Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1887, p. 8

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â- â-¼"•r ^ i" / ir ?; ^a^ ^ ^«i â-  %• !.♦*!â-  ''^ â- â- â€¢.M<WI"^«': â- .â- â- *(»i.-4--' •¥*•â- "â-  THE FLESHERtOt^ ADfVA-NCE-,. [June i6, 1887. God Save tie (^ueen Grand Jubilee Celebration in hlesherton. THE EVENT OF THE YEAR. UKANU ATTEKNWIN MEKTISfl AND COSCBBT IN THE EVENIMU. O.V MOXDAY SKXT, JUNE HO. Her Miijeiity's jubilee will be celebrat- ed by tbe loyal citixeDi "if Fleslwrtoii ami Hurruuiidiii',' district in a inamior that will liiit soon be foryottun by the large num- ber of true British sulijects who will visit our town durini; the nfteriK'uii and cveu- in;,' of Monday next, June 20th. As statvd above, ii will undoubtedly bo- tka frtitt lit thv y'lr. The FlesliLitmi Div!»i(iii uf Sons of TeiiiiK'i-aiice, under whose am- jiioes this graiul double iiroi^rawi is to be presented to the public, are sparinK ii" pains to |>erft'ct all arran<^'e»ielit« in con- nection therewith. Tlie afternmin nieei- ii)'^ is to be held in Mr. FIcsher's beauti- ful grove and will hu devoted to the dis- cussion of the live Temperance (luestions of the day by the Kentleiuen mentioned in tlie pn>j;rani xiven below. The ("oncort in tlie evening will bo of a nic.ro diveisified char- acter, uuibnieins; beautiful and striking; tableau.'*, soloa, duets, glees ; also a cupi i;i!ly writton Clianwle, in three acU, and a Teni|»eninco anthem â€" both composed especially for the iK-cafdon by a member of the Sons of Tenii^rance, whoso abilities :is autlnir and poet are of a very high character. The following program (revis- ed) has been (ilaccd in our lianda for pub- lication . â€" AFTKUSOON MEETI.SO. Speeches by M. llichardson, Esip, S.iuire ArmBtroiig, Hev. W. .\yer8, Uev. \. Wilsun, Rev. Mr. Ferrier, llev. T. Watson, and A. R. Fawcett, 1). G. W. I'. ('hair to Im; taken at y o'clock p. ui. by . I. dill (Jordon, Esip, of Fountain, Council, Royal Templars of Temiieraiice. KVB.VIMl KNTEKTAI.NMKNr.. Mr. W. K. Flosher has kindly consunff ed t« occupy the chair. I.- "Teniperaiice Jubilee ;WtJieui," for the ocuuion by a niembur »f ,!,« «. â- '♦^" Kollowed by a briul pmsjit. 2. (Jbaiivian's A<ldi'e»». :;. InstruuieiiUil Dutjt, I'aiks Bros. 4.- lUjcitatiiin, Mms Li/zie Vawvetti. 5. â€" (Jraiid ('iiiiiiiiitinii TaVlcau. (i.â€" Kong, .Miss .\yi-rs 7. - l>laloi!ue, (J. W. I^iUard andoth<irs. H. Tableau, "/'</««$ of tlie llival Chvit: oui:' !). Seloctiiin, by tlje (ilee Club. 1». Short speech, Rev. A. Wilson, II. Selection, by the Ulee Club. twven minutes inteivul dining which leiuonude will bo served 1',;. â€"Duet, Misses Riehardioii. i:j. Recitation, Mr. A. H. Fawcutt. U. Cliurude, UI three acU, written specially for the occiution, .\ct I. Uk â€" Song, hy request, Master R Smith. Act II of Chnrude. U\. Duet, the Misses Nicholson. .\ct III of ("liurade. 17. Song, Miss licilch. It*. Short Speech, Itev. Mr. Fenier. lit. -Tableau, ".S'irr.-« /fi,/!!.' JiHj i/.«n L'O. Hinnorous RcKdin;^, .Mr. A 11. Fawcelt. •Jl. â€" Kong, Mil* Christiio. :i!i. â€" Itocitation, Miss Hopkinn. 'J3. â€" Reading, Mt»i Ihowii. a4. â€" National .\nt)iciii, S. U. â€" I'iifitirity no d-a/jii/ix- fo nioiirt. .ilfniission ^'5 cents ; ehildlvii under 12 -^i-ars of age, I'l cents. Doois open ut7:;iO, ,to cuiiiniMncu at 8 o'clock sliaiji. l\ K.'