]VLY 28, 1887.] THE FLESHER^ON ADVANCE. Medica A iieorge n'a.shlnston Story. | Strurk by Lightning. "Loot here, Johnnie, you batcher j During the tliniider storm on Saturday don't git me to believe no more of tlaiu 1 ni:<ht iaat the burn belonginj? to Mr. Joh. Georse \Vai)hini;ton stories," said a Bow- McMorris, al«)Ut a nnle »nd a half from ling Green >K,y to hiachuni. j Heathcote, Wita struck by lightning. Tlie '•Why what s the matter with you, ; lightning ripped about half the n. of off, Gnollj ? ' )•,,,.,; i|,(,j shreds ime end of the barn, rip- •'Well, t'other night pa was telling me j peJ and splintered bents, bcani.s. i(j. &c. ab.ut how good a boy (jeorgie wan, aiid j Mr J[c.Morri9 himself waa standing 111 how when he cut the cherry tree he np , the kitchen door at the """-' ""d was i /J/yA//o/igr'o and told and didn't even get a licking, j knocked down and badly -'â- â- â- â- ""'' t--- j So I thought to-(luy I would [.lay 'iiookey' recovered in a short timeâ€" friglitenKi], [ from school and ;.'.. home to tell my father I perhaps, (jUt of a year'.i growth. The of it. I reached home about dark with ^ Jjinia-e done to the barn will be conajn- niy Hshirig-pole over wy shc^uMors, and j erable, perhaps about one bun. he.i dollars the old man met me at the door and ex- 1 or 30. It is insured in the Grange Insur- claiuied, 'Where have you been V j ance Company, an.l we underat.ind that "Pa, I cannot teil a he, L played | company dcies not insure agiiin.st light- 'hookey' and went tiahhig." j „i„„^ which, if so, Li unfortunate for .Mr. '•He f.<)ok me to the buggy house aa I j JlcMorris. \ heavy rain at tlie time secured the buu'gy wiiip, and now I can't | ^ived the building i.nd contents from to- go in swinimin- ail tlie summer, beciiuse tal destruction by tire. The building ^diat. Hal! DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A.S., O.NT. PHl.Slt'IAN. 81R<;E0.\, JHe. FLE:SHERT(J>'. Office. -Straiu's block. Itesidtince. Wm.Wriffi.t -1 Announcement ! In the matter of FINE JOB Jeuti;5tvij. DENTISTRY the boys will want to know where I got the stripes." will have to be repaired immediately so that Mr. .McMorris can save his crops, 3 FLESHERTOX, Ls tlio place to obtuin Mixol Paints .\ thfiit Vaikty and Cheap. Mn$««^ Oil. â- White nntl Jleil LEA D ! Venetian Red, Yellow Ocre, Varnish. Medieiiies â- Geonie Washington maybe could play I l,ut it can never be repaiie.l s-.aa to make tlie cant-tell-a-he lacket on his old man, j it aa good as before. â€" rM>.u/>ui-!/,S-ii/..i<i-'y. but it Won't wiirk for a cent on mine. ' I I A Perso.v. â€" Unable to sleep in bed, unable t<j work, unable to take ordinary ' exercise from the effects of Asthma until using Southern .Asthma Cure. .\ sample ' package relieved, tliree package.-i [>erman- entirely cur.-d. .MIE YOf; .MADK misera.j) â- l.y Iiidigcst- i'>n. Coi stipatioD, Dizziness, Loss of appe- tite. Yellow .Skm .' iShiloh's Vitaliztr ia a I ositive cure. .SoUl at .Medical Hall. Printing ! Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. SUKGEOX DK.VTIST. Oiil'l Mi'itiiliM iitul Umior IJiiuiiuiU: of tj, ii.(:.D..i., Will visit FLESHEKTdN. iMiui^liHws Hote:, 1 All.! 2of oach iiioath. Tfuth o.xtrnt!T.,-<l, insert- u'l miii fllled in eiiu biijliaht litylesi of tile iirt, aj; I at uiiKluratti rati;s. He.id Ovytry,, Jin YoNOR St.. T-n. -;ti-i. i'^fli^l. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. It is generally conceded that | B<in-i»tfr, s^tHritor, toiitfi/aufer the it DAUNTLESS! " WU.l. \)*i fur the liuivU'e of C.»ws the tieuson of lrvi7 at tilH i>wu placu, Lot IJ2, ird Kuutju \V.,Kt. T. A S.K . .\rten:.'s:a. Tkum.s:â€" ^l.W.' per c«jw, |>ay»bl»i on or before â- Jtiii. Nt. 1«HH, <\>W8 not reCuriiHtl rcuiilarly to bull will bu char(,'«'i wbetUur m caif or not. ' DUNALD MtKK.NZIK. i.U.wn) Proprietor. TAKES THE m m EVERY TIME : [| TIMBER AND LAND SALE. Posters ! Fosters but took the order frr thti couuuua doum ou paper aud said : . I '• .Now is tlio.o auytbisi; else yon Ul Largo \anety, and coiistautly would like to see ? Hb ficb^me for Pear«. A rath«r slim chap, vrith canary hait (rippling beneath a helmet witli a pugo- »reo .-•tepjH.'d into a fashionable estab- lishment where arms are sold and called unto the clerk. 'â- Have you any self-cocking seven ' thooters ?" i "Yes," replied the clerk; " would you ' like to look at tbcui i" " I would." j In about two minutes the counter was ^ covered with revolvers, aud the man with canary baic oxauiiuud liium aud said : " Give me six." I The clt^rk sei-mcd astonished, but tictl np the pistols ; at which moment thu j customer commenced to fan lumseU 1 with his helmet, and remarked ; " Got any shot guns?" â- nEl<T.\lN low iin<I the tinilwr tliBn-.m nifiat* 1 „. , , _, 1 "Ye.*. What kind do yon preferâ€" ' ^ in tht-Towusiiiimof Allan. AHrtii-iiiatic. Hwi- j l-"rom an El"hth Sheet tO a. plain or Uiminatcd steel?" wuli. b.Mi.iks. Oiriijirv.Mu r.mi.b«li H.,«,ia„,t. , ^, n-. cu ^ f .. ._ si.uu,iiai>,iai. PuiikLiiiUiaii nn.i Mii..„nM,.. mammoth 1 hree-bheeter â€" plain or in colors â€" at prices lunatic; but bo diilu t care wlietlicr ho I it io"ovioek;.\"M"Vttti./liuliaii Lami'Trfflce m I "^'^'' ^^ arrest your atteu took theca.shof asauo manoraluuatic. tHS^'""«?2'?''""i?"'*"i°''. >, k, tion and Surprise VOU £, , ^. , ^, , 1 ^ I t.*rnjj* of Sai« â€" Boii'i* (or tiiiih«r i>avahlu ttl I ^ - bo hetioiithe guus up, aud was about | ,ash. price odaiifl payable in caitii. a licun»« (l-b to announce the amount of tlui bill, i also pavablo lu cash iml iluf< i> lie paid atconl- whcn thr. voiiii^ mnii iii.ittir.'.l • Inulv to Tarriff uiHjti th« uuil).T wbun cut. wntll tne joung man milUirtU . The land ...i which the tiii,l.cr <row» to (.,â- " Uo you keep cauDons ?" ' -ol.l with thu timb..r without .â- â- mditions »< s«t- . "Wo have some nice bra.s.< cannons ti<;0"'"t , v. . ,,1 ... ^ , 1 I- I I 11 I, .\t tn.) *anK' tlino and place tin- .Mt-nrlianranle ' that carrj- a twenty l>«uaa SOiul ball, , TimUTof imt k-aa than nine nn.hei. in diameter i replied the cU'rk. at the butt, oji the Spanmll Itiver Uoerve and •• ^r» rlirv ninnntcd nB wlircU ?'