Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1887, p. 4

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Ji: :'**.. I â-  f THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE '!r; XXLXa ra.r CiDr y. fl(iM-«il*Co*iN«wspAiM*v A^lvprtitloff Flureui i lOMpnice UL j. wtkrm M]m>rtlHlqfl •QfiUacU UMT U uado lur U Ul HJBW XOttlU 'THE ADVANCE. Ih inililislifl Every Thiii'Mday, Frou tue OrricB, i CoUingwooJ Strret, - â-  Flaherton, Ont. TEKMS OF BUBBCRIPTIOS : tl per annum when imii) strictly in advance (1.50 per auuuui when not bo paid. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor aiid Proprietor. FLBSHERTON: THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1887. EDITORIAL \OTES. VOLUME VII! The Advance enters volume seven this week with tl.c cousciousness that its eye teeth are cut. It looks back upon the past with feelings of pride, that it has been enabled to steer clear of sunken rocks up3U wliich many a uoblo jourualittic vessel has stranded and gone down in- to oblivion. Tin; Ahvasce, from first to last, has simply endfuvorcd to do its duty faithfully, fearlcsKly and uii- HincLiujj'ly. Hopefully and earnestly it will continue to pursue the siiuo course in tlie futiue, confidently rely- ing on the support and patronage of lU luuuy warm friends throughout the coiintv. We commend the well written let- ttr of Mr. Thos. Kells in this issue, cii the subjict of Conunercial Union »with the United States, to the careful consideration of Advance readers. Mr Kells coudenins hasty action in this mutter and he is right. A "leap in the dark" is usually attended with disastrous oon.se<pieuces. It is passing strange, that while a liumber of Canadian parliamentarians have been raising a great outcry about the alleged cruel evictions constantly tukiiig place in Ireland, they are us diiiul) as statues concerning the evict- ions which occasionally take place in ••ihia Canada of ours." Arc they ig- noiaiil of the fact, that right here in Ontario the eviction laws arc unicli nioie ffevcre than they arc in Iralaiid? Not a bit of it ; it's votes tliey're afuT. us the Werk very truly observes. Uiil wti triut the day is not far distant \v1j(ii the people will give our logh'lii- tors distinctly to understand, lliat â- they exceed their duties when they at len)|)t to legislate for any other coun- try than tlt^ir own. We dont want to (,'et mixed up witli other pooph s squabbles: we have enough to do to mind our own business. It is interesting to observe bow sud- denly the stern parent assumes an iij)- right position when he chances to sit .down on the business end of a crook ed piu. The interest lessens consid- erably, however, when tlie iiiiscliievoiis juiuil boy is luaicbed by tlio ear ont into the woodsbe<l and gently laidovtr the parental knee. There i;j a thorn in every rosebiisii ! Editor O'Drinn's mission to Cana- da has been a failure. IjuI tlicrc is balm in Gilead I Uncle Ham baa re- ceived him with ojien a.niis and pour- ed thousands of dollars into his fath- omless money bags for alleviating the miseries (!) of tenants wiio are better tieHtcd than any of the .