II eland* upon th* hillside, witb the tall elms Thi homestead, with U* lilac* by the door, And the quaint, old fuUutusd garden, geutly sloplu du*u before it, I ses tl Jon! as m tbe dav* of yore. ] rsjaasBBer bow Ihe aaatblnt fell aoroa* the toldea meaduwa, BeroBtl ths wooleu 'uorstep old and worn ; And bow IBS summer eleidleta caul their quickly fl*at lux B^isviv * On the dbnaiit falls of rustling, ripening corn U Ibe pleasant, roomy kitchen I see my father MM WilV leather-covered Bible open wide: While m J- sweet-faced mother listens, ai ibe layi wy (ur kulttlug, Aad rook* Ml* old red cradle by ber (lie. Tore* brewD-eyv 4 little children, with tangled goldtn treeesx Wuen evening pr er In simple words 1* said, ronnu Ur ueok with loving, soft Then merrily go tripping 'fl to bed. 0! happy yean of childhood, w.'Mj thought* to true and loving, And iweel and guilaleu dayi to fu'l of rent. Oar old hearts love to linger, after all our yean of roving, And clasp load mem'ryi picture* to oar brent. Shall we ever In tbat country, tbe brlgbt .-aid glorious beaven, ^ Win back tbe simple Innocence and bliu, We knew, wben in oar cbildbood, iu tbe dear old borne at even We reeeireU our angel mother'* good-nlgbt kiBB? -Emitv O. Witherlnc. MONICA. T(> AUTBOa OF " rHYLUS," "MOLLY DiWS, am ouu roruiAB HOTEL*. " Bat perhaps ihe doet ; and I dare My be bM noney. Tbose Englith fellows gen- leraly hate a reversion somewhere." " Not a penny," says Mr. Killy. " And, whether or no, I don't believe ib would look at him." " Mot the," says Madam O'Oooior. " I don't know that. And, aven allowing what you lay to be true, women are not al- wayi to be won by wealth," with a faint aigb, " and be ii a very gjod-lookiog fellow. ' " li be f ' tayi Desmond (peaking with an effort. " It flesh oounti, of ocnrte be U. ' Let me have rv.ii about me tbat are tat, tlaek-headt'' men and snob as deep o' nights-' A'O Icok al Byde, one woald fancy he tl , well, not only by night bat by day." " I feel at it I was going to ba torry (or Ayds presently," (says Mr. Kelly. 'Well, he't not the man for Moolea," tayi Madam O'Connor with oooviotion. " Bet how torrow growt npon her lovely fast. For shame I Go and release her, tone one, from her durance vile. Take heart of grao*), go in boldly and win her against all odd*." " B*t if *he will not be won ?" layt Dia- mond amilicg, bat yet with ao actions ex- pression. "Thai man thai batb a tongue, I tty, it no imaa if with bit tongue he oanool win a woman,' " qaotee Madam in a low voice, taming to Deemond with a broad smile of the liveliest enooaragement, " and at for yon, Detmond, if I were a girl, I'd be won by your* al onee." Detmond laogbe. " I'm torry I'm beneath year notise now." " Where'* yoar anale ? Ooaldn't even my letter eoax him here to-nigbt ? ' "Not even that. Be hat gone nowhere oow for to many year* tbat I tbiuk be i* air aid to venture " 11 Tot 1 ' ityt Madam impatiently, " be- cause bt jilted a woman onee it no reaeoo why the rett of at should jilt him," II i* an boor later and all Ihe guest* have too", except, indeed. Kit, whobm been iteul pstalrs tired and tleepy to share Monica'* room, and Ttrenoe and Brian Daimond, who with bit fnend Kelly art) itrogxl into tbeir top-ooalt in tbe hall. Tbe raio it detoending in torrent* and they are re gardiug with rather rueful countenancei the dog cart awaiting them outaide.in which they bad driven over in tbt tanny martini that tetmt impossible, wbeti Madam O'Connor eweepe down npon them. " Take off tbote ooatt ar onee," the layt. " What do yon mean, Brian? I wooldn'l have it on my conscience to tend a rat onl of my home oa inab a night at Ibi*. unions under oover." Her conscience it Madam's ttroDg point. She excel* in it. She .f ; time* twtart by it. Her promise to Mitt Priieilla tbat Desmond shall not iltep bt neath her root daring Mouioa's nay it for gotten or laid atide, and finally, with i tmile of ittisfaelioo, tbe tees Ibe two yoang men carried off by Ronayne for a final moke before loroing in. "I don't (eel a bit tleepy myself," tayt Monioa, who it looking at fresh nd tweet at if only now jail rtten. " Neither do I," says Olga. " Come to my room, thin, and talk to w: for a minute or They matt have been long minute', be cause it it quite an boor later whin a liltlt tlender figure, clad in a pretty white dres* ing gown, emerge* on tiptoe from Mrs Bobon't room and ttealt hurriedly along the deserted corridor. Somebody elie i* harrying along Ibii cor rldor, ko. Seeing the ebilditb ti<ure in the whit* gown, be ptusei . Perhaps be thinks II It a ghoet ; bat, if to, be it a doughty man, 0*0*011 bt goe>e twifily up to it with a glad smile upon bit lipt. " My darling girl," ht tayt in a subdued voice, " I iboaghl yoa were in the middle of yoar firil happy dream by thit." Monica smile* and leavet hsr hand in hit. "I am not tooh a lazy-bonet as yoa evi denlly thought me," tbe sayi. " Bat I mail harry now, indeed. All the world it abed, I uppoat ; and if Kit wake* and finds me not yet come she will be frightened." " Before yoa go, tell me j oa will meet me somewhere to-morrow. You, ' uncertainly, " are going home to-morrow, are yoa not ? ' 11 Tee. Bat bat how can I meet yon ? I have almott given my word to Anu: Pris- oillt to do nothing olandestine or Ibal ; and how shall I break il ? Yoa are always tempting me, and" a toft glanoe etealing to him from beneath her laabee " I tboald like to tee yoa, of course, bat to maoh daiy I owt to her." " Toar firs i daty is to yoar hatband," re- epoadi bt gravely. Bbe tornt to him wilb ttartled eyes. " Who It thai ?" the aska. " I am," boldly, " or, at leail, I toon tball be : it i all the tame." " How tore yoa are of ma I" the ays with jott the faintest touch of offenoe in her toue that qaiokeni hit pallet to fever beat. "Bore I" be tayi with a melanoboly raised by paeeion into tomttbiog that i* almost vehemence. " Wat I ever to unnnre of ny thing, I wonder ? There it BO little certainty o mutated with yoa in my mind that halt my dayi are oonramed by doubts that rendtr me miserable I Vet I pat my trait in yea. Dpon yoar tweetoett I build my hope. I (eel yoa woald not willingly condemn any one to death, and what could I do bat die if yoa now throw me over ! Bat yoa won't, I think." " No, oo,"tayt