- I'arties from a distancu will llud ample fiicilitiei for obtaining lueaU, ttv., at a most reasonable cost. BASE BALL MATCH. Betwet-n the Station and Souiti Lhu; Base Ball Vlubg. Saturday afternoon last we had the [ileasure of a beautiful and rapid ride, be- hind Mr. W. H. Johnson's spanking team of three-year-old blood colts, out to the Siiuth Line where a base ball match b«!twoen the cluVjs above named had been arranged to take place. On our arrival we found Mr. J. G. Russell, of the "Not- ed Jewelry Store," umpiring the game, which had just comnicnccd. The tirst three innings practically de- cide<l the match in favor of the South Liners. The latter's pitcher threw a swift curved ball that puzzled the Station team : they could not "get on to it" un- til the fourth inning, although the tirst nining was well played all around. In the tirst three innings the Buuth Liners had a net gain of 27 runs. The second three iuuings the Statiou ttiua made a gallant utl'ort to retrievn their fortune and were successful in gatniiig ground; ami throughout the roiiiainder of j the g.ime held their own very well. Hut it was impoBsiblo to counteract the, S»uth Liners heavy gains in th« second .lard third in- niings and at the end of the game the score stood as follows : South Line, C'J runs. Station, 'Mi runs. SOTtH.- Cai>t. Maxwell, the Muir Brothers, an^ ' Mr. liurnett, of the Station team, got m some really good work ; while Capt. Uu»- rie, Mr. Hector McDonald, the iiitchtT, and one or two others, were the 8tr.«ij< end of the .South Liners. Mr. .1. H. Campaigne caught one red hot tly at long tield in gallant style. Mr. Hector McDonald, of the South > Liners, and Mr. Donald McLeod, of the Slutionilcs, made each a three base hit. The fair sex was well repi-esentcd among the large numlter <>f spectators present on the occasion. There were it number of visitors from Flosherton. Now that the Station boys have had tlieir "tirst smell of powder," we believe they will give a good account of them- SMlves the next time the bull is faced. Nasai. Halm. â€"The only medicine in the mi^rlKit that will ininu'diatoly curu Cold i" Ml'' lli;i+d. and permaueutly euro Cr^tarrh, Hay Fever, litc. riesberton Station The Royal Templars enttirtaiunieut at» Fleshertou station on Monday even- ing .wiiB a decided succes.s, the Orange Hall being crowded to the door and many were unable to gain admisBion.- Tbe chair was ably lilled by Tlios Granger, Ewq. The program was lengthy and well sustained by tho> t^uartette Club, Holos by Miss Armstrong and Miss VanDusen, duetts by Messi-H. UarnbouKe and Russell, readings by Miss Hopkins and Mr. A. M. Gibson, recitation by Mr. D. W. Tl^ompson and addresses by the chairman, the Rev. Mr. Watson, Messrs. R. McOill, A. A. Chesley, J. Gordou and otlkMS. A. targe number from FleshortOB. wtfffe- present. The Pledge having boea passed to the audi- ouco 25 signatures were secured and those who signed were entitled to join some of the existing societies. After votes of thauks were passed to the Ladies and gentlemen who furnished the eutertaiunient, to the Orange.nieu for the use of the Hall and to the Chair- man,. the meeting clo«cd by singing tbe National Aaitbem. , MAXWELL CARRIAGE ,., . WORKS r Little Sc Blakely,. MAXUF.tCTUBEBS OF Carriages, Donioci-ats, Wagons Ac- Eepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing,, and G-eneral Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. \ JOHNSON LITTLE. lihicUstnith, Muxwull. May aoth, lsx7. thos. a. blakely. Ifiit/ori-Makir .