Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1887, p. 5

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V Jl-LY JI, 1S87.] THE FLESHER'ON ADVANCE. Med ical 'J FLESHERTON, Is the place :o obtaiu Mixed Paints .A Ciitat Viiiioty aud Clioap. Linsee:d Oil. AVliit** and Tle.tl LEAD! Vonotian Eod, Yellow Ocre, ^ â€" s- Medieiiies t)f Largo Vaiioty, and constantly addiug uew uuea. White Wine Vinegar. MEDICINAL STIMULANTS Of r.cst Quality. CONFECTiOMERIES. lUSCUlTS byifcsi Mahn Uvet\lvinikMim\ I'l.ASTKi: OV TAlilS, Dl.V.MOND DYKS. TlUANcILK DYES, :\ia(;nhtic dyes. a l)on>let yom- C'atllo or Slicrp gutter fro:ii vtrniiu, wiili an ellictiial so near yon. ()nlv SI for a pint, enough to make 40 i^allons of wasli. COMMERCIAL UNION IN NORTH AMERICA. From fht; Iimtnnice d,- Fiiuiiure Chrouklt. We have bef<jre us a phaiiiplilet, â€" or rather gniiie lett-er» aiid speeches in [lain- phlet fcrui â€" with tlie abnve title puhlish- eJ by .Mr. Eiastua Wiuiiui in New Yi^rk ; and we take a certain amount of pride in savin;,' that we have read that paniplilet throuyli, becaus*3 if patience be a virtue^ we certainly lay cLuin to haviii'^ been vir- tuous so far as performinsf tliat act of perusal ;;oes ; a very Ijtrge amount of pa- tience beiiiK required, to eu«ble us tojead souw thirty to (thirty-five pages of the nuist illo^ic«J argHiuents used to p^-ove the most impossible proimsitiun ever laid before the public, i )iir readers are well aware of our views u; on the ijuestii'U ot Coiiunerciid Union between Canada and the United States, and those views have _ _ been strengthened instead of altered by I ^ II the utterances of Mr. Wiman and his Vf 51 n a friciuLs. Had those utteninces been aiv- ji^ Jl ^( A a1 ^'" >>> favor either ot the principle of Free Trade, or of the advisibility of Canada becomini; annexed to the United States, they mijrht have been worth souie con- sideration ; but as illustratiii'^ the advan- tages to be yaiiied bv Canada from a com- nieri'ial union with the ^States, the tw/> reniaininij se[)arate iiations, there appesa to us to be an irrecvncilable dream or ro- mance only calculated to cause a siiule in the nund of any tliou'^-litful statesman. That Canada is still a part of the Brit- ish Empire seems to be completely ijjnor- ed in Mr. \Viman'» "plan of cann>aii;n," if we Biay luo the expression, i>r only hrietly alluded to as though the fact was of no consequence whatever rei;arilins{ the question iu point, whereas to our mind it is the very keystone upon which :Ul neKociations relatin;^ to commercial intercourse with ioieiuu countries must rest. It is perfectly true that the Moth- er country h.-us given u* the right to ar- range our own taritfs ;4.Iways with the proviso that we do nwt discriminate a^aiiut Great Britaiu : but the very mo- ment we do that, we iin.ke a declaratioy if ludepeiulanoe, and if iiei>ti.«ted in, ce.ise to remain a colony or to have any] part in the Empire. .\nd the Hon. Mr. " ym â-  1 ; Lonirley'g reuiarl*f ill his Uater of the'.'«th V dXUlSIla I ^I"'>-"'". 'hat he d-es not l>elieve "that â- * '' ^ ] (ireat IJrit.ain will interpose any tibstiicle "" to a C.iMinicroial Union between thetnit- cd Stales ami Can.ula, if the Canadian people irivc unnii.Htakable evidence of a desiio for it," simply mean «liat the Mother oountiy would offer no obstacle to Caiiaila's inde[>t'iidence il wo decided t<i aik i{t If coniiueruial union does not mean in the first [>lace, Canadian Independence, and secondly annexation to our powerful iKiijhlxir, we fail to see what it does mean ; and EiiLtlaiid under those circum- stances, njiyht. its Well