Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1887, p. 8

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\ â- jrr THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE. [Aug. 4, 1887. Tii-Bits. Vontinued fvout, flrut I*<tffe, llio only pluco to •^vt yovtf Watcli Itupairol iiroiH)iIy is at lUis.scll's, Flesh- erkou. -^ . Last S-'aturilay evcuin}^ astt^er In-long- ing to Mr. A. Muiisluiw, of this Jilaco, ^ot iuto the drain iu the field iioar the plauk bridge, ami but for the aHHistancc of soiuo iiuMi woiiki Ikivi' boon drowueil. M»\well. From uur oifu Curre»i>vnfletit. The giiidLii party of last wuck, liuld on the Methudiht I'arsonasu t;roundB, was a succesn in nvery particular. Rev. W. Ferrier, who had full control of the man- agement deserves more than a inissin^; re- mark for tlie manner in whiih it was got ij]i and conducted. About four hundred l^uesta asaembleil and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Every young man brouf^ht out his best yirl and the older ones followed suit as well lui they knew how. Tlio refreshments were got up in Hood style and of the best. The music by The Tlioriihury A'eicn liiuts that we do uot KiK-Il '-Tit-Bits" correctly. Will it be hin.ienouiih to point out our alleijci 1 the Flesheiton Brass Band was enjoyed nii.staUe? AVliik- its editor is wading [ by every one, lus was alsu tli« vocal music through his \\ orccster, we may inform our readurs, that the name of ouc of the best kuowuâ€" certainly the most largely read â€" Eugli^sh newspapers in the world tirst Hng<iestt-d the idea to us. The sjiclling of the ^ords above by that l)a- per, is in jierfoct harmony with ours. Takt-s till' Itiiii. McGowau's Koller Flour takes the 1,. u. Sold onlv by W. W. TIUMBLE. IM<Ml. « l!KoWNi.Kr..â€" .\t the residence of Squire .\rn)htroug, Kle.sliertoii, on Monday, .\ug- 1st, Mrs. (jeorge Hrownlee, aged b9 years. DcNN.â€" Suddenly, on Jlic 12th iust., at liis rcfideuct-, 14 Rcid street, Dunferni- line, Scotland. Hobort Dunn, manu- facturer, ileeply regretted. Tlio'dc- tea.sed v.a.i brother-in-law to Ueury Meldrutu, F-wj., Kugeuia.â€" Ed.] Tam.ihai',â€" Is the discovery of a lood- in^; iiliysician, and after years of exiHjr- iiuenting it is now offered you in a per- fected state as a iievcr-failiug euro for Couglis, Colds and Throat and Lniig | niuhts to ah ep. One niijht he slept by other Fleshcrton friends. And the Maxwell Choir also added their mite to- ward the entert.iinment. The speeches by the Rev. (ientlemen were of course in place iis far as tliey wjiit, but the most of the Hev. (ientlemen wlio were invited failed to a|jpear, perliiips tlunkiii'; we could get along very well without them. Well, we can only say that theau gentle- men lost a good days enjoyment. Pro- cee<ls of I'arty nver seventy dollars. .\ CI -nsideiable amount of comnu-nt is made over the conduct of certain parties who have adopted young boys fixiui tha orphans home. Une nmii who had one of these Iniys, for St.iiie trifling ofl'ence struck him a severe l^low iu the facp caus- ing the blood to flow freely and also se- verely beat him in other ways. The boy not likiii'^ such treatment has gone to seek another home. ".