Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1887, p. 1

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T-^ ^^ to â- *â-  'â- /..â- ' £>.';'• Jr. -^^^ ..«.,JTJ..*y»..' .....1 FLES /a^i:*?//-. WiU .."*fc ADVANCE. :n„ . ..-j; -t'trj.'iiDl .ay* "TRUTH BEFORE FAV^-^^J-" PRIJVCIPLES, JVOT MEJf: VOL. VI., irO. 298. M ' «i liofleijw v x'i FLBSHERTON, ONTARIO. MARCH 3, 1887. A. R. r AWCETT, proprietor. .:::> n^ 3 -*• 1 Hampden T?f - Bits. ConsiMiyuf of Local and <'Ui,~r hUercsting Items gather^ h>i Tt. • Advm<» Reporters. Mmiday next ia Flesberton's ckttle fair day. Flesherton Mechanics' Isbtitutk ! Koyi does that read iu print ? Snbflcribe for The Advance. Have you paWffor The Advance yet for 1887 ? Look, opposite your name on addre>"> label. Saturday and Monday both cuod days to secure choice lots at Richardson & Go's sale. "Don't you forget it." I Go's Clearing Sal*. Richardson & 1 Watches I keep tbe only complete stoek of American Watchet, Clocks. Bilver- wai-e, Jewelry & Specks izi thtt sec- tion of Grey. Can do better "oash or tiredit" for the public, tlmu any Jew- eller witbin 15 miles. SPECIALTIES :â€" Wedding Biuga. Difficult Watch Repairing. â- â- - fin ;•- â- vv. A. etiow^w. '• On Monday next onr Township Fa- thers will meet in the To'wn Hall here i for tfac deapatcli of basiness. I Mr. D. E. Wri<;;ht offers a first-cloxti I mare far sale. S«o advertisement elae- I wb ' . in these culumiu. A ladies white handkerchief, liberally scented, found, and cau be obtained by owner at this office. "The Style." pablished by M. Ricb- ardsoD, & Co., Flesberton, is out for March. It is a ftn number. . The revival serviceB held iu tbe Me- ' thodittt church here duriug the lant two [ mouths were brought to a close on Tues- day night j^j. , , . . . , . â-  i Mr. Smith, the genial Markdale bar- I ber, will be in Flesberton ou Monday ' i>ext (cattle fair day> to attend to cus- tomers. We had a pleaMnt call from Mr. C. W. Rutledtte, of the Markdale Standard, on Friday last. The C. P. R. (Sfwill not issue pass- es to iiewspaner men this year ou tbe same uonditioiis M heretofore. "Every day next week !" What ?â€" Why the great. cleAriiiK sale at Richard- son A Co's. I Professors Robertson and Moyre will address a meeting of Centre Grey Far- mers' Institute at Rocklyn, on Tburs- day, March lOtli, and at Fleshcrtou on Friday, March Uth. See advt. else- wliere for particulars. Mr. A. G. Hunter shocked Duiidalk school children recently with a galvanic battery. We would like if he could come to Flesberton and shock some of the little boys and girls who persist in using our sidewalks as tobof^^an slides. Mr. W. W. Trimble, of Flesberton, sold his well bred mare to Mr. W. L. Young, of Slirlidale, for a cool S'iOO, aud has refused 8100 for his four month old colt. The mare was sired by Old Clear Grit, dam by Imported Lord By- ron ; and the colt was sired by tbe great trotting stallion, Joe Oale, record 2:28. Who says it doesn't pay to raise good stock. Wo want this question of a public li brary thoroughly discussed by onr citi- zoDs. Now is the time to move. We are glad to know that a prominent resi- dent of Fleslierton Station is takin>4 an active part in tbe agitation. Uuity is strength. A ReliabU JetoelUr, MARKDALE, OKT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO carY orreANKs i In thanking my customers for ttwir libariii patroQ&ge in tbo past, I Itave much pleaAure m being still able to Rupjply tliflm with tho f(rfj^«p^|«^V|,- bra*ed machinffs, Â¥iz.,^ 'â- >•'( ' ^ Tlie Toronto I>ight Binder. Tbo ToA»nto Mower. Tbe Sharp Sull;y Rak*. Tho Massey Hi '•vesftr. The Massey Mower. The Tolteu Pea Harvester. Tbe Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton'B Combination