Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1887, p. 5

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June 9, 1887.] THE F L E S "H E R T O N ADVANCE ^SOUTH,. GREY TEACHERS, lirport of Thfif Annual Coureii- tioii hchl ill J'UcslicrtoH, .i-> M i â- t '•â-  *0 The a»uniid convention of the South • Urey Teauhois' ^Aasnuiutioii was iiclii in tht^ Fluslvivtim scliodlhuuae on Thursday and f'riday of last week. 'I'liu fraternity WHS lai-^'oly iepresunlod| b«jtli aexva beiiiif [iretty i;venly dividcil iiK to nmubors. Mr. C. Raiiia<^u, the energetic, oi ii^iial iiid painstakiiij; President nt the Associa- ' tion, dccuiiied the chair. His opeiiinij uddres.s aljomided in iiractical .sujtgestiiiiis \ â- indwell rounded ].Lrii)d.<. Ha strongly! supiJOited the keeiiiiij^ up nt' Township Associations, as it had a teiideiioy to brinn 'L'eat:hi'rs touuther, indiiuiiiL! a healthy in- . terchaiiiru ut ideas aud pievuntiiLK that •isolation whicli so lai:^'cly prevailed in ninny parts of the county. Mr. Raniai,'e then introiluced the n««vly appoiiitid Public School Inspector, Mr. Campbell, to the ('onveiition, in iinu" ful and appio- priate terms, and amidst <{vuat applause. Mr. F. J. Hunter's paper on tlie "2'.<t«/i',r's Iiitliun'x" next ciimo ou. It conuiintxl several ^uod points and a num- ber of inferior ones. It WHS, lH>wevtii-, <{uite intereatiiiK, often edifying, aiid • iometimes positively ni.structive. TUlKsn.iY .\frKK.\OOX. Mr. R. J. Ball's paper on the ''^Voic â-  S,-li<ii>l Hift'ii'i' possessed considerable iutere:)t for those who heard it, and con- taineU some excellent suggestions. Miss Taylor's "Ohjtct Icisox (with 'â- liiti.i/' w;is received with eulisiderable a,p- l>lause. It iva-t excellent. Mr. J. J. Tilli.y, Director of Teai'h- ii>s' Iiistitutee, read n uipital paper on Ui.iciplini^.'' It w;u* ••liriiii full and run- nini,' over" with common sense it'.ena pitr- tainii'i; to discipline in the scluM'l-roiiin. Sthool-roiins should bo made altractive .- â€" something boys and nirls would be proud of. Self-i;uveriiment and self-con- trol were the great lessons to be learned, the ^ri'eat ends to be attained. Obedience should be cultivated until it becomes a habit. Itithunld l)o an oiilinhteiied obedi- <'nce. The school should be regarded as a mcpdellittle World, the active co-opera- tion of the pupils Ijeing necessiuy for the "ood ifovemiiieiit thereof ; and Teachers should have a constant interest in their pupik, buth ill and out of the school-room. I'arents and trustees should be induced to visit the .school from time to time â€" not in an official cap.icity, but in a friendly . manner. Teachers should ;:et as nearly ou a level with their pupils as possible. Nature illustrates the true principles of luural discipline. Discipline should be frijnlai and not Ki>(i:imuilii\ As for in- stance : a breach of soliuol discipline that would not be tolerated one day shouhl certainly not be tolerated the next day. Children soon accommodate themselves to a reijular iliscipline. .