Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 1

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Sudden Death Mrs. R. Reany, sister of Mrs. C. W. Bellamy, Flesherton, and wife of Mr. Richard Reany, of the village of Tiverton, was taken suddenly ill on Saturday of week before last, and although all that medical skill could accomplish was done, she died on Monday night following, Oct 25th in the 22nd year of her age. The sad news gave a shock to the whole community, and every one was filled with sympathy for the bereaved husband and relatives. The funeral took place on Wednesday to Burgoyne. A large number of friends gathered at the house and followed the mournful cortege to the limits of the village. So sudden was the death of the deceased, that her mother - who started from Milton immediately upon receiving the telegram announcing her daughter illness - only arrived in time to find that death had already taken place. Deceased was born in this village and was highly respected by all who knew her. The friends have the sympathy of the whole community in there sad bereavement. Like the grass that's newly sprung, Or like a tale that new begun, Or like the bird that's here to-day, Or like the pearl'd dew of May, Or like an hour, or like a span, Or like the singing of a swan, - E'en such are we who live by breath, Now here, now there, in life and death. The grass withers, the tale is ended, The bird is flown, the dew's ascended, The hour is short, the span not long, The swan's near death - our life is done. ETON ADVANCE, TRUTH BEF011E PAVO*?" PRINCIPLES, .YOT MEJC." VOL. VI., NO. 283. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 18, 1886. AP .A. * P?OPR:ETCR. Public Verdict. Tit - Biis. (*..i*l.if ii/ til I^ifttl unil Of/..-*&apos; /iifVrr Itruli ijntln ml liy Tlie .lilniiifr That lor Fine Watches, ._ . -- - i lose prices and Straight (leal- If you want your Watch n-|>aire<l |in>- iiu;, W. A. Brown leads in i* r| y i rr..ui|.tiy, call at i<uiM*ir. G-ntral Grey. " Broadway " ^xhert,.,,. A Waltham waich, 3-oz coin ^ KuiJuna case, i?.oo. "\Vm. Elle^," &apos; Mr T)|OS II-M it/&apos;ull I. mil* tin iiinn ,1 a ml by li. Legate, f&apos;lmhrrtim. li.i,lli Sftii&apos;H a ^&apos;ul{ ill A , (1(linK . C;I.|.50. Key- winders, war -thunder ing&apos; 1 bijr buah*i now iahotw, 1. lilted tWO years. The JCW- si.jn. n.l KoiK-ral 1*1111111-. Toui evj. \&apos;\\(.T who IjUVS at 25 per Cent, rtently pts more ati.l mon- popular less than others should ;ive t;l ". Y d *> * a his customers the benefit of | work &apos;""- ihis discount, that makes TiK"c "rade-; #<) on and Kio.qo w.r.T.i . O\TA Kin r.i. f.vr/o.v.v. Will miMt next Saturday at 8 |>. in. in Thx- < inter*. I&apos;arhment hiu been di**dt ""I"&apos;" 1 ilh *H- &apos; .d, and tfc- . riU will be U.ul immediate I o-\ ijclil . ly for tk !. .-tiiiim. whii-h will take plao \<-<-ul-ii(. Don&apos;t f..r L &apos;. t to KO to the Town Hull. thrui{h.<wt thm province, mi On Friday last, whilst thrcshin<; at r&apos;lo-hcrton. to-night (Thursday i tu hear Dec. 2Mh neit. Nomination* on Mr. Wni. Brockelbanktt, Cullinwooil . IWcssor Morgan and his litth- iHiij-h- nt . !M j mv ij^. .^ I|d T<j tow n-liip, a yunnif mau i.uim-.l IVU-r k-r Fairy, the uondcrful child vocal - Kolhnp. "ot his right hand caught in i"t." iuu and otlwrwiNe rntt-rtain ymi- tin- KVariny of the cylinder. The- thiuiih &apos; Admissinn -i:, cents, children 10 crntH. ami each. Sec if vou can I -1 oiin. illi.r Klakch. We rn- plt-naed to in.tu-r tin .