Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1886, p. 4

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Mr. James Butchart, of Owen Sound - an old pioneer - died last week aged 81 years. He resided in Owen Sound from 1845 until his death. may t } Ro >> flic ae <. Kllft .&apos;" &apos; Newspa fms Adnrttalnc Ilunau I H> Sprue.. "1 i"t";;a5 d ^rtl tauinow uajr U> auaiU (ur U lit HC%V 1 OH THE ADVANCE. In i&apos; itvt h. .i Ever-y r J K II HI TH CuUi<7ir.K/ Strret, - - flaArrt"*, Out. TKKMB OF Kl&apos;nsrHlPTION l.aOperannnVfl ill s.lvance; tl 90 if not paid atttuon.lnf 1^ >uar No paper discontinued until all arrnr.are paid u,i ; aud no ulmcri| - tioiis taken for less than one year, except when speclsl arrsiltf.-uientu for shorter ponods are made with tho pnhlinher. ADVKliTISIMt RATES, Ac. Casual advertisements, Scents pf Istinsertion and 3 cent P per line ench subsequent insertion. Transient sdvurtisemcuU to be paid tor when r.lvre.1. Advertiwineiitt without uperial direc lions will be Inserted till forbid and charged UtlersMii.lucements to regular advertisers. Notices snionff readit.K uinttei, 10 cents per lin eacli imertion No advertisement discontinued until all ar- rearages tiro paid up Copy for advcrtiNL-riients should reach this ofBou iiot later than noon on Tuesday to ensure insertion in current issu. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor aiul Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, SEPT. 9. 188C. >.V STKAHJHT. Temperance Hentiineut has gained a strong fonthidd iu the Dominion of Can- ada of late \ ears. And the sentiment is growing still, and likely to continue doliy BO, until KOmethiii", more definite* and satisfactory is placed upon the stat utc looks of this country than the im- properly \M-rked local option laws which have hitherto been, and are now iu force. Everybody knows that many municipal by-laws and equally as many Dominion and Provincial enactments, are either inoperative through want of the prop machinery to enforce them, or bocauac of the apathy and indifference of the people iu whoM) interest*, they are mado. Want of Mndiinery ofU-n implies ii.i|ily a want of funds. An I while Provincial and Dominion Governments are wrangling a-, to who Hhall or who shall not foot the " leetlo " billa in coa Doction with the enforcement of what we may almost call ile.i.l letter laws, it behoves the peoplo to assert then. In manner uot to be misunderstood by any politician no matter how wary or Astute a hypocrite he may be. But how shall this be accomplished ? On Tuesday last the Koyal Templar* of Temperance of Kast (iny held their District Council in the Town Hall. Fleshertou. After transacting their own especial business, the doors of the hall were thrown open aud large aud influential delegations from the Wom- ens Christiau Temperance Union, and Son. of Temperance Division, in this town, were admitted aud introduced to the memberH of the council. It wan, ol Osturte understood that tho question ol I&apos;ruhiMuin and that of the enforcement of Law att&apos;l Onltr were to be the vital topic* of the hour, us they are of tin day, and of this dominion. Aud xach proved to be the case. Almost as soon ax the delegates were seated, Mr. Carey Trcadgold arose to his feet and n ad an enn.y iu which these gr< at. tln-<- burn- ing questions, were emlxHlied. \Yhili many of the statements in the i --a\ were superlluous, perhaps, it yet con- tained all tin; material neei-Hsary ujxin which to base the spirited dJMen^inii and prompt and de. i :, netii.n v.hirli followcxl. Mr. Treadpild struek the key note, and tlio music, rolled on with very little interinisHion for two hours. There waH variety of opinion as regard- ed minor detrxiU, but there wa