-Vh," say the knowing ones. "1 thought he was just such a man" â€" ho looks just like a cruel master. .Another who adopted an oridian boy, for si'Uie slight otlence cruelly beat him ami Would not let him into the liou.se at n Proton Stutioii. From un (kcasUmal Coirtipoudeut. CllfllCH OfESI-NO. The new Presbyterian church at Proton Station will Iw i>pened on Sunday ne-\t, .\ug. 7tli. Services will be conducted in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock, by Rev. A. Oilniy, pastor of the College street PrcsbyteriMd church, Toronto. At '.i ,..ui. the Rev. Thos. Watson, Baptist minialor, Flesher- ton, will preach. On :Mon(Uy evening, Aug. »:h, a tea-meeting will be held. Tea will be ecrveil injthe grove adjoining the cliurch, from to 8 o'clock ; literary entertainment will begin at 8. Following speakers are invited, viz., Revs. A. Wilson, Maikdale ; T. WaUon and .). W. Shiltoii, B.A., of Fleahertou ; Dr. Strong- man, Ph. D., and Ross, B.A., of Duii- dalk ; Bradley, of Corbettou ; McLelland, of Shelbiirne. Rev. A. (iilray has kindly consented to remain, (iood music will be furnished by tlie Duiidalk Presb^ter- ian Choir and others. Admission -'5 cents ; childivii under \- years of age, 15 cents. MAXWELL CARRIAGE ' WORKS ! 7 Little Sc Blakely, JIANL-FACrCllEUS OF Carriages, DeinoeratB, Wagons itc. Kepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable P'ices. JOHITSOU LITTLE, Itlaihamltlt, Maxwell. .May JiHli. l^M7. THOS. A. BLAZELY. tl'offoii-Mcl.rr if- ViiiiiUr, cuniplaiuts. iiouc From our .llidst. Very Uw people were siirpri.sod last Monday foreuouu to leai-n of the death ol Mrs. (jeo. Brottiilco, of this town, v.hich occurred at the residence of her ilaiighler, Jlrv J. W. AriuKtron;;jon the morning of tin- day named. TIid old laJy muHt have l>ceu nearly ninety years old when she iiassed away iuto •that far distant land of glory and light " | ,]„. ,,|,i „„.ti,,„i -altlioMgli liiaven does seem very ch»se at hauil sonutiiiK-s. Deceased re l.iiued full cousciousiiess lip to the very i.ioment of hnr departure, aiul fear«U not the sunimoUH which culled lier- into l!n- pn-.seuee of the lireat /Iiiilge. Deeoaneii was born in the North of : n-laud- near far-fanied Knniskillen and came to tins country many years ugo. hho vas a jiions and (b)d-feiiriug Woman ami a faithful member of the Methodist church. Tift- aged partner 1 ! her joys and sorrows still remains to mourn her li>ss. She also leaves be- I.iiiil hi r a huge circle of sorrowing t iiildreii, (^rand-chihlren and gruat- (.landchihlreu, who Iiave tin- rehl>eet- t il synipathy of the conimunity in their IjereftveiiMnt. "Sh.l IH IKit lIOBd lllit hlWl'Htll." * 1 In- funeral on TucHday evening was I irgely attindcd. There were some beauUful llorul offeriugH by fviendH of lU'LUOMttd. '1 lie remedy which most suecesHfnlly (onibats malarial disorders, is Ayer's Ague Cure. It is a purely vegetabhi I oiiipoiiiid, and coiilums neither (iiiinim^ nor any other (iani{erouH ingredient. Warranted to ciiri^ cliilla ami Iwver. the woodslit'd and another night he slept at a neighboring farmer's, but larhaps this party made agreement to use him in this way at times as our 'uns live strictly up to their agfeemeiits. The parties injured by last week's acci- dents ale, we are happy to say, entirely recovered. Mr. W. (iuy i.s manufacturing Pea har- vesters. We wish him every success as evt-rv farmer wants somuthing faster than I*iiiiiriil Afi-i<I«>nt to :i t'liriuer. On Saturday lust Mr. .lames Orr, a well known fanner living near Emery, on the 0th concession of York township, wa« hauling in grain. When tuniiiig th brow of a hill the load upset and Jlr. Orr fell a distiince of tiftecli feet, sustaining such injuries that lu.