THE ADVANCE. se of tbe Ici^na-TxKii'liaa Family Newsin iu NtrtbeYu Ontario. Published t t Every KBOM TUX OrncB, OuUinywtod Street, FltAertoH, Out TEKM8 OF SUUBCltll'TION : 1.00 per annnm in advtuce; HMU not paid the eudofli yaars. No p*l>or discontluufd t 11 all arroaraiiuaarupaiaup; ana no BU a lie taku for 1... tUu ou year, ouiofl . wLcu pvclal arrangements lor nhortor periods are aide with tbo publishor. AUVEJUT18LNU KAILS, &C. CuualkdvertUeintmH.JiceuMpor 1st Insertion nd 3 ceuu put iluo uacbiuuseiiueut insertion. Tranaiout dvertiuoiuet tol) paid lor when erdoroU. AdvcrtiaeuuAU without Bpocial direc ioni will be Inserted till forbid ud charged accordingly . Liberal inducement* to regular advertiten. Notices among reading mutter, 10 ceuts per line each iimertion. No advurtikamout dlecoutlnuud until all ar- ruarkKuti ki'u paid up. Copy lor advertUeiucuts ihould ruacu tl ffice not latur thau 110011 ou Tuesday to vulture lertiou in current issue. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor uivi Proprietor. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP Jill H tUtsl. Hack ! l.ardru | fedm I Itur. l.i< In* FLESHERTON ""CLAYTON'S ii A KM;SS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, ll the place to get yo<ir Harneti CMart, etc, made up in good style. iihop in W. Clayton i Boot tt Shoe Store, Fleiherton. A book of ICO pnic**. 'llH- UfM IxH'K lor nil ll'lvi-rtl-,'1 t" POI1- wilt. \t<: IP- export- -m-i-il <ir otherwise. Itci'UI-lll.xli-.l'-i'I IH-H I' -liin:il''< oftln'i">-t Dfailvi-rtlsli i ' ' ' " i " '"' wsuiUUt *ncmi mto dollar, fluus In it the m formation he r<T|ii ires, " bile Ibrblmwm win luvi'stoMc limi'ln-.i ia"r-xn'i dollars Insd- verlUlDR. n < Ii' mo Indicated which will inocthlK wavy iv^iiriTni-nt, ur mx fw *** toilotnln/ arrimlat tt ear- re*t>nileHi-t. H < > il': 'MM.-, luivi- ln-i'ii l-ni-.l. S..|it.lM.-:.|.:ii.l louiiy ...Mr.'.- LU '."e'""- WrlH 1 to i.l. u. i'. KOWKLL .' <>, NKW-PAIT.:-' .'. '-NKISTIMNU nUKKM . (10 SpruJi' St. I'rlntiiiifU <: *<!>. New York. TWtftElEBRATED . .vVjD? CHASES LIVER CURE CinoiauaU Goiuiuareial (is/ellf ) Most bygieoio craztt tiart in Boston, bat New York very 1000 thereafter lake* them regularly, and, it you will pardon my uting elaug, ba them bad. Wberevur yon go io New York oily BOW, at leas! in oeruiu oirelei, you hear, io one ebapa or unollier, something about either the milk, mind or faith eute. Weitem people do not question their insides M toe Atlantic ooal inhabitaut* do. They limply go ou Irom year to year eating the hot buouit aud ouffee, aca the olid bam and ruaal efaioken tbM art let before them, and propound no ieqairien. Bat the ibbabilautu ol the eaat are Mlwaye trying some new way io diet aud living. LBl year it WM the ooDeeoiioal lean beef and hoi water euro tbiy went oC their bsads about. Tbia year it in the milk diet they aia trying. Tnere are far more neoae aod reason in the milk eore tbau toere war* io the r w beet aiid bol water. I uava seen tome Indies who have tried TUl LACTEAL Mil lor several mouth . Oue yonug woman had been a grievous d>speptio and oenroui in- valid (or come years. Huu pat herself on tbe milk diet, and has livod on it ever einoe. Bhe was pointed oat io me one dsy ai an example of the tffieuoy ol the cure. 1 mast say abe had a eompiuion like the rote and lily, and her eyei were ai soft and bright SB a obild's. Bhe WM neither tat nor lean, bat just plump enoatjh. She panaes the tame line of eating now (torn oboiee, declaring that the emell of the daiutieit of viands, yea, even of sugar-eared smoked bam broiling, bat not the blightem temptation for her. If every woman eooid be at pretty as nhe was, one most say it would pay the whole sex to tiy the milk cute. It will not do, they say, to go on drinking quantities of milk along with other heavy foodt meats for iastanoe. That will make mat- ten worse. Milk is a very strong diet. It combines m itself all the elements of aumal food rtqoired by the system. Iis nee in ibii way U nothing new particularly. There U an eminent Cincinnati pbvsieian \ho has PRIICaltXD IT TOR VFifcS. For instanee, a ailizen comet to him who is proLitneot, both pnjeieally and tooially. The > \iczan it dying of dytpepiia, headache, pam i u the tide, dcepondeuey, and heaven knows what. Daee be smoke ? asked the doctor. He does ; but not more Iban ten cigars a day. DJS be drink beer and wbinkey ? A little. Be bat to take a ooek- MU! in (be morcing before he can limber out at all. Tnen at the luncheon time he drinks a couple of glasses ol beer witb a little cheese and bologna eaneage and a bam sandwiob. At uixbl ? Well, at night, of coarse he takes a bit of wbukey toddy, same as every ait before he goes io bad ; bat that ten much. Tben tbe doctor A*>y some words. He is a member in good siMidiag of tbe obareb. i, it it would make your hair iland on ted f I (honld tell you tome uf tboee wotdt ha < have been reported. .' ( at yoa on milk nd lime water,' tayt tbe .'