Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1887, p. 4

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â- y^ â- Â«p^ imm^m^ m THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. / / THIS p AFEB rv^ZTr::^r..v^ MfeUWM ia«i b« liiate tet U &â-  SKW Timgl TifK suoh: THE ADVANCE. li pol>lUb«d "Kvery Thursday, Kni^K TKH OrncK. TEUMS OF SCBSCRirTlOS : • 1 per k^nouu vhen pud (tr.cO; in tAv&tirt d.jOp«T ft-LitiuL;:! vh«u Dot t^ p&id A. R FAWCETT, taken /<)o ik«<-A uuJor tlie pi-oU'Cliiig ill' wiuga of tiio luoiiupolisis to move Laud j ... , , oi- foot ill tlie luait^r. It siniplv re- ' er tended to injure the urosiuH^ts of . . , , , ^ i ' i i â- ' ' ' ( mains for our brethren of the ruml i press to show them tU^ error of their ways, and endeavor, if possible, to Dark, cloudy aud ihrealeuiiig wcalli- teiided to injure the prosiun^ts of East Urey .Vgricuhural hociety for a A V IT D ^ Q Su6ir<;aat«d M T Q 11 O Cathartic PILLS. PLSSHERTON Tir^RSDAY. SEPT. 29. lf>s: EltlTORlAh \OTKS. The I>nrbaiu Ktriev car. ukt a jokt vjd five oue. niihont pettinir evcrla>i- itfflv riii<d aboai it. Same lierf. lu rliw f f ilic bonns by-law having ctnud. wt wondfr if that Durham i_;:v..hii: ^n\ jx-rsisi in his ir.lvnuon t: sma*li v,i i.if brotbor biisiuiss men " Ti.i I^.1l.o^.r Po$t is alwavf flir.pan; I .-. .^Idou: stnsible. The stuff it pulv l.^.. .- ju eoKnt-oiion with ti^e recent I .; . dry hi n â€" in its last tvi-i k s issue -v ul.'. fickcn a cat let alone a ration A acroii.- his patcTUii] kut* .: a i::»l .epankicc. sncctssful exhibition; but noivriib- j standing these untoward cii-cumstaii- I oes. the atieudaiice was fairly good , and iu m&uy resj-HM'ts tiie exhibits were quit* up to the mark of former years. 'â-  The trreai drought of the past summer had something to do with llie sliglit I falling off in several deiiartiiii iits. But at the prize list ispublislu-d in an.Mber column, we not outer into any parlic- I ulars iu comiecuou with the exhibits. Wc desire to say a few words in i rtrference to sjx-cial attractions at these 1 .igncultural exhibitions. It almost ' seems like irony to characterise tlie ' Toronto Iiidiisunal aud olLtr large- I shows, as "Apiicuhural Exhibiti uis." ' for such they are not iu the highest , seuse of the term. They are largely I made up of what are deuomiuat«d I "Special AtU-actions," and thus the ; noble scienoe of agnculture is dnven away into the background. lUit the.*!? â- attractions" have iLid more to do -.»;th the success of the said lai-ge cs- i.iUiuoiiS tliau all the stock. ix)uliry. break the fetters !