Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1887, p. 5

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'Sep. 29, 1S87.] THE FLESHER'^ON ADVANCE. PRIZE LIST. East Grey Jyi-icM/hira/ Society. HORSES. Dmuijht Hiirfi-s. Pr. Draught Hoi-gen, Win. McLiiu«Iiry. Brood Mivre, Jaa. Cnnitield, S. Stokeii. 2 yi-. old G«lJiii2 <ir Filly, A. Munslmw. J. I. Urahaiii. 1 yr. old Gelding or KilWy, W. Nichol, Sam. Wiikeley. Siiriiii! Fual, U. Wrifjlit, Sam. Wakeley, Gfuernl Piirfuitr Ilariu-s. Pair. Hiirses, IJ. JlcPlitjrsoii &8oii,R. I'orteous. Bn-i'd Mare. R. McAfwt. N. WUhoh. 2 yr. ..Id (ieldiiig or Fillv, Thos. Nee- ley, \V. Boler. 1 yr. old Geldiii'^i wr KiHy, Thoi. Brown, Alex. Madill. Spriiii; Fold, U. Mcltv, Tiiw>. I^utlor. /i(xi(/,vt<."c Jfiirsar- Ruodster Horses, S. Slieurdowji, J. H. Lever. Carriage Horses, Father Feeiiy, Alex. McDufl-. Buj^gy Horses, J. Poole, Ur. Brodio. Saddle Horse, Wm. Petcb. CATTLE. t.htrhain. Bull, aged, A. Joliiisuii, J. H. Leror. Bull -' yrs. and under, W. \ J. Ander- son. Bull calf, Jiis. Morcfr. Cow, E. & \V. S. U'Bricn, Jas. iluroerl Heifer 1 yr. old, Jas. Mercer. Aiiisliire, Bull 2 yrs. and under, A. Okiriu, .1. Bull Calf, X. Cinrns. Cuw, A. Caiiiis, A. (.'aims. Heifer Calf, A. Cairns. llermi. Bull aged, R. Oliver. Bull Calf. R, Oliver. .Ci>w. R. Oliver, R.Oliver. iHtfifer 1 year, R. (>l;ver. Heifer Calf, R. Oliver. Cow, J. O'Brien, D. Stiuson. Heifer 2 years old, Jm. .Stewart, James Mercer. Htiifer 1 year old, E. i W. S. 0'Bri«i, E. & W. S. OBrieii. Heifer C:Jf, D. Stinson, John O'Brien. Pr. 0.\eii, D. .Stinson, Irwin Fawcett. Steers 3 years old. E. & W. S. O'Brien J. L (irahaiii. Steers 2 years old, E. * W. S. O'Brieu, ThoB. Stouibuskie. JUcrdv/.CaOU. - 1 Bull 4 4 females. E. A \V. S. O'Brien. E. li- ir. ^>. O'Briiii'f >ij)rriat. Bust Calf uf any breed. Jus. Stuuuirt. SHEEP. CofanoU. \ R:ini Liuiib, R. Oliver. A^ud Ewes, R Oliver, R. Oliver, Shearling Ewes, (ieo. Swanton, R. <.>li- â- ^'er. Ewe Lambs, R. tUiver, R. tHiver. Li iiisfi'V. ll^iii Liiuib, A. Cairii.4, II. Oliwx'. .\f»(.d Ewts, A. Cairns, \. Cainw. Simth Dotni. .\<iK<\ Ram, I. .\. M. Ferguson. Ram Lamb, R. Oliver. .\i;ed Ewes, B. Oliver, R. Oliver. ShearlinLr Ewes, R. t>liver. Ewe Lambs, R. { >liver. A'.tf>d Ham, Juhu Buskin, Ram Lamb, John Buskin. Shearling Ewes, .l'>lin Bu.skin. SWINE. Unrhiliiic 'It iitfi'i filirk Hrei-'h. P.oar ai^ed, D. Stinson, Chris. Irwin. Boar Pi({, '87, Cliri.i. Irwin, J. O'Brien, Sow a'^ed, R, Oliver. Sow Pin, '87, W. Barn house, J. O'- Brien. Sitjfoll: i>r iilhi r Whit' Hreedt. Boar Pig. '87, Ouo. Nixou, Jacob Hol- loy. Sow Pig, '87, Joc'pb Hollcy, Oeo. Ni.