Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1887, p. 8

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MAXWELL - LOCKHART - At Flesherton, Feb 1st, 1887, by Rev. T. Watson, Mr. William Maxwell, of Dundalk, to Miss Mary Lockhart, of Proton. HODGINS - LYONS - At Flesherton, Feb 1st, by Rev. T. Watson, Mr. John Hodgins to Miss Elizabeth Lyons, both of Proton. â- â- &apos;â- "â- V â€" &apos; â- â€"-&apos;â€"-*- â- ^ ^-^V.-&apos;^^^&apos;^^.-^-.-A.-J" &apos;-^.^Jr^V ,<â- &apos; &apos;-&apos;>•; Feb. 3, iSSy.]" the: flesh rrton advance â- a &apos;k&apos;.) .«...» ;-i,)!lH&apos;. * LOCAL SKETCHES.. u-lt Wi«! SoiiH of Tentpcvitnae, Amongst the many thiiiga wliicli tend to maku Kleslierton a niudel f>iaoi, *f"&apos;&apos;*&apos;â-  most iiosition must be given to rtiiit well Icnowii institution, the Soss of Tkmi&apos;Ke- ANCB. Wlifther by ilesijjli cw chance, or n>uro coincidence, vcc cMtnot tell, but the fiict in tlittt in oidur. to roaeli, tliu place &apos;<{ meeting <iiie inust pi&apos;;BK. between The Ad- vance office and the Medical Hall. This circumstance readily sugi^ests the thought, that the great Tenipciwlicc crusade has the leading of the uiind on the one hand .ind the iiealinji of the body on the other ; and that it seeks to guide its ;»<llierent8 ever upward till they reach tito state of ])erfectly emancipated inaxhood. With Editors and Doctorsâ€" the power of the jiress and the verdict of science on its sidoâ€" its worthy ends must be accom- plished soon. Ascondinj? the two flights of stairs,.you come tu the neatly funiishad, well kept hall v.-hcre the Division meets every Wed- nesday evening. Tu p;i£»-W<«ls we used to have a strong objection, which, on trial, is found ([uite groundless, as the pass-word is a very ample and appropriate way of maintaining the unity and promot- ing the i)urost friendship in the great Brotherhood. A fraternal charge, an iij>ening ode with organ, A&apos;c. accom|i<tiii- inent, and a brief devotional exercise lod by the Chaplain, constitutes the prelimi- naries. The "Order of Husinoss" is sini- )>le and practical, covering the ground amply, and so far entering into detail as to consider the pliysical as well as the so- cial well-being of the members. Besides Wing well adapted to present use, Uiti "order of business" has a good (education- al influence and cannot fail to benelit those who in other spheres and after days will have to ub with meetings for the pub- lic Kotid. A pleasant feature of tlie proceedings in "the initiation of candidates," of whom thoro liave been a goodly number of late. The ceremony is at once cheerful, instruc- tive and solemn, and seldom fails to make a marked impression. When all the items, concerning the general work, have received duo atten- tion, there is usually a considerable por- tion of time available "for the good of the order." And while the object of the order â€" jnire, yetiuiiie Temperance work â€" is 4jver kept in view, sufticient variety is intriK^uced under this head to meet the needs and tiistes of every one who seeks (â- ure enjoyment and lasting benefit. Vo- ual and instrumental music, recitHtinns, readings, addresses, essays, debutes, lec- ture.s, impromptu s])eeclu&apos;s on scientific, literary, social, and politic.tl (pu-stionR, with a variety «if other exercises, combine to make the time well spent. In conuectiun with the Sous of T^m- pcranci lh^^c is also a Ml&apos;ttal Rclicf Society, in whioh, at a suiall cost s.ud with excellent security, uietiibcis may in- sure their lives fnp sums ranging from JtSOO to 83,500. This is worked on the assessment system, aud in the highest ileathrate ye,ar only 12 dtotliF) occurred. &apos;t&apos;lic average is about 8 deaths pur yt-ar. The uible of ftge, cost, aiuount, etc.,. m as foUows : â€" fluence