Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 3

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THE LADIES' COLUMN. [Oooutt Kltu'l Vwkly Budget ... Mis* twi The <l<ttm tayt that ibj great aeoret of dressing well u limply Ltvjr to doj a boautil, drain or jewel v/ilbuut heing first tetiitted ot IBs iDiiability to the fl><are, face and ootujjlexiou of lha wearaf. Tne tatb- ieni are o diverse LOW that ibore U no exeunt) tor vrcmeQ not making a alady of what anils thsin and buutiag iwociraiLgly ; y*l not ou to a doiitrJ ba*ih*inauidali.y to do ii. W men of middl* ag*i ur wbo have paastd their fire! youths have acquired Ibe knaok of looking ojuBiderebly youugec than tboee ol tbe petl genaratioa al the lame period of lite. Perhapt they take more paine with Ibeir face* and n^arai aad oof Nthiuei are more youiblal. Look- lag aroand at most f aihiouable aeaembllee in lha preMolday there it little markad diiliuclion btlwean tbe matron* and tki maidi. Tbe former oocaslonilly wear not* Mealy fabric* en graude toilette, bat ibe hair U dressed uiBob in Ibi *ami way, and no on* w*ari a aap habitually cnlae* compelled. Il u a tiatara ol our nation Ibat mothers and daughters often might be mistaktn for aitler*. The) uuiu ie, no one ean advia* on tbCM persoual matters A wit* woman watches the lues grow ia bit fata, and lodiea not to Irengthen them by over juvenility of attire, A wide-brimmed bat, wkieb throw* a shadow on the face, matei a woman look yiare older, bol Ibe high- crowned, narrow brimmed bat* at* far le*e trying. Il rtquiret judgment to know whin to dueara tb* wiariog of bala al all Ateording to tb* pr***nt laiibion*, il woold be beet to wear high, Itraight collars of velvet, aui, wktrt laoei< admiieiblc, plenty about Ibe throat. Tbe bair ahoatd oaly b* turned ap from tb* nape of the neck when the throat ha* no tign ol aeraggioeti and tbi ny ii doea not lend to harden Ibi side outline* ol tbi obeek-booee, wbico have toil Ibeir youthful roondneei ot flsebly covering. Tbe faablont of Ibe day favor alim women, bat tliainece too of tea toward middle lite de- geoerate* into uudue iblonaea, wbiob ii by no mean* yoathfwl. Therefore ttaia wome i mail o jutcuuu ju>J> ktudy tuair owu indi- viduallty. andnot taki too great libernei on the acota ol nbojpoint, whieb keepi cfwribket, Ibaogb II may enlarge the waist anel uake tbe ktady of drapery a aeriooa uua. omul wouiau fboold avoid witisl Beam*, and carry Ibe akin and b-jdios in oue down JVhe tiJoe a* niuc-i at poatiblt). '.:t tbeea avoid tu botdecuigi to baiqiai, juil at aboil wun*n ahoold baoub mem from tbo adfca ot their tklrtt. Tall woman mty indowje at ajaob at t bey pleaa* in toft- falling drapery, iadeeprtbable IL. ile arrange- meut, bat abort outs woaM thereby acquire lab tiki proportions. It i* a great mistake of 1. jgHutt women Ibat dark and fair, iborlaitd tall, thin and Moot, adopt tbi tame model, whatever they may be. Ia all Ibeee things ih* appearance i* to* point to be eontidired, bat, remember, a woman is as old as tbl really looks to others, not as she think* aba looks bertill, il blinded by iiiy. t !..!. .1 I. H. . Ipr. Tpioea eraam podding is simply made aad ii very nioi : Bjek two tablwpoon- (nit ot taplooa In bait a pint of milk ovir uighl ; iu lha moruing beat Ibe yelki ol three ef{g< very light and mix tbim wilh the Itpiooa and bait a cap ol *agar ; alir iato ooe quart ol boiling milk and boil lor ve mtnoM* ; flavor wilb lemon or vanilla, aad wben o jol pot tb* whites ol Ibe eggi