Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1887, p. 8

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'S... THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE [Aug. II, 1887. '# •<•â- % Tii-Bits. CbnllHued from Fir»t Puge, Get your Flour, Butcuiiii and JLpptea at KKEFER'S. / » 'A ^rty o( OypsieB struck eut town oil Mouday laft. itr. Thou. Mamlers, of tbiH place, got biii liaiid badly cut oue day Wt wtiek. jOur UaptMt frieadii have purchaxed oit;htoeD feet more of land adjoiuiug tl^Oir diurch. •air, from .â- ^ t RuLt. Trimble has i)urchaHo4 Mr. W. K. Flebber, two lots od U^hel utreet. â- AHtliiua cured by the double trea^^ Tixkul of Soutberu Asthma Cure, iti • CQUliUou remark. * f â-  ' 14 total eclipae of the souâ€" nsiblo od1| iu'F.nroiHj aud Asiaâ€" takes place on Salt ur^ay next. i )i Ilauover heu laid four eggH iu oi|o dm reccutly, and then wound up tUt reparkable feat by dyiuft on the ue«k, Sq nayu the /'«»<. TENDERS WANTED.â€" For building a ;4ouc<! around a lot on Hydeuliam street, Flesbcrtou. Full purticularn on api>UeatioD at the Advanck Ufliuo. Mr. Wuj. W. Straiu ha.s returned to Flmhurton. It neenicd quite natural to >-e£ him uecupyiu^ Iuk (ilil Ht^^at iu the M«lhodiMt diiuroh lant Sunday. Ho loaks as hearty a* ever. L . Mr. John Scott, son of RolH;rt Scott, Ktfj,. HopeviUtj. had a narrow e«c»pe frum being Keriuuifly if not fatally in- ju(e<l bu Mouday of last week. Ho wan at Svock witb a mowing machine wbMi tli« h<mtM took fri^^ht and ran away. Mr. Scott was thrown on tlio groaud iu front of the niacbine which [laitiMMl over lui^4>o<ly. Hia clothes were torn into Hhffsds and he was so badly bruwe<l that ho wait miable tti rusume work for se^teral days. â€" Ihimlulk HernM. Wliile working on a w;affold at Wood- laiifl's building un Tuesday lawt, Mr. .lav Laidlaw lut.'t with what might t^avu' betfb a v«ry aeriouu accident. It a]4^^rH th<{ scaffold gave way aud procipitAted Mr< Laidlaw uuiouga lot of stooes some lit 'which fell on him, bruising and scrfttcttiug him iu many places and alito spraining bin aude. We are pleased to leaifn that hu will Ihj around agaiu iu a ilay or..two. â€" Orey lievUw. tjosllt^rlttu aud the Station ,(uniur lianBliall t<!am« tried omcbmioiis on the grounds of the latter last Friday after- noon. The game was very keenly con- testud throu|;hout. The bnyn un both sides muDifustcd a most kindly and niau- ly spirit towards each other, aud res- ]M)o*txI the deeisi<nis of the umpire like litth; menâ€" a little better, iu fact. The UiHtun were vvell matched and played an KoniMt game of ball throughout. ' At the end of the game the sitores stood â€" Flealiei ton 'iO runs, and the Station 'M rnus. It i« Just itossiblu the scoring iiiajr Ym'. reversed when the uuxt game is I'layetl. A. U. Fawontt, of 'i'UE .Vdvanck, um|AK;<V At the cnm-lusion of the gallic;, the usmU cliuei's were givt:u, whoii tkid Stati<ui boys invited the I'lellierton team to an excellent sapper at the Teniiieraucu House, which was ucc9ptinl and ample justice dune thereto. »if>d. Stkwart.â€" .