â- rT ^^^ ':W •.V4I P- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Mar. 3, 1887. SELLING OFF AT COST ! I n order to clear o ut my present st'jck of Mens, Wom- mens and Childrens BOOTS & SHOES, I am offering Three or Four Hundred pa irs at very greatly reduced prices in ord er to make room for Springy Importations. Wm, CLATTON, - Fleshevton. THE rHIRD "BOrCO'lT." Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, t^LESHKKTO^. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : - . B. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or MvUe &si Mo&uoent&l Works, iiicU as Moauments, Tomb Tables, Hcadstonnn Counter aud Tublu Tups â€" iu Americau and Ituliuu Marble and Granite, and made od sliort notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Maibloized Slate, &c.^ kc. Flesherton, Amj. 30, 1883. , tn^ . ,...â- »'.-' HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify tiio Blood, oorroct all Diuordtirn of thu Liver, Stomiicli, ICldn'yi?*, o.ncl £Jo\velii«. Uoy invigurato and rentoro bo bealUi DttbilitAtiHl ConntitulimiB, and are invuluablo lu all Com pl&inU iuciduut&l to FouialcH oi all o^fcri. For Childrou and thu a^^e(\ thuy are prieeteaa. THE OINTMENT la aaiofallible remedy for Ilad Ltif^'a, Bad BreantH, Old WoimdR, Sorofi luid Ulcera. It is famous for Gout and Uheutuatism. For diaordem of thu Chu:it it biia no oqiukl. For SORE THROAT, BRDJVCHITTS. COUGHS, COLDS <)lftndularSw«llinfj»,SD(Iall SJriiiOiii«u«a it has no rival; c.u<l fur contractml aud o^jj. juintH it acta like a cbana. Maniifacturod only at Profoasor H6i.LowAY'r« EiitabliN)iment. 78, New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street), London, and are sold at U. ljd.,28. M., 1». nd.. Us.. 22B.,Mid :n8. uacli I!ox or Tot, aud may l,a bad of all Mad cini! Vendors throughout tbo World. Wif- Purchasers iik(yiild look tc the, LaM ott the I'ufs otnl Boxen. If the addveta ia not 533, Oxford Street, Loiuion, thcij ore Kpiiruma. LITTLE FALLS Saw Mill ! IN FULL OPERATION. Special attention given to custom work, so that parlies , delivering logs to be sawn, can have their Lumber for return : loads. SAW LOGS DOITCrllT. WM HOGG. Feb. 23 rd , 18 87. _ J. B. SLOAN ^(^s any quantity of Shin- gles, cfc. on kand at Eagenia. I^heap tor OaHh. J. W. BATES, Farniture Dealer and Undertaker, RLK8HEBTON. . OKT. Thorougli-Hrcd BERKSHIRE BOAR I WITH Kiioil red ij;i<'c will stand for svason of 1M4B-7 nt Lot .No. 141 llrHt Unnfie KilK» of Tor- onto i(! Sviluuhaui Uoa<l, ArtviiieHin. Turuns on apii|ical.iou. (iW8»!)8) J.VCOn A. LKVEK. ~1toÂ¥~sal~e" 9i ai;ro« 1} niilos from KK-xtaertoM. Ciood warm franiu rtwollinK, 7 rooms, (;<>cd collar, ijuodBtnblu a nuvorfailinc sprinv orc;k. Terms easy. For partic«lar8ftin«!y to W. ,). HELL.VMV, Flosher- ton, or to C. \V. BELLAMY, M<u-kduJo. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertan It«uairiii«j, Ravtitroughin^.anil in faut eve^y- IhihK in the business will rucuivo Diy prompt and oareful attention at reasonable pricus. Accciriliiig to tho verdict of some of our RefiiriH frieii''.", it is a crime on uur part to iitt»« a miiiJ <if our own, <ir to ex- pruaa our lioiiest convictions tliroui{h Thk AdvajJ(;r. Hence tliey have boycotted U8 and even had th« temerity to uiiike free with our reputation as a pulilic man, althouah not one of them can successfully chariie us with partiality in local or po- litical atfairs. We tfiv« evt>ry man â€" Re- former or Conservative, blnck or white, Catholic or Protestantâ€" a fair hearin;; in our columns and bonny fair play in ever}' instance ; and there is not that gentle- niun livinij who dare diBput« the fact. Often â€" contrary to tlie established usa- ges of journalism â€" we