Monica impuleively, tears to ber eyet and voice. Tremblingly tht yieldt herself to him and leti him bold ber to bin heart in a eloee embrace. " How coold yoa think that of me? Have you forgotten that I kitted yoa ?" Plainly abe layt great etoMt apon that rash MI committed tbe other night beneath the start. "Forget it I" tayt Desmond In a tone t b al leaves nothing to be datired. " Ton are mine, then, now now and forever," he tayt prd'otly. "Bat there it alwayt AUDI Prieoilla." savn Monica nervoatly. Her tone it fall of stflinrioD. " Ob, U she ooald only tee rut BOW I" "Well, tht can't, that's one comfort; not U sbe were the hundred eyed Argus him- MIL" " I feel I am behaving very badly to ber." sayi Monica, doknoosly. I am, in *pite of mytelf , deceiving; ber, and to mot row, wben it n ail orer, I " "II shan't be ovtr," iottRapi* he with ooneiderabl* vigor. " Wbt thing toiay t ' I shall leel 10 guilty wbeu I get baek to Moyu* Jusi as it I bad been don g aomt thing dreadful. Bo I have, I Ibii k. Bow shall I ever be able to look ber ia tbe laov again?' 11 Don'l yoa know ? It ii tbi simplest thing in the world. Too bave only to fit yoar eyes itetdily on tbe tip of ber nose ted there yoa are." TbU disgraceful frivolity ou tbe part ol ber lover roas.ee quick reproach ia Monica's tyee. I don'i think il U a uioa thing to al one," the aays, very justly incensed. wouldn't laugh at yon if yoa were unhappy Too are nol tbe leaal help lo me. Wbai am I to lay to Aual Priieilla ? ' " How d'ye do?' first, and then in ao airy tone, yoa know' I am going lo b married, at soon aa time per mi In, to Briai Desmond.' No, DO," penitently, eatebing firmer bold ot her at ibe makes a valian but ineffectual effort to escape tbe thilte ot bli arms, " I didii'i mean ft. I am terry and I'll never do il again. I'll sympatbiz witb anything yon lay, it you'll promts not to deteri mi." " It ii< you," reproachfully, " wbo deser me and in my hour ol need. I dou'l think, itlnlly, " I am ex> very moob to blame au>J ? I didn't aik j u to tall in love will me, and wbeu yoa came here all thii weei to seelstadam O'Connor I couldn't poseibl have lirned my baokopon you, could I?" " Y*u ooald ; but il woald havs brough von If tbe verge of suicide and murder Because, as yoa turned I should bav turned, too, on Ihe obanoe ot seeing you faoe, '^id so ou and ou, until vertigo set i aud daatli eoaoed and we were both borie in r/*~ common grave. It Bounds awlu doe,* * it J Well, and wbere, then, will yo oome to meet me to morrow ?" ' To tbe river, I enppoee," sayi Monioa. "Do yoa know,' says Desmond alter short pause, " I shall bavs to leavi yo eoon? Not now; not until October, per bape ; bul whenever I do go il will be for month at least." " A mouth ? ' "Yes." " A whole, long month I" "The loogesl mouth I shall have eve known," sadly. "I certainly didn't think yoa woald g and do a thing like that," tayi bit belove wilh maoh severity. " II y dsrliag, I can't help it ; hot needn't talk about il jnat yet. ly iloam into my bead a moment ago that il woo be very tweel to gel t letter from yoowbil I was away. A letter," totily, a letie from nay own wife to ber hatband." Monica glances al bim ioabalf-perplexe taabion and thin, ai Iboogb some though bas oome lo her (or tbe flrsl time ao brought merriment in its train, her lips part and all hir lovely laee breake ml Bilenl mirth. "Wbal it ii?" aaka hi a little- jntt very lilile disconcerted. "Ob, oolbiog; nolhiog, really. Only i doea seem eo funny to think I have got husband," she lays ia a oboked whisper, an tbtn ber mirth gets beyond heroantrol, an but tbat Brian presses her head down on bi obist, and ao stifles it, tbey mi^ht bav bad Mm Fitzgerald out apon :hem in te: seconds. " Hash !" wbispjri the embryo haibant giving bir a little shake. Bat be is Uogb ing, too. " I doa'i (eel as il I honored yon a bit, eays MIDI Beretford, " aod ae to Ibe ' obey I certainly ehau'l do that." " As if I should ask yon!" sayi Dasmout Bat what of tbi love, sweetheart ?' Why, ae it u yoar*, yon oabi to be tb ooi to answer Ibal qneitioo," retorts ah prettily, a warm flu*n dyeiag ber fact. " Bnl wby mutt yoa leave me ?" ihi eay presently. " Toe steward bat written to m* onee o twice. Tenants, nowaday*, are so trouble some. Ot eaurse, I could let tbi who! ibiig slide, and ibe properly go to the dogs bul no mau has a rigbt lo do that. I am teltiag ot my own place now, yoa under stand yours, a* il will be soon, I hope." " And where is oar place ?" Tbe hesitation ii adorable, bat ttill mor adorable are ihe emile and blu-rh Ibat M oompanv Ibem. " In Westmealh,"iays Brian, when torn necessary preliminaries bave been goat through. " I hope yoa will like it. Il far prettier than Goo'e in every way." "And I tbiok Coole lovely, what I've seen of il," says M inioa sweetly. Here Ibe lamp that bat hitherto been lighting ibe corridor, tbiokirg, donbtleei (and very reasonably, too), that il bas don il< duty long enough, flickerx aud goei onl Bat no darkness follows it* defection Tnrough Ibt (ar window u pile bant o light rnsbe*, illaminalirg in a cold aui KDOdlly manner tbi spot on wbio'i tbe; tana. "Toe meek-eyed more, motbtr o dews," ban come, and night ba< ilipp< away abashed with covered (root. Together they move to Ibe window ao look onl upon the awakening world ; and even as they geza enraptured at ill fair nen, the BOD snoot* op from joider bi! and a great blszs of glory ii abroad. Ovr tbe ipangled gru* Swept Ihe swift footsteps tit tbe lovely lifcbt, Turn Ing tbe tears of Nlgbt to Jojous gems. "Oa, we bave dslayed too long," say Mouioa witb a touch ol awe engendered b] the, marvelloot and mystic beauty of tb boor. "Goodnight, good-night !" " Nay, rather a fair good morrow, mi swest love," taye Diamond straining her to bis heart. CHAPTER XXV. "By the-bye," lays old Mr. Deimond looking at bis nephew across the remains ol the dettirl, "you've been a good deal a Aiibyobillbeg ot late ; why ?" Il is tbe next evening, and Monies at M iyae and inaccessible, Brian i Ooole. Mr. Kelly is walking up and down OD the gravelled walk outside, smoking cigar. H> cause Miss Bereslord was there,' says Brian breaking a grape languidly from tbe bunch lie bold* in bis aand. " Wbal?" says Mr. Deemond facing bim "Because Mils Berenford wsi Ibsre." " Waal am I to understand by tbal ?" "Tbal ihe was there, I suppoes," sayi Brian laughing, " and thai I am bead ovir ears iu love witb ber." 11 How dare you tay inch a thing at thai to me ?" layi tht Bqaire pushing back his ohair and growing a lively purple. " Are yoa going t) tell mo uon yoa mesa to marry her?" I certainly do," sayi Brian, "and, wilh a glance ot good-humored defiance at tbs Squire, " I'm thi bappien man in tbt world to-day, because thi last night told me she'd have me." " Too shan't do ill" says the Squirt DOW almoBl apoplectic. " You shan't I do yoa uear ? I'm standing in yoar poor lalher'i plaoe, sir, and I forbid yoa to marry one ol tbat blood. What I marry tbi daughter of ot " something in bit throat masters bim here, " Ihi niece ot Prisoilla Blake, a woman with a tongue ? Never I" "My dear George, yoa woalda'l turely have me marry a woman without one T" "I tbink all women woald be belter without them ; aad as for Prisoilla Blake'e, I till yoa, sir, Xtnlippe was an angel to ber. I insist OD your giviog up thii idea al ones." " I certainly shan't givi np Milt Bires- ford, if tbat ii wbal you mean." "Than I'll disinherit yon I" roars th* Bqairs. " I will, I swear it I I'll marry myself I I'll do totoitbing desperate I" "No, yon won't," sayi Brian laughing again, sod, going over to the old man, hi layi bis hands npon bis shoulders and pushes bim gently baek Into hii chair. " When yon MS her you will adore bir, aod it tent ber love to you Ibii morning, aod loin, too," laying a photograph of Monica t -fore Ilit Bqaire, wbo glinoes at il askance aa though (earful it may be some Mrpeil waiting lo sliuK him for tbe seooud lime, bal, as he looks, bis (act oltart. " Bbe it uol like her mother," be lays u |nw -one. " I niver met mob a remoraelal old beg- gar," iniuts Desmond with wonder, bal jai at Ihi* moment a servant eater* with a met sage to tbe 8<jiitre ; iu the photograph i- baetily wiibdrwu, and tbe conversation or, rather, discussion come* lo an end. Two of the teoanti are asking to se you, sir," lays the butler oonfldeulially. " W bat two'." " Donovan, (rom the Bail, aud Molouo] fr Jin ibe Bog Road, air." " Very well ; tbo* Moloney into tb library aud tell Donovan lo wait down itaira uutil I send (or bim." " Yet, tir." " Well, Molouey, come to pay yoar reut ? etyt tbe Bqaire oheer(ully, entering tb library and giBicg keenly al tbe uiau wh ii awaiting bini there. He i* a fellow ordinary build, wilh a cringing. Rxrvile tx pre.uion and a shilling eye. He imilr apologetically and i>haul unta-ily fruui one fool to the other an be feels Ibe Squire sye upon him. " No, sir ; I can't bring il, sir. I'd be i dhre id o' my lite wid the boys to do it." "I dou'l know wbo Ibe gentlemen i question yoa designate H 'the boys' ma be," lays tbe Squire ol:ul y. " I oan ooi tell yoa that I expect my rent from yoa, an intend to git il." " That's what I oome to (pake about, yi honor. Bul tbe Ltnd League it a powerf u body, si'.' secret, too ; look at tbe mordhe o' Mr. Herbert and tbat English Lard i F*ynix Park, and the rewards an' all, wbat'i come of it?" " A good deal ot hanging will come of il, trust," aaye Tbe Deimoud hopefully. " ] Ibe meantime, I am col to be deterred fro doing my duty by idle threats. I Ibongl you, Moloney, were loo respectable a man to mix yourself up wilh thii movement." " I'm only a poor man, sir, bat my life as good to me at another's ; an' if 1 pa they'll murder me, an' wbal'll become me, then ? An', besides, I haven't il, sir 'til throe tor me. How cao I be np to tim wid the cropo so bad this year ." " II is as good a year as I bavs eve known for crops," sayi Dnmoud. " I wi bave no exoutet ol that sort. Either yo pay me or turn oat. I am quite determine ou Ibis point." " Te wouldn't give me ao abatement, ye honor T" " No, ool a penny. Nol to mtn inch t yon, who oome here to demand ii as a righ and are very well-to-do. There are olber whose catei I shall consider ; but Ibat my own a0air, aad I will uot be dictated k On Monday yoa will bring me yoar rent, o give np tbe land." " I think ye'rt a bil unwise to preti ma tberi joat oow," says ibe man slowly an with a sinister glance from onder b knitted brows. " I don'l want to say any Ibing uncivil to ys, sir, bat I'd taks eai it 1 were yoa. Toe ooaolhry is mad ho an* DOW they think they've got Oladston wid 'am, they wouldn't stick at a trifle." " Toe trifle being my assassination," eay old Desmond wilh a laugh. He draw* bim self op, and, iu epite of bis ngly faos, look almost princely. " Tot, mau ! Don'l Ibinl after all ibeae years among yoa, 1 am to bi intimidated. Yon tbould know me better, Tbe man oowert before Ihe bangbi glance tbe old H<juire caati npon bin and retreats bebiua bit cringing manne once again. " I thought ye might lake into cooiidbera lion Ihe fact that I'm ot ytr owe religion be tayt cunningly. " That yon are a Protestant doe* ao weigh wilb me oae inch. One tenant it at worthy ot consideration at another ; and, I till Ibi troth, I find your Bjman Catbol brethren far easier to deal with. I will bav oo whining about difference* ot Ibal sor All I require it what ia justly due to rot and that I shall expect ou Monday. Yo understand}" " Ya're a hard man," says Molouey wit an evil glaoca. " I upeMed yoa to say nothing else. A tbe kiudueiiof years IH forgotten beoau of one denial. How often have I lei youi your rent entirely during these tweet, years we have been landlord and tenant to' gelberl There, go 1 I have olber basinet to attend to. Bat on Monday, remember. "Ye won't ice me Ibat day or any other, 1 say* the fellow, insolently, slicking bis ha on hie bead with a defiant gesture. " Very good. Tbal is yonr own lookout You know tbe consequences ol yoar non arrival. Dsnii," to tbe tootman, " nbow Ibi* man oat, and teod Donovan beri." " Yi*, ilr." " Well, Donovan, what 1s il?" sayi De* mond a few minutes later, M the librar door again opens to admit tbi otbir mal content. He i* a stout, thick-set man, wit fierce eyes and a lowering brow, and alto geiber a very " villainous countenance " H baa mercifully escaped, however, tbe hypo critical meanueti ot the face Ibat bat ja* gont. Tbtre li a boldnegj, a reokleta, de ter mined daring about tbii man that namp bim as a leading spiril among mec ot evi minds. " I've come here lo ipaks to ye to-night MtH'uer Desmond, as man to man,' be say witb a somewhat swaggering air. " With all my heart," says Tbe Deimond " bat be as (air to me as I have ever been k yon and yonrc, and we shall oome to ami cable terms BOOD enough." " At to fairneit," says the man, " I don' tee bow any landlord in Ireland oan spak ot il without a bluth." 