\rtilicial rules are often broken mi account of natund in- stincts. The Teacher should study child nature. Discipline shouM be unobtursive â€" rather a means than an end. Hu sh>mld Ijtt.kind, and should not expect the duU \*).y to keep pace with the bti^it .boy. lioiiie Murroun>lini{s Imd much to^iu witFi' the pupils pi-i'^res.-i. C'luiisity \wis vcr^v stroma in children ; tlvy should liar\'e somethiii'^ to do and 11 iu'>tive for domu it. There should be oniclation of a de- sire to excel. Great caution should be e-xereised in the matter of corporal pun- ishment. Mr. Tilley is a pleasing speak- ,er and clothes his thoughts in simple, common .^ense lan;juai,'e. The paper w.is ctiluised by .Mr. K. .1. I l.xenliani, Mr. IJoyle, of Toronto, Mr. Uiiiiia;ie and In- spector Campbell. Sir. Tilley s replies were short, pointed and courteous. Mr. Wherry, head ma.ster of Durham Model School, next road his paper on " K.i-iiini tiafiiiiiii." It w;us a comuion sense one in every rodpect. The mistakes of medical men, under certiuii Lircuiiist5iiice«, was referred to in a most happy and hu- morous nianner. One or two poin's in Mr. Wherry's paper provoked some lively .criticism on the part of our ijenial y.mng friend, Mr. IMakestoii, and others. IiHpeclor Campbell .t address on "JVi/i- fiKC (((••; III ScIkii/U '' had been U>oked for- ward to with considerable intelest by many citizens and others, anil we are .safe 1:1 .sayini; tliat not one in the room went away di.sa|»poiiited. Tiie Iimpector'tliouulit ,1 'i'l^iiiiierauco education \v;is needevl .'iiiioii',' the masses. Let the .schools lie thorouk'iily permiated wiUi its principles. Temperance iiiyn ilies soiiiotliiii^ luore now than it did once. It nowineans I'ltnl. nh- itiiiifut: Now-a-days a priictical reiuton for everythini{ was rocpilred, and he was ji favor of the scientilic or experiiiu'iital method of explainini.' the uses and abuses of alcohol. He would yive oliject lessons on the pupils tlieiiisi Ives. The Teacln r «hould bo full of his subjec^t in order to teach it .luceessfnlly. Pupils will carry away ideas on physioloi^y if presented in a pr iper inaiiiiei'. Want nf space iJieveiits us doiii'4 tliiit justice to the Inspector's excellent .and practical address which it deserves. FKtDAY MORNIS'O. Devotional exercises by the President and tlie reaiiiuH of the iniiiiit'S by Secre- l.iry Treasnier Trwiii, of Fle.sherton. .â- ^Ir. Boyle, of Toronto, then delivered his eloiiuenl, humorous and sensible .ad- dress on the ''J'J'lHi-i/.tii/iKil i>vi:i':lfi." Tn the eoiirao of his remarks he referred td the combination of Tiui'tees for the fur- therance of their iiiterest.s,,aiid siig^ioated t'lat teachers iiii'jht uo ainl ilo likewise. It was possible to incvea.se the salaries •of Teai'her^ without iinpoNiiiK on the inno- cent rural Tiaistees. He paid a toUi;hiit({ tribute to the "rani.sbaekle obi buildin'.i" in which they were xs-seiiilded, and su^'- (jested fheerectioii of Te.icher's residences. The Teachinji profession was overcrowded, and no class pursued a more suicidal po- licy than they did. 