Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1886, p. 4

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\ T> A DT*1) i iir JLiiv mav tv rmnil on H at f>~v Burwui ( saar iMUudeluclt, f" /.*/>.! Y AFTEBJfOOJf, MI. in I It. in- Mmviri.ii "'. One dose of I'r Chase's I Liver Cure will euro Sick Headaobe, I>ii- First-elasa Stone Flour just received i i;s, s>ud Hour Stomach. 1 to 'i bottles sre FlsESHERTON: THURSDAY. JULY 15. 188G. THE 1'ith AT EUGKXIA. It has b*in niMiy a day sine* as large * crowd assembled within the fci*n limits of picturesquu Eugenia at galWrod there on Monday last to telvbratu tire "Glori- ous Twelfth." Although not aa many lodges wr reproswntcd tut haul been ex- tpected, there was u very larxe gathering <of friends and s} inj^tiu/.i-in, and thu ^rcntest vnthuaiaam prevailed during thu day. Excellent accommodation Wiis fur kiished, and visitors received it most cor- dial welcome at the hands of the citizens. SrvcKil handsome arches and a liberal display of bunting testified to the loyal and patriotic spirit of the inlmbitaiits. We noticed particularly the fine arch and other decorations in front of Glentield Villa, thu residence of our esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. W<x>dburn. Amongst the Orange lodges represent- ed, we noticed Flesherton Station, Eu- genia, Flesherton, and last, but not least, grand old No. 244 possibly the oldest lodge in Grey, it havinq been now in ex- istence nearly forty years. The presence of our Band, of which every Flesherton- tan must have felt proud (in fact it made vs feel about six inches taller to hear tlio inspiring strains with which they favored the public) added greatly to the general enthusiasm. After partaking of dinner and urand dinners were provided by the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, Mrs. Thompson, and others the lodges re-frmed and inarched to the place selected for the speaking. The speeches <! intersper- sed by good kflcctintis by Flesherton Baad. Mr. Jas. Brodies District Master, >ru chairman. Mr. Brodie usually says " what he has got t say " in very few words, and is therefore a model chair- nmii. Dr. Chriatoe delivered ona of the most eloquent anil forcible speeches we Jia\ ever heard at MI Orange ceWbrs- tioM. What particularly stnu-U. us was tlte diaect references to burning i/i<enfuiu n1 thr himr, and the clear, concise man- ner, in which the Doctor handled his sub- ject. The average Orange speech is n;tti oating in intelligent and thoughtful iniii.h Events of a hundred or two hundred year* ago are to be found fully thri'incled by the historian, where they can I*' read at leisure ; events of the pre- sent wlm-li are only known in a vague 'kind of way amongst the masses should fonn the ..!nef theme of the public *|>eak- er's remarks the connecting links be- tween past and present need only be re- 'ferred to incidentally. The Doctor's ispeoch, therefore, was practicnl and > .h tying in thu highest sense of the word. Every sentence contained food f T ili'e|> thought and gi.i\i: consideration ; and every word of advice, if acted upon by Orangemen throughout tlie Dominion, would secure to them their niuoh talked of "rights" inside of ten years. And when Kev. Mr. Ayers called for turvc cheers for tin- Doctor at the close of the latter s grand, stirring, anil patriotic .speech, we felt like rising from onr seat beneath the umbrngeous shade of a spreading hulsain and shouting, "Give him a rousing " tvjer " as well !" The speeches by Rev. Mr. Watson, Rev. Mr. Ayers, and Kev. Mr. Corcoran, were itnutturpiecea' of eloquence, but scarcely so practical 'and pointed TXS the Doctor's. Kev. Me. Watson is a graceful speaker and uses very tino language, con- ttaining many -.