--auie class to be found in North America! When will the last act of this niiserai>li.' farce bo reached ? \Vi â- ;rant some of our sub.scribeis to whacli up the dimes. Those who have promised us to do so time and again are tlie ones we more particularly al- Indt! (0. The iiL'.xt time we addrtss any nniarkBto them it will bo through the niedinin of the Division Court Cltik, Squire .Xniistiong. Our patience is uboiit exhausted. Fair warning ! If some people's religious principles well' measured in the same manner in *;/hitli they pile wood, what a lot ol Vig liolts there would be I Grand Jubilee Celebration I'liilrr tlir AuHpireH of' Sons of' Tviitperatuw, FUxlurlun. •nntl air. The Flushtirtdii Division of Sons of TLinpuniiiei-, will IhpUI a Gratul Jubilee Culebi'iitiou uM Miiiuiay, the 20th June, 18H7, ill thu aftinKxm, at U o'clock, in Till' Grove (kindly lout for the occasion l)y W. K. FlcsliLT, Esij.) wliuii ti)j,'ethur with otliur iittractioiu), there will be inu.sic by Fleshertoii llniae IJaml, Athletic S|x>rt8, Uaiues etc. Rofreshiuciit Stall, and an ()i>eii Air Meeting of which full p.irliculftrs will Ik! sjiven in next week's issue. The ('elebi'ittion will he continued in the evening', in the Town Hall, when \V. K'. Fleshef, Es(j., will luesiJe and the following prognuiinio rendered : â€" l.--Tomi>oniiico Jubilee Anthem, (written for the occnaion by ii member of the S. <.f T.) lirief I'nij'.T. 2.â€" Chfiinnan'H Address. 3.--In8truniental duet, Piirk Brother*. 4. - Reeitatiou, Miss Fuwcett. 5. -Tableau, Cormiation. (i.â€" .Son;r, Miss Leitch. 7. â€" Dialogue, Master Le(;ard, others. 8. -Duet, Miss Ohriatoc and Sproule. '.(.-Short Speech, Rev. A. Wilson. lO.-Du.at, The .Misses Beecroft. «Sircii iniiiiitet iiitrrvul dnrintj whi-h Itmnndile iriil he airrtd. 11.- Duett. The Misses KicliiiiJson. 12. â€" KecitJitioii, Mr. A. K. Fiiwcett. Hi. -Chiintde in three nets (written specially for the occasion) Ist act. 14. --Song liy rei|ue»t. Master U. Smith â€" 2nd act of ( 'liar;iile. !."(. - Duet, The Misses Nickolsonâ€" 3ril act. 11). â€" Song, Miss Ayers. 17.â€" Short Speech, Kuv. Mr. Furrier. 18. â€"Tableau, Sweet Hume 100 years apo. 10.â€" Humorous Reading, Mr. A. R. Fawcetf. 20â€" Song, Miss ChriBt4>e. 21. â€" Itecitatioii, .Miss Hopkins. 22. Heading, Mim Itrown. NationiJ .\nthem. (I'ositively no res- |K)iiBe to onciii««.) Admission 25 cents ; children under Ji? years of ai(e, 15 cents. Doont open at 7<'I0, to coninicncu at 8 p.m. sharp. I'.S. I'.irtics from a di.s'juice « ill finil ample facilities for obtaining meals etc. at a most roaaunablo oust. •SB^ M.i'lllKMATICS. iti.ACKiutiKn sKKTrin:s. KI.NOS or rlNANCK. 'Die uliove reprusotits a hloate,^ ('aim- diaii C'lpitalist on his way to the railway ilcpot. He IS in .H hurry to catch the liuiii He will ihuy a tickot for New York, ("hieag", nr Hiiffalo, imd it is just possihle he will iiit tell lira bosoiii friends where ho is goiii^'. Tlio.so U. c. hardly ever do. Wlu'ii he arrives at his ileitti- imtionit.is not iiiipndjalile he will inform his creditors ill ('aiiiida, that they need not ''«et-p for liiiii who has gone before," fi>r he is enjoying good health and doing well- hi fiict he has laid up treasures "where neither inotli nor rust can corrupt nor tfrtfditois breuk through and steal.'' .An'' sotliu world wa''.s. Thr OI(l ring! (TIte I'ui't Jtii<imei TnOij hojid Aijuiu.) Tli« felon fl«fi nf KliKlapd .\)h1 Hah It ironiu to Kriuf. '1 lio lliiK tlint lir«vi :: n llmnMnd joai B 'I'tiD traitor and ihii tliluf I Tloi liirelinij iilii'ii now Ih tioard, V\^l with ('uiiii'liiin<« votts, Wlillu traitors tijioiiler loml And laug, Anil 'llaKtuM Winuiii blnwfl, Tiiu felon lldK of ICnKland I Ih that h imtin; to iMill, Tile IIhk tliiit lotyH the iinivurRtJ, AlKl eroilifh iiv'ry tlirall ? BillUl we I'VirloiUf.'!' tlie l>Alll)Or (fid, tiive liirloiii hti'itltrt for tripos, Aiol Hpiirii thei^ritnil old linion .Inek For the iiiiKtuitH Htaru Hiid Stri|ui»? Tne Itod CroHH (iui^ of Knulnnd, Kiolll trullnrsit iipi'luMH, And nhall \.\n:y tuar It ficiiii tlif inast ? Krastus answers 'yeh!" V'ln liol t)o- tliii; HtnyB wlioro it it', Tlin .fR(;l< hiiali never ko. TIjo' trallors iiMiriiiiir loiiil and lung .\nd VV.iidlHiij Wioiaiib olow. The ineteiir llnKof KnKlaml, (ioii lilCHH ualJi tillken fold. And may it wavti as ever In the siplciiiiid days <if old. Unfurl it to tliu hrue'.u the flag That I'litH tho wroi.ij to ri((lit» Ak once it did at ChateuuHiiay And aKAlii at (jiiuunston HoiKhtH, â€" aVic i'/iuii iii Tormdu H'vril - â- â-  - » . , f». > Durins; the month of Junu 20 questions will Ih; submitted and in the lirst issue in July the answers to the whole will be given as well as the names of tli(«e who sent ill correct sidutioiu. Tlii.-i depart- ment will then likely cease until after midsuiiinier vacation. In order to induce competition a copy of The .\dvaiice will be given for si.t nioiiths to the pupil S-'iidiiif; in the grejitest number of pndi- leiiiH neatly and correctly solved. Every Competitor must rcnienibor that we have to trust entirely to his 'honor and we hope that the work in every case may 'be the result of the loiiipetitoft' own know- ledge. 0|icn to nil pupils who have at- tended school during one month of the iprcsent year. COMl'F.TJTION SEBIE8. 1. â€"A, Ij i C are jointowners of aship. C's share is valued at $2000, A's .share is ^ of B's and tlie sum of their shares j of the whole value of the ship ; find the value of A's share. 2.â€" Divide 8144 among 24 men 3(! women and 72chiKlren, so that the slinres of 2 men shall be eipial to that of :| u-om- enaiid each wemaii.t' share equal to that of two ohildreu. What will be the share of *Mch ? 8. â€" A rectangular piece of land is 3 chains links wide how long must it be to conbiin an acre ? (.Vnswer in feet and inches.) 4 â€" Telegraph poles are placed 00 yauls apart ; how for per hour is a train g<jiiig if it pass one every 3 seconds I 5.â€" Find tho 1'. \V. of a note of ,8,30 due in '.i yrs. 8 iiios. , money Iteiiig worth !)%'Coni|iouild iiitireat. A \\ ONnKiiKfLOno.iN. The largest organ nn'l < lie ilj.it phiys a O'Utrolling pait of the himlth of the liiHly i^ the liver. If toipiil or inactive the whole .'«yKtpm becomes diseust'd. Dr, Chase' !i I.lvi r I'lne is imide K|>.'ciall» for liivfct and Kl'liny ilis«aseg, and is guar- anteed to cum. I.Hceipe book auil me<liciue tl. Si'lil by all uealeii. t.V.,1 I'l.:: Ft lit S.U.K.--TWO steers two years eld, two heifem two yiiarsold one eow in calf, cheap (or cash. It. TUIMHLK A Common Cold Ii often the bi-giiiuing of serious alTcc- tiuni of the Throat, Ilronchial Tubcn, anil Lungs. Therefore, tho Importance of early and effective trratmcut caunot be overentlnistcd. »^yerN Cherry IVctoral may always bo relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last .Jnimnry I was atlniked with a KCVcre (.'old, w'hleli, by inflect and fre- quent ex|>«iiureM, b<>cinic worse, flnnllr Keiiliiic on my liuies. ,\ terrlbl.! couk'Ii M'oii fnlluwi'd, neeonipaiilid by ualns in the rlie»t,froiii wliieh I sullireil iiiteilitly. Afl»r trying various rcmidiis. witliont obtaiuliiK I'l'lli'f, 1 ci'iiimeiicetl taking Ayar'a I'liciry IVctoral, and was Speedily Cured. I atn satliflcd that tills rcnirdv saved my life. â€" Jno. Wcbiter, I'awtucket, It. I. I conlrnolcd a severe cold, which suil- denly devclopi-il into I'neunionia, preBcnl- lii>; ilan;.'i'roiM nuil olisiliiiilo »yiiiptoni». My phvNiilim «t once ordirt'l the u«e of Aver's'cliirrv I'ectoral. Ills Inslrucllonf Were followed, ami the result wiu a rspid and iM'i-nisnrnt cure.- 11. £. .''inqnun, Itogers I'raiiic , Te>;a.t. Two yearn ago I sutTcrcd from a »»vrr9 'Cold whicli Kittlctl on my l.uiies. I coii- Kulted various phykiclnnx, and took llie liieilielnes tlu'V prexerlbed, but receiveil only temporary relief. A friend Indui'cd me to trv .Vvcf's Cherrv IVeloral. Aflfr taking two bottles of this medicine 1 was cured, hlnre then I have (riven the I'uc- tural to my children, and cuiiaidcr It The Best Remedy 'for Cold", Cnui^n, and all Throat »nd 'l.uiiK dl'iasi's, ever used 111 my fiuuily. â€" •IJobirt Vandiriiool, Sliadville, Vi\. Some lime ago I took a slight CoU, will" li, bi'iiij,' ntu'leeled, gri'W worse, slid tetlleil on my Iuiiks. I had a hacking couu'li, mid \yas very weak. Tho.so who knew nie best coiikidi nil my life lo bo In Krent dimmer. I ciiiitlnuo«t'*»* suffer until I coniiuenced iikIiiu' Ay»r» Cherry I'eetoral. I.rss than one bottle of this val- uable niedii'iiiu cured me, and I feel that I owe the piiservntlon of my life to lis curative iioHcrs. â€" lira. Anu Lockwood, Akron, New York. Aycr's Cherry rectoral Is considered, here, the one (jreat remedy for all diaeoies of the tlii'oat anil Iiiiiks, and Is mora In demand than any otlnr mediilne of Its class.-â€" J. K. Itoberts, JliiKiiolia, Ark. Aycr'8 Cherry Pectoral, Prepared ^y l>r..T. C. Ay^rfcCo., I.owfll, Mat*.^ J. B. SLOAN Has (1 titj rfiKinlHij oj Shin- gles, (S,r.. oil li((H(l at Euoeitia. Cheap tor Casli. FOR "SALE." OJ aiirn'. 1} iml « from Kleslo'Vlon DikhI nariii frHiou dwi'Iliii;.'. V roiiins. Rood cellar, MnodstHlde ft neVur-faiiiiii{ .tl'rine ernek. Teriiin oasy. l''or imrtieiilarsaiM 1) to W. ,1. lli:i,I..V.MV, Flo.ilier- ton.or tol\ \V iU'.I, I.AMY, Maikdale. James Sullivan, The Tmsmitii, - Fleslierton UupairiiiK.KKVutrouRliinfi.aiul in fact ovory- thiiift in tint huahii-fift will receivn my .Itroiupi and catciful nttoiitioti at ruabouable jiricus. Sf:EIXS, SEEDS, SEEDS! Hocdived this week, a large supply of first class Clover, Timothy and Oardeu seeds, which will bo sold at bottom prices al R. Tkiuble's. (tf) I! HON YoiTR GtMRo. â€" Don't allow a oold in the liead to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for iioc. by iisiiiK I*''. Chase's Catarrh Cure. .\ few applications cure insipieut catarrh ; 1 to '2 lioxes iures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to ,") boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic catairli. Try it. Only 20 cents and sure care.. Sold by all dealers. Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catsrrh, Can be cured by .purifying the blood with SCROFULA T do not believe that Ayer's .Sarsaparilla has an e<|ual as a remedy for Scrofulous llii- raors. U is pleasant to take, gives strent;th and vii;or to the body, and produces a more permanent, lastinc, re- sult than any medicine I ever used. â€" K. Haines, No. Lindale,U. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my fam- ily, for .Scrofula, and kiiow. If It is taken faithfully. It will tlioroiiKhly ei-adicate this terrible disease. â€" W. V. Kowler, M. D., Greenville, Tenn. Kor forty years I have suirereil with Ery- slueUts. 1 have tried all sorts of remedici for my complaint, btit found'no relief until I commenced using A V e r' s Sarsaparilla. A/ter tukinB ten bot- tles of this medicine I am conipletfdy cured. â€" Mary C. Amesbur]:, Rockport, Me. I have suffei-ed, for yenrs, /rom Catarrh, which yvas so severe that It destroyed my appetite and weakened my system. After try- Inj; other remedies, mid getting no relief, I l>o|i^n to take Ayer'i Sarsjiparilla, and. In a few niuiiths, wascured. â€" .Susan L. Cook, «U> Albany at., UoatOD Illftblands, Mass, Ayer's .Sarsaparilla Is su|>erior to aiy blood purifier that I have ever trietl. I have taken it for .Scrofula, Canker, and 8alt- Uheuin, and received much benetU from H. It is good, al.<to, for a weak stoinacU. â€" Millie ,Tane I'eircc, .South 'Hradforll.'Maak. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'rtparcd by Dr. J.C. .