Sep. 15, 1887.] THE FLESHHR'ON ADVANCE 4r-: 4r 4 -^ . -^ ' ^^ '^-'^^^-^: ^ -^ The Right Place TO BUY- A Silly Yarn. On Monday uiniiiiiig: at '1 a.ui. the Hii8t-<tttice ill the tillaiie of FleshertDii, wiis tttiteied. the safe Idi.wii cjjieii, and ?58 ill cash, ami a quantity of jiostiiiie Btainjjs aiid auxJa, tuL'tther witli dueda, iiuteu aitd leipt-rs bt'luiii^iiit; t.i Mr. Sproul the P. M. Tlie of the explosion awuke U]. Mr. .Sproulc and four or five of the neighbors, and they all hasteiivd out t<i the street to ascertain the cause, when the}' discovered 11 man walkiiii; u|> and down in front of the jilace, witli a revol- ver ill hi.i hand, who co.ily told them to kee]) liack until his friend had made a wit is fact I iry inventory of the etfects of the .sjife. Strange to .say these five men al- lowed the two burol;irs and robbers to de- part with their [dunder unmolested, they were atterwanls pui-sued an<l tlie bu^gy tracked to Durluiiii, and thence on to- wards Holsteiii. They were a bnive f lot surely. â€" Bnc'' Tide.irii}»!. If you are prepared to believe all you hear you'll eat all you see, Bro. Stephens. The aUiVe is notliin<' but rot. Testing .Vlilk at CIieeHc Factories Fnrmfrs A'lrfjciti'. ^i^Sni F ubjitur E IS AT- L E. Moore's FLESHERTON ^..-^.. FURN^TURE WAREROOMS, Wiitrc you will fiuJ u (iood Stock to .select fioiu ill the following lines : CHAIRS 0/' ALL DKSCKII'TIOXS. Fu*r mill S«|ii:ir«' ('li:ill«-iis.> to .Mr. Hiiiiaii. Fiiim tkf Tiirvnl'i H'mld The World has repeatedly char/ed Mr. Wiiiiati with sayin;: the thiiii; which is not so, and our columns are open to him and his allies to siiiuv wherein he has been wtoii^- eii. Contrary to The World's instructions to its writers, be they journalists or lie they amateurs, we otft-r Mr. Winian all the spate he (jwi iise in contradiction of the cbar'^'cs nuide a'.' him, and if we tail ti) drmoiisiraie the falsity of his state- ments to the faruicrs of Canada, the hos- tility of liis intentions toward the maou- facturers and workiii'jinen of Can.ada, and the !j;eiieral dishoiiea,'.yijf his whole course, we shall williii'.^lv torftit any reasonable amount that he may |j^:ue aa a condition j precedent. I Should a suct^'.ssful boodler scorn to cuter the lists with a yogn;; Canadian |m- . per. the door is wiile I'peu fur him to tix { a time and place to tiia fad, upon I e»|uit«i.>1e terms, wi^h a speaker named by I The World. Mr. Wiiuan's Uitlt* gnnie has Wen play- etl 111 a little wity during a brief period. The lejiders and e.xponeiit* of public thought in C.inada have .such little notice taken of him that The World puts forth this iiiiUl challeu(;e in oi-der that the [peo- ple of Canada tuijoy ft possibility of seeinsj how little there is of him wlitn brought to bcKik ui)<iii the public platform. Will he accept ? Dure he accept '. It reiiiaiiis jfHty*' Wiiuau tu aay. . a •Bedrooni % ^et^ ! {JlDEnOAUDb, ]M:nsTiv\]'s. 1X)L1>ING CHIDS, CU.^DLHS, T.\1?1-ES. W.VTNOTS. CITHO.^KDS, \V.