Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1886, p. 4

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. ,. *HIS PAPEE r PLB8HERTON: THURSDAY, Al'Ci. 6. 1880. N it in it sliout time the Valley Road %as rtxx'ivirut Some attention at tlie hands ,,f the Township fathers. It ought to he ready f-r v.-l this winter, Iwt it won't. The rumorvd destitution among the tisliirnifii of I.*liridor, has l>e'ii vi-vy emphatically donied by a Nuwfoundlan<l clergyman, who is aitid to be well ],osted 11 t!i. matter. Lord Salis'nury haa been successful in forming n new Ministry. On the 3rd ii>st. tVi- til.nl .ti.ne Ministry surrvndcrvd their place of oflice to the new Ministers. It is believed the Queen will |KMI Par- liament in AiM>ther HiTiiiiia riot at IU-lfa.it in Vhich Cathnlics were asain attacked. On Sun. lay (>nu liuill win kiMetl aii'l seven wounded. Tim ri.iU-rs seem bent up.n rmmtiiii; Hie t>flV>rts of tliu police to ninin- taui onlur to the utmost. lin\f liit.l t.i nliare with the olln-r rredit- ors, li.vl it not bwm tlmt h- |.iir.-li-l a span of liorsu* from his employer, ' s l'- wery S|*ucur, and secured (lu-iu before the eml .m, Mid the hi* "castle in tliu .,,i eitiiie tiniibliiifi down ami .limlluaioii i<d tin- unwary. It |i Wild l>:in Rot a [.. .int.-i ' from some woll-iiif.iriuud gen- tVuiuii, an. I uruivd himself accordingly. NVe itr<- i:lail he did, aa Dan is a (food sou to his widowed iii.>(lu-r, and would other- wiso have I'.-.-u placed in a bad predica- ment. NVe are mad, at the same time, because we have been regularly and sci- entifically "taken in" by Alphabetical St.ni.-y'it uri'iitost rival in tlio swindling business- although Alphabetical himself s.| ir.-f.-d us for over twuuty dollars. Messrs Win. Fetch and Sept. Oood, our Kli-*lirrl.iii butchers, are amongst Uie sorrowing. They aUo had faith in Mr. Spencer's general character for "wide- awakelicai" and the s<H|iiuI proved that __ m ^ r ^ -.- si on. I lour I isn.v (.Vim.. Mr*. I!, rkmliaw, 28 ... . IVuilni.ki' St. 'I'lir.'iili'. i-iin.l of n liuil lamp Kirat-claas Stone Hour just received ,,.. Kh , Ule kll ,, j , m , ,, w ,, i( ,,, ,,, Hllr . and on hand ut Mm. fhompeoil's, and KO..HI, wore about t ..p.-rKi.-. Other treai- cheup and fast. m.-nl lia.1 I" . i tn. .1 in win. HaKyur.l'ii ment Im.l I,,, n tn. .1 in Yellow Uil wan the rein, dy U.-..-.1. " What u Mctiroforv Speed) Cure for"? It IK for U>H|.|>>Ti,. ' TO Yn.i.o. Oliatinuto skin dii 1.0U | . I K, tlio K r -in. It to .: IWNT Omiplaliit. ludiiivii- eaxcM, Illinium ut tin blood, eruption* un.l U tho rtnt Wood purl- ,,ia ore are cured by liur,l., t -k Hlood Hit tors, wi.u-li |n.iif\ mill r.-gulute all the w- . tnut-i- \vli.-ro it did crrtioni. AVTKH TwKM-V-TllllFK YKAHH Si" KKKHINO. li.-v. \Viii. stmit, "f \\iiirtoii, WUB i-iirul of ticrofulouu utirp>i lh.it NI-VI nlrt'n ,lor,"i.- i-.inl.l nut 1-1.1. . Jtunl'ii'k Mo'il Hitters wax the only sucr.>s(ul reiurdy. It cun-g nil laipurities i.f thi< l<lo<>d. t loll, lllllOt.bllUttfc, n. T in tli. kuowu w "l>0ttn It Kiveoati Wuuaunot point to IKlt. \Vli.-re ,!.,. it hate the lament -n!. '" llitiht In the city of tTaaihton. wliere It U manufactured, there haslxx-n over one tlioUMlid dullari,' woj t>i hold lu th<- lat-t year retail, uJid the urettt niujorit) of the ml,- are hy on, Kor sale at 50c. ami A Minsumr ALAIIM. There is sen.-.