*y which they L»Te so long linked themselves to a crying monopoly. It seems, however, that the County Priutiiig Committee rocoiumeuded the chairuian of said committee to ask for tende»is tor the county printing aud advertising. This was not done, and < now TUK Apv.vxie aud olher ue«.*pa- { pers dt'niaiid an explaimtiou. Wliy i did the Chairmau of that Committee ignoie the rocommeudaiiou of his con- ! /rerrtf "Tiure's a nigger in thi ] feuci.' Where is he"? v\ lio is lie'.' | We pause for a reply. Mr. Je.liu Coli-miui, jr , of Amaraiitli. j uu-t with ail accident at a threaliiug «>n , the fanu I'f Mr. Ji-hu Herbison, near â-  Pniiir'Se, on Tuo&Uay. While reaching fi>r a *hf.if to fix'il into I he machine the |>er&<iii enjra^ed iiittmg t.'it- hands arvmnJ the &l>t-avf.s acciilrntnlly drew the Knife acr.-s.-* tlie wholf four firn;ir.» of one hand, cutting; the tiissh t<i the bene. â€" ^iWiiirnt The Mi-.al\'rd M,rr>r i.f l.iit wevk cuii- vigetabltS, cereals and rvx^ts ixhibiled j tuinod a;i excL-iient rupun c^ncvraiiii; the X:. combined. Thousandsâ€" yes, tins of iliousaiidsâ€" of pc-ojk- would iitVi-r be 1 Uing. The "pilot" should j f>'^nd wiUiin the enclosures of theTo- and ' i"^3t3 Industrial Association gioimds, wt-re nothing but the products of the farm, dairy and arts n.-preseuted. rd derevTnan wrius us as i ^'^o^ this book of" special aiirartions" f. ... »s. Cr^;;c<-miag The .\i>v.^sce : â€" "I ;. -In t^at you and your pai>ir may l;:,.- s-id ;iiiceasiugly flourish. A go.>d I.. »>.i!iiv;r is a good thing ar..l a won- (Iw'i .'i j'.'wer ill working good. May 1 .1.- . \tai s inp be mark»»d a? a suc- C'.sifd Tei,:iire and n-.i â-  . >;• long „: : .<. wiitil.' riiral associations will do Will to tear ojt a few kavt-s. and sooi n.creasi-d aitiudauce will i\ the re suit. t»t»»r good special fcatuic vvas pro (â- (•cniiig of the new Di*:!!'le church in that U'Wii, wliich iutoir>!iiij^ event i^c- curred «ii Sunday the ImIi iu»t. Aiivii-K TO M 'iiiKH!- -Viv .>.a duturlKM at nu;i.i Kiii brokt-n iti \.>-.ir rt«t hy a ^ick chilil ftutTerint; ftur! cr.\iut:*i*.h pajii i-I OjltiiigTt?«tli? 11 ^1 *t-lvi al oni-f auil i.i*t l Ivittle ol â- â- %!«. Wj.j- klow * StKJth'ni; Syrint " fir l":..uireu Taftbing llA «»lue l« I'jcairuJitlt].*. I; u.lt relieve ill« |KH^r littlf »ultfi.-r iUi.iieiUatt • • DepvaJ UiK.'ij It. liKttLerc , thi-re i> tj.» uu.-.tAke aliout it. It curc^ I»>>fiil»-iy aa-.l I>iarrh i-a. r«teiiIat4-« tlie a la*T?elv ' !*t*'luach alij l.owcl». vjrv* W.r-^l I'ollc, •oll.^u* ihf ituiti.. rt*a jct-ft Iticlamma; :..•:! aU'l ipvv» toue anJri.trk. I'' the wt.'-le iy>t,-i,; "Mr* Wins- low • ScK-thiii.' s* rup lor chillitli t'-vthilik* i* pira«.ai:t l.>th^ taAlt< atul la ti t- i'rt-»cr 4111011 ot oni^'f lliv ••M,-«l A! ,1 b4.«t Is^^iale pln^slciati* nnJ lltll^^^ 11. tK« l';..t«-'1 Stat<-«. auil 11. (ur )^&le l>v ali lru;.r â-º.