for good, and ever holds itsolf in readiness for any work that will adv*Hce the cause ot Temperance and the ge»ieral good of the community and district. The Division seeks over to cultivate a friendly spirit toward all kindred institutions, and heartily rejoices in the success of Tem- perance principles by whomsoever that success may be achieved. TO THE ELECTOKS â€"OFâ€" SOUTH GREY! GKNTLEMfiN. â€" 111 pursuance of the constitutional priticiple, that when there is any material extension of the Fran- chise, the House of Conunoiis has been dissolved, and a new election will take place on Tuesday, 22nd February. Having been chosen by the Liberal Conservative party as their Candidate, I beg tu solicit your suffrages in the ap- proaching contest. If elected I shall give a fair support on all vitui questions to the present Gov- eriiciiuut, believing that it has shewn by its past record to be heartily in accord with the progressive spirit of the ago, and that under its care the laws have been fairly and impartially administered, but on some questions I may be compelled to difier with it. 1 shall favor the repeal of the present Fi-anchisu .\ct, and the substitution for it of Manhood Suffrage. I believe there should be some radical change made in the constitution and func- tions of the Senate, or if this be not lirncticablf, then I should favor its abo- lition entirely. The present fiscal system whicb gives protection to our manufacturies has shewn itself to be successful and should be con- tinued. The depression existing in our agricul- tural interestsand the small returns re- ceived by fanners trmn their investments and labor should engage the earnest and careful attention of our Legislators. Be- lieving that the high rate of interest at which fanners are compelled to borrow money, causes a constant and large flow of their hard earnings to the cajiitalists of the old country, i think the Govern- ment .&apos;hould iis.sume the control of the currency of the country, and that the ne- cessary legislation should be [>a8sed to fiivortheeHtal>lislinien:of Farmer&apos;s Biwiks, and the supply of cheap nionny to tlio ag- I&apos;icultuial classes. Now that all the greot public w.orks rendered necessary by Confederation have bion completad, I think the time has come to e>^!r/jiiie the most rigid, ciireful and ecoawiUi&apos;cal control of our expendi- ture, anil to endeavor to carry out the aflaiis of tlu; country without further in- creasing the public debt. Hoping my viewR will mwt with your approb.atiou and that you will favor me with yoursup- I)ort and earnest co.opeiatioii. I am, gentlemMi, Your Obt. Servant, David Jamieson. » â- J! â- X •a X â- X <6 M O H JO- OS «» 5» ^ l."5 « â- >! C O « lO « &apos; l-C O â€" iNOâ€" <S4; â€" < i-" 01 c) si "Ji ri « ^ m «5. i o i» w o eg 10 o o i lO o w cc X »• t- i-i &apos; ,-i r-« f-i ^ f-i Oi C*i f-i &apos; iooo-toi-*ineol c^ c; ^ lO t3 00 c^ &apos;.o , â€" < rt i-> •-< "^ •-< *i *i i 8© in o i-o o g o i ,-H ,-( fM -I O 56 iH i r-i *H «T* •rij&apos;^ ^^ .â€"1 0-1 tfs « w o lO CO ift « l~ -JO X r. C â€" « lO I o © IB « * i^ la © i« I lo lo m ^ ;s t-- c o odcdcJo©-! lo « c. o 0) oc lo n SfN CI r^ n rt â- Â»â-  lo eSodcidood "in o in o lO o lo © OJCCCC-^-^iOifi^ ao in o in © iK © m ! 