de< -idid unity of action upon the fundamental principles. So much HO, that a rcs-olu tion was pasw-d. in nhich all pre~.ni pledged theiuwlvcfi to support any itraighi prohibition candidate who mi^ht be put in the field. N&apos;nt only this, hut a Rtroiig " Law and Onler " emiimittee was organized ; for information in re- lation to details of which see report elsewhere iu this isniie of THK ADVANCK. Now, we imagine we can wee in this the dawn of a new era in Temperance work an era of prompt and decisive ac- tion ; an era of wordy agitation, hut more emphatically an era of pritrtwui trrirl. We can almoot fancy vre HOC thi root, of tho (treat evil being severed and the evil itself coinc tottering to earth never to rino a^aiu ! Politic* of IT i-i niilary iinportauce, TrmperaHce para- mount, with totnl prnhibition an a fit- tinn climax possible result. So wo interpreted th action taken on Tuesday afternoon. Bat there in work to be dune, and itoto <s the time to do it. In tbo first place all the Temperance societies in Grey should !<: promptly notified of the ac tion taken, so as to secure, if possible, the hearty co-operation and united ac- tion of every Temperance man, who puts homo and country before party politics and the " flegh-pota of Egypt." While other minor organization arc moving heaven and earth almost to RO- *5ure legislation for themselves, why should the great Temperance Party of thil country stand with folded arms and allow ojrportunity after opportunity to pass by without raising the banner, " For God, tor Home, and for Country," in the interest, of a great and worthy CIMIM &apos;.&apos; NOW&apos;H the day and nows the hour See the fruut of battle lower. Bee approach KIM. AI.GOIIOI/B power, Chains and slavery I Work, WORK, WORK ! and Ood defend tho right I gain could such a caiivivn U&apos; to Mr. Kells wlu-n the reprenentativ-s or dele- gates to tho Convention aro yet to bo appointeil &apos;.&apos; I \ / * Til Kll < &apos;A \ IHit A TK. We arc- Informed on credible author- ity that Mr. J. Baldwin Hun. Is. of Tor- onto, partner of the late A. W. Lander M. P. for Kast <!rry, intends offering himself as a candidate for parliament- ary honors to represent that constituen- cy in the local House, at the next elec- tion. time, in succession. c||w|p Tra>T , 1|ng . Slops are Wing taken to organir* a The Canadian iVitic Railway are quo- ;.nad,an Order of Forester, lodge iu Or- 1 ting very low snecml exeurm,,,, rate, and running special trains to Toronto in con- The Kerens lacrosse club was defeated by the Lome* of Mt. Forest on Thursday last. Ten now justice* of the Peace were lately appointed for tho county of Duffer- in by the. Ontario Government. Hon. ThoH. White, Minister of the In- terior, will meet his friends at a big gath- nection with the Exhibition. See posters for full particulars. MAUISTll.tTKS. While many other places are grum bliiig because of incapable, partial, or A I . rnhi.- Accident. The people of Ilrampton were startled on Saturday forenoon last by the spread of the news that Mr. Andrew Crawfurd, of Campbell&apos;s Crow, had met with the eriug to be held at Dulfcrin lake about 8ai1 ccidB &apos;&apos; t " h . vin > &apos;eg (between thu 17th innt. Water is ao arnret in Orangevillo that forty pei-Hons pet their supply of that ne- Orangt-ville has two chimney sweeps. cessary article from Lennox&apos;s well. unpopular magistrates, we are proud of &apos; *>&apos; the P<at - Alld the 8cott Act &apos; tho fact that Flesherton has a 1,,-ncli of f " rce therc> &apos; to ! J. P&apos;s iu which none of the undesirable qualities enumerated arer&apos; to he found. It is only when we re;nl lu-counts of the blundering incapacity of magistrates in other localities that