Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1887, p. 4

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^.* T THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. (. / * tpTTTQ Ti A T>T'T> mAT h^ fonnd on nio Ikt (l«flw Ailv>-nlttlD|cHurn&u(]uHpnic«itt.t. w»i.t« mj»i-rtliilna ctMiUKU uukj IM) nwtotur UUI HISW XOUMZ THE ADVANCE. 1» pulilislii'il KlMM TBK OrKKK, Cvltiitijiroiid iftreet, - - FUjslicrl<iu, (hit. TICRM8 OF HUHSCKIi'TlOX : (I luT knnitiii wlivii |iai<l utriitly In advance (I.jO I'ur aunuin whfii not hii piiitt. A. R. FAWCETT, Kditur aiui I'ruitrirtor. PLiESH.EHTON: TIimsUAY.SEl'T. 15. 1887. ICni TO It It L V f > 77 .-.S. Tlii Viilli V lloiul w now IIU UCCOUl- I'lisliid fact; llic Itollir Flour Mills will .soon \if ill full hliii-t ; am! now for tht. ST!;AI(,HT I.KVKL liUADTO Tin: .STATION! ! lliinul. ! 'J'lif I iiuliaiii Chronicle, censures 1 K .siiirton piojili' for not fiiiituriii^r llji llo^l•(lllil•(• hiir^liirs. SoijuIiikIv l.,i> 111 111 •â- â- .tutliij;,'" tin (^lirmiiih scribe ii al limi. lie Hicnis to hv iiiiicli inort- I .t.-ily j'lilliil tlmii Ins illiisuious pre- jli c. 'Sor anvliow. Till Iniil.iiiu Chroniclr is iis niad as :. M ncli liiUT hi'cause Flesherlou is i..-; liiftaiiciii;,' till- ancient villiij.'f cal- K (i I'luliain III 1,'rowtli, coiniuiiativi'ly : [HaKiij;^'. lit.' in Ko luad about it, tliat 111. oiitdiiiil ill The Advanck, discrib- ill),' the i'io','n:ss of our town, bad tlic n.iiii ( tlect on liini aH a red ran would l..i\i oil a bull or a turkey-cock. ^Vllen the Hanover I'oti man Hays imytbing al«)ul Thk Ai>van<k, bis aj)- jienticc, ilie editor of tite Durban) i'lirnnuli-, eoboes tbe wniinieiit after ll.e niaiiiier of a Kiavc but very fool- i.^li pariot. Tbe Durbani and Soiitli (iiiv C'oiiservativeH ^'eiieiaily will iiiedto keej) tbeir weallier eyes on til. r/,;(>;nV/f. It lius ba.sc'ly deceived I'.H i>. once, and if tlMi adajje- -"birds cf u f alber tlock to^etbor" â€" be true, it.s refoi Illation is still far fiuiii biiii^' t. nil)lete. A ),'eiilleniun in tliis town is nn^dit- <d with siiyiiiK. tbat be bad been tak- ing- Thk Advamk ever since tlie lirst jiiiiiiber was i.^siiod, and tbat tli.it [ a- 1 ir bad never said aiiytbiii;^ (,'ood i.i)out liini yt t. The statein(iit i-i not cornel. \\'e liave imblisbed lu.iiiy f,'Ood tliiiij,'.^ about liiiii. What wo i.ttVe stated at any time, bas been on ii|'iaieiitly uliablu aiilliorily, and if i: bas hot always suited tbe ijeiitle- iiiiiii llic fault lias not bt^en oiiis. If a i.ii.-..statenieiit is made in Thk .AnvA.M k, 1 1.1 coluniiis of oiirim|ier are ever ojitn I J. collections ; and siiieiy it i.s not (..lii fault if |)io])le do not a\ail tliiiii- lehes of tbat medium for settiii;,' lliiii^^s ii>{bl. Tbu â- ^â- eiilleiiian liiinseif l.a.