Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1886, p. 4

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McKENZIE - In Artemesia, on the 14th, George mckenzie, aged 76 years. A native of Aberdeen, Scotland. THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. THIS PAPER ttZJSStX UUtntUJ Ua/lW B>a<ilur U TilE ADVANCE. I puulUued Every ThvirHiiay, KHOM i nt OrricK, fuiiinjifnoJ Street, - Flrthertoit, IHU. TKBM8 OF BL&apos;HBCKirTION : 1 per annum wheu paid utrk-tly in advance; 1.50 l > i kuuuui whau uot >o i>ai<l. A. R. FAWCETT, Kditor aiul Proprietor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. DEC 23. 1880. TUL SECOND COM&apos;KffTIOX. 18 ff Cajtt. ISurkr Aynhi tin&apos; (&apos;Itoife of Centre Cirry Klrctor*. Victoria It. It. P. Aniiiml meeting of Victoria R. H. P. No. W, held in MHO room of Markdale I. (). L. on 3rd inst., when the following ulii<x-ra were elected for t-nsiiing year : Sir Kt. Jainet Broih.-. W K &apos; Win. Iffady, D.P. " John McKa.lden, Chaplain. Thos. Elliott, Ke-istrar. " Jas. Elliott, Tiv.-isurwr. " Jiwrpli Gibson, lot Lecturer. " Jus. Hi x .in. -ml Thos. inlray, 1st CeiMor. " J. H. (.&apos;arson, -iul Cunaor. " T. AliiTonmiliio, lit St. Kear&apos;r " James Trirkey, 2nd " .linn. -s Kinkine, Pureiiivnnt. " Win. Itutli-dge, 1st Com. " Thou. MrArthur, 2nd Coin. " ThoH. Al.liott, ,&apos;)rd Com. " Thos. J. Lackey, 4th i&apos;um. J. H. Heard, oth Com. " C!ei>i-&apos;,&apos;u liitchey, Ctli Coin. " W. 11. Johnston, 7th Coin. " R. W. Hlakely, Tyler. Markdale, Dec. 8th !H,Hi. Tiii- second convention of the Lib- t-ral Conservative electors of Centre (jrey, held last Saturday in Markdale, resulted in a most emphatic endorsa- t:on of the choice* made at the previous coi:\i-ntion. This (secoud) convention was called at the especial request of Mr. Neil McCo&apos;mau, and with the con- sent of Capt. ttorke, \vlio generously phuv&apos;l the whole matter in the hands of the committee, to act in the matter as they deemed best. Accordingly, at the annual meeting oi the Association, the political situation was discussed uluti.; with other matters of impor- tance, when it was moved, Mcoukd aud carried, that a second convention L.- l.cld iu order that the party might Lc enabled by the settlement of al- h_&apos;ed grievances to present a united aud solid front to their opponents on Tuesday next. Over one hundred de- legates were present, itnd in order to avoid any possibility whatever of a mistake in ballotling, a committee, was appointed to examine can fully the cit-dentials of the delegates , and ti.n i- scrutineers were* nominated to bto that every ballot cast \\i>.i I. ^.il uid to see that uot nioie than UK- li.illot was marked by each dele- tu&apos;.