Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1887, p. 4

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§: 5. 4 ' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ~«H WtTTTQ T> A 1)1t*V may b* found on f!!r nt n«n, XIL1.0 rarsiDt p. ftowrilt i:o'uNiw»i»i|ic» AilvfrttHtnKltun^audoapniceSt. I, wh<>rf nilvnlhlaa Cuumcu luvr tw mad* tar U Ul MBW KOHlC T UE ADVANCE. Is publiabod livery Thui-stlixy, . I'ituu Tnx ffyyivy.. \^UiHijxv(x)d -Street, ,- - FUshertoh, thU. TKllMS OK SUllSCUII'TION : $1 !> or annniii when paid fltrii'tly iti udvanco ^1.30 pur aiiiiujii whfu uut io punl. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Froprid</r. FL.ESHBRTON: THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1887. '*•, /' li on I HIT I o \ I'lt o II III I rs. "Ill all our excliaiiges, ropcn'ts aie I ) ;lie cllVct, tlmt IikIuihiiiIoiico day WM-; i-elfbiiittd 111 gniiiii style. Never [i. fuie ill tliL' liistory of Kuiisuh have ctli-hrutiuiis been so )art;i ly uttcinled. ,.ih1 not !i serious aecidriit reportod that occurred duriiif,' llie day. »Vliut i- the reason ? We tliiiik tlio reason iji;vioiis : I'roliibition prohibits. In I lie tjutlieniig at Cedarviih;, tlie iiiiiii- ber of persons in iitteudanee was var- i ):;sly estimated to be from three to I'.v.- thuiis-.iiirl, yel not a dnuik inaii w.is seen diuiiit,' tile onlin; ilay and !.(,: an accident, nor a liarsli word sjnken to n;ar llic pleasure of anyone. 'I'hero is no doubt, however, but V. iiat there aie some who will Kniii;,'jjle tic- stiilV into Kansas townti and tlmt there ari' some old tojwri wlw will use (Very efl'orl to obtain liipior. Yet tliv h'luor tnillichas btcouie so iiiipopul»r and the law (,'OVeMiiiiK it so striii^'ent tiial those who will and must have it, laep it M (|uiet that it is siddoni seoii; liieieftn-f we say, piojiibiiioi. prohib ii.i. The above i» clipped from the i'ed- arville i Kauwi, U. S.i 6'ii>6e, of whic'j M,r. UaiToii â€" -son- in-law of Mr. J. C oriiikld, of Artt.-mesiaâ€" is the senior editor and proprietor. Now, the Globe i.i not a Teinperaii-je organ, and can- ii(jt, therefore, be sard to have its juJ;.;(.ni( lit warped iu any particular din elion. It siniply speak? of the of- fi.i-1 of proliibttion ill KanMa« xn an iii.'.i niable fact. It is no si eoiid-hand (â- ;' s;on, eillier, but tbo rvtiult of care- f.il obKei'vatioii by a resideuL of Ivau- ha>. This geutleniau, an r\e-witnes.s, a-i It were, of tJie r^;Hult of prohibition in that St)ite, ^^iveti it as his unhesit- atiii'' ami iniasked lor oidiiion, tiiat proliiln.liun retxlly and truly d(;es [iro- l.ihil ~ in KaiiHa.s at anyiate'. What are we to jjallier fidin ihis',' Hiiiiply tliix fact, viz., that tli<^ li<|iim' ijueiition can be Fiicees.^fiilly dealt vittli by act of iiarli^iueut, win n thr If opur niachiiiery Ijor its. eiifoi cement ii put in ojx'ration hihI wliuji the iiiasH of the people i^i\o it their tfioral sup- port. Without the latter it wiuld bo a hoiieleHS task ; and wilho^'l tiic mc- (lid, the first would bo alii)OHt luiiioc- i .