*â- !> thr -jujboat ii.f wniin'. Jru-. DO 'â- X\::r 1.. vidwl for bv the pcopJt of Fk-i-Lerlon. «w»!it>^(i>r<-««i.a K.ttT*. u. .urraud a>k for « ~ I Mk*. Wiv-: . w » S^-Tinxi. b.jli. p. auJ taie \u.. a bai.d competition bctwt-en the li«ndalk aud Klesherton bands. l>iil ai the last moment the Dundalk Hand backed down and retired fiviu ihi con- test, being afraid t-o court cvrtain di- I feat evidently â€" if wt are tojudgi from 11 the Uver be- comes torpid. If the boweh arr cooatipatotl, or if the ttomach fails to perform fu fuDctlons pro[>er!.v,u«« Ajrer** Pills. They are luvaluable. For »ome Tear« I wai a victim to Lirer Complaiut, lu coDM-uutiice uf which I suflereU from Ueufral l>ebiUiy and Indi- gestion. A few boxes of .\yer's rills reston-d roe to p»rf>xt hesUb. â€" W. T. Erightney, Ueuderson. W. Va. For vears I have nlied more upon Ayei's I'ills than anything' i-l»<', to Regulate my bowels. These I'ills are mild In action, aud do Iht'ir work lhori>»(hl> . 1 have used thtiu wKU rood elTcct. iu cai>*s of Kheu- malisu, Kidiiey Trouble, and Dyspepsia. â€" U. K. Miller," Allieliorough, Mass. Ajrer's IMIls cured me of ^Stomach and Liver tniubles. from « liiih 1 b:ul sulTired lor years. 1 ion»jdtr Iliem llie bi>l pilli made, aiid WiniM not be wilbout them. â€" Morris Cistes. lVi» U'sville. N. Y. I was att.nck.Hl witli Rilious Fever, which was followed by .lauudice. and was so danircrou^ly ill that my friend* de- spaireil of mV recovery. 1 coninienced takini; .\yer"» I'ills. and soon i egaiued luy fuslomary stn-Dglli aiui vi>;or. â€" John C. Pattison.'LowellT Nebraska. Laat aprins 1 sulfered greatly from a troubk»ome humor ou luv side. ' In spite of every effort to cure IhU eruption, it in- crease-vf until the llesh became entirely raw. I was troubled, at the same time, with Indip-stion. ami distressing; paius in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend 1 b<-;:T«n t:ikin^ AVer's Tills. Jn a short time 1 was free from pain, my fiK>d di^e-ictl proinriy. the Sores on luy U-kIv eoiiuiit n>>'d hi;i!iiiir, and. ill K-« ih:in oiio iiioir.li. I w;i.> rured. â€" Saium.-! I). White, .Atlanta. Ua. I ha-e ivrji usi-d .Vyer's t.'ii!.. In my family, aud b'-lie\e them to be llu- hoi pills iawle. â€" S. C. Dordcn, Harden, Miss. My wife and Utile girl were taken with Dysentery a f<wday» b;:o. and I at once b«-can (.-ivin;.' thi-in ".mail do»«« of .Vyer's IMlls. thinkini; I would call a diM-Ior if the disea.'.e bt-caiue any wor>c. In a short t4ine tlie bloody di^chnr.'es stoppid, all ;jain wi-nt aw»y, .iml bi:iltli ».is re>lortd. â€" Theodore L-Uu.;. KLlil-vl.J, Vj. Ayer's Pills, Pnpar<\i Xij X>r. J: C > yrr ,V <\ , I.ai r.:. Uaia. SoM by mil Umaimn-im UmtikJam. K. J. SPKOUL. Ft>-sht>tiii. ('..tii-eynufcr, A}>yr<iiur, Val' uutur iiinl Mon.u lemhr. lirftif, M> rf- j7ii(/e», 'r,i.