Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 4

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THE ADVANCE. THIS PAPER THE ADVANCE, It publiubvd Evei-y Thursday, 1 11 M THK OFFICE, Culling wovtl Street, - - t'laherioii, Ont. TKliMS OK SUHSCKH'TION : i>ur annum when paid Btrlctly tb advance. r auuuin when net BO paiil. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor an<l I'roprittor. PLESHERTON: TIirUSl'AY, NOV. L'5, 188(i. Till: KI.K1'TIO\S. As announced last week tLe Ontario elections will take place on the 2'Jth of Peceuilwr, and the nominations on the 22nd of the same month. There is little time to be lost, and it behoves candidates to buckle on their arms at once, sharpen their swords, and get down to solid work. The Liberal Conservative candidates for this county are Capt Jlorke, Kast or IVutie (in y ; John Hlythe, M. P. 1'. South Grey, and 1>. Civi-'utoii, M. P. P. North Grey. All good men and true, who will do their best for their constituents if elected. TLe candidate for East (iivy, Capt. Itorke, is one of those honorable, straightforward geutleuien, who should command the respect of Conservative und Itcforraer alike. The same may safely be said of the other candidates. IS THE AUl'AM'E l.\l)Eri:\- 1>E.\T :' It is about time the problem at the head of this article was solved. The Muil advertising agency rated this journal us an independent newspaper. Lust week the Thorubury A'eict quoted us as independent. In the spring of the present year a hot headed, and thoughtless Conservative, writing over a nom de plume in a neighboring jour- nal, accused us of having turned a "political somersault;" a little while hfterwards he was not quite BO sure as to the correctness of his "deductions" aud "logical conclusions," and \\_is very ^lad indeed that lie had preserved liis real name under the cloak of HII assumed one. At least, like the ostrich sticking its head in the sand and im- agining that it was then secure from observation so with this gentlemen. He thought he was well conceal) tl, but bless yon ! the cloak way too small and too thin by half to deceive ns as to the identity of the gentleman hiding behind it. The other day we were called a "Grit at heart." Not five minutes afterwards we wure called "a hot-headed, dyed-iii-tlie-wool bred- in-the-bone Tory I" Let us pause a minute and take breath. We're a Grit, we're a Tory, we're an Independent, we're iill at once ! Query : what are we anyhow '! Hi Tiouslv, before the bar of public opin- ion, our aufcwcr to each an 1 all of the charges preferred a^Jnut us is simply this : We do our duty fully and faith- fully according to our lmrio.st convic- tions ; we are Liberal (.'onwrvativc in politics, and while we shall ever uphold the good deeds of the party, we shall just as certainly not soek t > crossover or whitewash that party's defects. Tliis has been our course from the first. \Wknow that, because ours has not I" in a slavish support of tne u real and impressive Liberal Conservative ['arty, we have betn condi iiinn >l by fanatical bijjots ; but the. ravings of thU latter class has only ux-itl our pity, ini'd has no weight wh t< ver with the intel- ligent and unprejudiced. HUTTKH MAKIXIi. Mrs. Geo. Buskin, of Artemesia, is one of the best butter makers in the Province. Her butter is eagerly bought up by wealthy private families in Toronto at 18 and 20 cents per pound, when inferior butter can scar cely be (ttppo.seu of at 14 nnd 15 cents per pound, in our !)'! market*. Dutter making fs a science that few even of "in- most shrewd and practical house- wives properly understand. Good ar- udes always command good prices ; but how few can produce or iiianufac ture good articles, all things consider- ed. Cheese factories have been largely introduced of late years ; is it not about time creameries got a chance, and au opportunity thus presented for diffusing useful knowledge amongst housewives concerning the science of luaking good butter? Our agricultural papers, as a rule, have not half enough to say on this and kindred subjects. Let them begin now. FLESHERTON GOSSIP. LhiHhen Here timl There hi/ the .ti/rii-nltui-nl Edit <n: The conversation was about some handsome young gentleman, who had "maslird" several Owen Sound girls pretty badly the day of the big political demonstration, when one young lady very quietly observed "I don't think it will be