^.-ai y. We cannot refrain from adding' iiiiother thought or two. We are of th ' opinion that pruliibitioii only pro- liibiis under certain ciic.iiiiiHl n 'CB. A loiiil o|)tioii law ir]iass<il, fur instance, 111 .-iMiiio cuinily by ii nairow iniijoiily. A.I lliiue are linii(lr(;(lg ol people who do not vole at all, it i.i jntiit poHsible the seiiliiiieiit of that eounty is not fairly lepreHented wher the icsult of Ihocountini,' of the hallols in known. As un outcome, every olmlaclo in phic- 111 in the Way to preveiil, the imforce- 1111 III of the new law. The niajoiity are agaiii.st it and violations of tlie law 111 lliiu respiel uiv of In ipieiil oe- cuneiice. niicil slills sj riii;; up in I very diriitlion, and low grc^'-lioiises aliomid everywhere. Perjury beconirs common ; 'neii;hl)or is sit iigaiiibt nei-^'libor, friend against fiisMid, binili- I r iigiiiiiHt brother, iiml, perhaps, fath- er a^^ainst son. Tlie' reason lor all this in not hard to find. Thu piohi bilionists were too precipitate and got ahead of eiiliglit(!iieil public opinion. They riiHhed at lliingh â€" caintHtly, perhapH, but tliouglitleMsly. llesnll; fiiUare. The unonli^'litcned iia\a';e resents any atteiiiptH to iirake him unieiuible to the lawn of civili/.erl comilries ; id- ticate liiiii proiH-rly mid liu Boon be- coniOH 1 Irtw-abidiiig Crealnie. The "eiiliglitened" citii^eii also resents at tciiiptH tn niakn liiiii comply with t|je demands of what to liini are obnoxious laws : lie requires enligliieiimont quite as much as the uncivilized barbarian â€" in this cue respect at least. It will require timeâ€" yes, and patience ; but let it bo vemeBibered that great and good laws are not securt d at a bound ; neither arc they obtained by the liber- al expenditure of disgusting fi'otli and gusli sentiment. Unle.s.s carried by a very largo ma- jority, the proper enforcement of local option laws, regulating the traflic, is un impossioility. There should be at the least a throe-fourth vote of the State or County in its I'livor to (>nsure that success all earuest Teioptrance people desire. Otherwise it is better -- far b( tier â€" to wait until Temper- ance priiieiple.s ao strongly predomi- nate as to reiulev failure impossible, Ik'sides, many of those who now vote for such laws are among tlij lirst to break them. They drink ilitms.iTts but don't want their children to follow in their footsti'ps. Utiice llH?ir pecu- liar inconsistency. I'.iit that very i:..- consistiiiicy is ii source of weaknesi^ to the Temiierance element which must ha met. In fact "Temperance e(Vu- cation" li.s iiiiich to accomplish be- fore we e;in liave ]uoliihitioii. The Hay to Say It. "WJiieli am de properest w.iy tn Hup- press uTieft self 1 lioes yer saj-, "\\'c eateil lit the tjiblo' iir 'wo ba* dun ati' at de tal Je I " a«rr,ed one Texas ilarkoy of iiiiDther, tliey lieing eiiguL.'eil in a iji.iiii- iiiiitieal ilirtciissiiiii. As they omriil nut a^ree the ipiestioii «.i« referred to I'lielo Alo.si) fur IiIh di!iisii)ii, which wa.s : "III do ciwe ot> you two iilggalis inniu â-  .1/ y'-v,iil| wht.' 