(• rainter. B OOTS &s HOES! •.*»' Having leceivcd large auditioxis to lay Stock, I liave a good supply on' hand of Siunmcr Cioods. LADIES'. M'EAll.â€" A line a^sortuw^'C in rrunell*, Ficnclt Kid, (Soat, Polish Calf. Alitf and Heavy lJi>bts. MLSSES ASD boys WEAR.â€" A large variety of Lace & Button' Boots,- Siioes and Slippois. "' CHILI )I!ENS WEAR.â€" A very largo assortment of all sorts a-'d-'SiSes'.- i[ENS WEAfl.â€" I have Biiff, Calf auA'Eimmelled l'.almoral.3, Oxford Ties* and Strong Laco Boots.. roil PRICE. AND QUALITY, CA!s^OT BE .SURPASSED'.- l^M. CLAYTOWr, - Fleshertoft. .1 Ihoth Kuadf. a Cat ur. ' SLEEPLESS NKIHT.S, ntsile miseraUe by that terrible cough. Shiloh'« Cure in tho reuiedT for you. Sold at Medical Hall. •HACKMETACK." » lastiuK aud fra«rsut |perfuiuc. I'ric« 25SIM1 50 oent». Sold by Medical Hall. .\I>V1CK TO MoTUKUK.- Aru ynu UUturbod at by A Kick ctiilit We n.;tice b> tji»j Uur^liMglou Jij-fireiu that Mr. K. Iv. Knott hns Imjou elected + ni.jnibei of ttfe CliicBgo,l^iiar.d of Trade. This in itseH siHiaks voluuius to liie cR'dit of Mr. Knott. 'Ulic daylight in iH'ginning tn i,\awu ii)m7i him, and, ho will Hoou bt, ilk a jiosil^ii Ui put las vili; t'anadian slanderers to Hlianie. Had Mr. KM'/,V,reninyi);J. in, Canada, Vo could never have reeovercid, and liy go- ing to till,' V. S he showed his excellent judgeiinMit, UK IJs. lirescnt ho;)oli»ble, and protitablf positiuii amply priAes. Mr. Kiiott will ere long wipe olf every cent lu! owes. We will in "ir; n.^X^ ip- Mu; publish tho matter as given in Uie K.ij)irii».-Tli(irnlmrii SUiiitUti'l. "iMMKiiiANT Chii.hiiks." â€" Mr. John T. Miildlenioro. the founder uf the Orphan (hildri.'n'H Kiiiigration Chiirity, lionilon. Out., left Liverpool on tln' Killi iiist, in the S. S Lalii^ Ontario, with a party of â- ID girls and 100 boys between the ages of !l and 20 yi^ars, who are brought out ti> lliiH eoiiiiti y for adoptiuu or ^iir(% chilly uiiioiig furniiTH. 'i"h«-y arc expect- <:(l to arrive at tlic^ (liithrie lloine, near the city, on or about the L'.'lr(,l jiiHt. This this will bu Mr. Middlunioru's 15tli an- nual visit to these sliiircs with jiivenih; eniigiaiits fniiii llirniiiighuni, lliigland, sinrc^ IH7'.'. .Vlieady niiiuy upiihi)»ti(>ns iicitoliipailiod willi good refenimia have b 'I'll iiiaili^ lor the (â- hil(lr<'n expccteil to arriv<!, but iiioro arc mpiircd Kurlher particulars iiiiiy ln! obtiiiiu'd by address i"L' .Mr. II. (iiitiiKNS, M-jin;igur of the (iut iric lloiiic, London <*!it. nixlit mill lirokoii of vuur rvnt by « nick tliilrt â- iilTi'riiiK Mi'l cryiiit; with ppiii of ('stflncTButli ? If »n luiml at oiic« anil L'ot H bottlii cif "MrH. Win- "lowiiHmitlilUK Sjnip' (or Clilliln.ll Toctllliii;. llH viiluii U iiic-Kli'iiliiliI«, It will rulitivu tliu poor littUiMiffiiriT iinmBrti«tiiI\: Dupeu'l iipou It, iiiiitliorn : tliurv i^ no iiiUla]i'>< about it. It i-lirrt |i)i.outory miil I)liirrhii«. rvKUlatuii tli« Stimiiioluiiul llowyln, uiiruiJiuiJ '"hi:, miftuiiti tliii «iim», r»UuoB<<Iiil1iiiii!i liTloii. "oi'l Kl'eH toiu' anil wiii'ik'V to tli« wlicilii nvKteiii. "Mm â-  Wlnn- liiw'iiKoiitliiiiK Kyrii|i' for uhililnm tot-«ittiMi|. In pU'aiimit totlii' laKtuaiiillB tliii |irB«criptioii i.t uiH'of tliii ohln»t uiiil bust fiiiiinlii jiIiym^wiiH mill ninsiiH in tliii fiiitml 8tati'K, loiil