\t the lldss House, Owen Sound, en Tuesday, Aug. 2, Daniel Stewart, son of Mr. Alexander Stuwart, Arteuiesia, aged 23 yours, 11 muutlis, and 17 days. ["Dun," OS he was familiarly called, was well-known in this neighborhood as a most genial, whole-siiuled young man. He was very popular. Wherever he went he scattered the sunshine of a generous and kindly nature. His early death has fallen like a deep shadow on the entire couununity. He has gone into the pres- ence of the Great Kiu',', whi> is as merci- ful as he is just. The body was brought to the homo of the uricf-strickeii family on Tuesday eveuiuH, amid tears and uni- versal sorrow and Byui]iuthy. <>n Wed- nesdiiy afternoon the remains were fol- lowed t<i their butt resting place iu the Flesherton eemeiery by a lar^e c(iiieourse of friends and neiyhb'ns, and lead by our band, which played sevend sweet aud mournful airs. The last sad rites were 'Conducted by the Foresters, of Owen Sound, c)f whom deceiiaed had been a memlHtr. "Earth to earth, and ashes to aahes." .\nd so we all pass away to that bourne "fioui whence no traveller e'er returns' â€" En. Auvanue.] Mi'unocK. â€" Died while on a visit, at her son's residenci", Bournemouth, Eng- land, Margaret Meldnim, wife of Wui. Murdock, Kent Road, (Jlasjrow, Scot- land. [Deeeiised wa-s sister to H. Meldruni, Esi)., Kui;enia. This is the lirst death in the family in tifty-thtce years.â€" Ed.] The Critics. "TJiU i> not poetry" says one. •â- â€¢TiK) liKbi tliH wordiâ€" too old toe jest; Thore > boulrt tw .leepei flow of tbonght That puiiitH to winlmn in the bruustl" And then tbia critic fold* hU arms. Tbunib« tala sold watrh cli«tn o'er snd oer... Tliliiku not on liiH own witUin-ed beart, Hut hpurns tUe lM!t!H«r 'fu"' 'I'" 'lo"'- "Thi» poetry ?" another a«ki, "Thi»»oleinn melancholy strain? Oil no I Give uie a hriiihtor tbuiue With not tbe shadow of a iiain. Let it b« lull of omrth> own mirth. But (reo from every pamiiiK strife; Let evtirv Hum Ixftpt^ak a liMht Th»t clrstes round the writer's life. •I like a mixture,' addM a third, "The aerio-comie 1 prefer, Whurooiie may oithir laujih or wee|v- Wliero grief or Jest tlio soul may atu. Thia looK-faced iii«)»ncholy atraiii Hm do esoecial charm lur me ; .\iKl yet I'd havo it not »li. gayâ€" lllkoâ€" ahem! »uii.«uro See? Next apeaka a leaniwl MKi'Bcls •These fliBlits of (aucy are not rlfjht! Such pasaion ahouM Iw lioruiant made, " Kaith thin phU'k'inatii- ermtite. ••I)o«t think that, verw la ma<lo by rale, O lilo»t diap»«sionnt<' criti<iut, ! That one can innnld buldimost tbouBht In the cold grooves that roc would seek ? . . • • • • Alaal what can a t>ort do Ueforo aueh critiis watchful eyes? How shall he learn t' write for xu. The imetrv that eatisBes'/ Well, Id iKiiore reniai ka, autl lay Their critieiaiiii' on the ahelf. And then. inapiriHl hv 1,1; owu luusc, Just learn to write, and pleaae-mysolf ! - Edith h. VaiiDuKen. MAXWELL CAIRIME -^ W0EK8! LiITTLE & BlAKELY, MAN'UFACTUBEBS OF Carriages, Democrats, Wagons &c. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and G-eneral Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. lUavhxinith, Maxwell, May 'JOtb. 1W7. THOS. A. BLAKELY. n'tif/on'Mitker <f' Puinter: A \VoNi>EKvri.Oii(iiN. The larj<est orj,'»n mid oue that plays a controlling part of the health of the body la the liver. II torpid or iuaclive the wbole svstem beccmes diseasfd. Dr, Chase's Liver Cure is made speciallv for Liver and Kidnoy diseases, and is guar- Bulted to cure. Ueceipe book and medicine $1. .Sold by all dealeia. B (lors &; S HOES! SHILOH'S C.vrARRH RKMKUY-a poaitlvc cure for Ostarrb. IHpther'a and Canker Mouth. Sold at Meilioal Hall. Our Towiisliip FalliiTs. Artemesia Council met iu llie Town Hall here, on Mouday, An-;. «th, 1«87. Pi-esent ; Messrs. Christoe, Mc.