GILBERT - WHITE - At the residence of Mr. Robt. Warling, on the 25th Aug., by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr. Samuel Gilbert to Miss Sarah Ann White, both of Artemesia. Obituary We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. J. Lindsay, of Orangeville, which sad event occurred on Monday last, 30th inst. Deceased was a very amiable and kind woman, and although she had been in delicate health for some time, her death has been a severe shock to her husband and a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Her husband, Mr. J. Lindsay, is one of the most prominent citizens of Orangeville, and is an uncle of Mrs. A. R. Fawcett, wife of the Editor of THE ADVANCE. The funeral took place on Wednesday (yesterday) and was very largely attended by relatives and sympathizing friends. The remains were conveyed to the C.P.R. station at Orangeville, and from thence by way of the C. V. R. branch railway to their last resting place at Brittania, Toronto Township, where the last sad rites were performed with a solemnity befitting the occasion. 1 r PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Having spent sowo time In the studio of the i* Toronto Pliotok-raplmr. Mr B. w. Pltou. I acquired valuaW Vnuwludjie In Hotou famuli W llt'rt 1 rU 'IN II I'M SimM HMWSWf,> mm* olmiK, I fel Mnured I can give Rood ueral Mttslsoslasv. A call repctfully aplicitud. HUH. I3ULMER. Vlaiherton , Sept. ITth. 1 Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TA.D1..E- *<, Monday, July *7A, Going North. STATIONS. Mall Kp TOrouto Leave T JJam 4 Mpm t a nlwll Junctlou ;; .. Cliarlwton ' 943 10 US 10 ill)' Orani<o- i Arrive villu. i l<ea,v* Orion. 1 ' vtll. Junction .. DnmuVk " """[".'.'."."'".'. -II a! " II IT " I f UJ" TSJV 7.H " 8 55 ' , 9 10 WilliaiiiMtord ISfflpro W CUatsworth 12SH" ' Owen Hi.uml Arrive 1 (>5 " lo HO <.oii.-: siiuili. 3r \f ' OwunHuuiii ChnUwnrth WtlUamiford Kxp Mail. S3?-? o ro i-, 47 TIM 7 J, Kl-KHKKU TUN 1)111.14)1 , Hhelbun.. OrauKovillo JulictloD - Oiiinn". Arrive HSO " villi'. i Luave i5 Ckarlivton ' 00ft rtr<r>-Jl i ii Toronto .. ArriveilOM 408 4 31 4S7 S&5 810 H I \V. WHVTK. Oex'tHcr'T. D. WrNICOLL, J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &8..0NT. IMI1SH IVN. SI IC4.I.<. Ar. FLKSIIKKIUN. RetiJrncr, ttrst tti IHrtriutt office, J.P. MARSHALL. L.V.H DENTIST, jfl'l VI)I - \TM of Tn-nnto B -liool of Urntlitr vl will i> it MarkJal* th Kt >u i dty tif i,r li in mill, ami at Klmht'rton on tht- lut ami ir.l I li im U> m oacu luoutli (ur tbu practice of bit prof t-< ion \V. FROST, LL-B-. Orfli-r. Ktrain'i Hullilluit. .. W CBMUJCT, Solicitor aii'l Coiivnyancwr. U, Ut, in Manager. MK KIHIST will l, fuund at the Offico on *rhurUv an I, ,T, J M^CULLODOH, ^Barrister, Solicitor, $c. (Iflice. over McFnrlniMl's Htorr, INarkditlc. nuiicy to Lonn. MASSON & MASSON, XJ v uiu s r ;.;it v s. i.i< -IT.>KX. .1. f*> ii, i M iwi-n S'iii?i'l. In Vlraitr'i J-,,nltlM . llraarh t-a\u'Jii M.-irk.Uli v *i or Me Farlil'i Hluro. on Kriua) auU <>aturay evury wmik. J.UASSOS.Q.C. S MAHSON. tr.AKS(IN. N.H l'ri\al<. ,V C,ini|ian)'i funds to in Vi "tut Tow Su t'j Kitbt |>r cent. . a. r. rt HI.I>. FBKI> w ..HMN , EUHLIN & OARVIN, H/HfrrMnr* to Jjnuilrr <( llnitil*, B \HIIISTKUS. KOI.lrlTOKH, NOTAUIKS. ilSVKVANCKKH, *c Moi|y to l..i, t I .owext Hat f iuturunt. OfDc-ui. M King Htroet Ka-l . TunillW. (Cards. Jflha W. Armstrong, I'l.i -iiKinox. Co. GUM . DtVIHIOS COCKT < LB1IK. CUMMIKHIONKIt in II R . <'<>nvyancr. &*. 