-, ly ttiiv fright uu.ro nUiriuiug to a mother tits the oniluioos nuuud nf croup MI liable at lu'n HuKViird'8 I'M- Several thotiMlM il.illars have been ex- l>i n.lf.l u|'M the Thonibury harbor by *he<ioveriiniet, and to what |iuJ|Mwe ? Why, the people orer there are clamoring fur thousands mure to complete the job ; and fur the next decade or so tliu aainu nld cry is likrly t be repeated annually, liy tlie press and |ieplu. Ity tlie byu, will 4kc Thornhury >V,i/, ./,</./ tell UK next vrU liow iiuii-li inuiiuy is ii-i|iiii< <! t v<>m|>l<;t<' tlia harbor works tlnn 1 It would be int. r.-Mm," to know, and per- haps the Government mii;ht bo induced tu " i-.'iiu- down hands' niiely." Ladle* troubled with 1'nni'lcs, Blotchee, linugh Han.U ur Kaoe, or Keren of any de^ciin- tuin. Kliould uau KloUtCKor .v l'ark CajheUp Curate. U will lw tho -.km in i.i-if.'.-t Health. M,m,'tti..l.-alian<lR,.o,l.-,.|,.i H. - -. .. , , , aud_ ot . ,[ , , ; |t UIOKOIIUIII.'. uiadii by Mct.r.-uor A: I'arke. Price iic. So], i t all Drug htorev. oral miNmn (fur the throat aiiu lungs) in st jluui'l, cr.iU|i and iliMrr^ in^ t-"ii;;lis l>pi- " Header," lii luf..ruUni| you of thi wsnflerful \ ij.if their tirrois. It cures ccui/hs, asthma remedy for (ouuln. Culdh, Astlllua, Kronilmi*. ,, , CouiuneJllon.lMejreflMtioBi of th. tlir.iai '"' and luu(!. wofepl that we are, doini) you agruat I . ,. APIVIMV Mr. Wn> Alton nl siBdoew. aaif>ouliavau> ..i th.- l>ov., .-..in . A "<>> UPlxiux. Mr. Win. A ln, ol plaluts, if you will only try it w will iruarsoleu aeton, deelares that Ha^yard't Yellow Oil satlsf aetion In everjr case _ or nioiu.y r.-fuu.leil. if the best household remedy in tb world fur cl. Is, i-ri.ii]', i-ore tlinmt, burns, sculds and .'tin i painful coiuplHints. Her opinion Beoui why you should purrhaxoKlnl-1 1. ii;hl is i-ll f.Hiinlrd. niiiu in |>ri'frnce to all i.tlu-r r-m-.li- ar.- Uapi.l rwult cuicn lustantl> . It in easily ap A I'KuriTABLE LIFE Few men have ;ic plil-no trouble-no lotti mi' U.loeauotru eMgpUahed th* MOM AeMOBl ol Work ami quire eoDBtant une one apiMU-ntinn in neotual. . A i ; .1 , % . , ,. on. -iM.ttl,- will roniPVeUM.rVi.ain than any., tli- K 1 '"' 1 '" tl " 8 *M '"e Crlfbrstl'd Dr. cr remedy in i-xi-t.-nru. Try It for Neuraliiia, CBMe. Over .MilP,n,iii of Ills works hnvo Toothachu. ll.-u.lach.-. Itlu nuiatiMii. Kuld at licen sold ill Canitdu iiloue. We wiiut every !" ,"ii troulilt-d with Lirer complaint, !)>]- pepsin IlcinliK'lic, Kidney or t'ritiaiy Troii- I'l.-s. in call in at the l)rug Store and buy a buttle of Dr. I'lnn-.-'-. I.in-r Curt', it will cure yon. Mr.li.-in- and Uecipe Book tl.(<0. 'THE MARKETS. FLE8HKBTON. Carefully Correetnl l-'nrh HVr/V. Flour *2 Jifi to 2 25 Full Wheat $U 7(1 to II 76 Surinj,' Wheat 05 75 Itarli-y (M) 00 Outs " 28 '29 Teas 62 5'2 Nutter 11 11 K-s,fi-o.sli 10 ID I'ottUoi'B 20 ti5 Fork 5 00 5 00 U;iv,|H>r ton 8 00 10 OP, Hides 6 25 7 25 Wool 18 iit) Sheepskins 60 H5 Thos. A. Illnkri) , Ak fur M.'iliuKor'w L.UHK I'ouj pound, aud *1.UO i>.-r bottle at all Dru Ktoron. Dr. Landerkiu, M. P. for South Grey, voted with Mr. I'dako on the Kiel .|iu * t, n saying in effect that the arch trai- tor and murderer >>hould not have been hiinj;. Everybody has a perfect riht to their opinion* touching such mutter*, but We are nf opinion that the I r will find it difficult to defend the p^<*ition h took upon tli.- Kiel ,|in-.tiMii, when called up- on to do soon tlie liu*tiin;s and elsewhere. He ,-.ii)ii.. t ainl will not be allowed to shirk tho re*|H>nibility of his action by 1 1 i n MI-/ the Government for "stirring up rvl>td!ioii," and otherwise atUnnptiiit; to avoid direct issue*. LrOrxDOiV S C TI AT) Oil Ul You will And an assi rtlm-nt of HE IS GONE ! M l>l<t>, i,. ,,i Stviiry nut, i, nilt- nl hy Slipftrry Sprtn-rr. VMirn AlphalHiti.