\- 011. rol l.TRV. pr. Brahm-is, light, J. McGec, W. Barn- house. Pr. Leghorn, wliite, J. Mc(!ee, Wni. JWnhouse. Pi-. Leghorns, brown, J. McGee, John Gordon. Pr. Hamburg*, golden pencilled, Wm. I'eteh, W. J. Cooey. Pr. Haniburgs, silver, J. McGee, W.J. Cooey. Pr. Houdnns, J. McGctt, .1. McGeu. Pr. Spanidi, white f;io«, \V. J, Cooey. Pr. Bantani.s, name, black red, (it'll. Stewait. Pr. Plymouth Rocks, W. J. Cooey, J. McGee. Pr. (Jame, black red, J. Brodle. I'r. Dncks, other variety, Thos. Stoni- bnskie, Gen. Stewart. Pr. (ieese, S. Stokes, J as. Beocroft. Pr. Turkeys, S. Stokes, I. X. M. Fer- guson. FaU Whtut. Cjttw«on, H. RiUhvBii, J, Brodie. .\ny other variety, R. Ruthvan, Jas. Stewart. Spriiu/ Wheat. Glasgow, D. Stinson. Russian, J. Stewart, R. Plant. Other Variety, J. Brodie, J. Stewart. Barley, T. Brodie, R. Ruthvan. Oats, white, .T. Brodie, W. J. Cooey. Oats, black, D. Stinson, W. Norton. Peas, small, Jas. Stewart, J. Brodie. Peas, large, Jas. Stewart, R. Ruthvan. Timothy .»eed, .\lex. Madill, J. Brodie. White Indian Corn, J. MUnor. Yellow Indian Corn, I. A. M. Fergu- son, W. Norton. Collection Beans, J. Brodie, W. J. Cooey. liuoh atid Veijetahh.i. Potatoes, Early Rose, Irwiii Fawcett, C. Bellamy. Potiitoes, other variety, Jas. Stow.irt, D. Stinson. CoUoctiuii Potatoes, J. Brodie, D. Stin- son. Mangold Wnrtzels, globe, C. Bellamy, •W. N.tfton. ^langold Wurtzels. long, W. Norton, J . I. GiaJiam. Tumiim, Swedish, W. J. Cooey, W. Norton. Turni|i8. oth«r field, W. Norton, Chars. Irwin. Turniiis, table, .J. Beecroft, W. J. Cooey. Long Blood Beets, J. Beecroft, R. Gil- r.iy. Other Variety, J. Beecroft, ,1. Fenis, Carrots. Field. W. Norton, J. Holley. Carrots, Early Horn, T. A. M. Feivu- s«;ii, J. Bnidie. Paisiii|is. R. Oliver. W. Norton. t>nii>nN, from bi:ick seed, Irwiii Faw- cett, ^. Gi>rdon. OiH«in8, [jotatoeg. J, Milner, C. Bell- amy. Cabbage, WiustaJt, C. Bellamy, Win. SkU-nhouse. Cabbage, Drumhead, .1. Miliior, J. Bee- croft. Cauliriower, J. Milnor. H. Gtlray. Celery, white, .1. Ferris, J. Milnor. Celery, red, J. Ferris, R. Oliver. Puiiii/kiuii.,. J. <!ordon, Jos. Smith. Si|ua8hes, S. 1. Grakam, Joseph Smith. Citrons, \V. 'Norto«, J. McGee. Water Melons, J. 8tewart, T. A. M. Ferguson. Tomatoes. R. (Jilmy, W. Barnhouse. FKCiT. ^.^ FM Applai. fled .\strachaH, .1. Brodie, J Mc(iee. Duchess uf Oldwburg, J. Mc<ree, J. I. Graham. *St. Lawreuce, J. Mc(!oe, Jas. Stewait. Gravenstein, J. I. Graham. .Alexandria, Irwin Fawcett, U. Gilray. Collection, J. I. Graham, J. Brodie. JViiiti-r Ajipli-.i. Northern Spy. .J. I. Graham, J. Stewart. B.ddwiii, R, Ruthvan, J. 1. Graham. Spitzei.l)urg, .1. Brodie, .1. I. (Jraham. Goldeli Russett, J. I. Graliani. W. J. Cooey. Ru.xbury Ruiwet, J. T. Orahiim, J. We- ber. Poume (ire«e, T. Rolls. Snow .Vpples, J. Mctiee, .la.