\rthur, IMand, Sharp and Cairns. Heeve iu the chair. Minutes of last meeting read aud con- firmud. ilev. Mr. Watson waited up,«n Council re;;ardint; shed on Beechell street in thi vi liaise. Mr. (i. Best waited uixm C<iuiioil r« drain on 170 Side Il/iad. Mo.^rthur, Sharp.- That tlic followiuK aooouiits lie |>aid : - W. Davidson, 150 1.wmU "if ^'ravel at 6c., ST.'.Ci. Win. Ihr ri|, IIH loads of ({ravel at Oc, S0.1K.> ; K. K Pawoett, ^rintins an^ â- AT«rUa4wg, 167.76, Carried. by-Laws No's 411, to appoint CoU«o- tors ; 412, to levy County riitcs ; 414, to \v.vy Police Villa;,'e ratis, Miiikdale, in- troducsd and ruail a lirst, second and third time anil passed. Mr. W. K. Flesher waited ui>on the Council re){ardiii)( the ta.xatioii of hia flour mill. Mr. Itrown waited upon Council re Mrs. McQueen, IndlKcnt. Kolaud, MoArthur.â€" That this Council recommend the |>ayment ot Markdale Police Trustee Kate anumntini; to ^i5.'J5 â€" Carriiil. Cairus, Sharp.â€" That Mr. Smith bu |iaid for work done on ditch and road when oompleted.â€" Carried. SWp, Cairna. â€" That Wni. Ho^'^< Im afi|i<>iut«d an arbitrator foiihe Municipal ity of .\rtenieaia, iu the matter of the Valley R<>a<l disputes. â€" Carried. Khnrp, Caiins. -That Saniuul Fisher Im (laid 75 cents for extra work done <ai the Miller bridge. â€" Carried. Cimncil adjourned. THE BEV. GKO. H. THAYER, of Bour boil, lull., says: "lioUi myself and wife owe our lives to SI1U,0H 8 CONSUMPTIO.V CLUE. ' Sold at .Medical Hall. NEW AOVHRTiSEMENT^ STRAY COW. ^ ^ Cuiiu' t(» tlic prcmiht-i of tin* HuliHcrilHT I,.ot2U, Ciui i, .\rti-iii4<HiH. im tbtj iStrd hiKt.. & rud find vhitvi-ow. Dwiii-r tiui \iVl\v h«iiiu by pjruviug i)roi>f Ity and iiaviiic oxp«r.Ro«. ANTHONY KENNY. .VrU'tuvttia. -hily -JLitti. thH?. VOTERS' LIST, IHHT. .\/tiiiii-jxifif;/ of the Tot'taJiif) of Ofjiny, Coiiiily of Grey. VO-nCF. !â-  Ilurahjl A.Ut tlMil bMM fcliaais It i^ UM or flelivfiuil to tne iKiiaona Tuoiiuunad ill tli.'\liiril anil fourth awtloii* i,t TiiK VnKliff iiiHC Ai'T. ' thd i-opiva r4.<|Ulrefl liy aalil atTtiona Ui I"' »i> triuiMiiltUal or dt'hvui'od.of the Hat liiailf iMu-Himiit to lal'l Ai't of all iivrsoiia ai>- liitarinM Uv ilu' laNt revlt^i'U .Vstmapuicnt lloll of llii-aaiil .NiiuiK'iiuilitv to tM, fiitltlvd to vota in thu aaiil .Munu'i|ialil)f ni Klettiona for nieaibera of tliu l.i');inl>ii,iM, .Unuiiihly and at Municipal DliM-tionH , and that aal,l Hat waa llrat iKwtcd iiii at my ottlor at l/ol JO, Con 4, ()a|iri>v, on tho nth ila> of Auiiiial, ISH?. anil rLMiialua tbaru for In- H|H't;tioll. Kloutoia ari'ialled iil'on to I'lauiiliu tha aald liat anil if ativ onilaalona i,r any errora are found tlieridu to takii iinuie'tiatti iirooiiiHlintia to hav« til, aaiil uriora I'oriuLt.U aiaordinu tu law. WILLIAM Mll.SK Cterk of thi' >aid Mniik'l|iality. Dated thlafltllAav of AtlKllat. AD . IHHT. VOTERS' list; <liK Having received largo auditious to tny oU>cl(, I Lave a goo(3 supply on hand of Summer Goods-. -y LADIES' WEAR.â€" .\ fine assortment in Prauella, Fieneli Kid, Goat, Polish Calf, IJnff and Heavy 13oots. . '.'''. MISSES AND BOYS WEAK.