8 -range to lay, tbi aggressive ioeolecc ot tbii man faili to rooae in Mr. D asm and' breast tbe anger thai ths servile humility of tbe lait comer bad brongbl into aolivi being. " Look here, Donovan," he sayi, " I've been a good landlord to yon, and I czpee TOO, therefore, to bs a good tenant to me Yon bint that I, along with Ibe reit, nav dealt unfairly wilh my people ; bal can yon prove il ? Yon can lay to my charge no tales of harshness. In famine times anc wben potatoes tailed, in times of misfor Inni and sickness, I bave alwayt stood yoar friend and tbe friend ot every man, womat and child on my estate ; yet now what bar vest do I reap, save grosaeit ingratitude ? Yet, what more can I hope for in Ibii mot unhappy time, when blood is unrighteous!) poured oron the laud and Ibe laws of and my Queen are tel al naught ?" Thire u a toaob of pa**ionate old-world (randenr in the Squire's face and manner ibal works a sense of admiration in DJDO van'i breast. Bat il quickly givet way to he carefully cultivated seme of injury thai IBS been growing within him for months. " Yt oan talk, there's no donbi," be mat- ters, " bul words go lor little, aad Ihe fact i, I've got no rent to pay ye." His tone conveys Ibe idea tbat he bas the rent bat deliberately refuses to pay it. " Yoa will bring it on Monday, or I shall svict von," sayi the Squire qaiitly. " Yon bear?' I hear," saye the man with an evil rowo. " Bat ye can't bave it all ytr own way now, Mint her Desmond. There's others IBVI a voiee in Ihs maltber." " I don'l care for innendoei c( that eort, r for any losoltnoe whatever ; I ooly mean uu to fully koow tbal I mutt live as well at you, and tbal, thtrefore, I most bave my enn." I know will enouKh what ye mans," i tbs man witb increasing insolence. 1 Bal I'd have you know Ibis, that maybe I'fure long veil whistls another tune. There's them I could mention as has their ye apon ye, an' will keep it there till jot. ee N done." " Mianing, until I give ap Ooole itself to he mob," tayi the Squire with a sneer. " Ay, even tbat, it may be," lays the mtn with answsrvlog defiance. Yoa dare to threaten mi ?" tayi Thi Jaimond Ibrowlog np bil btad haughtily nd drawing some tteps nearer to bit 1Mb 11 1 only say what ii likely to prove truth before long," returns Ibe man sturdily, not giving in an inch. " Thai we .1 have no uiori tyranny, bal will have a blow for our rigbis if ws swinn (or it." "Yoneao tnoct me when aid wbers you like," BB)> Ddntuoud wilh a shrug, " bul 1 *m afraid it will do you no good ' "II will ba a lesson lo Ibe others,' aty> the man between hie teetb. " To ycu otbtre yei, because it will naake my heir lomewbal harder ou yoa Ibua I am. The Desmonds never forgive. However, thalie more year lookout than mine. A last word, though : It yoa wire cot the oousanioiate Idioti this lail revolt ban proved you, yu would see how you are be log led stry'~by a tew demagogne*j (a butcher's boy, perchance, or an attorney! clerk poibed by yon from abeolate cbeoar- ity iuto a Parliament ashamed to acknow- ledge them), who will aave tbeir skins at Ibe expense ot years at Ibe latl, and who, mute- while, thrive royally npon the moneys yoa sabtoribil" " Tbai'i a damned lit lor >," sayiDjoo- van losing bu temper altogether. Al this outbreak Tbe Desmond ritet lowly, and, ringing Ibe bell, oilmly pares bis nails uc til a servant comet iu answer to bin aammons. " Aok If r. Brian to oome here for a mo ment," he aays calmly, nol lilting his eyes from tbe fourth fiager of his led band, npon tbe nail ot wbieb hi is joit now em- ployed. Brian lounging In in a few moments, bis uncle pockett bis penknife, and, waving bia band liKhtly in Donovan's direotiOL, says gravely ; " Thii man, Dooovaa, will be one of yoar tenanti.foai* lime, Brian," plainly he bas forgotten all about his determination to marry again and to diupoases* his nephew ol Ooole and olber things, or else one glauce al UoLiaa n'pur*trfcll (in which ibe bad ap- inured no anlike ber mother) has doue woo- den, "il ie, Ibenlore, as well yoa tbould learn bit eentimenli towards his landlord, especially aa he ii apparently the mouth piece of all the other*. Obl:ge me, DJDO van, by repealing to Mr. Brian all you bave jail euUio me." Bat the man is tar too clever a lawyer lo ooniiijii bimsilf before a third party. " I bave nothing to say," hi answer* tul- louly, "bul Ibis, Ibal lime* ars hard an' money icaroe, aa' " " We will pass over all Ibal. II ii an old story now ; and, as yon decline to speak, I will tell you again I intend to bave my rent on Monday, aad il I don't I nball evict you ' " Ay I At yen evicted Ned Barry latt mouth, throwing bim ou Ibe open road , wilb bia wile beside him and a baby uol a month oldl" "Nonsense I The child wai tix months old aud Barry wai better able la pay than any tenant I have, and more willing, ko, until Ibia precious Land League tampered wilb bim. He bae proved be bad Ibe money linos by paying a sum to Sullivan yonder for kaata 1 aud lodging ibal would have kepi bim in bit own boote for twice Ihi lerJKlb of time he has been there. know ullar-oui i|. I bavt made il my basi- nets to find li oat" "Ye're mighty well informed, entirely, ' ttjs DJCOVMI win a wicked toser. " If you on .'i k.iep a civil iuigue in yoar bead, you bail bet.tr leavj tbi* ro m," aaye Brian flashiLg daraJy a id making a step lowardihim. " Wbo are Ton, to ordiior me about ? ' say* the man wilh a fierce glance. " Ye're uol my mailer yel, I oan tell ye, an' maybe ye never will be." " Lttve Ihs room," fays Brian wbilo wilb rage, poiDiiogimperiouily to tbe door. " Oorte ye! ' sayi the man ; yel, warned by Ibe expression on Brau'i faoe, be moves iu a rebellion! manner to Ibe dcor and so diiappeara. " Thiy art tbe mot unpleasant peaian- try iu tbe world," sayi the Bqaire ioaae hoars later ibe word* ocmiug like a dreary sigh through tbe clouds of tobacco smoke Ibat curls upvardi (rom hii favorite meer- schaum. lie aodjiriac aod Q*tn Kelly art all sit- ting iu tbu library, the seen* ol Ibe lte en counter, aud bave been meditating tileuly apon many mallerr, iu which, perhaps, love bu tbi largest nbur<.