be expected to consider C anadil :is belon>.;iiii; to her, and '.oianintue her protection in the event of ditlJculties, as to render the s;tnie service to the Uniteil States themselves. How Mr. Wiinan can ar><ue that by such an al- liai:ce Caiuuht could still remain a British colony, is quice beyond our coinprehens'u. To suppose that a colony can admit the products or manufactures of a foreign country free, while it impose ,\ duty up- on similar merehandise front the Mother country, is to suppose an anomaly which would be ludy piv|K>sterous folly. The whole tenor of the correspondence, so far as wo have been able to judi^e, endea- voi-s to pro*e that Canada and the Unit- ed States should no loni;er l>e c>'n.sideivd as beiiiij foreiijn countries one to the oth- er : but that the former should still cou- fcinne to regard the Mother country, so far as cojumerce is concerned, sis a for- eigner, and yet claim to remain a colony full of loyalty is an hypothesis both start- . lin,^' and iidicuK>us. T.et UH next coiMiiler the ipiestion from the intcmatioiial point of vie«,.i.s be- tween Canada amV the United States, supposini; for the sake i^t aninnieiit the former to bo an indcpciulent country. The pleas in favor of Commeivial Uuioii, when boiled down, arc lueroly in favor ,if the theory of Free Trade and ai^ainst that liiwiniL,' â€" what seems to us an impossil.li- ty â€" that the two nations iCanadli and the States) could loni; remain distinct, the inevitjible results which would follow commercial union would certainly be the ciiniplete extinction of the Dominion Fisheries and the just as sure ruin of her cotton manufactories: for as the Glouces- ter Fishermen would freely enter Cana- da's waters, and cany her fish to their own markets wUhuut jjurrliase, so we could never be e«pected to compete in cotton fabrics with a country which has thu niw material, coal and iroy at it.s v«ry doors. Further. ;i3 the St. Louis li >ard of Trade pnts it, with "uniform UuA's to 6<i (tossed by both countries for the iniposkion of duties on imports' (fritni outside nations) it is manifest that those laws and duties would be regulated by the majority, and we leave it to .i.>ar readers to decide in that case wheiher auch laws and duties would be formulat- ed at WiUihin>.;ton, the capital of a popu- lation of CO.000,000, or at Ottawa, the capital of a population under o,iH)0,000. Let us say in couclusioji, that with Caniula's annexatitw to the Stjites, coni- nierci d union would fcdlow na a matter of course, and be absolutley necessary : but without that annexation, and Cana- da remainin;; either as a colony of Creat Hritaiji, or even in her present stage of developiinent becoming independent, such C.i>mmercial TTnion is the most de- lusive ciiimera, or will->'-the-wisp, ever flaunted before the public mind. Whether from *iwanipy land or stay- nant ikxjI, or from the deatUy gaaes of city sewers, malarial jwisous are tlie .same. .\yer's -^!?ne Cure, taken accord- ing to directions, is a \varrauted siH;ciiic fol malarial disorders. 3«c(liaU. Publisher's Announcement ! In the matter of FINE JOB Printing ! It is generally conceded that the TAKES THE HIT 1 DR. CARTER, M C.P. A S., ((NT. PHY!$11-I.i.\. SIK^EO.V, &«'. FLESHERTON. OfflcB. Strminn lil.r.-k. »ism<iiCH\ W'li W-iu'lits Jcutiitru. ^1^ DENT2STIIY. Thomas Henderson, L.D. S. SUKUEO.S UL.NTl.-,!' Gold Medalut ami Honor ^.V"./m.^% if r/.- li.C.D.;^., Win vi«it FLESHKHTON. •Mun-lavi , ' .tr: 1 aud 2of tiaoh iiiuutii. Te«th extrtioioi. aei<>rt ed aud AIImI iu ihu Ui^bo-n »cylus of tht* art. at:-i St uiotltiratv rates. HK.VD OFKIIK. 