-ems uf thought, whilst Revs. Mr. Aycrs and Corccran arc viur- ous and forcible " educators of |>ublic opinioii " hidrcd all the peakern on the platfticm accpuirted themselves creditably, And "ii the wVile tlieir sjieeches were in- finitely superior to the average " Orange orations." Tlie proceedings wore brought to a close about four o'clock, thus closing one of the most enjoyable dnys ever spent by us in Artemisia. Mr. R. Trimble having been duly ap-l alll j uu hand at Mrs. Thompson's, and warranted to cure Liver Complaint, Indie- P^iute.! chain., aud Mr. U. J. Sproule ^^ chel4p , Iul fut . n " d Blllou.a*.. Sold by the Druggist, secretary, Mr. Win. Houg asked that the' minutes) of last school meeting be read, wKich was accordingly done. Mr. M. Richardson, secretary, here The Knight from Italian*. At 11 o'clock last night Melinda- street was aa quiet as a mill |Mind. Two only an explanation of what the Trustees I were j,, that unpretentious thoroughfare, kd done in the interval between the laat meeting and tho present one. Letter Troni Mr. W. K. Flcsher pertaining to school sites rend, in which that gentle- man made many objections to the site chosen at thu last school meeting. Not- withstanding this, however, the sttechos AROUSE THE L1VEH when torpid with National Pills, a good anti-bilious oathartio, sugar-ooatvd. urn a Knight seeking his encampment antl reporter seeking his quarry. They ap- proach, the one the other. All of a start __ the Pythian, who waa a little man in full n , IO uniform, but oddly wearing a white pJuprj on one Bide of his head, gave three grtott snorts, dilated 1m tiery eye, and shouted NfcW ADVERTISEMENTS. !ii sa ' xa-iv aa I1.IIII*J4 y '0 II1I.I en at that meeting was almost unanimous- 1 a ^ the astonished reporter : ly iMiitinned. Befi.ro finally confmniiig "Booh! Booh ! I'm a Buffalo from the selection the meeting was adjourned Kansas, and I've come into howl. Booh ! for half an hour or so, when the ratepay- ] Booh ! Booh ! I'm from away Sou'west, era present made, a personal inspection of (u gimme room to snort. Let me roar the two sites West of Sydenham street | a r,.^, an d howl a howl, let me booh like one site being the selection of the rate- ! t ne Boofoolo ! " payers and Trustees and the, other being " Then why in thunder don't you howl, suggested by Mr. Flesher aa a substitute. w j,y don't you roar, why don't you snort? The latter was found to be located in a xhe town is yours, and the air ia still." place where scholars and teachers would ; " Then, stranger, just list to me howl, certainly be secluded enough from the | an j barken to my snort, but most of all vulgar gaze of the public, and where the [ observe how I booh like the Boofoolo. teachers would not likely be subject tojjooh ! Booh! I'm a Kansas Boo.'oolo !' " unrest and anxiety " on account of i Toronto Wurltl. children straying off and getting lost or j falling into the mighty waters of the I '.','. IP- In short, it would never answer for school purposes. This was apparent to every rate|>ayer. The site chosen is fHE I AM. Em FLKSHEKTON. Carefully Corrected i:<l> Week. Flour ?2 26 to 2 25 Fall Wheat $0 70 to 75 Spring Wheat :... (55 75 Barley 00 00 OatB 28 -2'J Pean 62 62 Butter U 11 Eggg.fregh 09 10 Potatoes 020 '25 Pork 5 00 5 00 Hay.pertou 800 1000 Hides 6 25 7 25 Wool 16 16 Sheepskins 50 85 HEARD'S CARRIAGE r. i . < " Strayed. Came to the premises uf Mr. David Smith, lot :>!. coucesfiiou 10, Arteuiutiia, about last of June, a white pig. Any proving property and paying cx- infimtely superior in every respect ele- vation, distance from principal street, and ^^,,3, can uave t ], e Bamo at ^jy time everything else considered. AUK YOU MADE miserable by Indigeil- ion, Conitipstion, Dizziness. Loss o( Appe- tite, Y'ellow Skin ? SHIloh's Vitalixer is a positive cure. FORESTRY HE PORT. Tlio " Forentry Report for 1885, "coni- at the instance of the Government of Ontario, by