<. Stuart. Collecliou, J. 1. (!raham, R. Ruthvan. /ViirK. Bartlett, J. Holley, W. Norton. Clapp.i Favorite, J. Wcbcr, W. Nor- ton. Flemish Beauty, .J. Bn>die, J. I. Ora- hani. Louise Boiinde Jersey, J. Brodie. C^llecti^ll, .J. 1. Oraliani. Flu HI". Limibard, S. St.. lies, T. .\. M. Ferguson. Smith's OrleaiLS, .J. Iliodie. Coe's Golden Drop, .T, 1. (irahaiii, .1. MclJoe. Victuria, J. H. HoanI, W. Norton. Beliie Claude, 11. Plant, D. Stinson. CJages, T. .\. -M. Ferguson. H. »\Veber. Cullection, T. .V M. Ferguson, J. H. Heard. Colliction Crab .'V[iple8, J. I. (iraham, J. Weber. Seedling Apples, J. I. Grah.im, T..A..M. Ferguson. Grapes, white, W. Barnhou.se. Grapes, colored, J. H. Heard, \V. Barn hou.se. HoNKy'aND DAIRY PRODUCE. Honey, exti,ic(, T. .V. Feigiisoii. i} lbs. Butter, J. .\l)l)olt, Geo. Buskin, Irwin Fawcett. 1,1 Ib.s. pail or crook. Butter, J .Milnor, Jjui. Ferris, J. .Vbbott. 50 lbs. tub Butter, J. Milnor, James Ferris, Goo. Buskin. F.actury Cheese, G. Stewart, S. Stokes. Cheese, not factory, Geo. Stewart. Bieiul, W. Norton, S. Stokes. MANUF.VCTCKES. Lumber Wfu.'goii„ J. H. Heard. Democrat Wagon, J, H. Heard. Buggy, covered, J. H. lUiard. Buggy, open, J. H. Hoard. Cutter, single, J. H. lluui;J. Cutter, doublu, J. H. Heard. Team Harness, heury, J. C. Griffiths A Co. Carriage Harness, J. C. Grittiths & Co. Siii!!ie Harness, J. C. Grithths & Cu. Gent's Fine Boots, J. Smith. " Stoga " J. Smith, W. Bani- huuse. Lady's Boots, W. Bandumse, J. Smith. Case (jf Jewellery & Silverware, J. G. RusKell, W, A. Brown. Organs, J. W. Bates, J. N. Sproule. D<»MESTIC -MANIFACTIRES. Rag Carpet, J. McOee, S. Stokes. Blankets, home-made, 5Irs. W. Norton, Mi-8. R. tjilray. Fiilled-cliith factory, , Mrs. W. Norton. Flannel, union, Mra. .1. Milnor. Stocking Yarn, Mrs. J. .\bbutt, Mrs. S. Stokes. Wonllen Mits, Mrs. R. Ruthvan, Mrs. J. Milnor. Woulleii Stockings, Mrs. J. Abbott, Mrs. W. Norton. Woollen Sucks, Mrs. J. Abbott, Mrs. VV. Norton. Patchwork Quilt, Mrs. VV. Norton, Mrs. J. .\bbott. Knit or Crotchet Quilt, Mrs. R. Plant, -Mrs. W. Nnrton. .\ny other kind Quilt, Mra. W. N(Ut'm, .Mrs. J. .\l)l)ott. ColL Berlin W"„.,l W,.rk, Mrs. W. Trimble. Mra. A McMulkii. Arra-sene Work, Miss Damude, Mrs. J. Milnor. Braiding in Cotton, Mrs. \V. Norton, Mrs. W. Pctch. Embroidery in Silk, Mi.ss Richardson, Mi-s W. Pijtcli. Enibroidrry 111 Cotton, Mrs. .1. .Milnor Embroidery in worsted, Mrs. .J. Mil nor. Mrs. W. Norton. Crochet in Cutton, Mrs. C. Bellamy, Mr8..R. Plantt. i :ochct •:â- â-  W.MiI, Mrs/I A. McMulleii. Mrs. C. Bellamy. ^ Point and Honiton L:ice, Mrs. .