-, ooosideririg bis votariei are two to one, when Ibe Bqoire most unexpectedly givei way to Ibe apeeob aforesaid. "The women are very handsome," lays Mr. K-.lly . " Handaxims i* as handsome does," uya tbi Bqaire with a grant. (To be continued) 1*1 orr In walking through Ihe streets rf 8?oul one often meitt witb figures clothed from bead lo (ooi m a grayieb-yelhw sackcloth. wilb bright yellow halt or rather broad- brimmed itraw basket* on tbeir beads ; men, moreover, who further disgoiae their identity by holding a strip of laekelolh stretched on pieces of Hick in front of their fsoea. Tbete are mourners In Ibe year 1682 a Japanese traveller who landed o j the northeast coast found Ihe official* and all tbe inhabitant) in tbii logabriooe mas- ijaerade. They were in mourning for Ibe Queen, who was luppoaed to have been murdered, bal who, after tbe people bad worn laokcloth half a year for ber take, emerged safe and Hound from tbe biding- plaoe where the bad taken refuge from the porauilof ber wicked father-in-law, Tai-on Kan. For aqaeenii iseastcmtry to moarn twelve months, for parent* and near kiue folk tbrse yeare. What a diep iLfl aeuo Ibis prescriptive oiage has apon the lite o toe people in illuilraled by Ibe following xlory o( an aged bachelor who was aikr-c why bi bad nevir taken a wife. " My parenti, iaa well as myself," bt laid, " were desiroog tbat I eboold marry, and a roit able yooug lady being found oar betrotba took plaoe. Then my future father-in-law died, acd we had, ol oaorse. lo wail three years. I bad hardly pot off my monrniu when I had to bewail the lost of my own poor father ; Lcceuarily here was another term of lime years' wailing. When Iheoe were np the mother of my future wife took tiek aoi expired, and thai we were obliged to delay oar marriage another three years. Lastly, I bad the misfortune to lose my own dtar mother, wbioh naturally ciuted DO.-::.< adjournment. So thai, a 'oar times three maket twelve, that num- ber c( years bad passed over oar heads aod made us bolb the older. Al Itaia lime my betrothed fell ill, and at she waa at lealh'adoor I went to pay her a last viiit. fly future brother-in-law mil me al Ibe door and said : ' Although yoa an not (or- mally married, yet perbape I may (or this oooe look apon yoa as mtn and wile ; eomo n and lee her.' I had hardly entered and been fioi to faoe witb mypoorwite than be breathed her last. When I taw Ibis til thoughts of marriagt fled from me, ind , have remained a bachelor ever since. " i h' in.-nlilr.ol Travel. Affable traveller to neighbir in railway " " Yoar i ame is very familiar to me, Mr. er- ah- Qaiit stranger " My name s MooizincttkieilKorotzaotoelber. lam aPole. Affable traveller" Yet; er it lin't our name so much as your face; I was about o say yonr face wan very familiar to me." Quiet ilraoftsr " Yes ; I bavs been in ling Sing Prison fourteen years. I waa ieharged this morning." (Affable travel- er keeps on travelling, bat quits lOtbling.) -Uurdttte in /.'rooi'yn Eagle. The I u.r n,l Ihe Kftrrl. O'd gentleman (to small boy tracking a ifjartlK) Liltlt boy, don't j ou know Ibat great many people dit from tmoklng Ktretitt ? Small bov Yet (puff), bat many people mff ) die who (pod) don'l smoke 'em. Ntw ark Tint*, !<lTUnB. U ... Mil lliuuuKui* U r.i B>V il"" i.i.h i)i .ii.il.. e>| the l/'mhwlu Ukurtki. (Balllraur* Ban ) Xheojlorct a oardluaV* dro-n i* red. anless he beloLgn li a leligions OrJer, ii bion oae be retail.* thai uf his habit, bu ui tbe same tbape of drett ae tbe oiberk Tbe red bal and the berreiia or red oi are tbe moat widely known distinctions ot the Order. A good anecdote is told m coo nation wilb ibe red op. Pops Oregory XVI was a great admirer ot a oertain abbct in 11, me, whose habit was white, ai-d rumor rau tbat bs woald oertaioly be made a cardinal. Some lioie before Ibe next consistory the Pope, with a considerable retinal, went to visit tbe mouaitery of Ihe learmd monk. When trayt of delicious pyramidal iced cream* were brought in as refreshments tbe Pop* deliberately look one o( Ibe white one* aud banded il lo the abbot, and then took a red one (or bim silt. No bae, of comae, began eating until Orrgory bad tasted first, and while all eyes were on bim hi took Ihe lop tfl bin own icid cream ai.d pal il oa the abbot's, saying with a smile M he looked around huu, " How well, gentlemen, tbi red caps tbe white I' Xbe abbot wan ao elated at Ihe iobtle snggeatton that hi bongbt a cardinal's ouilii al ones. Wben tbe newt of tbi abbot's precipitancy reaobtd tbe Pope he wai to dupleaaed that betoratobed tbe abbot's name from the list. One of tbi ornaments ot a cardinal is a gold ring set wilb a apphire, and engraved on the metal surface of tbe inkide wilh the arms ot the Pope who bae created him. Tbe Pope himself placet il ui ou tbe cardinal'! fiuger The actual value ot Ibia riog i* ooly 125, bal for many eenturiee ibe newly elected cardinal baa been exptcied to give a large Bam of money (or some piuus purp jse. Far a long lime the anm was larger than al present, and was pail iu gold, bat ia con sideralion of tbe general distress in tbe early part o! tbii o-ntory the amount was reduced to about 1750. Tbe last cardinal wbo gave tbe full sum before the redaction was Ualla Bomaglia, m 1796. Tbe Roman ceremonial shows tbt sicga- lar importance of ibe oardinalate by tbe dippovitiou ordered lobe made of its mem- bers tfter deatb. Il is prescribed that when life has departed a veil shall be thrown over Ibe leer, and thai the body, dressed in abatable, if biabop or priet, shall lie in btaie. Tbe bal used in bis creation moat be deposited al bit fetl, and alter bia funeral be impended over hie tomb. Hit body matt be laid in a eypreii wood ocffiu, in tbe pntence ot a notary and bis official family, a msmbar ot which lays at bi* last a liitla cat* contain- ing a scroll ol parchment, on which hat been written a brief account ot ibe mor* important events ot bit lite. Then Ibe first o..ffia is inclosed in another of lead, and tbe two together in a third one of some kind of bard wood, each cofia having been tealed wilu tbe Heals of the dead cardinal and the living notary. Before ibe occupation ol Bom a by tbe Italian Government tbe obsequies were very solemn aud impressive. The bojy a< born by nigbl with futen.1 pomp of ear- riagit and torehe*, aud a long array ol chanting frais to Ibe chore li of requitm. wbere il remained until Ibe Jy appointed for tb OiBss, al which oardiuala aud the Papa were present, tbe latter giving Ibe Uual absolution. TUB III- lot* I Of > < in t vi. I I.. I t>l>iutl> J Iu !