44pS*ltparristM n I sali> ,.f l*i., I. Appraliwr fore I, C Cm- ii IK 1- II .* s . Siirlfty. Moiwy ta l-on on thi in .-' r.. i ..nmhl" f'Tiiit. IiufKR OF MAKUIACIK 1.ICKNHRH. NOTAMY H I1I.1C W. J. BELLAMY, TWr. CLKBK iRTKUKSIi. Y.1 M 'Kit, I 'OMMIXH10XEK, tl'T, AC. D t;i: us. Mm: Hi Mil s. I. I:\SK.H. *c.. prvnar- f (1 an, I |>ro|wrly eteriitcd. Inturanco affix- tad In Art clam couipaolei. Money to lend at loweit ratos. R. J. SPROUL, Fltikrrtini. < J unn-yaiirrr, Ajijiraiaer, Val- i/'.r a>ui Monry Ifinl-r. l>red, Mirrt- gagtt, leatet and U',//< ,/r,n<,i up ,i>,,/ raliuilion* maiir on nhnrtftt tintirr. Wiar- gft very \>nn. Anply to K. J, 8PROULB, Pottmattrr, Flrshfrtvn. Money to Loan. At J Ftr Critt. Interest uit titraiyht Loan. WITH In'.iret paid yearly, not In a<lvanc No oomminHloii charged. Apply to 4. 4. Kit: It. - IHOHMMIM. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, $ Cabi- net Maker. All rnpalrn promptly A neatly i-n-rnti-it flbops.Dnrliant Ht. neit to Tjeltrh't Tailoring. Plant anil tpoclAoatlons on hortnt notice. ^CLAYTON'S" Hi K \ KSS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, ft Otf jtlaee to get your llamnt CtMart, <tf, made u/i in good ttyle. > in W. r/,i ,, j,, Hoot A Htwt Sttm, Flesherton Advaitee. LEITCHS "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, WOT MEJf." VOL. VI., NO. 2752. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. SEPTEMBER 2, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, ETCH. Tailoring Establishment FLESHBETON! /.< ///f ///rtf^ /o gt your ma fie in future. HAMPDEN Tit - Bits. "/ l.'i'-nl unit Othir luti-rrtling '.y 7Vi .4iJnmce The AI.VAM-K till the first of Jauuary, 1887, for 25 cents. Mr. Thos. Clayton, of this place, ban been visiting friend* in Meaford. WATCHES A well assorted btock uf 1 )rui;s and Patent MediciueH, al> l)T\mw*ln nun- dries at RichardHonH Drug Store. Uooda evt-r 1111- P'.rted here in one season. All their En- glish and German wool good* were bought uarly, beforo the advance in prices, and arc- in mott lines 20 pr cent, lower than they could bu imported at to-day. Prohibition will be disciused at the District Meeting of R. T. of T. on Tues- day afternoon, the 7th nut. , in Town Hall, Flexlierton, and [-owerful addresses in the evening by popular speakers. Don't fail to be present. slinw the largest Mr. Wiu. Karnhouse, of thm town, wan of Dress inorr than surprised 011 Saturday last by syvisit from his sifter. Mr. I', .-sviu oils, aud two children, from Oregon and California, I . S. , when .Mrs. S. has been Htaying for tht! benefit of her health during the nine years. He in liiucl. pi, used With tin iln i,|i d ilil proveiiu nt in hi sister's health, .. Mr*. Synioim Hpcaktt highly of the climate of Or. HIM, an being everything any one may desire. Mr. Smith, the Markdale Harbcr, will j be in Kleidiertou Monday next, cattle > fair day, to attend to those requiring his services. Reliable. SPECIALTIES The Sous* of Temperance here pur- pose introducing aoino iuterentiii"; fea- turett for the lou^ evenings wliich KO close at hand. are The first and only original case of Herliu Wools ever iin]<rt<-d into metua. Ladies call aud nee them at American Watches & Clocks, Wcddini: K lc hardsons Drug Store. Very cheap. Kings, Silverware-, and Difficult Watch Repairing. Kinu stuck, Clotu 1'riccs. A. A li M\l:M> \l i:. IilCO\V!N, iiible JetnUrr, ONT. Read tho advertisement for U-nders for work in connection with Wesley 'Church, Meaford Road, in our advcrtis ing columns. M;ss Klla Ayers in organist in the UcthotliNt chureh here in the The best, cheapest and un>t tatii tory ^an.