7I'i1 V' N'iK >;t . T !: • i'fj};il. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. BurrMer, Sitliritor. L'ttttvriniin vr. Oiflce.â€" Slrmn's l*ii:UUnK. KLt"^::'. .iT'v .V. .V. CHKSLKV. Solicitor an.l r ,in«> micii UfSidviii Maaancr MK. KK08T will bu foiimi at Uj. OUii .â-  i Tliurxlavs as luTt-tohirc P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, iyolicita: . ,S;-. OtUvf, ovor .Hrl'HrlaiKi's Storr. .Hurkdalf. .'Noii<-y to Loan. EVERY TIME It Might Have Be*-!! Worse. .\ Dctroiter who was the father of very cros* iwiiis, was enjoying a brief rest aKiiK tuidnnjlit, wfaen he »w aroused by a vig«r>'Us pounding uikhi the door, and 1 the jangliiii; of the bell. 1 •â- What's the matter I" he yelled. ;is he i stuck his head oul of the window and | saw a |H>liceui.tn. _ _ I "Your house is on liiV. " was "the reply. "<), is that all â- .' 1 thouudit fpun the; noise you h.avc been making that both Ixibies had thu coIm again. " .\HF. YOU M .M>Bmi«or»b!o by lu-'iKi'st- ion. Cointipution. Wll^.in's*. T.oss of sp|)e- tite. Vcil.'W Skin' Slnloh's Viliili.'cr is a positive cure. Sold at Medical Hall. 8f.KKPLKSS NUiHTS, niii.l,- niisrrable by that icrrible coiikIi. Shilolj', Cure ii. the r*m^ly for yon. S.dJ at .M«lical Hall. MASSON & MASSON, B.UUilSTKUS. SOl.Un iliS. .v.- OrKiiK» -Owuii Souiiii. 0: \Ki(«r8 blocli. I'utilett St.,. Branch orticif in Mark isle, over .NIo Karlunils !iton.'. ou Krulay and Sattinluy uv,i â-  we«a. , J ^^.^ssoN.g.c. s. inssox. w m.vssin N.B.â€"Vnvate Jk Company's tuuds to iu\rvt nt from Si.\ tu Kit;ht I'cr ct;ut, • Sllll.f'irS CfUi; will inimc.iia'.ly relieve np. \\'ti'»q>iii;; C'uiigb. and l>roiiahlti(. .old at Medical Hall. ^: THK UEV. GEO. H. TH.VYKR. >.f Hour bon. Iiid., »avs : 'Hoili niyi-elf miA wifi' .«« our lives to SHlItlH 8 COXSUMPTIO.N CUKE. " Sold at Medical Hall. M<\V .ADVKKTISKMKNTS. V ;*, i on ♦. ArtfitiL's.,1. nil itii ''.iin'. 1 Ht«tM'. Owiior Clin )\i%vv t-ho Hftim* bv pn'\ int; iirnpt'ity and i>ii> ini; fxi»c'ii'«t*i* NVM. KI.KTlHF.K LYTLES FUO.M thu prelnises 'f th,- uii.lii-i . i l U."M:nd liiui;;.' W. ^t. Until Line. I ri-.l. year- linK -.tt'i'r Ativ (>,)i^<>:. ;;ivUiti ilir'inniitioii will bM Kuitiililv rewarded. JKKKMl.XH IM1M:11. it The «,-ll 'â- !â-  ! lliuluoil Itnli, DAUNTLESS!" Posters ! rosters I From an Eighth Sheet to a mammoth Threc-Sheeterâ€" plain or m colors â€" at prices that will arrest your atteu- tion and surprise you. Allot ioii Sale Kills WHILK YOC WAIT. PAMPHLETS ! Big, Little, Great and Small. Circulars, Bill Heads, Note HeadSj Streamers, Flyers, Dodijers, Business Cards, Visitiiii; Cards, Shii>pini; Tags, Labels, etc. etc. •.„fc^ DKIGGISIV L.VBKLs As cheap and as good ns can be obtainetl in the citv. John W. Armstrongi FLtsUKiiTex. Co. Gi^tn DIVISION COl'ItT II.KIIK. (.OMMISSRiNKl; iti M. U.. Ct.>uvu>uncKr.,Vc .Vudu*. ti>r iMir^)'.,..- a«U uilu »1 lanils. .V]>|>iui*er ferC I (' ii-i< . and K I' 11. i S Society M.Mliy t.. I., ,.:i i, â- )'.â-  ] tiioiit r«asoiia>>lu t«r?ii^' Issi ,.u" cf M \iilil \(- ! ' LlCKNStS. NOT.UtV l'l.l«l-U\ Uc iU»:re,- WU.1. \w fi»r tilt* Hor^ leo of I'ow^ the scil.-o:i of lw*7 at his own ) .iil-o. Lot I.VJ, ;lrd Kan^e \Vii»t. I' ,\ S.U , .\rteii .sia. Tfums' -.-*H.f> |ur i-A. pavrtl.K' on or hefto-e •Ian. Isi. Isxs. I'uwH not rolurne*! reKulaily to bull Hill bu cUai'){wl \,)ictliur m ealf or ii.it. UOSALO McKKN/.IB. (.