Mjr. R. W. Phipps, of To- : WH y WILL YOU eougu when Shiloh's ronto, is evuu. more iutcreHtiui; than the Cure will give immediate relief, one published last year. Visits having cl - **> cte - . and II. been made by the talented author to various) plaees iu the States, where im- Price 10 SHIUJH'8 CATAKHH KEMEDY- a pos itive cure fot Catarrh, Diptberia and Canker portant practical experiments in forestry Moutn. For sale at Medical Hall, Flesher- havc Ix-i'ii made, we are treated in the ton. Report Utfore UB to an exceedingly in- ! terextins chapter relating thereto, from "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price S* and 50 cents. For sale which the reader may glean much val- J[j Mexllc .i H ll, Flesherton. liable information. Tlian the chapter ^ L , , , , on " Trees of Ontario " contain* a vast JOB DYSPEPSIA, and Liver CompUint, amount of useful and valuable iufor- ; you have a printed guarantee on every bot- tle of Shiluh's \ iuh/.i r. It never fails to core. For sale at Medical Hall, Plesherton. 0<XK>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARD OP THANKS ! In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage iu the past, I have much pleasure in being still able to upply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto, Mower. The Sharp Sulky Hake. The Massey Harvester. Tho Massey Mower. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Foi Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolteu's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton's Scnfflers. Hamilton's Boss Gang Plow. Wisner's Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of REPAIR* always on haud. Parties requiring any of the above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will bo found in Sproule'u warehouse! A. 8. VanDDSEN, FLUHKBTON. Tlios. 4. IU ak r I > , Ilaiii and thmamental House and Carriage Painter, Fleshertoii. _B prepared to attend to all work ID bii linen o( >uines8 in the u>ot satisfactory snd workman- ike manner. Kstiniaten cheerfully (urniHhed, and contract) carried out totbe leitor. Ordsn n towu or country, by mail or otburwiae, will receive equally prompt attcntioD. Shop ovor Nfilhurii'n carriage works. THOS. A. BLiKELY. mation relative thereto, with which the most of tin are not nearly no conversant as we should be. It is not Mr. Phippn' fault, however, if \vu remain longer iu A NASAL INJECTOR free with *ach bo|. tl of btuloh's Catarrh Hemeclv. Price 50 . . cents. For sale al Medical Hall, Flenhw- ifjnorauce of the nature and qualities of , iln the many kinds of beautiful trees which are to be found in our magnificent for- ests. Few writers are gifted with the OOOOOOOOOOOOCKKXXX>0<X)0000000000000 NOTICE. NOT1CK 1 herehr trlven that a by-law was |>asod bv tbu_Muutcipal Cnunril of the AMD CHIIXH. Quinine is tbe pop- . ArtiiiMia, and that meb By-Law waerefMsifM ular remedy for cliill lever, but it does not jnttuj ' (irais | Kleve always cure. Enquire IVlton, of C'or|K>ration of the Towuship of Artameftia, on the sf-v-fiit ii day of Juno, A. f tlw iasu* of DulM'iitiiref to the amount of thlrt"- nre liundrwl dolluti iSMOO ODi (or puriwuM ol 1 Section Sutiibvr Klv, of tlioTownihlp ol cirev .,11 the Any motion to uffl ,. e , ot nth day of Jon* A. 1). IWD. concise, yet faMciuating style, which Lake, Michigan, took in all 80O grains of j quanh or Mt aido the same, or any part tl.MBof characterises Mr. Phi,,,,', writings-no [ quini,,e for chronic .hill, sud o^.rial f.v.r &f3^S&$SZySl , After that snd various other reiuvdirs matter what the nature of the subject . ^ ^ b()ltle , o( DurJ(X:k WlMMl bad l:.tu 11. <1. He in always original ; lie is cured him. always pointed ; he always uses lan- guage HO simple, yet forcible and ex- prowive, that a child can read and uu ilerstand. We shall refer to this subject again ; in the meantime any IXTBOII can secure a copy of the work free by addressing Mr. R. \V. Phtpps, 'J:i3 Richmond street, Toronto. TUB l.irr YEAH. WW. After tlio above year is fiiilmi there nt>4*(1 b no pernon ufTertng from ItniMiiiiatiein. Ni'iirlKi. Toothache, Hewlache. I.iiuibati". r anv acute pain, it they only pur- rlii*... a bottle uf Fluid l.inhtuiiiK. an it ctiree m- 1 euntly Pain canno* i> wheru it le uied. ' W01 be for iwrvioe at Lot 1W1. 