Plow. Tolteu's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Haioiltou's Scufflers. Hamilton's Boss Gang Plow. Wisner's Spring Tooth Cultivators. Tbo Chatham Fanning Mill. A full alook o£ Repaiks always on hand. Parties requiring any of the above will do well to call and inepect Mach- iues, which will be found in Sproule's warehouse. A. S. VanDQSEN, Fleshebion. ouoooooooooooooooooooooooooooqoooo We regret to leatu that Mr. Geo. Diuwoody is very ill with bihous fever. We hope soon to see our genial friend, George, around again a« usnaL Mrs. James Carberry, of "Hawthonu VUld," Toronto Township, is vittiting her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Pawcett, of this plaue. The two great eventa of this year ! "Ttie general elections" adil "Richardson A Cu's Sale. Commeueing Saturday next The Toronto Siiutdard will shortly is- sue daily and we^ly editions â€" Reform prophecies to the contrary notwith- standing. Get estimatos for your stallion print- ing for 1887 at The Advance office. Fleoherton. Best job office in South or East Grev. Mr. Geo. I. Fawcett and wife, of Heathcote, and Mr. Wm. Fawcett, of Toronto, spent a few days visiting friends in Flesberton last weela • I ttx. W. G. PiokeH advertises his I splendidly improved farm, adjoining (Flesberton, to rent For par*H?i»lap«. see advei'tisement elseWbeVe In 'itiese columns. The barn of Mr WiMiam Wilson, 8rd line, Euphrasia, w8u< destroyed by fire on Tuesday night. The lurid glare of the flames could be plainly seen at Flesherton Station. Mr. W. J. Maguire, the youthful and energetic Editor and publisher of tbe Qtubtc Daily Mercurrj. is a nephew of our highly respected fricuds, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kingston, of Flesherton. Mr. Edward Fawcett â€" brother of ye Editorâ€" and bis-^aldest daughter, Miss Emily, of Heatbt)ole. spent a few days visiting Mr. Kobt Fawcett, gr., and oth- er friends iu towii lately. 'â-  TtZ-ThSs.* cft^y? was in to»^^h oil election day. He didn't lose his vote either, but â€" ahem !â€" unfertiinately we were not so lucky. Never mind! "there's a good time coming." The revival services in the Methodist churcli here are being carried on with a considerable degree of success. .4 num- ber of names have already been added to the church membership. A quantity of Hemlock and Pine Logs wanted either iu the bush, or delivered at Flesherton Saw Mills, for which the '. highest cash price will be paid. Apply ! to J. E MooKE, Builder, Flesherton. The Ingersoll Hvn, published by Mr. T. A. Bellamy â€" formerly of tho Orangc- ville Admertiner â€" sheds its beams upon our sanctum once every week. Mr. Bellamy is a clever and original writer. Long May his liun sliine ! Pamphlets, posters, circulars, cards, billheads, dodgers, streamers, visiting cards, statements, blank forms, kc. promptly and satisfactorily executed at The Advance office, Flesberton. A slight reference is nia<1c to Thurs- day's storm in onr "Tit Bits" column this week, but it wasn't lo be compared to tht! torrilic blizzard on Sunday last. Our reB<Iers probably know v^onicthing about tbiF storm also. Grey Spring Assises will be lield in the Court House, Owen Sound, on Mon- day. Marcli 28th, his lonlsliip, Judge O'Connor, presiding. The Chancery Spring Sittings will be IicId in same pliice. ou Monday. March 14th, his lord- ship, Judge Proudfoot, presiding. Mr. S. G. Ketchum has resumed con- trol of tbe IhiffKrin Post. It is abnost needless, to add, that the Pud will main- tain its reputation, as a wide-awake lo- cal aud family journal, under the skilful mauagenioiit of our clever and versatile friend, Ketchum. Rev. Mr. Mahood and Mr. A. Rowe, of Uuudalk, were iu Flesherton on Tuesday last. Their object in visiting our town was the formation here of a Young Men's Protestant Benevolent As- sociation. We believe enough names were secured for this purpose. Kimberley Sabbath School's annual Tea-Meeting will lie lield on Tues<lay ! next, March 8th. Tea served from « to 1 7 o'clock p.m. Afterwards, addresses by Revs. Hoskins, Cornish, and Corcor- I an, aud recitations, dialogues, (be. will I be in order. .Miss S. A. 