-^otor, " not drop of anythicg ebe, n \ind. ' "Ob, Lo*-' doctor," groans tbe patient, I neve r cau on that. I'll die." Report bat it that thin eminent Cincin- nati physician it apt to answer : "Die tl'tvi. Better die than kee? on ring like a bog." Tbere it a doctor who baa 0[*ned a milk cure home iu * New Yuik rabor'a. Where patients are u'oob reduced be pats them at >ooe in bed, and gives them ix Qoiars cr MILK A DAT. They lie qailn still, and sip it slowly every ball boar tbrtagb 'be day. The tlrst few days, I believe, they take nothing at all but the milk. It mol b Iresb, pare aud rich. After a time they may have a little ripe freb frail with tbe milk. At the patient gains strength tbe it allowed to leave ber bed, and tbe quantity of milk n gradually diminished, till at length shs it not required to take more than two qatrtt a day. If the does) not oars for It she need not drink more than one, bat she mast not go back to the mixed diet unlit sbt is cored. The time rtqaired for a cure is some- times two years. The patient may have as much frail as tbt liket. Strange to say, too, ibis odd doctor allows bit patients to eat candy. They may do that in order te get tbe sugar required by the internal eco- nomy. The theory of the milk core is that it eniiobet the blood, and makes tbe perton over new. Uuder this pore, simple, red blood-making dist the flabby fletb becomes firm and bard ; went, warts and liver- splotebet dmeppear, and tbe >kin becomes toft, fair and eUslie. like an infant'i. Tbe fretful nerves become toothed and restted, and coated ocoa more witb s toft, itrong tissue The one uing the milk diet will be com* HOT ONLI KZALTHT, SUT BEiCIIlTL. m*. > t on lha M.incys 600.000 SOLD "' -- "> ' ' . >>'' <*'/' "*" " lrl -" Hr ' i ""'* L ' rV ~ ' *" fimint to t<J '*" <*<' il "" ""''> SowtTHiMC Ntw. CtN Aw FRII Wrauvcd arovintl cry bolll- of I>r. Chur\ I .ivrr ( lire b a^SuaSfe HouSrid Mlie.l Ciuidc .nd R. ,,* llouk (M |I), containing ovrr w, u^ful rr, ,, s 'p,oTioun'lty l men ami drugguM winvdn- al'le nil w " rlh "" lim " '"'P' 11 -' ""* "*"'' '"' TY CH*SfS CTAMH CUt. \ '" "d ,K*iti remedy Hri. e, >5 runs. *TYCHA8t's KIDNEY AMD liviRPuis >5'- i"'-- SOLD BY ALL DEALERS [T.-BOMANSON * CO.. soi That is wbat they say. The doctor who | bat the snore WM U at tbe head ot this particular orsze declare* be ban tired op the milk diet for twenty yeari, and be it said to have the >etb and oompUxtoa of an infant. One thing, this diet it easy enough for anybody to try at home. Tbe theory on wbieh tbe care it based it that milk oon- sins in itself all tbe constituents necessary oiuittia lift and health. Man bai gone a long ways oat of bis way, ibsn to invent all the duhea embraced in the civilised enitine. It it not at all ntossiary to stop one't daily work to go on the milk diet, or to change one's life. Simply, inttead of the ood, go to drinking new milk, not taking OUT TO BEA. A Yournr Woman Adrift in an Open Boat. OARRIEU ACROSS THE ATLANTIC (Brlllsb fteil sod JenoyTluiet, June litlj ) Miss Louua Jjurntanx arrived at Liver- pool this afternoon in the Allan steamer Siberian, in charge cl the Rav. . Weary The young lady u iu excellent health and spirits and bat suffered no ill-tftecu fiom ber perilous adventure. With tbe iioep- tiosj ot tbe first tour days tbe Siberian w* among tbe ice the voyage was M very pleasant one. Mike -luurueuui fiivee the followiug c eotuit of her advtutors : " Ou Holiday, 1 lu April, at H.1S p.m., attar chtrju, I left V.o- turiaPier, Jenu), with my ooosic, Julia Wilubire, Juleb Farue aid another young m<4n, for a row an tar as tue cud of the pier, about a quarter ol a mile iff. Th moon was bright and tba water smooth and we expected to be book al most dirtetly. When we reached the pic-r hi>ad I wubttd Juiet t'*rue, who was m> sale ejmpaoiun, ibu other having taktn a nvpiuate boat, to tarn baok, oui be bald, On, LO, we li go on a little tnrtner,' and ki p) going QJ rowing until be tad got p* Elizaouto CMtle, about a mile trum our statting place, wben we turned back. We bad returned to a point between the two pier head! Victoria and Albert, when Julia Faroe, who wawi ttill rowing, lost an oar ; in order to re- cover i-, be turned the boat with the o'.ber oar aud in doiag to that oar alao alippad from nii bmd. At loin time i be vide was rnncmg ont very fast, sad the two oars were aooc swept away from tL j boat nd I lost ti B Lii ot them. Jules Fan then jumped ont of iheboti to twtai af ier tiinoi, telling me be WM a good nwimmer ; io the ooarae of a nainnie or so lit got intollu boat again, nearly turning her over in doiug to, be got in at the sine and took off nu httt aud oont, which lu depoaited iu tbe boat, and men jumped into tbe sea again. By this lime wt were outside tbe pier bend*, bat I unnot eay bow tar, at I was excited at tbe time and am not a good jodqe of distaLoee. Tus boat, which was a two- oared pleatare akifl, was then right in the ttream aud going but to tea at a great paoe. I could oot see) tbe oats wben my companion jumped into tbe water tbe second time, nor did I tvtr see them agaio. Ho jumped out (torn the lide and struck out astern towarda the piers lo get tbe oars whiob tbe boat being deej'tr in tbe water they maul have becu left some dif.aoce behind. The boat was evident!) gaining 10 speed and in ;ae short space ot one or two minotea I bad lost sight of the swimmer. After he bad been gone five or ten minutes I beard bii ory iu French for help, the vow* being sviaeuily good way iff. I could then jutl see ihe I mr beads as a tpeok, but after the nr.i. mioote or two from bit leaviLg the boat I never caugbl right of Fame a>iu although it reuiaiuel very bright outil loug after I beard bis cry for help ; it came two or three limes tbsn ceased. When I beard bm fir.t cry for help, tben I was greatly alarmed, cried for help myself, shrieking as loudly as I could. I continued tbriekiLg out uutil I bteame quite fatigued. All thai night I remained awake expcetiog every minnte to tee tome beat or tteamsr coming in search of me In order to KUiio tsarcber. to where I wa I kepi on >cr.een- ing for btlp as well at I ooaid at inlet vtls li through the nl,bt, but trum tbu time r'.nr jumped iuto the vater, which I ibiuk was at balf-pasi 'J o'clock, 1 nertr taw, or, wiih the txception of bin criet lur htlp, beard anybody. About taiduight u gre.