«r.« iiiiif U'ill.i (/niirii up tntd Vitluiiti")!* m.o/e I'll flti-rtfit iitif'ti-. C/iiT-. <^•» rcn/ /(.tr. Apf<lv to Ji. J. SPllVULi:, Puttuuiftri; flffliirhm. CLAYTON'S I1AII\ES8 SHOP ! FLESHERTON. fs the jAiue to 'jft yiiir llitritiiui ColUm, <ii\. muJe up in yinnl atijle. -Shvp ill JoAjudm's Lin-ni Officr, FU.-li- frtvn. " Tin TJifc Dafftriii Fctt maintains i;.? yo i.Uiii lu rcfcitiice to Police Magis :„..;i Gray : whilst tlit lai'.ci em J =; cilly dedines to be saddled with I i''*- opinion expressed by a r)uiidalk j ;..•. ...-jJasiljihty of ntu-rances m rtf- I rtildtH. Hunditds went away from t.t;. tj tlit Scott Act crediu-d to j ^l-e gro«"<is disapp:>inled. having come ...:.. : y iLie fonner. Two k-^-al geuUe- j almost expressly to hew these noted endorse the 1 bands play. Ke-.t year we hope many j ^-^^ ClIILDHK^S IIK.VLTII. James Sullivan, The Tiiismitii, - Fieslierton .4-1.. thi lU-pairini;. Karctro i^-hinR an J in fact every- 111 the Imniiit-" will lee«i>e my liL'iiJi't auil eareli:! alteutlou at rca->o!:ftl'U- prices. DUNDALK PUMP WORKS I , C. R. PHILLIP'S, I Stauufaetiirer of all kill'l« of PCMPS. C ylinder Che ck Valve j; I Cistern Pumps I OrJer!* lU'!"i"-'^tfiilIy SoliciteU and Batisfaction ^uavautietl. JAKES SULLI7A1I, • Ti;. -^.l.l•.il. .\oi;xT. I FLKSlir.KroN. PHOTiiGMPPxY. , MKS. BULMER, Flesherton - Ont. Having i^pent !(onic t-Tne toi tlia Htudio of the Vuioiis Tt»ro^<> rhoiOiiiW'hcr. Mr. !s. J, lU.MHj . â- *h*)re I aviiurtwl valuuWe kut-wlt*!;.'!* in Ktloii- 4iinn. 1 f*-o! a»iiuitf'l i cHii iiiw t;i>o.l geucrul aaliftfacli'-u .\ jai: ro<4i>fitfuUv «olicile.(. MRS. nULMER. t. ITtli !'â- â- <â- ' wijo w*re preseut. Chu 0/ Xiitur.t Kiiiiitit (iiilt it a Uihy CoHttitulioH. Gtmrd it ayainnt STRAY COW. Caijc t'- the i'.'-».-uii»«» of tlit- subscriber Lot :£), ( ou 1. .V.'tciiu.ia. oil till. -Z:rvl inpt. a reil aud wli:t«- ecw Owier lsti l.ave nauie by pro^'iug prCtiN^itv and paying cxpeuses. .VSTHONY KKNNY Ait«iuo!,ia. luly inh. ISNT /'tsf. iei>jn ofthealle-gc-d ntu-raijc«it«*ll^«'« ntoal '^"lii^s willbeiu-.ro- , rp 1 1 I " M 4 H T T^ m Ct And so the matter re.l« J"c«-^ and c.j-nc-d ont siu-ce.^idlv. It \ biafJieSe WOnil FaWClerS. \ [ [[ [j }[ \ UK Lib, CEl?BRATCD ps-l . D" CHASES LI^ER CURE >.f Ml. (ii-ay .. ; 1 'I t ^•: li ! . will alfro b« iu the iutn'rcsts of Jie So- j jj-^^ ?".ii;.!. jtoij IS the best ctiilie fjr }.i,..;...e fac-l-jry in i1j» Couuy '..f j P"'''^^ (;..;. uud we Uliete it will not in IjI .' UJli* tLis idt* will late & ync- lAui lurij. A fouiidiy would alw .ljum!i iiert â€" u(d a oi.t-horsi- uiJiii:. I ,; a â- , liiai c.ould auu woulJ 'uc.