-. Mild many iin^'iaceful tliiii^;s about Till-. AiiVAM K witlioiil for one iiiouieiil t.oublinx bimself to lind out wlietliir ll.i \ «eie correct or not. A W ii.>ii>i:ii>i;i,Onii.t\. 'I'lii- !iu),'i'.st i>r|.'n» i.ii'l .'iiL' lliiil |>Ih\ii a uontri'lliii^' jmil nl llic l,i'.tUi ul till' Immiv ih till' liv.T. if till |, 1,1 i,r i.i.KUivr llie wli.iU: »} Htrin l)c;i;i.iu(>i. ili.siUHi'd. I'l. ClIUM' H I.IVIT L'lllU in IIIUllu K|l.(lallv I r i.iv.ir mill Knliioy iIihihsih, ami Is ).^iii(r- Miileiil til (Mill'. Iteeuipu liiiiik Hllil liKlilrllii; : 1. .S.ilil liy all dealeiH. Oiir Own Country. It uill cost 97<'04) to rubuiUI the stvnin- ( I ili.iuatlia at .Sariiiu. I^^l..>|i WrIhIi of Lulidoiiwill vinit lioiiiii I ' .it IllKlltll. .'. Iiiii kluyri'K' uiiiuii luw been uii;aiiired in WUttliiiitl HiUi tjiiity.f.iur iiieiiiliois. Il in ln'liMVcil ,St. TliiiiimH will Klinitly be talluil U|iiill to Vuto nil tlio leiieill of tliu Scott Act. Hi. Jlillcr who auicided in tlio Nditli- Wenl till' ..l|n.| (lny, ,y,i„ n n,„ ,,f tl,,, \^^^„ â-  Iiidt;.- Mill,:r iif Wntvrl.Mi t'luiily. N\ 111 Kyaii, i.uiii|Miiiiker, I'aliiicrtticiii, van f.. 11 ml dead (III tho ruad last wj.'ok, b.ti team liiuiii;^ run HWay aiid^cuumul lii.s dw-utli. At M.tiiiilt4>ii yeatordny n Hi^iibnunl fell fiiiiii a Htiire on llm ci.niur on Kiiin mul Walnut Btiieta, ainkiiiit » yuiiK limii l4.kiiiL-d Artliui M(;llriAr nii tlitt b'wk of i^ve liud> ui.d a<)\urvly injuring Imn. % ItVUdLAUV. In criminal law, burfjlary is dofincd to be "a breakiiif,' and entering' tbo bouse of aiiolber with intent to com- mit some felony, wlietlier such intent be committed or no'." "It is peculiar to tlii.s crime," says tbe .''iimc aiitliou- ty, "tbat, ill Kii(,'!aiid it can only be commitbd ill tbe iiiglit time, wliicli is considered as commencing at l) in tlio evening and concluding at 6 in the morning of the next day. As to the matter of committing burglary, it is laid down by ISlackstoue that there must be both a breaking and au entry to :;omj)lete it.' It will be thus seen, that if au in- dividual enters another's premises in the maimer described, intending to aiipioiniale any luticle not belonging to hiin, he is a biiglai in tbe ey.s of I hi! law whether ho takes the article ill view or not. Ill this connection a few words of advice might not be out of place, in view of the desperate gang of ruffians which seems to infest tho whole conn- \vy lit the present time, and who would not. apparently, hesitate at committing a worse crime than burg- l.iry ill acconipli.sliing tiieir dark de- signs. (1) L'licbain your bull dogs and let them run at large in rooms containing \aluables. (2) I'on't keep nioiuy or Viihiabks in cxpo.sed places. (3| Keep a loaded revolver witiiiii easy reach and shoot burglars on sight. The'll pop you over if you don't. Hi .Set bear traps mar the safe. i.'i II'} 11 luar a noise, tell the hir- t(l man to jump up mighty quick and uscortaiii the cause thereof. Cover your own head uii with bedclothes, ami when you hear the hired man sing out that "its alright, ' jump out of bed yuurwdf and ap(M ar sudib-i befire the astoiiislii il "help" with revolver in one hand iind liie boot- jack 111 the other, lie will think you are a brave fellow. 