< recovery is diaibtful. The backbone is either broken or disloetited â€" the doctors in iittendance are as yet not sure which. Every thiiio possible is being done to pull .Mr. t>ir tlin>u.;li. He is alsiut ;t5 years of age and well known in the township. Dr. Charlton and Dr. M. .\ikins are in attendance. B ( »o rs &;S HOES! msjfjv^wv Tin: UliV. liKO. H. THAYKR, of ISour boil, Iiid., nwf -Itotli myself iiiiJ wif.- owe our lives to SIIII.OH'S I'UNSUMITION CUllK." Sold at Medical Hall. AHK vol' MM'l': misirah!.- by IiidiKcst- ioii, Coiisiipatinii, l'lz/.in.-»«, T.â- l.^s of iippn- titi!. Vtfllow .SUiii? Shibdi's Vitidi/.rr is a poailivv cure. S«iJ at Metlii-al Hall. KOa DVSI'K1'.^1\ and T.iv.T C.iiiiplaint. vou liiivr a |iriiitiil ;;iittrant' e nil every b< t- tb- i>( Sliilot.'ii Viliilizer. U gi-ver fails to lUre. .SuM at .Molual Hall. .Wnifurd ltoa<l. /'Void OKI ni')4 ('urii»]iiiiiililii. SAW MILL BUnXKIl. About midnight >J(i the i.'7th, nit , the eclipse sleuin saw luill Wiui discovered to be oh hie and with broom Imndle factory 11 lid a new building juat elected for a planing mill wiis totally cimumt'd. togetli- «r with a large ipiantity of linnl.t r, shin- ^;le» and lous. Lesson buil<l)|ii;s Jf.'l.<MlO and 01! stock ^,0U0, iiisiiialKxi on buildings »1,5<«>. All I KENT, .lust the day before the ulsive flru JiW. A. Warling who Wiu» employed in the hhinglu null inul Ins right liaiid badly cut vitli <uie of the butting wiws. His thumb was cut ott'and his two Jimt lingers badly iiiaiiglud. ItK ON Vona OuABii, - 1)01)1 allow a cold in the head to slowly nml siinlv run into t itiirib. w hi-ii >oU(aii becuiml (or UHc. t>y â- King I'r. Cjissu'k C'Hlurrb t'uri-. A lew ii|jplieutions cure insipient cuturh : 1 toi Inixi-B cures ordiiisry catarrh ; U to ."i box«s is euaraiili-ed tocHrs chronic catarrh. Tr il. ' Only -ilt cttiitsaud eure cure. Bold by all dealers. (,>uile a iiuinbi-r of liindurs have been .sold to fanners 111 this iicigliborhood. Our Schoid Trustees are haviug the sdiool house thoroU'.;hly repaired and cleaiit-d. Tliere is great demand foi harvest men The h.irveet has fully cuinmeiiccd and help very scalvi-. Anvil r. r.. Miiiiii us -Aid V'Hi dUtiirhiul at niullt loi.l l.rol.ih ol v.. Hi i\.l liv 11 hi' I. iliilil muttTiiiij Kill! i-ivini; Bi'h juiNi oft'nttiiiiSTijoth? If HO hcMiil an>iu-«i mill j^t-l a iMittiM of "MiH. v\'oi- Hl.pw I. No.il.hlh;; Smui. â-  loi- I'lnliltcu 'rmitlllUK It^ viilni' l» iiicilli'iiliililii. It «lll riiilcvr tiiu poor little Hulfiiri'i' iiiiiiiniliiaclv Doin'inl il|>oii It. in<>thiit> , Ihuu) IH nil iiiixtiikii ulir^it it. It oiiri'i. li\ -.i-iitnrv uiiil inmrl *. rf){iilati*N the Ht.ilmic!i mill Mo\n 1», iiinm \N lu.l lolii;. soft. mis tliii (illlio-. niilluiii tllilillilllltitii'll. Hint liiVf- tolui itii'l i-iiriMv til tliii wliiiUi HVKtulii. â-  "Mri., Wiiin- lii« « Soi.tliiuu Sviiip' tor < lillill-i-ti ti-i-tliinj! in |>|i'll~lUlt tolllii tn»l«' «li<l l» III" I'lMKiTiptiiiM n( one of lliii oliliMt anil hunt (uiiisle pliy»leluliii iuiiil mill-. Ml tliii I iiitiiil Stiitii«, Kliil U liir anlll liv nil ilr>im;iKl'> tliroiiulioiit tlia wnrlil. I'Hco tuciit> li\i; i-i iilH u liiittlti. Ilii mire ami n^k (or •Mm. WiNsi.owB hooiui.vu Svui 1-," uml taku uu othur kliiil.