Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1886, p. 2

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KISS ( Ibr WUe I bar. | ,r. EBB/*'* tbe klu proceed on thellM of.tbeleUUil- Ox4uvui wku i*rilug at Light ; Ib kin of saetbar GUI sorrows beguiled, Making th* fa** oh*ry ami brljjE t , Cat* klM M silly of girls who meet, Wh* ao bltaaleisly klu lu lieu: ml tae ki** that lu.k aud makes life iweet U Ul* klu ul the wit* tbat uue. Xl*Mi ill kloili ai oountleas >i studs O( frtendakilt betrayal, .ttcelt ; To* klH UD th* o>e (be forebead and bau.li. TL* tin* that it awkward and neat; 1b kin Uiat given-tb* on* w steal, Kbe klM tka* awaken UB all tbrougb ; But the sweotMt kin tbat 11,4 cau feel U tbe kin of the wit* tbat i truu. Xbtn'i tbe klu ot y*utb and tbe klu of yeari, And Ui* klas we lay lu tbe grave; The kin we preai in unahlne and loan Tbe kin for tbe brow at tbe brave , Bit tbe kin that 1 tbe kin of Ufa (To blm wto tbe gamuu run tbrougb Tbat brings iurceake to anguish and strife, li tbe kill Of tbe wife thai true. Between nan ! >lghi between tbe sunset and tbe night, When all tbe earUi veiled and dim, When dcwdropi make the roues bright, And stars In yon blue distance iwlm, She comes acrowi tbe garden-close, Among tbe lilies' shining sheen, Fair a tbe fairest llaw'r tbat blows, My heart's one love, iny ipirlt'iqaeen. tthe layi ber little band lu mine Tbat ue'ar forget! tbat i>resure >wc*t i I ae* ber tralilug garments shine, Tb* ourle tbat ou b*r foreboad meet She slugs tb* songs abe uied to Bing Between tbe inuiet and tbe ulgbt ; Ufbt up tubeav'n the glad uousriuf, And all tbe ear tb li full of ligbt. Hal wben tbe lampi mult needi be lit, And baiy fuolatep* leek toy rooiu, Tb* lilies aee a sbadow flit Afar beyond tbe ecei tJ gloom. Eu more ebe nestles near my aide, Tc ling of Joys tbat ubce Uav* been ; Bbe leaves me lone at wben .he died, II T beai t's on* love, my aplrtt'e queen I tjsuuiT W MONICA m AUTHOB O " PHTLLia," "MOLL1 BAWH," AHD OTHBB rOPULAJB BOVBXS. " And yon will refuse Rossnoyne ?" She laughs oatrigbt at this and glances at bim from under drooping laebes. " I can't promise that," abe says with o*refuUy simulated embarrassment, " be- oanse " " What ?" haughtily, moving away from ber. " I did so yesterday." " Oh, darling, how cruelly I miojadge-d y rJn I I thought I feared " " Never mind all tbat. 1 know I forgive yon. I've a lovely temper," sayiOlga with much self gratulation. " Why did yon refuse bim ? Was it," hopefully, " bvoanie yon didn't like him ?" "N o. Nolaomujh that ai "egain thii ihameles* ooqnilte beailatis and Inrns bir bead uneasily from side to side, ai though afraid to give utterance to tbe truth. " What ? Explain, Olga," aeyi ber lover in a trssb agony. " Ai that I loved yon," returns ibe witb a heavenly imile. His arms close round her and at tbii moment rbe lite ell ber heart be seen by bim. Tbe mocking light diet out of ber eyes, her face grows tarneet. She lets ber heart beat with b>n> v unrestraint against hii. Tbe miuaiea fly, but time was never made to b counted by blissful lovers. A gong sounding in the distance ronseii them from their contented dreaming. " I mnat go and tell Ilermia," she sayi, starticg to ber feet, " that ii the drenaing- btll." " Yon won't lei bar influence yon againti me?" "Nobody could do that." Bbe movea away from bim and then rang back to him again and lays her aims round his neck. " Yon are more to me now than Hermla and tbe world I" she sayi eoflly. Yet, presently, wben ibe find* herself in Hirmia't calm presence, ber courage some- what fails ber. It is not tbat nhe for a moment contemplates tbe idea of having to give up ber lover, but she U afraid of ber oonsiii's cold diiparagement of both him and ber. " I have jait promised to marry Ulie,' the lays, plunging witbonl preface into ber story with a boldness born of nervous excitement. " To marry bim I Why, 1 thongbt yon looked upon him as a mere boy ! Your ' baby,' von need to call bim." " Probably tbat it why I have accepted blm. A baby should not be allowed to roam the worli ajl large without some one to look alter bim." " Do yon love him, Olga ? " " Yes, I do," says Olga defiantly. " Yon may Mold me if yon like, but a title un'i everything, acd he is worth a d(S)B o' tbat cold, stiff Rotsmoyne.' 1 " Well, dearei-t, as you hava given bim the belt part ot yon your heart -it i< as will the rest thould follow," bays Mrs. Her- rick tenderly. " Yes, I think you will be viry happy with bim." Thii ipeecb i* so strange,sonnexpoled,o exiolly unlike anything she had made up ber mind to receive, that for a moment Olga U stricken dumb. Then, with a nub, ibe comes back to glad life. " Do I wake ? Do I dream ? Are there visions about ?" the savs. " Why, what sentiminte from yon I Yon have changed all that,' apparently." " I have," lays Hermia very slowly, yet with a vivid blnih. Something in ber whole manner awakes suspicion of tbe troth in Olga'e mind. " Why," ibe sayi, " yon don't mean to tell me that Ob, no, it ean't be trnel and yet I verily believe yon have Ii it so, Hermia T' " It ii," says Hermia, wbo hat eviiontly by help ot some mental process of her own, understood all this amazing farrago of apparently meaningless words. There ii a new sweetness on Mn. Her- rick's Upi. One of ber rare smiles lights up all her calm, artistic face. " After all your vannted superiority I" layi Olga, drawing a deep sigh. " Ob, dear 1" Tben, with a wicked bnt merry imitation of Mr j. Herriok's own manner to her, the i on: 1 YOB are throwing yourself away, dear- ett. The world will think nothing of yon for the future, and you, *o formed to shine and dazzle and " " Be will be a baronet at bii father's death," lays Mrs. Herrick serenely, with a heavy emphaiit on the first pronoun , and then suddenly, ae though ashamed of this speech, she loin her mantle drop from ber, and cries, witb some tender