'â- \\lii»( am lie proper way to nay : 'Wo eatud at de talile. I'ncle .Muse '" "Di! piiipeieol way fur hioli cattle as yiiii twii am : "Wii fuel at de truft.' '' ••|1ACKM1M'.\('K, " Ik liiatiiit; and (rufrnnt porfiiiiie. I'rico '!'> ami .''>o cuutii. C^olil by .MeUicul Hull. Auviei- TO MoTiii'.iiH \n' yon ilutiirliuU iit 11 i'.;llt anil broken of \otir rest l>v a ^iok eliilil »tufteri1ti,'l»"'t ervini; wifh pain of l"-nttiii(;T«ftli ' If No«,ii.| moni'.i ami (.lit a liotllo of •Ml'" Wii hlou 1. SootliiliK S)\ nip ' (or eUlMi'vii r.i.'tliin, It-^ vahln \* ini-iLtcllliililo. it mil ii'llevu tin. poor llttlti HnlT(ti-.ir iniiiuiilialetv. l>(ipenil iip«>ii It. iniithiim; tliore 1^ no inl>.takp about it. It niii^M Dytililit«-rv iinrl l>larr1io<a. n-uiiliid-K tliii Stoionrli uiiil II .w.'N. run-. \\ iii.l Cilie, softi.im (III- (iintiH. ri'tiii--.;^ (ittlnnmeilioM. aiiU kmm-^ turn- iitiil iiiiori!v to tlie w <. !.. K\Mti-ii.- "Nti. \\ hM- l(.\V >. SllotllillK ^>vnip for rhililri ri tt'.-tl illK t^ )<li'iiMiiil to till* ttixtt] aiiil U till' pii'-criplloli of olio of till' oMo-t ahfl lii-Nt fijijillu pnM.U'iaMH Mtil leirHi'.! in tlio riill.Ml Stnti-1, iiikI Ik ^)l k>iI,, l'\ nil ilrllk'Ki»»I** tliroiijjlKnit tlio wtifl'l I'ltro t w oiitv ftvn ei'lit,K 11 l.iiiijt.. llti mill- >iiol H^k (or â-  MUs WlNnl.DU M SuoTUlM. Svuei',' ullU laku no otliiT kinil. KOIl 1>YSI'l';i*SI.\ imil I.iver f'onipliiint, you liave II priiitoil :'iiiiriiiiti'<' on overv liot. lie o( .Sliilol. rt Vilalizi r. It never fails to ciiio. Solil at MoJioiil Hall. SCROFULA I .to noi l„.|in â-  UiM A)im'« .'^ UHiiparlllii li:i« iiii ri|ii;il 114 a rennily for Serufuloin llii- imirn. It is pleiiomil to tiike, »;lve« Hlreiii.'tli mill vlirur to Ilie limly, Hill! pI'iiillU'eM 11 more piriiiuiienl, l.inliiiL', re- HUlt lleill illl\ llieiiieille I e V e r ineil . K'. Ilniiien, No. I.liu)iile,(>. I have iKi'il AVer's SiirMipiirillii.in Miy faiii- llv, flir .'â- leiofiilii". iiMil kiiotv, if It Is tal^en fiiillifnlly, It will llioloUMtily el'tulieiito tliii liiirililo dlieiike. - \V. \fy ^\.^Tler, M. I)., Ciicenville,'reiiii. For flirty years 1 liBVi'sulliMeilwilli i:ry- Nliieli\.s. I liuve trieil iill .sdrts of reiiieillc« fur iiiy eoinpliiliit, liiit foilllil III) relief until I com iiieiieeil iisin^' Ave I'm .Sai'HHpnrlllii. A/ter lakiiu; ten hot- tli'H (if thin liieilli iiie I , mil completely eureil. t Miir)» ('. Ame.sbury, UoeUport, Me. I lifiKi HiilVereil, for ycill^i, from Catarili, which WHS NO tiivrre thiit It ilcatrnyeil my appetite luul weHkeiieil* my iiystuni. After ti\- llli,' otiier leliieille-i, ami Ki'tMiiK' no relief, 1 IkiKiiii to tolie Ayer't .SiirNa|iiirllln, ami, In « few months, was cured. - Susim lo Conk, Hull Ailiaiiy St.. IloMldU illKliiiiiids, Mass. .Vver's iSar^nparilln is^iilH^rior to any lilooii piullier tiuit i have •Mr triiil. 