have published matter Intended to do us no ^ood, simply fr(jQi a desire to let the public see both sides of the (question. But wo do not, and never have, taken credit for tliia, as we only followed the protnptii%s of ct>n- science. All wo ask â€" and have a right to expectâ€" is to be accorded that liberty of speech and action we allow to others. But boycott or no boycott, Thk Advance will continue to speak plainly, freely and fearlessly on all matters of interest to the general public â€" giving "the truth, the whole truth and notJiing but the truth" according to the light G<'<d Las given us. Wo wisli every man well, bo he friend or foe, and have not the slightest desire to return evil for evil. But stf King aa we have power to wield the pen, wicked deeds shall be exposed, aud the people's best intereala promoted to the exttmt of our humble ability, Nothing shall cause us to swerve for one instant from the course we have mapped out for uurself in matters political, inoml or religious. In everything wo shall, as in the past, give foKh no uncertain .souiida. We have never received a dollar from any politi- cal organization, society or corporation which we have not earned by hard and honest labor. Thus, untrammelled by (larttzau or other influences, we luive al- ways endeavored to give publicity to tin- biased and honest sentimentt â€" heedless alike of the frown of bigotry aud preju- dice and the cavilling of qumidam friends. All we ask is a fair beariiiv; and an hon- est criticism befut« thu bur of public opinion. McrhMiies luHtitpte. * Editor All ai}ice: Glad to see you niov- injg in the direction tff <ia^Ni»'iimjt a.. Mechanics' lustitnte. Li^t there be no half measures in onduavoring tu give our childrou gu:cchm to stiuidard works. Count mo with you. Aktkmksu. OUT IN THE STORM! Thrilling Adventure of Tommy C alien, and Churlie Jteid. Election Reportti. Our favorite daily, the Toronto World, furnished the public with the most trust- worthy reports, concerning the result of the recent Dominion Elect lona, of any paper we have seen. The Worid'n esti mate of the result -'/i/orf; the elections came otf â€" was so remarkably correct, that we honestly think that journal is entitled to take its place in the very front rank of Canadian joiirnallsni. We have admired tho honesty and straightforwardness of the Vfiiild in all public matters, but nev- er have >ve admired it more than at this moment. An Election Episode. Mr. J. Gordon Mow.tt ("Moses 0»t8'') addressed a ineefingof eleotors in Osprcy Township recently in tho intt-re-sts of Mr. Robt. Gilray, and, in the course uf his remai'ks, predicted tho defeat of Dr.' Sproulc. Our townsman, M. Richardson, EJeq., ne.xt .spoke, and, it is needless to say, made a .splendid speech. Before tak- ing liis seat, liowuver, he alluded to Mr. Mowat's prophecy, and said, â€" amid roars of laughter, â€" that if that gentleman's jk)- litical forecasts were as trustworthy as his weather [irogiiostications. Dr. Sproule need have nothing to foiir ! Thu result proved that Mr. Richardsun is something of a "prophet" himself. To Stcek RaLsers. Mr. U. H. Plantt haviug disposed of his well-knowu bull has piirclmsod an- other to take his place. Tho latost im- portation is a maguilicent Diirhaiu bull, thorough bied aud will be at Mr. PlaAtt's farm for service duriuj^ the cominj; season. Those interested in im- proving thoir stock will do well to paste this item iu their almanacs for refer- ence. "Gcnoral Kockwell" is the name of the bull. In a letter to a friend in Flesherton, Mrs. Wni. Culleuâ€" formerly of this placeâ€" rehites the fcdlowing thrilling ad- venture of her son Tommy, and Churlie Reid during a terrific North