â- >in-;il7l l*roi>rletor. ''ilOLI) OIL!" I'lipanelled I'ov lliioumatism. '^f^-; TH'S ESTABUSIIMENT toi I'rotection, for the jproiiosed untiani- moiled interchange of thu commodities of i'iiys casli for evvrytliinjj, receives dii^- *hat extraordimiry I both countries is a most complete aoknow- I ledgment that fresh markets for each are mutually necessary, which markets under the I'lesent ."lysteni are unavailable, and can only be secured by Free Trade ! N\e are neither disi>iiting nor .admitting this lino of argument, but that it .should be usjjd by those who on either aide uphold a I'rotection policy is, we submit, somo- connt »iid.lli«r»'ft)re cftii sell cJieftl). Finally, liKiking at the subject from a juirely Canadian point of view, and al- TIMBER AND LAND SALE. CKTIT AIV h»t« and tti-< tJmlMr t)iorm>ii «itimto ill thu I'pihuship.-* "[ Atliin. Atsi^iiiAck, Miil- wulL Uilliut^N, i*ftrnaivou. C'Aiat>t^t'^l. Ht-'ulatul, ^iOf;lii.ri-<:ili, TdiltMiMtiMh nutt MiIU >m tliu Maiiitoiilin IsUiid. i;i tho Pistrk-i of AJ«i>iitH. ill the I'loviiictt of t)iitf*iii>. wil hv oiritrti.I fc»r Salt) tit Tublio Aiicttoti in Uloi k-* nf aiO iK-riH. nunc vv li^s-. 'ii the H 't 'lay of Siri»t«iu>».'i uv\i, at lOoVU'ck, \ M. ni t^i' In'uuii haiul C tlluo in tlu' Villrtnv .»l Mauit- u uiin«!' Tioiiis of Stilo :-- -M<']iii-if(*r tiiul>or pnyiibto in casli, prioo i>r laiut jnv '''Iu in caslt. n licuMriu fco aSo puvublu ill cftsli iii;tl Juoh to Ixi pui'l tiovoul- in^Jllv to Tfirrilf um>ii tin* ttnibor whon out Tho lull. I oil wiiich tlio tiuiltor ki"0\vh to »>e suKl with tUo timbcv v. about coutUtious of ho»- lllMllOllt, .\t the '^iiino tinio lui.l i'laci' tho Monhiintnhlo Tiinhor ot net Iors thir' nine iiu'hot* in ihainoior at thu I'litt. un tlK' Si'.iin»h Kivcr IU'kitvu «nil Kronch Uivor lower Kim-ivo will bo otTiio.1 for nn\v tor 11 oa-.l» boim^ und annual kiouu^I tvnt of j^t vH) jiyr HtiuanMnilo. n'ul diion to bo I'Hiil oh t^L' tiuihor as uut, aocoiJinj^ to TarUY <>/ t.bift L>oi>a}tiiu>nt. » For (nil prtiticulaih ploaso avplv to Jks. C. rhipp!!, Ksq., iMtlian Stt,>l. MaiiitowaninK, or to tho iu;iJvi>i);:neil. No othor pajmr to insert thin A.lvi«rti>*t"nfnt without mitoorlty through tlu» (^nuun'H riintur L. VVNKOIOHNKT. iV'Piitv of thu Kiipt. Gun'l. of ludiait AtTtih-H, Doparttnottt of ln«Hnu vtfairR. Ottawa, 2iul .Innv, bs'^r. Is aJdcd to our stock ever)' Sjti'ing and Fall. NOTICE! TiiK .\l)V.\ni r. will bo sort to any address in Canada qr i ' _ j the United States Ln- Si per yi:.ar ; and to F-n'g4r.nd, Ire- land, or Scotland lor ^1.50 Tni-: Adv.vn'ck uiu[uestign- ably has no superior as a live Local and Family newspaper in Simcoc, Grev, cr Bruce. A. R. FAAVCETIV Elitor 1(111/ I'y'>i>ru:tor, FLESHERTON, ONT. MONEY TO LO.VN. At «5 l»ei- Cent. On Towu 01 Kmui I'rcieity, s. D.vMi â- ir.. Kle»lleit,'tl W. J. BELLA.MV. T«p. ci.i UK iiirrM' - V Ci 'A I â- Â£â€¢ y.i .\< • A'/i', < •( '.U M I .<â- > . ' â-  s h:i. . lS.i!i'lxA.\CE AUT. .i<: ^ ud mid Vi'o|Mti'ly exit iited. lti-iirr.feei.rt,. ed ill t|r..t el&ss collll>tttuui>. Mt>li>'\ to lend lit low,.ht riites. GET YOUR MEAT i-FKOH-i Fetch ^ Mitchell, i:E.NKK.\L lU'TfHKK.S FLESH EKTOM l~r*~'(.'asli paid I'or I'at eiittii'. \\. ,\.i'. \EW LIVFKV! THK uHtlfrnif^nOit k>'X*^ t'» arnni-.tuv â- Imt 'lo ha- •^itirtud a tirNircUKMltivery in tin; aiKni ci* po>ito MnnshftWB Hotol. Kli'shorton. ivh.ru tl;.- tiuvvliiiir; litihlio vitii bo acvoiuitiailatvil with g<KHl ri^H auU horsoN al uio»t rvasi nnhlu piict--^ Try iiju i\ *\ V*-' ooiiviuciM. Ki'SiH'clfully, \ouis, \V. H. JOHNSTON. FloHhui ton. Nov rnb» ItjW. Picture I raiiiiug, Xeaily. (^ lira ply <S' (Jnick- bj /hiHc, hij J. E. MOOREI, Dui iiiiiu St.. Oi l''^fii*J *^..i.5U.i. -. ILiiite^fi ^•hot' BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATnLOQUtS FREE. BELL&C9.,Gaelph,0nt,v ««

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