&apos;. . The scrutineers and committee appointed with the full and 1111- l.tsitating assent of every dt-h-gate pre- sent, including Mr. McColinan and Capt. Uorke. Not a vote was given by any one but those legally entitled to do so. Everything WHS done delib- erately, decently aud in order. Capt. Koike was nominated by Mr. I&apos;ringlo aud Mr. John V catch, and Mr. McCol- tuan hy Mr. Thos. Andrew** and Mr. S. Mi-Night. Fifteen minute speeches \Vi:le thill givcu by tilt- ealliiiilaU-S, both (&apos;apt. Itorke and Mr. MeColman plodding themselves to abide hy the decision, of the delegates. Somebody mu&apos;i-i-su-d a pledge ill writing, when Mr. Tlios. Andrews, one. of Mr. Me- Column&apos;s nominees, shouted, -N&apos;.ver mind writing them, we i himself and the o-lii-r delegati s will make them ill. i- candidates) keep their pit dgcs !" This being generally mc-nted to, the balloting was proceeded witli. The delt-gutes voted pretty much ;is rate- payei H do at muiiicipul and pai iiainriit- ai y elections. As the deli ;-au s inum-s \\i i. called out they cuine forward, one at a time, marked their billots, folded tin m, anil placed tin in in tin- HCI i&apos;Uicle piepared for thut piirpoce by the scrutineers all the tinn- under the watchful surveillance of tinve ku n eyed and intelligent scm: itn-i ra, MI that it was utterly impos.-iiile to cast bogus votes and escajM- d. d etion. Af- ter the voting, the ballots wen; care- fully counted bv the scrntint ns, when Mr. Thos. McKenny MDOnootd the result, amid breathless siluncc, as fol- lows : Capt. Rorke, C8 votes. Neil McColman, :J votes. Mr. Kells, President of tl.e- Associa- tion, then declared Capt. Korkc nomi- nee of the Conservati ;e party iu Ct-u- tre (iiey, wbich was afterwards inadi* ti:.:ii)iinous by a Btanding voU:. Ail (Iregfics were then delivered hy Dr. :->!&apos;! &apos; HI&apos;.-&apos;, (apt. liorke, and Mr. MeCol- :u,au, after which the proceeding&apos;s were brought to a close by hearty cheers for tLc Q iic-cu and others. 1 1. -.h.Tion 101. \o. TJir following aru the list of officers for KlPj.lieHonX.O&apos;.L., N". 4*, f,, r the y,r 1887. Bin&apos;s W. H. .Tolumtoii, W. M " Thi.miM McArihiir, \V. D. M. " H. (J. LeOard, W. Chaplain. " W. P. Crumley, Sec. by Ace. " Ez>ra White, Kin. Sec. " J. A. Heard, W. Treai. " W. D. Varty, D. of C. " D. C. Clayton, Lecturer. Coinni. Mou, lit, William (&apos;lark. " 8nd, R. J. Hproule. " 3rd, A. S. YanDiuen. " 4th, J. W. Batet. Bth, William I: - Flenhorton L.O.L., No. 429, mecU the first Friday evening after the full moon in each month, in Strain&apos;* Block, at half pait 7 o&apos;clock aharp. All visiting brtth- full i nude wnlooiu*. W, P. CROMUY. Srliool Toachers. Yesterday (Wedesday) the Teuchers of the Pricevillo public soli"ol.i xxi-iv the recipienti of very handsome presents from their friends in the section. Mr. Dixon, the head-ma>U-r, was presi-nteil with a beautiful ;;oKl chain and pendant and a supberb cathedral gong clock ; while Miss (iiiini, his assistant, received a handsome lady &apos; jjold chain and asplend- ed plush photograph album. \\ lu-n the 1&apos;ricuville people go inio the presentation business, they -.:> into it heart and soul ; and lieiir,- level-lieaded people, they al- ways buy their presents from Russell, the noted jeweller, Flesherton, where they put-i-liiiseil those above mentioned. Mail M< KKNZIK. In Artemosia, on the 14th, George MoKenzie, aged 76 years. A native oi Aberdeen, Scotland. SIIILUH&apos;S CliriMI :tnJ r,,iisiiinplioii Cure is M&apos;M by ii" on a ^iiurantoe. It curt h Centuiuptiou. 