'ITieii go back to your ro'.uii and tell your terrifi''d wife that you guess tin in burglar lellow.s gut scared and skiiladdlid. Tell her sh( H a fool if she Hliould oxpit-is 1 1 - gilts abimt the way ymi have been end iiig. ling your prtciou.s life. illl Keep cool. Don't dodge iH'liind empty barrels, but bla/.e awiiy at the burglars until soniebody gets luul .Ml of \.hicli is respectfully submit- t(d. .V %'«'>« CriisiKU*. TIIK I. Mill VI. KKSiil.l'TKiN OK .MUVTU 01. VISIO.V N. or T. 'i'liK folj'iuiiig prtMiiible and ics.Jiiti.iii wa.i miniiiiiieii.4ly ailopted at tliu lant imi'liiig of .Atlaiilic Division of the Soim of 'riiii|ii'ruice . "liiaKiiiucb AH die ]>ri!Valent eiislmn of treating to uleotiolji! lii|iiorM forms tlie iiiaiic Mi).|ior» to the liijiior tialbe, ami ail uiilliilly roiitriliutcH more lliaii iiiiy other I'lui^e to tho cultivation of iuteiii|ii'nito lialiilH ami other limiiifold eviln lui.tiiii; from the (Iriiikiiiu' iiHni^u.'* of aoeiety. "That ill »li(i lucKuiil ailvanuinl state of teiii|ii'raiicii neiitliiiuiit, it is fully warrant- ed to link that llie peniiciou.'* iiiiil ilestnie five |iiai'tipo of treiitili'_' Hhoiild he made ail olhiiie iiiulir the l.iceiiKu .-Vet, and that Ihii iiifoici^iiieiit of Hiieb an enact iin'iit Would largely nhati^ the evils above inentloiii'il. rudiioing to a miiiliniiiii (Il iinkiMieKH itnd eiime. "Resolved ; TImt in the opininn of At- lantic DiviHioii the liiiK^ has now eoiin' when nil ameiiilim'iit to the Liceiiso .Act is urgently Hooded, making it an ntl'enco for any peraoii to otrer in an hotel, saloon 111 lii:i!ii«ed preiiiiai^d, intoxieimts iih h treat or act of bos|iit»lity, and timt any liceiissi kmiper belief a party to the same and fiirnlHliliig hiicIi liijUor Hindi ho ad- jinli'i'd u'uiity of a violKtiiui of the hlI and be Hiihjected to a like penalty. '•'I'hal steps be taken to biiiii,'tlii« mat- ter hefore. (he l,e;;islnlive A^Homhlv and (iovi'ilimeiit (if Ontario, and tliiii I'lieiids of tcnipeiaiice neiurally bo askeil to fur tliev HiK'li action an far as iMi.si|ilile. "That copii:s of tlm iiboyo piiamMe and rOHolutidiis Im^ forwai'd»"d to mi1>oii1 (iiali^ (livi»joiis of Soils of TiMiiperHnci, to hidiriiH of (hiod TiMiipliirH, in the (ity and viiinitv, to the W.C.T.r., and Y.W.CT. 1'., respectfully leipii^stin;; ooiisKh'iatioii of tho ftliovti propiwal niid if couoinreil in, to nsk their (^o-opernlioii and nuppnrt bv joint coiiiinittoii or nthurwisu M may bo deemed iidviMblu. Tli4' Kt'siilt of KiM'iiiK Saturday evening last Mr. John Dolaii, who lives on tlic towiiliiie eiibt, was driv- ing homo with several 'thers in his rig, when .Mr. \V. (,'. Hall .ilteliipted to pans him with his ponies. No .s<ioiier had Hall Kdt alongsido tliAii Dolan uave whip to his liornos, but Hall suceeedeJ in ii.