\. Munshaw, .Mrs. Milnur. Fancy Knittinu in Wool, Mrs. .\. Mc- MuUen, .Alls. Milin.r. W.Mil Work on Canvas, Mrs. Miluor, -Mrs. C. Bellamy. Needle Wurk, oriiaineiital, Mrs. A . Munshaw. Mr.s. Mc(iee. Plan's Shirt, handmade, Mrs. W. Nor- ton, Mrs. .Stokes. -M.a, .Mrs. W. TnmUe, .Mrs. .^. Mun- shaw. ' Macnime Lace, .Mi-s. .Muii.hImm, ."^Irs. Norton. Leather W.,rk, Mi.ss Stuart. Mrs. Da- mude. Worked .Slippers, Mr.n. Norton, .Mm. Ferris. Tattiiii;, Mrs. Miliiur. \\'aj£ Flowers, Mrs. (iihay. Coll. Pli,.lu8, Mis. Buhner. Ciayon Urawinu, Xhm Daiiiuile. Cn-ttoniie Work, .Mrs. .Miim.r, Mrs. .Mc(;ce. Pencil Unnving, Miss Damude. Ciill. Paintings «:id draw iims, .Mis.s Damude. Feather Wreath, Miss D,iiii;ide, Mis. Petoh. Cotton batting Wre^;i]i. .Mrs. Milnor. Farmeis Wreath, .M:s. W. Hopper, .Mrs. .Miliior. PL.VN'l'S. Table boijuet, Mrs. lli icroft. Foliage Plant, .Mi.s. Hiecroft. Mi-a. C. Bellamy. < Jeraniimi, .Mrs. liceLic it. lliiimui;,' H:isl<et, Mrs. l;,;ecroft. Calla Lilly, Mih .Miiiisliaw, .Mrs. Da" llKuie. Heliotnipi'. Mrs. Huufioft. Begiinia, .Mr.s. Buefiolt. Cut Kl.iwirs, -Mrs. Biinioft. Ci.ll. Plants. Mrs. Beecioft. .\ WiiNHKiini.OnoAN. Tlie larRPst iirgau niid one tlitit plavs a eoiiliolhn^' p:ot uf tlie li.-HltL'uf Uiu li.iily 19 tlh' livii. if liii|iiil or inaelivr thi' wli.,lu system bicemes diseased. Ur, (ilii.ses I.iver Cu'e is made specially for Livor ami Iviiliiey dise.i-es, niiil is giiai- nnteed In uiii'i'. lteeoi|>i' liu'li sud moiiicine 91. Sold by all Jealiif. Agents, Agents Now Uk.m.-. EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels â- >jih' Vnivcyic HeiiiK II full lui.l uraphic ileMriplioii of "11 thut.-, ill wolelerdil In every Cuntniei;! ol the (ilolie. in tile woihl el wiitors and llie --taiTv Heiivciis. CuntailiiliK tlirillini; lelvclitlires ..li lullll nii,l sell, liiliowiiuil rliHCOVUlies (if Ibe wet 111 » Kraatesl, o;^ iilorors ill nil ii«us, and miiiio l,iililu plluiioiiHUia In uvurv ifiillii of iiuliiiu. Kiul'iaulliK the stl ik- iliK lillvsicill fefttilres of tlie euvtli the iweulinr cliaraetuiisties of the luiliiiiri uu-e, of iiiiinials. hirilK, iiisuots, etc., inchulini; ii wvid duseii, tinu of the .\t:iiutle. I'licille iinrl tn.iiau ''i-eaus anU of tho Volar Hoiia, the iiionsl. rs of tlia (loop, hoaiitlfuUoashollK iinil plioits. nh'Riilar tlshog a'ul .Iwulleis ill the woii'l ol niiiers. ruiuinkikblu oeeuii eiinuiits, etc . toKelliei with the ainny.iiitj phuiioiuuii.'i (if tho solni ami --iiin y syHtonis. hv HMiirv Davuiiport Northrop, U 1> . ellihulIiHlj«il with ovor moiluu uiii;iavim;i I.ilMiral terms to a,'Biits. Oxford I'll LiJinbian l-'"". I ."'i' â- ' '"""i" St., fuioutu, Out. aiO-JW