beaten to a troth on tb* top. An oyster omelet will be relished for luuob. Beat six tgga very light and mi tbem with halt a eap of oream, with aall aad pepper to tail*. If tbi or earn be lack- ing, milk may be ubsUtatcd. Pal a amall ablMpoonfal of butter ia a hot trying pan, and wneo II In milted pour la tb* beaten aggi and criarn. Befori tbi eggs are firm pal in eighteen tmell oyittrt, and -when At omelet is a dtlioat* brown loll nd etve. Tbt frying pan enouid b* net on a moderate fire, to Ibal tb* browning pro- o*i will not b* loo rapid. A m uiBl* " layer cake " I* mad* at follows : MX on* cap ot sugar with totter ue list ol an egg, one owe ot miikf oni well b"ien (ay, and enoogb flou In make a rather stiff baiter, aittiag oo* beeping teaspoon fnl ot baking powder with tb* ljur. Baki in three laytr-eake pan*, for ihe filling mix oni cap of tagar wilb th* jail* and grated rind ot a Timoo, three teaspoon full ol corn ttarob miied wilb a little wattr aad a top of bol water. Boil until Ibiek and spread oo tbe oaken. Thii whit*) frioa***r ol chicken i* xoMdingly Jelioaie : Skin a ehickan and oal it iuto pitou, iBBioaiog witb aall, pepper, nutmeg and mac*. Pot the pieoea inattew-pan and poar over tb*m half a plot ot enam or rich milb adding a liltla butter rolled io iljnr. If fancied toroa- meat balls may be added. 8*1 Ih* Blew- pan, eloeely covered, on tb* fire and simmer ontil the chioken it lender. Yorkshire podding I* a nice aooompani- mint to roast rxel. It ihould be served as ooo a* it It done. Mix lix tableipoonfnliof floor witb out qaarl of milk and thru will beaten *Kgi, Maaoniog witb a lutle oalt. Pear In a ihallow pan greaatd wilb beef dripping* and bake for one hour. Oat into ilioee and pot Ibe piion into Ib* pan wilb Ib* beef fur fifteen minotee ; serve in the 'I is:, with the oeet. 'w wY Apple flfthon ire nie*-, for Iwjaeoon. Makt a btwWef tb* yilfel of three e*l will beaten, oni gill of milk, four heaping tablnpoonfala of float and a talMpoontnl ot aall, well mixed. The applet, which have been peeled, cored aod cut iu rouud licei, are dipped lo tbii batter and tried a delicate browu tn bailien tal. Hpajukle wilh powdered luflftt aul aetwe. Ham Oakee). There wilt b* rrqairM lor tbiee c akei f our potatoes of midtnm tize, one cupful ol liue-obopped bam (ib* dry bill Ibal cling to Ib* bone* will anew*r>, tbree tabletpoootul* of batter and one- fourth ol a teaiDOOutul ol pepper, 1'ael and boil Ibe potatoes, and when they are eooktd math them uutil fiae and light. Add the bam. ptppe* aad on* teelcepooo- tvl ot tb* batter. Mix well and shape into bin oak** about an mob and a ball In diameter. Pol tb* reuiaiuto* butlir on tbi stove in a lfyio.p*b, and ai aaan al it Kelt bol pat Ibi otkM ioto the pan. Brown on both *>dn aod atrvi in a warm diib. Th* shape ol riding babm doe* not jhange matb ; Mill, a new tlyli i* intro daoed u >w aod ihen, and we bave, there- fore, to aoeullou tbe b.bit wt|b bodiae, inoob ia the abape of a nentleiuan'i dreae ooat, open uver a wbito veil or plaelroD, witb a genUanan'i eol- lar and crvi. Tbia bodioe ibonld be a perfect fll ; it baa a email poetilion batqne | ita b^oa. tat Uumit K Ibe babil e^mrUMd by a leather ball and elrap for ibe rifle. TIM aktee M moon eborMr tban il a*ed lo be, ooly jail oovering Ibe feel in from, bat trei j bb*f el beblnd. Tne bat ii alaw-orownadgaDiteinaji't bat wilb gaotj iwiuled arouud ibe brim. JONVALI1KNT MTAUKB. Will I brll ear? after Ooovaleiifleal bneband in ret ortai) - Ilave I beeu