i« for Hah. by all ilru»!Ki«t« tlirouuliout tlm worlil. IVI* iwulit) ftmi'ullt" H botllu lie BUll'HiliI afk for •MiiH WiXHi.DWb SooiiiiNO Svaci'," ttiiil tako no other kiiul. FOJl DYSl'El'SlAand Liver Complaint, vol} liii»o a printcid Kuarantec on evpry bot- tle of Slijlol- h Vituli/.ir. It uuvcr fails to <:|ir,u. Hold at Medical Hall. SHlbi,IH8 CLUE will itumedislely relieve Criiiip, WhoomnK Xi^ubI". ''"'1 Urouohllis. Sold lit ^iâ- lllica] Hall. *( Wc ar<: told tliftt »10,OCO were raised lu hsH tUliir one hour, at the (iuelpli .MetlKxliMt c<)hft.r<n<e recently ludil at (ialt. for eoll(ige federation purpostm. It was stated tjint this sum was raised by the niiifi^ileii, alone, riiis is not so ; nvo l''h'.-i!;<it<iii laymen coiitrihnted lih- trally i^"*' "♦'"?"»• ^^'''''' eipially gcneroiu. 'J'heri, is a deposition on tho part of soinu iiiinistcn to gobble up all lionorH lor tjieir own heiiettt and iMlifit:atii)n, ;nid forget tlint there are sii^li tilings us luyuiun. For chronic catarrh, induced by a scrofulous tftiut, Ayer'H i>arsap>irilla ih the true leiuedy. It stops catarrhal ili.s'. hargos, icnioves the sickening odor and nevia laiU to thoroughly eradic+te * >very li ttcc of tho disease from the jy)ood. tJuld by all dottlorH iu mediciuo. Oranuc OUIrl^-.t .llt-cliiig. .\t a large and iiilliiential niceting of the District Oriuige Lodge of .Vitcinnsiii, held in tin; Sons of 'rcinpciaiicii Hall, (Uiristoo's block, I'Mcsht rton, on Tnes- day last, it was decided to celclnati^ the "gloriiMis twelfth" at Uwun .Sound â€" providing propter railway iicconiodatioii (;an Ui Hec.iir(Ml. bailing this, llic iv\v- ilfratiou will take plovo in Flei^iurtun. hWA. .' CaMKJion. â€" .VI (lordon'K 'Mills, WixmI- sidu, .Mierdecii, Kcotland. on tlie 1 ith inst. , dailies Cameron, cooper, agod Hi years. ( !)coea8ed vas a hrothor- ia-hiw of the late (leorgo Muckcuzie, oi Artunie.-tia. â€" Kd. ] When you cannot jtutit from AsthniA- i\r. troubles, Southern Asthma I'lire will at once relieve. Doablo treatiumt iu each pacLagc. r â- Ik The First Sign <y fulUns lic;wtli,wlirlUcK la Mio loini uf Xislil .Vsveiitit and .\urv»ii»uiHii, or in a tuuw of (Jciiurid Vi' urIucM* iiml Loss, of .\l)|iclllc, uliould siiKKetit th(.M).>i' of .Vyrr'n S»i»ii|i:irllla. Thi< ifrcparjlioii la most nffuellvo for i;l\ lug 'tone nml, stijciii'tli, to the eiifecbkd eystcin, proiiiylius, Uie 01;;i;»lloii and ii^skiillatiyu of food, rciitiir-. Ill),' the ncrvoUH force* to Ibrir n>riiiiil; coiiiliiloii, and for piirtfyliii;, cuiicbly^ii. iind ( ituluiii:.^ till' bloud. Failing Health. Ti'U vraraiii-'o iiiv IkmiIIIi liivau to lui. I WUN t'loulijid Willi a iliitlriniiim t'ou*;li, liifglil .Swealt, \\ iiiknu.sM, uiul iiervous- lii^Ms. I Iriivl viirimiH renicdic's |iii,»crlbcd iiy dlllViinil pliysiiiaiix, hul birimiu ivo wciililli.it I u'u'ld not BO U|i Htiiirs wlth- oiiimopplie? io lint. Mv frii'iids roi-oni- niiMiili'd UK! \o hv Aver'n Nnrsuparllla. Whlcli 1 did, and 1 inn liow ii< liciillliy iind Klniiik' lis ever.- Mr*. E. L. WilUailin, Alt'.vandria, Miuu. I have Used Avcr'» Snrnnpnrllln, In my fiiiiiilv, for .SiTofula, and know. If II m tiiki'ii' failhfullv, lliat It will llioioui-'lily cniilli^Htii IhU lirril>ledisi-a«i. I li:ne alio liriKiTihed it as a tonic, iit well us an iillt T- iillvc, and liitlal »HV lliat I lioni'stlv licllinu It to ho lliii lic«t blood nifillclno i\rr coiii|)oiiml<Ml. \V. K. Fowlci', 1>. U. S., .M. 1)., (iiiriivllli', Tiun. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bn Iniimsslblc for me to di» (iiilbn what I hiitliiid fioiii liuliKC'Hon mill lleiidiu'liu Ul> to the lime I bci.'im lakiii',' Axer'n .Siirsuiiiirilla. 1 wad uiuUr llio line of vaiiiiiiH pin sirliiiis uiid liiid a (.'I'lat iiiaiiv kinds of iiudiiliii", bill niMr olii allied iiiioc tiniii li'iiiporiiry n- lilt. After luklni; Avii's ,SM«upaiiMa for a ^llort lliiii!, niv lieadaelic dlHapiicaii'd, iinil niv sloiuiudi iicrrormed Itn duties nioru pi'rfii'tlv. 'i'o-Jiiv niv lii'alth U com- pli^iilv ioslorcd. â€" Mary Uaiicy, .Spriiit;- fliikl, Mieot. 1 liavD boon givallv hoiiclltcd by tlm pioinpl Use of A><'r\ .>siirsapurMlii. It toiws mid liiviKoniiis thosy»li'in.ri>:ulatt i llu! iiitiou of lliii dicisllve lUid assiiuilatiMi oiu'iiiis. iind vlluli/.n the blood. It Is, wlllmiit doubt, tlio mo»t nimble blood liiiriliir Vet discovered. â€" II. 1>. Jidiltson, Mi Atlaiilic avc, Ihouklyu, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'i«;iiinnl by 1 ir. ,la\ .Xyft .<: Co., Lowell, Uul. ^â- rli:u SI I aia l^uttlya, UH. CHEAP ^ AND 0. DUEABLB f. T HE WELL-KNOWN SPEFGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual First-class value in every department; Ageul for VICKER'S EXPRESS. All barcds left i.ith. him icill be promptly mid carefully (tltended to. NTltAl>J'N. i"r.ii:siiK:i^TO]v. FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS : E.. VANZANT, ALL KISD.S- OF Such as Momiments, Trtmb Tubk'S. Headstoiips l!onittor and Tablo Tbpsâ€" iu Aincricau ainl' Italiuti Mittblo and Gniiiito, uiul made ou short, iiotioo. .\lsu Mantles iu Marble and' Mivrbleized Hhitc, Ac, &c. FleshorUMii Au«. 30, 1883.'. ...^_ n HEALTH FOR ALL. * THE TILLS VurUv th|b lUuoil, uonoct ull Pisovdern "' tho Iji^-ei^ fi^r^^f^o^i^ IviiUi'^K, ivixtl l$oAver>*r« riitiy iuvit^oratoand rnHtoro to iKMiltli l)«fl>iHt(iUMn'iiitstitutii>n>t. tiiul hfu invntunMo tii ftll Coin* Ltlaiutahiuliluulal to V(-i*»i^ort of uH a^vvk. for I'liiKuiMi tviid tliu li^joil thu> avu priculoHB. THH: ointment Utiiiuifallililu roiiMHly for l<.vU^(.*c«..Jl*i.O IWoHHt**, l>!a \Vo\imlH. Sortiw ami t'lot'Vfi. It is famous for (hint iind uiuMiiinvtiriiii. f*!)/ dlftonloVsof tUu i'liw^it It ItaH no oijuul. For son /'J thuoa'i, niuxNcu-iTis. con a lis. colds (.lliiniUilui'SwulHii^s, unit ull Skill DIhuiisos id has no rivul ; ami for eoutrui'toil and utilT JoiutH it nuts lijk,« » ulvkriii. M iiiufuctui'uiloiily nt IVofuhn/^v Hn.i.o\v.vv'« KKtubliobiiiuul, I'M. \4'AV 0\for«l Street tliite MKh Oslord Ktrrrt ), London, lull uie aolil at li.. I>l.,'2n. Uil , 1" M- ll».. 'Ji!" . "ml it", onoli ttox yr Hit, luiil may I* liiiil of all Miil' i'iiu- Vi!inliM-M thiou^hoiit tlw Wovlil. j:-ff I'lurliii.ins .s/iiMi/d hwl; li 'Ac //oW i,), //m' I'liti iniiC />>..ic.«. If the io/./c.m.s i'.< no( ,i.'(.(, dt/oril Stint, LiiH(lt<n, tifit •'it' siiiirunm. FOR SALE. Tlu' unilinBiKiiwl lm» Wliitu .\sh lliittor TulH iviiil CluiruH till' Hulu. JO.S. McCOUMU.'K, {MU-iMO, Klualiurtoii. PLAfiS AND II 111 11 Hi .supoiior ([uality, for Oranj^o aud utlier Societies. Order caily. W. M. TBOART, TUovubiuy, Out, J. W. BATES, and Faijci litre JtcKtci Undertaker, FLESH UUTON. â- ' 1^ ' â- -..'• ms 1 f "â- ' I.' ^fr siil /-^ 5 ONT. » ' .( .. it i-Jiif . i . J.F.. 4â€"^

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