* cloudy and got ratbir dark but I could ttlll have iteu any otjeo: it Urge as a boat on the wattr it u bad come within a fair distance of me. Iu the cjuieeof an hour or soafier the gasberiugof the clouds, it began to rain heavily and continued rauiiog until about dayligbl. I bad a, small umbrella iu tbe boat wita me wbicb I held ovtr me through tbe night, bui it was not uf mush service, and I was quickly wsl through. Home limt early m mo murniug ot Monday I found tbe DJ.I bad a ojusiderabie qnatlitv of water iu it, that my test wtrs covered by it, and 1 bailtd it ont with Farce's bat which was ot hard fell, and thu I did at intervals until I was rtseotd. I was in great fear tbe boat would be eapeized by Fame, whilst be was getting into it, though he apparently bad not any d. faulty iu doiug rj, oat no water eami in at tbe unit. Tbs weather on Monday was Due agaiu, and the sea ojutmued tuiuolb, but I could see nothicg except recks all aroutd me. Jtrsey tt surrounded witb sunken aod other roeke, aod in my Odurtt I must havt panned over many of the former, which would bave proved fatal if there had been an> ma bo, bat by Ood't good provldsuce, the water kept smooth until the end. About ;.0 or d o'clock on Monday morn- I ing, I saw a ttsamsr which I took to be a I Southampton boat maraing from Jersey BLOWN IN Tt)B BlCB f ala H r a pow.lrr iMplo.lon. A iMt (Fridty) eight H Morrittown (N J.) despatch eays: A terrible explosion took place tblt morning at tbe Atlantic Giant Powder Wort?, sitoated between MeOaiot- ville and Drakesville, N.J-, retailing in tbe lose of ten livet and the injury ot ten or twelve people. Tbe explosion took place in the mixing home, oaute unknown. Tbe loMlt not known, but will be very boavv. Tht eoneutsion WM fell distinctly for 20 milti around, and Ihe R!MS in bouses five milts Away WM thaltsred. Tbs works wars scattered over 800 or 400 sores ot ground. There ars between 30 and 40 buildlBglon tbe premuti.and the company employ about 100 men. In the vapor or mixing house, where it it said tbe explosion occurred, about lo men were employed Tbii is probably one ol the most extent ive mannfaotoriet of its kind in tbs country Tht killed were George Ammerman, mar ried; Ckorge Hawhill. married; J. i Smith, single ; George King, single ; Ilenry Laobaok, amide ; Oonrad LtubeoK, slogls Charles Jackson, tingle; Charles Milborn married B Theodore Bryan, married Joseph Kmuer. married. J. P. Lumsled ahtmist, and two olhere with him mi'MU lonely escaped oniojured. Tbe meu wtr wen all In the mixing house. Ten of Ibem were Mown to atoms, to tbftt no dislin- tanbable remnaut of their bodies bs yst MM found. The population of Keovllle is tn a terrible Mats ot txeitsmsnt, a* Ibe victim*, of the disaster all rssidsd in ibs neighborhood, ant en any f aouliti ar* tad- enough al ont time to ditteod tbe stomach, but repaaticg tbe dose often. No tea, coffee, alcohol or tobaoao allowed ; nothing >ni milk, trail and a little sweets, and per- laps bread. A quut of milk will be more than enough tor a meal- A hall hour or more ebonld be occupied in consuming it. Tbe milk people say il salielie* their hunger perfectly, ud they don't etre for anything elst. Think of what an amount of trying, broiling, roasting, cooking and gre ane would be done away with if tbe world adopted thit diet I Half tbe difficulties ot living would be twepi away. a long way osT, and K o:'ig in an opposite direction to me. All through that day I still expected to see somsbudy coming after me, bat night Ml in without teeing any one appealing. Tbs Huuthaajpton boat WM the only thing I saw thai day. On Monday night there were a tew showers of rsin. Tbe weatbir ol tbe day bad not been warm enough to dry my clothes, and tbey remained very wtl until tbe tim-j I WM taken iff the boat. I did not sleep on Mouday, but during thai night 1 dcsid 08 occasionally in deapite ot my eff jrtt to kees awake. By the time II was dark I bad ijuile given up all hope ol buiog saved and prepared royaelf fur leaving tbu world. Krly oa Tuesday morning I saw a sail fcm.rr.r WIIHass'* I learn tbat the Curb -us at Ems bM been engaged for Ibe German Emperor for lour etkt. Ths Emperor now drinks a large glaes ot ths Quest imperial Tokay every day after dinner, thit wine having been recommended to him M an excellent tonic. Tbe Emperor ot Austria bM tent him a present ol several dczens from tbe imperial cellars. Tbere U tome splendid Tokay in tbe cellars at Windsor, which bM been lying there for some thirty yeart, and it wat the flnett wine that eonld be bought wben it WM imported by tbe (jueen. Tbii Tokay WM pnrebMcd for Prinos Albert, who WM very tond ol it, and drtnk it always M a dessert wine. LonJm TrulA. He \ " I'r.. H.lntT Mrs. Fizzletop las baen making an irntst effort to bave ber son Jobcoy taught to play tbe piano. A few days ago Mrs. Ficsletop ealled up*tairt : " Why ain't yoa prao'Mng ynr pipoe, Johnny?" "I am." You arc not Y u haven't couched tbe piano in tbe IM! boor." I've bean |vaotitng, all Ibe tamt. There are pannes | Dibit march, and I am practising them ovr and over until I knew tbem perfect." Jexa* fli/Wsp'. Probably *uo youngest State Bnperin- tendent of 1'nblw Instruction is Osaar H. Cooper, ot Teias. He is 3 yearrj old, aud a graduate ot Vale. He will ha. * partial control ol M in mm* t MkOOl tand tiabecy. Tuy ti'cd to land tu HIM i kit. Pisrre M,<juek>n, bat the fug bting too thick lo dmii ot their doing no, they kindly went suute duttaLoe out uf their OjOcae, and lauded uis, M! have said in Bay U.. Geoige.wuert 1 WM uin kiudly trtattd by the Cuorob of EjuUbd