Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1887, p. 8

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/- THE F-LESHERTON ADVANCE [AUG. i8. i887i .^> TU-Bits. VontinueU from Kintt Page, Mr. J. (i. AndurBou.of Markd&le, was in towu on Mouday. Mr. C. J. Spruulb ruturiied bomu from Toronto on Saturday last. Mr. W. C. Hcnrick lias been on a visit to frivuds in FIoHlicrtou latcJy. Don't forget to get IS yds. iiico DruHS Guudij for $1.50 at J. O. Anderiton'H. Rea<l .Mu<lical llall'M inttriistiug col- umn aunuuuceuient in another part of this week's Ai^vance. The Owen Sound Collegiate Institute will 0)>en on llie 29tli inst. See advt. for particulars in another column. Miss Fanny Hilibitt and her younger sister, Kdie, of Toronto are tlio guests of Mr. Jos. LeCJard, of tlii.-i niiglilwrliood. Teas. Teas. Teas, a K|>ccial offer for KO davK, .5 llis. for $1. (iood heavy Mitts talii'ii in trade at regular discount prices at J. G. .Xuderson's, Markdalc. Mr. Willianisoii, of the old Uurhatu Hoad, undertook to haul a load of cheese from the Fleshcrton factory to llie station one day last Veek. He start«;d forth with a good hig load, hut oufortunatel^' for Mr. W., he forgot to put the iron rod through the end board of his wagon. Cousequently uheu he reached the iiill near the photograph gallery, he came to grief. The end lx>ard gracefully flt^w out on the roa<], and ten "rolls " of cheese as gracefully followed suit, s]>reading tlieuiselves negligently in various attitudes of reixiKu â€" suggesting llr'tp'f i)unipkin pi^we. "History t/'.<-.< /.(.( tell us. my frie^l," what -Mr. Wjlliunison said on ^c tryi&g occasion. Such a big full in cheew)â€" not in the price thereof â€" would bo try- ing to any man's feelings. _ The Pastor of the Flusherton liaptiat Church, under V iiliM|)prehensiou c<Jff ceruiugau uno|ienedHtre(4t,cauhodadMv- iug shed to he )>artly constructed on it. Cei tain individuals oni^'rving that the shed woulil idmtruct the view down what may honietiine he an important street, made objections to its remaining there. It was tlnrefore decided at ouoo lu purchase a site from Mr. U. Trimble lor lh« shed ami move it onto it. That the objection was not made on any ]ier- honal, si-cturian or religious ground will u|>|>ear from tlu> fact tlic following have \(ry clieerfidly sidiscribcd to the ex- I ensCH iuvolvoil in the removal, vie., W. K Klesher, 1;k<|., Mr. (i. .Anderson, Dr. Christoo, S,|uiri) Armstroug. Mr. M. liichardsoii, .Mr. Triruhlc. .Mr. W. Strain, .''Jr. 0. (ilathford and .Mr. S. Kingston. Two Weeks ago we drew attention to the nuisance mi the rear of the lot on Ntliieli this ollico is built. It has Ixivn the worst nuis.'ince in town during the whole summer, nn<l yet we have Ix-eii severely censured hecause we nllud<<d lo that disease-breeding spot iu%lic Ad- i.ts('i:. One young man went so fai' as to state that it "was nobody's bnsiness vhat a man |iut on his own place." We differ veiy materially with that smart >»ung man, and tal:e tliis opportunity to assure him, that a man can onlj' do v.hat lie likes on his own place when he ("oesn't interfere with the righlH of his iii'ighb<jrH. And if throwing heads and ( nil ails of animals in siudi an exiM)st)d ] lace is not int<rfering with the riglits of others, wu would like to know what it really ('oes amount to. All decaying \egetal)leor animal suhstances sliould he buried at least six foot under ground. S »iii« «r Our ItcadcrM S«y Tlint "The artiide on the Kditor and his I riticH is very iiiteresting, a:id evi- i.eiitly written in a fair lioueNl >.