• French Klver Ic.w.T lluserTO vn'.l be oITerwi f'lr Are iiicj mounicu on wuctis { | ^,_. ,,,,. , ^.^,,, |„,„„ ,j„,, „„„»| ground rent â- ( , " Ihey are. ' , | jl lU per »quar« mile, and Iimt t<< be paid <<n •'Then give mc three.** ' *''*' timber a* cTit. accorili«< to Tariff of tili^ ' The clerk was considerably amazed, | k',',"' mil Imrtipniars please apply to Ja«. c. well. Biniiit.'H. Carnarvon, (-"ampbell. Howland. , ,, ,. , ,._ ,,. Sheiiuiandah. Tehki:uuiall and Mils on tlie Uoesn t maXe any il:tIeronce. Give Mauitonlin Waml, in the Di-tri,.t of Aluonm. me about two of each km<L'' •" '•"* Province of Untariu. wil be oiterud for ! T>iP i-I.t'.- tlu.iioiit In. I11/I strnrt a. Sal" at Public .\uction in bl...k» of J«) acren lUe Citra. tllOUgllt lie Uaa StrncK » 1 ,„„„ „r ie^,,.,n the tirstdav .f. September ue»t OtBccâ€" .Strain 3 HiiiMinti. FlkshuiiTo.s . A. \. CHKSLKY. Solicitor and touveyaljc. fieflldelit Manat,'»-.r. MR. vnOHT will h,: found at the Offi.c TUlrnlavii as heretofore. P. McCULLOUGH, Darrinfer. iSoliritor, ,\r. Oflirf. oviT >I<FarlaiHro .store, .'Niirkdal«*. .Iloiify to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, BAHJilSTI-ats. Sin.K IT<)l:s ,vi-. OKU" i:sâ€" uwen .SiMino ;ii \ ieliers !doei< Poulett -It.: Branch otllee in .Murhdale. over .M. - Farland S ntore, on Fridav and Saturday evei . week. •J .M.VSSO.V.g.C. S. .MAS.SON \V. MASSON N It.â€" Private « Companv s funds to i::v.j-r at fl-o!!i Six to Kluht percent. John W. Armstrongs FLK.iHKl.ro.\. Co. G!:j-;V. TVIMSION COLRT CLEIIK, COMMISSK^NEU •^ HI H. U.. tonveyancer. Ac. A:;ent for pnrena.*- aed «ale of lainia. Appiaifer fi;r C L. C. Co:i and F 1' H i S. Societv Monev to I<i an ( :. -j... add in;; new ones. White Wine Vinegar. fflEDICIMlT STIMULANTS Of Dest, (,)uality. CONFECTIONERIES. BISCUITS by best Makers. ltHi;irou&niiii. rL.\STEK OF PARIS, DI.MIOND I>VK,S. TltUNciLK J)YE.S, Jr.Ui.NKTk' DYES. ' Yes ; I would like very much to see I some daggers.' " We have ;v fins stock of da-yjcrs," replied the dork, as he phiced several , specimens on the couuier : " Here ii I ono with a solid silver handle which comes a little lii;;'ier than the others." I *â- I will have si:i oi tho silver haude<i I ones. Now let me look at a low swortls." I " What kind tlo you want ? W'a have ' a number of dillerent styles." " What kind, for iustajucu ?" asUuUtho c&uary haireil youth. " Well, wo have the civalry sabreâ€"" 1 "Give me two." I " .^nd we have the cutlass." " The kind ustnl by pirates f" ask^d tho lono slender youth, v, itha smile that betrayed his anxiety. " Yes, the very kind." " I will take six o:' thum." " Now wo Lave sojuc Turkish cime- tars." " I want four of tln-.n.