vary aiok, dear Wlta Very, very afek. Hoaband I uppoa> il will b* monlbe before I iball bi^pb to gal down town again ? Wife N )l as long M that, I bope, dear. Bol yon mnetn't talk. Try and Bleep. Hueband (<econd day after crime) -You moei be tired on! walobiog over me, dear ? Wife A little tired, bat I am ao tbank- fol tbe daogei <e paet. Hat lnd Yoa jael waitoniil I gel oat again, aod if 1 don'l eorpriee you wilb eomelbinl my name ie not Jobn Smiib. Aod Ibe doctor, too. He it a wonderful man, to bave bromgbt me around ae be bae. I II remember bim I eoppuae a ooople of weeke from now will >ee me all rigbt again ? Wife Pouibly, dear ; bat don't worry aboai eaeb mailerc. Ltl your mind raai. Haeband (tbird day after tbe orieie) What diee ibe dootor lay abaol me now ? Wife Be lays you are doing iplendidly, darliog. Haeband L) ling iplendidly] DOM be oall il doing aplendidly to lie here like a bump on a log and pick oat feeei from ibe paper on tbe wall T Wife Tbere, there, dear, don't be ap- reasonable. Everything Ibat ie poaaible U beiug done for yaa. Huband (tourtb day after tbe ori<ii) leo'l il aboal time Ibal fool doator wai bereT Wife He will be bere preeenUy. Haeband Preeenlly I Yah: Y ju are worse than he ie. I'm going down town Ibe flrel of oeit week, and don't yon and your dootor forget to remember it. And he did go down town, and then be weut back op town, and ilayed there tor eix week*. A llr.l. . Hr|.l. 6 a* wai a yoang womti ia Wathioglon tot the iat3n, and wai very fond of narrating her eonijuett*. and epeakiug of her powera over men. Da waea baobelor wilh a heart ot lion* aod a ebeek ot caul iron. Toey were talking ot love and matri- mony and oogoat* eobjula. " I've been engaged eix weeki, Mr. X," en* aaid, wilb rctreabiag candor, in view ot Ibe feel Ibal tbe aonounoimanl had appeared in the ticiely newt tb* next day after the prapoeU. " Ab T" be aaid, witb a roatbod tmile wreatbed arouud an lotarrugaliou point. " How obarming " Dehkl>iful. Mr. X " aba eoutiuned, radiantly. " Be wa* an old friend of oar family, and be wa* to perauteut. How long do yon tbink I kepi the poor, dear fellow wailing for bit aniwer ? ' and *b* a real a well giggle. Um am," he oogiteted, at if ealeo- an i i lation of lime belw*eo a ton- dial and a vVaterbnry waleb. ' " Um w*ll, I should lay about a mioot* and a halt . poHibly two mioat**." There wae an abrupt termination to tb* conversation, aod tb* brat* wa* 1*11 alon* in the aloove where they bad been talking. Wmki*flm fail. A tiug ular oMuireawe U reported bom oouoly Oalway. Al Ballinaaloe tbi* week a retreat tor Ibe Confraternity ol tbe Holy Familv U being eouduoled by two friars from Dlblin. Monday and Tuesday were specially set apart tor women and tb* remaining dayi for men. Oo Monday night a vary large congregation ateembled, among whom wai noticed a woman of b >ul 30 year* ot ag* wboee dre** and Hyli were not al all ia keeping witb the- neweet faibion*. Sb* wore an ordinary lineey dreea aod a eap DO! adapted for her yeara. At tb* aloe* ibe had succeeded in gelling to the poreb door wben some on*, more acute than Ibe- reel, detected man's routers under Ibe skirt. Tbl culprit, seeing Ibal he wa* detected, ran toward Tea lane, -followed by a crowd ot people. The " lady " toned out to be a etoue- cutter named Binnott. He wae arrested. Tbe incident ha* caused indignation. St. Jam-i Gattttt. Onr llmr !