^ * Lines on llii Ih-iith of Mr, .Innivx MtSitlhj, J>i<,l. Jane lltU, ISS7. lltuLi' Kntlici- III' liiiH loft lis, (ioiii! lo titat lioliH' Hl»<i\r, Mis ».ii|Ti)riiiijH Ml vt'i-v Ki'eat, I luiilmt imt ill HiTilsi. 'I'liu iii^htK worn Iouk'aikI weary, Tiiu p. oil it wiiH HO uruat, \Vi' iiinrvi lli'il nt Ills |iutiulica, It WUb ho Vl-iy (^Olill, 'I'liii mot nin^M ahiI tlio tivoiiitiifH, All- ll'lUllV hllU-.U hl-'» M1IIU-. hut \vn kiiiw tliiit lit' il. lla|tpy, 'Tin wluki'l (or to mourn. HIh nviii-diHir now t^iand ompty, HiH cliiiiii luii-ciip, ttio, It KDIMII.. to lull I U-Vll tllt'tll, ItuciLtiHu tlit-y i-LTVL-il him i-o. 'rliu KliAiln trouH to arc MrowiliK' 'I'hut liu iihiiito 1 liiUM a^'i, It ttuuiui. .iti'toiKu to tiuii ilioiu Uourinlt, Whilii lui is sluupiii)! low. (i(t I ilruam I hud liiiu tmiliii);, .\h hu iliil ill ilayH of yuro, Wlli'ii I wiikn 'tis Imt to Koiriiw, I'-or wo will iiiuoioii uaith nv more-. Fniii woutil I aiik him hark 'I'll till hi'. I'latu I'll (III til. lint I kiuiu that frniii liiii tintipint'tiB Ho iio\ui Hill ilopait. .\ii iiiikiiul fi-ii'-inl hatli naiil, 'I'liHt lilt wii'' not kiiiil at all. Hut thiit i-i vor> (aliiu iniluuil. 1 01' lui waH kiiiil lo till. I'or I know tliul liii wuj always Tliu iiiMK'.iiniaknr in hit. Iiniuu, Ho Kavu tin i^ooil ailvieoit, I'ntil tliu ilvatli lioll iUiiK. .Vnk HUttir, Iirothor. mottior, HiK liifti'i V to nndiltl. TliBV will all lull tilt! BBUio Btnry, I'lom llui ^DUiiKost to tliu uld. Ami now I'liitjoinM to toll you .luvt ii( liiiilaNt iniioett, 'riiat wo tiiioli anil all iihould luoet him, III that holy laiui of rent. Ilent on iluar pntloiit paruut, Ah liApiiy at) you be. Wo wl I try to fiiUow Jusus, Aud ons day mmit with the«. - HACKMKTACK." a lastinx ami frtt^rant purfutnc. I'rico 25 ami 30 oeuls. Suld by .Miiliciil Hall. A N ASAI. INil EcrOU true with eaeh but- tie o( Sliilo'i's I'atiirrh Itoiui-ily. I'lice .10 ceiila. Solil al Mi-dicul Hall. A WiiNi'KUKti.OiinAN. The liir);c.«t orj-nn iitiil out- tlial pliivs a (•oiitrollini! i>!trt of the liHultli of I be lio'lv IH the liver. If torpid or iiuictivf lliii nli.il**yHtiMii lu-funics tlisiiised. |ir, I. llH^e s I.iVL-r Cme is niaili! spt-cially for l.ivi'i anil Kiilney ili.-o-asoH, iiml is gimr- iiiilifil to i-nii-. llereipo book niul moiliciui; jl. Si'lil tiy nil doalcif. SHH.OH'S C'.Vl'ARllH RKMKDYâ€" a puhillvt' curt' (or Catarrh, Difitliur'a and Caiikir Mouth. Sold at .Mctlicid Hall. m.\\ .\I)Vkrtiskmi<:nts. Having received liirgc aud.'tions lo luy ytock, 1 have a good supply ou liuiid of Suiimu T tiooils. L.VDIKS' WE.VPi. â€" A fine a.ssoitiiieut iu rrttuella, iiciich Kid, Uout, I'olia* fall'. I'.iitr and Heavy Hoots. MISSES AM) liOVS WEAK.â€" A large variety of Lacd nuttou Boots, Slioes and Sli[)p*'rs. CHILOKENS AVE.Vr.. â€" A very lui-gc a'asortineut of all sorts utni sizes. MENS WEAR.â€" I liavc Duff, Calf aud Enamelled Balmorals, Oxford Ties and Strotig Laoe Boots. • - ^ • FOU PUICK AND ()rAl.ITY, C.\NNOT F-E SL'UPASSED. TAnYI. CLiAYTOWr, , Flesherton. CHEAP AND ^ DUEABLE! THE W !