3rd K T * R. 11 within i)irt. months from the cannot bo iwle thereafter Dated at Flaaherton this Hit day of June. IM W. 1. BEI.L.AMT. Twp. Clerk. The Thorough-Bred . DURHAM BULL, The name ii Fluid Lightning. Hold by the Urugciit. I.I Furl) l< i. Min IIKI.I., Out., July 13. All old mail named Kilward (iambic, who lives a short distanco from town, while ascending to thu loft ill the Collisoii House utablu last fell from the top to the bottom, a distance of atxmt forty feet, fracturing hw skull. Ho will die. He IMdn't Htarl. NEW YORK, July 13. Col. Vim. H. ( lilili-r who intended to leave New York this afturuoon to undertake to find the North Pole was detained on th cliArt>e of stealing a f 1000 bond. Dolly Adams, Mrnmnon * I'AHKB'R CABHOI.K; CEBATI. Have >ou and old Sore. t'ut. liurn, HruiM, <'urn. HIIIIM.II, sn:t Uli.'inii. riin|ili-. Klutuhei, Hough Huide or Kace? If Hi*, there IK but one cure, namely, UcUretfor A I'rk4>'i C'artmli ('ertj. If you but try it, It will convince you. It ooits but tfc. at the Druii Store. Arteineiua, during tbu present Maon. Taruii, *I per cow, payable Ixt Jau. 1HH7. \V. H. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. Anvum TO MOTIIF.IIH Ar> ynu diiturlxid at night ami broken ol your rent ty a> >*-k child punVring and crying' ith |>am oH'uatingTwHli ? If so H.'ii.l t oneo and get a bottlo of "Mrs. Win slow'a Hoothinii (Syrup lif ( lul ir.-n Teothinij. nil Mvru|i" f^r ('hihlran UN vavlue in incalculable. H wiff r poor littlu auOururimuimliatelv it, motliurs ; there is n ~ v the 1 '. !. tut ni'in i afx.ut it. It the cure* li)!.. nt. r> anil Diarrlxra. reenlattn the Stoiuai'li and llowitli. curi's Wind Colle, softons th ( lunik. rduc<lnflamDiatloa, and nivon toue and nneri;y to tli whole Byetem. "Mrs \Vins- low's Boiitnine Syrup" for children terthlng la pleaft*nt to th taiite and ia tbu prvKcription of one of the oldest and bct fmnale iihrnicisn* and niirnes In th* L'uittKl Htaten, iifi.1 is tor Hale by all .lruKit tlir.iiiuh.iut the world. IMee twenty-five cent* a bottle. Re sure and a*k for Mnx. WIMHLOW'S BooTHixo Htscp," and take DO otk*r kind. The well-brad Durhsm Hull. Prince Artiiur, (IteR. Pedlffree.) Will he for irrvlre thin <<a*on at Lot 103, Is West T * H. K.. Arteoienia. Tnriun, 7 cent! |>ar .-... payable 1st Jan. Ifh7 llnrrnli. boys I now's your opportunity to uu prove your stock at "price to suit the tiiimn." WM. CABB fuuncn, 1'roprletor. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,* DROPSY, IHDIGfSTIOH, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. <i f? Of THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF gMf BHEUM, k THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNfSS HEADACHE, / OF THE SKIN, And every specie* of diieu* trlminf from disordered LIVER. KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, , r886: To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly .directed towards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Waggons. By our long practical eii,,,rl..iico and ewalul attention to the want- of the trade, and the best material, .- have lUOOMded in milking a buggy which has 110 miiwrlnr HolloitinK 'lr. HE\ltb'S CARRUOR WORKS. Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS, BROWN'S Steam Saw Hill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Being fitted up with New Machinery, of the latest and most improved pat terns, is SECOND TO NONE in tlio County of Grey. We arc prepared to supply the public with any amount of Lumber ami Bill stuff at Lowest Cash Price.