<.> "• i .. » cijjjJtU.- With fouiidia-s Mich at rmt art iht trui'lui c:uje (</' imiH^ r cieiy tohave--(."la.=>s*J< iMui.iif.iatnresi \ ,lipn,l,r$ ,» il„l.ir.n. Sl.\Mt:st:\ more Ifci^ely reprtSeiiled a;jd ^'ivecasli | WOHM PoWl^KKS fill rr/tfl Wormi ifutancf. .-is tluie hm I ''" '"'â- i' f;'*' >''•â- ''• ''"y ""*'• "â- ''// '•':/"• x-eii a senoiis fdihiii,' on 111 iLisiuipor- I . ,. , »^-.« «. im. ~..k ,, ,- '"'"• ' »^ ''' ^M deiiartnieiit (if laic years, riir- | FLKSHKnToN. t'.tn jnHij C'orrecttil Each Week. se f/ic;«, yiia uoa t rt^rtt it. thti. better ]>iizes should Ik- ijivti: I»«'cli*>. ai:' J *!♦' Ji-;nnt l*ill»cl iâ€" . a; .'.iLii'-uiJ and otLcrs of a like L;,.ija.cu.;. \\ iih a litlk iiure euKi- 1 :.v. . oije -third of the eiilii 1..1 C^uiity uijghl be diven<.d to Fk .'^hâ-  ll..L.li. Our central i»oiii*oij iiiid great s/siuihi fiuciliues fully waiTanl ut in c.a;.;]-!^ ii-c taucii. Wfc do uol waiil life wLolc iajlL â€" half or evm oue- thirJ cf ii will Batiefy us ! when .er p^M^lbltâ€" in this dc'-iJ. i:i all ihc dei'art:ii«.-i;is conuecl- ed Willi the ixhilulion. I a.-li prizes should ttUo-^ OS furintlh- be gi\eu to ( Slwuld iilu-ay$ U u«./ for Sick lUul- <-xlii;.:t<«ifAi.'iicultniiiiIinpkiuents. I "'â- ^'- "^'"JS, '/>rriti.jn it mild ami 1 â„¢. . , 1, \ itfcilftiit. Thfu ttriki home inh time «i-a.?«. .,f ltJi= Wh4 at one iune a uuiiiikaulv i' â-  :. • r,- • ir- • i ^i-a*ie ii .1 I'hrit utur f>r a Uw^i'icrett Lictr. Aik well upi*s<.iitiHl deiaitiuml at iia \ f„r tlynt. ' <;,l ih,m. lk>m t Jonjtt tht 7:2 4.5 -jy 4S (t 17 15 Its Doue of our luueral, of co'i; i . hui if its fjitnds art ijot cwtfui tin LiiuLaui Chronicle is boiud to n;ii a^ajuei bOinota.ng aud ^'tl hurt oiit- of t^fc^e dayp. At first inclitiri to fcdt/pt tlit Lio'l^-auduii^'hty stylf, tint jo ii 1^1 J.a* at le],^lh suddenly got ilo^ii off its etiilt, aiid now fuijinitrg 'afur lilt W*]tli" of Thi A^vascB with a bulitiludf and liumililj' quite astjuiitlj- ibg. bucL a auddeu and iiemeiidiiuij luip it Kofiieient to l.eleM^o|•e its Kpinal i^jlmuii, aud caiike wijcii&siou of the L'aiu â€" ivLicb, probably, bxplains the ChroniicU I ranting ijoubeuw.- aneul liie jt-ctui liu-'glaiy lie*«. Its jux-wni pnptielor aeems U> have iuiientfd Uisny of \\i,i crank}- twidenues of h>* j4 ddux k6ur. Let tu all \i\-\>t Lc will i^oiiu ei« couicieocti.iii hiiu hbHoUMH "M-ajt-d ai» with a bot iron. ' t)0(.tiv's •xliibitlol:s, i,4id will be i>o a^'ajii il our Btigi:(-«iifiii is earned out. It luubt be evident to all Uin'. uu ex- tra t^oit is iji<;e«5aiy in onli r t);at the Society may it^ain ii.s former j>it>;j^i. l.tl tiiat effoit be f-arnest- ly uij.i /eaji..ihly made. It' i/our â- Irugjfitl hat nut the above pre- jHiniiujM IN Si'.rJ:, jr. W. STFl'/ltW d- CO., of M'iiJ;rd. rill tend than to you iirt/Hiid on rtcd/il (if'lhc.for eithtr. •> tit u(c/«. iir atujrted fijr %\SM. liour Fall Wheat Siting' Wheat IWley Oats " I'eaa liiuter E^'.'