-al Stmiry tuildvnly iliv\|.|.. .-iri-.l from Kleslifnoii, two or thrro years ai;ii, a COIM! many of our citi- zens were pri-| Kn-il to make a aol.-iiin, km.i/i//. lawyer K.-itlHlav it, to the tffuct that tfc.-y wniiW nrwr, NEVER, NEVER again allow themselrw to be taken in by such a dandy, |>lug kt, little cane, wit. TV red, ten gent crfar ynunj man, if Uu-v lived to he as "I.I as Mr. Matluualoh, tlo- ccaiieii. If they made such an oath, they havu no doubt kept it thus far, as no such pettvd dai-lin^s have struck this twn IMI. r the advent of tliu iniinitalile Al|>liabetical 8totivy. But this world U full of strnngr char- acters, and it is a fact worthy of ii.>ti< that you hardly eve* find two swindlers working tli.-ir littU gaim* inn similar manner in the same district. Varu-ty beimi tin- spico of hi.-, and it being an es- tartlinlicil fart, that "Amrricnns lovo t b<- liuiubujjgtHl' to II-HJ the words of the prince nf humbugs, lUnium Mr. Ci. H. 8fHTiccr made his a|>|><-arancc in this lo- c.ilnj like a "blaxinij nietoor from a clear sky." Tslk about riitorjiiiiH-. push, pat- riotisiu, Aiul all that sort of tiling ! NVhy, a very short tiinu elapaed boforo Mr. Sp. nc.-r liu.l leased Mr. lion's saw nulls and bpM.in handle factory at Little Kails, runted a shop st FK-thurtun Station and opened out in the _! nni-al M..I . business, with rathtT a line si'-k of ^MM|S ; and, shortly lieforu hia sudden departure, had made known his determination to l.-nsr Mr. Roper Lover's tcain K^^t mills at l'].-s!i,.Tt.'ti Station and establish a lumlii r nfriro in Flfslivrton. Ho patronized our himinean men liln-nilly am! freely, drove a dashing hor*i>, with a fine carriage t- tvchcd- but always with a keen, wide- uwake, himiiionn like air, which inspired many people with bushels nf coutidence, to the aerious detriment of thoir coin- (B'ii tense. Many esttintMe citizens pointed Mr. oyt as "one of your wido awake, Yankfci,^' pasaibly alluding to Mr S's. vipnrieiice in theeal.M.ii IIUSIII.-MI in cLu fityaf Ottmit but, all tho same, we fear we shall have tn claim him M a countryman, notwithstanding his "widc- . awake'' Yank4<0 procJi,ritie. Alpha- hvtical Si. 'in y waa also a Canadian, so that it is needless to point Uie finger of sconi, and say, "ya^keo .sharper* for you again." WH, utterly, Slippery Spencer's crod- ,itors aliiuiat too nuinurous to mention began tn nn\- cold and lukewarm in >ili. n admiration, and talked rather of "Division C,,urU," and "law, ' and "jus- 4ice," than of "wide-awake Yankees." They began Ui f.-ol thai hard dollar, and /sents were aa requi.it* as the slippery gentleman s prtrrmajw, ami f.rrthwith the "lectio" bills be^an to pour in upon Slip- ^Ksry Sp*ncer st an nstrinishing rate, and demands for "immediate settlement" and "prompt jMiymeut absolutely nrcvsrary" became shsrp nd decisive all of which the slippery gentlemen bore with accus- tomed o.Miliiuss and urbanity. Dlrision Court came with its "jtidements," Ac., and the name f SpcnctT was not forgot- ten. Mr. Sept. Otxid i'"t judgment for *ine twenty dnll.irs. We didn't iri-t any judfrinent for the fifteen dollars Slippery W|nper "|{ot into us," but wn sup|Hnm we will fare about as well M the ret any- how. Dan MsLe<xl worked at the Little Mills t<ff njJMipr Bouths, ad would probably they were not mistaken he jms \nde- nirakt, but just a trifle t<x> much so for the mutual welfare of all three. Slippery Spi-ii,-.