West bliz- zard. The story is graphically told by Master Tommy himself, us follows ; "On Thursday Charlie Reid and my- self started to taUo our stock about 10 miles, where we ha«l about .'iO tons of hay. The duy w;ui bright and mild. We had rigged up a jumper and hud our tent and bed-clothes and some provisions. There was a camp stove out at the stacks. When we started snow covered the earth to tho depth of about six inches. We got about seven miles when w*> saw the storm coming. I tried to pitch tlie teut and Charlie went to "'round up'' thecattle. The wind and snow came on with such force and suddeiiess ihat I could nut pitch the tent. I waited for Chariie about an hour and he did not come. I then knew he was lust, aud, taking out my gun, I tired shot after shot uiitd he got safely back to me. We then spread the blankets and pulled the tent up over us. We had got our fei't wet in the soft snow and had to hold uur toes in our hands to keep them from freezing. It snowed about H feet that night. When morning came we tried to drive the c<ittle but could not. It wjui blowing a hurri- oane and the therimmifter drtipiwd away down to 40 degrees below zero ! Cliarlie commenced to freeze and •« did I. For- tunately we had kept htjld of th* horses. I got Charlie mounted, as he was not able to stand up. I held hiiii imi and led my horse, and alter awhile the heat of the animals made us feel much warmer. For- tunately we struck tho railway tnuHc and got to a station house â€" frozen, but not seriously. We gut to the house a little after noi;n, having had no fiHid since the morning of the day before. Tho storm lusted tive days. t)ur cuttle drifted be- fore the storm. There are about 1000 head drifting around ; they came with the storui from the West." OFEN DIVISION. In tlie Sana of Temperance Hall, Flesherton. Next Wednesday evening, March 9th, the momburs of the Flesherton Division. Sons of Temperance, purpose holdine their regular monthly O^n Division in their new hall, Christoe's block He- freshments will be provided for the occas- ion. \ good intellectual prygram is be- ing arranged by the Committee for the Good of tho Order. On motion a hearty invitation to attend was extended to tho members of Pricoville Division. Tiie people generally are cordially invited to be present. Admission free. To commence at 8 o clock. N. B â€"Members are asked to attend at 7:30 sharp. DOMINION ELECTIONS. .Special Denptitch to the Toronto World. .'Uuioat miraculous are some of the cures accomplished by the use of Ayer's Sacsaparilla. In the case of R. L. King, Kichmoud, Va. , who suffered for 17 years with au aggravated form of scrof- uia, Ayer's Sarsaparilla effected aston- ishing results. WeddiDK BellK. A happy oompany gathered at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. D. /i. Hyslop, of .\ucaster, aa Wednesday evening, Feb. 10, 1887, to witness the marriage of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. Joseph H. Stitison, of Siughamptou, Out. Tbo ceremony was performeil by the Rev. H. Ross, Presbyterian minister of An- eastct . The bride lookod very pr«tty iu lier rich costume of jn'acock Wuc plush Her bridesmaid. Miss Phoebe HtiuHuo, was arrayed in brown satui and plush. Mr. Stinson was assisted by Mr. Frank H. Nettletou. of Colliugwood. .Vfter the congratulations were ovor, the jjucsts repaired to the dining room, where tho wedding dinner was spread, and where a very enjoyable time was silent. The guests were Idev. H. Ross and Mrs. Ross, of .