clergy uiu there, tbe Rev. O. Jcfftsy, aud bin wits; by Mr. Lilly, Mr. Dw>er, Mr. ii;>bop, Mr. LeRjUZ aod MIM McKay, tue last ot whom touk me into ber bout, and made me very oamfortable aiid happy. I khsll nevirijcgei their kiudnesn ur oeue to thank them, for it WM on Sunday evsn- Uig, I am sorry M say, that I let| Jerwy, on a Sunday alleruuon Ibal I arrived in Bsy Si. George, and on a Sunday af cerncon that I, in the kind can of the U-v. E. Wtary, a native of Jersey, uiuiiouary ot the Charon of ug- luiad at Groeuspond, arrived in Si. J LI - Newfoundland, by steamer C orlew after a run of four dayt from Hi. UiXUge. I'o the captain, upwards ot IheCorlsw aud to many Irieuda met with on tbs way, I givt my beet thanks for their kindness to me. At St. Mary Church lu Si Johns, I bad the happy opporinuity of reUrLing my inanks to Almivbty God, M 1 had aUo doue at Bay Si. Ooorge, where I parlpck of tne Holy CjounuLJou fur IIn wcnderful t CL- rvatiou of ini in uy uaoy noars ol peril, and my gratitude to Htm was aud u all the warmer UOLU toe tact that 1 .uit hour* alter my ttttae the weather beeaoie very stormy, unl threu weeks afterwards dnriog h storm a teaman ali(;pea from a yard into thu tea and wat lost." Tkc fiaftr Hour Sr. r The proper boar for dinner is i.:iii matter for ditoueeiou oataiie tte city ot Naw Yotk. There, we think I %:ay be naid, H i." as settled aa it is in Londou. i'uu orderly proeeision uf daily svecu is ar- ranged with a view to a 7 or 7.3U o'tl^cd dinner. Business eleven iu tuns for a walk ur a drivo before tu^t grtcefal hour. Tbe lbea:res upeu at tt J L.cture* begin and euga;emeuM are matio with a view to the oereoKny of the day. Tbe busy mau closes bis boot door on tne sxaoang wjrid, witn its ores and worries, aod sit* down hungry , as a properly ouLsmuied person ongbi, to bia-diuuer. Ha taksw bis important meal, when be Uas time lo eal u, slowly aud with a proper regard for the wtllare of bis aiKMiive apparatus. He has the evcniug and tue nigbl before him. He oac tmuka hi* oigar and he can unoeud bis ujiud in familial and pleMaut talk, or be can real good Levels, and can go to bed with, that obeurlol sett- contentment which is an eis.tial pre- rrquimte to sound sleep. Itn is ths tbeory, aud allboogb late dinuctn do pot alwsya du tbs good which they ougbt, ws Ibiuk that, 03 tbs wholes Uij> a.? c L- dooive to bapjinett ai-d long hie. Tburt ar tco many of oar biiM<.ees men wba dine in tbe middle of the day. lltsy have oJd-tMhiousd habits and old-faUiioued d)spcfs.a. Tbey art boldicg on tooustoas which were more ssubible forty jeis a ft o Tney do not do bu:nesn M tbtir lathers and grandfathers did, wbta the mercbaut reaobed bis c Booting- rtooi at 7 o'olcoa u> the ui. rumg and wa> tur^ogh iaa htaviasi part ot bn day't taik by noon. Toe mer- chant of to-day gelt aowu towu at aoost 10 o'clock and is busy aniil J or u clock in the afternoon. The mid-day dinner u eaten on a jump, and the direlol istnll is inevitable ll u aliraya belter to diue late, bat it is absolutely neostuary tat tbe mer- di mi, if be ii lo rtiaiu his bcalib, to cut bis taearUMl meai al a urns which orugi him rtpose (jnd contentment. Botton Pott. iuauuo M otiinu. Uw lloi.r. art Ait.; K ry,ine moil jf U: basinets was trickery duue by luounii.g a. a Hortt are awfally fwad ot Lens and etrrou, aud they will do almost at,ytbing fur them i bu; loading is tbt great trick." " Wual M loading T' " Loading is siii ping abaot an onnoe weubi of lead dowu tbs tars ol tbs norne. Yoa eup a load, to which a mnall pi^es cl ttriug is attache i, down tb horse's ears, and uo matter bow vicious lUj be ait may be it bteomet dszsd aod stupid wben tbt load plugs tis eri. Tbe horse djes not understand what bas happened to the world when be cannot hear wail, aod be becomes .1 docile M yoa wish. When a horse u lotded yon cau ycke hioi or do anything with him and he will nol objtet. ll is a thousand t met more merciful aid tar more effective lb*n Ibs horrible plan of palling a twitch upon tbe ear or upon tbe uottril, a practice ntul indulged in by some bunt ooapert. Leadsn weights are made for tbt purpose. Any tmall weights will do ; bat it is better to bave one made to fit." oooiiug towards ma M from prance, but tl tbat lime there wat no wind to spsak ot where I WM, nor had there been any from the time of my being alone except on one cr two oceMiona tbers WM a light breeds wb ieb sent a little opray now and then over the boal from Ibe lop, but did not inconveni- ence me. Tbe aail osme oo gradually bat lowly, and my spirits began to revive, al length WM M 1 hoped ntar tnougb for the naiiors to ass a signal, aod I mads one with my pocket batidkerobief waving it to and fro. Tba signal was nol answered so far M I could see, but tbe vaesel ke(<l on near ing ms until 1 taw clearly enough il WM actually making for rte. I kepi on making the sigual, IB! bad great difficulty in d< ing so M I was vtry weak. Ws took nothing in tbe boa) with us wbeu wo nlar M, aod I WM therefore very tbiraty, but did nol feel hungry. Someone threw mo a rope aa the brigantme cams alongside tbe tkifl, but I wai loa exhausted lo catch il and tbe ship wsct pMl me. Io a little while a boat WM lowered wntch came and took me oft to tbe ship. She turned oat to be the Tom- bola, ot Hi. Malo. Tbe came of Ibe captain WM Lindgren, who, with Ibe crew, wat exoeenu cly polite and attenliva to me. Captain Landgren most kindly gave me t aeinrate state-room, with every privacy sul some dry clothes of bis own, wbiob I am afraid were more welcome than suit- able. He at first gsvs me some eider, which WM to me lha most acceptable thing I ever bsd. After