-r came out 935 alu-ad on this little transaction alone. Hut there is an end to all things, and tho thunderbolt fell upon Mr. Speucer ! " one inoi-nint;, ax>me couple of weeks ago, ' in the IXTSOII of Deputy Sheriff Moore, | who relieved the slipjiery gcntlfman of a Imrse and bug^y he had just driven out to Fleshertoii. Seizures followed in rapid succession, and shortly afterwards Mr. Spencer dmapin-ared. He was mxt heard of from New York city, and lately it has been rumored that he has not * far south ;is Cieorgia, where it is to be hoped he will remain and reflect upon the follies of a iris-spent life, and live comfortalily upon a goodly income, de- rived chiefly from gullable lumber deal- ers, butchers, merchants, fitrmern, furni- ture men, and editors. \Ve are told that such was the confi- dence with which Mr. Slippery S|w.ncer inspired Mr. Aaron Teeter, that the latter advanced him 9100, and it is almost need- less to add, that Mr. Teeter has got Mr. Spencer's note in payment therefor, which is worth about one cent in this lo- cality. Lumber dealers in Toronto also advanced Mr. Spencer <|uite a lot of filthy lucre, seemingly having the sauie unbounded confiduiice in him as had Mr. Teeter and many others. Mr. J. NV. Kates, furniture dealer, also contributed bis share fniy Mr. Spencer's expenses, to the, tune ] t ^SSS^!&i^, so-Hr, ,., ,if $10. Mr. Wm. Strain contributed a I lam, foot ball, boatinc, eta. For furtnor iutor niatiull apply to respectable amount to the general "Spvn- cerial sinking fund," and in alao a mourn- er. Mr. James Mi-Mullen, Flcsherton Station, >-hip|H-il in with M cents. Mr. Aaron Munshaw Kt his 910 the day be- fore the crash came; Mr. M. generally "gits thiir." WHT ExrwY DOCTORS. -Consnlt a doctor for a (I or h oz. buttle of medicine $1 con- sl11 ' "" "'U^ist u.l liewill give you a 12 1>Z - b " 1<1 "' " r t'l'.is..'* Liver CurV for II, am) u vuluabl-i*Jine Hook free. AIIVHF. T.I M. Turns. Arc you dititurlied at nltilit and lirokn .f \onr r. >.t liv a sick child uffttriiiK Hii.l cr>inK with pain of CuttincT.-.'tli '.' , _. , . U ao und aVooci' aud fe> a battle ot "Mrs. Wlo Heavy and Lisrht Harness. ^^ri^^L^'n^'rJ::^ 1 ^ P'W.r httli- Miff. r. r iiiiiiit^iiatt lv I>. pi mi upon Whipn, Hrunheii. Cnrry Combs. Swt'Ht Pads, and it. nmilin- tli. i - no mistake about it. It the clubittU'<t "HarntM* Oil ' i-uivs l>j f-riitcr^ ;iiul Diarrtuia, rcpnliUt -s tli< Stoinaeli and lioutOft, cur<-h U'i nd Clic. hoftt'iis .-><M OLI.VKS A Sl'Et'lALTV. Cliuap for Cash. Call ami Examine. IlK-OfEXS Monday, Aug. 30th. 1886. Stoinaeli and Il tin- ti mi.*, ri-thu-rs IriHaiiiuiiUKHi, itn>l ^ivt>H tout' nud t'lnT^y to tli- whole )>t-in. "Mrs. \\in-t- low'ft ScHithluR H> nip" fir cliiMrtTi ti'rtliin^ is plttaKHiit to t)i- t't^t.- and irt th*> pn-t- riptioM .! OIK of tli.' <>l<ioht atid bet f iiiuU- i>hvsifian- tiinl nurst-h in th" I uitefl htatt'-. ainl IK fur suit- l>y all '^^u^ s 'l,'i'*t^ throofboat tlu- world I'rii r twenty l\vc ccnt> (ottle. 1U- nurc- utid ask for 1 MK-. \\I\MI.OW H SOOTHING Svmp," ami takr no othi-r kind. STAFF NV. WH.I.IAMH. B. A , Principal: J. H Itltriil"' n H. A.. Claiwical Mat-r, J. L. Cox, II A Mathematical Matrr ; \\ I, tSTKVKNS, H A .Sciellcn Master, T. H. Midi mi. It A. i o .-}(.; Scicn.-i- Uanter. VIM ,rn [ HI .i]- IIIR |nna.) JO s.u.> v J|H """M -oj OIKS' -:r.v(iini x-.-i'iv >ia nj jo iii.p || )i '>1*)H jsoiiwtJV '6 uoo 'is i \\ oj.'U IK; jqi jo; -IJHMI '<["( iil> am nv..'|.'K >I l(!'