wo begin to proper- ly appreciate our own In-ncli. which is the ancle and the knee) cut off by the Grand Trunk mail train going we.it. Mr. Crawford and his daughter were at the station on their way to go to Toronto. This train w;i on the middle track. He was alxmt gettinir on mid looked back for his daughter, who w;u on the platform. He wiis Uxkonini; her to come on board, A Walkcrtou bill poster wa. fined $1 &apos;and did not observe tho up train coming in, the cow-catcher of nhich hit him (in the tide and tliri&apos;W him over, and as it had not stopped his leg got under the and costs, in all gtl, for posting lulls premises without permission. A Walkerton man recently found pair of hand-cuffs, and for the novelty of tender wheel, which cut it off, as stated. socond to none other in this or any oth- j tue t j,j llt , C i a81>e ,i ,,, lu ,,f (he cuffn on his &apos; leaving it hanging by its sinews. He was or county in the I&apos;rovince. \Ve have yot to hoar of a single instance \\luie the divisions of Squires Aruintri>n;; and Rielmrilsoii have been appealed against. Uf eonrs4- the latter j;ciitlcnian has nut long pcrformc&apos;d tho inn^isterial duties, but dnrh:g tlic short time ho has sat on the bench he Ims slio\\n himself emi- in nth -qualified for the pomtion. As 1 for Squire Armstrong, the senior J. P., his reputation fur firmness, decision of e.lmiacti r, ] enetiation, and general clear-headedness, is widely kno&apos;.Mi, and properly appreciate.! by the \i\\\ -iiliii&apos;.inf; classes. The iiitportaiit-e of such an ex- cellent bench of magistrates is apparent to all lovers of law aud order, and we arm, where it remained until the owner, [at once lifted up by the bystanders and a constable, turned up and released him carefully takon to tho Queen&apos;s hotel, where his h-,&apos; was amputated a little be- ir<iin the inconvenient encumbrance. (leurge Adlam, jr., of lientinck, joined the North-West Mounted Police force. The Durham Chrunitle establishment hai been removed to the old oftice, oppo- ite Cochrane&apos;s foundry. The Hanover Putt Hives currency to a rumor that the plant ef the (lirmtiiL has been purchased b;, Mr Jenkins father-in-law. A certain \Vm. Anderson has threaten- ed to give the Durham Chnmirle man a " licking. " There are lots of such cattle i in this world, who threaten to "lick"&apos; earnestly hopo that Squires Armstrong editors bccaust! the latter have the auda- and Uiehar.&apos;.sou may long bo Beared to j city to tell the truth ! Grey fall assizes will take place in the (ul til the f 1:111 tiuiis of their office. EAST GREY Ih. I ,,.,!>. 1 1,,,, to /.. II. I&apos;l ll> r, Thi Month. court house, Owen Sound, Oct. 4th. A must diabolical effort was made to blow up a temperance hall in Arthur vil- lage recently, while the lodge was in sess- ion inside. barn of Mr. John Hill, Balaclava, was struck by lightning and totally coi.suined. jj low tho knee by Drs. Robinson and Heg- gie, Jr., assisted by Dm. Dumblo and Mullin, and appeared up to Sunday to be doing as well as could l>e expected. He tvas evidently internally hurt as well, as he passed a good deal of blood. On Sun- day afternoon he gradually became worse, and died at two o&apos;clock on Monday inorn- I ing. His remains were taken to Camp- bell&apos;s Cross burying ground. He farmed for a number of years on Lot 27, 1st con. east and west, Chingiiacousy, and for the past two or three years had retired from farming and lived at Campbell&apos;s Cross. He wa. li- years of age, and leaves a fam- ily of four sons and three daughters. Br<nnj>t<in Tiutm. [Deceased was a first cousin of Mis. John Duncan, Artemesia. Ed.] Thursday and Friday, Sept. 23rd & 24th, instant, arc close at hand. On those dayx the popular Kast Grey Agri- cultural Society will hold their annual | &apos; its contents, says the Owen Sound exhibition on their grounds in Fleshrr- Time*. Mr. James lint.