\SHSTAN1)S &c., At I'liccs to suit the Timet. ^'11 G(oocl,«£ Ixtc oi F'lm- Clasps AIai\iifaoturw*. IXSPECTKW lATITAUX J. E. MOORE. -. ••. • iil„hfrt">i. Sp. Uth, 1887, .lltetitioii Is called to the foUowinvj .Sections of "The Li(|nor License .\ct" of Ontario, le pectin;; the Sale of Liquor on Fair tirounds : â€" >SEr H. The License Commissioners shall not '^nint any certiticate for n, or any certitiwate whatsoever, whereby »iiy tH-rson can obtain or procure any li- cense for the sale of >|iirituous, ferment- fd or intoxicatiif^ li<|Uors, on the days of the E.xhibition of the A;;ricultural .Associ- ti>in of Ontario, or of any Klectoral, l)is- I trict or Township .Vuricultural Society ' Kxhibition, either on the '.jround.s of such Society or within the distance of three hundred yards of such grounds. Sec. 40. No person shall keep or have in any house, building, shop, eatinLihou.-^e. saloon, or house of public eiitertiunmont, or in any roiini or place whatsoever, any spirituon.s, fermented or other luamifac- tured liquors for tlie pur^Hise of scUini;, barterins? or trndiiii; therein, unless duly licensed thereto under the provisions of this .\ct. IKS.VLTIES. Sec. r>l. Any person who sells or bar- tera spirituous, terinented or manufactur- ed liiiuors of any kind, without the li- cense theiefor by l.iw reipiireil, or who otherwise violates any other ppni.sions of this .\ct, in respect of which no other pnnishnieiit is prescribed, shall for the lirst otlence, 011 conviction thereof, for- feit anil p.ay a penalty of not les,s than twentv tlollar.t, besides costs, and net more than tiftv dollars, besides costs ; and forthe second clTcnce, on convictii'ii there- of, such person shall be imprisioned in the Cwunty Oaol of the Ciuiiity in which the offence was committed, to be kept at hard labor for a jioriod not e.xceedin.; three calendar ii.onths. A I'illC Illipo.SlMl. Police Magistrate Gray was in tnwn last Thursday and jj.ive his decision in the case of U. W. Tuck, charged with violating the Scott Act, and the report of trial ajipeared in the EC'.noniist of last week. The P. Ms decision is that Tuck shall pay a tine of J^oO and costs, in default that he shall spend sixty days in i;8ol. We undi'i-staiid that Uobt. Allen, mentioned in « previous i.s.sue as having been fined, has not yet put up the toO Slid Costs. Allen is still at lar^e.â€" ^<•^- hiirin' Ecinii4t\i»t. Ill response 1 1 an article on this sub- ject published ill our July issue, our special dairy expert visited a large num- ber of cheese factories between Elgin county in the west and Peterboro in the cast, and tested the milk while it was be- ing delivered from the cans of the pa- trons. We are pleiused to say that there- suits were eminently satisfactory, but we regret that a large number <•! invitations had to be refu.-ied for wiuit of time. The uheese-iuakers especially, as well as many of the presidents and directors of the fac- tories, took LTeiit intr're.-«t io '.he tests, and were all anxious to know how they were conducted. Our expert readily ex- plained, and it was a source of great sat- isfaction for them to km^w tliat milk could be tested as fjiat .is delivered and iiceurate results obtiiined, two test beir.g made of ] each patrons milk, so that decerniinati.