'I'liumpson wiii ; preside at the organ. Music by tlu; 1 children will be a feature. Admission 1 26 cents, children 15 cents. See bills. I I Our highly esteemed marble cutter< Mr. E. Vanzant, is rapidly extending I his business in all directions. His ma- torial is always exactly as represented . and his work artistic. Monopoly has i received a sledge-hammer blow since I Mr. Vanzant located iu Flcfdierton. , Mr. V. is a thoroughly reUablc busiuesn I man, whom wo bavt; no hesitation what- I ever in recommending to the public. A valuable cap, belougiug to a com- mercial traveller stopping at tbe Flesh- erton hotel, was discovered misuiug on Sunday last. A tramp, who had been prowling around the place, being sus- pected of the theft, was duly arrested, but, although carefully examined, tlio missing article was not found ou his per- son. The tramp got several good square meals aud a free nights lodging on the he«d of it Two young-old ladios from nowber- in particular called oa a number of, our 'tuwt<ApeO{<le Tuesday i3w.nj«>o<.. "^xW didn't wear false teeth, and, judgflig from tbe rapidity of their movements, we should say their bones weren't "ont of jiut with rooiiiatiz." ] Mr. Wm. BaruhouBc has been con- 1 fined to his bed, by iuflaiuuiation of the | lungs, for the past week or so. We are pleased to know he is fitting butter. A sou of Mr. Geo. Dinwooily's has also been down with the same disease, but we have not hear! whether ho is yet convalescent or not. W^ATCHES, The finest and best stock of Waltham, Elgin, Spring- field, Hampden, Illinois, & Swiss Watches. New Haven & Seth Thomas Clocks, weit^ht and spring. Jewelery, (Wed- ding Rings), Spect?-cles, &c. to be found in this section of country^ is at RUSSELL'S Noted Jewelery Store, Flesh- erton. None but Genuine Watches kept in stock which bear warrants from 2.^ to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bought for cash, so you may expect bargains all of which bear warrants from i to 3 years A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies' Rings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Cuff-Buttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest quality, at lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also remem- ber the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jewelery repaired properly is at , . _ , Rassell^s; \ote4 Jewelry Store, Flesherton. How any intelligent man couM en- dorse the peculiar tactics adopted by Dr. Landerkin ."VI.P. dur' .^ he reoont contest, has proved a, poser to our jun- ior devil^indeed Beelzebub himself was probably paralysed 1 Get paper for putting under your car- pets at The .Vdva.scf office, Flesherton. Y'ou know spring cleaning is at hand, and we have only a limited supply of newspapers for sale. 20 papers for 5 cents. Call early. Mr. Wm. Bradley is prepared to buy a lot more Birch, Maple and Soft Elm Logs, for which lie will pay good prices. See bills for particulars or call on Mr. Bradley at tbe Fleshcrtou Flouring aud Saw Mills. Tbo Royal Templars of this town showed great courage last Tuesday by driving 17 miles â€" over terribly drifted roads^ii) order to atteud their District Council which was held in U.S.S. No. 5, Euphrasia * CoUingwood. Paste it on your front door, that there will be a grand Orange Soiree at Eu- genia, under the auspices of L.CL. No. 1118, on Tuesday, March 15th. Grand addresses, splendid recitations, charm- ing vocal and instrumental music. Tea served at 7 o'clock p.m., chair taken at 8. Adinissiou 25 cents. Save your quarters for this feast of good things. Notwithstanding Sunday's blizzard, the C. P. R. carried its passengers, Ac, pretty much tho same as usual on Mon- day, ou tbo T. G. 4. B. branch. Thorn- bury's wheelbarrow road has gone into winter qu.