!U3i'a W d l *l "1 nlv OS . Matriculant*. no Flmt "A'". thirty- I two Kirnt (".. ilzty-two Socoud*, aud un< liun <lr.-.l all. I aev*ll Tliir.U. Tln Institute in tin- "nl> "U.' that mates a I specialty nf h-acl-r examination!. KhKS. - #:!.<'> from Auttu.t t.i Uvc-uuibr; *3.HA| YH ^ n _. A . ,*] W 3I1T6C1> All you have to do now to excite or ir- ritate people around here, ii to propound the following .|uet ion : "Did you know Stoney or Sjiencer ?" In nearly every case you will find it prudent to innkc a r:i|'iil exit, or your niovenientH may bo accelerated in a rather unpleasalit man ner. _^ . Innnvntlon. T thf Jiililnr nf Tht AilvuMf. The questions propounded in your re- ccMit issue remains unanswort;d, and I will ask you to give the powers of agri- cultural societies aa by statutes stated. Section 38 and sub-aectioiii of Cap. 35, <''.ii.Holi.Uted Statutes, says: The object of the said societiea, and of the township societiea in connectiiHi theruwith, shall be to encourage improve- ment in agriculture, horticulture, aru, and manufactures : 1st. Hy Inildiiii; meoiinjts for disciw- sion and for hearing luctures <m subjects connected with tin- theory and practice of unproved husbandry, or other indtia- trial processes ; 2d. Hy promoting tbe circulation of airricultural, horticultural and mechanical pel ii'.lii-aln; M.- Ity importing and otherwise pro- curing seeds, plants and animals of new and valuable kinds; 4th. Hy oflfrriiiK prizes for essays mi questions of scientific inquiry relating t. agriculture, horticulture., arts and manu- factures; 5. And by awarding premium* for excellence in the rniiiii or introduction of stock, the iiiveiiti'Hi or improvement of agricultural implement* and m;u:Iiinery, the. production of grain and nil kinds of vegetables, pl.-uit.s, flowers and fruits, and generally for excellence in any agricul- tural or horticultural production or opor- ation, articles of manufacture or work of art. 39 Sec. The funds of the Societies howsoverdorivod, shall not be expended for any object inconsistent with tlu*e above mentioned. But if any doubt exists as to the spirit and loyalty of such an innovation, the agricultural directors will please be rv- referred to 36 Vic. C. 32, Section 10. It shall not be lawful to carry on any Imrse racing during the day* appointed for heldiug ao exhibition by tbe Agricul- tural and Arts Association, or by an Electoral Ilistrict Hociety, within fire miles of tho place of holding tlu: JUVMU. 2d. Any person who ahall be guiliy of a violation of this section, shall bo liable, upon summary conviction before a Justice of the r*ce. to a fine nut exceeding fifty ' dollvrs, or imprisonment in the commou gaol of the county for a period not ex- n < .liny thirty days. This East (irey S(K-iety, whilst receiv- ing gnurfc from the iJovernnient, is amenable If' tbe law and what a piec of inconsistency it wuuUl lie for money to be granted by the government ;inl municipal councils, to support horse rac ing, I m k no apology for calling the attention of the public to such a gr<n innovation, contrary us it is to the sta- tute and punishable by fine or imprison- ment and utterly at vai-iancn with the intention of municipal corporations in Kranlmu assistance t.. those societies, aa also it is a aoiiroe nf immorality and wickedness. Query In this case who ia at the bottom of it ? CITIZEN. \VM WILLIAMS, Trlncipal. Voters' List, 1886,~ M'lnififmlity nf thf T<xrinhifi nf ArtrMttin County nf Grt'j. NOTICKlKlirn-byclvon. that I have tran- tnitt.Ml or <l..!i\.'ri-<l to tlio peroiii. rf waiitr 1 for tlir rrortlon of a now , and r,iiivini! part of old fnncu around part of Kl.