^ns were made as to whether the milk was watered or skimmed or both. The tests were (|uite cjiiclusive when the evening's and niorniii'^ s were kept in separ- ate cans, but wlieii the milk was luixeti I some hititiide had to Ije allovcd. I The methods .if adulterat: ti are nu- merous, but those usually j racticed are I skiimiiiin.' the evening's ami watering the j morning's- soinetimes the one, soine- I times the other, and sometimes buth. Sometimes the striiipiujfS are withheld, which fonn of adulteration is exactly the same its skininiing. Many farmers may re;.'ard themselves as innocent when, in taking a lunch before going to brd, they dip the milk from the U^p of the can ; but this is skiiiiining. pure and simple, and a bowl full of milk, .r rather the cream, removed in this wray. will be de- tectedbythe testing instruments, .\iiother criminal pr.ittice is found in rinsing out the milk pails with water ai.d pouring the rin.sings into the cans. Shjlit adultera- tions of this kind can usually be detected. It is a striking coincidence that the older the gre.iter the adulteratiiiis practiced. In the e;ist the cows i;ive jxiorer milk j than in the west, bu' adulterations are not practiced on 90 large a sc:de. In ( some of the factories, nearly all the pa- I tronsikia little tampering with their milk, while in others the tampering is only practiced by a few. but u.sually on a large scale. It is impossible for all the patrons to do much tanu'eriiig, flir it would re- q«irt! such art unusmiriyifithie quantUy of naik to make a pound of cheese that an iiivesti'.-atii'ii would \v the result. In some cases '2'> to 'M ]^r cent, of water wiw found 111 the milk, and the per celit- aj{e of fat wjw rvdueed to l\, whereas not le.Hs than ii per cent, had ever been ol)- taiiied from the milk of a herd I'f cows. On the othcl h.ind. the milk from «ome in the \»ei*t analy/:u<I nearly 4 \ier cent, of fat, proving that there are tome excellent feeders ainoi.jst our fanners, who are liiineft men as well. We believe the time will so<.ii conu' when e.ich pa- ti-oli will be pfiid accon!iii_' to the c|U.dity of his milk, in which cxse the lossc's sus- tained by ailulterations will fall upon the perpetMtnrs, and pp-i ossive farmers Would be encoiiniged in their ellorts to prixliice goo.l. honest iiull». Nearly all the che'sc-factories ha\e some instruments for fi-ting milk, but the objections tl.eiii are so seri- ous as to lender testing ilmost impracti- cable and worthless. Oi.i expert found many of the tliermoim t, : ~ and lactome- ters several degrees iLsti.n . The cheese- makers have rarely time â- nou.;li to spare to make even tliese iinui. .mite tests. .\n example will ilKistr.ite : \t om- factory our expert made over "C â- -^sta while the cheeseiiiaker Wiia coolin,. .ue sample of milk for the of nk;:ig the specitie gravity with his lactoiih ti 1. The sample of milk was pure, but Im iaetonieler in- dicateil that 15 ]>er cent (^f water had been added. .