*. Wo have on hand about 50,000 feat of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Sawing and 1'lauing done cxpeditiously and . cial bargains given to Guilders. C'outractors, and Cash purcliasers. satisfactorily. Spec Haviug lately put in an Emery Wheel, we can gum Crosscut Saws in first class style and on the oliortest notice. A fair trial will convince you that this is tho spot to buy your Lumber. Priceville, Feb. 23nd, '80. JOIIZV 130\VTV. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton; Peich & Mitchell. PRUPRIXTOR8. THE unilenii turiit) to 'ied rc"-p<>ftfnlly tk<- tbii oiipor nnouuc** to tlie pvoplv of r lenh- ertun ami turrouDdiiif; couutry.tti&t tliy liav* trt.-il a Hutcher Shop in th- iimnl \\-\t iloor to tin- Marlilc Work*. KI.KSHI.KTON, whltre they will be |>luHt to liiet witb all who fnvur them with their patronage. Krenh Matte of all kinds, and Finh, Ac in thnir aoasoue. Hetpectfully youri. FETCH AMITCHKLL. New Harness Shop PBICEYIKLE! iiiiiiiiiiiiimi The undorrii^ned dcnirKtito tnfnnif tlio p*jn|>l ' 1'rirtjvilli- MI 'I unrrciiiiidinff nei^titiorhaod, hat he IIM onniinnctM. in tin; It\rrifMtt M a!*iitiK bunhieM iu I'rirrvillr, wlu<r' tie hu|Hi to >< ir.- hart- of public patrunajjo. All work will tm fttt?Ti<1tHl to at 1rwont Cfiin rail s Siiivl*- and Doutilt* jUrin'-t- k'"t up in ftrttt-t-UMft ht> . aMiTtim'iiti of U hiptt, ItriikhvK. Cum, C' Lap Duktortt, litiit". AC., always inntock. R J. WATSON I Have oo Hand 3 Full Assortment SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. In Gents, Ladies, MiHsea and Childrcns BOOTS Ar SHOES. I eudearor our ciiHtcmers both iu Cioodd and Prices. SJ'KP.I -v ( i in When we uy MFiiru(or' SpeoilyCiiith<! only perfi-ct core for l>yp<!}>Bia, Lavur Coinplaint perf Indi The Well Itr. I Dorhain Hull, DAUNTLESS, l.i'k' Pedigree ) Will be for th* orrlce of Co*m the soanon of im> at hi* own place. Let 198, 3rd Uange \Vi-nt, T. A H. It.. Artoini'-iia. Tenim. !. 00\t cow, parable on or before Jan. Int. 1MH7. Cowi not returned reKtiluly to bull will be rhartrd whether in <'al( nr nc.t. DONALD McKKSZlE.I'ro|irietor. 94 acren 1 frame dwell For Hair. mild* from Fleslinrton. Uwvl wurm K, 7 rootni. Rood cellar, u<- l tl>l , lor iPyaiM'jJsi*. ijivur v ompiainiK, luuigt'iiuon. t 1 "*' ' '' ^ the iirnfitssional swimmer, was the com- I ami Inipure Wood, we are telling plain cU, of s never-failing i>ring cret.k. 1 i.riim usuiy. b or k i i atunn I ' which humlieds uiwu hundre<l can tcntlfy who particular! apply to W J. BELKAMI, tleshcr- plainant. (illdcr was held in fliiOO for (,ve heim rlord t.. iwrtect hcstth liy itn uw. ton' or to C. W nKI.LAMY, Markdale. plainaii trial. Aff AKTEMESIA CRITIC. " A Layman " criticise* the propriety of the oratorio recently performed in tho Drill Shed here under the aunpieces of the MvtliMfhst church. Whoever the geutlemati is, h injikea a (frave mixtake in claiii|r oratofioi with the "allure- tuenU at Uwt oper. ai JL theater." The comparison ii far-Fi'stnrrl. luid inclines one to luppoae that the " few thuatre en- tertainments" attended by " Lnyman " in his younger days were few ittdfted, and " far betwen. " How dties " Ijyinan " know, too, that the "mock prayers" he speaks of were not :a piously and earneitt- 1y addressed to our Heavenly Faitlicr as are many of those mumbled and <>f< inim read in many Christian churches f Is not prayer the outcome (if Bihle teaching, and did not the beautiful prayeos in the oratorio of " Queen Esther" oome trom the rery same source 1 Why not, upon Ahe same principle, condemn the practice of siiifring hymns in the churches, or either, just bjcause they eij*ress scriptural doctrine in a similar inaiinrr to "Queen Esther." Hot we iinauauo that it is the acting of the liitl.