> (r II l "Qeorg*, I ibink it 1* wh wbal time did you ea ay it waa, Oeorge T" " II ie ja-ct o olook, Harry," replied George, ae Ibe two frieode stood wilb locked arme bsfnre a neal little collage on Myrtle etreel at i o'clock tn Ib* morotog. "N now, Oeorge, If you're a tr true friend, ju jail ring Ib* b-bell th*re and tee if il'* m my house, wist you, Oeorge?" "I'm ntliend, liarry; but I'm n not dr tlnonxhloBi|i Ih Ibatl TheriV point where f rlendabii' tt atopa. I'm a ma married me man m myself, aod a* I've got to g g go bom* from here on* rap OB the b -btad wilb a m mcp batidle'e tnBqn'u for m* f tor oue night." ' 'itkland Tribune. BJ11.VIIIB IN is I- I n ti AT. Bgkt IP a ll.i. i>.ii, Tairea .'oili. Alicr tie Partly "iv..iuv.<-u II I hr.r l-ht.li l.u. l-usf I, .1. Th* death on lait Wtdnetday of Brewer Fetor Djelrfars U ytar-jld son from airaogolation by a boue collar- oatton wbieb be carried in bis mouth while romping wilb souoolmatei," taid a well- knowu physician, " reoalli a imgular oaae that cam* -within my experience several years ago. Ii happened iu Peaeedale, a pretty Roode leltnd village jasi aerose tbe oayuomNarraganeellFier. WiUieBdOlh, 9 years old, was tent by bit mother to a neighboring grocery. Bbi gavt him a silver bait dollar for some small poroUaset, and to prtvent the lutle tellow'a losing ii, Mre. Mtb tied the money io tbe earner ot hit natidkerohitt. Willie itu down the road ewmging Ib* haudbercuief in hie rigbi oand and ibooiiog. A Itw rods from tbi bonti hi 'it urn bled and almo*t fell. Ho bad been hooting al bis loudeel a mimtnl before. Al bi lougad forward be threw oat bu right hand to save bimatlt. \i the vami ioataol ihe bait dollar, wbicn ilr.. Booth bad evidently tied very looeely, flipped oal of the handkerchief aud into Willie's oiuoih. He regained bie equilibrium, but oame near ebokmg to death. Hi coughed ontil he griw dixsy and slagKsred like a draukeo pereoa, bit he oould not eject Ihe silver piece. Bjuiebow b* mid* bis way baok bom* aod loitered into Ih* bjoae. Mrs. Bjclh peered iato bie throat, bol oould nolaae th*half dollar. Bb* pouuded on tb* little tallow'e baak in Ibe way customary wiin obokiug pernuut Willie breathed more freely, but ibi half dollar did not come. Tben Mre. fijolb ran for the villag* doctor. Wn*o they reached tbe boose a tew miuatei later Wuhe fell ouuoh belter, Tne atraoKliag lenialion wae goae aod be breathed as usual, wilh Ibi exception tbal there seemed, be eaid, to be a big lamp jait above hit collar bone. Tb* doctor oiad* a careful examination ot tbe bjy'a Ibroal. Els f i *d 13 nud tb* ooio, and oiucladtd tl had plated into tbe etomaeb. Wilne very sioully declared that be could ttul feel ii to LI i ibroal. Tale, however, the doctor attributed to tba little fellow's imagination. Be Iberthre aaiumuiertd a atcoog pbyne and departed. H* tailed every day fur a week, but nothing wai tweu ot ih* coin, which Willie repeatedly pto tee ted w a* not iu bit ktomaeb, bol in JUis tbroat, whir* hi oouli feel it. A few dayt afterward Ibe obaoced lob* al Narraganaett fwr, where I wa. Hopping W* met. and after de Mribiog tne oaae he asked m* to vitit PeaoedaJe aad aesist in a second examine uon of the boy's throat 1 did to, and together we probed earufully and thorough ly >or tbe half-dollar. We could not flad i trace ot il. Al the point jail above tbe i lophagus. where Wulu cjuiiuoed to in- il tnal be eould plainly teel th* tola there was not Ihe eiighteii lamp or swell- lug. I agreed with mjy frtiud tbtl Ibe half- dollar wa* ia Ibe boy's itouiaou. After diaeuitlug Ibe ease, however, wt ealled in a widely-known