1 ha\e taken It for .Seroriiln, ( aiiker, anil Hall- llliiiilii, anil reci'lveil iiuuli iKuiellt frem It. it Is i,'iiii(l, iilw, for a weiik slomncli. -»lilile .laiiu I'eiree. Soiilh 'rhe CHILDRENS HEALTH. (Me of Natures Kindett Gifts is a Healthy Constitutiotf. Guard ifugui^ft dilcme by usir.g Siamese Worm Powdars. WoTHut (ire Ike. tndl/ui cause of nvini/ disorders in CMldren. SfA.Uh'Sk' WOJii] I'O WDKRS xcill acpd Worms ill every aisi: wliirf they exist, trill reyu- late the Stomach and BoiciUs at the same time. Use them, you won't regret it. I*ilI^: I Sliould alirnys be used for .Sic/c Head- ache. Tlieir ityi ratioi^ is mild and pleasiiiit. They .ilrike horixe earli time ichen used/or a Disordered hirer. Ask for them. Get them. />o.''</or./.-( the mnne, l^ei.'li'H l*lf*a K tinl, I'ills- Jf i/iair drififijist Ims not the. above pre- paration ii, sioch. \v. w. sTKr/itw '(• CO.. of Mea/ord, will send them to yvu firejiniil on receipt ol'-2bc*/or either. \> nf rack, or asserleil for 81.01). W.ll'iSTIiPIIEMtO. Jlniijiji.its, H'hiitesiit'' it' /I'lfui', IN thf iiiBttorof \VILM.\M HO(in. (*f tho Vil- lii»;o (It Kl()s)u i-tnn Station, in tlie Cuuiity of The iiU/lvtMit liaH niHtlo nu iissi|.'jinient til his Kittute t<' JuMtri<U'r<ii^Miu<l, in piiiHimiico of an Act ri s)iu.;til>U -ViUfUiiiit-ntH for the )itMu-t4 of CriMHtoiK. 4f\V!c.. (liiij'. 'Ah iiitl tin- rri(Vtor« iiif notitieil to niiM-t. itl No 'Jl'' Wellington S^vet lutfit, 'I'oi'onto. nn >I(Mi.liiy iHth Jtilv. lvt7. at 4 iti'loek. p.m., to lufuive stnttiu«*iit'« ofhirt aflairN, upiK'tnt I nHpt'ctorit, iuj(l fur the ordering of tliti anaiSK of thu KHtattf Kein-iullv. .VdtJ Noti<'e Ih hi-rehv ^iven. that aftt-r IJtli AnuiiKt. next, the HHid M'liistee will priKeccI to ilibirihiito ttie aHHutH of tilt; Mti<! Ht litor uuinut; tht; |)uiti<^'^ entitled tht-ielo. l:av.nt; iiiuai'd oulv tJVtIieclunisof whiih ^otii-g hliall have bci»n \ Kiv4'ii. ana that he wi)l not he linhU* (or the aw- HotR. or any pari tliereof m-i tlistril>ute«l to any portion or iierHOiiH of whose il0i>t or clatui ho Hhall not tiien Uavu hrt I noti<.'i>. • K.U. L* (LAUKSON. • Tniwlee. iM \Vellinttt>n Ht. Ensl. Toronto. Ith -Inly. lkH7.» (Ifi :U7 Farm for S'ale ! 1 nn Af'l"'" F Aid • '*â- ' acres clearoil. in (jooil IV/U state nf cultivation, Loj; llarii, Fmine Staljlo and other out-buildings, trood Itmii/li- caiit House, lipleudid Cellar, goo.i Well at tlie ili'jor, larKc Or':liaid with tjood bearing Fruit Trt-BS. tots US'. 