^Orguii and Sewing Machines of MiHM <- - l'""^-. and last Suuday filled of thu day, for tale by C. Truadgold, Flethertoii. All kinds of needltt for svwing machines kept in stock . 2l!7-t. A. O. I . W. The inenibcra of Fleshertun 142, A. O. I". W., an- hereby n thut biuinest of much im;. ii.imc- No. til'ied is to be traniacted at the neit regular meeting, Monday evening, Sept. Uth, and attendance it rvipjeated. full Mrslry Churrh. Tenders are called for in uur advertis- ing coluiiint to-day for |uiintini{ and cal- coniining WttU-y t'liurx-h, Meaford Road. Read it. At tbr (.i-in ral ( onf. rein e. \>r. ChriHl<, .<( rliis town, wb was elected a lejirem-ntative to th.' t't<ii--il ColifeiX'licu of the Metb'Jurt Churrh mi thu tirat ImlU't, js in Tnrnnto this wuek AtU-ndiiiK hi* Jutim ill c<>iinctii therewith. I'r Hixmi is in atteii<1ance nt Mi tln'.il II. ill duriiij !.ia abtence. very acceptably. Just received, a large stock of Sta- tionery, Not*,- Paper. Kuvrlo|ieM, School llotil.H. rreslnU-rian Hymn iiook, Mc- tho<li-.t Hymn Itookx, Ac., Ac. at Rich- ard.-Mins Drug Store. Mantrr Win. Wlialeu. the prevent bos driver bctwoeu thin town aud the C. P. K. station in |i rh.ip-, the numt popnlur and, \(iuiio carrier of Her Majesty's mails 'wo have had here for a long time. boyl lift; to you, liilly uiy Table Liiiuru and T . Local noticei) intend*-,) to benefit an> company, mciety, or iudivulual. insert od among reading matter at Uie rate of 10 . ,-ut-, per line first iiis-rtiu, and '> cents |HT lini 4-at-h HiibHt-ipi-nt :iis rti. >n This docs not exclude (HihticiaUH of any stripe. A m ws| a]* r being to its | r prietor what a farm is to the agriciij turist, * .stor, to the merchant, or a atock of drugs to the chemiHt, it will be. seen tliat tho KdiUir a ]H.-rfect ri^ht to Ht-11 or rent space in his > oluiuu- for what it will f, -tch him, circulation. Ac., being taken into cni>id-ratioii. \\i ha<l a phaaant call from our old] Church.-H are not exelml. ! > ith. r, be it school-mate, Mr. D. S. Carnahan, on remarked : they have no more right Saturday last. Mr. Carnahan is now , than t)u people t-> dead-beat their way doiuK a (;DII lnminctts in blat ksmitbinx i aud we don t inUnd to let them eith in the thru in^ little village of Duncan, j er on tho town line between Eophrasia and Colhn^w.iiHl. f rn GEEAT SLAUGHTER VIOLINS, VIOLINS, YIODNS, AT THK from Bl- fa*t, ainl tin, -ran ye ol Nottingham Lace* opened at Richard* in & Co 'a. Tho C'.mcert hy the R. T. df Tcmpr- ance on Tin-s.i.ij neit, tb* 7th of s.-j. U-inber, |i- IUIKS to bu a grand affair. D not fail to secure leaU eaaily ; |ipu lar price of admuaion ; aingle ticketa 16 cenU, and 25 cei.U fur lady & gentleman. .\ollrr. Whiltt Dr. C'hnaUiv u attending the Methodiat (jeneral Conft-r.-in-e in Tor'ti- tn, Dr. Hixnn will ntu-ml at the Medical Hull Tuendaya and Saturdaya, and any other day if required. Noted Jewellery Store, FLESHERT01V, ft?/? r// /VXr THIRTY (30) DAYS! J G. KUSSELL Will wll hi* flncitork of Vlollniragardleasof MM*. (, gittt ft rlrsrll tan rst by .r:,. crT TUB K. H A I'm. >. -A ry AD* t. M ,n M KowUUi.UnMtoMcari.knn. \,.,lii. .1 iw. thu wkolMU prin A bum will IM (it .-n >th Mrh Violin M it., k -.