\ncustor Mr. and Mrs. John Stinsuu ami Miss Stiusuu of Sing- ham pton : Messrs. Frank H. Nettletou and .Vudrcw Sharp, of Colliugwood, Mr. C. Ma^r, of Toruuto ; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A- Livingston, of Grimsby ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hyslop aud Miss Hyslop, Mrs. W. ilysiop. Mr. and Miss Barr, Misses Moody. .Johnston and Wolfe, and Messrs. UoHeii.stadl, L. Croswaitho and J. Hy.siop, of Hamilton ; l>r. aud Mrs. Brandon, Mr. ami Mrs. M'itWIeton, Mr. and Mrs. Flynn. Mr. ami Miss Chapman, Mrs. U. Smith, Mi^s Forsyth, and Messrs. Mooro. Postans, Klliott aud !»mith, of .Vucaster. The pre.seuts were both uumei'ousand beautiful. The hap py couple departed to catch the train for the Ka.st, amid the gomi wishes of their oldor friends, and the rice-pelting of the younger onos, and accompanied by Mr. Ncttlcton and Miss Stinson. That long life and happiness may be their portion is the wish of tho Inde- pendent.â€" Or imahy Independent. AHR YOV MAI>E miB«rab!c. by lu.ligest- ion, C'oiisiipation, Dizzint-ss, Lobs of appe- tite, Yellow Skin'.' Hliiloh's Vit.alizer is a positive cure. Sold at Medical Hall. A WoNiiKiiFi-i, OnoAS. The largest organ and one thai plays a controlling part of the health of tho body is the liver. If torpid or iuaptive the whole system boci'mos diseascd- Dr, Chase's Liver Cure is made specially for Liver and Kidney diacases, and Is guar- nutecd to cure. Ileceipe book »uj medicine »I. Sold by all dealt I8. SHILOHS CATAHKH KEMEDY-a positive cure for Cslarrh, L'iplbur'a aud Canker Mouth. Sold at Medical Hall. Saj.t Bhkum CiiUKif.-McGrouor & Varke's Carbolic rcimto has boeii tried and found to be tbo only positive euro for Salt Kheuui, Pimples, Blutohos on the face Qf haiiils. Outs, HnrUK. Bruises, or any Sore that nothing else will heal. Try McGrefior dk I'arko's CarbolTo Cerate. il6o. per bo;i at the Drug Store, Montreal, Feb. 23.â€" The Government can at the present oiitliHik with ccmtidenca count on the support of thirty-five Que- bec members. Girouard, Desjardins. Dupont and Cimon will not go Lil)eral on any account ; Coursol and Giguult may kick on the Riel matter if it conies up . the others are lUI safe on ordinary divisi- ons. The Witness this evening makes the follirwing calculation : Not counting the British Columbia and Northwest Terri- tories oonstituencies, and ginng the Con- servative Nationalists like Coursol, Gi- gault and Dupuut tu the Government, the result of the election is aa follows : frovince. Con. Lib. Con.maj. Lib.mnj. Ontario 62 38 14 Qtjebeo 35 29 6 Nova Scotia .13 8 5 New a 9 6 3 Prince E.I 2 4 2 Manitoba 4 1 3 Total 115 8« 31 2 Total Conservative majority 29. The Glial returns whdu receivod from the Northwest and British Columbia will' probably bring tliu Government's uiujor- ity ii() to 40. The Star mukua : frwwce. Cob. Lib. Indi Quebw! 32 25 7 I Uutario. ....... t.. 55 34 Nova iBsitia. . .â- â- .'.':; It. .16 6 New Brunswick 10 C Princa Edward Ishuid.... 2 4 Manitoba 4 1 British Columbia I Grand Tot.ll 110 76 7 Conservative maj. overall ..36. Thu Gazette calculation is as follows - Con. Lib. OnUrio 53 38 Quebec 35 28 Manitoba 4 1 Nova Scotia 14 7 Ni^w Brunswick. . . .9 7 I'riucc Edward I«land4 2 British Columbia....! Total 120 83 Conservative ninj. 37 YKT TO BE HELD. Algonia 1 Gaspe I Northwest Territories 4 British Columbia & Of these eleven seats the Government expect to carry nine. Sir John Macdonuld himself expects to h.tvo a majority of over 40 in the House. That the Government will have a good working majority is admitted on all hands. THE, ADVANCE DOWNS THEM ALL! Iu tha .raaUer of live loc*l news, choice family reading matter, aud first-cluBS -storiea. o IT IS A^ay Ahead ! of ftl'l eou»|s>titoi.s, iiiicl only costa $1 PKR T£AR, FKKIOHT PAID. Subscribe for it and be happy r A. B. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor.