Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1887, p. 4

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m^ •^ \ <>!(% ^r THE P" L E S H E R T O N AvlT(-rtlilnKinir«auilOU|n-ucu8t. I, whcro Mlvertlalqi „ ^ „rertlalqa OoauKU uajr be oMda Xor U U HKW XURIC THE ADVANCE. I8 published Every Thiir-Hday, KllOM THK OFFH K. ( 'Mingxootid Utreet, - - FUihertofi, Otit- TKUMS OK SfllSCRlPTlON; *1 )'c)r annum wlim \'H\i\ striitl) in advanco t'l rxi per aiiuum wlion net so puiil. A. K. FAWCETT, Editor aiui Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. APRIL. 28. 1887. EDfTOniAL \OTES. Ours on assessments last Wi'ok sqiioc'ZC'd som(:bo<1_v"s pet corn in a miLjhty liglit corner. Its scalps we're afurâ€" and equalization of assessnunt. What lias become of our friend (!t " Miller," eli ? We iniaii the gentle- iiiaii who has acted in such a/nenJfi/ iiianiuT towards the Editor of this jiajior in the matter of newspaper sub- Hcriptioiis. Did any one say nitt f The forthcoiuiiii,' South (irey Tonch- < is ('oiivention will be the best ever h(ld by the Association, and thai is sayiiip; considerahlo. It will come oft ill l'le»horton on the "ind and .Srd of .Ii;iie, and, bs usual, our jx-'ople will iiccord the visitors a hearty and uii- .'â- tiiilcd welcome. If you discove/ a number of •' Kdi- tnriul Notes " ulnoii},' the " Til-Ihts ' liiis week, be sure and blame the " in- t< Uiijeiil eomposilor " foi puttiiif,' tli"in there. That's what we have done. ( >'.]ier Editors are not going l« enjoy a monopoly in this business if we can |)i.'vent it. is, hut u repelitioii ini^'lil biin;,' about a disbaiidiuent, winch every one would re!,'ret â€" and lume more so than those Ui,'httisted pei'soMS, who have so per- sistently witlield their 8np[>ort. The spiiiif,' poet has struck the otlice of the Cliesley Enterprise like a Western cyclone. H(^ hails from a place called Scone. i)r. Laiiderkiii ought to buy a chil) anrl lie in wail for him some dark iiif,'lit al'ler he returns fioin iiarliameiii. Here is what he Kiiys aOout IJJe l>i . : Wht-u in t\w liouM' )â- ).â- . voice i« lieartl. Nu wuMfit-r M-iiiu Willi liati' arutitiri'iiâ€" 111' (lun'l >pfiik sni^t'th tliiliiis. hut ouch word. Till' rini; of inc'tiil true liatli â€" Aniun^' the would I>o hi ist.icrals lie's liku a ti'ii ifi ral.-liiiitf riitK, Ho ^.htikfr. fill iili tlir> >tjucnl, and tliat'H 'I'hu styli' tliat tillkltJ^. Ll atii. Thornbiuy is now an incorporated town and will have to provide itself willi a Mayor, lieeve and no less than nine C'ouncilloi!. foithwilh, .together with Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Col- lector and wiml not. The ahsuidily of incorporatiiif,' as a town a pliiee of eight or nine hundred inhahitanlH iinisl be apiiarent to most people. Perhaps we will he told liial it is none of our funeral, hut it is a niif,'hty eom- furtiug thought to know tiiat one can- not l)e hanged I'm expressing an hon- i St opinion in this country. with Pini|il(>s. Hlotclii'S, or Sores of an\ df?.orij»- l.iidioM trotiWef ItouKli liniNl^ or fii tloii, should use .M,(ir«i;or ,V Hsrki'i. l'Hrl<olio CiTiito It will U'rtvu ttiu ^k.iu ni ptirffi-l health. NUiuolh, t-U'aii and i^oo.l color. It^ Hurt, and ^t-t tlit< j^cBuinr. umde l>v Mf(;rof;'ir.t Taike Price 'i'H- S..I1I lit tin l>rilt' M<T<! PRIZE COMPETITION 1 W.C'.T.I. In order to instigate emiuirv and research, the W. C. T. V., of Flesli- erton, have decided to offer three val- uable Temperance ]5ooks, as 1st, 2nd, and Jhd piiz(! to any person uiuier 20 years of age, who can furnish the lon- gest list of Words und Names as fol- lows : â€" 1st. â€" Dates and circumstances un- der which, dining the year I8H1J, Tem- perance work was mentioned in the Flesherlon Advance. 2nd. â€" Names of intoxicating bever- ages and of the materials out of which and the process by which they are made. ih-d.â€" Names of parts of the human system atl'ected by alcohol, and names of the diseases caused by it. 4lh â€" Pioiniiieiit words that came into use mainly through the Temper- ance Crusade. .5lh. â€" Naiiii s of Persons and Organ- izations directly coiniected with tlic Tempera nee Heforin. Gih. --Names of Counties and of States where the Sootl .\ct or other prohibitory liijiinr laws are in force. 7th. â€" Nanii s of Temperance autiiors and titles (|f Temperanee works. 8th.â€" .Names of men in the Provin- cial pill linment who are known to be in sympathy wilhTeiiii>eraiice Reform. Lists of words to ho correctly writ- ten and sent in sealed envelope, with- out iJ/e iiaiiii of writer, to Mr. Thos. LeilHi, Flislieiton, who will nuniber the enveliipts and furnish the v.'xlter with corie.ipondiiig number, so that all will be opelfed t'):j;etlier and no partiality can be shown. Competition oiK'ii to all under llii' age above men- tioned, and list niiisi be sent in on or h. I'ore luiie l!t!h. l.'.-*T, ADVANCE LEITCHS Taiioriiis: Establisliiiient R. J. SPKOUL. Fleiliirtuti. Ciiiveijaucer, Appraiiier. J'u/r ii((/«r and Mouefl Itiidir. Vtid-t, Moilr ijuijeit, leiisrf and Willi drnini vp aiul I'liluations vinde im nhnrteft iioticf. Cl.ar- ;/..< verii loir. Applij to J{. .f. Si'JiljU LJ:, I'uftmitstir, lleikertiDi. CLAYTON'S FLESHERTON! ,|4RVESS SHOP FLESHERTON. 7.S' /he place In oef your Suits 7)1(1 de in future. THE MAUKETS. FLKSIILRTON. Ciiri'/'iiU!/ Corrected Eitvh M'fi-h. Flour ?2 00 10 2 10 Fall Wheat ^*J 78 to <» 80 Spring Wheat 78 U 80 Barley Ji.'. 48 Oats ... 27 '11 Peas 17 47 Ihitter f» 14 14 F^ggs. flesh il U :1 Potatoes '>0 oit Pork .'> 75 3 70 Hav.per ton m 00 y.l Oi. Hides tJ 00 7 00 Wool K; H"' Sheepskins 40 n ;â- )(. Geese 00 00 Turkeys 10 (» )0 Chickens per j"4iir :'.'> >';t- ])iuks per pair 50 HO AT CORDON'S HARNESS SI! or You will rtiiil ri;i t'.«**« rtuivnt t»f Heavy and Lierht Harness, Whii'*'. !trut*liff. Curry Cfinl"*. Swi-nl Pa<!K. m,in\ ili»* fvU-^rulc'i "Hurt;*-!*!* Oil ^lULL.iKS .i .SPEflALTY.^tfe Choap for Cattli. CaJl and Fsaniiue. Maxwell Carriage Works. /» ilte jiUiif ti'ifft ijonr //wr/ms.-* l-uHtr.i, tCc, Shufi in jr. CUnjton's lUnd li Sitoi St>>r^'., FUithitt"}!. HARNESS HARNESS. ..If you want Harness. Single or Double, ov Horse Ulaiikets, Trunks, liells. Valises. Curry Combs. Urushei. or tiie celubiuted Harness Oil, call <t e:>aniiiij before piuchasing elsewhere. K J.. WATSO> . L'UICK VILLI'.. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER. I'Jio/n^i-(ip/ier. Flesherton - Out. ?Uv:u^' ^p«-!it -oTi:« time ill llio t*lii(lio of tht fttiuuus Iiuoiito l*/iylojrrH|»ln-rMi >• J i>i\i*i . \.):(vre I aciiiiticil vtklual'lc kiK u U<)ut> in lCi>ti>.i cliiii*;. I (I'wl kpmiul-U I can yiv*- ^;ot'tl u^'Uc-ii.^ s^ti^Iâ- ttl,â- â€¢.i^.Ii. A CiiH re»^i»ei;tfull% i^olii ttt<). MUS. I'.l'LMKi:. Some people do not believe in sud- 11 conversions. We do. After sub- i.cimg The Advance to a series of ,:)piovoled attacks, the Hanover Post oulilly :ii.d manfully asserted last week •i.at till Kditor of this papui- "is a •.'cntleman." U that is npt a c(ise of ..lulden convorsjoii w« would like to niuv.- what i.i. THE PUR EST , tii«s. a. Bhikeij , Finniw. ton Sill*. !7tli ISSj. Tlip Meaford Mirror expects to see v.'arin work between The .â- \ilvanee and I "South (irey contemporary" on ac- rount of Valentine Muggiim*" Parable â- if an KdiUir," which graced our col- .inms last two week*. " Whoever the cap fits can put il f.ii," but, in any lase, Valentine is ipiitc able to light his own battles. The fair-hair'd scribe of the IhilT â-  lin pDSt had his fortune told reci-ntly. Of course he is to become a bloateii .iristocrat, with gold knobs on his door Imudles and all the re.sl of il. That's the fate of most eouutry editors wlien iheir "fortunes" are told by silver- toNgued sirens ; the reality i'' what kiiockH most of eiu cold on the tii>l louiid. FieSd-and-Garden SEEDS ! That can be Bought are Now for Sale at mwwmm niiuG stoiik, nmmm. »»- Williaui -vvil) .Vttencl. I Carriage and IV agon M.iker, \ Painltr, ^c, o.;. I WlitttfH to an;. I'uiu-r to tilt- public Uiat i.s tiMt htartt'd 111 ta*. altiivr U.lV'iii.-Bi'. All ordi-r^ litoiiipth aiul iieatK littciioi-U tu llt'itairin^ aud l*a!niiii|< a Hp«.i'iaitv- i Shop iii'.\t.iluur to J. l.ittlv'a I'lackiiiiitli nbop, J 3 ho will do all work iu eonnectlon to the above i lop. THOS. A liI,.\KKLV. "reirt'ELEBRATED D" CHASE'S ORAKf A- - O^NDCLI0H ^^^ORAK£- LIVER CURE lifty years ago last twelfth of July, .Mr. Win. Hutle<lge, sr., of Arteinesia, jittended divine service in a church at Derry West, Co. PeeL Although it is partly in niins, the walls of the old ehuvch can still be seen slaiuhng out ill bold relief. This old fitshioned i-.tructure is built of mud brick, but it haH vtuod the alorin.'jpf .tinio much better than many of. the red brick buildings of a ji^ch inv,rp lfi(;eiH date. It is sincerely .to be rQgiTt.'<kl, that the I'liiiid Concert Inst week v.'hb so poorly patronized. Our Baud deijor/- ed heller treatment at the hands of the public. Its members have always been willing t(J extend a helpiug hand wlicrever uud wheyevtir their services have heap, required. All this they have dosiv-ii* Hjoal caB«|iâ€" cheerfully and gifttuitouely. 'Sfc'hat a inisernble rqtinii, ihevufi^ui'., way tiU« p.;!|ry«um laisfjdaithe f'ccaslgn n|k(n<'d, KucV contemptibly gljabby treatment was uev«r less merited. We Jiope it will urjt be rciJeatod. Our bif,'-liearted Bttii4(|>9i''' 8re much discouraged as it full crop tile reeent IliUtioKc. From our iiirn < \nrf,^ptmdt-iit. Tiuiiieil fnueii. I'ulil, hiiekwaril 8|iriiij;. Tile fanners in thiH viciiiily iUe startiiis; llieir seeiliiii; ami they eoiiipluiii iif it lie- iiil; n liit«' linkwnrd Hpriiit;. 'I'lie fallttlifat will not be aioiiiid liere this year nwiin; I iiis<ljt friLit.-., Tlie Ke\ . S. lli.'iiilfiKon, of Prieevilli, Hill il the piilpit (if tlie C M. eliiiieli here lft.1t Siililialli ill ftliiieiice of Dr. Stronif- iiiiin, »h<i is iitteiidiiit; bin exniiniintioii at tlie Cobuiv Uiiiveniity. NuwH liiui jiiat I't^uclied heiu that David Moorlieud, foriiiurly of tliis plitcuaiul wlm wan liviii;! with Ins brother at Aloriiiii|{- liiii in ileail, iiged 7" yfcaiK. Tim Teinperiuice .lodi,'e here liaH been larjicly iiiereased in inenibei-Hliip. .Mr. \V. Willirtiimoii removed to bin fnnn ul <'i.!i.in»iru. We uiidenitaild that there will be n spelliii)} iiiatth bel>vei;i; irf. S'» JJoi. 4 and .'). .Artu;)ema, iie.\t Fridny. Master .1. KoKeboroiii;li still continneB ill with intlaiiiiiiutioii on the Iuii!;s. iMAini. Til* exhaubted and drowsy foeliiiKS, ooiiiiiii.ii. to spring time, indicate an in.- pure liiid sliiffguih ciinditioii o( Iho blued, which may be rometUed by the use of .^yer'i Karsapftrilla. It is the most powui'ful, and, at the amnu lime, most ucoiiomicnhbUii>d .purifier known. HbKKlM.EKS NUiHTS, madfl miHerable hy lliiit terrible ootigb. Sbilob h ('are ii> th< fentrdy fur you, Hultl at Meilicul Hall. KIIM.OU 8 CUKE will immeiia'ely relieve ('roii|i WhoopiiiK C'uugb, Hu4 liroiicbitis. B >lil at MtdicHl Ha". »« (Vrlir.rnfr Roqiiircd. In I'hiiudi l| ha, I'iL, the sclioo) rule re- <|uiriiik( schidafs to bnii!,' pliyRJcians' cer- titleates in case of Kicknens at their homes i.t rigidly enfoiwd. Not lom; ajjo one of the lady teailiers was walkini; bv the resi- dence of die of her Kcliolnr.i, when nhe saw a doctors carriage standiiij; in front of the door. .\t once the tlioutjht of the terrors of contagious disease rose in her mind, and wlim nhe arrived at the school- house she waited III anxious suspense uii til the little child from the house of siok- iiesH made her appearance. Tlie child w.is ."Unimoiieil to the teacher's desk and ask- ed : "Have you a physkiaii's certiticate :" "No, ma'am, " waii*thu timid response. "Then you must Ico home, and not cume here until yo\i havo a oertitioiUe from the iloctor. " -j Theeliildditia|ipeared, butsonu after re tinned, and, f;leefiilly approacliiiii; her teacher, exclaimed ; "PltMuie, ina'am, but it's a little b.iy Why -and the doctor saya it isn't catchini; !" oooooiiooooooouDooooouoaooouoooouoo Ill tliaiikint; my customers Cur their liberal i)atronage in th<i past, I liuve much pleasure in beiug sliU able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz.. The Toriuito Litrht P.ijulsr. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky lluke. The Mussi y liarveRter. The .Miisscy Mower. The Tollen Pea Harvester. The l'\)X Pea Harvester. Haiiiilton'H Coiubiiiiitiou Plow. Luer ^ .'inpUiiit. Ilysp«^.ia, It(i.'