'Jn ^ of the fraterni- ty! in. tUin province were teaching on per- mits, a fact to be deplored. The rich and prosperous county of Welland had 30 or 40 "permit" toacliers, caused by the .sy- cophancy of the In8|iecti.r there. The speaker's statement that the siune salary should be paid to lady as to i^entlumen Teachers, if eipially ijualitied, wiif, icccii- ed with applause l>y the male Teachers. Numerous instances of Teachers "under- bidding ' i'ai:h other were given and Mr. Boyle took Ins seat amidst sireftt applause. A short discu.sbion followed in wliicli the President. Inspector Campbell, Mr. Til- ley and Mr. Wherry took part. Mr. Tiliey'a "(rrammar, with dans" was very •interesting ai.d inttructive. Mr. Merchant, howl ni;ister of "the (Jwen Sound High .Scho«d, delivorod an eminently pmctical address on tli« "tW- h(je iif Pmrptiiii,'' wliiuliwas listened to With iiiarkud attention. It «as l«i.«ioal and convinuiug. ' ' Norc.s. • Mr. Tilley's lecture in the Metfliodist Church on 'Thursd^' eveniii!.', entitled. "iS'idc .-is ill liff, -fiH'li spMHiil refiTdiae to i"iiuii7 3ff.i," Wiis very largely attemled, tlie lecture room bldug crowded by an iii- teDifjeiit and appreciative audience. The leuture wiis unusually iiiterestin<; and in- structive -.is well as practical ami fre- Huenily elicited heiuty outbursts of :Rp- plause. The procuedinsss were varied by the rendeviii',' of well selected solos, dutits, etc.-by Floshirton's best vocalists. Mr. Dison'n paper on "'3fi(/; lJ>iiii>iiig." on Fridity aftenioon. wns interestin;^ and practical. Mr. Dixon k; certainly one of the cleverest members of the fraternity we<ever':iiet in our life. kiapttutor C.impbell is a tall, slim, kindly lookin'.' youm» man, with a promi- nent nose. Ho is very popular witii Teachers and, in fact, everj'body. Proton Pointers. Fium onr oicu < 'nrreipotidi ut. HOW THB WILH <-.\TS WKRK CAPTfRED. Monday of last week as Mr. Win. Cauipbell who lives north of Hopeville â€" was in the bush, he came across two wild cats (Canadian Lynx) and their younc ones. He secured the kittens, keepftis; the olil cats away with .an axe. Next day Mr. Cainpl)ell and Mr. Robt. Parslow set out to'.secure the old ones if IXMwible. Takin^ one i^fthe captives they hung it by its hind le^s to a tree. It, of cuui-se, set up .-v terrible scream, which soon brought its mother near the spot. Mr. Parsluw uould just discern the out- line of the old wild cat tliroui{li the foliai>e of the trees, and drawnii^ a bead upon her, fired, puttint; ti'.ilit buckshot in her breast. The hunters natuiidly feel wry proud over.their successand hope to catch the masculine s{M:cies before loii". FOOT HAM. MATIH. .V football matuJi .took place i^aturday of week Wbire hist, "between the ."^ivinton i'tippriit .and'tiio ^Iseeiiside LenllniA. The CVt/(^>.-ia won tlie "toss' for i^oiil . coiise- ciueiitly the bii'l was kicked olf by the ZerW/ci-.s at li;o() p. in. The itaiae was a Very exciting one ;iiid the toaOis were evenly niatelK'd : Iftnis when "iuiJf time' â- wna cnttedttetth^ m<ir h.id scnrwl n vonl. .Vftcr frvt mpnites inteniiission, playina ii^siiiiiei'l. i'liiU teams doin;jj â- excellent work. It ceenied evident thirt. neither side was to be the loser, but liy «ome un- fortunate buiinlinn on the part of the '.7i/>/it'ri the /.,<r(7/>!r.< scored a i/oal eij^lit niiiiiites before time was called, thus leuvvii^ the .score 1. to 0. The players wei"; as follows :-- 7y. «.//l).1. ' 'Hjipi IS. T. l.eoc.te (imil W. Aliknrn. A. Melulviel „ , ( W. Cami'lell W. Watson j â-  • â- "'"'â- â- '• -In. McMilleii C. .'<imil \ I LI I- i •'â-  -Mdconi R. Snail) ^-^"''' |e. Maher .1. Mc.Vrlliiir' C,„^v â-  W. Knox W. IListie t'nriiiniU ^ W. Hlake.stiui W. MoKelvie' ,,, ,,,. J. .Maher . .M.ioie I • .1. Haw W. Leu'ate ' r ,., j.-. •>. Parslow I ,. Lilt ll oil/. ... ,,. , .1. .Scott â- ' (.. Black T. Coleridiie L'lii/iici. <J. Wat.son J. Lau'ihtini, AVfVrw. Ini-Htiitse. ^'i«ii Diir turn l.'orri'JipuH'l'iit. The Clops around here loiik splendid and this yeiir has 11 prospect so far tor an abunilanl liarve.'^t. Rev. .1. W. Maliood preached bi-i fare- well seiiuoii lieie last .Sabbath lo a larsje coijffic'atinii. The Iiii,stioi;e Division of the Sons of Teiii]ieraiice l;as a iiieinbership of fift;, , and is continually incnasint;. We be- lieve tliey are '.roini.' to celebrate the i,»u<;,Mi •, .luliileo by li'ildiii'.; a picnic at Enoeni.i Kails. Death lia.s aijaiii imt in his appearance its victim is (-"lii<rliitte ikmuditer of Mr R. Cnni]ibell who died last Siitiird.iy. aiied 10 years. Her reniriin.s were iiiti-rreit in till: .Methoili.st cenietory here last Sabbath. The funeral .siivuiou wajj preac'hed bv Rev. J. W. Mall, a id. Mr. .\. .faiiiiesoii., iif JNlielburue, has been visitiiii; friends lieie. It was decided at s MteeHino held bore last Tiie.sday nivht to eiei^t.a shed 111 con- nection with the Methodisti church with a hall and .Hjieakinv' ball aliove it. â-  Master H. Pltitcliinsoii who Ivas been visitiiio his parents here has returned to Oran,i,'eville. Miisler .J. Ri'scboroiii;h has recovered from Ills illness and has resumed his studies at the Colliiigwond Collegiate In- stitute, This is all that I can think of imw, Mr. Editor, .so I will have lo stop, Maud. SLEEPLESS NUiUTH. made niiafrable by tbai U'lriblo cough. Sbiloh's Cure is the ri'iMclv for you. Sold at Medical Hall. "H.\('liMET.\C'Iv," H lasting aijj fraRrant porfnmo. Price 3d and 50 cents. Sold by Medical Hull. Kimberley. From our CorretponJent, [The following items were crowded out of last week's .\i)va.vi.k. ] Fine warm weather and crops hiokini; well â€" especially fall wheat, althoiiiih it will scarcely be an avenwe crop. I never saw pasture lookiii;; so well at this dat«i, I think, as it does now. Seeding about through and the busy farniei'shardatwork getting their potatoes 11). .*Kifey'« busy, y.iu see, like youreelL I was in Kimberley to-day, but .saw no loafers â€" every man trying to mind his own luisiness, which principles, I think, you teach through ymir paper. I would suggest thatagood stone drink- dng trouijhâ€" for public use â€" be jilaced wliwe that pure stream of s|iriiig water crosses the l-oad uear the town Kne be- tween .\rteraesia and Euplirasia. .\i- tlioiigh the water is in .\vteinesia, it is near enough our own Tow nship to war- rant ine in thinking Euphrasia would as- sist in defraiying the small expense iiec- cessKry to imt in the trough. It would be a great boon to man and beast if there were watering troughs all along our pub- lic raads, wherenrer available. .NBWADVERTlSEMKiNTS. A Tuluiitor's Liabiliry. aiohf, ,'Oth Aj/ril, 18S7. Tlie -suit of O'Sullivan v. Lake, which was decided before Chief .Justice Cameron yesterday, involved the liability of a val- uator. D. .V. O'Sullivan, of Toronto, was applied to for a loan oi, the Frederick Murphy property, ab<iut 27 acres on the mountain brow, just east of the city. He sent .J. 'N. Lake, of Toronto, to value it, and on Lake's report loaned Murphy S**^,- (XK). Tlie mortgage was infi [laid, and though the property â- was twice oll'ered for sale no bids could be had. Mr. O'Sulli- van sued Mr. Lake .iiul Mr. Peter Bal- four, of this city, Tiho hadbeeii consulted, for the diftcrence between fS.iUOO and the real value of the pi-perty. The suit as against Mr. Rnlfocr was di.scussed before goinfi to the jiiiy, but a vordict was found as against Mr. Lake for ««.0(W. .\I)Vicit TO .VlcrHKBS. â€" .\ru yrm itlstnrbuil at niutit .lud br.ikuu uf \oiir rest liy m nick eliihl Kunuriui: ami ci \ itig wi*.l> pa in '•( C'liltiiiKTeelli? If so Sfiid atoiicu ami Ret a buOtle of "Mrs. Win slow's SootliJiik' Svmii"' fftr Cliildnm To«thin«. Its vhUiu is inottloulAlilu. It will r«litivu chu pour littii: sutf.a-i.r iintiiuifiiitflv. Di.puiiil upon it. n)i)ttit;i-s; there Is nc ir.isttike slMjut it. It curi-K I)\s«ntfry flmd i)iiirrhii-it. reqni»ti;M the Stoiuiich sllfl Itliwels, cares M'tliil Colic. M>(ti<llH ttli) (illliis, rudiKTuH lullalilliiutioll, HIlU ({ivuK tiiuu anil «iiuri{v to tho «'ln.l© system. "Mm. Wins* low's Sootbrni; Syruji â-  for cliil.lrcn tfethinii Is pletisfiut t4j<hu taste mid bi the pruseriptitoii of oiiu of Uiu iildwit aiiil Imiu foiuale pk>».iciai)H Kinl nursos in tho t'liit.-d i^iitf«, uuil 1% lor salo liv all drnKiiista throiinhont the worm, filer tw«iitv.t\vu'<;.nitB a liutilu. lie ..ttri> nnit tt*\\ for • MUH. Wr>sij«w'H SoiiucNa SYiin'."'.and tiiku no other kind. CAPE BK£rO.\ KAIL WAY. .Src-.SVrKJ' -J Coiisii in ixruifl. Sun'oifx. TliNl^KU JIOB THB WoBKS «» <,'OSKTBtK"noN. Sn.M.KD Ti;ND!7i?S. fifidrcsscd to tliii aiidiir- stKne.i and ondorsfd â- 'Tiiuder lor t'apt* llrut- on KidUvay." will I'c receivod at this otli«e up to noun ,jn \\"e(iiitjsdtty. the ijtli day 01 -July, is-i", foi- cprtain works of constrnctioii. IMhus and proiiles will b« opun f.ir iiibpeution at the otBco of tho Chief Itliujinorr and (i.-norai .Maiiat;ur of (iovuniluent Uailways at CHtawa, ami also at the Ollico of the Cai.', Hri;tnn Huil- way. R'.T'oi-t Hnwkosbury. ('. I*., on Riid aftiir the (ith d«y of Jiiuo. 1HW7, x-htil tliu (^fiieral spoLriflcatiou ajid (orio of tender if.tiy l>u ob- tained npon application. No tundor vnll be eiitort.irned uuloRs on one of the printed forms and all tliu uoiiditioiis aro complied with. ]J\' Older. A. P. HKADLEY. Secretary. Dcpartuiunt of Kailwnvs and Canah;, UltttVMti. iTtlj .Mav, 1»M7. YoIuiiH>er«». No. (i Cftnipany. :ilst Watt, w ill meet at tho Drin Shed. Kloshertoii. mi S.itur day eveniugs for drill, until further or- ders, "i."! young men v.wuted to fill up the aUjve /umpniiv. -Vpply to .1. .1. Field, Lieut. , No. C Oouipauy, Fleslier- ton. t.r. FOH DJSl'KP.SIA and Liver Omnlainl. you bivvB a prhiteil i/uaraiitie on evfiv but. tie of Sliilel. s Vilalizer. It never "fiftls to cure. .Suid ut Mmlieul Hnll. .SIULOH'SCCIIE will in mediilely relieve Croup. Whoopinit Coiij^h. and Br.mehilis. Sold at .Medical Ha'l. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair N'iyor kei-ps tlie liuir soft anil pliant, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow laxnnantly, ersiUcates llnmlrulT, cure* all .sralp diseases, and is the most cleaniy of ail hair preparations. » YPP^C Hair Vigor has Riven nie MlQn O pt-rfeet .satisJaclioii. 1 wiis n,-.o'iv h.ild for six years, itnring whiih time \ used many hair preparations, but wirlitiut success'. Iiadeed. what littlo hair I had. was grnrwing Iliiimer. until 1 tried .Avers Hair Viyor I u.-tcl tww botties of the \lgor, su<l my hi'ad is now \n>U rovei'iil with a ii<;w arowth of hair. â€" .luJ.soii U. I'UapeU i'eabody, .Mass. LI AfP that ,has feecomi! weak, gr.ay, liMIn .;oiil imled, may havi' new life anil lolor rosioied to it by the n.se of Avei's Hair Vigor. "Mv hair was fhiu, fu'.b.'d. and dry, and fi ll out in large unuiitities. .VyiT H Ilair ViKor stopped ilii- falling, and lo.storod my hair to its oriKiniil ndor. .\s :". ilTi'ssing for tho hair, tbis prop, nation has no u<{uul. â€" Mary N. Hamiiioii.l, .•jllllwaier, .Miun. UIPDR '"U'b' '"id hcaiity. iir the Â¥ lUUn, .ipp, arance of the hair, may ]tr piisf-rviil lor an inilitiniti' periinl by the use of .VvMs lUir ViK'>i\ ••.V dis- eitete of the inuilp caused my hair to be- romi- harsh and dry, and to fall, out freelv. Nothing 1 Hi'd sei'iued 'o do auv '«ood until 1 conmienciil usina .\\'er's Hair Vigor. Three liolllis el tli'is prepaiatiim ii-«<toriil my hair to it bealtbv eonilitii'ii, aiul it Is imw soft and pliant. .My sniLp is ciiroil, anil it is iilso dee (rwiii lUindrulV. â€" -Mis. K. It. Fo»«, Milw auUce, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by DniKgif^tA aud rcrfumcra. NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHoHoriiH nuF.n dluha.m hill, witii Kood i>udif$riia. will utaud for service at l^ot 112 West I'. ,v S.lt...Vrti'nieniB. '^^:mI^. •'l if paul on or biiforc .fan. 1st. Ihss: othciwis... â- ri.i'i. Also thoroiiHh-breil HI;KKSH!I!K MOAH at sanie place. J.UOIi A. l.EVKH. DUNDALK PUMP WORKS! C. R. PHILLIP'S, MalnitiKtnr<r ..f »ll kiiicU ,)f 1'1,'MPS. Cylinder Check Valve & Cisteni Pumps. OrdLTb Uu^i'uctfuliy Si)Ht:itcil uitd FHti&factiuii U'MftrHirtrt:-!. JAMES SULLI7A1T, Ttli-Slilitil. AciKNT. j FLi;sn;-:i(TON I WHAT 'W IT? I IT IS A FACT ANU NO CD.STltl) VKliSY THAT JOHNSON'S I TONIC BITTERS j ami NEIlVlNK ik tlio bf-it K-inody in ihu niaikct I l<»r TUirvouh disuanes oi hhv nort ll\>.u*riii, Uv^ss I r.( AppvtiU'. Dubility fn-m lot.« nt riuitis t»r uvwr- Wdlk, I'ftiulK^hM of (.'olUpluXtlJll r*(l Oltull >fUll III yHiiiifj [ciiiiiW'N uud ull cuiiijihiiiit^ urthiiitj fi'oui ifovcrty i»( l)lootl. It is ft latl niu\ 110 uaiiisiiviiii; that .)')HNStlNS TONU' l.:vi*U I'U.LSanf tli.j \. ly hvr^t in tho itmrkft fr>r <lim'»M^h «nMi-iNl hv Totiti'l lAvvr ami (lorriiiiijuinuiit uf thu .M(iiiiui:ii ui Knhu-y.'*. It is H ivifX rtrwl iu> fiM* will -Imiv '-t thm JOIIN- SONS \IA, HKAlJNli WHITK" UlN'rMKXT in thv hv^t ill tilt; iiiurkt.'t f") Iliirii>-. St .thU, Chil- liliiiiiw. Suit r.hoiim. ltrti*tL'i> Itch. I'.uii'luH uml uli SUfu lJi-*(.i-.li)rs ni-ihiti»{ fion, s(:r^)(;.]..ll^ tiiiiit. SWrdica!. DR. CARTER, .'M.C.P. .tS.,ONT. FLE.SIiEim>-N. OlBcfl, Strain 3 hloek. Itusidtnco. Wiii.WriKhl'i! Jcutt,5tvi(. JA\ M.iK.Sli.lLL.,L.V..S D I-: N T I S T , GU.vnC.VTK of Toronto School of Dnntisti v will 1)M i4t Machdaiu the Ut ami .lid V.'edne-- dayof each mouth, aud at Fli'-ihertai on tile Ut and â- 'Jr/l Thursdf.y iii cax;ij month for thu praetici' of his |iroft:bsioii'. St^«'. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. Baftiittvi', Solii'Unr, Cuiirii/oiircr, OfBce.â€" strain s! Hiiihlinij. FunMiniiToN. \. .\. CHBSl.KY, S'jlicitor and C.iiveyunctr. UeKid.:itfManHt;er. MR. FUOKT will "ee found at thu Office â-  a Thunidav.s as herelotoro. W. S. CHRXSTOE l,«s l,.,un .ppoint,!.! .4i|eiit for liiu aljuVH.uud huA thaui uii >^v at lus ^fuiliea) Hall. Klu<ilierta». Try for y.jiirsoriBj ami bu -^tisfled. Tin; iwjjinsTKH stali.:ii.v tilnKBL r SXKETT. prompt action, and wonderful iTiiiUiva properties, easily plnou Ayer's Tills at the headoJ the list of popular mmedies for Siik and Nerv- ous Ilradarhis, t'onstipaticiii, and all ail- ments orit'imlti'iS in a disordered Liver. I have leen a great sufferer froU Iloaiiarhe, and Ayer's Catliartlc I'llls are the only memcinc that lias ever (jiven me n.dief. One dose of the»e_ Pills will quickly move Juy bowels, aud free my head from painnâ€" William L. Vago, Bi'chmouJ Va. , Ayer'd PMISr .rrep«|«d hv Iir.,I.C. Ajer * C»., Lowell, Sold t>/ a.l toiiera la M«41ela«. M*M. P. McCULLOUGH, Ba.i'vister. Holicifor, ^c: Ottir*'.. over .MfFiirlaiiiiS Storr. .Wurkdule. .Yloiii-y tu Loan. MASSON (fe^MASSON, BAHUlSTiaiS. SOLKITi.liS. ,,< . Okph Ksâ€" Ow..u Sutui.i. in Viikurs Mot-k Ponh'tt St : Mraiich â- â€¢Itioe in Mui U.hil«, ovur Mc Karland'K bture, ou FruiuyanU Suturday cveiy wuek. â- J MASSON.Q.O. S. MASHON. W MASSON. N.Ii.â€" Private & Co]i)i'aii> > funds to inve« ut fruiii Six to Kij;ht ptu- cent. ^u,5iufjs.;i (t a villi. John W. Armstrong, Fi.i;siiKirros-, Co. Gativ. DIVI8IOK COfllT CLEIiK. CdMMISKIO.VKU in H. U.. Convoy aueur. Ac. .\KiMit lor piircha.-- atst sale of lands. -VitpraiKur for C" I... ('. Coin- aiid F F. B. 4 S. Soeiotv. Meiu-\ to I.iun onI*i most raasonalilu turnia.' Isst.'iii op .M.^KHl.VGK LICE.NSES. NOTAKY I'LIILIL. MONEY TO LOA^ A.t 1$ I:»er CJent. On Town or Farm Property, S.DAMUDK, rieshortot:. ANDREW McGIEH. Isfiier of Marrta<:c Licenses, FEVeSSH4.1l. 0>T. "wTTiTBELLAMY. â- iwp. ci.i;iiK t.\vrr.i\i:~\ >. . i't>SyKY.4SCKi;. rii.VMi>,<ii, \ j.j, I.\SVI{A.\fhJ .l(,r. .if. ni;i:i)s, MdUTii.vt.Ks. i,i:.\>-i s. ,v,- . iii.ti.r- '-' ud and properly .>xiii'iit<<'' lusor hiii;i' sin , Hi in flrst-t'Ians uoiiipaiiiuh. Mi^m^v to Kud,.' tiwust rules. GET YOUa MEAT -FKO.H-: BILLY V.!^^^^^ ^ Mitchell, will h'«».-« Iii(* mfti •'tHliliMu K^C3^1^•rtr(â- ^) on MnSDAY. iiAY'JiM, IrtHT. At lii./ch.rk ho.-u. mmW piocuuil to lanJf> .â- * lu»t<:l, Mnxw«ii, wbnu liu will ri-iriuiii m'lir h'i^Iit. Tl'KsU.VV. -nill rr.iwf il to Ji*imtJiiiii Irish's. Waiolirtiii. tor tuum. tin ncu to .Iwhii-toirs huti-I, lJiiiitlHlk« uhuiu lie wiil i«!tiiit!:i'<ill ThiirMluy IlKTMlll^i. I'lirusDAV. will luliirii t-. Kh.sh. rton f.jrthe '.l^'li:, KltlDAY. will iM-orm.l to \tikiiim.n s hotel, Price \ illij, for noun, an.l ixr.ii*-ti luiiisuw nstalile for the iii^ht. SATIUHAY, will T'l-fxtrrj t<> Mutch's l:oti;l, Minkilnli-. lor niHin. fimi n.-tnrii tn Iiisowh >-tuhl(' III I'h'Hhuri'Ui. wlioruhu uiU rvniiun till tiic fol- lowiii;^ Mnnilfiy 'Mil? .ilM.\..> rout*; \s ill tn) coiit iiinctl (hiring; thtr â- *i'iiNon, htMilth antl wi-iithi-r i't;rniittiii(;. DoscripLioJi iLud Pedigree: lULl.V V. f<mlf»l JiiiH; l-n-ii, IHKi, \h a -Imk iiiiiiili.-iniav. ^tamls I"> hail'-. .1 ,ri . wrifjlis 1 !"•() ponniih. unH-for biMH'.ini.sr'.p, stf*l<' und Mcr.ion. itiniTnit I'L- snriMiH!«i!«l. wuk sii'id l»v Ch-tir'tirit ir., <)hiii hy Ktiniiittt.. ^mi <hini ' y Itowil Uuviku, ;trfl (lam hj. Hluor's MuK^un^tn. VEIiMS: To liisiirii II liial *Iil.ilo, ;Mivnhlo;\l!ir.-h 1st. lJ«t. Season maros »^.U(l, p:iY«lile la.-t loand of liors j, ,a not liitur tlliiu .luly i;!tii, 1,SM7. if nol tli.ii pi,i,| -Hid i.nni'-; will o,.' r.iaTi;<'d as insmMil niao's. â- ^Hii/le ifaji «i,l«l. pKjalri.i lit tile.! of >ervioi'. All ui.o-fK not rorurlieill'etiiilarly to lior-.o wiil bo idiaiijo'l as iiisui'ud' noiios.' All ai'fidonls to loan's 111 ri^k of 'iwnori. lUuiori tryilii^ ttioir niiiv.'s to said horse loiH kno\i me tiieiii to bo tif- llut.'d aitti JIM vi:onta«ioiiBiliK.,«ni,, will boliablo in datilHKUu. (Irooltl^ Fee 'iJ. oolits. \. S VAN'PVSICN, OKO. (il.ASSFOHn, lUviior. c-trooin. POSITIVE CURE Ton CATARRH. «;ivi;.s ImmailiatB Relief FOU Cold in Ksaif, HAY feveh. BA!«Y TO USE. Not a Snnd, I'owdcr or Irritating Liquid. Prlca BO eta. snd $1.00. If not otitainablo at your dni? â- gists, sunt prepaid on receipt of price. Addro»« FUUFORD A CO., Brockvllio, Ont. » FLESIIEKTON! t:«*Casli piii.! for fal cuttle. ,.•,•., Ae, \EW LIVEUV! rrili; nndiT-ii'iiu.l 1..;;- i" nnnoiince that hihn- â- *• startoil a fu>t-. Iftss l.iVi.i y In tliu stand oji pofite Miinsluiw s 11.. ol, 1 loheiten. whore th-^ travollinti laiblii: laii bu aecoinmodiited with ^'.lod rJKs ami hoivesnt iimst reB^onulJ;o irin s Try mo Hiitl b,, ronvinoi'd. It'iHU'r.tfiilJy yours, W. n. JOHNSTON. Flos.iA-toll. Nov. 19tb; V>S('.. Pklnre Framing, XcaUii, Cheaphj ,S- Onick- lll Do In', liif J. S. MOORE, I'lirham St., 0)-iif)site Clayton's Harm ss shop "BELL' Unnpproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOQUCS FREE. BELL & CO, Goelpli, OH. -^^ - '~7 T-f^. .>!

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