>.u uiut b. told WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW here, with what result tune alutvs will' tell. The nolo by Mini K litli RichardBon, and choriM by the choir, rendered in M. tlimlist church here font Sunday turut Al Purnj>i and Mr. Vauzant, our well known marble < morning, wan one of the iuimt eiij>i\al>le it." man, recently placed a haudoiiic 1500 ' featurtii in connection with the various It I* M iii|u r< il Around That C. R. Fhilhtu, Pumj. manufactur- er, <>f Dundalk, u doin^ a lrx tnute in the Pump buairuia*. Charlie nianufac- H t you forget granite monument in the Clarkxbur){ and Thonibury cemetery for Tlo. Loack, Ksq., of the fir-t tuc'ntionvd place. A young man ws in FleHlii-rtnn re- cently, with i In- view of utertin^ a first claHH bakery In n- II, inii-t )iave f;ot diitcoura^d at tin prn| <-t, fur we have uot luaril uiiythiii^ more about him MOO he wah<re. IW-tu^-n the lal.ery we have hrrc. auil tin- innnU r of out- si<le lial. i r- \.li.i v;-it the plate every wi- k. tlini'j. rvidently li-ikr-1 l.ln.- fur him. It is a |>alpahle fact, too, that the outHtilo bakers are well patroniz<<d. Dtlii ri<u- they would not visit the town HO n -'ninth. crvicctt of the day. arrtrd. Knit \\....| ShawU from (ierniaiiy, a large coniignmeiit juit ojiened at Richardaou & o'i. <;ILET- WHIT At the rndnce of MIIM Addie and Mr. Will paiiir-l Mr. ainl Mr. J. I). Vlarke Ui Haniilton but week. Two of the tuoitt pr<>!iiini.|it ini-iulHT- of tin- Metln Mr. by the lit \\arliiiK. mi the 25th Aug., Hev W Ay, -p.. Mr Sinu.-l (iilbrrt to Mo, Sjrah Ann White, both of A rUMiiesta. nsi'REY TOWNSHIP. Thf Clrrli'* Inlirrnttttii Hutlgrt nf Cutinril I' ntcrriiing,, The eighth met tn, ^ f thi> ''uncil wai held at Smghampt<iii on tli. ,itli AugiMt Memhen all preterit. Minutea of laat meeting *d. 1 1, .1 'MM' \|. tTIt.Wa. F^ni Department ,f Cr..wn Lauds, certifying t.. the oorrectnaa ..f tho aurrry of Concuasit >n "A' hy J. (', Smif Ratoa. 1806. A. R Fawcett. bill $37.50, printing and advertising V. t.-m Liat, Ac. H,-aJth, re api"'itit DMrlrt i ..inn il. Not Tuesday, Tth, S.-pt . will bec|iiiU Kala day with tho Royal Templars of li-t rii.tir are m.w. therefore, atwt-nt, j Temperance of this district, who will as emblein the Town Hall, Kle.h.-rton, fur viz.. Miss Ariii-lr-ini;. and MIIM Curls toe. The LiU-raJ Conservative |xuty of Kaxt lirey will have a convention early in October for the trleeti.m of candi- dates for the representation of the rid uiH in the Hou*- <..f Commons and On the | ui| naa in n of with tin- Iitn-t. In ' | Provincial invlit l Local Board and Medical Health Officer. J. Tyli r, re bridge on 30th tidr road, being unfit f,.r travel D. C. Mc- Farlane and H othrrt. |--titi..ii ask ing aid f- r Kl, >;i M'- Arthur, an indigent. i. .t, re assessment uf mill property .1 'i. 8ing, bill f5ft*4 for survey of I!, -I* r ,,f I'r \incial drainage aclii-iii-- I:, .oinitiona frm TrusU-vs for tin- i-vvning a irnuul Conevrt will be giver under the auipicet of Fountain <', iuiu-il, of choice vocal aim i rut ruin- t*l inuaic, Ac. Adliiisaioii i -r '!'