tbe eider be gave me some good warm tea and miumtersd lo my waota in tbs bait aud most ktodly manner he poMibly could, bi g quite a tatber to me iu every way. To him and bis ersw I owe a debt it gratitude wbiob I khall never be able to disjuar**, but I pray )J to bleea lucni lor all their grsat goodness to me In tbtl fearful time of need in their hospitable ship In which I remained tor twstity-six d> H. when tbe otplaiu landed me al lity St. George, Newfoundland, a distance of 1 300 miles from Jane}. His coons for- tunately WM Fort Port-anx-Ohoix, io tht time country, where tbt captain aud orew wtrs about to [rollouts Ihetr tummsri lulrrlrrru) r. Tbs Pinusylvania man who ii ti be sued lor brtaob ol promise ot marriage, became, Mting nuder tbe advioe of bit falber't spirit, whom be S}Dsal:ed through tbt medium of a BI irilualial, hi decided not to ktep bu marital obligations, will oome to the conclusion that, in Ibis materialHtio age, spiritual advice of tbit kind is of very little seryio*. Considering that ths tdended lady instantly sJOgbl ber lawyer, thus iudieatiaj the umewbat mercenary ohMaowr of her hopes, the preiomptiou is that tbe spirit father ao'.ed wisely in counselling bis SOB. Bat it tbt spirits of tbs departed are to thus inter- ftrs in mnndaus affairs, they thoold da so ID a more positive manner. If tbs deceased Fuiladelptaian had bean endowed with ipiriiaal powers whiob we all later on bops to possess, be ought to have been able to bave brought abjul tbt result he desired by means of tome miraculous trannformaUoo, and in Ibis way would btvs ssved bis too the thousands of dollars of damages which an iuondulons jury will oon award to the deserted briie. llttton Herald. lo In Alaska Ihs talmon jam tbt estuaries and inltis to tbat tbe tlib oaonol move at til. " I btvs sen," tayt a wriisr io tbe .{mrncan Angler, " the ootlel ot Like Lir- lug, which ii a livulet two milet long and two rods wide, connecting tht ealt water wiih tbe frtsb, to choked with living talrnon tbat if a plank were laid across their pro Irodinf bsckt s man could walk aorovs dry ebed. O .e nan lift them out with hit bandt until he is tired. It is aim.s impotslbls lo thrust a spear or boat book Iuto the mus, and, ot course, fl-ih mas' come oat whenever it is withdrawn. Bear lake thrir opportunity to scoop them ou wiih their grt>at pawt, and when they have regaled themi<elvea to sa.isly tbsy retire to tbe adjacent thicket for a demer ot berries, which grow there in grea abundance and variety. 01 ooorte a grea many salmon get into tbe lakee at everi tide, but after eioh rsostiion multitude are strandtd, ol which tht luitiest flj| b*ok to tbe ocean, while tbe maimed and hapless remain dead and stranded on tb denuded rocks." OSW 'I orr iin.l I i I . Ik* I I. Witt Yoa promised me, dear, tbat yc would sign the pledge. Won't jou name date when yoa will du it ? Husoaad (lboBnbtfnll>)-L' t m * ' ytt. I wilt liga tboTredgeou the 3aJ ot Jaly. Ths lost occasioned by l&e death of tb rhinoesrcs Bumbv, wbiob died in New York Its! wssk, wi>l fall upon Cootraeto Thompoou.tbe Oentrsl Park anihonrie not having aoeopted the btMt. Ai eiatnioatu u ot id i remaias oa Handay showed Ib >l the auimal ditd ol pbeumouia. Though tberbinoearot is dtad, us skeleton and nkio will be) prepared to travtl anon ' tbt country, tbot tarnishing areas goers with two thingi of beauty wbcre thtrs WM beloie but oai. How Man luf art tailr Its luill* I ar 'laltkataUrr A Hindoo wiiler lo Iba St. Jtmtt' Qtultt rt.o-.uuan ihe hioiory ol at Uiudoo wooing ia inii wica : Tuer* ojoie* of u morning our Urauoiin Oualaok lo Ib* boots of bia patruu, whuas sou'* marriage ht is L,o tlatlug. lie ba* a lall, tblu face, with Ibr lilac or CMle mark ou bu bigta forehead, large rouod eyit of a calm, uioOiuuveoa*', ihuugh bolraji.rf u their oornsrs ai, 1 1/ tzprenioo. Fiuely inrLtd y*oc,w-., LU aquiliue UOM aad a beardls** cum. liii...-c douujuuaneebtt a otrlaiu obariL , au J Li* look lutpirtt ratpeet fur bu ttlaots aua UJL&^I>LO in bu abiiniea. After ihe u ul exhi]gc ot siuiauuu ihe u.a ur of ibt h -u. e ask* tb* Qoaluok whether fev^r>thiug i all rigbl tu.d how he nods the fcirl. upoa which Ihe .atur tuikWis iu tins) tljl* : " Yt, tir , avarythi .gn all iixul. Thi fc iri t* beauti- ful an tue tuil tuj u ; tveo see uiuoa bM ipo.s, but not u s, ouioa aud pecrieks. Htr Ketb ax ( ark me;, like tba seedf ol a p-imtgrauale , ber arobtd, b:i B ut, black yoaMat iuo-c of Ktu>a (Qit-Oco onpid) ; her vutoe in tweel HMtbalof Ibertvk.u; ur gti) it d^oiued **.d K'aoeful Ik* lhat of an o.eiuaut, aad, j to her nure, I ki ow uol .1 ,n to ouuiu*ru u with, rjbt it ii te<lii;eut like 'brs toddita B>ra*iwfi (Uindoj Miu, iv), a. d she) talk* like Likshmi ( ua gvM.ui.tii uf tuitunt), and Mill ci.aiuly L.-I n f.r.m iu auy family ibe may be ou. u , wiiu " Wi.b u i lufele iu 1.11 eye, uie pavron in- terrupts b lu wiih iu qo*t io- whather, tbeL the O latuoa cu.-kv< (ortii: Ham, Ujria, llai , H.,i, Brtijaiui, Vuhnoo do 1 /a luink 1 urn jotn^ w :h > .0? A mau ilka oia, dt'O >.'idi.d 'ioji Brabu.k jimetll, nevtfjjke*. U..>a,^ IVA jtjtvis; truth it ever vioiorioan. Why, sir, yoa o-U not ti.d tuou a perleo) maich lor )our uobls >ou iu these three worlJu. And then the Kirl'n (arsDls are wiluiig to Oe*tow soch a lot of things aa her dowry 1 -t whole house- ful of thing! I Wnat can you bavt belter ? " Ih . o inveraauoa gcet ou iu this styls uum '.cu Lt.