â€" A large Tariety of Lace iiBntton BootSr Shoes aud Slippers. CHILDREN'S WEAR. â€" A. very large assortment of all sorts aud sizes. MENS WEAR.â€" I Lave Biiflf, Calf and Enamellecl Balmorals, Oxford Tic» and Strong Lace Boots. ^ -.^ . FOU PRICE AND QUALITY, CANNOT BE SURPASSED-. TOM. CLAYTOIV, , Flesherton. ISHT. M S^mc umnths o^a tbe Kditur of Thk .VnvytNciv and his wifv iia<l their tirat- borii dau){ht(!r clirinteued. "How to name tlic baby" was a ipiehtiuil easily Holv<'d,.ak a very pretty name Kiiogimtod itself, after rending Hov. V.. I'. Roe's cliaimiii){ IIi|{blaud story, "Near to Na- ture's Heart, " iu which is to be fouud Olio of the most Ix^auliful ibaracter.s in the duuiaiu of pureuiid elovatiii^; tteliou, vi«.,"Vera." Aecordingly the iliilil «bs uhristened "Vera" by tlie Uev. \V. Ayers, latu. paster of the Metbudist eliurch lieri^ .Shortly aftarwarda it ocuurrtxl to tile Editor to write to the Hov. Mr. Itoe, ac«iuaintiu|{ him uf the fact, which was done. The letter wa.s sent to the threat truthor's address, but he beiug away from liimio, it (tbe letter^ travell- ed across the continent to Califurnia, W|iere it vas safely delivered. Mr. liue very graeioiisly wrote the Kditor an ele- ^aut^y worded letter, which it is uced- UmH to Udd is prized very highly by the parcuU uf Uie child. SHILOH'S CURE will linniedialely relieve Crimp, Whooping (!on(jhi and Itroiicliitis. Hold at Medical HaU AijvirKTo MoiUKKS.â€" AfM you iliatiirbod at nl^ht and broken of your rest hv u aick ch\U\ •nlfariiifj and iirylnu with pain nf (JuttiiiKTiwth'.' If ho auiid atonoo and ^ut u liotilx of ".MrH. vvin- alow'a SoothJiii; hvinp for riiildion Ttiothintj Ita value la ini;alculablo. It will loliovo tliu poor little aulTornr Inuilodlntolv. ni'iioinf tipoii It, inothurH; tharii la no iiiihtaku about it. It ourua IJyauntvry and Diarrhiea, ruHiilatua tba Htoiuach and IIowuIk, curi » Wind (',>lir, aoftiiia tlio (ill! 118, radnroa innaiinnntion. iiiul ^ivoa toitu Hn,l tumrKy to the whole Hy-tum, "Mra Winn- low'a HootniiiK Hyrnp" for 'children teutliitiK ia |d,-nannt tothu tuHlu ami la tliu preaoription of Olio of thn ohlottt and best fuinalu phyaiuiaiis and liiiraBa In the Ibiltoil Stntei=, and la for aah^ by all drnssiata thronuliont the world, rrinu tvvioitytlvuoHnta a bottle, lie Kurii and af>k for -MiiM. WiNai.ow's SuoTiiiNU Bviitii'," aud takii no othor kind. ar.^EPLESS NIUHTS, made miswabls by that l«rribla guu((b. Khilob's Curs ia tus reiuady fur you. Hold at M^'''<'<^1 Hall. ABE TfOU IVIaUE miserable by Indigest- ion, Cutt.lipatiun, Diziini'sa, Lois u( appe- tite, XMow Hkia '/ Ubiloh's Viuliaet is a {lositir* cure, buld at Medical Hall. •HACKMRTACK," a lasting and frasraiit perfuiiii-. Price 26 and 50 uuuts. Sold liy Medical Hall. UNiVi^Nitttj/ (if ike Tuutuhiy if Jrfftntniii, iMtiifj/ </ lhe\). NdTU'I'. la hir.by Klven that 1 have tranamlt- lol or li'loMwil tu the piitoaa nieiitioued In the lliiril and fourth aietliuia of 'The Votkss' l.ihr .^i-n-" tlu- ooples refiMlrtal by said atictlont to Iw w> trauMnUtMl orUidivivrudof thuliat made purauant to hald Aut of all perM^ii- appearinx by the innt rovlHed Aaa^'wanu'nl Itoll of thti aaid Mi.nii'lpalltv to be eiitltloil to vote In the aald Miinici|>iil I'liiotlona; anil 'that raid Hat waatlrat pouted up at my udieu at Klvalii'iton. ou tbo 0th day ot .