-Rln-rt. 'ii tVmrt.-ry. DttHcription of fouco can b^ had f rmn Si-rrrt:iry Tenders not tube lent lator than August "th, in. to \VM. CLAYTON. Soc'y for Truitoc Home very rhoin family burial plot* for aa!c. Apply to tho Koi-n-tary. %7 4t /.v tiulled in the- thlr.l aii.l fourth n-.-tlon - o( \"t.-r- l.lfct Art." til.- . "| ftcti.in to h HO t ran* mitt**! 'ifii ieqn '.i or dutl nirrd Thr i.l TO BE LET OR SOLD. vi-r..l..>f the . lint mad.' pnt^mnt to i.l Art ,f nil , ., T apiMwrliii:l>ythlat r<-vi~l A.,ni,-iit Koll "initli S!i. "ltht)ai.l MnnicipaJlM t,, I,.- . -ntitli-d to v.,t.. m * theiaid Minn, -n-iility at Kloclion. for Mrn,l,.-i U-.. T!i.' nndentiKned nftVrh for ftalo liis Itlack- .- -'i il'it- mi I I 'r.'tn i i*e* a.lj.iiiuni;, at a reaM.iirthlr pri. e ; nr will lea*. 1 the aauiu to a u''.."l man at n f. ir r<-ptnl 'l'i,i- prnprrtv M >f tin. l^t,'inli*ti\ AsH.inl.lv aii'l at Mum i|nl wull situated on Colllimwood street.Fledierton, Klr.-ti..:ni; an.l tbat ai.l li-t vn's ilr^t ,,.,>t.-.| ti|. n.-ar tli. planini; fu. tin) om.won th.' ith davof AIUJIIK'. IMHII. an.l Ifor terms aud parttoulan, apply t.. the pro- reDialn.tln.ro f.,, ,i,M~.-ti,.n pri. t.,r Iliilil-.KT n.AKK. Electors arc callw.1 ii|.n t> rxaininn the aaid Jnly*th. 1WW. Floslirrton. lilt, and If any oiulHuinni. >>r any other nrrori. are found therein. t.> tak iuiinmliato pro Ings to have thy nald urrors corrootod accor.tirm tolaw. WII.I.MM I Hl:l.l.\MY. Chirk of ai.l Miinioi]>ali!y Dmteil tbla 4th day of AiiKnct. l^< Voters' Miniiri/>,ilH\i nf th' feWHtUf "f Osprry, nf <ir< ;/. BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. Gneloh Ont . ucipii, uuu NOTICK in hereby Kiven. that I have tranK mitt.' I or ilrli\ '-r.-'i to tin- piTfHnin iii.-n linin'd in the third and fourth sortionn 'if "Tho Votm-H' Lint Act," tho c-n)ii-R roqnirMl by flaid u-rtion I., be o traiti.iriitt.Klai delivered, of th. liHtnia.il' piirNiiant U i-aid Act nf all |HrHonm of lli.- Maid Miinioijialfty t" l>o ontiiloil to v<to in tbe aaid Mnni.'l|>allty at Elections for Mrmlmr of tbr LtiffiHlativf. AHM'II.I.IV and at Miini.-lpal Klorti.'ii* . and that aid lint wan nrat potd np at niv ornrn on tho Ith dav of AugtiHt, IflW. aud. runiHini. thon. for iimpvctfon. M a.-ro< 1J nillrHfruio I I. -horton. Uood warm Klvcton an- .'nllo.1 npon to examlDfl tho raid frai IwclhnK. 7 rn..niH. ^"".1 .-. llr. gsodstebll lint, and if any oinimionii or anv othor erron i a naTor-f alliiMI aprlnu rreek. Toriiin oar. For are found therein, to tako iinino'liate proce<*d particular* apply to \\ .1 lil'.l. I.AMY. Kleaber- UIRH tohavo the said error* corrected accord ton .r t<. i Ull!:i. I.AMY, Uarkdale. IIIR to law. \VII.MAM MII.NR. k ..f |.| Municipality. l>aio.| H. is 4th day of \utn-t. IHNft. for Sale. NOTICE. MY wife, Robocea Kenned)-, having loft my btl and board, without any junt ratiae or ('revocation on my part, all parti** are hereby or bidden to UIK. her aiivthini; on my account. | Arleln. - ia, AltR. 3rd, 1MD. AXOUB KKNNEDY. Kb* James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou Hriwirinn, KavetrouKliing.ftiKl in fact every- tuiiiR in th l>n>iiii-ss will receive my prompt ninl c&reful attcutiou at rtmtTTi''!- prices. PAI.XTERS H1TKRIALS Always kept in Stock, ('.ill and soc tliom - --*- ' _ ? WOOL! I WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or mamifiictiii-c will find it to their advantage to call at the f House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. In prepared tn attend to nil work in I|U linos >4 Im^io.