>orltl,iu I'ruuill Yoa can never depend upon proverbs. as sayi, " sileoce is golden ;" another money talks," | i ,.,.,, The London Qraphie hs caused tbe followu g eta iuioti of Ireland lo be prt- pued. They are o! utirest in eoncio ion with tbe H,m* Kale movement. Accord- ing to tbo ceu>u of 1881 Ibe population of Ireland WK distriouted at fnlluw* : Leinsti r, 1 HitT'.W'J ; MuLB'-er, 1 331 115 ; i:ii:ar, 1,743 U75 ; Oonuaugbt, Mil t .',7 Thtproporuun per cant, of population in taob Province eugagcd in or aapporle>i by agriculture a~o irdlng to the oruiaaof 1881 : L inster, H ; Monitsr, 664; Ui.ler, 67 7 ; Oonuaugbl, 87 7 ; proportion for Ireland, 66 The vala<s of cereals and other crop* wr* In 188o the followicg : Lf>iciter. t'S.O'ja 030 ; Monstir, {7651,. 848; Ultter, ill! 6113.767 ; OjnuangLt, 4406'JV3 U' cattle, abeep and pint ; L-miter, 16 U38 867 ; Mnniter, 20 048,- 949; U'ster, 4I6.6<>7 864 ; OoonaaKbl, Jt 10 857 0<J7. Horses for tbe four Provinces, 111)60.910. Proportion per cent, ia 1801 in eaon Province of person* 5 years old aud apwarda who oan neilbsr read nor write : Leiuiter, males. 19 9 ; (mile-. 206; total, 203; Mao>-lr, 161, 811, aud 385; Ulster. 1U3 31 1, aud SO 3 ; Oonnaugbt, 85 3 406, aud 17 9 ; total Ireland, 23 8. 26 5 S6 >. Norn bert of persons engaged iu 1884 in princi- pal occupation* throughout Ireland : Agri- culture, 8 417,877 ; manufactures, 691 509 ; tnidi and ojmmiroi, 73 215 ; proteetlous, 19H 684 ; dometliof, 426,161 ; no icoupa- lion, 8t>8 360 The oenlre* ot mannfaotar- ing interests are BaKatl, Dublin, Limerick and Cork. Rateable valuation in 1884 and icome tax asitetimenla ot each Province ; Leioiter, 4745319 aad 18272,302; Munster, 3 419/J08 and 7980086; Ulster, 1327109 and 9,952 389 ; Con- naught, 1366705 and 2,995488 Religion 10 18U1 : Ltioster, Roman Oatbo- lies, 1,094 82. r > ; Protestants, 184 164 ; per- centage ot Roman Catholic*. US. 6 ; Mon- ster, 1 249 384 81,731, 93 8 ; Ulner, H33 566, 809,509. 47 H; CoDnaavbt, 783.116, 38.641, 95 8. Pauperism in 1884 : Loiniter, poor relief expendiloree, 334,197 ; peraons relieved, l"i.i '.ni'.i ; peroeniaga of relieved 13; Mut.ster. 828195, 142046, 10.5; Uoler. 171,157, 79 946, 4 6 ; Ojnnaugbt, 112381, 41,021,6. Agrarian c Hence* in 1882 : Leiniler, 156 ; Muueler, 568 ; Ultter, 67 ; Oonnaoght, 153. Tutie ii oontidertble difference between be tee-cream of thi present day and thai . mob woald have been eaten by the pit- <rim fathers, bud they bad any, as the) art if making the eoohtig and rtlrttbiug di-b ias made a aurpruiug advaLOimenl siuce he early days of its mauolaotare. Ian- iream, so tbe bittory cf ii goei, ii nol invention, bul B discovery, like many of tit) ae*! things which bave lalleu lo the aae ot man ; and, strange to tay, it wai discovered almost simultaneously witb tbe duoavery of ihit great continent, aud, stranger null, u was made by an Indian woman of one ot the tribes in northern Pennsylvania. Tbe .burirfiuts in that part of tbe 8late used tbi milk ot thi oow elk, and they kept their uiilk in jags hewn out of stoat. Tbe milk In qaeuily frois and wan genirsUly throin away as nselest ; bat ont of Ibe Kj.va*s took to eating it and found it good , and tbe look to freeaiog it regularly, ootil her red ikiuned lord made a vigorous kiok ou be extravagance c( htr aeiog up til Ibe milk, bul every time tbe back win! oa naming trip the had her (rcgto milk, bioh was Ibe real predeotibtr of ioe cream, and many of tbe tqaaws of her tribe followed ber example, uutil it become quite a ooitom. Wben sugar was brought among them Ibe Indians took to sweelen- mg tbeir frosen milk. Tbe white tetllere look to tbe ntw dish, and thi avidily witb which it wai contained led to tbe regular establishment of it among tbe trade. Ine primitive method of making ioe-cream by the confectioner of thi revolutionary daya- was vaatly different from the way il im made LOW Firat Iht sweetened milk was) simply congealed and then broken np witb a laddie. Then il was found that areairi alone made a belter dish, acd also tbal ao egg or two added to ill riohniss and body and tbal if tbe air wai beaten into il Ihi cream increased nearly twice in quantity Tbe trad of ell entirely into the bandi ol bakere and aoufnationers, and the) flm work at which the baker'e apprintio 9 wan pot in tboie dayi wai beating op ioa-oream wilh a wooden paddle. Tht ice-cream season bad no pleasures lor him. for b* spent bis days, and frtqamtly hi* aighlt, agitating tbe (reran tweeioeaa wilb bi* wooden paddle, while bit o:.ui| *v.i'>uH with tbi f guN, helped to cat tat frail of bin labors. At tbe demand Tor the dtlio able diih increased Ibt old i a idle method wai found lo be too slow, and maobmery was devited by wbioh ibewurk ooald be done by steam, water and horse (rawer and now th* bitten revolve wilbin tbe closed ctn, while revolving bladee en: tbi frciea ereaai from tbt sides of tbt vt ol The growth aud development of Iba Iradi bave brought so much tuacbinery into ui-e that npon it depend* a vast uamber o people for a livelihood. Tooatandi are tngiged in Ibe making ot Ibe diflareu appliances for ill manofaotort ; tbonaud>> more are employed exclusively iu Ihe mak ing ot it, ana iboneand* art indirectly tap plied witb work through it. Even doctor* nd lawyer* owe many a (ee to it the doctor* earning their* in prescribing lor colic brongbl on by over iudalgeaoe in i and the lawyer* getting, it not estninti their* by meann of toil* for bresoh of p-o mine made over tb* lov*-in*[inng BLC xedaeliv* Aub. Philadelphia Ifem. Mh, HarbrUr. Ab.SinJ I. JlrKlc*. When a Meno.u lady ia wdowcd, >) a ojrr.H|Ojdeui ot tbe A'jrua. City Jott iwJ, family ooaueil is