-Uali.jMi of ILU paioui ale otbrojuitt Tba iuuuu.alur. wall on find wub his ptrformauc*), du, art* for thi house of tb* lady. Tbere he rtpreeenlt Ihe young man to be b**utitul 1 kc krtia tba m.j o: Ooauiy ; bia maniisr* are like iboae ot o> uobleiuau ; be la fret) from all vices ; be itodiet day and tight. la abort, ht M a preoiou* g*m an oraamenl of hi* oouutry. To tut ^aemoai : Wbcibtr tber >oong tuau bM pasted My university examinauouc, wbsiber b* bolde aoy oholarihip, kbd whal degree bo bM taken, be Gha:uca epUo* : "sMiaM Lot pMSsd any examiuatiou yes ; but what doe* tbtl matter 1 Bleea ti> dear aoul, Lo will pa** all hi* i loi.* in tbrtt years; and be a hu patent* Me to iish and bavt iromutd togivsabob a niass ot prietlea* rnauitnl*) aLd jewUer> 1 ' Tben eouua a dimonlty on tht) Mlllemeul t the la? I puio;, or .he uoihcr uf tut) girl ruoibles allot to) for not Buviug pa*d auy i uoiiuaiuii >e: Ur (.erbape nome- lody ha* whi \< :d to tbe fuong mau't motoer thai tLo girl's u<.t* i* rather canbb/. ijjataok, well |> e^iaraj to cutel thsat , fli.B b>Ck aid aad for atrd, and aticr tbe tulle it displty ol bis art and wwnri, aud a h'j^d deal of bugling on both idea, be manage* Ij bring tbe i.egouatiuns tot sucoaaatul teroiluatiou Uo is u.i.} tail tor bis ksrvice*, ibouga O(KU .ifi- jug cars** ot kll ibt pai tit. eo..c*ru*d oral hi* cbirl reward '1 -.8 reouULeratiou of the Oj> U-i n uoi ftxea ; II u,o. ibe >ori o! match ic tuak.n, aud uf o.i Ot the (aoilltea b* uuiu*. Al cUs wedding be ge:i from XI io m. ^re*ui* ; trim rtcJ tainilts* b> aoou; S, be t:i- pit*oi,te wotth abjUl jflU. BJO.S matou uiikers bare been tauwu to make for.uu** so.d bay at. ait*. t a Gaatuek > *aori> mu nauoiM aud wall-w>-dj youcg uio4i for A poor.ciinmoc- ooking gin ha is ttumcaael) paid tor bis trvioes oy Ihe pareut* ot thai girl. u.. th* ooutrary, 11 the bride or bridegroom urne cut lo b*) tht rcverae of whal the or bt was represented, ins Obatocav bM only be few rupee* As gel btorb the o:trriaaa or all hie reward, witb s *h jwar of blow* rum Ibs malt) members ot tba family thrown in. I Ik I I* III -I II " llll I I I I. II I M. Ibr -irana- a.r of a Hk*<lr \ a. I - A Providence, ill dttpatch IAVS' Mus velj 0. Huii.b bt* betu auddeuly urnck iiccbltM. Lat BaiurJay while) iu oju- verialion with a )oia , miai and they wtrt examining a map u^oihtr. b r companion nade *ome comical remark ubiob caused isrio burst oat in a violent fit of lu,Litr. Wmle tbe abouts were lull nnnit-g thtoutih tbt room tht .uddiuly turued pain, ouokvd .tiJ io I. iltr c I'upantju oai^ilber, out be eoald ouly Lbake a moiiou i.u ber uj-iuth. The yunug woman WM wull enouitb retltrday to bt interviewid wub she ak*isi- anoe of a peuoil aid paptr. She laid : " 1 eel M nearly a* I can exprent M it I wtre u a vi-io." Sue eunld n.ove her lip* AS it Hbapiog wordi, hot 0-iuld not aeud out sound from bsr tongue. She oougntl (reely and cleared her throat, although both ol tbe j rooesstt painei ber. Baa also cum -laimaJ of pains in ber ear* aLd A burning jtatiou iu the eytt aud of titling waak tier i byiioiani can only say il u A otrvous trcublc. til. Mean svaiisia. \|M u Ttwr ! mmmrm-rrm (JUstara la (ewsatr. I nmmj ,n vtlsucf. Onset thi firtt ihicgsi lhat btppsm to a Gurnets baoy boy tkfier be is boru is to hi shaved, sayi HoMrAoU Wartt. A barber eumas with a raaoi, SMid ail Iba hair u baved off Ibe poor little fellow a teudti aoalp. After thai, baby bt* to go to Ib* barber tur bis shave, joat as a grown man with a beard might go ua this country ; boi be never seems lu eipy il, and one* piu- tully every timt thi sharp rizjr mow. down tba btir. Afttr awnile, whan the uair eegina to grow thicker, the head is n -i i Laved all over, bat u Ufi auoucbtd u. spots, jail ai thi pareuta think will lock pteity. bometime*) there will bo Ibrw tut if, each sa big rouoi AS a atlvsr d, out j _.l ovtt iu middle of Ibe forsoaad. audObtovu eacb e.r. Waeo tbe bajr grows kjDg sncoxb m tbeae tofts, it i braided ai.d tied wita briKht oord, and tbt u oaby looka fanny snoagb to e foreigner, for each little braid si ffl - up for aljul to u oast acd than Icpa over. Tee look like homi ou hi* head, aud boles arc cut iu bis green and rel etp to leltbo b. TL Ibroub. Wnu b. K r. w* i.ij r be I* Hi owii tn wcaraqitoi lha me . . WL. a u i bout a ui .n m old be is n-'-n hi* firs* i-on , cr a>i k- uains, M the C,iut* call n. A f. t>r>pMc, tbt fruod* sue esUied 1.1 aud pap* ! kby hu name). Tbu uaias u U*cd only uu ll he I* real) lo g j lo ac. o whs i a o*w name 1 1 tjivtu bio., a. d auO;b*r tiaat iaoffc'td to tbe tritnda. Ibe ueutta to tbe boys M* u. d to ua. rb '.b y stem tl! right to tbiui. Tbm u: Dei .* called l^k-,.. icier cr Piorcisitg study I But tvtL vni4 L.ama it not nyi. t r when the o.) gruvtt up aud io o:anud hi t^k* a new ua-LC, whicn ha keeps lor U. r.-.t of hi* life. If b.b)'i pspa it rieu. baby is well taken car* of, carried about tenderly a&d amused lo bit heart'* ooLlen ; bat il ppa be [o-jr, then the toy, very ilkily, will b tied to an older enter'* baok with a broad piece) ol etolk, so thai bit leg* dauglt down by ber side*), aud hit pour little lieaJ wsoblet about over the tup of Uid ololu a* it bit nroa were made ot luJu raooar. The tutu our**) goes) ab^ut ber wcrk or moi at ber play, and never seems to give a tbooghl to her little brother a if hit bubbiot; bad, aLd be eteea not aeem io sued u. (cr wtato il lock* aa if hi* heal moat almost bs> tbakiu cff, bs, vtry Ilk I/, i.faol Mitep. If baby happen* to live en a boal, M a great many bondrei tb jusacj porsons in Cm JA da, bis uaaima a big koord on bis batk, to that be cannot diesrulf be fall* overboard, or be tied by A rope to some part of Mat. In nammer baby wears M mile clothing M pOMihle, tut IL winter n is itt the other way ; he wears all tbe tiling that eao bt pat apn bitn iiii in tbe uuiasrnrari of Caiaa, o*M Ptkin, where U i* bitMrly cold in wiLti-r, the Cbiucse peoi It do i.oi havt firtm ILIIT loose*, tvtn wnsn it it exid en.