Providence eorgeou, wbo alto minutely examined tb* boy't Ibroal Hi indorsed oar opiuioo Ibal Willis bad swalltwid Ibe iilvar piaee, Btrouttsr pby tioe were BOW adui.nUtered, aod tbt oex day we tried a violent emetic, lijtb ixpe dients failed. It wai manifest Ibat tb coin could b* removed only by ao extremal; dimiolt aad dangerous urgioal operation No argaiujnt could indaoe the tarnily to aon**Di to ibia. lhat th* boy would dU ot *lo oorrotive pciioning steiuid inevitable. In fact, be began to wast* ptroeplibly wilbin a tortnigbl. I rsmainad al Ibi Pur ai weeks, and wa* to interested in th* eat* tbal I drove over to tee little Willie iver few day*. At tb* end ot a montb be was thin, weak and eolorUii. When I itarte baok to New Y >rk be wai limply a inedow My friend tbe Piaeedale doctor wrote m several limn aboal Ibe ewe. K*ablilte laid little Willie wee thiiinvr aud weaker II wae now Ib* middle ol November, foil twelve weeks elect the boy iwallowed tb baM -dollar, and 1 wai larpriaed Ibal be bad lived ao long. " Th* following week I was still nor sorpriiod by a letMr aaylng tin ooin had been recovered. Th* way it origioall flew into Ibe boy't moatb had be* remarkable tnoogb, but Ib* manner of it reappearance wae almost luoredible. Tu boy bad actually eaogbtd op tb* bait dollar. Owing to hit sick y ojudmon tb family bad shown him every indulgence Among other things, a* Ib* day* gre oalder, he wa* allcwed to wash every morn ing in a batia plated on a chair neat th kitchen stove. Wbll* waabing that on morning a violent fit ol oon^biag aeizei him, and during il tb* balf-dollar flei from hie month iato Ib* beeio. Tb* eilve piece Wat at bletk a* tbl alove lid. Im poeaible a* It my seem, tb* largt ooin bad bien lodged foe ibraa monlba tn Ib* litll fellow'* throat and ao peculiarly placed thai th* most skilful search orald not reveal It* presence. Il ie not strange therefore, Ibat young DoeUer's death wa* al flnt allribiled to harl dieeaie, and an aotopey wa* i*qair*d to diaoloie the fao Ibal hi bad been UranKled by a collar ballon. Poo: little Willie, however, wa* more for tuutte thau the riob brtwer'i ton He tolly reo.vered in a few montbi, an wben I last taw him, two vaar* ago, was tlroag and leallby lad. .Vew >'or* Sun. I Kill > I TOPIC*. QDIIN VICTOKU ha* seul lo tb* L.og- >ore Hospital for looorablea, Edinburgh, oO and ojpiei of her portrait! for each of i* rooms io Ib* boipilal. In f "warding lem the Dowag*r Uuebiit of KJI burgh rote: " Tb* Qa*en ihn-k-i u will be agreeable to Ibe poor invalid* of eaeb room o tee tbi* memento of Htr MijMty'i vim. bi a new proee** ot toogbeuing wood il claimed tbal Ibe effect produced upon bitewood i* tn*b thai a oold ebiMl ia 4 aired in order to tplil ii Ibie retail being looomplisbed by a special method ot teaming tbe timber and tubmiliing il to nd prewar*. By Ibis means tht oella oil utre* are compressed into ooe com- aot ma**, and tome ol tbe timber, com- ly eoo*id*r*d oofit for use in iaeb work ea carriage boildiog, for example, be made valuable by Ibil means as a uoetnute for aab, hiekor), etc. This method ii tpplieabli, ot eoarie, only to wood ia comparatively amall quantities or lie. A CIBTDL discovery I* announced where- y Ihe laded ink on old parchment* may be reilored at to reader Ibe w riling per- eclly legible. The proo*** oooaiett in iMDiuK ibi paper with water and aseing over Ihe line* ol writing a brush wbiob ha* been wet ia a solution ot nlpbide of ammonia. The writing will mmtdiately appear quit* dark ia color, and thie eolor, in the eaee ot parchment, il will preserve. Oo paper, however, tbe olor gradually fade* tgain, tboogb it may be restored at pleasure by Ibe application tb* lolpbid*. The explanation ot the aemioal action ot this iub*tanee i* very impl* ; tb* iron whipb inters into tb* ompoiiiion of Ib* ink is traaatormed by etaiion into to* tlsak salpbide. 