safe to let Mr. so and so go out often or he will .surely be kidnapp- ed !" We promised not to >peuk a word about this and we won't. We'll trrite it ! The other evening a young gentle- man started forth to escort a couple of young ladies homo. He didn't bri.ig a lantern and the night was pitch dark. It was raining also. All three came to grief on a slippery enbankinent. They sat down in the mud. In fact the mud was slippery and they couldn't \i-ry gracefully decline the inrirnlwn to be seated. Next dark, rainy night there'll be u lantern mark our words for it. * * Last week's ADVANCE quoted barli v as selling on the Flesherton market at from 40 tn f>5 cents per bushel. A story is going the rounds, tluit :i well known farmer in this locality sold a load of barlty at the Staliou for :tt> c< nls |n r bushel, and next day tt-ann d a load of the vrry same barley to Mark- dale and got 47 > uts, or 11 cents per bushel more for it then he could g>tat tin lii -t named place. Now there is no capital to be made out of this. It is simply a question as to grading tlic barley as all know this grain is divid- ed into several grades, color, Ac. being considered. It may be that the station buyer put the barley offered in a grade lower than it should have been ; and it is just as possible the Markdulc buyer graded it too high. * * Another seller said he got 5 cents p<T bushel more in Markdalc than at tnc station for his barley. Instances are not wanting where farmers mar Durham and the other side of Muik- dale have teamed their grain here and it mote per bushel for it than tin \ could t either of the places named". Thiithe Agiieultural Editor does kn >w for a dead certainty, that I'leshei -ton grain- buyers are in a position to j ;iy as gh prices for produce as tluisr of any other town or village in the county. *** Ondit: tliat our esteemed young friends, messis, Will Yokes' Will ('. Hcnik-k and IJenj. i'etcli, nre aiuut to 1> ave town for '1'oronto, Chicago and ChiogtUMOUIJ township, les|MTtiveIy. It' we do not soon hear of Yolu <* in a lending hasehaller in the QiKUl City, we will dt'M-i-M- lo he kicked into obliv- ion along with Wig-jinx, Moses Outis, ami otli-i -prophets. The A. K. il'ies not anticipate any such fate, liowcvi r. He has more confidence in Vokos' sturdy Irish mettle. v Tlie-Hons of Tempernncc did a good act when they put up n lamp on the street in front of the alley-way li-ading to tlieir spacious a>id eoml'oi -t;ihl<- hul in C'liristoe's block. The neatly lett- ered window illuminated on lodge nights- -in tin- Uoyal Templars hall, S|iiiiule'n block, is also a decided im- prou-iwnt- And now the dear ladies of r'leshcr- ton are after tlie Agrieiiliunil Kdiior with cordwood sticks, been u si he siiid they were e\foctiiig, and let! others to expect, thnt Sir llic.haid Caitwright was going to give utterance to Tem- perance si'iitiiiK nLs the day of the political demonstration here. Well, didn't they say lie would? And did lie toe the mark ? Let us remark right here, ladies, that the average politician will talk on any subject, if thereby tin- chances of his party getting the reins of power arc increased. If Sir Richard had known there was such a strong Temperance element in this commun- ity, he would no doubt have accomo- duted the ladies in a non-committal way. *** Sir Richard told us Flesliertonians all about the public debt of Canada, and how enormously it had increased under Sir John's administration of af- fairs. But Sir Richard forgot to tell the other side of this story so interest- ing to the Canadian taxpayers. He forgot to tell us that while the national debt increased $40.000,000 during Mr. Maekenize's short reign ot'/i'rs years. ii only increased 150,000.000 during the thirteen years Sir John Macdoimld hjis been in power since Confederation ! lie also fort-ot to tell us about our in- creased postal facilities, our transcon- tinental railway, and other great pub- lic works successfully and satisfactorily completed by the present government. We could give many other instances of Sir Itiehard's "sins of omission" in that same speech, but forbear for the present. * * * Mr. John Sample is back in Arte- mesia again. He shook off the dust of Washington Territory several weeks ago, and dropped into our otlice quite unexpectedly last Monday afternoon. Ho said he did not find things as repre- sented in Wasliington