1-1 c^ w rt â- <? â- Â» o lO I to a large audience. The Children, who have been under the training of Prof, and Fairy Morgan, acted their parts very well iHtleed, and the audience was not slow in applauding the same. Little Fairy «ii &apos;tagu manager is quite an ex- pert, ana as "Bed Riding Hood" wa.s all tUat c^iuld bo desired. The King family gave severali of their selections and also lauie in for a good share of ap- plause-. I&apos;riA Morgan at the conclusion of the evcRjiiig&apos;s entbrtainment stated that they would visit Sliclburne again, when they would perforin the operetta of "Silverlocks," which he says is even better than "Red Riding Hood." â€" iihd- buriiv Econumuit. The Division is at present in oxcellont working order and civn otl&apos;er advantages not to bo obtained elsewhere. It has over 70 members in good standing, many of whom are snion^rst tlie best Temper- ance workers in the County, and to be with them is to be profited. Without any pantdo, in a 8t<i8dfa8t, consistent ^t>j, this order is wielding » mighty in- "R(-<I Ridins Hood." The following items, clipped from neighboring exchanges, will give some idea of tile juiinilarity of "Red Riding Hood," a griijjd juveyile cantata which is to be guvn liur« iiw Friday evonijig next the llih Feb :â€" liF.ii Riflii.vo Hi^)I). â€" The entertain- ment given Uy Pio£. Morgan in the Town Hall on Friday evening w.-vs one of the most pleasing Shelbunie has ever enjoy- ed. About fifty children took part in "Red Riding Hood," »iifl til>cir rendering of the cioitata gave evidr-Hce of tbii most cait^ful and thorough training. Too iiiiicli praise cannot be given Prof. Morgan for the way he handled the little ones. He will always be a welcome vi.sitor to Styif- burne. The King family won laurels and were rnjieatedly encored. The audiciKiki, an unusually large one. wsu* composed princiiially of ladies. â€" ShelhurM Free I&apos;re»s. Rkd Ridino Hoon.â€" The entertain- inont civeii by Prof. Morgan and Fairy I in Victoria Ibill last Fridny evening&apos; was I a most enjoyable affair to both old .iiid young. The leadiim rotr. of Red RifViin; I Hood was capitally taken by Miss Fiuiy I whose siiiuiii&apos;.,&apos; and acting is wonderful for a cliild., Tlie parts of Graiidnia, Mam- ma and Rose were doni^ full justice to by Mrs. Ketclunn, and Misses I&apos;hillips and McGregor, respectively. Mary Mcgregor made a cunning little Huttercup and Mr. Will McGregor distinguished liimself as Woodman and Harry Lainoii as Robin. The part of "Wolf" which pleased tho oblldren most, was well handled by W.P. Bundle. Tlio chorus siiiginp by about fifty children gave evidence of the Pro- fessor&apos;s ability w an instructor atid the frequent applause from the large audience gave evidence of their appreciation. We hope Prof. Morgan will give UR another mitertainmoiit before long. â€" fMncUilk HernUL This intorostcng opef»4t*i wss enacted in the Town Hall ou Kiiday evening kst FACTS ABOUT DANCING. From time to time our opinion has been asked on the question of dancing. We prefer to state some facts toucliiii;^ the practice, and leave every one to do his own thinking and readi his own conclu- sions : â€" 1. It is a fact that tihe dancing men- tioned approvingly in tliu Bible was car- ried Oil by the sexes separately and gen- erally, if not always, as a religious act. 2. It is a fact that modern dancing, however well donS). adds no worth to the character. 3. It is a fact that a iirained monkey can excel the best taught young lady or gentleman in the use of his heels. 4. It is a fact that it requires no intelli- gence and no virtue to dance well. 5. It is a fact there is no more honor in dancing well than there is in jumping,, walking, runnijit; or wrestling welii Dancing matches arc on a par with walk- ing matches, etc. ti. It is a fact that mixed dancing be- comes extremely fascinating. 7. It is a fact that much valuable time is lost by this species of revelling. 8. It is a fact that money is wasted on dancing. 9. It is a fact that people who csniiot entertain themselves and each otlier in a rational way, and must eni)>li>y their heels for this purpose, are to be pitied. 1^ It is a fact that young ladies pasniit fainiliarities in the ball-room which pub- lic sentiment univusally eondeiuno as dangerous to purity. 