passion : " I don't eare about tbat. Hear the truth from me. If be were at ugly and poor at Mary Browne's Peter, I should marry bim all tbe same, just because I love him I" " Oh, Hermia, I am 10 glad," say* Olga. " After all, what Is there in the whole wide world so iweet M love ? And as for Raet- moyne why, he couldn't make a tender ipeech to nave bfe lite, a* it sbonld be made whilst Clio, oh, he's charming I" CHAPTER XXXI. And now night has fallen at latt upon tbii long day. A gentle wind is ibiverlng through the elms , a glorioni moon bat risen in all iti beanty and standi in " heaven's wide, pathless way," as though eonseioni of its grandeur, yet ead for tbe sorrows of tbe icitbing earth beneath. Now clear, now reiplindent she ibtnes, and now throngt a tremulous mist ibowi ber pure face, and again for a space ii bidden As If her bead ih* bow'd Stooping through a fleecy cloud Mite 1'rueilla, witb a tense ot new-found dignity npon ber, bat gone to bed. Mitt Penelope has followed snit. Terence, in the privacy of bis own room, ii rubbing a dirty, oily flannel on tbe bright barrel of bis beloved vu, long lines made orer to him by Brian. Kit is titling on the wUi, old-fashioned window soat in Monica's room at her sis- ten li*t, and witb bir thin liitli arm twined lovingly round her, She li sleepy euongb, poor child, but oannot bear to desert Monica, wbo u itrangily wakelnl and ralher silent and tliitraitt. For evir luce tbe morning, when hi bad come to carry MINI Priseilla to C.oie, Brin has been abaent from ber ; not once has be eome to bir ; and a sense ot obill and fear, as ittouK M it is foiliib, ii overpowering her. Bbe rouios herself now wilb a little mr- vooi quivir tbal eeemi to ran through all ber veins, and lets hir hand tall on Kit's drooping bead. It growi very late. Oo to bed, darling," ibe lays gently. Not till yon go," tayi Kit tightening the clasp ot ber arms. " Well, tbat shall be in a moment, then," layi Mooioa with a itlfled ligb. All through the dragging day and evening ibe has elacg to tbe thought that surety her lover will oome to bid ber " good-nlgbl." And now it is late and hi bas not oome and She leani agiinal tbe lids ot tbe wide open casement and gizei la sad meditation upon the slumberiu girden underneath. The lilies-" tall, whit* garden lilies," though it ii late in tbe eeason now and bor- dering on snows and treats, are still sway- ing to and fro and giving moat generously >.: riob perfume to tbe wandering air. Earth's tars they eeem to her, ai the lifts ber lyes to compare them with the " forget-me-nots of tbe acgils " op atovt. Hr flrit disappoiatoicct about her love is deflating ber. She leans ber bead again! tbe wood-work and lifts ber eyei to tbe VAgnely-tiuted tky. Tbui, with (ace upturned ibe drioki in the fair beauty of tbe night, and, as its beauty grtwi upon ber, ber Borrow deepens. Wilb bow lad steps, Ob, BUOOB, tbou ollmb'sl the sale* I Row itlcnliy and with bow wan a face I boa f*el'it a lover s oato ! 1 read it ID tuy looks; tby languish d grace, To ms, tbat feel tbe like, toy state descries. Ai she watches the pale moon, Sidney's sad wordi return to her. rut now Diana ia retting in a bath ot palett aaare, wbilit ail around ber cloud*, silver -tinged, are lying out trom her, trembling in mid-air. Great patches of moonlight lie npon the garden sward. One seems brighter than its fellows, and aiberejei slowly tickfrom heaven to earth, they rest npon it, at though attracted unconsciously by its bril- liancy. And, even at ibe looks, a ihidow fails athwart it, and tbin a low, quick cry breaks from her lips. " Whit it it? ' says Kilierambliog to ber knees. " Only Brian,'' says Monica witb a h Mtily drawn breath. A risk color baa rushed into ber cheeks, ber eyes are alight, her lips bav* curved themselves into a happy umile. " It's all right now, then, and I can go," sayi Kil joyfully. " Oo 7 To bed, you mean, darling ." "Yet, now I know joo ere happy," saji Kit tenderly, and then iha listers embrace, and presently Monica ii alone but for tbi shadow in tbe moonlight. " It it yon, Monica ?" lays Brian, coming elote beneath ber window and locking up- wards. Bbe leans out to bim, ber while gown gleaming softly in tbe moon's rays. " Ob, wby venture out at this hour ?" she tayi nervously. Now hi is hsre woman- like team tor bii safety, forgotten before, arise in all their horror. " They may bav* followed you ; they may " 1 Oomi down to tbe balcony," he inter- rupts her wilb a light laugh, " I w*nt to talk to yon. Nonieuie, dear heart I I am as lite as a church. Wbo would touch me, wilb an angel like j oa near to protect me ? ' Hie shadow, as be movet away, may again be seen for an instant before be turns tbi corner of the old house ; and Moniea, open- ing her door softly, runs lightly down tbe corridor and tbe staircue and across thi hall and the drawing-room floof, until shi reaebei Ibe beleaoy beyond, where she nidi hit arms awaiting ber. " Ton have mimed me all day ?" hi tayi alter a pause that, to them, hat been divine. " Ob, Brian, what a day it has been !" ihi clings to him. " All Ibeao past bonri bavi been full of horror. Whenever I thought ot yenr danger last night, I seemed to grow cald and dead with tear ; and then when the mi tales Clipped by, and still yon never came to me, I began to picture yon 11 cold and dead, and then Ah I" she clings still closer to him and ber voioi faili ber. " I niver knew, ibe whispers brokenly, " bow well I loved yon until I so nsarly lost >on, I could not live without you now." " Nor shall yon," returns he, straining ber to bii heart with paisionate tonderneii. " My lite ie yonri, to do wbat yon will witb it. And somehow all day long I knew (and was bappy m thi knowledge forgive me thai) tbat yon wer* lonely tur want ot me ; but I ooald not come to yon, my soul, until Ibil very moment. Yel, believe me, 1 sut- f end more than