r^ ,-:•.♦ *t* .'â- 'â- • ' â- » • â- ^.. .."â- ' .. â- ' "7> â- J|>W»«lwi>tâ€"i II HI iPillWil 1^ < 1 -_ ,tf4k -i- -•"''â- â- '^ â- " * .«*« 1.*;.,.: ..y. .... . â- ADVANCE. ..1" 'TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR.'*-*^" FULYCIPLES, J^OT MEjY: * v- VOL. VII., NO. 3l9.<i tl FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, #JRSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, EOITCR Be PRCFRIETCB. lUJ. nvS^ ^ ^Sif S ^'^^ ^^ AVatcheB, jC'loi;li.s. aiid Jcvcl- V., â- .. > r « , I iui r »â€" i- : >T eo to Rngsell's iJ«ed.Jewelrv Store, C(»i»u<f»w<; (if L(ii-'(l find litliir 1 iitfi-tstDig â- '^ M ItfiM 'fithn-i"^ hv The Admnce â- , FIcshcr toa. i^ , 'â- '' ; Artenicsia Coundit *'iU nictt in the "Get^aZjiMONT^ Refers. ~ ' *"^ " ^^^^ ^'^^"kpS^'ou MouOayuext. , for the traiisactioa i' busiuet-s. The For fine Silyerware go 'la JBli«aeil's, regular luoDthly Cattlo Fair \rill be Have I paiil tlio printer ? Fleslierton. ' helJ liere ua the so^Dt day. lociirau I i;)iu(i â- T. W. Ht'iideison,* Esq., of Tfcoato, ^va8 ill tou u uvc-r Siuulay Isust. j Mr. Titos. Henderson, L.D.S.. of To- ^. . , , „. , , w irontu, waH in town Mnadav and TtJes- aaiutfied Watcli*,,, , . , . , . -. j7 I "^y I3st on a profeHKional vi.sit. (•â- ii'ij â€"my iiinie on, .• i e.iv I*- and iLe icliubli. Wallliiim iiiiJ Eli»«i Top Biis^ fer sale cheap or woulJ The <^h(daa Psjjly tielJ ou the groandB of the M^hudkt parsonage' Maxwell, on TburitUy evciiiut; last, was Ok jjcaml bUccsM^iiuaiiuially and oth- er\vt<<«. Tli» proceed auiouncing to tbo baudtjome sum of t9[L41. A fancy stock of Fancy Goods of ev- ery description at Russell's, Fleshertoii. The woman ret'urred to by our Mea- ford Road correKi>oadent last week as "Uviiijj; near Fleshtrtou" has left for Jiarts uukuowu. Nobody. is sorry as it seems her reputation was not uf tiic best. AT WirtqlifG, in (jol'l, Filled Gold, exchan};e foi ';v good yuuug horse, 'W.^V MndJTKIMBLb. 4- (Iffai Com hitvor (.':is<3p, (!;(> to Mr. Ward, Headllastcr of the Col liu^v uod Public ScJugol^, liis wife and two yonnffer cbildral^ Me home on tlieir uiitb, tiM barber, wiH be b ^ annual vi«itjug tour #niong their niauv •j FleshertoA next Mondi^ (cattle fair tlay) |f,.;enasaud aciuuintwices in Flesbcrtok ivir. ^n Wi â- n*n MT TTT ^TV^ I * >--"- â€"J I , iiienas auu aciiuuinMKicei <»lo ijlbvj W JN f>l*° *"«""^ t^" »" raiuking Lis services. , and viciuity. Mr. Xard Mr. Robt. Conn, "ind con.. Euplirasia. farmer, who had this year 22 acres of fall wheat and otlicr ^rain in proportion, was through with cutting and getting all his iiarvest in ou Thursday, July 28th,â€" and which remarkable fact oue of our cattle dealers, Mr. Ed. OBrien. thinks worth his paying a cent postage to send to tbo .\gricultural Editor of the FUisuKitTON' .VuvAKCE. Juatl the is SLu genial, kind of items we like to get, friend T I H€Ly STOCKED Mrs. J. C. (JciffitLs and her daughter, ''«t'" /^"J rcadv-.vi«|i;l as ever. ' Purdy.â€" Kd.] Mil«^AliceGriffitha,ofOT^â- eu Sound, are . if you want a wi^cb you^-iU gave 'Shsltiiig friends liere. money by buying from Russell, Flesbcr- JE WELL RY 8 TORE* f Tr» Artcmcsla Voters' Lists have ju.'.t \ ♦»"• 'warrauttd from 31 to .> years cover ''jb«on printed at tkis office. A lot of new »"§ ^^ breakages. J tim. kiwit-a '<s tlte Rilktblt J(;)<K/^/«r oameit have beuB adiled since last vcar. thr 20 ntiiti A'cjrt/i, Soutk^ Eutt 'Hi4i ~â€" W(tt. I „c,c,- hicc mitr.pr„^,t«d\ A fine Stock of all kind, of Mat hkfc varpoteff aaj/ yoi^is told lince bAug {»l*ee<Jle« constautly ou hand at Ru^.stjlls bmlntst here. It ig t'tii/ lo teil a Hi Noted Jewebry Store, Flcslwrtoa. â- hvtikd w-i'ch ri>r •• Funj.Kefteti:' A\ â€" * f»«c& ««iVr ('„ ttU H k. Gold WaicM " "*' ^"^"^ Hurlb.ir*. of Messrs. Lit- On Friday eveiUA4- last Messrs. J. Sullivan and \V. P. -trossley, together â- *. Ith Lhcir eldest li^|p ^t^^^ took iraiti at our railway statios. t't Oweu Sound, from wlwtice they ptcci'edtd by boaj; to Mauittiuliu Island, ^bcy will return to Go to Keefcr'8 for fl^UH.VM FLOIR. i* uudcaUlh^ul^orU. J don ' /tw«w!*lc * Huilburt, contra*,tors. Thorabury, , pi^,jj^,t^„ ^^ ,„^ ,^,y^,.^ ^Ye hoiw *o do it. Ml/ own namu on atl nxtmiiilM, \ "f as in town one day last week and g»»e , jj^gy. ^^ju jj^^.p ^ p|e««atit trip. ind i/on V, III fin 'I I cun he held r-c«jH»i»-.<H» a call. iiLlc ifgvuJs lire ttot risht, „ ,. T", . ^,. ~. .,. ' '^ ♦ ' I Mr. UweD8 and ms «uker-iu-law, Mws •• ,- ; â€" 13421 â€" ' '^WebK botll of Owen Sound, are tlie ' ^Ir- ^- F- Moore, of this town, has se- »f ITi'ilir'n «| .v^.rpjgaestsof -V. S. VauDuscu, Ksii.,of tins'! cutv'l thtf wutra.-t foctlic erection of a III ill' \ X I I I If ' k \ I VJ'**:*-'- I"**' '""*^'' '^â- '**"^<='»«* 0" Sydeuham il I I iliiO W tLUtlviJl â- I street, for the A^O" "^taral Editor of 1 Wo torijot to nieution our visit to Chatswortb last week. -In company with Mr. J. G. Kcefer. of tlie Forest 1 Frte Pyju office, wo struck that town ou the afternoon of Friday. 22nd ult.. and found our gtiiial friend. Mr. G. .J. Blvtli, of the -V. (/•>. up to his elbows in work. Cbutswortb is a smart Uttie ' town, much larj,vr than we bad antici- pated. Just !iow a very tine brick itchoolhouHe in being erected there, whicli will be a ijreat boon to the peo- pie living iu the village and locality. „,..,, . „ , • T , ' WSoftH, Chop, Urau. Oats,, aud all ' ' ' Baud at Uu! new flour and feed store. â€" i'SQir.lRt: i>h'AlI\G. W. W. TIUMULE. riilCKS CLOSE. .TUJt Ai)yA;..(,fc. Tbc^v, ''ling is to be ; ready for ocoui-atiop by the 1st of No- , ^ciiibcr iu till' priseut yc.ir. ^Vork has alrciuly btcu oouiuienccd. J»l*Eri.lLTIES:~F»M<' ni»tch lU- pairiity, Upvje Fitting. lite k'tonWn -Hivelleit, Murkdaltj, i Mr. F. T. Carr retnmcd lionic to Fv. I geuia from York t'o. ou Tuesday la.->t. I He will remain home until after liar- I vest when he has the option of takiug I a good position iu Topotito. ^(lCi."> waulwl at K. Keefor's. .\ii immense stoclc of Razors, Combs. .Mr. M. W Mc.Mas.er of tbo lubiic soliuol has tc:ulcrod his \i\mw ThoroLi resigua- liou to the trustee hnard. having ac- cvpted tho huaJuiastersbip uf tlio Nia- gara F.-ills public scliools at a salary of Pipes, Purses, ShaviugBrusljos, Pocket I J-. J, Tbi. jriacos Mr. McMaster" at Combs, ScisKors of all kinds. Ladies I Toilet sett=, i^c, just received at Rus- ' sell's Fk'sliertou. There being gootl prospects of a frosli quantity of Flour to be cou- sumed ia tlie village and sunouudin$; j Pricevillc ou Tuesday, October Uh. country the present season, the uu- Pri^n. Lists and othor particulars ih con- doisigned has opened out witli a good j „cctioB therewith will «p{«!*r iu duo ' time. I the licad of one of tlie fiucst schools of I the country, and we cougratulato him Mu the impruvemeut iuhisL'ircumstanccs TUo .\nnual Fall Show of .\rtemesia I wl'i»-li «he change will effect. .\g»-icult«ral Society will l>e li*ld in .\ new stock of su^ierior Razors just ivcL'ivcd at Kus-soll's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesliertou. â- stock of the following linfs :- KOLLEll FLOUR ! ;j.s? Brands. Rolled & Granulated Oat-Meal. Coru Meal, Cracked Wheat, . Uhop. Shorts, Bran and Oats, At IVittoMi Prices for Cash Mr. Ayleswortli, the celebrated To- routio arcbiUvt, jiaid Fleshertoua tlying visit ono day last week. The visit was ruvic, wo believe, iu connection with our new scboolbouse building, of wliich he is the architect. • Several yoaug men aud a couple of feiualus of the doiui !aoudostrip<! iu^ulg- 0*1 iu a sort of ••liiucau" within tlic boidcrs of staid aii'i let-pootable Arte- inesia the other ni^ht. (iod helj) them j to reform and bec":iio u>eful and re- I h^vctable meiiibtv-. of society 1â€" Yes. I aud (toil help tliem t' thoso dis<,Tftceful Mrs. iiiiduight orgies aro ever again attempt- Somebody has been endeavoring to . start a boueyard just iu tbo rear of the i loUou which The .Vuv.vnce office stands. Heads anil entrails of slaughteretl ani- mals have been thry\sn there from time ' to time, thw utlor from wbiqli in. at ' times iKwitSvely sickening. It is simply disgraceful that such things should be tolerated iu a town enjoying tho wide I reputation fir cleanliness that Flesher- toii loc-i. Whore i^our Hoard of Health .' Imiiiednjtc -tcps I'ught to be taken to , comi-i'l the guilty party or parties to ' have some rot;;vri! for the health of their t neighbors if they have none for tliem- ' selves. In future if the' proper authori- ties do not promptly enforce our sani- tary regulations, we shall see to it that ' the uauit s of all violators of the same â€" without respect to person â€" adoru the coluuiDS of The .\ova.nce. Free as this I country is â€" and it i-* too mighty free m I some resi)ects â€" it dues not allow people to do jiist wluit they like, esi'tcially ' when the rights of others are interfer- I ed with. Special Discounts AiKordiiiy to itinounl of t'lirduac, W. W. TRIMBLE, Mr. .\ikenhead aud two sons, .\ikeulieail i/i«! Armstrong), ami Miss |t'J iu tbds Towuslii I .\ikeuhead, are the guests of Squire i .Vruistrong. The first named is senior member in one of the best known bard- j ware tirma iu Toronto â€" cor. King and j Yougc streets. Oef j-onr Flour at Keefer's. Oue of the chief fe:iturosiu connection with the East Grey Kail Kxliibitiou to be held here next M'Uitli, will be the largo aud splcudid array of special pri- zes. Ou accoimt of inakiug careful pre- yext door to GUiiftoiii Shoe Sfoic Mr. H. Bull, of H. Bull A Sou, Pump- makers, <Jtc. , Thorubury, was in town last wo^'k, aud did iiiiite a business, i parations iu counectiiui with the depart- Mr. Bull will be iu Fleshorton ou Tues- niout, the Society is a Uttlo late in issu- day next, when those requiring auytbiug I iug their prize list pamphlets, whie.h, in the pump hue can call at Munsbaw's | however, are uow in press and wiU iu hotel or leave orders at Ajjvanck office, i probability be iu the bauds of Uic ener- â- ' getic and popular Seo.