\t some fu; 'ries tul)es i r civamometers are used foi the purpose of testing the volume of eir;i:i rai.sed fro 11 the milk. We wain clui.-i^ makers against these tests for they aiv i. ' reliable, id- thouoh by opoiatiii^ . 11 the skiin-niilk comparative results oi a s..:isfactoiy char- acter are often idilaincd. I'lie small tubes u.sid in some facti'iic-s t r rai.sing the cream and allowing the i;immi to coagu- late are utterly wiTthlcv^. 'he results be- intr cxtrcnuly unreli.-.bK-. It mast not be suiipi.-ici! that the .sci- ence of milk-testing can be learned in a liay. although very little skill is rcipiired in o]>eiating the in.struiiunts. We 1 vlieve it Would pay every checse-mnker to be- come an expert milk-tei-tin : his services would be in much greatei deninnd, and the study of the subject is a pleasing oc- cupation. It is suii'risiiig t« find the ilitference in the various operations of oheese-tiiakiiig n» practiced by cheese- makers. We should l>e hiiihly ple))8ed to see an organization of cheese- makers through which they could comi>are notes both in the manufacture of cheese and in the testing of milk. Their voices are rarely heai-d iit our great dairy conven- tions. Such an organization will receive the enthusiastic sufiport of the Adoventi;. Who will be the organizer ! It will also receive the sympathy of our fanners. We are pleased to find that the invitations for making milk-tests have come from the farmers and cheese-ni.akers, whose organ the Fitniu-r'.i Ailencuti: luia always been and alwavs will be. a^Udual. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. .fcS.,ONT. PHYSK'llX. SIROEOX. &r. KLESHERT'iN Olilce. Strsins bl.itk lte^i'K-!;i-.- 'A n: Wri-n - Take Ayer's PiMs and \>a cured. Mis- ery is a mild word to describe the suf- ferings of body and mind, caused by habitual constipation. X moderate use of Ayer's Pills will invariably regulate the bowels. Wwiueii tluii Mair .ittire. Paris. Sept. '.). â€" An .•uss.'ciati.n of six inarned ladies, well known in Pari.s, aim all having titles, have discarded the con- ventional dress of their sex and iloniied male attiiv. They wear their hair sh..rt and ilrive dog-carts. Mine. De Relbou is said to have .started the inovcinent. It CtMild not W Oiherwist*. The testinnny of the I'nited States ' press as to the unhapi'V conilition of the I United States fanner, ilelieiidelit as he is uixin the prices rulini; the British and 1 other Euriipean markets ti which he is constrained to export, ha.-; put the advo- 1 cates of the United Stati-s tarilt' for Caii.i- I dian farmers quite out of court and alto- gether out of ciiunteliaiice. It cioild not The idea that a Canadian 1 farmer can undereell a United Sta'es far- ! mer. ill fh' I'ttti'i'.-i oi'-ii iiuirht-i, aiul that ! discrimination .aiiaiiist the rest of the Em- pire means free tnule for Can.'ula, is .so pre|Mi8terou8 that not all the "biB»dle" at the Imnk <'f Stateii Island can sustain it So p4>litician of any repute in this coun- try hits dared, or will dare, to maintiiin h.