immedialrly called, ber m*l* relatives and tboeo ol btr buabauc cbarxiug lUemRolves with the edcoatjiuu o! her soot, and Ibe eire ol binelf and <Uubters quite as a matter ol OMirre Thuugh tbe widow aod ber grown-up daub ters may be acoinj|ilishei ss wsll asi poor, nobody dream* of tb* possibility of their doicg anylbicg toward eapporiing tbem- lelves, and Ihe proffered aid ia calmly ao copied as an hereditary right. Even il ibe widowed mother ia beallby, aba on by no means be indsptndtnt. Ooetom, wbiota ben rnlia wilh iron band, preacribee tbat the entire superinlendenoe of ber property and tbe education cl ber children shall be delegated to ber male kindred, and anleas ab* it really an aged woman, sbe mail re) ide with her relative*. Bo in< roughly are Mexican gentlemen imoaed witb Ibis idea ot womanly depeudeLOi tbal tbey do not regard tbe care ol any nnmbtr ol bereaved families as ao anjosl bardtn, bal, on ibe contrary, whin a man marries be virtually contracts ID befriend all tbe female kindred ot bit lady love, and lo provide for Ibim, if netd be. This tori of knightly courtesy makes matrimony a lerioni matter, tud, perbarin, aeconnte far Ibe number of eligible bachelor* wilb wbich Mixieo aboands ; bat, badinag* apart, il it a beami'ul eaitom and a urong proof ot Ibs innate chivalry ot Mexican gentle mm is found ia tht fael ibal tbe entitle* of widowi ana orphans are luvaiiably administered wilb terapuloas bonebty. He Tied I p Ike ... " They tlmoil always want to blow out tbe gas," laid a Chicago hotel clerk tbt other day, " but Ibat old fallow," pointing to an old gentleman lilting in the window, " wai smart enoogb to know that that was not necessary. When be woke ap this morning about u o'clock he opened bii door and began calling for tbe porter. One of tbe boil-boys went to him and was told to bring u|- a uieoe ot a rag. The boy procured i , and, abxiout lo know what tbe old man wanted, he huug around the door. Toere wai a very laiul odor of gas pervading the premises, and ai Ibe boy looked through Ibe keyhole be taw tbe old man mount a Dhalr and unwind a home-knit woolen sock Irom tbe gae-bnrner and Ihtn wind Iht rag tigbtly aroacd it in plaoe of tbt took ' Sorry to trouble yoa," he taid, when be oami down, but Ihe ptsky thing wti leaking and I wanted to ate my lock. I gaeis I'd been tmolbered if I hadn't kinder traced the smell to that thing and then truck tbe idea of stopping it by winding something around il." He was taken np-Btaira and shown bow the "peiky thing" worked, bat wai not latiifled and insisted tbal it was " a darned sight safer to tie thi thing op." Mhlp. (or Oil. A new departure in Brilitb Bibipbuiiding it Ibe attempt to construct vusels for carrying oil 10 balk. A well-accredited nautical authority anticipates that it tbe experiment [roves taooesslal oontiderable work will be given lo tht shipbuilding yardt, and at least a ibars In a brstoeb of bnMnesi wbioh al prtteni appears lo be monopolized by Continental competitors will be leoured for Brilieh owneri. Bhip ownin ire beginning to regard petroleum oil as a promising cargo. .OrigiDally the oil was carried in casks, bot wilb tbe development ot the trade tbt vessels engaged in it have been fitted ap wilb iquare or circular lanka, Hteameri have been engaged on tb Caspian Sea in tbt Iradt, and slw i carrying th* oil Irom tbe Black BM t Antwerp and other ports. Tbe method of carrying, however, bavt nol been economical ai ooald hi wished. A epeeia steamer for carrying tbt oil literacy i: balk is now being built on Ibe Tyne. Tb machinery is placed all, in order to avoi_ proximity to the ear^], aid otbtr epeoia arrangement! for preventing thi nbiltin of cargo, explosion, or fire ari being intro dnoed. Whin eaeki or ttnkt are me tbert it a Ion of freights on emptiei an additional risk ot leakage. It it a>rgaed also, tbat when the oil u carried in bul ibtrt will be less danger of the tooumol_ lion of gas or vapor in Ibe unoccupied, parts of holds. I i>K WiruTUB FACT. 11.1*1. i s> u.u k fai.-. | ske * ii.ta. Tbi tollosiog letter apinwa in U> Pall ttall Outiu of Saturday week: Iiwill arpriM many, and may interact a tew, i-i yiur r*adri to learn thai Iberi diea ai M. Hit, ou the 18ih ot laatmonib, a vtrit- bi-, though ilirgitimats daogbler of tbe poet Boriis. Tbi old lady in qaas'iuu, Ueleo Aruiiroug by n>nas, wbo wae 97 t>r '.ir) yean of age, reudtd for many years in Mbflal, in Ihs same lilile back strati m wbieb she wai born somewhere about tbu year 1788 Tbe fact ol her rtlationub'p to Barns was well known in Uuflal ana %m ueitihborbood. Her mother, Nelly II-..-; p, waeabemaiyin ber day, sad Barm - for icma lima a devoted admirst of bir*. Helen is K aid to btve borue a strong rcn m blur ri lo Barns iu her earlier dayi u . nd .u, to ukeues to tbe portraits 'I Barns was traceable to the last i U oautoor oi tha (ace and in the dark b , . c eyes, dimmed as tbey wire by ag t-i a sickntGH. Mor was the likenets eotflutd to phj stool points , in ber mental power* Ueleu tbowed a strain of tbi poetic bleed. A few years ago ber OuUvernatioDal pnwi r aud her qaiekneii ot repariee wirs m</>i amusicg aud altrac ivu. Evso a (r w muulhs BIUCI, wben well enough lo talk, ber conversation wai bigbly lutentti Sue went to seiviea at a very early ag* 7, I think. Bhe belonged to tbal get un ot Scotch servant!, still extant tboogb rulber rare, wbo remain years in one " place,'' and identity tbeir employers' interests with their own. Bbe wai thirty yearn in one situation al liucoletfeh Arms Inn at Tborabtll, with a family named Olendin- niog. I belisve the livad there till all tbe family bad died oat, Tbornbill, a* tv.ry tcboolboy kaow.<, or ought to know, ' 11 close to Dramlanrig Oaitle, cos ot tbe dnoal pulkces ol tbi Bccalenon lamUy. Bulen told me bhe once saw Sir Walter boot! at the old inn on bit way to visit tbt Duke .