< cents |-r couple. S*K -ry, sn-ctionii 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. M, .. and fri-m I'lt-rk . f N'.ttawaaam f-T I'm. i - u Nott*a^a and Tim Standing I'ommitUiv* reported antl tario Legislature. lue notice of the <-' r |*rticulart. taoic will be published later on. Tho indignant Tyronian. vk-lioo letter M , 1,1, II U M-nt. '(A-- K-lttor ,,f Tkr Alniltrr in this week's paper, didn't I>enr Sir. I'p'-n what authority did Clld bin real uaino. aud it in only nut of > "U nmke the statement recently, that a profound for the clanic Ty- Kiel lmk hi sr-iHn the H..US.. ..f Coin- roue settlement that we forego our UK- .. in. iliirnit; the rf.;ir/- of Mr. McKeii id nf his uamv ? If not, w h\ did he not ha\e the court, y to ncnd it ? If the date after )jur name In hot ' 87 " you slionld at once [indeed to " tickle us gently under the chin, for you an- in arrears for your subscription JUST RECEIVED! Direct from Staffordshire, Eng. CHINA & DELF WAKE CONSISTING OF TEA SETS, BKEAKPAST SETTS, DINNEE SETS, SETS TOILET WARE, All in new and beautiful designs, white and colored. COMPLETE TEA SETS, Sk 44 Pieces, no tcconda, at 92.25. Tho Right riaco to buy Crockery, Glassware and Cliimiwaro is at M. Richardson & Co. FLESHEROT, 'bJu'L^r r -'";:'"- 1 - 1 - ; "'; s-.uf-ui.uh this Council with a detailed itateruent of all eipf uses in connection with the sur- vey uf COM. " A." as this CoinmitU. tidcn the hill IIHI l.i^h." That n. i action be taken rtirardinx the appointment ,.f a Locitl It. arl . f H.-alth I -I l..iJH was paas.-.) h-vj ini{ rats* f.-r t'ounty, Township, and 1'ubhc S-h.-d Trut.t-s HaUs. - it a rate to tin ADVANCE. An we neo<l money, it will in't be necetKary for us to inform VIMI that we are in earnest- in solemn earnest at that. signa lure in the register, what reason h\v f..r doubtint; that he t,,,,k hii, ~.if therein lltK CllliUtfh to r,-t Illlliarii / l*.-!^!!,^ officials and iiv'iiinx" ones naino under tl..- very eyes cf the " powers that U- " sur.-ly entitled him to a teat for t short tune at anyrat*. Er>. AI>VA<I,(.] ual . li-t.iiii by puMisliing it. Wai, lie ! ' Or was it meivly a joke J AHTEMBU. [If Hid could no far ,-lud.- the viu'ilence ' millt, b,-nn; TU cent, less than last year f the wary (I) ntticiaU M to enter th,- Th,- r T 'wnship purposes ii lii, list: uf Cimin>ns and attix hit n, Hudson That the account of V i: r.. . -t 17 :tt>. printing and vliiTtiiiik,' Voter-i' List. A.-. \<v paid Tin Anvisre, thu In, h. st. spiciest, and l>est Iwal and family inwsp.|,r. \vill U- nt-ul to any address in Canada or the I'. S. from now until Jan. 1st. 1H8 irxactly 10 months i for 11.00 po(j rtuk. Tbi-- is tin IH-.I ufTi-r of the -. n son. T In is. who do Dot wish to take i Tsyl..r, Mclntyre That \ \l'.,llre .*-' f r .me r,-ad scra|-r. and Wm Milne JO cU. for eiprnw charges ui. \ ten' Lists. Spvers. Tmylor That tho Clerk notify- all pathiiiMters who have i,--t returned their r.Hid lists, that if not returned l.y Obituary. We rugrot to learn of tho death of Mrs. J. Lmdftay, "f I >rani;eYillt>. which tad event occurred nil Monday lant, :UKh mat. Dece-aied wa* a very amiable and kind tho 15th S-pt n> xt th.-y will be ; r w. n, .n, and although ahe hud !> u in ud art!ii*t according; to laW, d,-licatc- health for aoine time, her death I Taylor, M.-lntyr, That the Cl.-rk ask this offer, can have it until January > . r, . T } hsu U-vii a severe ahock to her husband tho -unty Trcmurvr t<> ersso the tales and a large- circle of friends and aopuain - aoinst L"t 14, Mt-laiicth'.