14!). LOO, Ird Uhiiso Kast, Arte- iiii'^iia. yosiii,iisiuii tan be hail thi» full. Title clear .lAMES llEKCKOFT, 314-aiJ, r*oprietor. WHAT IS IT? IT IS A FACT AND XO C'O.VTliOVF.KHY THAT JOHNSONS TONIC BITTERS and NKltVlNH is the heft rcinuily in thu uiarki-t for nervous dii-ea.ses of any sort. HyHteria.Lo-^.s of Appetite, Dubility from hwsof tluids or over- w.trk. Paleiu'ss of Coiiiph'-tinn s*» often seen in yotiiH; fcLiiiiltM and all coniplainM urtsin^; fruni poverty of blood. It is a fact unci no K'iinsavin^' that JOHNSON'S TONIC LIVKK I'lI.hS are the very hof-t in the market for di-^c-ases eansetl hv Torpid Liver aud derranjienieut of the Stomach or Kidneys. It is a fact and tn* one will deitv it that .lOHN SUNS AIJ, MKALINf; WHITI." (UNTMKNT i.* the best in tJie niarkft for Hnnis. SealdK. Cliil- IdaiitK. Salt khenin, Ifarbers Itch. Piiiipht« and all Skin Disorders arialiii^ frou. ^orufnlo(ls taint W. S. CHKISTOE h«. been in.ointed A!,'ent f'lr the al>ove atid fms tlieiii on «aJe at iu--i Midical Ii»l!. Flet-bertui.. Tiy for youruelvts and be sKtistiwd. Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be . cure(l,bx. . purifyiTtg the blood with Itrailforil, Muss, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'ropamil by Dr. J.t'. Ay«r fc To , I.nwtll, Mass. Vrtcm •! i ill bolDul, SS. Agents, Agents ! N' » Ukaux-- -Oi II Nkk lloou EARTH, SEA AND SKY tit- Marvels i\fti>e Universe Heini; li full un I tn-nphle deM-rlptloii of all tbat IS wondirlnl ii. iiv.rv Continent of lln.Cilol.,., ,„ tliu World .1 vntors iinil tin' ..lairv Ib'aviii^. Cull tain 111.: thriUIni,' ailK'ntiin " on lalul ami â- .oa. renown, d li-eovoi ioa of tlni worlil » (.'I'l-nti'sl vx ploreis 111 iill anus, and r» timikabli- phi'tionii-na in livery r.'iiliii ..( iintlire Mnibriii'iii:^ thu strik- iii;; pti> ^i< 111 fciituiiiA of llie iiiirtli tlm p.>enliar . liarftftrn^tlcs of tli*i hiiiiinli rHi-o. of jtniiiMLls, lilrds. in«rets, I'tii , inoludlni, ii vivid dn-i.-riidion id the .Vtlitlitlc, rHciHe and Indiiin Oeeiins iiiid id lliii Polar Sc.i.., till' uioiintors of tlie di'i-p, briiiidfiil si'asliidl.. ami plantii. ^iiiKular UsIdis and dwellers in tli.i world ol wators n'niarknble ocean iiirrentu. ulc, together with tin- ania/.inu' ..1. .,.,... * .V... 1_ I ,. I DUNDALK PUMP WORKS! C. /?. PHILLIP'S, • Maniifaetiimr of all kinds of PL'Ml'S, GylJQd er Chec k Valve & Clstecn Pumps. Orders KcHpectfnlly Solicited and satlsfuclion ^'iittraiiteed. JAMES SULLIVAN, TiiiSniit .A .A4iKNT. Kr.fflSHKKTON. jTbTsloan JItts an If (/uaiitift/ c/ Shin- gle}', <yv.. nil liaii(( nt • Kii'Jriiiit. <Jlieaj>. lor Cit>«U. James Suliivan, The Tiiismitb, - Fleshertou K. J. SrPvOUL, Fle.tliertini. t'oiiriijavier, Ajijtroiser. }'ai^ iiator tiiiii Moiiiii triiih r. llnflf, Mort- (/i(//i.4, /«(.«•.< ami li'ills ilrtiKu up tiiui J'aluiitionn iiioile irii ahortest notice. Chcr- fl^s rery /me. Appbj t„ U. J. Sl'llC VLh, Foiitimifter, F'eshrrt'iii. CLAYTON'S II lUXESS SHOP I FLIPHSRTON. [s the plasi to yet yonr Harness CtAlnri,,<k'f made np in (/uod^atijle. Simp in If"'. ClaytmCsBo'jt d; Shoe Store, Flesliertoti. HABNESS HARKESS. ..If you wiuit Harness, Hinijle or Double." or Horse IMankets, Trunk? , JV'lls, Valiscii. Curry C'onibn. linisl.i ;» or the (Hlebratttl HiuiioHS Oil, cull iV txaiiiiiiv bit'ore piin-iia,siiio t'l.