hedpe Book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions ' bow to preserve the complexion. Sold by W. Richardson. OITK DOU.AS AOAIMT FIVE Hrsimrr-.- - Isaac Brown, of Bothwell Out., was afflicted with chronic humor in th* blood. He says one dollar bottle of Burdock Blood Bittrrs was worth more than I.VXUKI paid for other medicines. It is a reliable blood purifier NRW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tin Thorough-Bred DURHAM BULL, Will to for tome* at Lot 1.VI. 3rd K T * H. K., Artprn, >i, during tin preau mar>n. Terms, (1 pr cow, psjrahlt Ut Jan. 1W7. W. H. JOHNSTON, Proprlvtor. New Harness Shop - DJ - PRICEVILLE! -imUUiia.il.ii- Tb iin^i>ri|;n*1 <le*ira to Inform th of Price villit a if I urrounditifc Ti-i^MMirh.Mi.|. that he bM coiuiiiuricetl in tli Harne* HakiiiK t tu inoftfi iu I*rirrvill(<, wli-r he bo|Hc to Recnrr , h liri of ptihlir patronam. All work will KM n*n ! ! to fit lowett ctun ratM. Mitfla and Double HarueMjtot up In flrtt-claM ntyle Oood %%nrtiM* > iit i-f Jthi|', ItrunhfH. Curry Cotnbt, Lkp Duttm, IB*. A < , alwayit inntock. WATSON . PBOPK1F.TOB. 1. 1- I Durham Hull, Prince Arthur, u. r r,-ii k -i. . Will (.. for Ki-r\u-e tin- soanon at Lx>t Ida, lit Wi'ot T. A K. R.. Artemmta. Ti.riii. 7'' cnU I'T row. payavbl* lt Jan. 1M7. Hnrrah, boyil nuw't your opiiortunlty to nu prove your itocs at "prlc to suit the tlmna." \VH. fAKIl I'iKKIX. Proprietor. NOTICE, of A IVn-Rir HK!rrr. Harry Rinsrdo, of Toronto, ri-rtifif" ii> th hrni>fita rcrciveil Imm the nsr of HKysrd's Yellow Oil as a runt for rheumatism sn<l dcafncos, his affliction with these combined troubles be- ing s severe one. ouri of Revision, Township ArtrDirxla. The first slttlnu* of the Court nf RcvMon on the \**p*itii'iit of IMHfl. for tbe Township of Art- vniesia. will l> held In the Town Mall. Flesher- lon, at in o'clock a. in. on Monday, 7th 'lay of June, 1WV All pernoni Interested will govern tbnnmelvi. accord! n(.*ly. W. J. BELLAMY deck of aald Court. May anth. in*. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Kr'pKt rini:. Eavetrou^hing, and In fart . ery tttiiiK In ttir bu*iiieim will rec*lv my prompt and o iroful attentltiD at M*swo'iahl< prices. I'UMI.IO MATERIALS Always kept in Stock. Csll and see them. The Well lir...1 Durhani Hull. DAU1VTL.ESS, (Ben Pedigree I Will be for the aervlcw of Cowi the noaaoo of isxr, at hliownplkce. Let i:. 3rd Karife \\et, T. A H. H., Artenieala. Terum !. 00 p*r cow, payable on or t>eforo Jan. Ut. IHW Cowi not rtnrtied n-uularly t.. bull will be rharnetl ln-tli,-r In calf or not. DONALD McKKNZIK. l>ro|irletor. For Hale Of acre* I J m!len from Fleshertoa. Good warm frame dwelling, 7 rooms, good cellar. goodHtalile .tnever-failiiiKipriiif creek. Ternm ea>y. For particular* apply t" W .1 HKI, I.AMY, Kle.hnr- ' ton. or to i \V III : l.l.A M V. Markdale. WOOL ! ! WOOL ! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture will fiud it to their advantage to call at the FLBSHBRTON Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being DOW in eplcndid working order, and liaving engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually <. (it in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to UB will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Dun' t fail to give as a call. W. H. FLBSHER FLESHEETOH. Loan & Insurance AGBNCT. MONEY TO LOAN! AT A.TVI> FJ2H CJETSI". Insurance effected on Farm and Village Buildings and contents. Insurance against Lightning a specialty. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Flour ..................... ?2 '26 to 2 25 Fall Wheat ............ $0 70 to 76 Spring Wheat .......... 5 75 Hrloy ..................... 00 00 Oats .................... 28 29 Peas ...................... 062 062 Butter .................... 12 !2$ Eggs, fresh ...... ....... W Potatoes .................. 020 !iB Pork .................... BOO 500 Hay.pertou ............. 800 10 00 Hides ..................... 6 26 7 25 Wool ...................... 15 16 85 Sheepskins ............. 60 Tlios. A. Plain and Ornamental House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. Ia prepared to attend to all work in his lines of imsim-sK iu tin- must satUfartorv aud workman- like uiauuer. Kvtiuiatos cheerfully furnish**}. and contract* carried out to the letter. Orders in town or country, by mail or otherwise, will receive equally prompt attention. Shop over Milburu's carriage works. TH08. A. BUKELY. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNfSS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTIOM, JAUNDICE, i ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUH, HtAKTBURM, HEADACHE, CROPS Y, fLUTTERIHC i OF THE H ART, ACIDITY OF \f THE STOMACH, DRY NESS OF THE SKIN, And every specls of disease aHslns; from disordered LIVER, KIDWEY8, 8TOWACM, BOWELS OR BLOOD, f. I1LBURN & CO., PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Kprnt p.,,t t ii< titui- in tin- itudln f tbi faniniiK T, irutitn rin>t<|ri>hrr, Mr 8 J Dltnc, where 1 arquiriMl valuabU knuwladtev ID Rotou- chine, I f4*l aaaurwl I can eivo w*.t Kenural aatiifactioS). A !! r*>pctriiMy aolicltod, MRS. BULMER. . Kept. ITtb. 1WU. Now Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertnti Peich & Mitchell, I'ltnl'lilKlnRS. fPIIK nnilerii;n<"tri>fi|>pctfully takr thin nupor tunlty t tnnoauco t'> tin- |-.>|,l, ,,f H. .1, ertnn an,| Hiirn.iinillriK country, tlist thry have Ktarti-.l a Hiit.-hi-r Kbop In the ntau<l tieit <lc>. r to the Marble Work*. Kl.KMII.KToN, where they will bo ptnaM"! to moot with all who favor th.-ni with tln-ir patroniuiu Fn-sh Ueau of all klnde.and Kith, Ac In their >eaoui. llespnctfully yourp, PKT::i * MITCHELL. A GIFT Send 10 cent* fioAta^e, and we will mail you fr<> a royal, valuable, ample box of L',,,..I that will put you In h w>>- of niakinc more inoneiy at once, than any- thin lo in Amnri.-a llurh Helen of all aKix ran live at hnme and work In Djian- tiiiu- or all th time Ct|iltal not minimi. WB will utart you. liniDcnue pay auri'forthone who start at once Hi IMUIN a Co.. 1'orlland. Maine Important ITotics! The iubcrlber I>OSTS to in form the people of Fleeherton and aurronutllngeountry.tbat be bai I mile from Ploihorton, and U now prepared to furnish billi ot any loiiRth or size of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on han.l. Blabwood cut to stove-Ungtui on band. Custom Hawing doaie by tin- thousand. REASONS Why you should get your Lumbur andahlnglM out by Hpencor: (1) Every Raw in the U ill Is New and the mill lin perfect order. r2) 1 i.-.-ami- he is a praotleal sawyer sndkeeps bUsaws aud machlnury In perfect order. (S> Hooauw haeotsall HeaMlIng Joloeexaot'- ly to the bill fnrniahed. (> He hn put In a Lumber Kdger and all board, are name widths from one end to the other. (S) Boane you can take a load of logs to the mill and a load of lumber home same day. () Hecsme he RtiarsQteei to ent all custom work In a workmanlike manner ad satisfaction luaranteed. (7)-Bcaase all sawing is done at rock bottom prlcei. Lumber Delivered if Rtquired. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM POWDERS. Arepleaesettotake. Contain their own In Cbiirno. NEW VARIETIES OP POTATOES ! -FOB SALE AT- JOHN H. HEARD'S. KrNI ' ISK . bost 'or early air and rery productlr*. lOcU. per lb., ISltm. for wl/X). n I"* " ile mnd K<flq"lH>. 10 own* lb.. o Ibr (or fl.uu k * nl > *H'ommended and one of the cxt for oiep. S ets. per lb., 90 Ibs. low 1.0U. , , . e cx o. FltlDK OK AMKKICA. IflrU iwr II. , 90lb fur 41 (JO WALL'S OKANliK, 5 cU. pur lb., .10 )b* in, ai 00 WHITK KLEPHANT, WHITK KO8K, aoil WHITE STAB. I . ID lb. for tl .00. AUo Park Lot X, Honchol B survey, and 10 Village LoU in Block J. Apply to JOHN R. HKAlil) riesberton. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam San Will & Planing Factory, In the Village of Pricevil/e, Being fitted up with New Machinery, of the latest and most improved pat tcruH, i- SECOND TO NONE in the County of Grey. We are prepared to supply the public with any amount of Lumber and Bill stuff at Lowest Cash Prices. \\Y have on haud about f>0,000 feet of Maple and ItircL Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use.- Sawing and Planing done eipeditiously and satisfactorily. Bpecial bargains given to Ihiildcra, Contractors, and Cash Having lately pat in an Emery Wheel, we can pum Crosscut Savrs in finl class style and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will conviuct; you that this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Priccville. Feb. 23nd, '80. J OII!V I3R OW IV. X&e */$& I Have on Hand a Full Assortment SPRING SUMMER GOODS. In Genta, Ladies, Misses and CLildrens BOOTH k SHOBS. I eud*avor to satisfy our cuatouit-rs both in Goods aud Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- .IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHBRTON". MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL UNDtl OF d , Siu-li as Monument-;, Tomb Tables, 1 1. adxUnirs Counter tvud Tabl Topn in Amrican nd Italian Marble and Granite, and made OB short notice. Also Mantles iu Marbl* and M.trlili i/i'il Slate, Ac-., Ac. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HO LLOWAY'S PI LLS& OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Dinordors of the L<iver. Stomach, Ivuin'.v*. and JBowel. They Invigorate and re*torp to health Debilitated Conitltutloni, and a\re luTaluvble In all Coss- plalnte Incidental to k'liimlm of all affet. Vor Children and the affed the>y ar* priceless. THE OINTMENT Isan I iif allilili< remedy for Bad Leg*. Bad llroanto. Old Wounds. Horns and L'lcet*. II Is famona for Oout and Kheuinatlnm. For disorders of the Ch< 't It hai no e^lal . ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swelllnos, and til Skin nineaum It has no rlral; and for eontracteri and ttlff ji.iiitt It aota like a charm Kuniifactiiri-il only at Profemor HOU/>WAT'S RntabII>hment, 1, New Oxford Mtreet < late 533, Oxford Mrrt >, London. and are sold at Is. 1J<1 ,2. 3d., in M . IU. 2*i , and Ma. oach Hox or Pot. asd may )> had of all M til cine Vendor* throughout the World. ftr- Purchaten AmM loot tc tht LnM on thr Pntt and Borm. If the addrMt it not />.W, Oitftird Rtrert, Loitdnn, they are J. W. BATES, Furniture J)caler and Undertaker, Ok'T NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Dull calf, n e month old, for Ralr. Also a nno year old Durhani Bull, with good fi ili^r i ,, Also a good Mi'si n Floor Mill at FloHlici ton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEV Ell, I \ \ -

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