-nga t - tre. <} ibe water into MI. Pair after pair r users i* fa: on bah; 'a legs, axd jaektl k!tr jacket ou bis body, uotil by ths tims le is ciadj.*sarmiy encuxh bt is quits M bro^d a* h* u long, su.d bit little Mms sink straight oat from his aidts, so thai be addles about, providing b*) can movs al all, locking like a red And green pillow wub a ball on top, aod witb imaUltr pillows on eaeh aids when the arm rc. ll makes no mfl*rscoe to him tbea bow eold u n. and he iiti in th; o; e:i air ou hit hull >m)Ko tioul, "lib OOM and cheeks very re i a J Lit bod) as warn as lo*el. Alt ibis bi b ca ab.ot boy babie*), bt- on-"! ii. Chi-ji trl babies or* n )j muen o:, taoatly all toe g od come to the bjyi. UOW 10 Mil frreeet tflik -ouad LMtj* Pallcaxc (da c^alrr Ik. Art. Much ntfMs bM be*k 4*ud by aosst vaej. trtkqoisl* opou ih fact ibai 11 is poatusie io lac* aa audit:. . pertorm- *>.**, wiltoul t, .>! . ti-y (io<*>uble o.ovtmeal L! .- muaii) of ibe face, aa)i a writer in the Sau FraiioMW Call. Bueo ptrlorait>< greatly detract com tba ucjcj. .. . J vooal by ibai dircc:;o/ tue aiMolioo of t> Ik* ins of tbo * v- ntni 'i -i .. nge to ink tai >t,ure, witkoot t . ij.uau -1.IOI I. .uegr u a iba . j ut t.o , (.^ naaiitr, oietr (ormtrs t: io lue presecit K . f ... a.ViniiBiuit 'oobd ucee- fl ; r-i.i v n cbal- . . , . . j .. *iy la K> It even . pt- r b.aks -.dosn of . Joew a. be L DBOV, . 1-1 U* be ibt aim . .e allauiaoti Skt utirtly. V. , : vluiug I - ..i the t > i to keep is* ai : v t iMK-SLtUatMffOl >pee*> an . lueir . dial KU u * th*) psrf. rater ki art) wi bin the p. talent lor u.. .d v io a an aodisaes* - m aaoor: .. . S wits :.:.- ex m* prune** in n. . i mesi DMMI pro- f i . :ivtrt ,f . - > -it . I/ Cf A . \ . .. ing to il moc . ISMBSU.I. PMSIIIM, fb uatural qaahflo , : . BcMd t>y UMSM w POIIIUOLS M wngari ihe student ahcald tlicstd as to i diffsreat qtnltliM the *>*! o pos. L , r-. to tkUetee), aad h \ tbou.d be lai^tij 40SN Ll. . My ptou organ*. aad soy . i . -i* - oiber ib or iburtOT expaae) iu B 10 faSW ^ il ail witb o ens can ucsjl devoa- - u.. lOac - oeriain at* pos- U *Sk*uil*Al 10 at ao CAT *o w*ll eii*o*t*)Uh ibt) - :iy. d.atai.CM Thv sol ths *c. ties atJ agejsjsl vo c * . . u tattoo -nia 1 be voeal . . . . . ,-1*03 aoa> sa that tbey -- .: -ui a a W *nrl Await*'. Weasel* will nol get om of your way and consider it a deadly affront it voa do not get oat ot theirs, lays in Kaglith writer. Oat day I ttw three ot them the middle ot Ibo path 1 had to <o over. 1 fortoualely knew their ountom f running up ao intruder instead ol awa\ from him, aud ot tbe same instinct which guides Ibem to tbe Urgent blood vessels ol all who odend them. 1 tberefort lc >J ttill within two or thrn yarilt ot Ibem Tbey looked al me and went oa playing I had with me an old retriever, v*ry learned in all knowledge) btlVtMng bt nation. I ealled him, sboed the weasels to him. With au apparent tense of Iba gravity ot tbe situation be api>roaeus< ibem carefully ; they, M oaual, dudaiued to fly. But 109 dog WM too .juu-k to allow of tbair pursuing their ordinary b J thirtty Isotiot ; lor, making A sodden pounce opon then, Ibty wert all d*< nefore tuey had time la tbluk ot 6l jugular. Tb ir wickedoere is (iiteoti] lubucian. Il is r>oi so muou tbtl the; love to leant on blojd M to rejoice in it flax ; and ihtir loteciibiltly to daage exaeeds cjurage and culminates in itu(idity. A "flower eoLoert" wat givtn tl Coc- ooid, Mats., the other tviuicg. Aioreen- ptmted to reprete&t a eoene in t flower garden, t< *1 on the tHge, and bstore il were potted plants in profusion. Borne cf tbe painled tliwere were very Urge, and in the csutre cf eaoh big fliwer WM M open- ing, ktltolly eoDcealod by t moveable cover. Behind Ibe sereen Hood lha tiugcr*. an<l llieir facet a.-peared in Ike centre of tht flower*. Tbe tinging flower* were a ro-e, a dtblia, a ULtJjwer, t ejvflodil, a paoiy . a lily, a tulir, a daisy sad A baiter af No mm known tnything Abonl a bat. or whether it is beoouiiug or uol Be must dern-i d eatirrly upuu hm baiter lor tbe qunlry sod tl)le nule*-i be buys a certain bra;d, and tbsn ht la coonutd lo two alylea Tbe leading nnuof ae;urer know ID'S peouliaritv, and aeud out tw ivl** OL t tor a long f totd man tod tki other for a lal laoed man. A man to KI a btoomiug bat shoold bring s lady aloud with him. Tbe ltdits bavt tacts aul judgment. Tbsy don'i go much on brandi, but tbey go a gooo dtsl on tht looks of t hat altar it it on Ihs atari of i is poeaible wtaroi. iar I *ailB| <bil.Ua* .u* r *<. A lliir i titular weekly meonog last oLlay tbe Prcnbvtettaa micitltra cf > * r*> biaiUtud wub a ppr by one of tbtir Lumbrr eulitlad Will the (Xmtng Ohrisuan Use ToOaeeo?' Toe aaii^r-acKrgyman by the) name) of A) era wai verysmpbaacaUycf tbt opinion thai IbaoomiagCtruiUan wuold nol O*M tobaoeo. Bjoaote, aiJ Ibs worthy bratbar, "toe world move*." Aod so il does. But onfor- lanauly (or the prtdio.iou o!| Cieaabtr Aysn, ii is moving in tbs otntr uirc- IIOL. ti.ry }e*r ll is ooc-aaiug inure lo.ietd at Its* tobacei. Wo.tu. r ibis 11 a maltar of regrtt ur rtj Jtoiug u i* a rut j 01 upuo wnieh pbjiioiaun. soiiutui-, ud L.