^ I .i!so want two claymores, just liUu tuo oue in thu window." I'he clerk took down his order, ami bcyan to fancy how much his employer would thiuk of hmi tor sullin;j sucu a bif< bill, when the customer said ; " I want half a dozen Sjpriugticld rifles with bayonets on them." " I will take your order anil till it to- morrow. Is there anythjni; else ?" " Yes ; I want some harpoons and â- pears." ' " Thoso wc have not in stock." â- iui'l the clerk ; " but we can f;ot theiu and deliver them with the shot ^;^lns." " Now I want some hand eieuadus aud Phipp^, Ks(|., [niiian Supt. ManltowaninK. or to th" uuderhwneil. No other paper ti» in>ell TliN :i 1verti-«euient without authority throimli tile Qu'-en'-* Printer L. VAVKOITJHNKT. Deputy of til.- Snpt r,-nl. '<f [ntliun .VtfairH. Departnieut of Indian AlTiirn, cjttawa. 2ud .Fnnc. iNr SHir.OHS CVT.ARim RK.MKDV-a positive cure f.ir ('atirrli. Oiptbervi ami Canker Uoulli. Sol.I .a .Medieal Hall. For Toilet Use. .Vyer's Ibiir Vi;;i>r V-eps the hair .soft mill pliant, iiiipurts to it the bistre ami ireslmess of youth, iMii.ses it to ijrow hi.xmiaiitly, era«lii-aie^ OamlrulT, â- •iirt>s all sealp ilisoa.ses, anJ < tho most cleanly of all liair preparation^. * YFR'C "•"f Vi.or has ijiven nio " I tn O iHTfeet s^i'istartion. I was m-aily bald for six \t.irs. iluriii;; which time 1 used many hai; I'n-imrations, but wirliDiit suecfs.s". Iiilefil. what little hair I lia<l. Wits ({ren iii: thinner, until I tiie.l .Vjei's Hair V.;;or. I used two l).),tlis of til.; Vioor. ;:!.l my lieiul is now well covered with a n «' Krow tli of liair. â€" .Iiiil..c.n U. Chapel, r.al>o<lv. Mass. LJAIP that has be. ome \veak. xray. rlMin anil fiKled. pii.iy have new life an. I color restored t â- it l>y the use of Ayi-r's Hair Vijjor. 'â- Mv liair w.is tliin, faile.l. auil ilry, ami fell out in larue quaiuitiiis. .Vyer's H lir Vi;;or stoppeil the tallinc. ami rest.r..! my hair to its ori«iiial lolor. As 1 .Iressiiijj for tho hair, this preparation has 11. 1 e.|unl.â€" M.iiv N Tlamnioml, Stillwater, .Minn. Anotioii Sale Bills WHILE VOL' \V.\IT. PAMPHLETS ! Big, Little, Great and Small. Circulars, Bill Heads, Note Head.<^ Streamers, Flyers, Dodgers, Busines.s Cards, X'isiting C.'irds, Ship[nng Tags, Labels, etc. etc. j ue»t reaaonable ter;ii«.' tHBrKn r M.\ItI<I \'ir LKKNSKS. NOTAKY PLHLIC MONEY TO LOAN At « I*ei- Cent. On Town or Farm Pmi.-erty, S. DAMUDE. Flesheit. n W. J. BELLAMY. TWI>. I.M.HiK A.TKMl;-: 1. ''".VrAl'.f-Y''A7.'. I'liMMlSSlny r.l: rjKKIiS. MOllTtJ.VOKS. I.KA.SI'S. ..c. pr.[..: •'-' e.i ami properly e.\ecuu-il Iii.^urnni .- ur'. . e.i in UrHtcliUBuolupanies. litiiev to leui.' ' lowe..t rate*. (JET YOUR MEAT -:-FKOJI-: â€" LYTLES " g'HEjil^ 1) l9 ' ' â- """^^^ "eep them." /^-ixxi^j^i OVXX. ..Don't keep them â- .'" < customs!.' I'on't let voiii- Cattle or SLcep suttir them 1" No.:' L-p iu buriiribc ; replied . the 'duut kcex: tioiii vcnniii, witli an etVectiial so near yon. Oiilv SI for a liiut, eiioiioli to make 40 gallons of wasli. "WOLD OIL!" I'npaneiled fi)r lUieumatisiu. THIS •* Well, tlicn. Bond itll those thlags up to my hotel. C. O. D." The man presented his card to the clerk, who thanked him for purchasing buch a nice big bill, and said : " 1 hopo to SOB you whcu you play in Kcw York." *' I play iu Now Y'ork ? £ don it play." " Beji your panlon," said the clerk, apologetically; "1 thoUjjht you w«re tlic mana<<er and star ola sensational dramatic company, playiu'^ a far west blood curdling piece, and that you came lor properties â€" " • -^ " Oh, no," laughed the man with ycl- J^ O 1 A DIjI Oil JliiJN 1 low hair ; " I ain aimply goiua dowii to Texas to .stiftrt a pa^H^r. Ihcre are Pays cash for evpi-yttiiiig, rtceivta dis- count and therefore can sell cheap. certain joiunalistic amiuuitics down there that I desire to observe to tlM letter. I don't wish to bo liaiat^ajua. Im »i^.^i»atem.";-,^(»,*j . ' _ , youth. :i:! I bcailtv. ill the appearan- •' of the hair, may Ito preserved lor an VIGOR, ^i. 1 li-tinite penotl by the" use if .Vyer'.s H,i:i- Visor. "".V ilis- rn.se of the sculp can- I my hair to be- come harsh an'l .iw, and to fall out freely. Nothing 1 t. â- •.! si'eme.l t.i <lo an.v Kooil uiiriT I . .nimeiiced usina A.ver's Hair Vigor. Three lioftles oC this preparutbm rest' I'J niy hair to a bealtliy cou.lition. ami it is now soft ttii.l pliant. .My seal;, is i-uie.l, and it is also free froiii daielrulf. â€" -Mrs. K. K. Foss, .Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, ijulU by DnigKiata noi Perfuiiicni. DIIUGGISIV L.\BKL^ .As cheap and as ,L;ood :is can be obtained in the citv. Is added to our stock every Spring and Fall. NOTICE! TnK .\uv.\NCE will be sent j to any address in Canada or i the United States for iJi per year; and to Eiigirlnd, Ire- . land, or Scotland tor ^1.50 Thk Aov.iiNCE' un(.{uestion- \ ably has no superior as .a live | Local and Family newspaper , Fstch &. Mitchell, 'iENEK.AL l;l Tf.-HEK.-;, FLE8I1EKT0M trsTa.sli paid iVjr fat ciUtU' iVi-.. VKW LIVEia ! npHl: 1 .krsiuno<14>e,;s t.) alilioiiiice tiiat h.. I:k * blurted a hrst-cla.sH L,ver\ in tiiij jttun i . [losite M:m«iiaw» Hotel. FlushoJton. allele t;.- travellin-.! imlilic caa bo accoiioiiwlatcci «:t . BooJ ri«s ami horsea ut iij«»t rfotoiiaioe | rij..« Try iii« an.l b« uooviiiced. Ituaixjctfully your:i, â- W. H. JOHNSTON'. Fle^hertnn, Nov. lOth.-lSiW. •, Piclure Fraiiiiii<^, A'eitM.ij, Cheapl.JcS- (htick- I'J Doiyc. hij J. K. MOORC, Durhuio St . Oi>t>oslte (.laytoii s H.ihu-.h .hrp PiRFKCT s.vKKTv. prompt action, and wonderful iurafi\e protHTlies. ea.sily phwe .Oyer's Pills at tlifl hea«l of the list of jiopular remedies (..rSiek and Nerv- oua Heatlaches, t'onstipation, and all ail- ments originating iti .i disordered Liver. 1 have lieon a gr. at sulTerer froi» I • C:„rnr ("rf*»V CT- Rr-«-o lleada.hv, and .Vyei » Cathartic Pills 'n OllUCOe, ,v./rC) , ft J^TiJGe^. ara- the onlv med'icine that lia.s ever given me relief. Oi)>' .lose of these PllU will quickly move iiiv Iwwels, and fres my head fryin iiaiiiâ€" William I.. Page, KivUmoui) Va. Ayer's Pills, rrmar*d liy I>t. J. C. A v^r k ('*., I.owall, Km*. Sold b( all p«).Icri to UmjIcMw., A. R; FAWCETT, E'iitur unJ, Prnptietur, fleSlHerton, 05;t. BELL" Unapproached for Tone aud Qsality. . CATMtOQUfcS FREE. BELL&CO.,G»eipii,ODt-. â- »|0 Hl« n i