-h.irt, of Owen Sound commencing Flour. A good supply of first-class Stone Flour will always be found at Mrs. A. Sunday evening the Thom , )w>n . 8 b &apos; Rkery , FleHhcrton, which will l>e sold at cheapest caxh prices. ton. There can be uo doubt but that < utlier I&apos;cru-.ittinn - there will bo the nn old pioneer- died last week n-jed HI largest ^iitbi i ii:g of exhibitors and vis- years. He resided in Owen Sound from itors here tiiat h&apos;leshcrton has probably 1845 until hit death. e\t-r seen within its borders at onetime. No other exhibitions of importance will be held in the County upon tho days named. Tlie i>ri7e li.-t l:as been revised in many inijxirUii.t particulars. Besides, Roa&apos;nna wny yoannouul piircliaia Klui nine in preference to all other remrdloa re : lUtpi.l rt-iult ciiivi liiFtantly. It In euily S|>- pliod no trunble no lost tliue. It doH not re- quirn constant ue on.- ap|ilicKtiu i> effectual. t )ii,< h-jttle will rtMMovc ni&apos;irv pain than any oth- er n<i!in<ly in exlutMioo. Try it for Nenraleia. Toothache. Heailacke. Khouioktlmu. Bold at iK.-. a bottle by all I.a4ioi trouhle&apos;l with I&apos;imi.lvr., Blotcher, HO arrangod tlle y ellr ve nv Fridays. J-W chan- j R,,, 1)th iu ,,,i ,, r Kae, < Sore^of ^ny^owrii.- A Good Trar for Bad Fridays The >S&apos;<. Jumet G<utttt says that 18HU Xan on Friday, will end on Friday, and mining fifty-three Fridays. Four month* tho programme has been thin year, that there will be equally at- tractive fcatmux for visitors both both days of show. The first and second days program is announced on the large a Friday year, colored jiosters a follows: Sept. &apos;23. Judging will commence at 2 o&apos;clock p.m of Carriage:;, Genera! Pur- pose, Ho.i&apos;lster. lraiiuht. and Saddle Horses, and all articles exhibited in the WHY F.IIK.OY DOCTORS. Consnlt A doctor for s i>r 8 oz. bottle ol medicine tl con- sult tlie Druggist and he will five you a 12 oz. bottle of l>r. Chase&apos;t Lirer Cure for II, mil a valuable Recipe Hook frre. if the ino<m occur on Friday, both the b.ngebt and shortest d.-tys occur <>n Friday. This might indeed l>c termed "\Vhstls Mcdrefior&apos;n Speedy Core for"? It Is fur Ovupepnia. Liver Complaint. In. lice* tion, Hiiiouslii-".*, and it IH tin- finest blood purl ncr In the known world to-day. " | ir.r. it give satisfaction ? " Wo cannot point to one instance where It did not. Win-re rloei it have tlio largest sale ?" Uitflit in the city of Hamilton, where it Is _ _ _ rnanufiwtnrp.l. there hssbernoveronethoii-.aiiil ... I dollars&apos; worth Hold in the lant yenr retail, anil Sept. 24. -Final judging of all homes tll( , .,,, majority..! th.- ,!.- rr h> nra n commijnilinK It to another. For sale at 50c. aud lion, -h-.uM ilcc Mctiretfor A 1&apos;srkn&apos;il CarlK>l < "int.- It will leave the >kln in parfoct health, Minn-Ill, clean srnK&apos;.Hi I e.ili.r. II. - ur,. anrl -t the (!&apos;-"uine. made hy Me(lr.f,-or4 1&apos;arks. Prico lie. Hold at all limn st-ir.-. Agricultural Hall, totfcthrr with two exbibitionn of sp< < diny; in ring. "Boa-ier." in informiiia you otthls wonderful rimuwly tVr COUKUH. Col.ln. Asthma. Itrnnchltis. rousumpti.m. and all affections of tbo throat ari&apos;l lungs, w.-ffi-l tlmt w..|ir<- noiiir: \<n a Rri-at kinilneas, as if von have any uf tho alxive roni- plainU. if you will cnly try it we wiil guarantee satisfaction in erery case or money refim.li-.l Ak tor Mi(i.