|pirit. " That ''the Ahvaxck is vmtli all it (osts, amongst many olhev reasons, for the privilege of criticising the Kditor." That "while we may not a^ree with idl ho says we will stainl by the Kditor ns long as be runs his pa|HM° whiuh, wu l.ojMs will bti many years." 'I hat "evidently the Kightiiig l-'ilitor l.'ikt^s a holiilay occasionally and then tlitire is a sjiU^ndid cIiaik >- for getting matter inserted, whicli thoiigli indicating llio most loving intent Imd better never have seen the light." That "some reAtlerg are more tyran- i.'cal in theu'duiiiAnils than the Kgyptiao (itskmantur who wanted bricks made NMlhout straw. They want the Editor to sup]>ly constaitt How of weekly local news when very o.'ten notWing newtctn- t^piies. riiey want hiiii to make i^ia lificki* without cither ittrawiur clay." Mr. J. D. Clarke, of tliu Hamilton Time», ia in town on his annual holiday trip. He is tho guest uf Squire Arm- strong. Thornbury jnnior Lacross team chal- lenged the Flesherton juniors to play them a mati'h on the grounds of the latter last .Monday. Our boys accepted the challenge and made every prepara- tion to give the expected visitors a hearty welcome. Dodgers were print- ed and scattered broadcast announcing tht^ match, a splendid dinni^r was <>rder- edâ€" in slmrt, everything possible was done in order to make the Thorubury boys feel i>erfe<:tly at home during their visit. I'reparations were never made on a more complete scale in this town before. .Monday came, and in the after- noon nearly all the young peojile in the place left olT work in order to go to see tlie exjiected niatcli. There were peo- ple from Markdale and elsewliere pres- ent. The ilay passed but tlie Thorn- bury juniors faileil to put in an appear- ance. .\ telegram was sent from here which elicited the following answer- received at 4,1/) p. III. â€" : "(hrinij to the uiaeiiceof our lajitiiiii iiv vitt plitj/ ynu loi the Hull." Of course our boys will not have anything more to do witli the Thorn - bury juniors â€" their transparent tele- gram to the contrary uotwithstiuiding. A .N.\SAL IN.UX'TOU free witli each bot- tle of Sbilnh's Catarrh H«iUL-i]y. J'lice .'lO cuiitii. Sulil at Moilicai Hall. Silicon's CfltE williiunicliahly reliev.' Croup, U lioii|iiiiK' CuuKh, aiul ljr>^iichitii<. Bold ut Medical lla'l. ApvirK TO .MnTHKIIB.â€" .4re yoii fliHttirbo'l at nil.'ht and l>r(tk('ii of your rvni tty a Kick cliiM Htiirfriiit.' anil cryiiif: witli |ii;''ti of CtittiliK Teeth V If Ml Hi-iiil at oiK-r aihl Kut a iHittiL- ii( "MrN. WiN- ^lI^w"^ SoKtIimi; Svriip" for (lliilih*)!! Tticthiii^ Itti vallK* IK iiicalnilablH. It will rt'lievu tilt; |>(H)r llttU- Kiilliiritr liiiia<*<liati'lv. Dciit-litl iipiiii It, tiiiithi-i'K : lliL-ro it nn nostaku alxxit it. it (-UM-X I)> si'titi-ry and Diarrliu-a. ri-L'tilatuH tlic ht<>niH<-tl nllfl llnni'lH, t'tlM'N Willil Citfii*. Sfiftt'llN thi- (iitiiiH, rittlucDH In flam mat ion, ainl i.'ivi.H torn- anil uncrt^v to tint wimlir hyhtoin "ilr«. WiitH. louN Soiitliini.' Svnip" for i-hil<ir4-ii tui-thiiiK ih lileaNHiit to till- tni,ii> nnil in tlH' prfKcriiitioii of un«'of till) oiili-Kt Rini IxiHt funialo phyaiciaiiH anil iiiilbi.H in thtt t'liitcil Stati-K, ami Ik for Malti liy all flrui,'Ki(ttH tlirouuiiout tht) worlii. I'ri<-t< twi-nty-flve c;uiii*i a iiottlti. lUi Kiin- anil ask for MiiH. WiNHi.ow's HuuTUiNo KYurp," ami tnku no othvr kiiiil. 