yon during our long separa- tion ' (If any one laughs here, it will prove hi-fiM never been In lave, and so is an objLOt ot pity. This ibonld ohiek untimely mirth.) " Ton felt it long, too, tben ? ' lays Monica hopefully. " How can you ask mi that ? Yonr dar- ling face was never out of my mind, ind yol I omld not come to yon. I bad so many things to do, KO many people to see, and tben thi poor old fellow was so ill. Bat have we not came to be thankful ? At lait tbe breaoh between our houiei ii healed, acd we may tell all the world of our love." " Ton should have beard Aunt I'ricoilli, how shi talked of you wben eh* otme back to-day from Ooole," eays Moniea in a little fervent glow of enthusiasm. "It wai beau- tiful I Yon know ihe must have understood yen all along to b* able to lay tbe truth ot yon so well. Bbe laid so much in your favor tbat she satisfied even me." Bbe says thii witb inch a graceful mirtti and such an utter belief in bit superiority to tbe vail majority ot men, that Mr. Detmocd does well to fesl the pride that Borgei in hii heart. " I really think ihi has fallen la lovs witb yon," lays Miss Btresford at the lait witb a little gay laugh. " Perhaps that is wby she refuted the Bquiri," says Brian, and then he basely belrayi trnit by telling her all that tale of the Isle wooing of Miss Prisoills, and ita remits, which awakeniin tbo breast of that ancient lady's niece a mirth as nndntifnl ai ills prolonged. " And what were yon doing all day ?" iht lays wben it has lomewbat anbiided. " Trying to keip my node did I tell you he bas fallen in love with your photograph ? from talking himself into a brain fever, and I was swearing bard, and " " Brian I" " Only informations, darling 1 And I wouldn't have done that either, only I bad to. Tbey mad* me. Lay the blame on ' they/ It wasn't my fault, inleed. If I had thought for a moment yon bad the lightest objection *o that sort ot " " Nonsense I Don't be silly ; go on," tayi Misa Btreiford anitirely. " Will, tben, I listened patiently to a good dial ot raving from Kelly on the sub- ject ot Hermia Heriok. I don't suppose I should have exhibited as much patiinee as I did, bnt for tbe fact tbat I was waiting on Ueorge my uncle at tbe time, and couldn't get away. And after tbat I Hi- tened with even mon patience to a perfect farrago of nonsente from our sub. inspector about the would be assassin we have caught, and bis fellows ; and, beside* all tbis, I thought ot you every moment since latt I law yon." " Every moment not one neglected " asks ibe smlliog. " I'll swar to tbat, too, It yea Ilki. I'm io good practice now." " No, no," hastily, " I can believe you without that" " Did Ton hear about your Ryde 7" asks Desmond suddenly " I disclaim Ibe pouession,"payi Monica. "But what of him?" " Bl baa been ordered wilb hi* tafimMt to Egypt to tight Arabi, whtrt I bope be will be ihot. And the 86 >h are coming in bis place." " How can yen lay such shocking tbiDgi ?" " Is it iboeking to cay tbi 86:h are corn- ing to Olonbree ? ' " No, batwb,lyou 1J about Mr. Ryde." Ob, tb*t| , Well, I bope, then, it ibey don't knock Ihe life, ibey will knock the conceit and tbe super flaous 11 ;sh out ol him. Will thai do?" " Very badly. He wit a borrid man lu many way*, but b did yon no harm." ' He dared to look at yon." " The eat may look at tbe siog." 11 Bui tbe cat may not look at my queen. Bo now, madam, what have you to say ? ' "Well, never mind, then. Tell me about Hermia. B) Mr. Ktlly is engaged to ber ? ' " Til. He has juel dueovertd ber 10 be Ibe mo*t enperior as well as tbe levehett woman upon earlb. Be tcld me BO. I ven- tured mildly, bat firmly, to differ wilb him and eutr a prolist en your behalf, but be wouldn't bear ot il. In bis opiuioa yon are Dowbire beside tbe mtjeetio Hermia." " I ki_o that. He ii rigb>," S>H Mo.iea meekly. Bat there n a re(>rcaohful qje*- tio-i in ber i)m, as bb aayo r, tbt 0) lira- diets tb* meeknet'. " H it not," Bays Desmond witb loving indigoa'ion, p;e*ijM her dear little bead 10 oloee against hii hiarl tbal (be cm bear it throbbing bravely aud o*n flud jsy in the thought that each separate throb is all ber own. " Toe nun who tbi-ke 10 must be insane. A fig for Hermia 1 Where would the be if placed beuide yon, my ' Helen fair beyond oja>pra f " " Y m are prejudiced; yon tell too flatter icg a tale," lays Monica with soft dipar gement, but Ibe fcn-J, foolisb, lover-like wordi are very dear and iweet to hir, al tbe nme. H* baa bii arms round her ; in her ten der, childish faibion ihe has laid her cheek agaiml bii ; and now, witb a slow move ment, ihe turni bir bead until her lips reach bis. " I love yon," ibt whispers. Almoet in a sigh thi words are breathed and a seme ot rapture ot completion renden tbe young man for the ioitan mute. Yit in her toul 10 well she know Of bii content tbat ibs cures httls for an; answer save tbal wbieb bis fond eyes give A breath from tbe uleepug world ot fliw era hilov comes up to tbe balcony ani batbn the lovers in Us sweetr. The " wan dering moon " looks down upon them an lighti np Ibe dark window* behind them till they looked like burnished silver. ' deadly itlecee list on grass and bough. I teema to them as though, ot all tbe eage world, they two only are awake ani alone " D} I count with yon, then, aa mor tbaii all ?" be layi al length, " than T:r enos or than Kit ?" " You know II," ihe aayi earnestly. Suddenly be loosens bis armi from ronu ber, and, puahiog ber slender, white-robe figure gently backward, gisus starching! into ber calm bat wondering face. "Tell me," he says some mad in war craving driving bim to ask tbe needier yueslion " bow would it have ben wit j on it 1 had been killed yesterday ? Wcnl on in time bave loved again T" I am not sure, but I think be would bav recalled tbe words when il is too late, i quiver rune through tbe girl's frame ; great wave of emotion iweepipg over bt face