-ishilig him. Then a race ensued, terminating ill a couple of Dolan'.s pa.s»eli^'ei s being thrown out, ahuig with a can of coal oil and other articles. ( >iie man w as stunn- ed and sustained a cut on the head, hut he was able to he nrouinl the following day. There wii.s a bi;; spill of coal ..il.- Sliilbiiiiii' Eroiii'iiiiiit He WroJe for llic Press. "What ate you doin'_' now, Thoin.is I" asked the minister, patrohiziiigly. "I am a writer for the press," said the lad proudly. "Indeed, you are quite yuii',' for th.it. What do you write?" '•| direct wrappeni." A York Fanner killed. .\ fanner named Win. .lackson, liviie.' on the fourth conce.Hsioii of West York. was accidentally killed on Wednesday af- teriHH.ii, while workim; a roller on his farm. One of tliu strings hroke, and the team swinoin.^f around sii.lduiily, the man was thrown under the loll.Taiid ciu.shud to death. For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vi^or k.:?'ps the hair soh and I'liaiit, imparts to it the lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates DandrufT, cures all scalp di.sttases, and is the most cleanly of all hair preparations. AVCD'C lI"''' ^'i"""' '"" Siven mo HiCn O pirfeit satisfaction. I was liiiirly l.iihl for six years, duriiiu which time i used maiiv hair pre|iaratioiis, hut without success. Indeed, wliat little liair I had, was growiiiK thinner, until I tried .\ver's Hair Viuur- 1 used two iHittlis of tlie Vijior, and my head is now well iiiveied with a new prow tli of hair. â€" Jiidson It. Chapel, IVabody, Mass. liAID 'hat li.xs bei-ome weak, gray, riMin and faded, may liave new life and I olor restored to it by tlie use of A v.t's Hair Vi^'or. •• .My hair wa.s thin, failed, and drv, an.l fell out in lar^e qiiantitirB. Aver's Hair ViRor stopped tlie fallini;. and restor.-d my hair t') its oritJinal lolor. As a dressing for the liair. this preparation lia-s no equal.â€" Wary N. Hamniuuil, Stillwater, >linn. wiprin voutli. and beauty, in the V luUrij iippcaranie of the liair. may lie prisirved lor an iiidetinite jieriod liy the use of .\yer's Hair Vijror. "A dis- ease of till- sralp caused my hair to be- come liarsh mill dry, and to fall out (re.dv. Nuthinn 1 tried seemed to do unv 'piod until 1 eonimenced usina Ayir's Hair Vitjor. Three liottles ol this prepaiatiuii restore.l my hair to a iiealtliv condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it Is also free from dandrulT. â€" Mrs. K. K. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, l^olil ly I'rugKlit* and IVrtuinin. Aliviri; TO .Mr)T»K»s._Arc >"U ili-t'irlwl iit nii,'lu und broken of your H'>t l.v ii sick cliiM siuftrint; an<t ery inn with puin "f ('iictiii>.''rt'eili ' It so siiid m imou and Kut a bottle <•{ Mr*. \\''<, slows SootbiliK Syrup ' for Clillclrrli Tcthmn Us viiIih' is incnlrulnble. Il will n licvii tin I'lHir liltio hiitreri.r iumuuliat.lv Ilrpi'iicl u|.iin it. inothirs; tluTu Is n« iiii~tiilii< al'-mt it. It rnies |)\si.iitiiiy nnil niiu-rlei'ii. rctiilutrs tlic Stoniiii'ti liiid It.mi'ls. elirvs Wiit'l Colir. >oftiM|s tlln (iuiiis, riMlllei.s Iiilliiiiiiiinl hiti. iili.l u'l vrs imir mil luu rtv to the wliolo sv-t. iii -.Vis Wins- I'lus SKiitliinu Syrup" for ihil.licii tiitliinu is I'U'asHlit to tile tasti' and is th.' |'r,"-cii|itl"ii .,f oin- t>f tin. oldest mid Imst f.iiiiili' plivsiL-mns loid tiiirsi's in tlm I'liitud Stat. ^. lUKl IS tor s,i|,. by nil dnii:'.;istH tliroiiKlluiit llu. w.irl.i. Pric- twintv tlvi- culito » liottle. Hi -Mri'uiid «sk f..r â- .Ml*. WiNKi.ow's SuoTiii.Mi Sun 1'. ' and taku no utliiir kiHd. St Thoin.-ut City (Jouneil has voted 8;5IH) towards the liaiid tounianunt, to Ik- held in coniiectiun with the S<'iithern ('oinities' Fair. rii«' CIIILDRKNS lIKAI/ni. Onr ri/ Natures Ki9Jnt Oifl» U ii llrallhi/ ('iiii»liluli(iii. (iii'itii it iiij<tinit iliteiist liij ii.siiiii Siamese Worm Powders. I'.'nrm* lire fin fntit/ul ciiunr o/" mn/ii/ ilifnr,lrr.i ill (Viil,/r,ii. .S'/.l .l/A'.S7v WOli'.y row l)t:iiS , rill, jrj„l Wunm. in irrri/ amr uhni llm/ ixisl. irill nya- iili the. Stiiiii'irh nil, I lloivrhiil the mimi time. I sr thi III, i/oii iron't rajret it. J *l<';i«<;im IMlli-^ ! SliDlthl illir,iijs he ll>,,l /nr .S'li/,' I/iilil- iiehc. Their i,i>eriili„H it mild mid I'le'imiil. Thru Htri/;,' hum,- nirh time irhen n»rd for it l)iif,i;(erfd Lirer. Auk /or them. Get them. Diiii't /onj, t the loiiiie. l^tfi^\i.''fi l-*l(-nHilIll i'illK. // i/oitr dniiiyist /i/.v not thr. iihovr jire l>,ii;ition ill Sloeh, ir. W. STF.I'llHS il'- Co.. of .Me,iJ„rd. irill .leml ihein to Hint /ire/>itid on receijil of'-l[ie. for either, o if eiieli. or iiimorted for 81, (ill. \i w. sTi;i'ii!L\' i i;o. l>iioi,,,d.i, 11 /,„/,.„(/e ,1- i.Vdii', >ii:Ar"<>fM>. WHAT IS IT? ir IS .\ K Af r .\.MI Nik ,iNT1I(iVI;Ks\ III a r JOHN.St)N'S roNic inn KPiS niid M-l;y INK is til.- I.,..t i,.iiie.lyiMiri..i,iiiiket tor 111 rvous disi'as.s ,'l any iiorl, Hys»;Tla. Loss ol Aii|iilili.. Didijllty liniii loss of llllids iir over- Work, I'alfiicss of ('niit|»1,>xioii so ottcll stu.ii 111 voiiiii.' ti niaU's ami all loiiiplaiiits aiisliiK fioni poviiitv of Idd.id. Il is a fail and ii(i|,'alMsayiii(; that .lOIlNSDNS rOMC I,IVi;H I'll.bS an' the very best in till' iiiarki't for disrasi's I'liuvrd hv Tnrpld I. Ivor anil derraiiviiunent of the Stonifti:li or Kiilnit>s, It is a tai't and iin mir will doiiy It tlm I, .lolIN SUNS .M.I, ll|.;.