>n it. taincs. Her husband, Mr. J. I.mdt.iy. ton is olio i 'f the most prominent citiu-ns of i Taylor, Mclntyre - That W Edwards 1887, for 25 ccuU. Another farm advertised for sale in this IH,IUI of the AHVAM K. The farm whjch an- cleared and in a KUIM) state- of cultivation, and iit locatc-d iu TOWD- ship of <)H|>roy. AI>II|V to Samuel Col- quett, I-IM rshniii I 1 . ()., or to Jamrn Love, luiHtiogu 1'. O., fur full (>artii>u- lars. Oraagevule, and ia an uncle of Mrs. A. R. Kawcvtt, wife ef thu Editor ef THE Al'VANCE. The funural t<n>k place mi Wednesday We understand that, hy tho death of a relative in tho U. S. reeeutly, Mrs*. Strain, of thin village, has fallen heir to tin- handsome Bum of 15,000. A.s Mr. and Mrs. Strain arc huth well-known plnlHiitliriipiKts who for many years havu Ix5i-u doing charitable deedx in a Hiiu t and unoxteutaliouH manner all are |ih-iued at the good fortune which haa lately In-fallen them. (yesterday) and wao very 1 nryi-ly attended by relatives and synipathuin^ frifiid. Tho reinaiiia were conveyed to the C. 1*. U. itation at (>raii|;i>ville, and from thence receive 95 for work on gravel r>d M'limr,-. Hudson -That A. Mclntir* and J. Taylor rs-,-iv.. f4 each for letting and iiiftixviiii-i Sui^hainptoii hndi;,-, ami J. Hudaoii $4 for .-lira .-r\i. .- in I>iv I Mclntyr.-. Hudson That Kl-.ra Me Arthur, an indit:>-i.t. r.s.n, $4. S|H'fn<. Hudson That this Council ad by way of the C. V. H. branch railway ! journ to meet at Maxwell IMth (V-t neit U. their lat resting |'l M at llrittania, i All j, IM ,, r tai.t by-law was pass*.! at the townthip, when, tho list sad,,.,,, ,,,,-etii./ ..f Council, viz , T. d'-m.-atic aniiiials from runiniu; The first section is at follows and after the passing of this all luine*, cows, calves, bulls. Enphrai the 31st An K|.pug touth socked 27 uno.,ksd ktM eon "ntasSOthult. and still l.vts. Em psiidlsft needn't visit Epping so uf - tan in future -unices they want l asske a big deal u. shells Mr Jaroet Myles and Mr Dnnkall s.,w,l fall wheat on ult. Messrs. McKcnzi ainl Truemsn Bur- ntt. .-itib-iia uf Kimberley. had a red hot altercation on Tuesday evening. They nearly rame to blows. However, it if ui,.l.-r.t...) that both ceiitleoirn wi!! make their neit public debut before the Lord tTnef Justice of KimberUy, Squire Stewart, on Saturday ueit. w. f . T. r. are anxious to have a full attead- at our next meeting, Saturday, Sep. secret tucirty. but 1 1th \\eartn" a gladly welcome all who have the caua at Temperance at heart " I haie four g<d rvatooa fr being an .thstairu-r." said l>r (Juthrie. "my head is clarrr, niy health is better, my heart is lighter, and my purse is heavier." "As to the general use of -1 Hi disease, every form of disease w,iull be - tt. r treated without alcohol than with lr. Kichanls. n, K K S The National lirvwen Congress said in l""l. they would resist always the cxnim^ iutfrat, 1 '- fur wonten, because wh.-n she grts thr lisvll. t she will ..vrrthr.w tli trade in liqu. n. < K St. acTAar. har*stint( ' M \ II ',A- ii .n town aN.ul a week, tittinit up hm niachhr* 11 i >bnu( Ttssday, and then I. wi'.! be pre[rvl t-i thr> the i;nun ii ' There i ijuite an attraction at " V barracks now, in the i-non uf t ; . lujah Tink-T i .. d,-al : >f sick Tht-n- : a N h l-.uicht a M'iri'ryoii and i,-4hi-r iiniii>lual o lrt<-r a iniall \ ,<< <( t-l*.,-, ht-rv Sunday i-rol t f r oxie. hr- think that : : T any W.-.-.1 ti> heaven, tht-re is ami Mr Kditor I do IK t know where they gt uithiTity for the brlirf it, -tin th I'tblc at .tli . \. :.- T!.