\jaT k Cu., I.uwcll, Mu>. I-rlco SI ; sU bottles, SS. THE MAMETS. KLllSllKKTUN. Cirr/'iilly Corrected I'Uivh Wreh, Flour «1 00 to 4 -20 Full Wheat ^lU 65 toO !)0 Sprin;,' Wheat 85 !)() liarhy CO 00 Diits 25 '.',') I'eas â- kl 47 Hntter '0 '.'J^'OIL'* EW<. fni.sh 11 li rotaitoeBbush 30 uO Pork 5 75 5 75 Ilav.per'ton H 00 10 00 Hides ; 'C (10 7 tX) Wod 20 20 SluMpHkins 40 50 (ie/Mo OC 00 Turkeys 10 10 {"hickeiit; per pair !15 liS Ducks per pair ."0 50 AT CORSON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESlIERTOy, You will find an assi.rtnient of Heavy and Liffht Harness, \Vhip8, Hriishtis. Cufry ('oi.idm. Hwoiit Pads.uiul lliu celubratt^ii "llaritoHH Oil." ^M'OLLAKS A Srt't'IALTY.:itfe CluMip for CftHh. Vi\\\ ami r\(iiiiini<. H. J. SPROUL. Flesherton. t'ouveiiancer, Apjrraiser, Viii- uatar and JJfonci/ Under. Deeds, Murt~ fiatfes, Uaie.i and IViUa drawn up nniJ â-  VnluutiimD made </ii shortest notice. Clmr- ^es very loxv. Apply tu Ii. J. HPROULKi Fostmaster, Flesherton. CLAYTON'S II4MESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, t Is the place to get ymir Harness Coflara, etc, niaJe up in good style. Shop in W. Clayton's Boot d- Shoe Stora, Fleslierton. HARNESS HARNESS. ...If you want Harness, Single or Double, or Horse Blankets, Trunks, Bells, Valises, Curry Combs, Brushes or the celebrated Harness Oil, call & examiuc before purchasiii;^ elsewhere. R. J. WATSON . PRICK V IL LE. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, Photo^raplicr, Flesherton, - Ont. Havinirftpent 8i>m« time in the studio of the fainoiifi Toiunto Photographer, Mr. 8. J. Dixon, whoru I airi|uiru(l \*eluable kuuwltjd^e iu Uetou- chiuK. i (utji assured L cau ^ivo uood goneja> satiHfaction. A call respectfully soltcltod, MRS. BULMER. Klcslmrten, Sept. 17tb, IbHa. TRtftdEBRATED "=n V>^J)? CHASES LIVER HAVE YOU Liver ConipUint, Pytiicpiiia, Intlipestion, BiliousncM,- jaundice, Heatuchc, UizziricMi. Fi»i» in the Hack, C<jsiiv« uc"^, or any disease niising fruiu a Jeranjitcii liver, LiK. CHASk's LivK« CiHt will be found a sure and certain tun dy. NATORE'S REMEDY The unqtwrfWd vu< ..-ss t (" (tr. (_ lia-i-?'* I.iverCure in l.iver lonii'lan't rcoti s>lely wiili the fad that it i« coii>t*«Hnidrd from natiirv'^ wcllknown Hvcr regulators MaM)K,\kk a.v;> 1> wi'Ki.to.s', combint d with man/ other inva'iiaMe riK»i., li..rk« and ht rb«, hawnK a powerful elTvct Oil t'lc Kiilneys. Sioniach, Boweli and hKK>d. 500.000 SOLD Oi'cr omfktdf miltion â- '/ /'». Chast's Rtipt Books tuft iiftti in (. (iMOif'a a,0H<. We want tvn'y utttHf wtfman Ami ihi'U wha t* tr,->ubUti juiih Liver Ctfwi* /Vain.' to try tkiS i.t,:Cit\-nt rtmtdy. * a SoMETHWc New. Given Away Fiee Wrapped around every bottle i>f Dr.Ch.isc\ Liver Cure \\ a v.-ittiab'e llou'»ehold Medical (.tuide and Recipe Book (84 paite--), coiitaintiii; over aoo useful recipes, IMvnounccd by inuiliLal men and dru>;gi&tii asinvalu* able, and worth trii tiinet lh« price of the medicine. TRY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po.itivt remedy. Trice, x\ * t-nfi. ,TRY Chase's Kidney and LivE<t Pius. 33 cts. per box. SOLD QY ALL DEALERS T. BDMANSON & CO., Sol* Agant*. BradforA [Flesherton Meat JVIarkel. S. Sl'IlUT, . . I'KOl'BIBTOr. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms tif repayment to suit borrower. FARMS boufrht and sold. , /;; CONVRYANCK.S of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agent lor the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. , , HENEY MELDEUM, " h %%. ^ IV.' m â- .â-  h ,^- â- â€¢â-  ^ \ V'. IW iMiMinaJMlf^ â€" ^1.^.-. - -^ -..

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