Budfferos. From onr uw)i Cuiregpondent. SONS OK TEMPER.tNCE DISTRICT MEBTINO. A most successful and uiithusiustic meetim; of the District Division Sons of Teuipenuice. was held at Badgeros, oif Tuesday 20th inst. Tho District compri- ses adjoining parts of E. Grey, W. Sim- coo and Durt'erin. Over 50 delegates were present from Badgeros, i.eeiiiuiite, Gra- vel Koad, Maple \alley, Lavender, aud Ruskviuw Divisions. Among those pres- ent were W. H. Bewell, Grand Scribe, Whitby, S. McLean, D.G.W.P., Badger- os, F. H. Di.\on. D.W.P., Lavender, J. Moore. D. \\ . A., Badueros, R. Sprolt, D. Treas. . Mcliityre, .•\. Scarrow, U. Scribe, Lavender, aud many other earnest work- ers in tile order. X large aniumit of im- portant business wiui transacted. The chair was taken by the D.W.P. The (i rand Scribe was received with hoions. During the session that orticer adilressed the District DivisKui at length, and ex- emiilitied the work of tho Order in both District and Subordinate Divisions. The utmusi harmony, eariiesiiiess and interest charaiterized the meetiuir and much good will uiidoubluiily result therefrom. .•Viimiigst. the rtsolutloiis pas.siil was one pledgino the District DiviBimi lo a bnal and dcvirteil sufiiioit ..f the Sc.tt \>-t, and also to v.iie for oniy sui.'h candidates for iHibiic (â- thcea.s are snuiiil upon the ijuestioii 'if prohibition. Thj public nieetiiii; in the eioiiitiu' Wius a ^'i-eat suc- cess. W. H. Bewell «a.s v. .led to the chair. -Vn excellent prou'iiim was rend- ered, consisliiio of addies.iea by the chair- man, Mr Prentice, U. t'bap., Laveiuler, Mr. .\iidrews, Huskview. Mr, McLean, Co. D.ti.W.P., and Mr. Creiglitoii. The readings, recitations. Ac. oy the Misses^ McKiiiiioii, Sprolt, Mr. .S>arrow and others were well received, and beautifully rendered. The many teinpeiance sontis suiiL! by the clnjirs of Badgeros and Liiv- eiider Divisions well deserved the ap- plause .so lavishly bestowed by the meet- ing. These Divisions have nieat reasun to be proud of their respective choirs, which will yet do ex;elleiit service for the Order and the cause of Teinpeiance. The members wlm were instrmiieiital in so successfully carrying out the anaiioeuients I for these meetings, received tlie hearty ' thanks of all. TheOrand Senile als<j re- I ceived a vote of tlianks for his nttendauoe ' I and for the iiistnictioii i^ivmi in the work of the order. I'lie next session will be held 1 f'.\'. ) at UusKview, 011 the secoiid i Tuesday of January , ISSIi. Hi; ii.s Yoia Gu.Miii. -Dan't allow a cold in 111!' lieail to sloivlv ami sun l.v run inio t-'alarrli. when you eu;i lie cured for 'i.To. Iiv iisiiij; Ih. Chase's Ciilairh t'lire. .