transfigure* il, changing its calm t quick and living griit. The moonbeamr catching bir, fold bir io flaode ot pales glory, until be wbo watches ber with re morseful eyes oan only liken ber to afragil saint, ae ibe stands there in ber whtti clinging drapenee. "Yon are cruel," the sayi at last with low, gasping ery. H* falls at bir feet. " Forgive me, my lovj, my darling ! " h entreats. " I should never have laid tba and yet I am glad I did. To feel, to kno you are altogether mine " " Yon had a doubt ?" the says, and tbe two large lean rise slowly, until bir bean .1 fnl eyei look paeiionate reproach at hii through a beavy mist. Then the mi clean and two shining drop), quilting the! sweet home, fall upon tbe back of the tunai band abo hat plaoad nervously against he throat. " A last one, and it is gone forever." H risei to bis feel. " Place your arms ronn my nick again," be layi with anxious in treaty. " and let me feel myself forgiven. A imili, at coy as it is tender, curves be dainty lips as ihe lift! to hie two toft, dew eyei, in which Ibe ligbt of a first love bag a last been fully kindled. Bhe oomis a etc nearer to him, still imiling a lovely tbin round wbiob Ihe moonbeams riot at tbcng in costaoy over bir perfect fairness an then in another instant they are both i beavin, "in paradise in one anothet armil" " You are bappy ?" questions he, afttr long pause into which no man may lock. " I am with yon," returns ibe softly. " How i well a meaning lies withia yiu words!" "A true meaning. But lee, bow late erowe I For a few bourt we mnit par Until to-morrow good-night I'' "Oool-nigbl, my life, my sweet, iwce heart t" Days Desmond. THI B1TD. I. i,ii \ oui, i. UUcera 'I .inii ' - .u.i I HLr ! llouu I. (Oouila kate'i Weekly Cootribuilnu i Slrack ky nctcar. Ai a gentleman, a well-known pnbli official, was passing from Bl. James' Par into Pall Mall by ibe garden wall ot Marl borough House on Saturday, at a qnartc to 6 ia tbe afternoon, be suddenly receive on tbe right shoulder a violent blow accompanied by a loud crackling nolle which canaed bim great pain and t stumble forward as be walked. O recovering bii footing, and turning ronn to tee who bad BO unceremoniously strue bim, be found tbat there was no one 01 tbe pavement but himself and tbe police man on doty at tbt park end of it. O reaching home tbe shoulder was inbmittei to examination, bnt nothing was at flri discovered to account tor tbe pain in il But in a little while the servant wbo ha taken away the coat to brush brought i back to point out tbat over the righ shoulder tbe nap was pressed down flat i a long, straight line, exactly ai it a ho wire bad been sharply drawn across th cloth. Tbe accident is therefore explain as having been caused by tbe explosion o a minute falling star or meteor.- Loiufo Tint*. Ass Apt " Never use Ibe word ' dandy,' my child, exclaimed a father to his daughter, wb had just returned from a boarding- loboo where she bad graduated first in ber alas in slang. " Never ?" aikcd the while-robed girl. "Not a an adjective or explanatory word. N ewer say a dandy horse or a dand< elephant." " Well," said tbi ilang graduate, " then is nothing dizzy about dand(y)elioD, it tbire I'St. Paul Globe, I .rrlM>rallr K> lilrno A tbin, red-eyed young man wai walking about tes pace* behind a police-mail. A largi rat ran across the lido walk in front of the copper and disappeared in tbe sewer. "Excuse me," said the youth, qnlekeniof bit footsteps and tapping the officer on thi arm, " but did you see a rat?" " I did, Mr," replied tbe officer. " Thanks, awfully . I was a little afraid I had 'em again." One it often called upon to wonder at tbe trifling Injury inflicted by what are described aa " sbowirt " or " hail storms of bullets in the Weil acd South. A reeont report from 81. Louis says that 24!) pistol balls were vainly fired into a Tixat steer tbal was running loots in tbat oily, and thai it wat only npon the firing of the tbot that Ihi animal nooumbtd. 'HE LADIES' COLUMN. aril Belli* Wiil Htve No Mor* False Hair to H ; d* heir Noble Brow* AIHIOM'I flEAU AT IUMMER RflORTI. tbi Do tb* gidi know that riogt are going ui? Nit wauy ring*, bnt all ring*. In Und it ia voted bad form to wear the littering circlets, and evtn tbe marital tdge of sis very is reduced |j a golden wire. f tba Bagliib do not approve ot jeweli, li come our baubles. Ton Is on the plan t the New York Aoglomaniao*, wbo learn y private wire tbat it i* raining io London and immediately tnrn np the bottoms cf heir troniers. San Irancuco Report. >o n.i r False nir. No Pariiiecne wears false hair since >iotnres ct Waltean and the itatnei ot thi jiuvre bave shown ber the charm of thi line of tbe nick and of tbe pure brow ramed in smooth or waved bandeaux, layi he London World. Tbe tonrnnre baa met with the fate ot all mere eceintrieitiei, and succumbed to ridicule. The oorsvt has ong ago become a mere supporting waiit >and. a, Oa theTJflural coiffare ol th* Pariiidnni ot to-day, held In place by three or lour pins of blonde tortoisesbell, yon eet by way it hats a postillion leather-brown itraw lat, trimmed witb ribbon a ot almond green a eatqne shaped plisse ot tulle, surrounded 9y a garland of lilacs ; a nitwoik ot green reedi no larger than your hand, lined with satin and decked witb a bunob ot ytllow roiei ; two ohoox of tulle point d'espri attached by a liltle charm ot peafle , a cloud ot Cbaotilly held captive on one sidi by a bouquet of wild floweri or a bunch o red ribbons pointing skyward like blades o vigorous grail. Tulle, satin, lace, osier, the finest itraw Buoh are the materials of tbe elberea bead drenei ot tbe day, tbe moil voluminous ot which are postillion, Rsm brandt and moniqnetaire tormi dimininbei in siaj ani lightneis by graceful rolling o" the brim. As for Ihedresiei, tbe ideil of tbs eon tnrierei ii limply to drspe tbe human figure, and Ihe height