11. It is a fact that maiiy females have been ruined by attending dances. 12. It is a fact that the bast young men, even of those who dnnce,.. do not wish their sisters to attend li.-Uls, and they do not wish to marry daiiciiig girls. 13. It is a fact that the whole spirit and tendency of dancing is worldly. 14. It is a fact that no one was ever noted for piety and dancing. 15. It is a. fact that when a professor of religion follows dancing, 1^ influence for giHid is lu.st. IG. It is ai fact that men of&apos; the woild think dancing inconsistei.t wi^ Christian profession. 17, It is.a fact th«A the best people in the.iKv*rId never daikcc 1^ It is a fact that a dancing Church nieiqiber is not worth anything niiicli to the Cliurch. As the love of dancing L inies in, the 1" vo of God goes out. 10. It is a fact th^ the most pious and cimsidcrate people in all the ilunoiiiina- tions arc &apos;>p;josed to dwciiig, and earn- estly advise gigaiiist it. 20. It is a fact that no youug convert desirofl to dance, nor anyone else in whose heart the love of (iod burns. All these facts can be proven, and are true beyond a doubt. In the light of those, it ought not to be difficult for any inquirer after the right way to come to a safe conclusion. Reader, if you nre a Christian, and wish to decide the ques- tion, "Shall 1 dance?" with reference to your Christian growth, influence and happiness, you will never dance. It is a safe rule, says one, to engage in nothing ui>ou which and in which we cannot ast the Divine blessing. Apply this simple rule to the dancing question, and your feet will never be found in the slippery way of the ball- room . â€" Btipi iai Record. LEITCHS Married. Maxwei.i.â€" IiocKHABT. â€" At Flcslicrtnii, Feb. Int. 1887, by Ilev. T. Watson, Mr. William Maxwell, of Dundalk, to Miss Mary Lock- liurt, of Proton. HoniiiSfiâ€" LvoxR. â€" At Fleslitrton, Fob. Ist, by Ucv. T. Watson, Mr. Johu Hodgins to Miss Elizabeth Lyuns, both of Proton. Tailoring Establfsliiiient FLESHBETON! 7,v ihe ])lace to aiet your Suit a made in future. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Curc/uUy C&apos;(»rrected Hach WeeK. Flour ?2. &apos;25to2 25 Full Wheat .. ?0 77 to 80 Spring Wheat 0< 77 80 Barley 0&apos; 85 50 Oats ... ^7 28 Peas 50 50 Butter 14 15 Eggs, fresh H> 16 Potatoes 40 40 Pork : 5 CIO 5 50 Hay,perton 8 00 10 00 Hides 6 00 7 00 â- W&apos;ool IC 16 Sheepskins 40 50 Geese (^5 05 Turkeys t)7 08 Cliickeiis per pair 20 JlO Ducks per pair 40 50 R. J. SPROUL, FletherUm. Coiirey<mcfr, Aypntixr, Val- wttiir aud Money Under. IhnU, Miirt- <f<i(/&apos;".<, ffiisrii (i)irf ll&apos;iltii drami vp nurf I&apos;li^oif iViiiii miiile 0(1 shiiHeat notice. Char- ges very low. Apphj to II. J. iH&apos;mVLK, Puntiiuisier, Fleaherion. Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Blakcly, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Fainter, &c., or. Wishes to aniiounco to the public tliat ho has Btartod ill the ftliovo buuiuuss. A]l ortlor* prointiUv siiii uu&ftly sttoiiduU to. llopairlng aud ralAtitiR n Hpocialty. Bhop tMUl door to J. Littlu&apos;s black.iuilth Hhop< who will (Vfi uJl worii iu coiiiioction to tho abovu hhop. THOS. A. DLAKELY. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, - I&apos;KopBiEToB HARNESS - r HARKESS., .. If yon Miiiit Harucss, Single or Donbic, or Horse JUuukpts, Trniiks, IJolLs, Valises, Ciiny Comba. J&apos;nifi!ie& or the celebrated HiirncFS (&apos;if, cull ± exuniiue before piiicliasing el:i4wliere- R. J. AVATSto , nuCEVILLE. CLAYTON&apos;S HARNESS kSHOP ! , , , I&apos;LESHERTON, Is the place to &apos;jet your Harness CMars, die,. made up in g:></fi style. Shop in W. Clayton&apos;s Boot d- Shoe Stort. Fleihertnn. photography: MRS. BULMER., Photoorapher, Fleslierton, - Ont. H&Tfngnpont Rnme time tn fth» (itndfo of Xtm famnuH Toronto PhotuffiAphves Mr. S.