-i&apos;,;r,r&apos;a I. line Compound. I&apos;rlceSOc. and 41 00 per h.ittle at all Druu Stores. l.OU per bottlu by the STRAY STEER. Came to tho premiien of the tin Inriignnd Lot l:.Vnd K. T. 8. K . \rtc-n -1.1. aln--.it lutof AUR- UKt.ono two year olil Htrwr (Jwni-r call have nauio by pro\ iti^ |>r..) 01 1> un.I |>nyiiitf ttxpoiinc*. JACOU I101.I.1.V. Auc. acth. iww. e\hil.iti-.l the first day, and jndxinR of Brood Mnres and Colts, Cattle, Sheep, Swine an 1 Poultry. Grand review of all Pri/e- Animals in the rinj.&apos; nt II o&apos;clock exhibition of speeding in tho rin^, closing with President&apos;s address from the grand stand. It would not be out uf place to again pepsia Headache, Kirtney or Urinary Trou- an ever-fHinij&apos;i.|&apos;riiiu i-re.-k. T.TIIIS ess r ..:., I .vl,;i, it , tl&apos;..t ,.11 ..i.tn... iml &apos;&apos;leu. to call in nt Uie UruK Store snd liny a partlnulars apply t.i \V ,I.HK1.I.\MV remind rxhibitors that all ct" c mullt . ,, otl , c , Dr cha , e - 8 Live ^ r Cure . it wil , O &apos; ore U&apos;or tol&apos; . \V. l::i,l.AMV.Markrlale be inad- before nhow days. | yo . { M.-diein and llecipo Book 11.00. No | aiiiH will be Hpare.l by the cuer- _____...,. . otic coiiiniittee to pl-anc and entertain visitors each day of show. It may fur- ther In- Htated that in offering Hpccial attractions at thin exhibition this Soc- A 1&apos;noriTABi.K LIKC Ffw men have nc- complished the same u.uount ni work nnil MM in thii world as the celehrxti-d Dr. <&apos;lms. Over 500,000 of his works have _ jj-i-. been xilil in Canada slunc. \\"P want every ,i. trniil.lp.I willi I iv.r enmnlnint DVT 9) ncre^ U miles Ir.ini FleslliMton. (loo<l ann nea viWUl oomp int._i&apos;ji- fr ^ llu , tw ,,j, llt! 7 r ,, OI11B . K ,,,,i Collar. Koo.lsul.le in;: i-reck TiTins easy. For t.i \V..I.HKI.I.\MY, h&apos;lether. ADTII-F TO MOTHRIU. Are you dlBttirhi-d t nlsht and brnkc-n of your rrnt by a i.&apos;k tliiM *tufTt-rli)f( atid cryinff with jiain of Cutting Tet-th ? If ... 1,&apos;ip.i t , ..IP, : i- and (et n liottloof "Mm Win low&apos;H SimtliinK Svrnp&apos; for Children Ti-etliinu. It* valuo in incalculsliU It will relieve the pix.r htlle auflcror inimtwliatelv Depeiul upon It. mother* ; thrc i no mistake about It. It AT GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP icty is s<.l, Iv innuenced hy the laudable desire to place tho Kast drey annual j ciires Dysentery and I)iarrliii-a, regulates the i i ii i Stomach and Bowels, cures \Vln.l Colic, softens Kxhlhltlon in the foremost ranks of the \ tht><iuni reduces Inflammation, and ci county ahowH North of Toronto. In order to do this, new features must I e introduced from time to tin:e. And this tho Si icty ban been doinn gra lually as fundH would jHinuit. The finances have bcfii eennomically manaRod from Yon will find an awicrtnient of ^ 1 ^:^,;;,^,rior-^n,rjES Heav v and Li?ht Harness. ph-Sfanttothotastoandis the prescription of c.ii....f the oldest and best female physician* Whips, BrusIioB, Curry < onibs. Sweat Pads, snd mil nuts, in the fiiitf-d States, and Is for sale! tin -< -. l.-l.ratcrt &apos;HarnoM Oil." by all >lniKKi ft ts throughout the world. 1&apos;rice j twenty five ceutH a bottle. Ho nure and ask fnr <MM&apos;OLLAKS A Maa. WoMLOWl Sn.iiHiNit Him r. &apos; and take INCORItKCT. The Thornbnry FHninlard reiterates the fltatement in lust wook&apos;R issue, that Mr. Thou. Kelln ban been making a per- sonal canTaiM thronnhont the riding, with a view, an alleged, to gocure liis se- lection RK a candidate in the Lilicral Conservative inU>retK for the Ontario Iroginlatnrf. We are in a position to contradict the statement, and havn 0iu-.li plcasuie in doing HO. Bat the lx-";inmiio;, and every dollar paid mit for improvements, etc., has been ex- pended in the most judicious manner. The directorate han Hliowu an amount of energy and push in their operatioiiH, which should cominand tin- Hiibstantial mijiport of the public, and we believe they will fiot it. LIVE NKWS ITEMS Uathcrrd from Simrar, Itrni-i , inn! no other kind. Cheap for Cash. Call and Examine. WOOL! ! WOOL! Those having Wool to sell or manufucture will find it to their advantage to call at tho FLBSHEKTDN Tlic Wiitrton Echo wan terribly snrprig- ud at Hoeing to many ( &apos;Himilian thistle* growing in the townnlii]) of Keppel re- cently without hindrance on the part of the law officer*. There are gcveral this- tles, in Artfmenia even, but it doesn&apos;t sur- prise us a bit. John Id-nil, <>f Michigan, champion standing l"Hf? jumper of the world, had n jiini|iiiiK contest with John Turner, of Wiarton, recently, and only l>ent the lat- ter 3j inches. The jum|n measured 13 ft. 5j in. and 13 ft. 2$ in. respectively. The j>icy, racy, original, wide-awake, progressive Mcaford Afirror, has been en- larged to a 4H column paper. The Thornliury fftinfln.nl ay that Dr. Christoe preached recently from the words, " Tliere is death in the pot," and tlint tlie next Sunday the Dr. felt tickled to know his fierinon had snme effect, as " people cleaned out their cesspools. " The infemnce is really M wide of the truth aa it i ridiculcuw. Iiitenipcranco wa> the subject of his discourse. Ex-Mayor Arlam Dudjreon, Esq., of Cirllingwciod, died on Friday of week he- fore last, at the ae of (12 years. He elected Mayor of Ccillingwood five Woollen Factory ! Tlic Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usually kept in stock. Any Ciwtom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt and careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don&apos;t fail to give us a call. W. H. FLBSHER PLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. A.T O CJEINT. NI^VADVKHTISKMFaNTS. EAST GREY CONSERVATIVE CON V EM TION! ACONVKNTION of the Liberal Conservative AsHiMMation of K*Ht Grey will be bM in Mm kiltli&apos;, ut 1 o&apos;clock IL m., on Pr.ilay, October 8th, IHrSt, forttic jMitpOHtuif Moli&apos;rt inn CM inliilitti&apos;s f<>r the Ho line of Couiinona and Ontariu heKia- latnrt! to context the riding in the Liln^rnt C&apos;uii- horvativi&apos; iutc&apos;ti-ctH at tbo coming election. THOS. KKLLS. JOHN LYONS. I&apos;roRiJent. Secretary. STRAYED.^" CAMi: iiit.i tliiH&apos;romlsesof o( tlie subscriber, near Flenlit&apos;rtoii.Cth inht., one roan colored 8tor, threw years old. Owner can havn name by proving property auil paying >pnsei. JOHN ADAMS. Farm for Kale. Being Ix>t 11. Con. 10. Township of Ouprey, containing 100 acrcn more or It-si* ; aboutriOacres rloaroil and in a good state of cultivation ; good fi-Hiue barn, ;-M. .i frame li.n-.-. >.<.: I fi;ncti ; Kood w.-ll with pump at the dnor; m-vor fnilinc stream of water runs clone by the buildings. For full iitrtirularn. applv to s \MI-KI. rdr/vl&apos;KTT, Fovorsham P. O. ortoJAMKS l.OVK. InistlOfie P. 0. Aug. 28tll, 18H6. S;i !-. WKST HALF of Ix>t 0. Oou. 8. Townsliii. of OoHinCwood, HO ncren under goo<l cultiva- tion, Frame House an>l Harn, Younf< Orchard, two Sprint.&apos;^ For further pnrtfculars. apply to OKORGK McATEF.R, Proprietor. llavuuna P.O., Ont. August I2th. 1HHO. (271 9) THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Carefully 1,&apos;orrecteil Itach Flour .................... ?2 25 Fall Wheat ........... $0 70 Spring Wheat .......... 65 Barley Oats Peas 00 28 52 A... Oil Efwn, fresh ............. 012 Potatoes .................. 020 Pork .................. 6 00 Hiiy.pcrton ............. 800 Hides ..................... 6 25 Wool ...................... 18 Sheepskins ............ 50 Week. to 2 25 to 75 75 00 29 62 012 025 5 00 1000 7 25 20 85 Ihos. A. Blakely, Plain anil Orttamrnbil House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. U propared to attend to nil work in hi* lined of tin- itirt.