-Tunmli. M'.irUI. Day and Night During :iii :icu:.' attack of l!ronch;:i>, s ceaseless tickling ill the and aa exliau>tlug, <lry, hacking cou;^li. ulflict tlie suiVenr. Sleep Is bani>heil, and greut pro»tr!Uinn foili)n>. This >li:.ia->e is also atteudi'd with ll'iar<ene!>», and «<imi.'tiiues Lvss ut Vuicii. It Is Uabie tu beuuius ehroiiie. Involve the Itiug". iuid tirniiiiale fatally. Ayer's (.'ln-rry Piiionl iiilonls Kjieeily rilii-f ;ind cure in c-.m-t of linii- cliilis. It controls the lli«lK>^i;iou to cough. :Mid iiuhiecs refreshiug >lcv|i. I li:ive ii.Tii a i>raeti>in-^ |iliy>til:in for twenty -fi'nr \(;ii-». .â- inil. for lie- i'ii»t twi he, li:oi' >uir. rid from unninil att:i<'ks of Itroneliiii*. Afti r e.\lmu»ling ail the Usual remeilies Without Relief, I triid .\yrr\ fln-rry IVct.iml. It h.-lp.-.l me imnmliatily, nii<l ell'irli-.l a cure. â€" (.i.!^tuvi-.'ill..M.D..<. anu;itoii.>li>». Ayer's (lurry rirtor:il U i|iri(l.>IIy liie bint niii'.lv. within my know leil:;i-. for dironie llronc'iiu-*. and jiIl Iini;; ili-ea..e^, â€" M. .V. Uu-l, .^1. 1).. South r-.iris. Me. I wa* :ill:n-l;e.l. la.«t vvJntiT. " illi a «e\ iTi' (.olil, w liicli, fp'ia expo»iiie, i;i-<w Woi.e and linally Mttli.l uii my I.inii.-*. Ity nii;lit >we;it< 1 « :n nil'.niil :i!mo»t to a ski'li-lon. Jly t'oii:;h « :i» iiice»>;nit. and I freijuently >plt Mooij. Jly pli\»ii.i:in told nie 10 uive lip lill«ille>s. or 1 W'lllil Hot liM' a ni.piith. .\ftir tal^un,' villous dics w itliout relief, I was lilially Cured By Using two bo;;lc< of .\y, â- !â- â- .. Cheny p. . ioi-:o. I iini now in pi rfi-ct IkmUIi, uihI iilile to li-Mime l>n«ini<». iiftiT Inoiinr ln-iii iioiniii-.l iiiriii'MMc Willi I i'iiMnii|iiion. â€" S<. 1'. ll>nilii>oii. Sanl>i)Ui'.;!i. I'l nn. For yi-;i|-.i I \vii< in a dc.-Iln.-. I had \vi :ik liiiii:*, aiiil «iiltrir.! fi.jin ISronehitU and I'uiairli. .\\er'< ( In riy l'iclor:iI n- storcd nu' to lic:iltli. :iiid 1 liio e lieeii lor :i long liiiie roiii'|>.ir:i1iMly \i:;orofi». In c:i»e of a •'nddiii coM I ;ih\;iv- r.-'ort to the pectoral, mul liiid >p-i-ily relief.â€" Edw:ird K. lurli>, Uiitlaml. Vl. Two viars ;i.;o I »iilVi-nd fiom n vverc Hro;irlilti«. 'I'lic I'ln '.ii'i.-ui Mlti-iulini; me hrcMiiie fisirfnl llnit Ilie disi:iM' would lir- niinate in riiemiioiiia. .\fti r lr\ iii^' \ ;iri- oii-< nh'dicines. wiilioiit bi-iulil. ho linallv pri-«eribcd .\yer'« Cherry I'litonil. vvliieh relieved me at once. I eiHIIimiid to I:ike this mrdie'iii- a -liort t;ini'.:iiul vvn< cunil. â€" Kniot (.'ultoll. Loi;:m>lol!. Ilh!. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ro'pnrf.l l>v r>r. .T. (', Ay.r .v Ci'.. I.ow.'ll. Mjm. Bold liy.ill l>ri.uijl>l>. i'ricvi^li six l»llli.|i,#^ Jcuti5tni. DENTISTRY Thomas Hendersm. L.ID. S. suHGEOx dexti-;t. G'Ad ilr.d'itut anil hminr Gr'nlict-' '.r' tl.. r.(:d.!<.. Will visit FLESHFr.TON. iMnr--l'6^'« Hrol 1 und 2of eucll Ijiolith. Teeth e.xrracT...*. i;i!*,-it- dil aud flUeii in the biijhext styles ol tij.- »lt. a: t at morlerHte mtes. Head Office. 701 Yonoe St T'<i ''st^ i'rgal. J. W. FROST, LL-K., j:ii rrlstfi: Soliiitor. Ctttiri-i/tiurer, OtHci'.â€" .Strain 5 Huilding. Flkshfiitov. .