-iowluu . R. J. WATSO.N. i> 11 1 c !•: ^â-  1 1. L E PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS, BIJLMBR. ^Uoto<;>i>iti]>]ier, Flesh^rton Ont Havinp spell* some time i« the studio of th» faiuom. rnroiil*! I'liotuuraidier, Mr. S. .1. Ui.\oii wluie I aeipiirefl vaUialile kuowlnlKe in Ueton cbinK, 1 feel K»..nreil 1 can eive wood KeMcra'. satisfaction. .\ «»11 ronpectliillj^Holicited, MHS. BILMEK. Kle-herton, Sept. 17tli. Ihtvj. â- 'AJD- CHASES ilu'iiouiiiiui of tile atdai and stin-rv nvHtolie*. I., Iblirj Diiviiport Norlln.ip. D.D,, i-nibiillisliod ivitli .iver :Vil rtil. iill(!ravini{<. l.ibural teri.lH to ncKiit^, Oxford I'libUHhiiu Cotnpanv, .» .lordivii iito, Ont. :iiiv-:n-,8 â- f. ROAD NOTICE. Tini-iieliip if .Ii7.i/i.' Notic- islii.reliv Mlveli tliat tlie Milnicipalit v of .Vrti-nicniii will lifttir oiiu moiitli fioin tinOlrKt pllbllciltloll lien of la tho l-'l.Kn!ll.in\iS .KlIV-VM K ii-w«.iiiper. thiMlatii of wliieli tlr-'t publication \ii!* lie on tli.1 7tli day of Jul-,, lHft7. procoed to pilM a llv Law cflubllHllln.! lllc iiliderllteiltioned lliiviittioii of iioiot III tlii-' 'rowinliip. vi/.,. from ii |iobit niuiilicred 11 on a duvliitiop under Hv I.aw illtl, llindc III ']' (lillihuid. Kmi , l)i.;v (•on l.otn -it Kiel li!l 111 tile U'tli Coocui^-.lon, on r -nu boariiiLi 111 i; cut I II of Uoiei. liuowii in Cii.il. p'.t.. s road, ill- â-º lead if on lit'iiriii« 4tt iiH iiictitioi.od on pliia bv salil (lilliliiiid. wlilch purl of -.nid Hy l.iiw :iiil w ill Iill riipealed. iiiul aNo lo mitinf v the oriijlnal intiiiition to cai r> any other pat t of Kiiid road in tlm |iivi..i.iiinl liiM> of l.ol.H as far a.-, practical. Coiiio il will iniict on i-ccond .Vlomlav o( .Viij^.. in.stcud ol l^t, III pasa it. \V .1 IIKLI..\MY, Towiwhip Clerk One lli;;li-BTiid IHirhani Hull. iviNo billy;' Thr lloyid Cliii Hlmnl, W ill Htiiiid foiHorvice 'or thil year l.ti^T, at l.ot lli'J, \-l ltaiin;i, v.. T. it tin., .\lteiile-ia, at tile -iiiall 1.11111 of ."ir.. \\. C P.VKKKlt THR0;ATQcJ.UNG COMPLAINTS Il^WNr RELitl'i l^OSfTlVKCuilE IN KACH PaCHAOC Southern ASTHMA CURE iK»TfcNr ntLii:*^ r.n AS; rHMA AND OnOMCHITIS r:v MAIL on RE;cc:r'T cf phici: SAr.iPiES, 2?c.; RjGutAri Size, *l.oo «i.oni'«» FULrORO & Co., n!-OCKVItLE, ONr, â-  NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHOKfUUill HUKP l)liUn\M IU'1,1,. with i^pimI nettl^nui, will ^tauil (ov hui vieu at Lot 1 i'i Wortt T. ifi HU., ArtoniiiHia Tkumk, *1 if paid oy or hitfuru Jan. Ut, IHHH ; othoiwiMe, #1 '^. AIho ihorotighbrMl UKHKHMIUK IU)AH ai Hamuplaoti. JACOB A. I.KVB^, lleiiairini^, KavetiouKtiiuj;, nn-l in fact t'TMy- tliinK 111 the liu.iUivsH will teeeive my liKunpt Kurl eaieful attention Ht n li* MiAl'le in it CH. THE MARKETS. FLKSIIKKTON. ('nvi-fnlUj Corrfi-tcil tUu-h ll'trk. Flour K4 00 lo -4 20 Full Wlieiu $1) 75 toll 75 iSlnuii,' Wlifiit 75 75 I'urlty HO 4r. DitLs " 20 ti 'jt; IViis J7 -IH Ittittor 11^ 'iL'i K.