1'u ^ L W. MIMOM was ingagtd to go to >pan a* a teaooer of muuo. or director teacher, and tbnri spent tbree yean. Tbi ortoil of bit profeteion ha* lid bim to xamiDi aod aludy tbi kindergarten. He MV* Ibal alter exmining the kmdariarlaiit AM ! "> .'ii..i UB I|I.H r. vTe are told laai iv*tal parlies In tbe towu witnessed a rather novel light on lait Saturday *v*ning. A fl x>k of seven wild K*e*< wete o be Men WeudlBg Ibeir way to southern winter quarters, with a boat eagl* in doie piuautt. Boon hi* >BKlehlp cam* Dp to ibe **, When tby tofuad on him aod " mad* fUht," Ih* king ot bud Rhaered tfl, and U*a Mcanu pu/naed tbe even tenor of tblr tleyUled way. F-iiiticfK* ' Jfb ) Current Wart. -' An Indian woman toet?' tbi premium in butter at tbe Bpokan*, Wyoming territory, fair. Bb* it the wit* of Ballet*, obie ot kb Coaar d'Alan* lodiani, and U very prood of ber diploma. ot Europe and *Ming tbe improved kinder arteos of tb* IT oiled H tales be baa to slats hat tbe beat Froebel kindergarten be baa vir BCIO i* on* in Tokio, Japan. Thtre an tfjsral inch schools in Japan, bat b mly deriMe Ibe one j JB mentioned. Il IB* did treat roumi far differeul age* of bildbood. Tb* younger children are )roog'il by Ibe norm, tbiri it a boild eg abide tba main boildiuK for ibi aceommo- [lion ot Ihi norm, ol wboui there were lily when we were thsrs. Tbe children s 4av-room u a bollding aboal &0 by 30 feel. foe piay yard and building occupy about wo acre*. Tb* yard ctntaini a good sized lib t>nd, th* ehildrin obeerve and feed Ihe nsb. I* an article upon the Iowa and port of Jatoom, ibe Mottow Qanttt stales Ibal ill column a* a In* port by th* Cza a few oaoutbt a*jo created a great eeneatton. Tbe growth ol Batoom line* It wai declare J a port to 147* baa biea immenas Nearly all toe Turkish iohabitants mMirated to Trebizind In laTtt, leaving nebiad only a amall popalauon of < 000 ouls. whiob ha* ainee uioreased to IU tx Tb* Greek elemeut prep judcratei, tbounb mere are alto a large nambir of Arme nlacs. Tbs Rnaalant an a vary small minority. Batoao), from being a partly Aiietie town, has DOW become ,-u Eoro peao. Tb* oiolrtl mMting-place to transacting basiuMi I* a cafe facing Ih ea. TBI eonvirialioo tb*re i* limited K Torkith attain ; Tartuih cofl j* is Ib* oni; beveragi, aod nothing u unoked bat Turk ish tobacco. Oambliog goes on in the open air, and tabl ! for play lug gamee o hazard extend along Ihe fnoipelb. I ii believed tbal, deepite all diffl JOlllM. Ibi (jlnre of Batoom ii aetored a* well bi ib* iup*riority of it* harbor ai by its g(0> Krapt.ioal pmiiiou. Il ii tbe bei port o ib* Black Bet ; it ha* a depth of watt eloee to tbe ibore of from SO to 60 falbomt and lie area would accommodate 15 wa viaiili, witbout eouulinn a va*t u imber o! uierahantmfln. Baloam, farther, forme Ibi outlet to a railway, MO verm in leoglb cjnneeling two MB*, and IransoorimK inods not only from Baku aod Tifl e, bo Tramotepian territory. Tn* Kraauovodtk tftvv lini will rapply il with oooaiderabl* 1 jtitiiien of cotton and tllk for Iranipor lation. Pirtlao wbial Ii alnady oarrlii Ihiiher in lanr* laanilliet, along will oapblba