\l,INil W HITM (UN'I'MDNris tliiilii'si ill tin' iiiaiki't liii- liiiriis, Hralds, Cliil- bliiiu-, Suit Itlii'iiiii. Iliirbers Iti'h, riniplis alnl all Skill liisorders ari.liii^ fvou. scrofiiloiis taint â- W. S. OHRISTOE has Inicil ippointod Ai'i'iit f<M- till' above uiiil has ttii'Ui on sale at iiis .Meiliial Hall, Kluslni ti.n. Try for yoiusulvim aiul bti HAtitifliid, NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION!- A riioitiu (ill Hiii.o ihkham iiii.i,. wiib ^ i; I IM'<li|,'ri'o. wMl stand tiU' siTvii;!' At I'Ot lI'JWi.stT .V S.K ,Aitriiii"d*. Tkiims.^I If paid nil or lii'fiiro .Ian. Isl, IHHM; otlierwlsii. Jl.'i'i Also tlioroilijh biud lll'.KKHtilKI'; llllAK al •uuiuddaco. JAC'Ult A. I,KVi''.ll I'EiiFECT SAFETY, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily place .Ayer's Tills at the bead of tlie list of pojiilar renndies for .Sick and Nerv- ous Headiuhes, Constipation, and all ail- ments oritfinaling in a disordered Liver I have lii'in a creat sufferer froi» Hia'Ueht'. and .Avers Cattiartie I'ills are tlic only me.liiine itiat lia.» ever Jill en nil' reliff. One dose of the.se^ I'ills will ipinklv iiiovi- my bowels, and freu my lead from pain. â€" William 1.. i'ago, ItichmonJ \a. ^^ Ayer's Pills, rrcparc.l Iv lir.I.C. Ayir .t I •.. Lowell Sulil by all Uiakri la Misjlcioe. MlM. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - FiesliertoQ UfpHiritif;. Kavotrou^Miiiif;. R»»l in f***! every- lUiMK 11) till* huHiucsM will rc'CL'tvtf uiy I'luiiiiit ttiid CKit'tiil altthtiou ftt rensotinblu iiiict^it. STRAY COW. <'uiti« In tilt? piuiiiii^ert of thv sub*crlb*!r I. (it 91). ('nil. t, AiifiiifKiii. uti thu'iiril liir>t . u rt-tl nuti wlMt«i <<»\v Owner mil liiivc f^uiu by iiiuvim; lirofiwrty uti'l i»«Tttn; rxprH^r* ANTHONY KKNNY. Arl»'iiu-l;i, .Ii-!\ .-'th lh>C THE MAllKETS. ri.K.SHKllTON. Ctirit'iiUji iorrrrtril ICiirli llrrl,-, I'Monr ?l Dti to 4 20 l''all Wheat $t) 72 to (I 7rt Spring Wheat 72 7a Ibirley -1.-, 55 Oats ' -.'H 'i!j I'eus 48 50 I'.utter !l> (I 17 l^ggs. fresh 14 14 I'olu toes bush 50 50 Pork 5 00 S GO Hay, per ton (5 00 O 00 Iliiies (i 00 7 (to Wool !.>< 21 Sheepskins 40 51; (ieiso 0.T or, Turkeys 8 OS Chickens per pair 25 }10 Ducks inr pair 40 ."lO K. J. SPUOUL, Fhnhf-rtoit. i'tture\jiuu't'i-^ Ajipraimr, I'ol" utiitu- and Mtm* y Itml* r. Ihfdi'y AJt,ii~ tfltttfif, htixf^i tiitil ri ills dfmin VU tiud' y'alntitiniiH iiittilf on ithtii'fi'st utttict. ilmr- tjfA frrif hnr. Ajtjflii ttt It. J. Sl'JiO L'LJ:^, PtiniutiUtri\ F^fithrl tun. CLAYTON'S II AIIXESS SHOP : FLESHERTON, /» the jihiee t,> ijHijonr Horneiui ('ollnrj, tie,. VHide up in go,xl st'jte. "Shiip in Johnston's Live-rij Office, Flesh- ertun.' DUNDALK PPMP WO MU C. R. PHILLIP'S, Matuifftcturc-r of all kiiuU of PUMPS. Cyliu der Check Valve & Cistei'u Pumps OrcUrs V^L'SinctfuMy Solicitoil uud Ratitsfactio:; fiuiiratitcttfl. JAMES SULLIVAIT, Tin-Sniitll. AOKNT. K1,!:SHKUT()N" PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER. riwtu!