- ;. >! ] ut a <uanl oil the d- r ai,'l will nt all<iw any ate to tiaas out after the meeting opssM. until it eloaies. K 1 \: -r elcKao(ci bunes atpuir last Monday. Quite anumU-r <>f our cituens a. I |*U- a visit to the Industrial fau. ^^ wish them a t'hMaant journey. rite, wt-rc |H-rf.irn.ed with a bthtting tho occasion. Mr. Ntiiianl Uetta' chariot attracUxl solemnity ' at j.^, ' That vle; K...I.I. Iy-La k ,,.ir ..IMI CurrrtpHnttnt, rillli . aherp, oxen, purs -f every Miss Ford is bsxik aain after tho holi- ti.m. tfr.-*-. turkeys, hens, and all dyi at her calling of teaching the young |--ultr>'. shall U restrained and wholly ideas hiiw to th.>t. |.r"hil'iti-.l fnnu runiiniK at Urge within Tho K,v. Mr. Avert through physical , ''" '''u'"P*!'y. uf-j-t to b,-,n im considerable notice Monday morning, inability was unable to be in attendance punJcl, Leonard is becoming; quito aristotratu-, t th Wesley church last Sunday, but but he should t-iiKa^'o a coachman, with the want wat very ably supplied by Mr. a tall plug hat, and a U-aver cloak, and M Kicharda.'ii. ride in tho chariot himself. It would The iimst eioitmg incidiMit hero has loi>k more like the correct thing, down't ln't-n already noticed in the AUVAM (, is Ac. In. Ii. 11:1111 I Ton, fo (Ar K-itlr of Ike Advance. I>ear Su, - I notice in your last week's AI>VAXCB an item concerning the row be- ye know. The idea of Leonard mount* 'thu i.arr,,* csca|H- of Mr. Kuclianan fr-m te.-i, the \Vat.s. -na ar i . , P ingthohiKh coachman's wat himself, Wing poitoned, lie it coning around til Himeltpsv-h, luch you aid was in th- in a straw hat and brown derrys with I ri*tht and feeds very thankful for hit nar- Tyr-n,. n. u-hborh.HHl. Now, I bt- K - to in pant^ tiwl up bag Hl.a|w- in quite shock- row osca|ie. f " n " >'"" tll%t "" '/ <l ' "" t hv ' '' -' ing to ooiiuHh aristocrat, dowut ye'j Tho little wu.p-d v\. Cupid, hat been | d ! n>ils from Tynme. Hoping that know, hay jove I Down't do it again, paying us a visit and effectually discharg ; yu niay comxt thu in your neat issue. I .nn\ . old boy 1 New Tapestry C'ariH-ta, choice pattema, at Kichardaon .V CVt. inn darts at Mr. Samuel liilU-rt, and and that you will U. careful aU.ut iiiakuij; Mist Ann \\ hite succetnluu/ in captunng wrnn statements am-nt T> r in fi t jre. tin-in Kuuioi has it thnt he u inak- mic an onslaught !. certain , tlier |rties I aui, Sir, Scornfully yours, TVB*>MIN. III. Piihli,- rh..| Trrh-r% < >f South <in>y will meet in tulesart conclave III the public schind home, Dur ham, "li \\i-diu-lay, Thursday, sun} Knday. S,.pt. Hh and :IUth. and i M 1st. the occasion bt-mg their aiu ual ruwUnK The pMirramiue it) lengthy but interettt- . i _- \\ n.'lKx- th..t the Principal I'f H.-sh-it.-n Put'iic S,h,K.|., Mr. Win Ir i . . d .on f T two subjects), via. , " II u t. rj . with clau, and "Twacher't 1'n n nia. Wi also ubserte that the pmtci pal of s > N.. 4, ArU-iiiMua, Mr. C. J. Spr.'ule, is down f,* oue auUj.-x t, > i* " Music in achuoU.' l>r. McLellan, th. duUuguuUied literati, of Toronto, it on the I'lMKraiiiiiK- for no less than four top- ics or tubjecU, vu., " Training of tht LAnvuage Katculty, 1'ublic. levluiv, Ed- ucatmual IViyrsss u> Uut.," "An of ,justiouiu," and m Schools " a pri/. colt ol MlM. We. '. -siijuw of ;. im 1. 1 the bent " Uar9id " colt o| 18W ; and M i for brat fiv oolt* sired by aiiy ,lriiy;ht horse in this aw-tiou of ooiuiUy. Hria-fs tube awarded by JudCM *t Kaat tiruy fall show. IVn doUat prise, to ! divideil oipially btwevn sue- oosoful ,-<iinp^-tit<>r. Ab... . shoul 1 have Uvu iu i 1 1 ' < List, but was uevlocUwt. J It. i wii.i-1 - 4