-i. fresh Potatoes bush 50 Pork 5 GO llsy.por ton UO Hides (5 (K) Wool 18 Siiefcp»kin» 40 Ciei.'^e 06 Turkeys H C'hickc-ns per pair ih Ducks per pair 40 ?4 00 to \ 20 ^;u 72 to i> 7a 7:t oo 5!> 50 20 '5 I oO 5 f.0 I 00 I 7 00 I 21 50 o:; 8 80 50 AT GORDON'S I EUTISlMi .VO.Vt>i'0/. r. Tlie Owen Soiuid papers and job ofRc+K have quite long enoui;!) â€" too loi:o dcme iLinkâ€" tDJoyed au aliu'>st 3odisturbed monopoly in the a<lvertis- iiif,' aud piiniiuL: anniully done iu con- lu-ctiou with the County Council of fiiey. Onc.<! before, we jxunted out the ^'H-at iijjuBtic* done in the niittler of County tail aale advertisdueuts, â- .vjjicji for yeais hiive be'-ii alternately and ciclubikfcly published in the two Owen Sound paiM-is. Nov/ we per- cti\fc that even a greater injublicc is done to the publishers oi liivy, by giv. ing job phntinj; contracts to the County town nionojmlisls, without allowing the foiuier a chance to share iu woiL to wiiich they are as much entitled as llie Latter. This is mani- and able County Councillor, Dr. \l,ll,SI!;FII!;.\i('0.ii-Vitxi:ss8i[uP Dr.fjiu-ti, I( â- /,(,'., i/« «t lUtat', 1 LEStlEUTOS, You will find an asacrttueut of V/H AT IS IT ? ' ^-^"^ ^"^^ Vi^'h.i Harness. ktciuu wkw uiiJI, 4tk C*m. lil Muliiier, wiu de»Ui/\tHl l>T fii«. Tlie fire, whicii " i ,„ . , ., â-  . , ' . C hnstoe^ has mti e than once ixuutt^l out in eni|'halic terinR. 13ut tuany sui'ixiMxi to haie Uisd lU urigiii kluu.. the boiler, i>m Uot <iiK>'>Vttl«d until «/ter IT IS .V KACT .\NI/ .\Q CO.VTUO^'KLSY TH.VT JCVFINSONS TOXK^ P>ITTERS au^ NKU VINK ik tJtc W -^ ><. utvil) iii tijv laaiktrt for iierTvHia Ul^raM-t u! aiiV vrt- HvkUfiia. I<"k« ol AjMK'tit*, lUbiJity fr'pri; lo»« of ftuifU w u\»rr- vr-j k. Pal*;nH*>» of t oiijj>lt-XiCi(i ao ofWii M-eti lii )ouiii; feiDMieft ai&J al] uoiij)>laiutft an»iuy Irom (•0\l-l1> ol bl(X> ) It in a fact aij(3 nocaiii*a>iu|f tbAt JOHN'HON H TONK; J,!VKIt Ml.i.SMiu the %*er.v»»cfct ir» th.j itiiif ktl Wi iliMr*i^Mit i.uimmI t'V TorL'id l<iver au'J (kriaugeui<^jit uf l)i« HU*iiiacb or KlJn«>s. It in a fact au'l on one- will deny it tb%t InHK H<JN K \\A. HK.%I.IN(f WHITK OI.NTMKNT i« tilt* twAt i!i the Uiiirkut for Jiurtia, K<'altJi». Chil- Mftiiit. Halt Khiruiii. )i«it*er» Iwh. riu<i»lu» atid all hkiu L>iM>iiivi» ajuiu^j liou. »crufulouii taint W. S. CHK13T0E hat b«n ipiK^intod Atfent fur tbt- al>ovv oikI ha* tlMtiiJ vo ^lai* at tu» MtHlu-aJ UaJl, Flv^ijuituu. Try fi>r yuur»e]vc-» aiMl \m kaXUAwl. Wh:j'«, Hru-he». Curry (.'