'â- H.VCKMK'l'ACK." n laHliiiK »uJ frH|;raDl perfuiii'-. Price V> ami M cpnts. Sold bv MeJiL-al Hall. The Short System of Milling. EiUtvr Mrrlmuital aiid Miiliug Xfim. IVrhapn tlieru in no Hubject that aUocta tU^uiilliiiK iniitrpat of to-dny «o iniirh na liow'lo prnduce tliii ln-at resiilta at the U'liat expuiise. Ill the Inituil iStatea, wliuru the ditfereiit nietliiHU a)id systems nru given ]ir.'ictk'id teats, they linvu dis- covereil that the goal has not yet been reiioliril 111 milliii),'. They lire now bc^'in- iiiiii; t'l sec that iiiillions of dollars have been expiuided lliut might have laieii sav- ed. The chiiiiL'u from sloiiua to rolls was an usaeiitiid one- the bunetita were cb-ar to all iiitelli;,'eiit iiilllei'S. Most of theui tlii<iti;lit aevi'ii bicakH Were neccsaary to produve the bi!Ht leaulta, and that im mill Wii» coiiipU'te without tills number. To curry out a Hyateiii of thia kind reipilred a large outlay in the varied maehiiiiuy liec- easiiry t>i its iido|>ti<iii, und many nillleia have hieii Inianoially mined ifi tr}'iiig to ri'iii:li tills (.'"id. The time haa iiow colim when compe- tition ill biiNiiiixs will not allow of any defi!(.li\e syfleiii or defective iiiaoliinery, anil heniiiseitf tliiHllieinviuitiveeiiiU'uieHof the worhl an- liniicd in this (lirectiou. Siiiiu> <if the ht'»t mills in the I'nited States are now nuiiiiiig on what is known to them lis the sliorl system of iiiillino, uaing three or four hunks in tlieiediiLtioii of llie wluiit where tiley had hueii using seven iir ni<U'«, and the results are much Inttrr. Tliii'u breaks have Ih^cii selected by Home as prndiiciiig butter restdtBthan any olliei nniiiber, hut Home advocatu hut two. I have been ealvfiiny wiitclijng the results of aoiiie iif the iiiillH that have ndnpted lint aliiu t system, and have given the re- sults careful exaiiiiinilioii in eoiiiparison with mills Working on the loni; system, and ill every lest made the short system showt'd Hiipeiior iusiiIIm in (he i|iialily and color of the Hour. These resullii led me to uiiipiiru fur the cause. Why did the short system of urinding and bolting pro- duce whiter Hour than that miidu on the long sysltfiii I After carefully considering the coiiipo.sitioii of tlie wheat hurry, it was not dillicult to lind the reason. The staruli and glutuu which coinposn the flour in the wheat nru pure in thciiiselves. These two elenieiita are by nature pin- vided with three distinct coverings, which in a dry i nnditioii, will pulveiixc as read- ily its the gluten and starch which we call bran. If this becomus mixed with the flour, It is iinpos.sihiu to reniovo it by any process iiiiw used. We may attempt t<i reiuov* it by purityilig and ruboltiiig, and to some extent succeed, but the finest parts will rum.iin in the flour. Ninety jier cent, of the whole sliould l)e absolut- ely pure flour if the inilliiiM is properly done. Now let us see why this is not the case, and why it cannot be done in the lung system of iiiilling. The flrst reason we give is that every time the wheat passes through the roll-i, it is subject to a nisping process, whicli pulverized the hair hbro more or less, and when once jiulverised, it can