&apos;J. Dixou- vrhore t acquired valuablti Kuo^o(lf;u in Ketou cblng, I fcul iLEsurud I ciin ci^s. uood i;euera> »ati»Uotlon. A call rt&apos;wi&apos;cctfully .iMi&apos;cited, MRS. BULMER. Flosherton, Sep*. I7th. IMRi. â- Â»â-  Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on liand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. .^VD? CHASES ^•^ O^HOELiOH mm GURE HAVE YOU Li»er C;omi)lainl, Dyspepsia, IniUgislion, UiliooineM,. Jaundice, Headache, lJiKine»s, Vma iii llie KwA. CoMiveness, or any disea»e arising from a den«ire«; liver, Dr. Chase&apos;s Livkk Cckk w&apos;.U lie luand * Kitf apd tcrlain rem dy. NATURE&apos;S REMEDY Tbe unqualified su. cr«of Dr (.&apos;hases I.iver Cure in I.iver C&apos;uniplaini resls s ile!y with the fact thai it m cou-pounded from nalurc&apos;s %>rrlWoiown liver rrguUton, M*ni)K/u:e ami l)ANi>i!l iiiS, conibimd wuh p]/utr, oilier invalualilc r.>.iis b. rks and herbs, ha> inf a powerful elTecl on 1mi Kidicys, Stomach, Dowel. aiU. Blood. 600.000 SOLO Ovrr ml-half millioH <•/ Ilr. L&apos;hiuii Rtcipt Pcokt Kcrt told in Caniula aionc. iV&apos;c want r.try man, tMMurf afui ckitii tvhfl it trt^nhUd vjitk Livt" Com- fiaini to try tkii exieilent rtmtJy. SoMETMiNO New. Cinc .Away Fret Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Ch-ise&apos;s I.iver Cure is a vnltiable Household Medical (iuide and Kecipc Iloolc (84 pages), containing; ovea- »oo useful recipes, pronounced by medical men andidruggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. TRY CHASE&apos;S CATASRH Cure, a safe and posilrve remedy. Wice, 25 cents. THY Chase&apos;s Kiootyand Liver Pilu. ^scis. peri»i. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS « T. BDMANSON * 00., Sol* A(«ii*«, Bradf»r# Recommend&apos;d by Dr. Christoe Extra Tit-Bits. W. C. T. U. Concert in Town Hall here last night. Report next week. Driiig a corrt anil a quarter of goofl green wood and got The Apvance for one year. S.iyppovt your own local pa- per. A short Bketcli by Deacon Snukos will be publiBlied shortly. EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repa)&apos;nf\ent to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business, promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkernaan and Napoleon Streets. •â€" HENEY MELDBUM, - THE llliV. GEO. H. THA.YKR, of Bour- bon, Ind.. i.ttyii : &apos;&apos;Boih myHnlf mid wifr owe 1.111 livcH lo SHILOH&apos;8 CONSUMl&apos;TION CIIIK." 8ul(l lit Medicftl Hall. FOR ])VSPKPHI,\ fttid Liver Complaint, you linvc a firiiit(>d RUiirantee ou oyiry bot- tle of ShiKiK&apos;K Vitalizer. It never faiib to cure. Sold at Medical Hall. SHILOH&apos;S CA.TAURH REMEDYâ€" ft positive euro for CVtarrb, lliptliur&apos;a and Canker Mouth. Sold at Medical Hall. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible oongh. Shilob&apos;a Cure ik the remedy fur you. Sold at Medical Hall. A LiviNo (juEhioN. â€" Questionâ€" "U this life worth living r" Answer â€" "It all de- penilii upon the livar?" If torpid or inac- tive it MU?ea a dull, tough, languid feulinR. Dr. Chase&apos;i Liter Care give* health und bauyauoj. Sold by Dr. Chritto*. •- 1 ,1. l.(«-. &apos;iJn : FLESHEBTON. -&apos;I &apos;;-> &apos;I&apos;ll v.r &apos; !• !. Loan & Insurance &apos; .&apos; -»«,&apos;jRU. 1,-1 -ji* 1 ,. . &apos;â- .ifiiir i.Mriw no If.&apos;&apos;. : AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. Iiiflurftuce effected on Farm and Village Bnildinps and contentB. Insurancfr against Lightning a specialty. Decilfi, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, ic, carefully prepared and properly executed. Opficb, â€" Toronto atpeet, near Town Hall. "W. J. BELLAMY, A^enl ^ 1 4 > X •a- ««1 .««

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