.:te*.tu>ri, J.iur.i]iL«, HruOa^^«. I'Uiin.-i. I'l I >r;ai- â- lointcr Tolten's Centre Plow. liaiuilton's Scufth r^-. HaiaiUon s llo.fs (iaiio Plow. Wisuer's Spi iiii,' Tooth Cultivators-. The ClnUhaiU Paiiniiij,' Mill. .\ full stock of Kkpaihs aUvuvs on baud. Parties reijuiriiiy any of tlu' above will do well to call and inepect Mach- iueH. which will bi; found in Sproule's warehouse. A. S. VanDQSEN, Fl-E8I!RKT0N. HAVE YOU 1 iliou»ne«8,, 'km 1:1 l^c Kacit. ConivKie-v, ^.'f any i!:^ea«e nri.<i!ng itom a <.!trant:«ti liv«, Dk. Ckask' l.tvK<iCi.HK wJl Le founj a »urc mini ccrtui;: rri.i tly. NATURC'S RCMtOY TU i»u)u^:.ticd -iicc-\%of l>r t ha»e^ Liver Cur« in LivtT V.«-i:i|*l-int i***ts *-I«!y wiiS the fact that it i*. con pi^u-iilei! froti nauif- » wril known Uvrr regulator*. MAM'RAkl. A'.:- I> \K-i>ELt'»»<, comtilK'it *ith uistr.y other inv;i ii;ktil« rool->, Unks niiti Kcrlt. liaMIig ^ powerful edtt.: vti fi*- Kiilii-v*. S om«(.h, Itowel* «ri»: Blooif. coo 000 SOLD t'tif cm-half «. .iti>n '•/ j - - *â-  '.itit i f'tiipt Books vm*'t toi.i it ( .col. ^>i a.tfui li't '.vunt ci.t*y num. wmtfH an.t ,'\:{.i -.vhj it I'/'-ui-.tU wan Lut' CVmi- % Something New. Given Away Free W/apv^l aroutKi every bottle of Ur. Ch.i»e\ I i\cr Cure is a val..Ab> >luusei'OKl McUtc^J (ivtitle and Rccif-« Uooic (S4 t*AKe^}. containing vvtt zco useful reci^^. pfvnuutKCtl Ivmeilical men ftu<l druggitt^ a^iiivali.- ab!e, afivl worih ixn lirne^ i?-e pnte â- jf ine ti-edume. THY CHASE'S Catamh Cure, a wfe »riU po iti%» renicdj . i'r;ce, .'^st«:u'>. TRY Chase's KiON&Y and Liver Pills '^ t^ per lox. BOk.D BY ALL DEALERS )% IDMANaatft A OOm t«l« At«iit«. Bra4«or«. OOOOOO^aOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODODdOOOOOOO l^^lesherion Ileal .Market. S. SPIUIT, . . I'HorHiKici . Cash paid for fat Cattle aud Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand tOii Casli. Orders promptly (UK d. .^M a hair ihvasiiiK and renovator, .Ayer's Hair Vi«ipr m nniveisuilly ooininciidcd. It eradicates dandrutT, cure* erupti»n8 of the scalp, iiivixuratoB and beimtifla^ the liair, and prevents itii fadiiij{ er turning (.;ray. A WoNnmnmi.OnnAX. Th(^larf(«f>t nrgun nnil eno that plavii a oiMitrollitiB pHrt of ttu> licftlth of the body m tin- liver. If torpiii or iiiactivp the whole HVdlun becomen iliHeaiml. Dr, ('liHBe R Liver l'ui« in mftile Hpeciall.v for Iiiver ami Kidnny iliicnHin. »n') ix l^uar- niiteei) til cari' Kcieipc book and medieine tl. .S<M hy all dealeiR. THKRKV (IKO. H TUAYKR, of Hour lull, III'!., »ftyii ; "lliiih ni\B.-lf and wife owe oar livef to HHILOH'B ('(iNBUMVTIU.iJ Cl'UE.' HoUUt M«dic«l Kail. EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates. of interest and on tcvm.s of. repaymt^nt to, .suit borrower. FAKM.S bought and sold. CON VEY.\>iCIvS of all kindp properly executed. COMMl^yiONHlUpr taking afiidavits in H.C.J., Ascnt for the Norwich iM.-'e Insuranct^ Societv. All ' i)usinc.'=.s pronir)tly, carefidly and confidentially attended to. Office,^ Corner of Ii\kerman and Napoleon Street? HENEY MELDEUM, ' AGE HI 'â- ' ! f':\ \

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