8uld at Mudicul Hall. WHY WILL Yoll congh wben Sliilnh&apos;i Cure will (jive iuiinediatu relief. Price 10 cts., SO clt , aiiJ }1. Sold at Medical Hull. CATAKKH Ct&apos;UKK. healtli an.l .wpet liu-ath st&apos;L-urril. by Sliili&apos;li&apos;s (&apos;atarr^ Id in- sjv. Price , &apos;ni cents. Nasal Injector free. at Me.l-.cal Hall. NKWADVKHTISKMKNTS. IU CENTRE GREY ELECTION. I lii>ruliva|ipiniit Mattl.i-w lUcliard-rin ,f th,. Villaca of rnetherton, Mi-n riant In t).i- ald Hi. I n. U. my Kinancial Audit for the I&apos;nrixuimi of till) Klwii&apos;.n JOnKI-H UllHKK. CHAh. II MOOllK. Ui turning f FleaheTton. DM. Slat. CAPS BRETON IIAILWAY. HBCTI&apos;-N- (illv... , iliIIOWBToSTnXIT. KM.KH FOR TiiF. WOKKS or coNariifiTiox. 8KAI.I-:i> TKNliCKS. a<l.lrut^l to the under- Mtt&apos;i"&apos;l and ctnliirittMl "&apos;li-n i.-is fur t&apos;api* lirr- ti-n Railwuv." will lie reci-iri-d at tin* nfnoo up l" u i :, U . -i... 1.1 , tin 1-th >lay of January, I 1 **", for t-urtaf ri wuikH of oooatruciioD. l&apos;lan mid |irnli- will In. open for |:IS|M -lion al t*M oAott of the Chief BninnoOT au-1 lii-nt-ral Miiniik-t-i <it t ,. &apos;..-: t; u. nt liniIuiivH at Ottawa, udaTaeatthi Offlei f tin- Ca^ie Breton Kall- wav at I&apos;.nl MHV. k 1 11,1 \ i 11 . on and ufu-r tin- -.Till ,U> of ll.-r.-n I..-, . &apos;]",. wlirn tli- fi-n.THl npi-cini-atioiK ai..| IOMII il tender may l>e oli- I in..- 1 i:l"in iipiil.i iitoiii. NO t.-ii i--t >M|| in- rtajned ule)** on oa of tin- ]>rlnti-<l fiirtni nnd till thi- riuidiii&apos;it!i aru coiiipliud with. lly 01. Ii -r. A. I 1 . HUADI.I.V, Si.crutary. i-purtnii nt of Hallwayi and Canals Ottawa, l.lth n< i-iulii-r. IKHI Mortgage Sale ! or In |ilii-iiani I l&apos;i.fi nf Sail&apos; cliUilii"l ill tn ri-ilMii M "iti-aui-ii to tin&apos; Vcinlur whiili MortKHMfA will iMij.r.* l,u-i-<l nt tin 1 time- uf nalr. &apos;I hum Kill In- ld by U. MiCOlOIU&apos;K. KSQ.. AUCTIUNKI It, H\ I&apos;ubllv Auction at Atkinson&apos;s Hotel, in the Village of Priceville, ON Thursday, January &apos;iOtli. 1M8T. At the hour of tlo&apos;ul&apos;ii U in tin- af(<>rniMin tlio fol- l\\ini* laudH mi&apos;l pn-nitKr. in the 1&apos;illiii/i- nf I&apos;rirerllh; III the Cnuilty <i( (ir*-y ItoiliK roliiliost&apos;il uf Ix>t NunitiiT Thn&apos;-f IMI a |0nii of Mili-(llvlnl(m of lot NuliilM-r Kifty Four, In tin 1 flrat I &apos;infi-^Hi.tn South c.f thf liiirhnin l(<ia<l in the .Tiiwuvhip o lilt- M&apos;-lt;. in tli.- Coimtv nf (irey, mail,, by Tlioin n. K (iiliiian.l, I&apos;riiviiu-iul l.iin.l Survoyur, lor Jiilin I t-i^i^oii mid IH Illi-&apos;l in tlio Itocihtry Office fur tin. i>irt County of Gray, whlrn nald Lot Til-,,. rntalli tliirtrcn acrvft, be Ihu aabi nmu, or k-nR. TKKMM or HAI.K: Tliln |>rmii>rty will In- mild Miliji rt to bid. #IIW in tol> imid Rt tlif tiniH i>f al<>. ",&apos;<" In thrriMiiontli)* and thf balaruo may ruinai nn inort^&apos;iiKi! 101 throe yearn at el^ht pur cent. im<-i.