o.' elegance is to nave a dress artistically draped. Tbe stuff UBdd are all inch as produce beautiful folds as inrab, foulard, etamioe, draped with lace aad ertp* pongees, velvet aud " pelnr de obalai<ne "a new and very list woollen nuff, with a downy inrtaoi tb prodneei the soft reflections ot velvet o plush. Tbe triumphant colors are red, almond- green, leather, violet of tbe sbide known ai " Opbolii," and all tbe degradation ot these tones, for wbioh tbe dictionary, alai only givei words tbal are insnlfi sieni. i i . u i /ln M 01.1 nraje*. The Mexican women are growiLg ityiit In 1480 there was not a hoc net in Mexico Now nearly every woman baa tome kiud b a hat perobed on ber bead. Tccy bave die carded Ibe graceful and becoming maiitill and hava tneb a mania (or bats tbat the papers complain that tbe people's pleatnr U marred in tbe theatre* by tutm, and are pleading with Ibe managers to protiai them from being worn inside. Uexic Letter. Tke Pr*pr Thlsm ! .I.M Klaus. In answer to a query, I write iht tbe favorite engagement riog bai a lappbiro and diamond, the two gimu repretentiog faith a*4 anaiauoy, RR il in toppoocd. A lappbire, beautiful as il may De ia idea is In reality a very nnbaaoming stone. II of the regulation depth of color, il doei not ligbt np well, acd a diamond or diamonds are positively required to illuminate i<a dark surface, bnt tbe blue determine* ite choice as the gift of virgin love. A rnby is too costly, save for the riob, and tbe itones that resemble it in hue arc disliked in thii association, though they will be wel eome gifts later on. No one thinki ol buying an emerald or an opa fer tbt " engsgemect ring," pearls are to easily icjured they are rarely on " tbt (ill," bnl diamonds alwayi and ever within inch addenda ae tbe taste and poeket permit, tnffloe for tbi princess or tbe commoner. A diamcni ring admits ct great variation of design and style, as any eonnoisetnr will admit when the ternpticg array in a gnat jawel lory establishment is under consideration Bcantitnl rii g4 on beautiful bands are one of those combinations wbieb weak human ily may be pardoned for adoring. The new bracelet so mnob worn now is called ndsoua and is ot Egyptian origin. It was worn mors than three hundred years ago as talisman by both men and women in Egypt The ndscba itself is a large coin oiverec with hieroglyphics in enamel or jewelled and this Is attached to a narrow metal and wbiob must never be removed froa tbe wearer's arm. Hence it wai customary to wear it in youth or as long ai th* tin of Ihe arm would permit, above tbe elbow as near tbe arm-pit ai poetibl*. As the wearer grew, increased in muscle or fat the ndseha wai slipped lower and lower until it descended to the wriit. from Clara Sell i Letter. f )!' Frrake ( ihe ItaSB A new and useful morning cap, called Ibe gipsy, for young ladiei has come into favor and ia popular at seaside resort*, wbere tbe damp air in harmful to the curled bang. Il consists of a silken bandksrobief, odgcc with three rowi of gold bangles, and is knotted at tbe back ct the bead, covering tbe hair with tbe exception of a few straj curls in front. A butterfly dress recently worn at New port, N.)., attracted mnob attention. It was ot .pale green, white and gold gauza the hick drapery arranged to limnlate wings, and two diamond pint in the bair for tbi eyei. A broad lash of pale green moire passed about the waist, and tbe slippers of pale green satin wen orna mented with real bntterfliet. At thi Tboniaod Islands the young Ulies danos at noon in their boating dreefiii of blue and white flannel, and many of them keep on tbiir hats ot Canada itraw. White dresses made with [quart-cut cor sage tilled in wilb laoe are worn on tbe hotel piazzis at Saratoga tbeie warm sum mer moraiogi. Hate are very seldom worn at this retort. Ladiei go ihoppiog and wilkiog in evening or morning toilet witb only a parasol or lacs fichu over the head. The two extremes, very imall bonnets witb velvil strings tbat lie under the chin, or large hatt loaded witb feathers and floweri, are favored in Newport. N either detrimental to Ihe bang, beoinie it it liltle worn there, tbe hair being brushed smoothly back or made into a light fringe over the forehead after tbe privailing mode 1 1 England, Dreisis entirely ot black laoi and grina- line, witb sasbis of moire, ar* seen on the Maoh al Naraganiett Pier tben warm morningi. Tbe ileeves and waiit about the shoulders are only of one tbiekneu and are consequently comfortably cool. Little bronze tiei fattened by a bronza ribbon and worn with hose ol Ibe same tolor are to bi seen on tbe pretty slender feet ot thi Newport belles M they drive about in Ibe morning in their phaetont, dog earti, tubs or landaus. A belli M Richfield Bpringi has set tbe ashion of wearing wrappers in the morn- ng, and many of tbe ladies appear at break- asi in billed Mother llabbi r Is, Wat lean and Qabriilles mad* ot toft eaihmere ind irimmed with a profusion of lace. The KG tilt at tb* Oriental Hotel at oney Island were startled tbi other morn- IK by a very original eoetumi worn by one t ibe young lady gutiitB It was of scarlet atiste, out a la pricoum, with a drapery f a broad Roman ea*u ot gray color, oiuqt t a front, the right aide of tbe waist over ibe eft hip sud fastened l)w dou > one liii i a IM'K* b w - Boirlet ol>p;er: aud stuck- . g-t oou pleted tbis vivid tonal. Uoiall diamond earring* and a tiny liamood piu, witb one or two lings, ar* cr in IM ible at Newport for morning wear. al Saratoga those poiitEtiug diamonds generally wear them at all hours in pre- erecoe to leaving thim in tbeir apartments, here there ii a poiiibilily of tbiir beitg itolen. Straw bats bound with a silver band and crnamtoled with one or two long wings and a bow of bright colored ribbon are eou M.'end fuhionable at Abary Park tor th* morning. Thi fashion waa introduced by iwo pretty