-ss in tliu iinwt Ratlsfactorv anil workman- lik,- iimnn.-r Kliiiiatcn choorfiill) (uriilli>-<l, aucl contra.-ts i-arri.-'l .ml to tlit' K'tt.-r or.i-r I* town or ooansrv, by mail or otborwin*, will receivu tu|imll\ |>r.n|>t nttt-iition. Sbupovur Milburu'n carriime woikn. THOS. A. BL 1KELY. HEARD'S CARIRAGE WORKS! -r ^ . Flesherfjn, May aSth. 1886, To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-vvards the mahu- facture of Carriages which shall be Ae best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro duce better work than ever before. We make Buceies Carriages and Waggons. order. Nw-tt^t155aS li ' ifc<( -*' - ">- HEAKD'H c Mini \i)i : WORKH. WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING t OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF i- THE STOMACH, DRY NESS DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, i ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every >ncls of dleni id LIVER, KIDNEYS, BOWELS OR BLOOD, OF THE SKIN, arliing froni disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Pricevitle, Being fitted up with Now Machinery, of tlio latest and moat improved pat tcms, u SECOND' TO XONE in the County of Grov. We arc prapucd to supply the public with any amount of' Lumber and Bill stuff at Lowest Cash Prices. We have on hand about 50,000 feet of Maplo and Birch Floo*i^, dressed and matched ready for use. Sawing aud Planing doue eipeditio'asly and satisfactorily. Special bargains given to Builders, Contractors, and Cash purchasers. Havii." lately put in an Emery Wheel, we can gum Crosscut Haws in first class style and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will convince yon that this is the spot to buy your Lumber. Price villc, Feb. 28ud, '86. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- eilou \ Fetch & Mitchell, I'lJOI'KIKTdUS. TH r. im.li'rsiKin',1 rc)-i-tfiilly tak thl nppor f unitv to aiinouiH t<> ttu' )-<i|,lu of Klenh- orton anil Hiirroiinilinfi country, that tliry have Ktarted n Itntch.-r Shop in tl 1 ,- ^tnu.l nrxt door t.. tin, Mnrhl \Vorkt. I l.liSH KHTnN. wliere they will bo plca*r.l to lurat with all who favor them with tli.-ir |>atrnai.-i<. Kronh lleatu of all kludn.and Fiih, Ac in thoir eous. Uf-.puctftilly your*. New Harness Shop PRICEVILLE! I Hare on Hand a Full Assor tmant OF SPRING & KUIVIIVEER GOOD iii.uii li.iil lii- Tlie n I.TMt-ii.'d 'l.'sir.- t<> infi'i n HIP proi'lr "f 1'ri y:!lit aii'l *iirronn'liniT neiulibiirliood. that l.ohae"niiuriiei ! in the HumeuM Makini' ba'nci>H in l'ii< evillt-. wlirn- he hopuo to Mx-ur* aahare nf pulillr patiunauc. All "ik will l att> -niled t" at I. , went r*li ratvit. Slncle and Double liJiiti.--* cm ), in flrht clan" -tvle. < i."l aMHortiiient "f %V)il]>-. Itnislie*, Cnrry Coiilbn, Laji I)'i!-t,-r. I.UK..VI- . alwity In utock. l-a 312 R- J.WATSON, PBOPEUTOB. 4- In (irnts, Ladioft, Misses and Cbildrena BOOTS &. .SHOES. I endeavor to satisfy our customers both in Omxls ajul Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of i A GIFT ! I ID cent" pot|rt. wo will mail VMI ion s royal, valuable. ttllll'),' >>ox Of K'oo'lh th*t will put you in the way of making more money at once, trinii any th.iii-' B \i'.-r> , I 1 MI sss** of all ac<". . -.in lu, ut h M'ie ami work in nuare tinm, or all tho time. Cupital nnt rioinlrpfl Wowillvtart you. Iniiiim > \MI sum for thoite who utart at ..n.