-wters about 10 fuet under the snow ! What a grand tiling it is to live iu a place like Flesherton ! We would tell our readers all abont tho big storm last Thursday, vero it not for the fact that the majority of them probably know more abont it tlu»n we do ourself. Some pajjers seoin to make it a point to give iiiforination where it is not at all ncccessary. In tliat particular please count The .\d- VANCE out everv time. A member of the "broom brigade " playfully drew his broom across the I Agricultural Editor's back, on Wednes- day of last week, as tbe latter was en- tering tho Flesherton post-office. And now the rcjjort is current, that we were dragged ont of our office aud swept with the broom ! A spirit of wickedness per- vades some people about election time ! One day last week several of Dr. Landerkin's supporters came out to Flesherton in order to ascertain how tbe election went in South Grey. Some wag told them Dr. Jamieson was elect- ed, wberein)on they returned to their several abodes something after the man- ner of a funeral cortege. By this time, however, tlieir grief has been turned into joy. \ piurgative medicine should possess tonic and curative, as well as cathartic properties. This combination of ingrc- dients may be found in Aver's Pills. I They strengthen and stimulate the bow- ' els, causing natural action. i The Slatidaid tells us abont three Markdale boys who recently made an "(itemiit to t^lfm th- <' P. V , /crnin tnr the wilds of Muskoka. They were evi- dently students of ".Tossie Jaaiies," bnr. tho romantic nonsense was knocked out of their beads by tho parent of one of till! boys, who nipjied their reckless scheme in the bud. They had in store several pairs of bout« aud .socks, a web of flannel, a chunk of beef, some bottled whiskey, 920 in cash and several other articlee. "Hie transU gloria imindL" A ilooxe Story. During the thaw of a couple of woekft or so ago, a pair of geese belonging to. Mr. .Jos. LeGaril, Artemesia, suddenly disappeared. Search was made in vain for them, until nine days afterwardn they were found in a stream of water under tho ice. They had got in a hole which was made for a waturiugplace- for stock, and swam undariieath. A plank was placed on tho underside of tho watorhole to retaiu tbe water, and thus the geese were unable to get out. When found, they were in better con- <litiou than when they were lost. Curry <«ut ThrouKh. The genial mail carrier between Epj) ing and Fl(Mhui't<m, Mr. James Cvur\ , has a hard row to how when the wiath er is rough .lud sffirmy. But whether tile snow 18 piled up like nmuntiiins, or otherwise, Curry is biuind to "get there with both feet." Men like Curry, Parks and the Durham carrier, doservos ijold medals. Few are cognizant of the [wrils encountered by thoHo brave men during the winter seoaon. Long life to tluMii, s-iy we. .inotlier 4)ut'Ntiun in .Vrithnictir. Editor Advanw. If a man puts $i iu the bank for 21 years, at 5 per (!iMit. compouud interest, how much would principal aud interest ainouut to at tin' expiration of that time 1 JuMOH Repokteb. [Will some of our School children answer this ?â€" Ed. Advance.] M. RIOHARDSONIc CU'S A^iMJAL ^^ALE Will commoncu on Saturday the fifth of March to continue thr<uigh next week. This will bo tho best opportunity to se- cure bargains utfored to tlie public th^| sensou. ^/ m • iA mi&f^

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