from Bako. There ii a qaMtioo of eonilrueling a canal from the lalte town. It It regarded ai probabli Ibal tbi whole trad* of Ih* decaying town of Pot will pass over to Baloam, whieb will alec off* advantage* to sutlers whin Hi maribls havi bain drained. A < !. hlii* "There ii *ometblng Ireaoheroo* an unlucky ant an opal," ib* laid to hi buaband ; " I prefer tbal my wealth iboul be in rubs and diamonds if you pleate. Te*. Jeauie," he *ar*lt*ely ramarked bat lh Orientals don't tbink BO ; Ib Caiilal o! Turkey it Constant In opal, yo remimbtf." " There I" she cried ; " if* ofteninf ot Ib* brain t I kotw you'd otloh lb> tarn* disea** tbat Mrt. Brigga' ba-banddled of," and ehe bartl into tears. He Uaecnieee It. In Miai E litb's tohool, tb* other lay, tbe readtog lesson o inlauied aome rptertnoe W " a !*rooioos 0ol," tbd dWiring to have tbt expreevion folly onderitood, tbe asked if meaning. There wae a moment's silence ' when a bright bay aroM and re" ponied : " Pleat* ma'im, il meant a terribb lot ot check." rittiburg Chronicle. Thnksgivlng lorkey* aold al 23 oeoti a ponnc last week In San KrancUoo, Otl. What'* ihc Use f Wby lutljr a single moment whan yoi ean get immediate relief from internal o external pain by Ihe on of Polaon't Nir vilina, the great pain con 1 Nertiline bat never been known to fall Try a 10 ceo eample bottle Too will A :d II just a* re commended. Neuralgia, tooibaehe, erampe beadaobe aod all timilar o implainla disap peat at if by magic when Mtrvilin* i* ntec Ltrge botliee 25 cant*. Teel hollies 1 cents, at drogglais and country dealer*. I. melt Hrlrlh.l Bb* Iin'l thai papa oomingT He Ho w provoking '. I was jail goia to tteal a kit*. 8b* liriKennootly) BI'I awfully near sighted, Charley awfully I Tid IHti. lorr Tlonn lr 1 .u, Wtwk. improve tba good opportunities tbal are offer* you aud you will rciT uiure uiuuej ("i you labor. Uallett A Co., Portlsmt, Maine will ui> yuu. tree, fall luformatiuD sbnwioi) bow yon ea make fruoi $6 tu atio aud uywacils a day soil lr at hooii, wbervver j('U may be locateJ. ^ ' better write to them at mine A Bomber bar ma l over *&0 tn ailey All II new. Cspltal nr rti|inreJ. Hallett A Co. will start you. Both xea. All aget. (irau 1 IUSOIM atteutl* erxr unrkiir. Sou I your a l<uu a* oaea anM fu youselt. _ to lr, nth^r Kl-^.. 1 1 hat been iu k *eiteJ that ia order I lunar* greater Hreugih and const >|ii more safety in ropei and fer sotfijldin purposee partioalarlv iu loaalilias wbtr* tb* almoephere it aatrnet(ve of farm fibre such rope* sbouM b* dlf ped, wb* dry, into a bald onlamiog twenty grain of Hulpbats *t copper ptr litre ot water and keep in soak iu tbii solution lorn four dtyt. The rxipM will that bav abcorbed a certain quanlily of sulphate o copper, which wll preeerve tbem for torn lime both from tbe attacks of animal para sites and from rol. Journal of Profrtu. TUUBtNT*) IN BI.KtTION I I ' 1 1. i lu -. r or . IB S>. dIBkurgfe The recent eooteel between c*lei.l*ih and Sir Lyoo Plavfeir for tbe rd Uetorabip ot tb* L'otversily of linburgb aronied Ibe inlereate of tb* odenla to ao extraordinary degree. On ie polling day tbe *ie;temeol beaain* nlBuae, and a eorreepoiidsnl tboi rrp >rtt ii toenei wbiob took place in Ibe <| lad- angle o! tbe I'un. rally: Tbe Uuivorairy uihoriuet had evidently been lookiug for ard to torn* rough too. and bat* securely overed io Ib- utatoe of Sir L)vid Breweter t ibe tar tod ol Ibe qaaaranglt, at former lecuooe the rallying poinl in parly iuu Tbe foootain in eooree of erection