--,t Cor further partlonlan a)i|ily to I). Mtrnlt- MICK. Ki-q . Auc-tioli.i-i. KKANCIH WAIT!:. Prlcevillc. or to Ihu undcr^ijrii&apos;-il. J. W. KUOHT, V, mini &apos; . Hollcltor. Datcil Doc 90th IHXfl. BOAR FOR SERVICE Tin n;i iriiii ri&apos;.l :i i Inr,;.. Ruffnlk Knar - which took lt | iri/i- at Kant Urey Bounty nliow (all. 1NB5MT,. aluolst ut (iltiii-lu fall ihow IMM;. will l> for M.rvico at Lot i:t-2. i!ml Kant T. * S. Road, Ar- Uiiuoila. l&apos;ilcn#l. JACOD HOLLEY, Proprietor. LOST CATTLE. STHA YKI) from tin- |iremlai of the nndanliin d, I -it iiy. l . ,n Int. Kant T. A H. lt..a.l. Mul- anethon. about Ut Jnlv, 1W6, two upotted Hel- f*n. 1 Hte*r partly whit* with red mra and red pot*. Anv i-.-Ti.,i flvlne Information leadinf to reorv uf akuT will b nuitatilv rewarded JAMK8 MI1.1.H For Toilet Use. Ayer&apos;H Hair Vigor keep* the liair soft uii&apos;l jiliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes It to giowr luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all M-alp &apos;lis, its. s, ami is the uioat cleanly oi all liair ^reparations. VCD&apos;O Hi>ir Vicor has given me MI CD O |,,.|[,..-i v.iiisfiK-tion. I wan nearly bald for six years, during wlncli time I uw.l many liair preparutioiis, but without Mieress. liuleed, xx&apos;liat little hair I had, wan griiwiiig thinner, until I tried Amr&apos;s Hiiir Vittor. I used two lx>ttii*H "( the Vtoor, aamy head it now well oovere.l witli u new growth of hair. Judson B. Chapel, Feabody, Maas. LI A ID that has become weak, gray, nnin :U i,| faded, may have new life and e.olor restored to it by the use of Ayer&apos;n Hitir Vitsor. My hair was thin, failed, and dry, and (ell out in large tiiiuntities. Aver&apos;u Hair Vigor stopped tin- falliiit!. aud restored my liair to its original eulor. An a dressing for (lie hair, tlii* preparation has no equal. M.iry N. ll.iiiiinuua, Stillwaler, Miuil. 1/IOnP youth, ami Iwauty, in the VlUUn, u|,|,,. lk raii.-<- "f tli.- huir, may lie preserx. .1 i.iran imU-Hiiili; (wrioil hy the ue o( Ayvr&apos;s Hair Vigor. **A ills- ease of the ealpeUMd my hair to be- come harsh and ilry, and to fall out freely. Nothing 1 tried mtemed to do auv good uutil I commenced usina Ayer 1 ; Hair Vigor. Thre.! bdOi thi^ tirepiuation restored my hair to a healthy <-.>ilitioii, and It is now tioft ml pliant. My scalp is cured, an.l it U also free from dandruff. Mrs. K. U. Foss, Milxvaukee, Wis. Ayer&apos;s Hair Vigor, gold by Drugiftau and 1&apos;i-rfuiwera. PIEJ-ETT aArrry, prompt action, and wouderful curative properties, easily place Ayer&apos;s Tills at the head oi the list of popular remedies for Biek and Nerv- ous Hrailaehes, Constipation, and allail- uient.s originating In a disordered Llx-er. I havo been a great sufferer (rm H.