&apos;ni.il ex-Councillor of \Vnrd No. fl, Artcinoma, ami tlirec cly froui th. liuml. Dr. Hunt tllc l )o "&apos; lt pu at 7:80. ilresw.-<l "&apos;i-lix-k. !< t<iinni< iu>- -; nml at H A grand .st.H-k of watche*. Clocka, J*w- elry, Hilv.-rware, Kuvctot-le*, Ac . t. I,,- hii.l at K n weU&apos;*. flcaherton . What did the citizen* of Fh-slu-i ton seldom ..r never lit up at iii"lit ? a-ks ahe liti| on M<-n<l.ty ni^ht fi [the Fighting F.ditor. There ureM-vernl ^."itl Spirits f reason*, hut one or two may lx- given at .! ih( m tryhnrdforcash. Wish; Mr. Jo. A. itlakuly, in .,ur town but I could buy them myself af Monday Mr. BUkVlv, aUg rth <>thvr| Pri*. "><l these prices, as thev cost nie Hi-liitoiiiiin. atttndeJ th hi .1, m..n <? i 7() and Si I ~* S. It is not "&apos; rnt &apos;"" &apos;" " Simnd in honor of the ct.st, bat what a man sells at , ;&apos;>. Kir ;&apos;*" Mai,,aid. \liatmakt-strade. Note my ( if you mit Watch, call nt KUVH-U&apos;I, profit, to.^o and J"i 25. Con-&apos; x " u &apos; tl Jl &apos; Wl &apos; lr )&apos; St " n &apos;- ^ln-rton. Al&apos; iider amount. Conie and get &apos; *-&apos; P^-&apos; *iiti from ^ &apos; - vi - &apos;" N " r """&apos; l , ., i I, . Mm.lt. Kvony. tiiu-r ..f Mr C. \\ H.-llaiii), Kl-h.-rt ..... and wifo c,f M Hi. l.-inl lO-niij. of the -illat;e of Tivert..r. BUM taken ninMi-iilx ill MII Sturd.iy . 1 w.^-U U.f.-r,- U.t, MiJ altl,,,,, w .!i all tliat aco..mnli.h WM 1..,,... l.miny. . . in ih<- 2ml vi-ar ..f hi-r .iv. Tli- , t H jr RV ,. ,<.!, t( , ,| le wr|( ,l o ,.,,, It m nndeiiiahte that sjiirits will rile tin- ltu-r K ,-m ,il,,i 1/1 " 1 tll<; &apos;""&apos; " 1 &apos;&apos; H "&apos; t " tllls "*" ""^ then- iir. 1 notv two ihx-torM in to I livo vr. . A. riltOVVN. .1 Mini*- Jri>vUrr, VvKKUALK, - - ONT. SIIII.OH&apos;8 (TUK will iminedialHly S. |.t ul M .-dir.il Ha &apos;I A NASVI, I N.I K< 1011 frMtvithmch U.t tl- i.f Nbiloh&apos;n Cuturrh lU:iuuiy. 1&apos;iu-c .V r. i,(. Sold al \lr.li.-., I Hall. women and !*>}* liave j;ot Ui st.ind from nii.l. r. Spirits are not i;..o.| for tin hculth in ithi.i do tin \ iliipioM&apos; the leiu- )n-r of spirit. Krifi. ke.-p cixd and don&apos;t n. t iiui.l at tliis item. I .1 1 In i assnr si,, , , ,.,i \Ve had the pluasun. uf making the cqaamtanee of H-v. .1. .1. Keeiiy. SIK-- ci&apos;Huur to Kiithcr I&apos;u-sin, on Thursday | H .min.v laitt. FutlMr Keny ih a Denial. IK- larv-ely reprc-nivd. The lu-urtml Irishma* iwh.. ever kn a ., ^^..H, ., lt oiu-,c..ii!.ii.tiiii{ Hiuall hcarU.il liilx-ruian " > and likely ,,,.,,_ vn ,| kl , niter.-tni" t.. Ux-ouie tHinally as |,|mlar aiuonj-xt &apos; Ki-v. Mr. Aycni, ei.titleil wan his talented prc- Ucluaion." ton. >! n !.. ,-.,,-i. H-llt-rton Soiu of T.&apos;.n| . rrinri&apos; lu-lil in ii|-n DITIKIOII ill tin-re I. .-ill Uedneduy .-ri-iuii&apos;,&apos; of hutt wpek. Then- wan a larv&apos;e niiniU r of Tviii|HTiince |H-"pl.- and ..ther pn-tH-nt. Fountain C&apos;ouiicil, K. T. if T., and the NVmnun&apos;i Christian T.-ni- l".th of thin place-- were [.ro^ram aa f ai&apos;tup. it-ad- tviu\ ny A tiiiu >tc<k ( Bacurv and ).. n-k t knitea at Uuwell Noted Jewelry Sti.rf, Fliih- i vrtou. nor What Ih. > \rt s.olni;. Hy ilu t&apos;i&apos;ihtiiuj K&apos;litur. Look at how mauy volunU-erH killisl up in the North- \\Vht. S. - : stou. I .L: lit t&apos;cntK III i In Uollnr. W&apos;h.. took my woml last Our huU-ht-r, Mr. Sept. Guotl. nued i "iht.- Agricultural MiUir. tin- laro lamit.li.,,rH H ISjK-nci-r. ! It dm-sn&apos;t n.atUr a d- n where I gp for an i4rcount of I9. lie ^ot jml^e f&apos;T I can |*y my way. S. M. uirut. and the other day tin. Sin-riff -rut &apos; &apos;&apos; HM <Mit of Shp|*-ry S|X&apos;iict-r mi him a jxwt.offue ordor for 11.6(1. to >%. n...iint of $l!l an.M only lm<l to pay <-r tin- *l atct. a rat<- ..f H eeiif. in the &apos;&apos; f"i the |.ri\i!i--e of .U.mj{ so. S,-|.t. dollar! Sei-inj; that Mr. fl.-Ml ha.1 t-. &apos; O"<*1- ]Nty $&apos;! to fiiHiin i 1 . I I&apos;nihiirii Court i it Mould have Ixi-n one Innnlieil fifty cent* IKJIU.T for him had he ICHH. ihslmiii-.t man. iniinity, and t-very "in- .-u filled witli yni|Nitliv f. .r th> twreaved hiuiliaiid and r.-Utivem. The funeral took [.!;* c on \\ . . lirsdny t.. Itur.&apos;oyne. A hirijo number of friend* .-itli. rsl itt the hmitv and f.. !!..- ed the, inoiiriifii) oortt-tft: to the linut-i &apos; the villiij-e. S. auddfii ;w thu death of dit-ritM-il, that her nither wh,. utartetl fp-ui Milton iuiinedi.-itely U|H.|I receiving th U-U-vraio aiiiioiuiciiii! her ilaughivr ill nvM~ only arnveil in timr lit find that di-.it h hail already taken place. I> c... u wiu I. .in m thu vilUi:.- and wax hichlj r>-i t.-d l.y all wh.. knew her. Th.- fn.-nd.s lia\. >hr ayui|tliy uf the wholu coiiniiunity in there aiul lwreat>-ni. ; Or Ilk. * tml<- tl-t nr > Or lik. in, lur I tl.al . d^r. U. .l j "r lik. the |-rrl il I. ..f \U. "r Ilk-- an hour, or lik* * -I-M Or Ilk* UM riwwf <f -.. KVu Hucb arc r *h" li )> lirrath. Now hn... ini th.-rr 111 III.. >u.l .lualli. Tl.. irr wither*, tl - talf* i< ru.l.&apos;il. Th hurt i. town, thr l.-w , .r. TtM Imur U lu.rf. tin >(!>< t.ii |..n k . Tin- .wan I.rr ,l.ll .. U r lilo I. .l.,uc. lr. 4 hri-l... . W rwtrvt the |x-miatent attacka .ip pBartn-.&apos; in tlu- Th.iriil.ury Xt*<ml<r,t .it&apos;i nt l>r t&apos;lin-f-s- f&apos; r n. . .i:iin an\ I&apos;otlii ^&apos;il t.i t &apos;.MMird hy then. c.inv<|iiciitly the M-|uii"iii"us KI int ui which tlu-y ar* 1 c.iiitinii.-l .... r utroi.yK of inonn, !OM, iK-nu.nal pite. M.-ru e OUR Pall Stock! UllIK Ih. 4 hesi inn It. II. Hrrt",, H&apos;nrM. Mr S. (1. Ketchum, of OranKexillr. Contemplate* atrtini; u ||*r at 1&apos;ricuville in Urey d-. Shout litu. Having heard a nniiiber of shotM fired |xialiy d.w thm U-O.IM.&apos; tran|4ir. ir. within tin- limits of Kit shcrtoii during wne " "trai&apos;U from >ii|iposmua l.-tt. r that the |r:u-t;. nniHt U&apos; sUi|i|*sl. &apos;" cmoe ir.&apos;iu A>t..n. V i.t:,,|t. hurhnm. >i.ni.&apos;lHl\ will net allot. Thin is sure oto ^&apos; r r&apos;areell n tr> in- t" . r. .it.- th.- to Ix- Uie oiitcoiiK&apos; wlu-n i-rsons ipnur f &apos;&apos; iiu|"> "i" tnn tins.- h-tterx tiii.un- ant of the ns! yf firearms indulge in thi-ir l *^ from nu-inU-n of tin- county council use null-Mil iU ail old Idumh-rlniHs with- Nw the irouhty ii>unciH..ri whoce |~mt MI! nipple*, nnd only |H>\V<)I r is used, "(fire aililressui .-ire t the pl.i. < named Stop it. I/ yon iiniot fin. I ini|do\ nient rv LaiiL&apos;, S< hrlick and .1 aniiMon an.l we for your active hrnimi, why u inside challence the edit. .r t<. any thnt any "f the h&hv. |it Up tovppi|icN, thi-np uelitleincii uver wrote to him or -IS- We Invite Everybody to See It. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, m M. Richardson & Co. PLESHERTON. rnll f t lii|tlmevs. Jltl uiir .Syx,rtin<7 A&apos;diror. or heli y.nir wife to rliiirn Hut, after Ucnhvd to hi* |!*r. It ian&apos;t fair Tuo of our junior -(...rlsim n, Aimtin all. if yon will .|i...>t an. I mimt ln.nt. rr.&apos;.-ll. and ich a -.iin..- will only 1&apos;u U. II anil J<a\i.l UaU-x. went out on a wby ftlioot aud W huip;.! to yon - hut hriinf ilimre.lit mi y..iir-!f :in.l your ab hunting i tjx-.litioii last Friday. They m>t in Fletherton. niiinl you. \Vi- don&apos;t eltm-M. \\-l*lie\t- in h.>net criticimu came homo at ui^ht with their game want any "dirlnt-know it was loa.li-d" "&apos; P"l&apos;lio moil, hut d.s|ne mean, futind la^M nll.&apos;d to the top with oniptiiirs, ; finds tu have Inillets \\lii7/in>; throiit;li iitmiileM attuckn <>n a inral, Chriat..u. How i* thai for a ilay&apos;w xli.Mitiii|{ &apos;.&apos; our towu, t-udaOK&apos;-ruiK |x-opli> s lives. ( BentliMimn, ovi-u nlth..iii:li lr. i&apos;lirintdv k. .. i j. . . " &apos;troii&apos;.- i|ii<>ndiiiii opponent and u nut n. >w, nor |*-rhap> .-\. t ill )* a Mip| > rt< i of oura. W can diflcr with men an.. yet tv|xxt their (f KK! i|iialitic /< r/. .r . Kussell is Still Living ! Jfiy Pt&apos;ivcs .U//XT CoHiftrtitnrtt Mml ! t>n.- of them says lie caiuiut liny In- i^omU wholesale at ll-i--. IT- ipi-iU- Hi.!&apos;-. Hi- rillOllhl u&apos;n Ul KtlSM-ll tO U&apos;el -Dine fresh <-t.H-k to SUrt ll|> WJtll ! &apos;itUSSF.l.L y\&apos;\ his p><l at I.nw Frires niv! Us them at l,(iw l&apos;ric<% dill nml -< his prices for WiitrlM&apos;H. Ctfll ami see lii jiriei s fur Blocks. <&apos;all toi<\ ^-o lii pri~ for Jvwclry, SilvcrjtUu- nml i-v-rythinx in hid line of husinew. Ha Cannot help Other Fellows getting Riled! Good Buying and Low 1&apos;rices d.x-H il e\ery time. If your \VnU-li wnK rvcr nmdr to koe|> lime, Ilussell cun ailjiiht it to i&apos;s Ix-st )NTfoniiiicc. M^All \vi.il. \\nrraiiteil. Knssoll is mill si&apos;llin^r \Vnu-lu-s froui $!) up, wlnlc other dealers auk from $112 upwards. t)oTi&apos;t f*.iil to Ciill at tl<e > r otel JcweliS- gtorc Xext tinqe You hfc in F l. ;il li to n;ii k> nild I r.m.U. The; I&apos;uIJi,- ll,i;il.l. a | :i\vr In. li i- A W-rr.ir to frauds i>t dcry i. -. n^. : has ili&apos;iie an.! it iimn;- it MI..-: iM>l>lt > work, &apos;riinnsaiids of dollars are anuoal ly aati^l to |>nl.|is)ier. and to ! pi Mu urm-rally. hv the ll^rM i prr-i-tent an systematic < x|>mnre uf &apos; S)UA&apos;.S an. . KrainN. Just taki&apos;tinr .&apos; n . -vp. n. m . for e\atnpl<-. During tin tn \ ears an. S..MI. months We hate U n L. ttiu^ th. //. r"ll tin- Al&apos;TASrr hss Ixt-u ~n\eJ h\ the timely \\ariunys nf the fnriiier uear ly IIMI m ml\i rtisini: tt-n.l. n-il u h\ ilt-ail Iwat Aiiiprican .|iiackM an<l fraiuU --a list of wliii h is | i&apos;li^l.i.t in i,\i : iHHiie of the //. r.i/.i. And had takei the Hi-mil sooner Me would Hot h.t\> IKX-II jjulli-il hy &apos;-Ash & KoM&apos;ins tin 1 Itutleil^e Pulilishinu- Co., " and other frauds Thf t-diti.r ailtl pul>lnirier uf the ll&apos;iail. Mr. l.i.m Smith, is |.rol>ald\ tin- niOHt i Hermetic jiniriialmt on tin- continent, nml issue- hin INiJH-r at tin price nf .VI ct-nts |KT y-ar II 4 i Phihvlul|>hit, I&apos;a, t

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