-r nt parts in this oratorio to which " Lay- man " really objects not merely the singing snd praying ; for no person of average intelligence and morals could ob- ject to the latter. In such case we miqht say, that even an the Lord Jestu made certain doctrinal |x.iiits clearly utidvr- stood by the use of parables, so oratorios are calculated to create a sort of " hunx- eJing and thirsting " after hiblical litora- Aure. **< mi Art ll.-irnr-. SMITH'S FALLS. July 18. The stable and ontbuildinRs belonging to Win. Gra- ham, licenne coinminioner, wore burnt tliisinorninfi. The fire was evidently the work of an incendiary. The building* were totally destroyed, together with a horse ami other conteatH. Thu IOHB is about ,'.00. In endeavoring to save the horne Mr. Graham was so seriously burnt that he now lies in a critical con- dition. Mr. Graham is the man through whom information b.is been given to the license inspector of breaches of tho Scott Act. HASTINOS, July 18. This village has become most notorious since the passage of the Scott Act. On Saturday night the glass was broken in the toro win- dows of Mr. G. T. Jackson, and Mr. J. W. Doxsee ami Constable Striker had two plows Mtolen, as well as damage done to tltcir property. Last night A. C. Huycke, J. P., before whom cases of infractions of tlie law liave been tried, had his orchard totally destroyed by some persons, who stripped the liark ml to iM-rim-l ncartn tiv it in*. We woulil therefore ad vUo you itronK*)' If you are a nohjoct of any of tho above trouble! to Dive McGregor s Kneaily C'uro a trial ami bneon- ~ need It is told In 50c. and * 1.00 iioUUs at tho Store. __ .rim. I'.IKON Ni.tliiiiK but pnrs itrrt from plants and roiit are ud iu preparing Mc^ I,ung('om|M>un<l. tho iin"tsjr James Sullivan, - Flosh^rtou n MH! now popular rcmtuljr for ColdH, Cough*. Itronchitiv^ rroui>, Asthtnft, and all affection* of the throat, and chuwt. All nilnurftl |>nfMmn and "iMi- H HiihfitKficet are avuidorl, which renrlrrfi it afe for children or adulU. HoldatSOe.at 1100 per bottlo at the Dru# Uturo. Rpnb p inK. EavetrotiKliing.and jn fact every- thinK In the busiucnH will receive my prompt HIM! careful attntitlou at rr- iMinliif prices. PAIKTERM MATERIALS ! Always kept in iitock. Call and see them. WOOL! ! WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at tho PLBSHBRTON Woollen Factory ! Tlio Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged stuff of competent hands, we are now buiy mannfacturing goods usually * ' n 8toc * c - Any Custom Work entrusted to u will receive prompt and from every Iree. Excitement runs hi#v, ' careful attention and done at reasonable ratei. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLESHER and efforts arc being made to secure evidence against tho parties suspected. ALL WELL PLEASED. -The children '.like Dr. Low's Plnutnt Worm Syrup snd parents rtjoiee ov-r its *rtus. THE RE\. OEO a IHAVRR. O f Hour bon, Ind., says : Hoth mf*\l and if.. n e Mir Jires to SHILOH'B CON SI MPTION A (innwisu EVIL. Scrofula, or king's evil, as an enlargement of the glands of the neck- is termed, mjr be called a growing evil in more than one sense. Mrs. Henrjr Pobbt, of berridalo, was cured of enlarged glands of the neck and sore thr< at by t)u' internal and external nte of llaKjard's Yall, v Oil. HIOH PBAISB. Mrs. John Neelands. writ- ing from tlie Methodint Parsonage, Adelaide Ont. , says : "I have used Harvard's Pee- toral Balsam in onr farailv for years. For heavy colds, sore throats and distressing ooughs no other medicine so soon relieves. " Lu>s OHI.T. The complexion is often rendered nnniRhtly by Pimples, Liver Spots, snd Yellowness. These it is well known are caiuM"! from an inactive Liver and l>ad bl.K>d. Dr. Chase's Liver C;:r? pmiiits the blood snd whole system. fl* Recipo