never be properly separated. The purifier and holts may help it .some, but they do not take out the injurious material that hiia lieeii put there hy grinding. The .laine rule holds good in the reduction of mid- dlings. Middliii'.'S sliould be well puri- fied, then redund at mice. The idea of gradual reductiiii in middlings i.s <uit of date, and is fat:il to the color of the flour as well as the gradual reduction of the wheat. Any miller who wishes to prove these statemeiit.i can do so by ca'iefully examining the product of each break. Make the uxaiiiiiiation thuroutrh by sift- pig and grading 'he material, then apply the water test, which will show the cohir (if each break. To proTo this theory convct, wWtk giv- en quantity of wheat, let it lemuiii tweu- ty-fonr houra, then grind it ; grind also at the same time wheat without being wet and y<m will discover that the flour is iiiuch whiter from the wet wheat than the other that was not wet. Tho reason is is that the bian was not in u conditiiui to pulveri/.e. Tliia is the reason why s(> many devices have been invented for steaming and heating wheat before grind- ing. It is right here where the advantage of the sliort syntem of milling comes in, by reducing the wheat w ith one or two re- ductions. This, with the |iroper separa- tions at the beginning, will prevent the pulverizing pr.icoss (providing the proper niachii.'.- are used to accomplish this). .\nd It in this question of the best ma- chine to do this work that will form the main feature of future discussions on this subject. Some have decided that a roller disc mill with proper corruL'utions is the la-Bt for the first operation, to l>c followed by a pair of con iiguted rolls to hnish. Other are seeking to acooiii{ihsh the re- sults by iither means. Whatever means are used the object should ho to accomp- lish it in the shortest way possiblu. Those millers who have not changed thuir mills will have the satisfaction of knowing that th>!tr 'mills cdii bv changed for less than half the cost it re'piired four ye«i-s ago, and the results will he better. I'KlHtUK.SS. J^]i^:^l)V^RTISRMIOTS. COLLEGIATE JiNSTiTUTE â€" H -:- }â-  â€" Will, o|ieii on Monday, Oh-ii .\roiBT. 1SS7 l-.\eulliint hlHty of 'ruaellerH. lliK)HM-tor nltii-iailv t'l-iiiirtK It ilio I1H.-.T Kgi n-i>Ki> Si Mom. IN Tin: I'lioVl-irK ClnAium for ^lr^l, Hoeolnl uMil 'riiiol 1'Imhh <:«iitilU-Ht«M. •tiinior ami Koniitr Mu- Liii-ulatioii with iioiiortf, uihI I.ku kihI .Me.lu-id Kxaniiiiations. .Vt tile I-.\uniliiHtitiiiH in July lutt, all tlie Mittrieulatiori CaiidiitateK aiKl ii lariio |Mii'<!<!iitHKn of H^ieonil anil Tliiril ('la-^w u'lti-e Hiu:i:oKHfiil. t\%m ^.'l.uu for tlie Teriuâ€" pay- alile at elitlaliei*. •M'l'lyto I F. \V .MKJICH.WT. XT .\,rrliu'liial. or 1) 11 DiiliIK.Soc Hoarilut Kiluuatlou. 0»eil Sound,. VllK. l.i, IBBT. STRAVcdw. Caiiio tti liic |>i cniiso-^ of till- Mih-ci il>ej- lA»t '£), Coil 4. Artt<ni(iHUi. «>ii the 'i:iiil \Uhl , h Vfil and wliilouitw. Ovviu-r t!fiii hiivf huiiiti liy itmvinj^ liii>|)ttit> Aiitl priyiiitf ttXpuiiHtti. AMHO.NV KKNNV. -VrttMiioKiu, July '^tb, 1H«7. J.BEANBETl Pj^lCKVlLLE. ir/i(/r nliirniiKi lk(inA:i tn Itla (>iitri>n» mid (he /mlilic for tlirir valnnhle siijt- jtort in the jxitt, begs tu nuuouiiee that he is jiirjiiiml to »iij>j>fij thvir various Hicils IIV miikr it nur l/iisiiifsi to Iciip a siijijili/ of (lixiiU S'litd/'lc Jar the iicids ('/ ()»;• fiistomiii, 1111(1 an We Buy in Lar^e Quan- tities Direct from the Manufacturers, FOli VASII, we (ire in a posit inn to (Jive K\trai Value 111 tvrrjf i/ejMrtmttit. Kvert/ one »hould »(â- (â-  the immense vnhir. we h'luc in KAltL GOODS jiii' (irrit'iiig I'cry KtspeclfiiUji, J AS. iniANVl^ll PricevJIIe. July aO, IBBf. MAXWELL CARRIAGE ^ WORKS ! Little & Blakely, .M.iNL'FACTCUEKS OF Carriages, Democrats, Wagons Ac. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing . Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. Ulacli.-titiith, Maxwell, May 'J'ltli. \ivrj . THOS. A. BLAKELY. tf'Hffoit-MiiI.er ,1- I'ai titer. B1*1I!2 & SHiiB} Ilavin.g received hirgo luiditious to my Slock, I iiave a good supply on liand of iSuinmcr Gootls. LADIES' WEAR.â€" A fine a«sortmoiit in Pinnclla, Fieucb Kid, Goat, I'oli.HJi Cult". Huff and Heavy lioots. MLSSES AND HOYS WEAU.â€" A large vmiety of Eace .t Botto.i Boot.% Slices and Hlipijrrs. CIIILDUENS WKAIJ.â€" A very Jai-go assortment of all sorts and shed. J[ENS WEAR.â€" I have Buff, Culf ami Enamelled Balmorals, Oxford Tics and Strong Luce Boots. FOH I'ltlCK ANp gi-.\I.ITY, CAXXOT BE SEKrAKSED. mm. CLAYTOItf, Flesherton. CHEAP AND DUEABLE! T HE ^^' E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TIXWARK. &c. for sale a.s usual l'"irst-class value in everv dennrtment. Agent for VICKER'S EXPRESS. All parcels left t^ith him mill he promptly and carefully attended to. S4 l'It>Vl>'S. KI. 1<:S H Iv: 1 i^TLO X FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KI.NUU or 5 li Wm±i\ 1±\^ l_ Such a!^ Monument.^, Tomb Tublts, HcaJstonos- ^Y^ CauiiU'r ami Tabic Top-sâ€" in American aiiA Italian Marble and (lianito, ami made on short nolioe. Also Mantles in ilarblo and' M.irblcizcd Slato, Ac, &c. '*^^'^*^^**^'^^" Flu.shert<.n, Am;. rU), 1883, HEAr;ni lou all HQlUWAJeilCfliMlirMINT Til H PILLS Pmilv the Hlooil, coiieet ali Ui.^oidurs of tbo Tviver, »S(<>iuuc;Ii, Iiitln»y«, antl IJowels. Tlii>yiMvi«maUi«iiil roKtnrcito health DoliilllatorU'onHtitution*. «n.l nru invaliiul.le In all Con. l<Ialut» liiuliluiltal to leiiialo!. of all i\i;e«. l.'or C:liiiareii aliii Hio nuvA lliey uro iiriccluss Tllir OrNTMENT Is an l.ifallilile rmn.Mlv f;>r Hail L««s. Hart KreaKts, OM Woiui.ls, Sores ami fleers. It is fauioua for (lent ami UlwmniatlKiii. For lUsoraers or tliu (.110.41 it lia.s no o(|iial. """'"' '"^ For SO III: TIUiOAl, BHOA'CHITIS. COUGHS'cOLDS (llamhilarSwellin;;H,Rii,laIISkin ni-.eis„« it has no rival; aiul for contraeted iiinl still oints it acts like a churiii. M iimfaHiirocl only at rrofoBiioir Hollow .vv's Rstabllslmient. TH. Xew Oxfont Stroet ( late »3». OxIoimI Strcpf ), LoiuIop. auil aro soirt at Is. ll,V,2s. W., 4s (VI .Its . .-s , aiul ;i.l». ..a,), n..x or l'„t, aiul may be Im.l of all Med, ciiii! \ Bnilors lliroiinhoiit tiie \\ orlil. ;*»- I'nrchiscrs shonU look tc 'Jie LM ,ni the V„h nnd Ho.rcs. Tf the addma is not â- ">?.?. (h-foi^ Strnt, Liotd',,,, thin ,,,-,. x/mrwu-i. FOR SALE. The iiii(l<Msiniic(l lias Wlilto Ash Duttor Tuba and CluiniH for .Halo. ! JOS. McCOUMICK, i IKU.I*), Flesliortou. I FiiAiis m wmm of superior quality, for Unini;e and other Seoioties. Order early. â- W M. TEGART, TUoi'ubury, Out. J. V7. BATES, Farnif'ire JDealer and Undertaker, I N VLE8HEKT0N, ONT. â- f r(.f- . ""â- Â»-*â- -*â- â- 

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