( Dromlanrtg. Hi oime into Ibe kilcheo and bhook bands with tbe cook in bi* bright and denial way, and stepping op to ibe fire, where bung a huge pot ct ii ; potaioea, be lifted op the lid. toik out a potato, and proceeded lebnrely to tat n witboot tbe aid ot knife or fork. Thi cook, wbo was very proodof ber kitchen, bad all ber metal ware brightly bnrnubtd, aid Sir Walter, looking round aa i. remarked, " lib, Lucky, >e bat >' britiii acd hiuiDg like tbi tillsr." To wbieh Lucky replttd, " Ay, Sir Walter ; bat it's no' a' gonid tbal gliiMrw." Helcu thongbl that wae a very sharp aoiwtr, acd htlim-d Sir Waller tboogbt so too, a besob- qaenlly rnlatbd it al a diooer "bouaig ihi gentry " Independently of tbn inlertai attaching to her as a daughter of lijru*, >h was a obaraoter worth knowing H A.f R. I xi.uid ib.1 I Wr IL... i ariei man; a wrotchwi hooaewife to-daj, ae, weary and ditbearlened, tbe forces bei ttlt to perform bar daily taak. Iidoti't seem aail I ooald gel tbroogh vbt day. Tbu dreadfal back aebe, tbei fiUh-'ul dragging-dcwn Mnaationt will kill n.s 1 ]< Ibere no relief f " Trs, mstdam.tbrre i Dr. Pie res'* Favorits Frsseriptioo " i- u OLfailiug rtmedy for the ooo.plaintb t wbich yoar ex is lishia. It will rsreor,. icn to beilib again. Try it. AH droggiav, Mr. William Lr daborcasb, tht w< II. know. Adit rattan ixplortr, di*d M-CII i!y * Ualuondra. near Brin bat*. In siareb of llurke and Wil'* b* traversed tbe ooi.r. D0ol trom the Oalf ot Oarptntatia tiM I bouruo. Be i osived a grant ot 2,000 In underaliou olbie nrv.osiae au boy Hr M n llon.ll, . ' Are yon a boodle T" asked a small of bit siater't new haiband. " I don't know what Ibat is," reipinded be happy man, patting Ihe boy on the head. " Tan maet bs," periisttd tbe small boy. 1 I don't know what yon mean exactly." " You are my titter's hatband, ain't you ?" " Yes, of o^nrse." " Will, then, yoa are a boodle, 'cause lister laid t be "lie bonband woald catch ter tvery time." Washington Critic. Tke 'loon . ln(1u< n<r Upon tbe weather is accepted by tomi a real, by others il ii disputed. Tbe moon uevtr attraotiloorns from tbt tender, acbiai spot. Patnam's Painless Uorn Estraoto removei the most painful oorni in thre dtyi. This great remedy maku noiorc pol>, doesn't go fooling around a man' loot, bal gelt to business at cnoe, anc fleets a cart. Don'l be impoeed apon tabmilates aad imiltltoni. Get " Pat nam'i," and no other, Hke wae aa lBdtail*;akl \i r u , , . Diioonlented Wife It I bad known that I should havi to work to bard after I wae married I sboald havt remained tiagle. Haiband I though! yon liked to work, tbe way you worked to get me Tbat remludi me of tbs way Jobnnit hank*! bis papa for taking bim to tbt ireot," said Warsaw. " Now, Johnnie, on bad a reel nice time tbii afternoon, idn'lyou?" "Ter, pa." " Well what do oa say to papa lor taking yoa ?'" L 1-let't " Stephen Kelly, of Philadelphia, a member of the G. A. R., was mastered into the United Slates Bervioe on April Jlir. 1861, and mustered onl with an honorable discharge in 1864, and is a hearty mvj DOW, yelthe c ffisial records and Bates'e History ihow that be was killed in tie war and buried al Gettysburg. U Is grave ie there, and be has often bad Ibe pltanvir* of decorating il on Memorial Day, K-lly sayi that ho has tried to get Ihe cemetery officials to acknowledge tbat bt is alive, but they will not do il. No one has at. v idea what poor ftllow wai buried la Kelly ' glBVI, Taere it danger bhaaii for >c u if \. a nrgl.oi Ibe wariiinji wbieb oatoi>- 11 >K i g yoaot theappjoh of tbe fell destroyer sonsuoipiion. Ni^bt-ewsate. s| ittir.* <f blood, lose of appetite-ibess syrup < n> bav* a terrible meaning. Toucan beeund If yoa do not wait until It m too late Di. Pierce ' " O ilden Medio.l Ui.rxvi.ry, ' tbn Kreateat blood pan fltr known, will irkttre yoar lost htaltb. A<a nairilive, it i> far inpenor lo cod liver oil. AU dragguti. Luther i boy Ub boms al Manaflsld, in Saxjnv, has jast been rttlored ai tar ai possible toila original oondilion when bc reformer i parenla dwell there four eeuta- rienago. Tbe old hoots bad become m > dilapidated. Mow il will b* inhabited by a body of deaooneaeei, wbo will nnrii ar. I are for tbe sick and poor of tht town * * ' Delicate diaates ot either hex, however iadoced. ipiadily and radically eared. Aidreee, ia eonadene*. W.-ru', Dupenatry Media*., Asioeialioo, BoHtlo, N. T. hmail Pastas, tht ex kkediv* of Kgypi. wbo was one of th* chief creditor* ol Victoria Emmanuel, holds the bills ol Hi., late King Ludwig to the too* ol 53,000, Bir John Gilbert owing, it is said, to failing health-ban resigned tht prttidrnoy of tht Society ol British Painters in W.ter Colors, wbiob hebae held linos Ihereeigr a- lion of Mr. F. Taylor In 1871. A twenty- five otnt bat IK ralber a common kind of bead eoviring, bal il will go a long way il undertaken by a eood at H bretse. Captain Harrison, of the steamer Lydiao Monareb, has seen talking treaeon about P. T. Barnard. When Mked by a reporter o the PallUall Giuttte what bt thought ol tbi great tbowman, bt replied : " Bar. unml Preeioni litthm. Awfully mean. What diyoa think be gave me after taking hii Jombo salily over? Two compli- BBtolary tickets for hie show-wbieb were promptly returned wilb tbacka. Facey Ibal I And we had given Jumbo a bottle of wbiekey every day, but Barnom Hopped tbal. Great teetotaler ii Barnnm, know." yom DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ON. J. WANTRD-rMDIHB to own liornm *>7 lotlO irork for a* at tbeir 'n lioiiim aTlotlO psr WMk oan be qnietlr mds. Nophoto palnllDR; no emntaeelD*;. For ill psrtionlErB, pleare sddrenii.at oco, Crescent Art Co., 5170, 19 0ntnl Street, Boston, Mass., Box ICURE FITS ! WsMnlMycurtMrinnm..***. ni-n-iv t.. .t,.,, ih.mfr Whn 1 M tim* in-) ti . Ih. __. Ifffl nOKXHi _ to cor* the) worst I hem fnr r*tirn tout. I r n rattle*! MtStJ Hi" <1 tarsi^ n f PI i ^, (PIl.KI-lY or PA I. L- "* - II'. loin it*,./. lTsjrra.,1 my TmX ru*t. HATIUMI nther* I. . . r*il4ltna 'tUcolmr fnUJMN* V'no'tir ofrej *. Ileotroothiita- f'.rfttrUI. A .Mr** DK. H O. KOfT, Branch Office, 37 YomeSt,, Toronto. annss J rot < J'll will ran iron. ____ . lLIf_ Too tn allowrvi oAve Irtol r>/(*(rfv rf<iy of th> t> f Dr. Dyp'* (>U>l>rU-(l VollalL- Bolt wlln KU nnrr Applumoos, fo lln KUctrlc Sul tli mn-fty r, llcf ni1 n re.j ffrtmm /MI</. IOM of I W.<v and all kln.lrd traoNta, Al*i for mac if*. Compl0tiitnrallonton<ltB,V| J o<t H**aoodninM*BZ NO rirt ta Ini-nrr^ rtMl |.rmnnft In ra(<ulmiIOMnMlUM f ""IK V OLT A 1C BsUrTCWw Umnk* 1 oAPnrLE FREE w Bomslhinf fur TOQDB rntii only. i Mlvsr lo pa* poeiMi and tmpl*. Donaldson ft Oo , < -.,. Bend II ML I ttaekloc . Oat,