-ru is iff r Kvir sines H r Walter imoionaliitd himaclt by ta die- cover) of mo weed in America and tie iu' iroduolibo into Koropa, tbart htva uut bean wanting ihaae to deaounat M at a vile iou. wbo<e use wouli inevitably briug dirt cjbsniaeacea upi o the race. Iu various oo^uirias laws have bawn made iu oultiTat ou or tale). Evorywbet* il La* beeu coinpcUtd to b*e*r a beaV) bur- den ot tai. t ii.. It is aa.iaiiabtd to-day M one ot tbe cbi. J eoute J ot re vi uue to tuac> govurnmenu. Bui for more than three eeu.unts it baw been steadily growtug ic favor all ovtr the known world. It* delights navu bees laoud wub equal pleatar* by the itibaciiantsof every elimt. Fa a the bardy L-qaimaux ot the frcitn oorth lo the naked islanJert of Ibs Sooib sea*, ihe people of all climes aad of all races bavafoond relief from pain, comfort in laVotiou, rest alter labor, inspiration for tbe mind, balm lor tbe troubled *puit, aLd rip>i for the jaded body tn iu tbotbicg properties. Bablltua tobaeeol whieblrooi call wweal Coears tb* kar'e labors or u>* Tutman 1 1- 1- bas aevsr been more uuivaroUly toogbl after than lo-dty. Aud yet, lbr?ogb ail lbe>e oenroiie i and in aJJ Itreat landr, the human race hat bniiiejs%idily advtueiag, laatead ot rttrogradmg. HSkckind, despite its dsvolion to tobacco, bu been ou Ihe up grade, morally, menially aod pbytioally. Civilisation has mads more rapid stndei in tbe three hundred yiara lhat kavs elapacd since the aboriginal Aoatriotan tlrst cU-r J tbs weed lo hi* K jroj can de*)poil*)r than to all Iba long agei that bawl gone before II m*y LOI b* claimed ibat tobaaooo has oau-ad or ojntriboted to tau pro^reo* ; bat il is at leaal clear that it nae uol blodired it. Tbt progmaiiva zisusiaa ot IM use bM be*o ooiucidcnl with a iteaJy inertaaei in th* av<rae duration ol boru an lite ia all civi.;/ d ooontnes. The greats*)! states- men, philosopher*, geicirsUs, poals aod Mtiatt bavt made il tbtir oonatAot com panion , and il*UM has tl leaal nol been found i CJI.M -tent witd thu aobiavimaul* by us vol*nea of tomt ot the graudsl triumphs ot intelleol and gtoioa in Ibe worll a history. Ckxtgo Timti. . . Uojiuer b Al* /i i^i b > : it.d-* .b Insjgt) . .. and OJJ<- M to hart) .uffl: btf..ra taeaag t axpls ir-r tb* 14 icisioci iv if aumnenl l*nx i vtrouDM : follow* thit mail ttuleul is adviMJ la all Si < ralatlr g to dutaol son .J- . . . - .u* aa M to ; eaunot be c nsjtsjsi sorr*e*lv rules lo xuoe euaifc- Ii<tniug MM and notiug wi,l iu a abort urns snail de>*rmiLe Aasas) Iba) u et-c . i. s Mi <]Ulm A . . p -JoovJ wi h t . t : u - - '- ... more i. .-. of rul'. Hi i rt'iu r, <r ; -t.u K . kstp 0, :L-: i mtle aod tcuzi* : ' tbioa* form a fpr >te * u only be Uaraed by a.udyi. j.c: . < u an otit) Bait ion a^d and let . : e be M fully . -aaruy Tne ' I ae .. fixed . : _ f I .aritwt, iar to =r. do . : - Ibnaoeaa oo- A raai Irate. Lew Silt t es i* on* . , aseea- gat ajoBftaetcrs ou t.. : . u at II r tloaia fatal Hla Drfcla. " I hope, my dear," tAid ilrt. Wist, who very properly dtalikte owing money, " thai )on paid Mr. Friend the dollar be leaned you IMI weak." " Ot eoute 1 did," replied her husband. " I alwAvt pay my debit promptly. I borrowed fa ot htm yesterday and gave him back II." the Peuc>.. . dcipui>f . aldom l.U 8. Ua : York tvsr> >.. . i a little not* bt > > lore it., :o J- aid : " I made thai oicmorM ago. Thai was ibe f_te<t oo the, N-- viola railroad from Pbllax York - ui. e>iy two iu miuuto. I. Mveo tlow m . There wa aod an fogiue. Tb] etr pstssngsrs from ibe wral Iraia. Ibert b*.i b**)u a * 81*1*) tbe otgbi divi-i in of aba eaam too*. I burg and A iba tr ck 1 i n towu oarrowi The tail 1 wa f u- hour* Us w led Wardsn MeOomb. of the California .State Prison at Fn')m ,bM bttn planning tx tenMvc improvements in thi prteon groaadi, aod bM bad the baarly oo operation of Harry, ibe mnviol gardener. Al tbs height of Ib* wrrk U-rry term txpired, and rhdugb hi- brgittd hard t j ilay, b* was set I to 8an FraociaM a free man. Within ten day* a deputy abarifl brought Harry back. " I'vs coins to stay ibis time. Osneral." ha shunted, gleefully ; " tbey ain't tmart tnough to kt*p me away tr -m the garden " Ha bad pliadad guilly to thefts anoogb to got a vary long sentence) within bis beloved prison walls. Mrs. Jenoie Wright, ot Indianapolis, bu brought tutl to recover the) value of htr sewing uiscnice. which her wortbleii husband carried to a I. itior saloon aod nfltd ff. ItMt six years naBever nsad* . tap nia to Maw ninety tbree -re* ai. ( and .i.' ear M Oli*4 With > r*d toe , u ;o nldls .tsreeo Uatnss- * *orgsj) L' wit- he train ao4 toirly-ooe oiiuate* late weau u got to PsjiaeWphu I got ordari to tike IboM pavcn<in to Niw York Mqoick M au eagtoaejesjld pjll a ear. The waoW raad WM e.eared fuc toy train. We went so (MI that ul paiM looked h- i_i bo toked iik' - O ie mitt msde in tori) >tx aesonds, aoatht tony -seven eeou.Js, j * tturj mile in lorty-uina MeonJ* Wbin we weal dowu tbi hill tt Miolo Park we travelM tfcree mile*: al tbe rale of tevcnly.aagkt mi*M aa hour around aurvM and on tos strain ht trtek. If a mau bad put hi-< bead out if a window hs wool I btrs loal bit) breath. "Tnat'i Ihe biiory of the lassssl roa svtr mads on ths New Yjrk dufisioo. I've bean on tome pretty fMI trains, but that beat tbim all. 1 often te* stone* la tbs ntwapapera about fast run* made ea west- ern roadr, but when yoa eunc to rid*) nicety-two miles in tiortv-thrv*) mwutss, ibrougas Ibtai'v-Mtfod eovntrv nbt tbsjfj b*lwe>oulbi r . and Nw V -tk. why. n's fail r<iuK. beeaa'S an engueci r.a- to slow Uf K -I i! ^r ; >v i, gull, we wtui torooMh t:mb#in that day atiy-sight wiles aa hoar." The " old ttager " eoaiaa lo tbs frost with th* oastutoary ramark thai Mrs. UlevelMd beat* all toe Whir- Howe I of tbe past ta band ahmkioc s)eW " Mra. Olevehaod ahake* band* M she meant it Bhe looks you In ths eye, sad triaa to eaten joor svod will b-f"rt she and Ktvas it a attmsBilbto shake. t>ha t Ibe wbole arm acd doeai not ikakt oaiy tbt wtitt or tbt tlbew. '