* in thu in. --.I ttatittfacWry and workman- like manner. IMii.intrs cheorfully furninhed. nii-1 rontracts nrr h l out to the letter. Ordorn in town oreonntrv. by mail or otherwise, wiil roceivu n^imllv prompt attentiuii. Bliop over Milbiiru&apos;H carriage worki. THOS. A. BL \KELY. P"n CHASES I HAVE YOU l.iver CoBipUinl, I>jsfpvia, 1. digtMion, rilioaliMM, Jundic, lltj.&apos;athe, l>i;.n---.. PJ I" lh , Ccli^ne^, or : I.y ri.vrjiv r&apos;ls-n^ &apos;r-m a (Irranrrd hvrt, r<. CHAW&apos;S I.ivcn Ci UK w.ll bt founJ tan and cariain r> m dy. NATjnE&apos;3 RSMESY The urKlual.li<d v u r, uf 1 r ( ti**&apos; Liver Cure in Liver Lumi-laitit "M. -l&apos;y ""h &apos; f-" &apos; &apos;&apos;&apos;>< &apos; &apos; m^u *iM Ir ri:-.iur &apos;-, r&apos;! .k&apos;i""-ti hvrr rr(ulalor>, whr mva mUn-d v>h many r , .1 . l pis .....| lailx. La- ing a . . .. pnwiriui tlTci.. c-i I .- I i i ). S om^ch, Docl nil Bio.*!. CJO OOO SOLO Ortr tmt-fi.i 7 m .&apos;/. .i ./ I&apos;r. ( .&apos;mlt&apos;l Kt.ifl Koott wfi If &apos;it if ( a*"- &apos; *<** H&apos;f &apos;i"*l n&apos;t&apos;j m*, vamiut *ni< i &apos;.//./ m,&apos;u n IrritbrJ milk Liitr C*m- fjaiml to t&apos;l I&apos; &apos; tjr.f!t*t mir,i<. SOMIIHIH: NEW. GIVEN AWAY Fait Wrapjpcd ai&apos;np&apos;.il rv^ry bollle of l>r. Cha&apos;t&apos;% l,ivtr Cure ii a valujl.e II u-.-li&apos;M Mcilii..&apos; Cuiile and Kt. ie Book (84 r a i ev ). containing over oo uwful recipes, pron.iupi&apos; <1 lymeilical men ami drug|iu> a> invalu- able, and worth trn tipnes the price of the medicine. THY CM*-|&apos;J C-AaH CUIE. * &apos; n<l l " remrdy. I&apos;ncc, 2 , ctiuv TRY CHASE&apos;S Kisn:Ai(oLV3Pitll 15^11. per bo. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. KDMAHSON * CO., Sol. l.nl.. Bradford Recnmmend&apos;d by Dr. Christoe Now Harness Shop PBICEVILLE! -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The tinderKieneddoslres to inform the people of I&apos;i icuville and \irroiiudiii|( neiRhburhood, that be ban commenced iu the Harness Making bu&apos;incsH in 1&apos;rlcevllle. where ho hopes to secure a sliaro of public patronafie. Allwntk will l>n attvniled to at lowest canfe rates. HinKle and Uniililu Harness pot up in first clan style. Good assortment of Whips, BrnabM, Curry Combs, I<ap Dusters, Hues, Ac , always in tocK. R- J.WATSON, PItOPRIRTOB. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BEARD&apos;S CARRIAGE WORKS ! Fleshert-,n, May 2 8th, 1886. 1 o our F nends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carnages winch shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Busies Carriages and Waggons. mJ^ttX3SKX^*^$tt r^Sf &apos; the tr " ju &apos; nd ib b ~ Hollcitlug your order.. l\KAV.iyK CAUKIAQE WOKK8. Insnrancc effected on Farm and Village UnildinRn and coctcnts. Insurance against Lif^litninK a npocialty. Deods, Mortjjftfrr. Leases, Will*, kr... rarpfully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE,- Toronto street, noai Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. CARD OF ilLINKS ! In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in being still able to supply them with tho following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. Tho Sharp Sulky Kako. The Massey Harvester. Tlio Massey Mower. The Tolton Poa Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton&apos;s Combination Plow. Toltcn&apos;s Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton&apos;s Scufflcrs. Hamilton&apos;s Boss Gang Plow. Wisner&apos;s Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of REPAIRS always on hand. Parti: s requiring any of the above will do well to call and inrpect Mach- ines, which will be fouud in Rproule&apos;s warehouse. A. 8. VanDUSEN, Fl.FSHERTON. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , (hone who writ* to HUnMtn A r, , , rnrUtnd, Mfn,it] rwwlv* IYM, fatl Informttion thmil work which the; ran do, and It At hmn,thftl *<I1 i&apos;y th^m from $fi tn %"& pr Any. Pom** tiiiT* In * -!y RMhf>r , yount nrnld t (>H| 1 Ynn arMrl: frn TDOMWhAMlffl &apos; "oof All toon*. HOLD v VT I Ha\ra on Haad a Full Aasortment { ^ -OF- SPRING & ttUMMKR GOODS. In Gents, Ladies, Misses aud Cliilclrcns BOOTS & SHOES. I endeavor to satisfy our customers both in Goods and Prices. WM. CLAYTON. m Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AI.T, KINDS OF Hi Mi Snch as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Hoadstonon C.juntor and T.iblc Tops in Amrric-un and Italian Marble itnil (inuiitp, ami made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M -trbluizud Slate, Ac., ic. Flesherton, Aui;. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYS PILLS &OINTMENT mi-: PILLS Purify tho Bloo.l, correct all Dinordors of the I^iver, Ntomnoh, Ivicln&apos;yw, nn<l Iio-\veli. The>i&apos;ivisr>ritnanpl restore to health ncbilitntr.l rcpimtitutloim, and are in value Me in all Com pla>liiulnuiilontalto Keinalen of all acos. For Children and the agiHl they are pricele.*. HIi 1 OINTMENT IiantufalUbloremodyfor Biul L^.Rad HI-OOFM. OM Wotimln. Sore* *ml Ulen. It in fanmuifor (J >ut and niiuiiniatisiu. Fur diaordor* of tlie C)io-<t il haK no equal. ForSORK J I UK). II, BHOJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glanilular.Swellingl.avuJ all Skin Plscn^en it linn no rival; and for contracted and stiff Joint* it art" like a charm. H ami fivctu red only at Professor TIor.ixiwxT&apos;i EntabHitliment, 78, Nrw Oxfonl Ntrrct ( late .I:: 1 :. Oxford Strrot ), London, and are sold at It. ljd.,.. W., 4.>l.. 11.. 22..nnd sn. oach U..T ..r Pot, and may b had el all lied cine Vendors throUrThaut the V. .i 1.1. Furchatert jnoiiM Ionic ir, >lif IstM cm iht Putt anil Bore*. If the addrtu it not ,5.Tt, 1>rfnr,l .sVivv-r, l.niidon. tlif>l nre J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLESHERTON. - - ONT. "BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&CO.jGnelpli.Ont. NOTICE:^ Butcher Shop in Flesh- A thorough bred Durham Bull calf, one month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Hull, with good pedigrees. Also a good Ktcam Flour Mill ot Flesherton Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER, Flesherton P. 0. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Hf|miriMi;. KavetroughlnR. and in fact every- thing in tho buHinoBfl will receive my prompt and careful attention at reasonable prices. erton Fetch & Mitchell, I&apos;UOl&apos;iaKTORS. THK undersigned respectfully take this oppoif tunity to aiinounco to the people of Flenn- erton and nrroundlnn country, that they hare started a llntc-her Shop in tlio ntand neitdoor to the Marble Worku, FI.K.SHK.HTON, where they will ho pleased to meet with all who favor thorn with thoir patronaRO. Freh Meats of all kinds, and Fish, Ac. In their seasons. Respectfully yours, FETCH A MITCHELL. jriesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PROPHIKTOK TO BE LET OR SOLD. The nniler-Hem-il offers fnr sale his Black- smith Hlmp, Htahlo and Premise* adjoining, at a rcsnoiiHhl. |.n. e , nr will la"<> the sanio to a Rood nisn at s fair rental. This nropi-rty is well Hii.nsti-.l on ( olIinKwixxl street, Fleshorion, near trie planing factory. For terms and particulars. apl>ly to tho pro- prietor. KOIIBBT CLAKK. July 2fith, IMC. 9B7-H Klesherton. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on liand for Cash. Ordcra promptly filled;

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