Philadelphia girli. B&udiot j Dwelled passecainteiie adorn many of tbo evening dresses at tbe various resorts, Mrs. Hoey, al Liog Branch, bat a garnet katin tiimmed with a two-inch Mud ot garuet bead passementerie sit wilt (aruel stones and touched np with gold iraid. It coil 175 a yard. n t \-l Kfc INTBRHK. Hob, , 1 Hu .I'll. . I lira ul Ike flta.un. I ta*Bpl*a> My boy, when yen go out a camping don't " rough it " too mneb. Don't b e without tent*. A camp wiltont a tent is like an orttoard with-jut applet. Aid don'f move into a hotel collage and call i " campiug." Tbat la about as much Us camping ae paying a dollar a pound ani fishing in a sicoktd fish pond i* like iron fishing. Take a tent, the army wall ten u the moit eomtertable, and eDJoyyonrstll The guide book will tell you, as ii told ni that a tent ii nnueoeua>ry ; tbal " thi author and bis friends bays camped in tb Adirondack*, sleeping in tbe open ai every night, for," 1 forget whether it was three months or three yeari, and never til a drop of rain. Well, maybe thai U true We;oaugbt about Ore weeks cf rain in Ib mouth of June, bnt then this was aa un u)aal)y rainy June Yon bad better take lent. There may be tome more rare June wbere this one came from. Bnt th gnat charm of the tent doe not lie in ill utility as an nm brell*. 1 1 sbowa off to best advantage on windy night. That u why I racommin thi wall tent, rather thin tto "A" or w d,i lent. We bave both varieties in our earn) bnt wben tbe wkds are toiiterone tb wall tent bat a fiw fancy itept than tb "A" tint can never bop i to imitate. Nigh hit fallen. On tbe otber baud, tbe wiu bas gotten np. I retire to thi cot that saf down like a watering trough to reoeiva m and the oireai be^ias. I am not afrti tbat the ten! will blow ever it takei terrific wind to opuze a well piunei neatly adjusted trnt, tut I don't see wb il can't itand etili. I hear Ib* wind wavii among ibe trcci I lock al the cot wber tbe Prince is sleeping, and bait wieb hadn't brought bim out into tbi* laud furicui storm*. Iliediwa again, look a tbe swaying lan'.oru and think! i I gel a ind put it out. Suddenly the teal iqai down like a balloon, and tben before X e* throw my arms over tbo Prince to tti tbe ridge | oe from hiitiog bin., tbe ten staiidseiiaiKhl up (tree test higher tba its be it standing record. Another roaiio tempen through the trees ; the four side ot thsunt bulge out until ii is a* a Bible teut ; lii- u il collapasi acd suoka in not there n hardly room innde tor tb lantiru. Then tbree tiles niffen n like shoot iror, while the fonn flips itsetf mad for no particular na tou. Tbo lent iqaatstgein, and when stjjijds op this time, Ibe fly bgini to fla aud pound over your biad, taster than yo can think, witb the roll of a mtii-d drum varied now and tben by a crack like tb shot of a g in. A moment'* lull, sudden! the winds aeem to be rending tbe fornti and both tent polei, fore aud afl, are seise with delirium trtmius, and sbivsr an shake and tremble ia OKoillaiiug Bpaima while the walU dinca np snd down, flnticr bulge, oallapie and stretch, and Ihe franti fly, " as fast as mill wheeli strike ," Finite tbe top of tbe tint in furioni, loud toe icg whaoke, that make the very lanler bnrn blue witb fear ; Ihe moaning ot tb win I in the woode raitos to a ihriek nudir the improasJon that tbe wbol mountain isfljwiug ay, I spring to m feet, ruth to the tent door, tear it opin Tbe bluest skie?, the brlgbteit ttarr, tb lu v, lie, l night ID all thie land greets m with tbe bloBkiog ot peace. Tbe nigb wind is Lingiog softly in tbe gently swayiu tree tope, tbe lullaby of tbe inmmer uigh a liquid wiiper ; the very undertone ol tb x>pnyr, scarce so lond ee tbe purling mar mur ot the drowsy little brjok, oroiiio itself to bleep in the ilai light. Tbal is al But wby should it bound HJ like Bedlam ineiditb* tent? Thai's what I want know. Brooklyn Eag'e. BVBNTl'-KIUHT OIL.!* Ar? Hot U fee l . u. h kuMtii. \ bl h U IM.nn, J ( Exceed Ik* l.lmli. Tbe day is very reeint whan the talk of loojruolive making a mile a minuti was oeivcd wilb a due amount of donbl, being Imoit ucivtrsilly disbelieved To-day, owiver, tixly miles an hour is not tbe mil, and locomotive buiiden now essay o icoreai* tbe speed from ton to fifteen miles above tbal figure. The laUil novelty n this line ii a locomotive dcbigoed by M. Eitradr, a graduate of L'Eoole 'oly technique, which ii to be experimented nil on tbe southern Nnei ot Francs. M. Kitrade, convinced ot the value of large wheels, bat fitted bii engine tender and ouches wilt) wheels eight and a quarter eet in difmeter. The engine is of the nt'ido cylinder type, witb slide valve on top ot the cylinder, and all tbi gearing ear- ied outside. Tbe following table of dimtn- ioni will be read witb intercit . otal length, teat > Vidtb between longitudinals, feel t >iameteri<f wheell, feet UnUuce between axles, rear to middle loot A - Distance between axles, middle to leading tfMt ,_ 1 diameter, incbes stroke, Inches from axis to axis, Ivet o| MM* inrraoe, square led _ 811 1 titling surface, square feet 1.4 s 'Capacity of boiler, cubic feet ....