Ter. Three- fifths or more of the entire state is al- together too mountainous for agricul- ture ; it may do for grazing. "What about Mr. Thos. K. Moore i i lie getting rich fast out there ?" we asked. "Not much he aint," said Mr. Sam- nphatically. "Where he banked 1,(M)0 clean prophets every year in Artemesia, he is now that much clean out nf juii-kft every ye<ir f" "Is he discouraged with the pros- pect ?" "Cant say ; I think, however, lie expects to make up for his losses out of his land," said Mr. Sample. "And Mr. \V, G. Duncan -what of him .' ' we usked. "Well," said Mr. Sample, thought- fully, "if he is holding his own its as much as he's doing." Mount Korest women are after Jim Lambert's scalp, because, unfortunate- ly for Jim, in speaking of Sir Hit-hard Cart Wright's visit, ho chanced to make use of this statement : That the ladies were "interested in what they are in- tellectually unable to comprehend." We forgot to say that Jim Lambert is the edityr of the Mount forest Kepre- iMc-ifur.a very ably conducted journal, and a very influential one also. ALI'llA HKTH A I. JE. \KI.\S. This notorious character, who is said to have been the author of that refim-d article, entitled, "I'eimnmences of a skunk," regrets that we did not charge 10 cents a line for articles con- cerning aggrieved politicians sooner than v\e announced we would. Now, sienig that our reinaks applied to what "aggrieved politicians" might wish to say about themselves through our col- umns, and not to what we might think proper to pay otirself, it will be. observ- ul by the m.'st c-isual reader that Al- phabetical Jenkins has misrepresented and misquote:! us. If we adopt meth- ods to prevent our columns being Hooded with long-winded political let- ters, that is our own business, not Jrnlvin.-.'. \Ve are publishing the AD- VANCK in order to make an honest liv- ing for oiirnelf and family not for the mere fun of the thing. We have con- ducted our business on business prin- ciples from first to last, and have never yet went around the county like a 'iiprr soliciting alms in the shaj>e of Sid .subscriptions-- from Grit and Tory alike ! We.- never solicited or accepted money as a "gift" to help on our en- terprise. Mr Jenkins did all this and IIIDI-C : l:e turned, with basest ingrati- tude, and cruelly struck the kind and generous men who lifted him into an lionorrblr position. Men, who refused to subscribe for the Chronicle, he thret'pued with future punishment "Jenkliis can help you if you standby him; but he is a devilish bad fellow if you go against him." What gentle- man has he ever solicited to become a subscriber to h-'s unreliable sheet, that has not heard Jenkins use langu- age almost identical with that quoted -.' We have yet to hear of one. Still this is the man who has the audacity to preach political purity ! This is the man who has rudely entered home circles in Durham nnd out of Durham, and vilely bespattered them with Cltoniclt office mud ! This is Alpha- betical otherwise A. H. N. Jenkins. Von cannot say of Jenkins, in the highest sense of the w^rl, "this is a inhii," you may truthfully observe, however, "thu bean a rather linking rettmbhnce to a man /" LEITCHS Tailoring Establishment FLESHERTON! Is the place to get your Suits made in future. THE MARKETS. FLXBHEBTON. Carefully Uorrvctnl Itarh Flour ..................... ?2'25 FallWheut ............ ?0 8 Spring V.'heat .......... Ce Barley ..................... <> 4<> Oats ................... ^7 Peas ...................... 040 Butter .................... '- lv,'-s, fresh ....... ...... 1O Potatoes .................. 4<> Pork ................. 4 75 Hay. per ton ............. N <>O Hides ..................... <X Wool ...................... ! Sheepskins ............ <l 40 " H'rek. to2 -2fi to 70 70 <> .V! '27 040 l!i Olti (t 4(1 5 00 K (Mi 7 (Kl I*' "' Turkeys .................. 00 I7 Chickeni per pair ...... -20 HO Ducks per pair ......... 40 f.O ll J. SPKOUL, Flrlhrrti'H. i"..r. i/imr-T. Aj ;.|'.n. I . V'tll- ii, tt'ir <i>fi Minify t< i"l-r. l>"il<. Murt- '1'i'l't, ' MM 'in'l li'i// i/ivin'it 1<;> >u.<i I'tilii'ttifiix iii'iil' "it xltiirt'-xt Ht'H'-r. t'lmr- ,, wr,i /...r. An'*'' ^ U. J. WlUH'LE, I'uftiiuixirr, flethrrttm. Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Carriage and Wagon 1'ainttr, d-'~c., C-r. \Vibea to announce to tbopul.hc (hat lie Iia, utarU'd In the above buiiiieiu. All order" prx.iiiptiv mi. I uoatljr attended to. 11. | ainni; and I'tint inn a Rpecialt> . Hliup iif*t >li>r to J. Little'* lilaekatiiitb ahop who will do all work in i-onm-ciion to tli.i ili\c ,|,,,|, Til. IS A HI.. \KK1.Y. SALE. UJ acres lliiiilu(rniLi K1>"1 rt.m ItoiHlwarm frai ..... Iwi-llni)!. 7 room*. Kx..l <--llr. goodttobta iii'ver failiui! K|.rini' ITU k Trnim uaiy. 1 r nutleaUm aupl* to Vi.J.liKl. I.AMY. Kiohu- ton or to O.W. IIK1.1.AMV, Markdalo. O<MK)(l(IOO()OO<K)OOOfK)(KM)OOOOOOOOOO<X>0 GAUD OP mm i In thanking my customers for their liberal [xitrouugc in the past, I have much pleasure in being still able to supply tin ni with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Hinder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Hake. The Mas.-iey Harvester. The Maswy Mower. The Tolten IVa Harvester. The l''o\ Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolten's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton'*! Scnfllers. Hamilton's Hoss Gang Plow. Winner's Spring Tootli Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of liii'AtKK always on hand. Parties requiring any of the above will do well to call and inepcet Mach- ines, which will be found in Sproule's warehouse. A. 8. VanDOSEN, Fl.KSHKRTON. HABIESS HARKS. .. If yon want Harness, Si:u I>oi;lile. of Horse ]>!aiiki t: : , TyiuiK*. IVlls, Y dim-*. Curry Combs, ilnisln 4 or tin i-elebruted ll:irness Oil . call a examine before purchasing )!.- wlian 11. J. WATSON. P1UC KV ILL M. CLAYTON'S II A K\ ESS SHOP! FLESHERTON, I the pltict li> 'ft <H'.r lin iii:it I'ntltim, ilr, Slin/i in II". Clatjl"ii'il!ui>t <( -Mior Xtvn , Fltiktrttm. PHOMRAPEY. MRS. BULMBR. Flesherton, - Ont. Having ti>eni HOIIIK tiirit- in the FtiuMn if tl..- ainouK Toronto J'h-.t, .fi aj'lu-r, Mr s .f Pixoti. T **r<j m rril vnliml !** lii: . i.i-toii iitufactiuu A call respectful] HO<I< MllS. I'.n.MKl! Kli-ahert'in S.'pt ITtli. 1*S. fttlEBRATFD can ~ CHASES II A If m **- * LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liwr CoBiplaini, Dr>pr|wa. lliflioii, lundlc, Hwdachc, Uizzincti, Pm in the llck, Co*livenckS, or any diMa* rising fr '"> deranged liver. I. CHA'< Livil t'l a will be found > ure and certain rnn. i!v NATUhE'6 REMEDY TJM un<|ulifie.i sun w if In (iiaw'i l.iver Tur in l.iver (. .iiiipUnti rest* 4cly with the fact that it u compountlcd frjni nalurr'* will-known livtr rr^ulatort, MANHHAKH AM. I IAM.II ION, coniLined wilh mmnf other invaluable r..i-. l..rks antl hrrb. having a powerful tTect on the Kki. .<>-, Siomath, Bowelt ami Mood. 600.000 SOLO thrr out-half m ...>>* t/ Dr. I A.u/i Kf- i/* wt't iflM tm C**A<fa nlffni. He Hint rtt'y m*n juv/r* .A;/./ *tlu it tmtblej wilk /-if int t > t , t.'.t* tJtftiitnt rrmtfty. OOOOOOOOXXK>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iuz Niw GIVEN AWAV f it t Wrapped mruumt every bottle of I r. Chau't l.iver Car* ia a valuable Household Medical Ouide and Rccip* Book (84 pAge^), containing over >oo useful recipca, pronounce*! T.yme.lical men and druuikta asinvalo- able, and worth ten times the price of in* meilicine. . TOY CHASE'S CATAUM C*Rf. A safe and pouli*t remedy. I'nce, j cent*. ^. TRY CMASE'I KIDNEY AMD Lmi Pun >s ct %. p boa, SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T- OMANSOH * CO.. Sol. Agonl.. Dradforel Recoiumeiid'd by Dr. Christoe New Butoher Shop in Flesh - ertoii Fetch & Mitch ell , JMtoriMKTQKS. Till l: mi.). TMilni'.! rc's|icctfiilly takptl.ix oppor * tmlty to tnnoone* to the |MI|>|I. . f ni-Kii rrton iiii.l num. mi. In. i' i-nlintr> . that tluylinv* KtRrt.-.la Knlrlii-r Sln.p in tin- Htainl i,cxtilocr t" tin. Mail,!.. Wi.iU. PLESHERTON, wlirv tli'\ill ln> pli-astMlii, innetwltli all li(ifv<.r tlii'iii witli tl'i'ir pntroiint'" Kronh Mrnti of oil kiiidn.aiiil Kith. Ac. in their u Iloipoctfully xouri, PKTCII A James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton Rui>lrin, Kav.'trmiBliinR.anil in f.-t -very- tllillK in tlic 1'UKiiif'-- uil) rfrclvf. my |irom|it anil run-fill atlf'iitum at ranonablti |irlc<- FLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AT O OJ Insurance effected on Farm and Villape nuihlinpg nnd contents. Insurance a^nmst Lightning a specialty. Deeds, Mortgagos, Leases, Willn, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE, ToroLto street, near Town IHH!. W. J. BELLAMY,

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