â- : L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual 1' irst-flass valiK' in every denartment. . Agent for VIGKER'S EXPRESS. AH parcels k/t ii>itJi him ivill be promptly and carefully attended to. ^ *" FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, J. IVIOKVILLK. ' ' •BriEEIM.ESS NIOH'I'S, made miiieraWe by that terrible oeutjli. Shilnh'i Cure ii. ptla remetly for ^ou. Hold at MoJioal Hajl, ALL KlSfl.S liy M&rUs li MmM W:rks ^'^^iiiif^fet^: ^i^e~ Such as Moiimneiits, Tomb 'L'ablos. Htadstoin:* Ciiimler and Table Topsâ€" in .\im'riean and lialian Marble and (iraiiiie, and made oil .short uoiieo. Also Mr. illea ii Marble uud Mai-blcizcd Slate, Ac, &c. Fleshcr*on, Aie^. 30, 188.1. HEALTH FOU ALL. H7i(/f nturntihi lhttii/;s tn hii /xitniiiii (iiid till i>iilili( for their idlii'ihlt xiip- jiiirt ill the jxnt, Le<ji to <iiiii<iaiicc that he i» piepurcd to tupply their vurious mrdit ll'c j/ik/.i' it our bdniiiist to ICKJ' (1 *vi>l>l!/ 0/ (iooiU $iiit<iU» for the titvti* of oar ciistoinvrs, and t/» We Buy in Large Quan- tities Direct from the Manufacturers, FUli VA.SII, we (ire in n ponitioit lo fiive Kvtra Value in Hill/ (frjinilmrnt. Km;/ o(it ithoiihl «(•(' the immiiine evlffi we hone in FALIj (iOODS jus! Hrrivliig Vtri/ Nef/xcl/ull!/, J.iS. URANDER. I'rii-iinllii, .Iul> â- !>â- <. low. w ^ ''^1 'aut '^ is 'wS Bk C.\MI'. to tim iitiun»eH o( the nmli'i'-iniii-il.- Lot ;i, I'lm. 1, .Utmiii'sia, on Uh .linu', 1 i.to«r. Owuor ciui have thu namo l>y ii.oviiiK lii:'iln.'rty â-  t'HKK. H0LL0WAY3 PILLSMlii .SHIL(»H'8(!IIHE Willi luuiedialely relieye Cronp. Whiiii|iliiH ConKb, aud Uruiichitii. 8ul4 »( Medical Hall. Til K PILLS Ptnifv thu Itluuil, corroct all UiHonlorn ot ttio I^i^'-ei% Stomitt'^li^ Kldn'^H, unci Jtlowelis. Thoy inviwurateatul vir^toio to lu'tiltlv OfliilitaU'*! ('(tniititntior)?!. mimI ;ivt' iiiviiluaMo in %\\ Coui- pliiiiitb inculouliLl to Fi-iir».tcH of all il;^i.!s. For ChUUvuu unit ilu^ uKed Ihuy aiu lirlgultis*. THE OlNTiMENT Ik nil iufalliblorouunly for Ua>l Ia>^i, Hud ttruantH. UM Woiuuls, Koivh aud I'lcori*. It isfaAioUbfuJ> (.tout and UliuuiuaRsm. l\>r dUurdoi'K oI" thu (.'hu.-*t it hart no uiiual. ForSORb:THUO.i'I, lUUhyCIIlTIS. COUdliS, COLDS (llaiuIularSwoUin^ I, mill all skill niwoftHuH it liai* no rival ; and for cuntnicted aud utiU oiiits it actH like a cliann. M iiiiifiiotureclonly at Profetior Hollow AV'sEst.al.lislunoiit, T,S. Xf w Oxford Stroot ( late 5»a, Oxfurd Strcrt ). London. and aroiiold nt Is. I}d.,v!9. W., 4». i'hI . IIn., '!>., nml XN. mdi lli.\ or I'ot, and iimy bo had of til McJ tint' VondorB tlirouHlnnit tho WoiM. .jMT Piniluimrx itliinild tooh fi- On- Lulu I ov thr /V,^^ ond lin.av. 1 ( ihf 'i^il ri^ iv wt riHrt, Orfoid Street, Lolnhfii, tlieii oiv .</>»)â-  iVii/.'i. and iwyluM fXtiiiiiHOM. \VM Vl.VA'l FUdM till' lirvniiiicB of tlio illiilol-iiijiiod, Lot lli>, liud RttiiKu WoBt. "tick I.iiio. I lud, yoar- liiiKhtoor Ain iiernonglviiiK Inloruintlou will be .uitubly rewarded. ^^^^^^_^^ i.j,.j,„_ FOR SALE. Thn nndor-<iKiii'iI has Wliito \-ih lUiltor Tulw aud Chnrnn for sale. Job. McCOUMICK, HOi-^liiO, t'li'tihcrton. ' uf gu|>uriur quality, fur Orange and othur Sociotiea. Order early. WM. TEGART, 'liiu.ubury. Out, J. W. BATES, FLcriiit'trn Dfaler and Lhiderlaket\ FLliSUlillTON . OKT. « ^ • .m^

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