(.iiibB, Sweat I'ads, aud tb« celtfbraWd "MaraeM* UJl." ^MOLLARK A Sl»Ei'IALTY.^«fe ('heal' f4ir ('*«h. *'h1) Hfol K^aiiiin.- HAVt YOU LWer Com- Ijini, Ilyspcpsia. ln<iict«licn, rilioonneM, Jaundice, HtiJickc. llirziw-«. fum â- " Ihe l'.«<;k, Coairrnov *r »ny ilUea.s« arLMng from a ilctM>K«<i li»«r, LiK. C «>.>E t LivK« Cliia will be found a »ur« and 4.cn;.in t* -a- ^y- NATURr'S REMEDY The unijual fie.' -ut..!-.. M'r Oaw'i l.i»erCur« in Unr e jiiiiLiml r^-l* >.:«!> with Ih« fan >l>at il i> cwi|utin<Wd fr HI nafjrrswcllkiiuwii liver rcguUlort, \riL.i'i»*ki- -s.-. â-  iJv.s Ki.i'.N, tunitinctl with nuny oliltr iiivii'-n^V r_-,\ . ' .tV\ a!nl hrrti*. haviog a lww«rfu) eiTec: i^n tf-r Ku. ie>s. .'>[omach, UuweU and {tloud. 600,000 SOLO (>*â- "• ffm*-hti.'f «..'.;.« *-/ .^v. C koit s Ktii/i SiHiis jeere sifJ'i in C.iM'i'iit aJpne. 1*V nant r^fT mian, WtfMtan ami ^<::.'J \Â¥i'u> it ti''>ubitd -Milk Liztr Com- fiaint tit try tkll tj. in- fit rrttuiiy. t SoMETHiNC Ntw. Cin> Away Fsee Wrapped aroun'. every Ixjtt.e ol I >r.C Safe's Liver Cure i» a valuable 11 'UseKoI' Metrical Cui'.'.e and Recipe Book (84 I'age*). contaimoi; ov«t aoo UMful recipes. pronaufKe.1 ' y mc.'icat tucn and druiigist% asinvalu- able, and worth ten litne. ;bc price of the medicine. TRY CHASf'S CatAMM CuSE. a lafe and po.itive remedy. I rjve, .-5 .t:.:--. JBY Chase's Kidney and Uyer Piiu '< ci«. per bo«. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS jr. EOMANSON ft CO., Sslo A(ant*, Br^diord T^leshex»ton .Heat Markel. S. SillilT, • • l'i'."i'iiiEion. Cash- paid for fat Cattle aud Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand fop Cash. Orders promptly filled. itoti:e. GRAY CHAMPION! I n(l.*.i (Vuii.lv U.cial,.l.,.i-« L.i.k /.y.i.iL,! ' A f"'"*'" <'H MUM) 1,1 HIIA>I 111 I.I., wiVb »ui«i4ij<jl»t, miuM Uut itiuldiuif wtia m»u in <*"'*' »-'OU"ly Ic-giSJaloiaâ€" IfcaH conin l- , A gwvlj,. ii^,i=i. will .umifflr wrviwi at l- -dlncHtuiiu JituHvtaud. »» Bwxlpc Ujfitt.. will «l«inl JOr I entioasaud iinpariial n. iht-seniatt^i. i l^.^•'t:VL*:„^.rr*;'â- ^',r..â„¢.^1 «''*"'"' Ui-t^a I>r, Chi«to«-s*u. ig have k-eii ' J'Xi^''''^'"'"^ ''"mcwIYllIxu.'' EUGENIA^ Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms uf repayment to suit borrower. I'AK.MS bought and sold. CO.NVKY.\NCl':S of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking,' affidavits in II. C J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All busincs3^ promptly, carefully ;ind confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Nai)t)lcon Streets. HENRY MELDRUM, AGEtlL. ^ '.1. •« < : - » I

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