\n»;ukt, IW, uiiC veliialna there for in- rtp,.rtion. Hloftora ary calhiil upon to i^xantiiio the aaid lirt and if any oinlaaiona or any orrora are found tluriin to haveliuuualiatu procouiliugH to have tbe aalil ertora eorreoted niTordlnij to law. \V..I IIKI.I.AMY. Clerk of the nald .Muiilrlpality. Dated tbIa fltb day of Au«(uat, A.U., Vtm. I.BEANBSR ^iilCHVlLLE, CHEAP ^ AND ^ DURABLE ! THE WELL-KNOWN SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. • STOVES. TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual '•;. -;: Eirst-chi.ss value in ever}' department. Agent for VICKER'S EXPRESS. A II parcels left with him will be promptly and carefully attended to. FLE S HER TON. " MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, ALL KI.NDg or Ma a&i Uofiusisat&l Vorh, Suoli as Monniuents, Tomb Tables, Hcud»ton(>9 Counter 4«d Table Tojieâ€" in .â- American and Italian 'Marble and Granite, and made on iiliort notice. Also Mantles iik Uarblo and Marbleized Slate, i'i:c., &c. Klosheiton, Aiiif. 80, 188.'^. HEAI.TH FOR ALL. HOILOWAYS PILLS&OIHTMEMT The Advance will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States lor $i per year; and to England, Ire- land, or Scotland tor 1^1.50 The Advance unquestion- ably has no superior as a live Local and Family newspaper in Simcoe, Grey, or Bruce. THE PILLS Purifv thu Ulood, ccrrovt all Oiaordora of the Laivei*, fStomach, ICltln'yw, and l3owel«. They invi|{orat«aud reatoru to boallli llobilitated CODatitutiona, and are invaUiablo in all Cou- plaiutaliiuidtiutal to Kuuialoa of all a^iiM. For CblUlr«a and thv a^od Ui^y are priceless. WhilttlrttMPning thank* to his palroMi uiitl ttif pMic for their oalanbh inp- /Htrt ill llui flit, Ofijs to announce that he IS pieparnl to tupply their i/arious need*. We makt it our biisinrm to keep a luppli/ uf Goodt miitnile for the luvilt of our citttomcn, and an We Buy in Lar^e Quan- tities Direct from tiie Manufacturers, FOli G4SII, wc arc in u potitiun to Cive Extra Value in tverg depurtmtiil. Ever if one nhould tte tint immeiise value we haue iu FALL GOODS jtul arriving Very lietpevtfidly, J AH. BRANDEK. l-rioevillc, July 20, 1887. THE OINTMENT for Had IjeRit. Had Rreanls. 01<T Wotuxlit, Sores and L 1(1 Uhcuiiiutism. Kor diaoriluni ol tbe C'bodt it han u For SOUK THRCKri, UROA'CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Isau infallible renieily for Had I.eea. Kad Breasts. Old Wmuxla, Sorca and Vlcvrn. It U faujouafor Gout and Uhcuiiuhtisni. Kor diacMrdora ol tbe C'bodt it haa uoeijual. (Handular HwoUluga, aud all Skin DIsoaaoti It haa no rival; and for ooutravtw] aud stiff otuta it acta like a cbariu. Mmufactured only at Professor Hollowat's Kstablishmont, "^ 7K. Now 0\rur«l Strecl < lat«^ iS», Oxfwrdl .Strrrt h London. audaruaold at la. lid.,'2s. lid., la (VI . Ha .•Jte., aud .i'ta. aacS Hox o^ Pot, and may hu had of all .McJ line Vondora throuiiliout tho World. ^slr PurcJuisert nhodil took tt. Vin Lahel on tlit PntJ^atul Boxen. If Un: iwWvesa w Hot 5.^.1. < hfonl Stitet, Lon'U'ti, tl^y are sfyiirUms. FOR SALE. Tho unduralguod has White .V:ib Batter Tuba and Churns for sale. J08. Ml CORMICK. dOi-ilM, KlushortOd. FLAGS mumm uf superior ((uality, for Orange and other Sociuties. Urdur uarly. yr M. TBQAKT. , Tliornbury, Owt. ! r-A J. W. BATES, - Furniture Dealer and **' Undertaker, VLESHEaTOM, ., Q^T. ..V. wl

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