-e SIINS..N ikCo., 1'ortlnnd. Maine FLBSHBETQN Woollen Factory The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and havinp engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy mnnufactnring goods usually kept in stock. Any Custom Work enlisted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable ratos. Don't fail to {,'ive us a call. W. H. FLBSHER . FLESHEBTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AT O ^VTVr> OJ PJSIt, CEINT. Insurance effected on Farm and Villnfre Buildings nnd contents. Insurance against Lightning a specialty. Herds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. Otnrr, Toronto str I. in in Town Mall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent, IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, OOOOOOOOO<0(X>rK)OO<MMKHXXXX)00<iOOOO CARD (IP TIMS ! Tu thanking my customers for tlieir liberal 'fttronage in the past, I hnvc iniK'li plrnsun in being still able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, vi/... The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. Tin- Slmri) Sulky Hakr. Tlip Massry Harvester. Tho Mussey Mowrr. Tlio Tolten I'ca Harvester. Tiie For Pcft Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Toltcn's Centri Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton's Scufflrrs. Hamilton's Hoss (raiifj Plow. Wisnor's Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of HwAJBH always on hand. Parties requiring any of tho above will do well to call and incpect Mach- ines, which will be found in Sproule's warchonac. **^ A. 8. VauDQSEN, FLESHXBTON. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOjCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FREEKA1TS WORM POWDERS. Arc plsasaat to tak*. Contain tbnlr own PnrgatlT*. Is a sat*, cm*, ami fttufimml * " * i~rmf ID Chudr or AdaM* FLBSHEETON. MARBLE WORKS : B. YANZANT, ALL k I Mi* Of ;,:::,: ir,i Mamni&l Vcrks, Sitcb as Monument*, Tomb TaMes, Hcadatorrn Counter ami Tablo Tops in Amnrican and Italinn Marble iimi (irairite, and made on nliort notice. Altw Mantles in Marble and Marblcized Slate, &c., &c. Fleshertnn, Am;. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLSSOIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify tbe Blood, correct all Uuortlen ol ths I ,i \ -i-. Stomach, I^idn'yw, 31 ml They invlorate anil restore to health Debilitated Conntltutlon*. and are Inraluable In all Con plalnti incidental to Females of all agon. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an Infallible remedy for Ttad Ix>gs, Hart Hreanta. Old Wound*, Horos and Ulcern. H in famonifor i . . it and llhuuniatiam. Kor dlnordore of tbo Cheit It baa no equal. For SOKE 'THROAT, BROMCHJTIS, COUGHS, COLDS aiandularSw*lllns,and all Hkln Dlfioanei It ha* no rival; and for contracted and itlff Joint* it acts like a charm. P.annfacture.l only at I'rofosnor HouxnrAT's RutabUihinrat, 78, New Oxford Ntrret ( late 533, Oxford si rr e t ). London, sndaretoldat Is. Hd.,3i *1.. tn. M., Us.. Un . anrt asu. each Ilox or Pot. and may be had of all lied cine Vendon throunhout the World. * Fiirrhnitm dioitld Innk if. >hf Lnbrl Out Pott and Rnan. /I.t1, Orfnril Ntrrrt, lAnvlim, titey art If the addrtm u not J. W. BATES, Furnifnrfl Denier and Undertaker, n-KSHKBTON, OUT. NOTICE: A thoronph bred Dnrham Bnll calf, one month oll, for sale. Also a ono year old Dnrham Bull, with Rood pedigrees. Also a good Ktc'ani Flour Mill at Fleslierton Station for sale. Apply lo ROGER LEVER, I'lesJierton P.O,

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