-Treas., S. Da- Our attention has been called to tfa« L„de. Ksq., (Floshe. ton P. O.) for dis- faot t^iat much of the collar plauk used j^.i,,,^;^,^ „^,iy ^^^^ „ ,,eU. Iu our ucxt ill constructing new sidewalks m Uiis 1 .^^^^^ ^^.^ ,^^^,^ ^^ ^ .^j^,^ j^, ^,j^.^ f„,i T?' Art: j towu is dozy, uot to say partially rotten j j,^„i^,„ ;„ connection therewith. In niiything ] â€"particulaily that used on Toronto i j., , street. This is uot a wise policy. How o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SAY, HAI.I.O THIUIK! ADVKKTISISO PAYS! t)f c-nir-*,* it. -loi-*. .Ixiflt plant an advortis*,- MiBiit Iu Thk Amv.vnck »nil BOO for yiiiir«i;U. K'lii \rv\« havt: iluue ho aud voru bvnvtttterl. Tlave von a farui vou wiVHt to hoU or re vertUi) In Tjir. AinAscE. Have you an itiidor tho Hun vn% want to noil oi* tra.lo? .An M-lvortiioiMont in 'Vuk .\nv.VNCK. will bring yon i-iiHtouiors every timo. Do you want lo buy any- I u i,.,f(.„,. :(. ,vr„il,1 )„, f„ luiv a OTu-id thin- or hire hoi). ^ .Wvprtlse in TiiK Aptanik | '""CIl t>»^'<*'^ »t WOUKl 00 10 pay a gOOil vvory tiin.v Aa.lriw or call on A. H. Kaw««6t, , ^„{^^ f^. lust-class cedar and have sidc- I walks that would uot require repairing Advance OiBua, FloalMrton, for torui, Ao. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO P!«ISTINC.' YKH. OH. YEH! IT Wll.l, PAY aU mill MJ of porKonii who roail tlii* ailvt. 1. 1 -.'It tb -ir I'rintl'Kjrtone at Thf. Ahvanck (X- fV'ii, Kloslllcrtou (low! work at honest (irlcos werv timi'' A dollar waved 1« a dollar earneil â€" *> thn pr'wurb u x^h. Pamphlet'. I'onterB. t'i"-- vil irs, Prcidvams. DmlaorB, Htronuiors. Bill Head.s. JJnto HoiwU. Koc«il>t«, Notfl Korul». Bub i- â- ni-t* Cftrd'J. Visltinij ("ard«, TjAhola. Ta««, Ac , Vlain or t'olorol. Addrww or call on A. K. Pawoott, AvrjkSCK OfBoti, Kteabarton, (or terms. every year. Cctlar is oue of our most usehil and durable timbers, but care should be exercised in choosiug that i the mcHiutime lot us citrncstly urgo our agricultural friends to give their county exhibition a hearty aud unstinted sup- jKU-t. If you are udt already a member, scud a dollar to tho Secretary hero and get your' ticket. Even should you not exhibit a siugic thiug it will be mouoy .\ jolly picnicking party, returning from Bell's lake oue oveuing last week, had some remarkable experiences. Scmething seemed to be the matter V. ith tlie lior.;i's, as ihey persisted often HI the iiKul atti'inpt to climb or throw ilieniselvc^i o. er the tongue of the ve- hicle â€" percnaiKo with the view of ebaugiug sides. The driver could not make out what was the matter ; aud for the matter of that, neither could auybcnly else. Wbeu the horses were uot engaged iu the "change sides' busi- ness, they occasioually varied the mon- otony of the trip by suddeuly stopping i and becoiuiug profoundly absorbed iu tho surrounding landscape. .A.tthe rail- way crossing lliere was very near- ly a serious collision l>etweeu the horses and a swiftly passing lorry, which was couveyiug Dr. Sproule to the home of oue of his patients, who lived near the railway tiack. So close was the "call" that the tongue ot the