*.... ~ 1<4 iVeigbt of engine, empty, tons S Weigbt of engine loaded, tons - IS Tbit locomotive u expected to make an average epeed of from nventy-iwo to seventy eight milis per hour. The coaches are peculiar, in tbat ihey are carried iiieide ron girders, while tbe wheels run under tbe centre of the longitudinal leal*. Two axle*, sixteen feet apart, support, tbrongh elliptic apriogi mounted upon the oil-boxes, these longitudinal girder*, wbieb bave end* curving toward the ground. Each girder carries three other elliptic ipringi, from wbioh is suspended, by means of iroa rodi, tbe lower frame on which tbe body of tbe oar ie supported. The coach is separ- ated into two storeys, the lower of which U made in three pendent icstioni, witb door*, wbiob may be need as baggfge rooms, etc. Above U a tingle com partmen with central passage-way, reached by itair- ways at each end of the eoaob, and com- municating wilb tbe olber portion ot tbe train by bioged plattormi. Tbe result ot tbe trial ol thii new locomotive will be wa'.ehed with great interest. <""! II. ui* I. Ulr. Alapuriidot We when laling wonaa- bood reqoirei all ber itrtngth to meet Ibs demand* nature make* ppon it mat,? a youbtf woman retnrne borne (rom II e evere mental itraiii ot aebool will u broken-down oonititntloo, and ber fu . ttobidieariti KU, to g> to an early gr\e. If ibi bad been v I icly eoante 1 d and gif n (lie benefit of Dr. Pieroe'i Favorite, I 1 oription" tec bodily development m y> t hav* kept pace with her mental mow ii, and health *nd beauty would not givB way to dieline and death. The I oinlorl. of From a poor man'* point ot view hospital ii replete witb every comfort, an an initanoe ot thii oame before the writer' notice a week ago, wben a woman, on beio told by tbe bonie-sarfieon of a hoipital luat tbe mrut " oomi In," tzelaimed, " Now I am going to live like a lady t" Thie was net the woman'i flrit izpirienoe of the oomfortB and duoomforti of a hospital, an therefore her (eeliogi may be taken ai ty | o( t hose ol tbe poor in general. " But, the richer elaeeei will argue, " I ihill neve be in mob a poiilion at to rtqniro tbe ai of a hoepital, ai I have my own doctor t attend me if I am ill." Facie are botte than argumenti to contradict thii itate meat, and it the man who lalke thus wi oait bit eye down tbi pagei ot the larg calf-bound volume kepi in the oul patient surgery of all tbe hospitals and in which a description c all oases treated by the itugeons I recorded, hi will find many a broken lim or fractured collarbone, acd eome ease* too, o( a much iirioai nature, in which tb infferer bat been found to be a wealth man going to or returning IKUI hii buaioew wbo baa been brought in lenaelefi by ih police and placed in one of the warde where he has been carefully tended by tb nurBeiaad surgeons antil bil friocd.i oonl irraoge for hii return home, Man 1 instances ot thii nature might be quoted hot one will loffloe. A gentleman wae topping on to one ot the penny ateam boats wbioh ply up and down the Thames and, wing to a lurch ot the veaiel, elippe( and bii foot was crashed between tbe boat and the pier. Ho at once fainte< from tbe pain, and wai oarriid to tb nearest hotpttil and put into one of thi ward*, where hii foot wai dratted. OwiU| to tbe nature o! the injury, and tbe ibool to biiiy item, he was unable to be move( for icme daye, and on leaving be told the houte-mrgeon that hi had up to tbat time no ouoiption of tbe comforts of a hispital and thai after bla itay he ibonld biver forget Hoipital Huuduy again. Lot(iji (l:tig ) llantifr. " My iittle boy," eald a gentleman, " > a oogbt not to eat thooe green applet. Ti.. 7 are not good for little boil." They bain'' , eb ?" the boy replied with Lit mouth lull. " GJCM you don't kuow uiuob about 'ini, miittr. Tb'ee of them applek'll keep ma out uf eibacl for a week." Yonng or middle-aped mm loff.rng (rom nervous dtbi.'ity, )OB c( memory, pie- uet of bed bkbn- . mature old if(e, an tbo r. i tbould Hind 10 eabta ID itampe tor 's-ge illnitrated irtathre *D|y;eetiDfi nnfai 1 14 eare Address World'* Dilpeciary Medioal Aitooiation, Buffalo, N. T. Bo Jerie Flty, a hill* Araebe, a prj| II in the Icdian tobool at Crli !r. Pa., i< c utly nail to bit teacher , " I don't like ' Koderio Tally.' I want a new came." " What name do yon want ?" I would like Riderio KecoociUatiorj,' " eaid tbe lltt e redikln. Thom%i Miller, a 12-)ear old Trojao, gsl a pieet) cf wire and threw it over tbe arm of aneUotrie light " to -get a shock," ai re laid. Hi got it. He wai krocked down, arose, fell igain and again, and died. Chronic naial catarrh guaranteed ear* Dr. Bage't Oatarrh Bimedy. It ii said tbat tbe Riv. T. DtWrl Talmage writes moat cf hii nefu o H rn railway traini. We ehoold never think <>( doubting tbe assertion. Some of bin ten- teooei have evidently gone through several oolliiioni and have only been reicned ia a miimed condition. Mr Sal Smith Russell is at tbe borne > t bit father-in-law, William T. Adam* (Oliver Optic), in Djrebiiter. He wi>| open bli season at Minneapolis. 1C .ol III. 4 u.lcui. r Tbe laltowiog itory is told of an aotir- piiiing New York jibber, tbn events bav- leg taken |>raoe reoeully. Toe cerebvul in qaeiilo'j, having btard ot Ibe arrival ol a country trader who was known to be a large purchaser and of niqieslioaable credit, wai rt solved to get bim to visit Lie eilabliibmeut, and, duo* thira, he f.-lt tnre be onld BI care bim as a customer. He accordingly sent out one of bin drummers, ot whom be bad quite a nnmbir, adapted to every taste acd diipotitioa. Tbe ote sent, however, returned wilboot HUOCCS^. No 3 wei dispatched, with no belleV ruulr, and agaia No. 8, aud so 03 until all bad gone and come tack without man. The merchant then went hi and finding that brandy and w*tr trie tiokett to the theatre were ol no t! for the country trader did not take on* goto tbe other, be wae reduced to necessity of errplo>iog a ru**, wbioh.aT tin Mqoel show*, wai limple as *ell ai iffectnal. On taking bit departure after a fltasarjt interview tbe merchant look eare to commit tbe "mistike" of taking the trader's hat instead of bii own. Next morning, as was expected, tbe merchant received a prompt viiil at oi< store from Ih* country trader, wbo oime to lookup the bat wbieb be tuppoeed bad been bar- riedly execarged. Tbii wai what the mer- chant wanted, and through this means soli a good till of gocdi ai-d teenred a regular enitomer. A I r nchrrou. ll.rr. I The Tcnog Men's Cbristiau Auoeiatlon people gave a picnic at Eimlra, N.Y., on the 5-.b of July, and now they are tbe laughing-stock of tbe o >mmuuiy. Tbey got thilangb on them In this way : Baiog triotly