n tb* centre cl Ibe qoadraocl* was simi- larly protected. After the opening of IBM poll Ibi morning cUartd, and at Ibi qoad- angle was much taktn Dp wilb Ibe plant or tbe ertoiiou ot tb* doiuo on the front bolldiugi, tb* itoiinta betook tbenuelve* o ibi oolonade al tbi entraBee to tbe ieei in tbe Faculty ol D. unity , whore toon ioJucnmioate pea tb rowing became ineral By and bye tbi eeent wai shifted to tbi neighborhood ol Sir David Briwiior'i latoe, where an cjnlerpriiing Liberal ad climbed tbe wooden aaaiug, and, amid shout of triumph from h.* fsliowt, fixed is color* at tbi top. There wae a wild tub to tbi ipol from all part* of tbe qoad- angle. A doz to sticks went up to knock own Ibe obooxiooi resell*, and a boa- red hands peppered tbe onloeky L beral u ibe top ol the atatoe wtlb biinding howers ot pea*, vbile ihool* and yella root both aide* real tbi air. Around tbi tatoi all Ib* forenoon a mimie warfare aged wi;h ever varying tnoeees. Ardeat i'ut IBS, eager tor renown, mad* deeperaie Sort* to capture tbi position, while a loisn baodi laid bold of tbtir leg* and coal tails to poll them down. At IsnRtb be Torin triumphed ; oo* of their com latauti was paibed op, and amid wild beering and anowere of peat, removed tbe .liberal a ilorn and nailed the bine i j their >Uce. Tbe L beral* again aatOBDeCJ tbi jusivo, and a flwee n^bt eatoed ifore a oombataal of tbtir* foogbl i way op and gained a Iwucg oo the citadel. Tbe colon were torn Iowa aod Iran: (led under fjol amid j-.beral exaltation. Tbe hero ol tbie iriumpb wa* tba victim ot rather a ehabOy irlek , for wbeo coming down be bad planted bis fool agauiit Ibe pillar beaide ibe elatoe, wben a Tory ttiek knocked il kway aod he fell heavily to tb* ground, a disiat oe of several teel. He wa* aavirely bruised, but after reoaveiiug io Ib* gym- oasiam from Ibi tboek be waa abli to ?naed borne in a oab. In Ibe paoa* bieb followed ibi* ioeideot the Tone* <aiu gaioad tbe posilioo, aod tb* bloe roaelte huo( for sooje lima nndierarbed till torn) lngeai>>o> Liberal eonlrived to ebacge tie color to boff with a bandtal of pea*- meal. Indigo blue oame into reqitsiuoo with Ih* Toriaa, and many of me Liberate earned tb* mark ot Ita applieationa out ft Ihi fray. Meanwhile io tbi othsr part ol tbi quadrature fan of a milder kind prc- vailed, and tb* baft and blue color* aoald be teen waiving from every point where it iirid a little temerity to place tbem. Towards tbi eloss the carcase ot a state. to a very decayed Hate, wai totted stout wherever hiada wire thlckeit. In order to render paper* as toogb M wood or leather a plan bat been deviecd which, il it eaid, effectually aeeomplittaee Ibal parpen, namtly, by combining eblorid* ol sin* wilb tbe palp in ibs eeares ot meoa- taalare. Il ha* been fooud tbat tbe greater Ib* degre* of eooeen tration of Ibe ame solution Ibi greater will be tbe toagbneteof ib* paper, aod tbat il u thus tarvieaabU tor making boxes, combe, etc. TBE MKTII THOMA.M WATCH limit Watoli in Aiiierloa Tor tin- I'i I. .-. EBSTER'S Uiiatirided Dictionary. A l>ictionary UM* ^ - i'. * I iiiTrviii GazotU-f r of the \Vurld of -i Tillr^tn-l * itf-irr iph ir.ii DIrtlonarj uf nnarlr 10,100 Not I Pcnoni, All In nne liook. VCHOICE HOLIDAY GIFT: G. A C. NLRRIA M a CO., Pui/ri, >pruiirfli-i.|. Mara. CONSUMPTION. ' .. . Wllk V| . - " f SHU l M 1 1 1 m rsn. Branch Offlae, 37 Yonf Si, Toroito DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIENO . t ''

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