Book lor toilet recipes, hint" and suggestion* on how to preserve the oouijUexioii. Sold by the Druggist FLESBCBBTON, Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN! A GIFT Rend 10 centi ninl we will mail vn frn- t\ rnyift}. valtiablo, KAIllpltf hoX Of ajrxxlM thnt will put you in thr way of making morft ruorir) at once, thtvn any thintf )! in Amnrira, Ikrth wied of all a*i ran )lvi< at home and morhi)! npar<t time, or all iiH'. Capital nut nquir*'<l. \V- will ^tart you. Iiiinu*iiti(i nay suri for thosi* who otarl at oar*'. HTIXMON \ Co,, Portland, Maino WM. CLAYTON, Largest T Cheapest, and Best stock of . IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, KJL.K8H KI* FLESH BRTON. Important Notice I Tho untiiicrilK-r bc-gs to inform the pcoplr of Flmliortou an<liiurrouudiii|oouiitry.tbat buhaa leaned DlK. HOGG'S MILL Inilluafrom FloHhortou, .nil i nuw prepared to furiii.h bills of any longtb urizuof Ltuinhur LUMBER LATH, I SHI1TGLES. Always on hand. Slab wcxxl cut ton tov*> length* on hand. Cuntoiti Hawing done ty the tli REASONS wTiy yoisboald Retyoiir Luiulier and Shir '. s cut l>y 8pnoer: (1) Eory Sow In tbo Mill Is New and tho mill Is in perfect order. () Becauxe ho isapractlcalnnwyeriindkeeps hlaiawiancl machinery in perfect order. 13) Because he ruts nil Bcautllng Joicexaat- lyto tho bill furnifibed. (4) Re bai put in a Lumber Edoer and all boards are same widthi from on* end to the other. < Because you can ttke a Ion] of log* to the nfll anda loadof luuiberbomeiauieday. (6) Because he guaranties to out illcimtoin work in a workmanlike ni.nuerandsatiaiactioa guaranteed . IT) Because all sawing Is donoat roek bottom prices. Lwnbtr Dtliw-rtd i G. H. SPENCER Sept.KHh.ims. A.T A>TVI> CJKINT. FOR NKTTI.E Eruutions and gw Low's ulpbui RAKH, Htttnnvr Heat, ml toilet jiurposts, use , Insurance effected on Farm and Villnpc Buildings and contentB. Iniantnce afraimt Lightning a epccialty. Deeds, Mortgages, Loasrs, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE, Toronto street, rear Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent, HAG YARD-C - V * \t J ^l^f J . X_l YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEHA1T8 WORM POWDERS. are pi t to taka Contain their own ' **! snrn, uid rrr*-ri;,i ll Chtldrca or Adtfs> E. VANZANT, ' ALL KINI> OF , Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, IleadstonrR' Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and 1 Marbleizod Slate, &c., ic. Fleiherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS I'urif v the HloocT, correot all Dlaordorn of th-i Liver, Stomach* Kitln'yH, and ThoyinviRorateand rcntore to health linl-illtatral ronntitutionB, and are invaluable in all Com - pialntiiiioldoutal to FeuialBii of alfaReii. Kor CbllUrun auil the aK>l they an urlcvleu. THE OINTMENT Tsan Infallible remedy for Il&d Le, Had Hroaxti. GUI Wounds, Sored anil Uloen. I* t* f amoue far Gout and Htioumatiam. For disorders of the Chut It has no equal. For SO RE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular8wellings,andall Skin It lias no rlral ; and for contracted and stiff jointa it aeta like a charm. Eanufactnrml only atTrofeasor HUI.I.DWAT'S Establlabment, 78, New Oxford Street r litte 5.13, Oxford Street ), London, and are sold at Is. 14d.,8. M., . M.. 11s., 22n., and X\a. oach HOT or Pot, and ma; bo had of all Medt cine Vendor* thronKhout tho World. - Pnrrhatfrt ihotdd InnK tr. the LnM on thf Pntf and Bnre. />,H, OrfnTil tftrrft, 7/onrfo, fVy art If tht addreu u not J. W. BATES, Furniture: Drnlr.r and It.BhHKUTOK, ONT. NOTICE: A thorongh bred Durham Bull calf,. n c month old, for nnlp. Also a ono year old Durham Bull, with good pedigrees. Alo a good Steam Flour Mill at Flesliorton Station for Rale. Apply to ROGER LKVER, Flesheitou P. 0.

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