^'sjs, fresh .^.... /) 1» 13 I'litiiloi's bnsli .*.... 'o oO Ml I'ork 5 (fO 5 m) lliiV.livr ton ID 00 10 W lliiifs (H) 7 Oil Wool '20 22 Slicepskiiis 40 CI; (ico.Hi! 05 (15 Turkeys OH 8 Cliicki-iiH per pair 25 SO Diu-lis per pair 10 OTjO AT GORDOAT S HARNESS SHOP t'LH.SIIKia'JOX, Voti will Iliid au aHscrtnient of Ileaw and Liffht Harness. W liipH, I'.iuhIuiw. Cmry Coiulis. Hw.-at VaOt.anU tile uelebrattHl "Ilaviii"-- Oil. " ('in M|tft>rCu,h. I'dll and I'Miniitie. HAVE YOU I.iver ('(' ybiiiT. I>\ si<'ps:;i, liulijestion, I iliou-w ^, }.iurulii T, lU-.iOa*^^he, Dix/iiit-Hji. k'tt-n in the Itack, Cwaiv* .(p-'S. ur itfiy lii'M-rtsr itriNiiic fconi a dcrmui^d hvc^ I't. C H\--i.> l.i\b'. ^^L hk w.ll V'c fuund a sure and cci^^in r^m •') NATURE'S R£M£OY The tin. . vilified •.«..:'»*,.(â-  Dr l fi.t>c'. I.iver Cm* [rt l.ivei V*Vi|l;i>Mt i<-*i^ ^ Icly wiii» tl>e Utl that it i* «o'|.,jj4 ufirti Ir-iXt II nnp'KWcll-kn-»wn liver n-KuUtors NI.''M'n "i -^» as;' I ' xM'tr iti\, cuniliiiifi wiih many uthe^ iin.*'-.i.»Me t-^>i-, K.iVh aiul ln-r!><. ha' inj; x p«>w«fiil efftcl •»•! the Kiiliiey, St.4.^naib, lIowel» anit. Itluoil. 000,000 SOLO <,>rt-r o«( *ii// /«/.'.';â- Â»Â« 'â- / /''. i/tast'* Roipt Uooki tutrf i''i-' »'* I 'i*«.i.'a a. .'Hi*. H f ivttnt ci'i'y wm«, icVMti'i *i'f^ i':.'i\i -.villi /'t tt-i'».''itJ ivtth l.ngr i'^/fn- f^laint tj t^r tHs ct^itUcnt *emetiy. * SoMETHma New. GiveN AwAr Free \y r.ipp«(I aT-eniui every bottle of Dr. ». base's I ,i*rr Cure is a v,-i!iultie Kou'^c^ioD) Mcdicxl l-uiilc aiH*. Keci|« Itpuk (34 |>u^es), CLttitainintt over ao>.^ useful lecipev, yF(>iiouii< c<I Vy nit-tlical men aikI drk:^^isi-( as invalu- able, athl w.irth ttii time^ tlie price of the niedicinc. fBY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a »aie ami ^^itiv* re^nedy. Fiice, 2^ « cm^. WY Chase's Kwmey and Liver Pius ':â-  t tv ?cr box. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS . - v. KOMANSON ft^OO., Sel« Agvnt*. BrAdford Flesherton Mt^Jlt Market • S. Bl'IlUT, ruoi-uiKroii. -S^:^^%. 1 >£yr.s.v*^ Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats coii,ntiuiily on liaiul for Ca.sli. Orders proiiiiitly (illi^l. -â€"EUGENIA â€" ^ Real Estate Agency MONICY TO LOAN at lowest rates of intercat and on, terms of it^pavouMit to suit borrower. FAK.MS l)ouf,'ht and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking' affidavits in H.C.J. , A,^ent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. Ali busincsr pnMiintly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner o*" Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDEUM, "^ ' AGENT ^^-^t,, .TJ. y M^ . .^ .Jjy «l|t^>yjp-. -i

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