temperanci people they icourid a barrel and filled It with let-water for tbe thirsty , and nevir before did worldly people seem to drink Caemnng water wilb greater reliib than that wbieb wai supplied from Ibe barrel. Finally, when a child about 4 or 5 years old, wbo bad been drink- ing tbii water, began to try to stand ou its bead, an investigation wai orderid wbiob diioloicd tbe fact tbat tbe ice-water bid been placed in a whukey barrel from wb ot all <f the former content* bad not been implied 1 I Int I >r * i>Kl'i> Oharlea Wilmol, of Soothville, Oono,, eiugbl a fl-b which bad two bcadi and two tails, but only one body. We are not in- formed what kicd of liquor Ch tries need at bait. " Tbi idea of a man weighing 180 pound* fooling around (or lour hours to book a fish weighing fourteen ounoei is lometbicg I never could understand." Obap wbo didn't I. on II, I'.ntrrialnrri III,,, Aarclia (anxioasl}) Have yon isen Oeorge thii evening ? He promised to call. Bigley-He did call. I entertained him 'or an hour before yon oame downitairi, Aurelia Yon entertaiced him, paT Bagley Yet. I gava him a list of all the niw druses and giwgaws yon had last rear and the coit of laob, I never taw a r oaog man more icier tiled, ytt be) left ery hurriedly. The 9lb init. wai tbi concluding day of Lu Aberdeen Wapinnbaw, and the prize f in Q men's Oup and Oold Badge was arried off by Corporal J . O. Rae, Aberdeen. AmoBgit the other competitions on tbat day was the luter I : uiveriity match, wbioh was won by AbirdeiD. Endured Ibe severe marohlog of tbe North- wett campaign witb admirable forti- tude. Tbe Government sboild have applied them with a quantity of tbe celebrated Pntnam'i Painleii Oorn Extractor. It never faili to remove oornt painlessly, and the volunteers and every- body else should have it. Iljware of tabstiluttta. OatPatnam'a Extractor and take no other. On bii journey through F*rii to Bl. Peteribnrg, Herr Bnbinsteio, it ii said, in- formed a friend tbat his net profits in the 106 " historical " and other recital* which be hti given since lait October amounted to, in round numbers, 1JO,000. ALMI LADIES' OOLLKOI, ST. TnoiiAt, enrolled laat year 180 ilndeatt, III courset are thorough and practical, its faenlly composed ot gradnatei and certificated teachers and its record oninrpaiied. Ratet low. For 60 pp. announcement, address Ai TIM, U. I). A/ma Ladies' College 8T. THOMAS, ONT., Uffen aniarpasaed advautag** In Lllemrv Work, nnlc. Fine Ari and < omul, i < i;ii s, i, n, , If Lai|*ly patrooiaed by all tb* Jent iniiatlous Attendance lait year, 180. MB-OPBNSJ PrK.IIBKK lk. For 00 pp. Announcement, addrear, I'HIM II-*! AUBTIN. Ui* DUN BAKBNQ POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIErJD OKLRINS KO II riKT CMP/)II OAL.T OITT. tlannfaetarere Winters' PaMotRnadCart Bof- gles, Oairlagi*. HlelgUi * CD. Bend for catalog. J. WIMTK*B.n, nmmm*r, I. n n. OBI. The Royal Manufacturing Company e) Prrlk Ml., <- uriph, nm . L. O. WIDEM AN & OO., -UANUFAOTUBBRB OF- lB.pro<.l K.mll, .,,,1 I ...n.lrr 'l.t,l t .. And all kin. l of Lannlry Appllanoee, Borclar- Proot Window Bash Locks. fttp Ladders, etc.. MndBi-Mallng, 11111-Wrtiibtlng and Carpentor- Ing Work. -Ein> FOB Paict Lirr. Agentt Wanted. C3THE "DEFIANCE. 1 This dear snpp'.iei the demand ot tbe Driving Pomufer low hanging buggies, and combines with this lightneBs, e&ae of motion. Kreatitrftiiith and durability. Prices very moderate Wheel* tired with oar Double Flange Steel Tire wear lolly four times as long a* tLo** witb ordinary tiro steel, bend for our descriptive circular. Bat plenty of cucumbers, green fruit and watermelons and yon will soon otare Kflering with thi beat at least in Ihit world, A FAMILY HBDIOINE. Over ten tboniand boxes of liiu'uiH' Life Fills are ml J yearly In tbe Dominion of Canada, whlob Is Ibe ben guarantee ot tbelr Duality ami tbe eillruatlon In wbiob luey ar* held a* a family medicine. Many link Into an early grave by not giving attention to a illgbt cough wbiob could be Hopped by timely use of a twenty-llveoent bottle of Or. Wlatar's Pnlmonlc Ky rip. A MEN FOB Lnn.-Hlxteen mlloi were covered n two boars and ten mlnnte by a lad sanl far a bottle of Brligs' Hleclile Oil. Qood time bal nor policy to be so tar from a cling store without t In the house. WANTKB. BBIOOI' Black Oil, a* a liniment for bone* ml eattle lias stood tb* test for ov*r thirty years, nd now leads Ibe market. Worth Us weight ID old, and Bells at !i cents (Lei , J,i.-iph. < .n.d. BRANTFORD CU> HTlil Kllii 8TC|| NEVER FAILS. HAVE YOU nUBD IT ?-If to. you can Iwtity o Its marvellous powers of healing, and reconi inii'1 II to your friends. We refer to rlriggx' Mae ic Itollef the grand nperlflo for ..11 smmner mi limit* Dtarrh'i a, Cholera Mnrbus. Uys*n- b>ry, Cramps, Oolio, Blekoen of the Stomach nil Bowel Oomplalnt*. ffESLEYAN LiDlES'. COLLEGE HAMILTON, OANADA. The Fir. i of ike i .HU.- < .n, M ,.. H, rradoaMd over 900 ladles in tbe fall eonne. Ha* sduoatnl over 1.000. Poll facaltlcaln Llteratnre UsngiugKx, Muslo and tat. Tb* largo I Oollaie bulldlog ID tb* ProTince. Will open ou Hpl, 1st ItHt Address the frlnelpal A. BS.IHMH, p. p., 1. 1.. p. CONSUMPTION. HOKE KYE8. Th (loldnn Eye Halve I* one of IP best articl*s DOW In tbe market for sore and Dilaraed eves, weakness of ilgbt. and granula- on. ul (b* lidi, IhoOMHito <>f ! of th Worel kin 1 ii 1 nf Inni Iln-Uflf hT ( rnrr*. tlAsexl. M a:(rf I* my flth In Hi *>m *r r , Ibftt I wtU Mrirl i Wo PuIII.m fRKR, l.etli*v With ft VAlTTAIU.1t IftKATIHK n Ihll Uoiil I* ftnj UsTr*r. (llv* ><i|" r n-l r o aillrTitjij PR T A MXXWtl, Branch Office, 37 Y onpe Bt, T orotto WANTRD-LADIIR to work for as at Uieir be qaletly own home* f T to tlO p*r w __ , . made. Norboto painting; no oanva.ii). For full panionlars, pleas* adarees, al onoe, Or**c*n Art Oo U Central Btreet Boston. Masa, Boi

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