\ f. w apiilieiilioiis cure iiisipieiit ealairli ; I t." boxes cares ori|iii.ir> e.itiin li ; '.' !u .") Lo.V'S is ;.;iia!autee'l tm-uo i;Iii < iiie iMlaiili. Tr/ lit. Ihily -J,"! et Ills .iiul -sine euie. Sidd by all ileillelS. Pedial DR. CARTER. M.C.P. tfcS.,OsT. PHY8I€I.4.V, Sl'RtlEO.V, A: FLESH ERTON. Office. Strain s hluck. Rtjsidcnce. Wm. Wright S Jfutiotni. f^ff^ dentj[stry7 Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. BUKGEON DENTIST, Quid ilcdiUid and Ilouur (.liad>iate uf thi' li.(J.D.ii., win visit FLESHFliTO.V, (Mrnifhaw's Hotel) 1 and ijol each month. Ileeth extracted, insert- ed aud filled in the hifjUuHt Alylua of the lut, aud at luodurate rates. Hkaii OyrieH.TBl Yosar. St . Tobonto. Cnjal. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. Ba>-rli*tei\ Solii'itor, Voureyanver, OtUcu,â€" strain tt lliiiluiti^', KLKMititroN. A. A. CHESLEY. Solicitor auU Cuuvoyaucer. Hcsiilt-ijt Mttimj{LT. MB. FKOST will bo fouuil at the ftfflco ou ThursdavH as lioretofore. P. McCULLODGH, Barrisfet; Sulicitui; ^-c: Ofltce. ovtT MrFariiind'Ki Store» .Warkduk-. ifloiit-y 10 Loan. The First Sign Of falliii,' b.-:i!lh, w!iet!ier In I'.ie form o; Ni;'lit .s^w ais and .Nervousness, or iii a seu«o of (i Meral Weariness riiid I,".-s . f .Vj.eie'.ite, sliould sn;:gcst the ll>eof .V; er'i .Sjr-aparilhi. 'I'liis preparatieii is 'l^o.-l cffoctivo for gi\iiig tone ami slfriig::i to the ciifeeliled syst. 111. iJiMiimliiig tl.o iligustiou a;ul iisslmilaliou of foml. restor- ing the nerxoiis forees to llieir iiorni.il C"iiiliiion. and for purifying, eniiehin,', ami vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten years a;,'o r.ij health Ux:v.\ to fail, 1 was I'roiililed Willi a ilisiressliii; fouKli, N'i;,'lll Sweats, Weakness, mill Nervous- ness. 1 tiieil viiriMus remedies pre«eribeil iiy ilid'ereiit iihy-ieiaus, bul I aiiie so we.'ik that I coliid not co ii|i s|:iirs with- out sloiipiii'.; lo rest. My frii-iiila rccom- nieiiileil me lo try .\yer's .•sarsaiiarilla. wliieli ^did. anil I iim liow ashealtliv ;,iii| slriiii„' as eier. â€" Jlrs. !•". L. WiliiaUis, Alexandria, .Minn. I have used .VyeiN Sarsapnrilla. in my faiiiilv, for Sci'ofiila, and know, if I; i^s taken" faitlifiiliy. ilial it will tliorouglily erailieatelhis terrihie iliseaso. 1 have al"0 preserihed it as a loiiie. as well as an aller- ati\e, and must say llial I boiiesllv helievo It to be III'! hes't hlood ine.lieino ever coinpouiiili'd. â€" W. V. Kovvlor, 1). D. .