vehicle grazed one of the lorry's passengers ou the back. When within about one mile of Fleshorton the horses did manage to smash the tongue of the rig. Theu it was discovered that the lines hail beeu changed iu position â€" heuco the i)ecuUar action of the horses. The young people walked homo. RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELRY STORE, Flesbertou I « '^ . - .' h to be found the jinest at^d mutt com- jjUte stock Of' WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and FASCY (Jcodi in this section o/' aiimtrg. i!(/>ne hciiati/ai desiynn la ladUs li. fiute Bur I^ins anil Bfiuclu*. Jutt rnciotd, :<l'EVTACLES Jur the mu- lion. In Wulcltri, tee ktep WnllJ^'im, I Lli)in, Spr itigjield, lUincis, Ilniiijjo'u , Columbu*. Hwitt, in gold, t/utd jil/i J, sHoer and suver-ons casts, 2, 3, -1. lii: J uts. 9f fronx $6.90 to ?lKJ, lou/•ruH^.*;â- from %\ tu 5 yeurs. W^Onr Wat0)i Rr/Miir Book ItU* ,'.V st'irtliiiij t'lle oj •^W€$ icat'ltes â- !.â- t/<'/irt'/ /Votjt Julji lit IbSO lo Juli^ l»f I IS87, icKich u 140o«tr an<i (ihonr u:ii it I iiHif other dealer can shoic in tlus do. . <io/i und { Wet did .»W 'i«id tlic ir'iti.t , salts und clock rtjtuir* and oJtl u'lt.i I wutch rejtttiri to sirM the itumicr o* isri,i. lienler* <l^.f Of v,Hrm tut %â- :â- ''. ntfriiin iiicreuted cdtuiilcritbli/ ii««.e l-iaC I rail on accoant of so iniini/ pour icul<.h-i ibeiny iiuctiuned off aruund Acio wli.'h {needed 'intf iimounl of n [Mirxiiij und .'/c \ptOjile lire hmtotning wise /-> thf ftcl iioij that fur tharoughly tf/<'d Wiitchis. Ci'j.f, Silririrun , ttCfOiul /w Eim: Wad It i Kepiiiniiij. theu/huue of )it,cos»ilii lo y o I ItusscH s Sot'il Jbtcelri/ Store, Flisher'ai j Uliu tbe UkuI .SulIVriT na.<.. "Do yoB suffer much- from cold iVvc, , iuquired tlie shou uiurchiwti willi kiii>I.'y lutci'cst. us be coiupliei with liio I.»!y h ' request and sV)wed 'Avr the thickest »»>led |»bue« lie hid in- ohu same. "She sutler : I bviike iiA her husband iuipetuou.'«!>. ' ••Great .Sc-ott ! Shu suffer ' N^t much, j I'm thv vtuuiu.; I'm the ouu that has t I sof- "(.ie.iryc '.'' Sitid the Iiidy. Tliat was all â- the said, but Oe<>rxu seemed to uiHier- stiiiid, .viid there was silence that was llv^ brxkeu until the merchant obwrvud ui .i deferoiitial and fiuioreal w ay that it looked ^^s if there was nning l<< be sniiic kind I'f i Btt'l'iii K tile wind illdu'c cliaiive. LU CC O I- o < â- 2 "~ :-|< t --^i? [xl whwh is uot m an advanced stage of de- composition. Some one seems to have fallen into this error in the matter of our new sidewalks. profitably spout. Biscuits, Cheese and Bacon, { Thf BlK Siign for Flour. I Notice tho big sigu next door to Clay- I ton's shoe store, where you can get the also j choicest Roller Flour cheap for cash. ADVaRTISB in THe ADVANCE Loiuons for sale by W. "W. TIUMBLE.' \f. W. TRIMBLE. Tho tonic aud alterative properties of Ayer's Sarsaparilhi are too well known to retjuire the si)eciou» aid of any exag- gerated or fictitious certitieato. Wit- nesses of the marvelous cures effecteil by this preparatiou are to-day living ia evory city and hamlet iu the land. or < ll d ! ' "â- - ^ -S ". *> i ? 3 (^ i; •*•â- â- »? r-~ b^ H'-J - I s « «• o s a • â€" .= => S-s."? ^ 3 â- ? I - i-a ^ '^ s 4 3 ^ s ; 5 ^ V 3 *" .2 r .3. •. .»