^i'aj}ltcr.. Flesherton - Ont. Having KptMit Koiiio tiiiio in tUo rctiiilio nf tl't fftinoiis Toronto Photi>uiai'h*i. Vr. S. .r Uixru. wUtTf I aoquirt'd valnuliK* knr>wli'<]};i> in Uvtoii chin^. I fi't'I iistinrt'ii I inn rivo i^ooti K*^'iii'ra! ttatihfactiou. \ cull ve>]>fctftillv Koiicited. MltS. lULMKir. FlcsliiTton. S.pt. I7tii, ISK-i. -•OH • Kf â- â- ;â-  -" AT GORDON'S IIAUNESS 8JI0r rLiisiiKitToy, Yon will ftiul an nMBv.rtiiient of Heavy and Liffht Harness, WhipH, HrnHlitts. t'lm y Coin lis. Swtut I'uils. mid tbu c(^lo)>iHtv(l "Hurnuns Oil." .v^"'-l'OLLiH.S .1 SI•K<â- |ALTY.^^'fe fli."ipforr-.vh (â-  ,11 „,,,! Is MiiO'.- HAVE YOU l.ivf V ^-miiluint. I*\-;«*'i>-.i.i, I i'.i;:«'*tion, I'iliou^neM, IniMtlur, Hr.i«!a<.hc. I'i7/m -. I*..n i<i llic h;«.k. Lirsiiv i.r-». of i-r.y >l •^*-.%.--. |.risi"c U-itx a t'cran^iU li*»*f , I'K. CH*'i s I.M h*. V. 1. 1.*- w il l'« louna u »-rtf ai.tl ctrtain r- m t'v. MATJnC'C REMEDY Tlie umi.ia; r.f'. -u . -.vf ! r ( â- i..s'\ li-trCue n I.IVrr LmIiii-'.;,' t tt>t^ V Itly w .h l .k 1.i. t O >.| it i-». t" â-  v**'"'"'* 'I lr'J»i t' i'.'. r â- > M rll-L:ii»wtll>rr r- uaU'- r â- .. MwiifiAit \\.< I'v-v.-i.ii *. *.<•! r. ••> <l viiili III tiy- olh^T i'o.i lui 'I-? r-ir-, 1 %'i >, iiiul i.fli*. ta'icjt » t;;.kki. coo. 000 sold (>r'i >â-  .'^wVi 7 in â- ', ,-i ' /'/. ikas/s l\(ifit' Bfoii u-T'-^ X' .r ;« t ii'iii.M ii t*Ki', ll\' n-'imt n-i'y w/im, /VtilM.' /.' .'/I .'1 J «* i.i--.\'tt tft'llAt". ZZHiVWHZ Ne'.7. C:VIM AWAV FRt: \Vrapi>c«l ^I'^ii 'I 1-% fv li.Utlecf 1 >r (.h i c'-. I.ivrr <'iir« il a v;i'ii.i'.e II u-eli .M Mtt'.i. nl ('â- .n V arj Kcr-;« lVx)l; \9>\ p.«.;»-'V • â- 'iilAiiiiiii' a%*T »t*i ic^hil rt-ri|»r*, prurivtu 1- ft tiytiuiiual men ami ii ii^L-.-t* :mi' vaiu- aMc, .iih! wurtd l r. umex lUi; j.i ic« ol tiie inriticiiic. TRY CHA^E* CArAPvi^H Cure, a wfe aud po itiv« rciii»*t)v I'r.i â- â- , .• i .-Il I-. THY Chase's Kin:r Y AND l:vnPi'.is »*fivi.«rU>x. SOLD HY ALL DEALERS T. CDMANSON A CO.. Sol* Agents. Bmdford "Flesherton Meat Market. s. siMuir, rilOlUlKTOll. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Frosli Moats constantly on h.tnil t'or Cftsb. Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA::E|iE- Real Estate Agency MONIvY TO LOAN at lowest rates uf interest and on terms ai repa\inc'nt to suit borrower. FARMS l)ouj,'ht and sold. C'0^'\'I^^'.^^â- CI•'S of all kinds proj^crlv executed. COMMISSIONER for taking' affulavifs in II. C.J. , A^ent for tlie Norwich V'nc Insurance Society. All business proiiiiUly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner o*" I nkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENBY MELDEUM, AGEtiTs , -V*

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