-adache, and AVer&apos;s Cathartic Tills are th only mrd&apos;ieine that has evct given me relief. One. dost- of these Pills xx ill nuickly move my Ixiwels, ami free my lieu.! from pain. William L. I&apos;aijc, Uichln.iuJ Va. Ayer&apos;s Pills, Fnnarxl l>v I>r. J.C. Aytr k ( u.. I.ii BulU by all IfeaUn In ItodlcU)*. STH AY HEIFERS. CAM): to tliH|>reuilM*f ihu un thii wiifl of Julr, two vearllutf liuifuri, one n ! .: I wli.u- .mi.! tin. iitlior tnrl> all *hiu iwi,. i can havM tlie nuiua by ]irovln - |iro|u-rt) ml |&apos;ytim cx|n< . M. KK11.KY. Dw. Mh. IflNO. 1&apos;rii.cvllU. aMON&apos;EY TO LOAN. At 5 ler X^ent. On Town m 1&apos;arin rroiwrtjr, 8. rmirnE. Klaabcrton. NEW MVKItY! THK iin-l.-r- .r;-. I TK-I: t<> aiinnnnctt trial lie ha itartwla limiHlii-- ln-.n MI ttiu Uiid 0)1- l>o>lt Miinliwit lloti&apos;l . Kliwhen-ton, wlxre the trav.i:ii ,; pulili. ran be (icromuioilatod wltli good riK&apos;H an.1 lioni at inukt i-*aiunabl plicw. Try mi- aud !* conxinrud. I(Kix?et(lly your*, W. H.JOHNSTON. PlMbvrton, Nor. tvtli. IN*. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton, Italian iim. KavrtrniiKhliiK. ainl In faet v*ry- thlnu III tlio buHiu.-iii. will rucelv* uiy )>roui|)t mi&apos;l car.iful attoutlou at roaHotialilt* pric*-*. OOOOfMHDOOOOQOQOOQOMMMOOOOOMMOQ I&apos;illl) OF THAMiS In thanking my customer* for tin ii libi nil patnnia;ri: in ihc past, I have much phastirc in being still able to supply them with th? following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Snlky Hake. The Masspy Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolten iVa IlaTvestcr. The Fox IVa Harvester. Hamilton&apos;s Combination Plow. Token&apos;s Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton&apos;* St-nllli-rs. U&apos;isin-r&apos;s Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of HKI-AIHS always on hand. Parties requiring any of the above will do well to call and incpect Mach ines, which will be found in Spronle&apos;s warehouse. A. S. VauDUSEN, I I I HID 1.1. S. ooooocMioooononiionoooooooooonnooono TlinroiiRh-Bred BERKSHIRE BOAR I WITH good I&apos;.-&apos;HuriH. will itind for Mamnn of IW*fl 7 at Lot No KIArnt lUwce Ku&apos;of Tor- onto it Hydeoham Ituad, *irtmV> Turin* OB (**>*) J At Oil A. UVBB. LEITCHSHABNESS Tailoring HARNESS. Establishment FLESHEKTON! 7.v the place to get your Suit* fiidf/c in future. THE MARKETS. FLKSHKUTON. (Jitrrfitlli/ (Jin&apos;rfctfil Knrh It&apos;crk. Flour ?2 2.J to 2 26 ll Wheat *0 72 to 75 Spring Wheat 72 75 Barley <> 50 t);its -2C> &apos;JC I&apos;.-as 47 4e Huttor !&apos;2 I) !ii K-,-S, fn-sli Hi !G 1&apos;otiitocs n 4*1 040 Pork 5 &apos;!&apos;> 5 50 I lay, per ton <> H oil Hides HO 7 (K) Wool 10 1 Sliicpskins 10 50 (I, eu 05 05 Turkeys (Hi (I 07 (&apos;liicki&apos;nsper pair (t &apos;.0 (I Ducks per pair 40 U f,0 ...If you want Harness, Sin^l&apos; or I>iMilile, in llm-se Ulankcts, Tri i kl. lU-lli, Valisi-H, Curry (&apos;oinl)s. Urn Let or tlie cc-lcbratc d Ihuniss Oil, call & examine, before PHI -chasing elscwhcit. K J. WATSON , 1&apos; It I C K V I L L E - CLAYTON&apos;S II IKMvSS SHOP ! KLE8HERTON, It tlif I&apos;ltifr to yet voiir Hunt?** I&apos;vlUtn, <tc t imtilt ti]&apos; iik ytntd tty&apos;t. in 11&apos;. (luyion&apos;j lluvt il .SAoe Hturt, K. J. SPKOUL, Flflhrrton. (&apos;iinrniniir&apos;-r, .l;</&apos;mi.