\ \. CHESLKV. Solit-itor and I'ljiiveyaueir. Kc'Sident MaiiacT ND4. FKOST will hv found at the Oflicv .^n Th-.imdavH as heretofore P McCULLOUGH, Bitrri.iter. Solid fo!\ <Vr. OIII«'«'. over M«-Farl.-iii4l's Store ,- MarkduU*. .Iloiiey to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, BVRKI.sTKUS. SOLICITHliS. ,v <â- OkkkK!.-- <IWBii Soiili.i. 11! \uki-r'« hlock Pijiilutt St.. llraiieb ..iHch in Markdnl.-. ovi-r .M.- Karlaud's -tore, ou t'ndav and Saturaav exiiv w«.k. J M.ISSOX.Q.C. S. MA.SSOS WMASSON N H.^-Pliviite A- Couipain's fiiM.l,- to at froui Si.x to Kiyht pir f.-iit. business tfartla. John W. Armstrcng, i'LKSllKUri'N. Co. tiiov. rvlVISIOX COfKT CI.EKK. fUMMISSIOMU *J ill B. K.. Coiivi.>aiiL-.;r. Ac. A^f nt lo.- piirilin.- at-d salt} of laiiilx. .V).iiiaiMer toi f ]. c Ci.m an.i F. P. H. ic s. Swii-ty Mdik-v t,, i,, sn .n ;)„. nioNt reaoonalde trriiis Iski km ji MAlUtI \LiK LICEXSES. XOTAUY I'l IILH iMOJSEY TO LOA^. At « rer Cent. On Town or Karui ProiMirty, S. D.V.MfliK. Kli-'Hhert'>ti Agents, Agents Nou UK.vnv -Oi u Nkw 1*..'. iK, EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels offh'- Universe IW'iii^; A fnU nnd tiravhio (U"*erii>tion of aU tlinl is witMtiuiiul in i'\or> C oiiriiK'nt of Uie (ilob«. in the world I'f WrttiM>t nii'l tho starry Heav«n». Cont;iniiu;4 tlinllinc ««iwniures im I«n»i And shu. ronowneii di-iOoveneH of ll-.f world's ^T^-Hlest cx- ^dori'i!* in «11 aKt*f*. and rvtiiiirknbli.-^ iihrnonuMm in every realm of nntnve. I'iiibracin»; tl><' strik- ina ithy-^lciil forttnrt's of the earth tlH» tu'enliar L-lmructeristics ol the lunimn race, of hninialtt. birds, insects, etc.. iuehidin^ A vivi.l doKcvi4»tujn of the \tlantie, V:ieif\e an 1 Indian (»ceanH and of the Htilar tho inonnternt of tho dewi«. btfaiitiful seaHhells and pi'ttits, Atu^'nlnr flsheH and dw«ll*»i« in the world n! waters, remarkable o'Ctn uirveiits. etc.. titKeth* r with the atuaniiiK rheiiomen.t I'f the 'i'^lar hmT utarrv Hv>*temH. by llttnry l>avenv<^rt NorthrTn>. D.D . embtjljishod with over ;M>it ftue ontjravins{-«. liiberal term** to anents. Oxford Vibliabiug Coiupauv. 5 Jo»-dan St., Toronto. Out. 310-^WH W. J. BELLAMY. TWl'. CI.KUK .\I1TKMKSIA. CtiWEYAS'i 'i:i;. I '(iMMIssicyFl:. ixsrj.'.iyrt: act. .h: rvKEPS. Ml)liTti.\(iKS. I.E.VSKS. ic . |o.>..: 'J ed 111 i pi-..|>irl.\ iximteil. IliMli iii itikI , - .â- d in rti -t flash uuiin'aiiieh. Miiii.\ to U-ia.a OWflit 1 titus. m YOUR MEAT Fotch 5, Mitchell, <;enkral lU'TCHEns. FLESIlEinOM tsr"(.';isii paid for I'at ciiitlc. ^c. \c. \B:W LIVI'SiV! THK nnder*.i^Mied hvj- to ^nn-'iiMi.- l:i;U l-el'ii« Rtarteil li flrst-eliisc Livery In the stand *'\' . l»o«ite MunshrtW!* Hotel. Klejiherton, where tl'e travflli:i« pnl-ht- can be aecoinnuHlnted witli u'Oixl rif:-* and horHe.** nt inc^l rtnscnab;<* j-ritt !* Try niu iind bo convinced. Itespectfully \onrv W. H. lOHNSTON. Fleshertoii. Nov 19th. !â- *••. iMfhiiT Iraiiuiisr; .Xeathj, C licit pi tj <V (htick- I'l Jhi.'yr'. 111! J. S. MO'ORB, Durham St.. Opposite Clay ton » Hniie's >' . â- • Unap^roached for Tone and Quality. CAT>«LOCUtS Ff?EE. BELLA CO., Ciieipli, Oat.. '•*:- ^->