>*., il. 1)., tirceuvlllc, Teuii. Dyspepsia Cured. U would he iMipossililt- for nie to tl,^- scrihe what I sutlWed from liullgestion ami Moadache nii to the time I luirail taking AVer's Sarsa|iarilla. I was uiulur llio uaro of various physiciiiiH and tried a i;reHt mitny kinds of meilieine.s, but nevi'U obtained iiioi'i) than temporary re- lief, ifler taking .Vyer's .*s»r«a|)arilla tor a short lime, my headache (lisappoared, uiidiuy stomaeh pi rformed ilsdulies nioro perfectly. 'I'o-day my beallli is com- jitelclv restored, â€" Jlary llavley,- Spring- lii'ld, Mass. I have been greatly benelltcil by tho prompt Use of .Vycr's .'^arsaparilla. U tonesand liiviijorali'S the.sysloin.ifi.'ulat(H tlieaellun of thedip;sti»e anil assimilative onrniis, and vitalizes the blood. It Is, without doubt, the most luliaMe blood piiritier yet discoM red. â€" II. !>. Jobuseu,, S-sa .Vthuitic avc., Urouklyu,>i. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rmpared hy r>r. ,T, C. .Vyar jt Co., I.owall, Mui, Trice •!; >lx butU«i, SS. . MASSON & MASSON, B.^KKISTKUS. SDLIClTims.ic. Hkfkks -Owen Souml, in \ icker's hlock. I'oalett St.: Ihaneh oth.e in Markilalo, over .Me- I'arlanils store, on Kiidavaml .Sumrday every \oiek. J M.\SSl)N,g.C. S. M.VSSON. WM.\SbO.N. N.H. -i'riv«iu,v riiiui.anvsfuinls to iuveet at from Si.\ to iCiiiht per cent. i!u5iuf55 (J!ar(ls. John W. Apmstrong, I''i.i;»aKiiro.s, Cu. (juky. niVIBION COIKT CI.KIIK, fOMMISSIO.NEU A' iu B. 11., liiiiveyancer Ac .Xwent for iniichas- iiuU Bttlu of lauds, .\ppiaiser for t '. L. C. Com and F. r. It. .t S. Society M,Mit v to Loan on the most riiBsoanlile t< rurti. Isst m of M.AKKl.VGE LICENSES. NOT.UIY I'CDLiC. MONEY TO LOAN . 1 On Â¥ owti or Farni Property, S. DAM TDK. V'\vA\QXtii\i. W. J. BELLx\MY. T«T. Cl.tUK A11TI::.1KS1.V. coyy 'E r .LV( eu. < '(j.\iMi:^si()yEi;. /-V.S(7i'.l-\(7i' .((â- '/•, d(' â- nEKI'S.MniiicAciKS. l,K.\si s, Ac. |.rep(ir- A/ ed ikjel priiperiy e.\ucutcU. liisni aiicu ufTt c- t'll ill rlrst clubb Luiiipiiijics. SKijLV to lend ab- lowust rateH. 6ET YOUR MEAT â€" :-FKOn-: Fetch iS, Mitchell, i;k.nki;.\l i'.L'n;iih.i;,'< FLESH ERTON! K:S*C'nsii piiid lor l';it ciili'.e, &c., xc. M:W LIVKKV! THK ii!uU'r--!,;Ui'il Ih^^s to miiioniUA- that Iiu Im-" stnrtt'*! 11 lirst-olasp hivoiy in lliii htau.l t'l*- pohito Mtuihbiiw's Hi'tul. FK'>huitun, w*hi3i'u i!*- irHVcUiii^ piihlK- KWii bu iUi.-uL^ii:oilatc>d \Mt i UDiul ri;;.-! a:>d ii<>iM>s at im :<t l(-a^L t:ab!i) I'lui.- Try iiio nJiil liu <.'oiiviiietM. llgsiicctfully \\nus, W. H. JOHNSTON. KloKhurton, N\iv. llHlv. IsNl. Picture Fi*aia!iii<;, .W'dUy, Vlir(i])lii <V' (Jiiick- J. E. IVIOORB, Durlintii St.. Opposite Clajtins Ha: i.ei.s Mirp s"BELL" U^app'â- OBched for Tone ind Quality. CAT«i.LOaUbS FREE. BElL&CO.,(iiiciph,fliiL / fc-.. -#*â-º

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