-r. 1 .</- IMifor UH.i A/"/ci/ /,&apos;//&apos;. Ihi-&apos;l*. .Mint- qayti, leattt nn-t ll&apos;illt ilnix-n n/> and I &apos;ilintiani i>Ki&apos;/.- mi iJn,ri&apos;:<t imti- -. &apos;&apos;An; yet rerii l<m: .I W V (,./.&apos;. J. Hl&apos;HOl&apos;LE, Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Blakrly, Carriage and U&apos;agon Maker, Painter, <5-c., &c. \Vi>bei to announce to the public that be haa start. 1 Iu the aliurv bumiirw. AM ordur" promptly anil neatly attvuilul to. Uiipairiii^ audPaintiiiii a v|iecfalty. Shop next door to J. Little blackfttnltli shop&apos; Tio will tlo all work In oonu0etinn lo the above hop. Tllns A 11I..VKKI.V. .Flesherton Meat .llarkel. 8EPT.UOOD, I&apos;ltOPHIETOK Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. PHOTOGRAPBY. MRS. BULMBR. Flesherton, - Ont. Havlnc ^punt Home tliiit- iri tin- fctu.llo of t!*o faiiiiui* Toronto Plivtocmiihi-r. Mi s J. tllxo:: wli.irf I at.|iurv.l valuable kiiowltditv In Itvtoii- rhliii:, I d.ol iuMui.nl I van KIVU eiMxt xauaral allrla.-lin. A Mil IW|MOtnU J KulKitv.l, MliS. J&apos;.LUILU. Flo)iprton. Sept. 17th. IHK&apos;i. FBRATfO CS-l ? CHASES ] OHAKf v J O&HOELIOH LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Linr Complaint, Dy<ptp>ia, Indigeninn, I&apos;ilioun, Jaundice, H^daclw, Uininot, Pam in the Hack, iJinlJPMiiH. or any diMaae aiuii.,: frrm a dermKc lim, O CHAU&apos; Livia Cna will U fouiiJ t >u and cejrlaui rnii&apos;.ly. NATURE&apos;S RCMCDr TIM unqualilkd ucct of I>r Chi&apos;. I.iver Core ia Litr I umiilainl roll > >lcly with lti fact lh..l it U compouixUd from aiurc&apos; well known liver regulator*. MAXIXAKK AM> I)M>ai.n>N, comUiird with nany oth<r inv>luaU r-J04<, luiki >nd hrrb, having a powerful tfTecl on the Kidny, S:ueuctl, Howtli aixi FI---I 600.000 SOLO Our imi-kflf milUf* / Dr. t k.itts Kirift f*ott Wfrt old i*la+4m *. t &apos;nf. We li-amt r- <> *t i*. momam mml fluid nW il tr*nt;J wilk Lntr CY> flmml It Irjr Ikit ixctlltitt rimt.tr. SOMITMINO H(w. CivtH AWAY Fict Wrappd around ery hottlt of Dr. ( huc&apos;t Livn Care h a valuable Hoiuthold Medical i .in &apos;r and Kccip* Book ((4 pac*>), containing over aou uicful recipe*, prvn<)nced by medical men and dru^iMt ai invalu* abie, aj.il worth ten time! the price of the mediciae. .TRY CHMfJ CTAIH Cgt. A ufe and po ilive remedy. l*rice, *) renlt. JIY CMII&apos;I KlONCT AND LlV PltU 5 ct. per box. SOLO BY ALL DEALERS J..BDMaNOM f> 00., ole Ae.nle, Br.dtoreJ Recommend&apos;ri by Dr. Christoe EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency ^1^ MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDRUM, AGENT, FLE SHE ETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. A.T O CENT. Insurance effected on Farm and Village Buildings and contents. Insnrnrc* against Lightning a specialty. Deedi, Mortgagen, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefnlly prepared and property cxdcoted. Ortm, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent.

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